‘The director-general of the BBC has been accused of risking the corporation’s editorial independence after it emerged that he attended a private Downing Street meeting to discuss coverage of Government spending cuts.’
‘Senior Conservative Cabinet ministers are privately furious at the alleged bias of the BBC when reporting the Coalition’s public spending plans’.
Surely the story is ‘BBC DG holds Downing Street talks amid concern by Senior Conservative Cabinet ministers about bias’. Instead, for some peculiar reason, the Telegraph gives the story the BBC/Labour spin. Is this a sign of how brainwashed so many are at Gramscian Thought Policing?
BBC TV News at one reporting this in the pedictable fashion. Beeboid reporter quotes Labour source as saying that, when Labour were in power, there were no similar meetings between the PM and DG.
I wonder why ?
It’s all starting to slip into place now, first Thompson pops out from the Kremlin to issue a statement that they were historically horribly left-wing now they aren’t, then gets hauled into see ‘the nasty party coalition’ to be forced into making the BBC biased.
Thompson then flutters his paperwork for a quickie leak on the pavement, shortly later the BBC issues a statement reading “that the BBC clear that the impartiality and independence of the BBC were paramount” then they go on to quote a bunch of Labour politicians stating things like the BBC should not be bullied by the nasty party. Is that about right?
Having been awol on Thursday, I was unable to comment on the ‘bbc used to be biased ‘ story.
All I can say is, pretty fricken limp attempt at deflecting criticism boys !
Then, as a result of the memoirs of st tone , revealing his thoughts that trying to ban hunting, hadn’t been his smartest move, an rspca bod was on farming today to defend the ban. He claimed that lots of prosecutions had resulted from the legislation – which of course they haven’t , erm, none, just an 80 year old old dear who pleaded guilty on a technicality over a coursing meeting. So why does the beeboid allow this misleading claim unchallenged ? Why doesn’t the beeboid point out that this is a pretty poor return for 700 hours of parliamentary time ? ( Perhaps the bbc used to be biased against the countryside, but it isn’t anymore !)
Ugly female beeboid ‘trumpeting’ the latest US unemployment figures, only 9.6%. ONLY, not allowing for the 2 million fake jobs created by the census oh and what about the billions spent on the stimulus?
The BBC might spin this as good news, the American people won’t.
One tiny silver lining in all this Israel bashing today was, after hearing a Palestinian mouthpiece say Israeli settlements are stopping the peace process, and then another Palestinian mouthpiece in the studio saying that Israeli settlements and checkpoints are stopping the peace process, the Beeboid in the studio actually said out loud that Hamas doesn’t want Israel to exist.
As I said, a tiny silver lining. But it’s another little improvement since the recent changes in the region at the BBC.
That Hamas doesn’t want Israel to exist is a small point. If the BBC were to admit that Fatah doesn’t want Israel to exist but Israel is still forced to negotiate with it would be a big point.
Good old World at One eh…Toady-lite and shrill and forever destined to pick up the dung after Humphrys and Montague etc have wafted on through the ” news” with Mandelsons nosegays under their nostrils a few hours previous.
1. Like David, I heard Hamas threat to kill Israelis “more effectively” mentioned by the Beeb on Today. It was tagged on to the “Far Right” in Israel saying that the Israeli peace talks “betray them”. The Beebs message was clear-these statements are “as bad as each other” and who`s to say who is threatening murder and who is unhappy politically in a democratic country. The Beeb simply will not face up to Islam will it?
2. Has “Lord” Prescott got a reinforced hammock for his sole use in the Green Room then? This fat oaf seems to be forever in the Beebs studios to spout his incoherent flatus at we his people. Popping at Coulson now-who cares?..let the bullshipper go for legal aid like the rest of us! Someone send for Tracey Temple for Gawds sake!
The Beeb is running on its own slime now and surely needs to be taken on-why do we pay for cBBC and its news input when Der Sturmer could probably be imported cheaper?
3.So UKIP are having an election-the Beeb sneer and pour bile on it all but somehow the “one man many votes”of the Labour Party is not making ther news…wonder why? Not even a peep from Tony Benn…thought he was on speed dial for such an event…he would be if it were the Tories I expect!
4.Any further news on Gores acolyte who went postal in the USA-and is Gores massage linked to his “terminal episode”?…where is the fearless Beeb at such a time?
1)In the article about refugees, there is no mention of the million or so Jewish refugees who were forced from their homes, among them my family, which fled persecution in Iraq for the UK in 1950. They were ‘ethnically cleansed’ far more successfully than any Arabs from Israel, where a million and a half Israeli Arabs live – whereas only 4,000 from 1,000,000 (0.4%) Jews remain in the Arab world.
Around 600,000 of these Jewish refugees from Arab countries were absorbed by Israel in its early years. UN Res 194 did not specifically refer to Arab refugees and says only refugees prepared to live ‘at peace’ with their neighbours should be permitted to return. At the time, Arab states voted against this resolution because it would have entailed recognising Israel and compensation for Jewish refugees. UN Res 242 refers as much to Jewish refugees as Arab: it refers to the ‘refugee problem’, and therefore, any discussion on refugees MUST address both sets of refugees in order to be unbiased.
The continuous barrage of disinformation by the BBC is beginning to have serious consequences is contributing to the alienation of the Jewish community of this country.
The BBC must take a long hard look at its coverage of the ME because the current poor standards are unbecoming of a leading worldwide news provider.”
18 years old and already taking up the cause ! Well done him and more power to his elbow. I hope he gets a reply.
The BBC assume that all young people have succumbed to the relentless left-wing brainwashing by the BBC and in the schools. Your son proves them wrong !
The bBC, those Pakistani floods and half the story. Pakistan landlords ‘diverted flood water A senior Pakistani diplomat has called for an inquiry into allegations that rich landowners diverted water into unprotected villages during the floods to save their own crops.UN ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon said there was evidence that landowners had allowed embankments to burst.
Pakistan: 4 more Christian villages deliberately flooded
Four Christian and Hindu villages in the southeastern Pakistani province of Sindh have been deliberately flooded, leaving over 2,800 families homeless. “The waters came as a result of an artificial diversion, built to save the agricultural estates belonging to powerful landowners who convinced– and some say in a corrupt manner– local officials to divert the course of water and save their land,” the Fides news agency reported.
Oh, dear. The BBC was just showing The Obamessiah’s speech telling us about how His Plan For Us added 67,000 jobs in August, “the eighth consecutive month of job growth”. But just now – while someone was telling us that The Obamessiah was fighting nasty Republicans so He could help small businesses – the text crawl said that the US lost 54,000 jobs in August. Somebody did not get the memo.
This noise about the BBC compromising editorial impartiality by meeting with the Government is the biggest joke of the week. Beeboids were in and out of No. 10 and consulted about coverage the whole time Labour was in power. One meeting with the Tories and garments are rent? Please.
There seems hardly a day when they don’t forklift the dribbling, blustering, incoherent old oaf in and proceed to give him enough rope to keep Tehran cranes supplied until the rapture.
He’s never off! And every time it is pure car crash.
Must be good for ratings. Or maybe they figure after this, anything must be seen as dumbing up.
Mark Mardell is back in action with a couple of little white lies about those who are not fully supportive of the Cordoba House/Park51 mosque/cultural center.
A taxi driver was attacked in New York, explicitly because he was a Muslim.
Actually, the guy worked for an organization which expressed support for the mosque, donated money to Democrats and had a massive alcohol problem. He turned against Muslims after spending time filming troops in Afghanistan. He was in drunken rage when he stabbed the taxi driver. Can you say PTSD? He told his victim to “bring the king of Saudi Arabia to the checkpoint” for heaven’s sake. Nothing to do with the Tea Party movement or the kind of generic anti-Muslim sentiment Mardell is suggesting. This is not a secret, but Mardell lies about it hoping you won’t find out.
Mr. Sharif, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, with his wife and four children, came to the United States about 25 years ago and was a cook before becoming a cabdriver 15 years ago. He said nothing of this nature had happened to him before. Recently, some passengers asked him about the center planned near ground zero, he recalled, and he replied that he was against it, that there was no need to put it there.
Mardell spends the rest of his post trying to stoke fear and hatred of people like me. I object to his gross generalizations and slanderous attempts and guilt by association.
On Thursday, with the Middle East peace process in the news, Mr. De Gucht picked yet another fight. Jews, he told Belgian radio, have a “belief” that they are “always right.” He described his frustration at debating the Middle East because “it is not easy even with a moderate Jew to have a conversation.”
He continued: “Don’t underestimate the power of the Jewish lobby in the capital. That is best organized lobby in the states. And they have an influence on politicians, Republicans and Democrats.”
The BBC agrees with him, so the editorial decision will be interesting.
Thilo Sarrazin has written a book called Germany Abolishes Itself. He is a member of the left-leaning Social Democrats (SPD) and on the board of the Bundesbank. His concern is that immigrants who do not integrate are undermining German identity. It is an echo that can be heard in many European countries.
This is starting to sound familiar. But Hewitt does notice Sarrazin’s comment about Jews:
But in comments at the start of a book tour he mentioned that, in his opinion, “all Jews share a certain gene”. It is not acceptable in Germany to make comments like this – with all their resonances of the past – and condemnation came swiftly.
There go those pesky Jews, playing the eternal victim and beating everyone over the head with the Holocaust. No, that’s not fair of me. I’m only inferring that, can’t say Hewitt means it that way.
And really, it’s only some Jews who share a certain gene, although there’s a clear genetic connection between just about all Jewish communities around the world.
In any case, that’s not what Hewitt’s purpose is. He’s only bringing that up so he can frame Sarrazin as a racist. It’s the oldest trick in the book: demonize the man, in order to pre-emptively discredit anything he says.
Sarrazin’s actual concern is that – surprise! – Mohammedans do not tend to integrate successfully into German communities. He says they’re either unwilling or unable, cites crime statistics (it’s outside of Mark Easton’s patch, so he can’t come in to spin them the other way), points to low intermarriage rates, and speaks unflatteringly about certain parts of Mohammedan immigrant culture.
Of course, any criticism is racism, according to BBC editorial policy. And Hewitt sees this as already inciting more racial hatred.
Similar fears have been expressed in many parts of Europe. In the past they have largely been confined to the fringes of society, but in countries from France to Switzerland to the Netherlands they have entered more mainstream debate. At their root is unease at the speed with which society is changing and a concern that societies may develop separate, parallel communities.
“May develop separate, parallel communities”? When was the last time Hewitt walked from the Grand Place in Brussels to the Midi Station, or took the No. 230 bus through the northern part of the city? It’s already happened. Or are we still pretending it hasn’t?
Why doesn’t Hewitt present facts or figures to counter Sarrazin’s statement rather than just pointing a scolding finger at him? He’s not going to convince anyone this way.
Like the rest of the BBC and their fellow travelers, Hewitt uses Jo Brand’s definition of racism: It’s nothing to do with ethnicity or skin color, but is in fact about political power. Whoever holds more political power – in the David vs. Goliath, black & white children’s book version of the world – is the racst because they use that political power to oppress others.
Racists oppress people, ergo people with political power are racists. People who do not have political power cannot be racist. So the thinking goes, anyway.
Most Mohammedans have browner skin than the people criticizing Islam, whites hold political power over people with brown skin (again, in the David vs. Goliath, black & white children’s book perception of the world), thus any criticism by white people of something associated with anyone of a darker hue can only be racist.
Also, Hewitt thinks that Western Civilization is bad, and so has full respect for any group who doesn’t wish to participate.
Yes, I was quite an admirer of Hague until his comdemnation of the flotilla incident before any of us knew the facts. Incredibly irresponsible for a Foreign Secretary let alone anyone else.
Its my guess that Hague was simply parroting the lines handed to him by his shadowy FO mandarin handlers, sing from the hymn sheet and you can go play with your new best friend/rent boy/employee of the month.
The transformation of Hague stinks of the usual arm twisting dirty tricks beloved of the establishment, this stuff is classic and well tried tactics to control and handle elected representatives. Our new REAL foreign minister the traitor Ashton calls the shots now, she simply has minions like Billy the Mekon to spread her diktats to the masses and to give the illusion of national control. The new reality is that the UK foreign office is directly controlled from Brussels, they formulate the line and Gay Billy simply repeats his orders, the despicable Hague speech about the so called aid convoy attack came from the EU and Billy being the good little eurotrash stooge just obeyed.
Our elected representatives are nothing more that puppets dancing to the real powers tune.
It is much safer to critisize Isreal than Hamas loving “activists”. Hague is just a member of the political elite who has turned away from “conservatism” and joined the Blair clones set.
UKIP need to tap into the grass roots in this Country, they need to expand past the EU and get into the idea of really small Government, control of our borders and returning power to the citizen.
Total reform of Parliament, the cutting of the number of MP’s to just a couple of hundred and making sure none of them can serve more than 2 terms as an MP before taking a break.
I could go on, but UKIP really do need to look at the tea party movement in the USA.
I’d also go further, UKIP should look at starting their own online TV station, they will never get a fair crack from out left sided media, but a live online TV station would get around those rules.
Mark Mardell has written another anti-Sarah Palin piece,
He quotes from a hostile profile of her in Vanity Fair (she’s a bag tipper, “may” believe in guardian angels, is vindictive , etc, – all of which is “no surprise “ to Mardell), He has a dig at Glenn Beck, who is organising a rally on 9/11with Mrs Palin, and at Fox too, and talks of the “frenzy of contempt” for Obama of her supporters and their “slavering worship” of her.
As we know, beeboids have long drawn stories on American politics from the HuffPo (at least before the new intake arrived in April, who are – to adapt Mardell’s own sneer at Fox – “the HuffPo made flesh”.)
Oddly, the BBC is not reporting that some of the people quoted in that hit-piece in Vanity Fair (they do one every few months) have immediately flat-out denied that they uttered criticisms of Palin.
This a new low for Mardell. There’s already been a backlash against Vanity Fair for this hit piece. But since it was in the HuffPo and it pushes all of Mardell’s buttons, he believes it fully and submits it to the license fee payers as Gospel.
Unfortunately for Mardell, even JournoListas are attacking this trash. Ben Smith of Politico has already debunked two of the lies in it. Even the editor of the far, far Left, JournoList-infested Mother Jones thought that this article was a travesty of journalistic standards.
Of course, that puts it right up Mardell’s street. He also won’t tell you that liberal feminists are speaking out against this hit piece.
Don’t trust the BBC on anything to do with the US.
The BBC/NUJ are giving much prominance to a tiny survey suggesting that tax payers should not fund the popes visit. I really am surprised at their sudden concern for the poor taxpayer, normally the BBC/NUJ expect the taxpayer to be an uncomplaining milch cow to fund their left wing & muslim utopia.
Some mincing beeboid queen just done a piece on the scumbag pikies in France. We get this camp male beeboid bleating on and on and on for 5 minutes taking the side of these vile pikies (perhaps the mincing beeboid would like to have them living outside his house? no I thought not) we get some halfwit woman with a copy of the EU constitution (I never even knew such a thing existed? who wrote that then? the BBC).
The camp mincing male beeboid then slips in right at the end of his report that “oh and 65% of the French people support the move”.
Well we can’t have that can we? What the view of the people?
Does it say anywhere in the ‘EU Constitution’ by chance that the will of the people should prevail? or does it sat the view of camp left wing twats in the media should prevail?
Our former man in Washington, Christopher Meyer, makes an interesting observation in today’s Mail:
“Many years later, the Chilcot Inquiry asked me about the Crawford summit. I replied that, because I had not been at the talks, to this day I was not entirely clear what ‘degree of convergence was, if you like, signed in blood at the Crawford ranch’ (the reference to blood was an allusion to Blair’s belief that Britain owed a ‘blood debt’ to the U.S. from World War II).
But I noted to the Inquiry that, in his speech the next day at College Station, Blair referred approvingly to regime change for the first time ever in my hearing in public.
In his book, Blair reacts strangely to my statement to Chilcot. He transforms my words into an assertion that he had pledged ‘in blood’ to support America and that he had signed up for regime change.
This, says Blair, was a myth; and I wouldn’t know anyway because I was not present at the meeting – just what I had myself admitted!”
Could it be that Mr Blair was reacting to the BBC’s Laura Knutsberg’s (whatever her name is) misreporting of Christopher Meyer’s comments to make them say what the BBC wanted?
With BBC Director General Mark Thompson conceding the BBC’s reporting has shown clear bias but saying it’s all in the past and not an issue any more, I presume there is now no good reason not to publish the Balen Report, so the public can see the report’s judgments on the BBC’s balance and impartiality in its reporting of Middle East issues ? Surely the BBC has nothing to fear from publication of this report ?
The BBC narrative shines out clearly with the much pimped ‘demonstrations’ about the Roma repatriations, the BBC is very interested and lavishes airtime on the thinly attended demo even going as far as to inflate the numbers present.
This is BBC bias at its most blatant, they pick the stories that appeal to their political prejudice and then they flog them to death, any demo that contradicts the BBC narrative and the beeboids politcal beliefs becomes invisible and even if shown there are NO comments allowed by those attending the demos and certainly no beeboid sympathisers cooing and purring.
As the EDF demos show plainly, the BBC simply cannot allow their enemies any airtime to air their views and grievances as though allowing any to speak would somehow pollute the ideoloigical purity of the BBC narrative.
The left is the same the world over, they just cannot abide open free equal debate and free speech.
And are Beeboids campaigning for ‘Roma’ to live next door in Beeboids’ own neighbourhoods in UK too? How many of them do Beeboids intend to add to the 300,000 plus, mostly ‘Third World’ immigrants who get into Britain annually?
We are truly at the end times, cats and dogs living together. Der Spiegel has an article agreeing with me about the President and His Economic Plan To Save Us All.
The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government.
The BBC is really being hypocritical in the way they’re stoking up resentment at the Pope’s visit. They just can’t find enough air time to feature all the complaints about how much this will cost the taxpayer, never mind all the other criticisms.
Funny how the BBC never made a sound about how much it cost the taxpayer to host the Dalai Lama. Yet, the Pope is technically a head of state, while the Dalai Lama is only an exiled feudal lord (albeit the BBC’s favorite one in history). So really, there should not be any state visit for the Dalai Lama, whereas the government has every right to host the Pope as a head of state.
I don’t recall the BBC being so assiduous about highlighting or commissioning polls to determine the public’s level of support for the use of public money towards the visits of people like Hugo Chavez
Perhaps a beeboid might like to remove his penis from the anus of his young rent boy and come and explain WHY the BBC appears to be giving Nu Liebour a free pass over the tax fiasco? The only quote from Liebour in this beeboid piece of crap is this
George Mudie, a Labour MP and member of the Treasury Select Committee, told the BBC he believed there was a case for waiving the debt owed by those who had underpaid. He said he believed the HMRC had handled the situation badly and unfairly. He described the HMRC as a “heartless” and “arrogant” organisation and said: “If they want money, they take the money and very rarely are they prepared to consider, even when they make mistakes, not taking the money.”
Come on beeboid twats why are you not grilling the one eyed mong, Alistair Darling or Ed the twat Balls? normally you can’t wait to get a sound bite from one of these twats so why are you NOT blaming them for this mess? Instead the blame appears to be on the Tories!!!!!
Anyone else noticed that the BBC doesn’t seem to link Nu Liebour to the war in Iraq? Did I miss something? Although Blair was PM didn’t he have the support of other ministers?
Yet again the BBC tries to re-write history. Whether you supported the Iraq war or not it was a Labour government that took us to war, not just one man.
One wonders, innocently, if there will be protracted wailing and knashing of teeth and cloth rending chez Aunty over The Observer’s high-profile endorsement of Miliband D.
Will he be in their pocket and dancing to their tune? Are we to be subject to politics at the behest of The Scott Trust press?
Or is this kind of thing OK only if the BBC agrees with it?
They could always claim ‘it’d different’, perhaps by virtue of the readership of The Observer being less than spectacular.
But then awkward questions might be asked as to why they and their equally modest circulation sisters seem to get constant and lead coverage all the time.
I noticed that on the BBC paper review last night and on the Marr show (yet again retard Chris Addison makes an appearance) they totally ignored the story of the Iranian woman. I thought the BBC was full of fat feminists that have bigger beards than Geoff Capes?
I wouldn’t call the positively skeletal political animal Andrew Marr fat or feminist. He is very hot on raaaacism and Muslims, though, in the prescribed Beeboid manner. I don’t know about his editor Barney Jones. Presumably, he is too.
Addison is a lefty twat who often infests Radio 4 or 5. He’s supposed to be a comedian, although the only thing I would find funny from this mong is if he threw himself in front of a train.
I used to listen to loads on Radio 4 but now I rarely do because everything is so infected by Beeboid agenda and bias, so I tend not to know these Beeboid “comedians”.
I was listening to Kate Silverton’s programme on Radio 5 this morning. It went something like this:
Item on Pakistani cricket scndal.
Item headlined ‘ should drugs be decriminalised’. Yes, according to some bod from one of these drugs agencies. Guardian journalist Nick Watts, ostensibly there to do the paper review, plugs a Guardian article on the reults of decriminalisation in Portugal. Nobody there to express an opposing viewpoint.
Paper review, starring the Andy Coulson affair and General Sir Richard Dannat’s accusation that New Labour let down British troops. The Guardian’s Nick Watts informs us that the military have always loathed Brown.
An interview with Phillippe Sands, QC. Much talk of how Bush and Blair should face an international court over the Iraq war.
Item headlined ‘Should we be locking up young criminals’? ‘No’, says a criminal defence lawyer.” Restorative justice, the latest liberal/left device for keeping yobs out of prison, is getting great results” offers Kate Silverton. Somebody, maybe the Guardian’ s Nick Watts, claims only working class people go to prison and references The Bullingdon Club. Nobody there to express an opposing viewpoint.
The End.
At some point in all of this, somebody says ” This may sound a bit right- wing…”, whereupon Kate interrupts with ” Go ahead – we’re always being accused of being left-wing”. Kate, take a look at your programme today and tell me if the accusers might just have a point.
Earlier today in the Newsnight summary shown on BBC World TV, Gavin Esler looked delirious and glassy-eyed with pleasure as he interviewed author David Grossman about his new novel dealing with `the end of Israel.’
The Newsnight production team had also gone into overdrive, finding 2 other talking heads to provide useful context on this important theme for the BBC as Esler nodded away in bliss
Of course, what is missing from this critique is Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s endless devotion to producing propaganda for Islam, from the appointment of a Muslim to head Religious Affairs, to the propaganda on Islam Not Children’s BBC (INCBBC) against the history of Britsh people.
Others have mentioned this video report by Mark Mardell about the Islamic Celebration Center intended to be built around the corner from Ground Zero, but I want to point out a couple of glaring bits of bias.
Before I even get to the video, have a laugh at this from the accompanying text:
In a new poll two thirds of New Yorkers said they wanted the centre moved, but more than 50 Muslim organisations have called the opposition “insensitive and inhumane.”
No matter which side of the argument one is on, it’s a ridiculous comparison. Of course Muslim organizations are going to criticize people who are opposed to something they like. It’s moronic, but the BBC sub-editor simply has no idea what he or she has done. Whoever it is is clearly coming from the supporters’ camp.
As for the video report itself, note who gets the last word: a Muslim. I grant you that she, like the father of the murdered fireman, is also the parent of a victim, and so her opinion is deserving of equal respect. But the editor had to choose who got the last word, and he chose one side over the other. I say no way in hell would a Beeboid ever give the other side the last word. They haven’t so far in any of their reports about this issue, and I don’t ever expect them to.
Worse than that is Mardell’s reiteration of the same talking points we saw in far-Left blogger David Lang’s video blog: the area cannot be considered special because there are strip clubs and pawn shops.
Mardell also happily quotes the most innocent proclamations of the imam behind the project. He also plays up the bigotry angle, and gives only one segment over to the opposing view: the fireman’s father (probably an NYFD vet himself). Mardell’s own reporting comes from the prespective of a supporter, and is biased from the viewpoint that opposition to this Muslim project is more about bigotry than anything else.
Of course, we get to play Spot the Missing Word, with bonus rounds of what else Mark Mardell doesn’t want you to know:
Today’s Missing Word….all together now: Cordoba
Bonus answers:
1. The taxi driver who was stabbed because of his religion was stabbed by someone who had an equivalent of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after a month embedded with soliders in Afghanistan, compounded by a major alcohol problem. The Beeboids also know he’s a mental case because the HuffingtonPost reported that he’s been taken to a psych ward. If this was any other issue, the BBC would sympathize with him instead of misrepresenting the awful violent act. Here’s more about that from a JournoLista (so we know the Beeboids know) at far-Left Village Voice.
3. Most of the strip clubs and pawn shops (if not all – I haven’t checked) were already there, and so cannot possibly count as something seedy being built upon “hallowed ground”, making the BBC’s constant references to them based on a false premise.
4. Debris from the Towers (probably including human remains) hit the building at Park51, as did it hit every other building in a radius several blocks wide. I know because I saw it myself a couple weeks after 9/11. That puts things in a context the BBC sure as hell doesn’t want you to know about.
5. The innocent, peace-loving imam behind the project has said that the US deserved the attack of 9/11 because of the usual foreign policy complaints.
6. Even though the fireman’s father mentioned that much of the Muslim World was dancing in the streets and celebrating the act of mass murder, the BBC has never, ever made an effort to confirm or debunk this charge – even though it’s one of the top reasons given by people opposed to this deal. That’s yet another bit of context the BBC definitely doesn’t want you to know about.
I think I’ve even forgotten one now, but I just don’t have the stomach to go back and see the video again.
Martin asked on another thread if anyone has seen the BBC do anything to recognzie the coming anniversary of 9/11. I say this is the BBC’s way of preparing you for it this coming Saturday. The more they stoke the fires of hatred regarding opponents of this Islamic Project, the more they can play down any residual anger about 9/11.
I notice that the BBC fail to mention that Sean Hoare who they keep bigging up over his claims about Andy Coulson was sacked by the NOTW for drugs and alcohol issues.
SO are his so called claims trustworthy? Put him on a stand in a court room and any good defence lawyer will make him look a bitter man.
But the BBC don’t think it’s relevant, yet when they were talking about General Dannatt’s comments about Bliar and the one eyed mong the BBC kept mentioning that his comments were not as valid as he’d worked for the Tories.
I was absolutely flabbergasted to hear ex Army chief Dennat blasting Blair and brown over Iraq and funding the armed services, in general, on the World Service. Ex-army chief Dannatt criticises Blair and Brown
While I suppose this is news and the BBC was obliged to mention it, their approach was respectful and refrained from interruptions.
Has the BBC made a choice to that pushing opposition to Iraq is worth sacrificing Blair and Brown?
Search Biased BBC
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This is the Telegraph’s lead to its piece below:-
‘The director-general of the BBC has been accused of risking the corporation’s editorial independence after it emerged that he attended a private Downing Street meeting to discuss coverage of Government spending cuts.’
The piece slips this in:-
‘Senior Conservative Cabinet ministers are privately furious at the alleged bias of the BBC when reporting the Coalition’s public spending plans’.
Surely the story is ‘BBC DG holds Downing Street talks amid concern by Senior Conservative Cabinet ministers about bias’. Instead, for some peculiar reason, the Telegraph gives the story the BBC/Labour spin. Is this a sign of how brainwashed so many are at Gramscian Thought Policing?
BBC TV News at one reporting this in the pedictable fashion. Beeboid reporter quotes Labour source as saying that, when Labour were in power, there were no similar meetings between the PM and DG.
I wonder why ?
“predictable” !!
It’s all starting to slip into place now, first Thompson pops out from the Kremlin to issue a statement that they were historically horribly left-wing now they aren’t, then gets hauled into see ‘the nasty party coalition’ to be forced into making the BBC biased.
Thompson then flutters his paperwork for a quickie leak on the pavement, shortly later the BBC issues a statement reading “that the BBC clear that the impartiality and independence of the BBC were paramount” then they go on to quote a bunch of Labour politicians stating things like the BBC should not be bullied by the nasty party. Is that about right?
Yes . It is totally right. Crude, dishonest and sneaky. Really sums up these wretched people.
BBC-NUJ ‘World at One’s political agenda today was:
1.) anti-Tory (anti-Coulson);
2.) anti-Sky (ant-NoW);
3.) pro-Labour (on 1.) & 2.)-with Labour spokesperson;
4.) pro-Pakistan cricket;
5.) disdainful cryptic ‘interviews’ with UKIP EuroMPs, so that UK-NUJ can squeeze in one propagandist view, by BBC-NUJ chum T.Lang, on
6.) food problems in Mozambique.
Yes I notice the BBC have been very ‘sympathetic’ to the Pakistani Cricketers.
I hear “They couldn’t do this sort of thing” or “They were set up”
Sound familiar with something else Muslims do a lot of?
Having been awol on Thursday, I was unable to comment on the ‘bbc used to be biased ‘ story.
All I can say is, pretty fricken limp attempt at deflecting criticism boys !
Then, as a result of the memoirs of st tone , revealing his thoughts that trying to ban hunting, hadn’t been his smartest move, an rspca bod was on farming today to defend the ban. He claimed that lots of prosecutions had resulted from the legislation – which of course they haven’t , erm, none, just an 80 year old old dear who pleaded guilty on a technicality over a coursing meeting. So why does the beeboid allow this misleading claim unchallenged ? Why doesn’t the beeboid point out that this is a pretty poor return for 700 hours of parliamentary time ? ( Perhaps the bbc used to be biased against the countryside, but it isn’t anymore !)
We have a link in Powerline
That is just what we need only more, more, more.
sorry – we were posting the Powerline link at the same time !
Powerline blog again mentions Thompson’s admission of massive BBC bias – and refers to Biased BBC :
Do you have it set up on Google Reader? I find it essential.
How do people on here generally get their news feeds?
Ugly female beeboid ‘trumpeting’ the latest US unemployment figures, only 9.6%. ONLY, not allowing for the 2 million fake jobs created by the census oh and what about the billions spent on the stimulus?
The BBC might spin this as good news, the American people won’t.
One tiny silver lining in all this Israel bashing today was, after hearing a Palestinian mouthpiece say Israeli settlements are stopping the peace process, and then another Palestinian mouthpiece in the studio saying that Israeli settlements and checkpoints are stopping the peace process, the Beeboid in the studio actually said out loud that Hamas doesn’t want Israel to exist.
As I said, a tiny silver lining. But it’s another little improvement since the recent changes in the region at the BBC.
That Hamas doesn’t want Israel to exist is a small point. If the BBC were to admit that Fatah doesn’t want Israel to exist but Israel is still forced to negotiate with it would be a big point.
Good old World at One eh…Toady-lite and shrill and forever destined to pick up the dung after Humphrys and Montague etc have wafted on through the ” news” with Mandelsons nosegays under their nostrils a few hours previous.
1. Like David, I heard Hamas threat to kill Israelis “more effectively” mentioned by the Beeb on Today. It was tagged on to the “Far Right” in Israel saying that the Israeli peace talks “betray them”. The Beebs message was clear-these statements are “as bad as each other” and who`s to say who is threatening murder and who is unhappy politically in a democratic country. The Beeb simply will not face up to Islam will it?
2. Has “Lord” Prescott got a reinforced hammock for his sole use in the Green Room then? This fat oaf seems to be forever in the Beebs studios to spout his incoherent flatus at we his people. Popping at Coulson now-who cares?..let the bullshipper go for legal aid like the rest of us! Someone send for Tracey Temple for Gawds sake!
The Beeb is running on its own slime now and surely needs to be taken on-why do we pay for cBBC and its news input when Der Sturmer could probably be imported cheaper?
3.So UKIP are having an election-the Beeb sneer and pour bile on it all but somehow the “one man many votes”of the Labour Party is not making ther news…wonder why? Not even a peep from Tony Benn…thought he was on speed dial for such an event…he would be if it were the Tories I expect!
4.Any further news on Gores acolyte who went postal in the USA-and is Gores massage linked to his “terminal episode”?…where is the fearless Beeb at such a time?
The bias has become so bad on Israel-Palestine that my 18-year old son has just sent in this complaint:
“Your report on obstacles to Peace in the Middle East is horrifically biased. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11104284
1)In the article about refugees, there is no mention of the million or so Jewish refugees who were forced from their homes, among them my family, which fled persecution in Iraq for the UK in 1950. They were ‘ethnically cleansed’ far more successfully than any Arabs from Israel, where a million and a half Israeli Arabs live – whereas only 4,000 from 1,000,000 (0.4%) Jews remain in the Arab world.
Around 600,000 of these Jewish refugees from Arab countries were absorbed by Israel in its early years. UN Res 194 did not specifically refer to Arab refugees and says only refugees prepared to live ‘at peace’ with their neighbours should be permitted to return. At the time, Arab states voted against this resolution because it would have entailed recognising Israel and compensation for Jewish refugees. UN Res 242 refers as much to Jewish refugees as Arab: it refers to the ‘refugee problem’, and therefore, any discussion on refugees MUST address both sets of refugees in order to be unbiased.
The continuous barrage of disinformation by the BBC is beginning to have serious consequences is contributing to the alienation of the Jewish community of this country.
The BBC must take a long hard look at its coverage of the ME because the current poor standards are unbecoming of a leading worldwide news provider.”
All his own words….
18 years old and already taking up the cause ! Well done him and more power to his elbow. I hope he gets a reply.
The BBC assume that all young people have succumbed to the relentless left-wing brainwashing by the BBC and in the schools. Your son proves them wrong !
The bBC, those Pakistani floods and half the story.
Pakistan landlords ‘diverted flood water
A senior Pakistani diplomat has called for an inquiry into allegations that rich landowners diverted water into unprotected villages during the floods to save their own crops.UN ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon said there was evidence that landowners had allowed embankments to burst.
And here is the rest of the above story the bBC isn’t telling:
Pakistan: 4 more Christian villages deliberately flooded
Four Christian and Hindu villages in the southeastern Pakistani province of Sindh have been deliberately flooded, leaving over 2,800 families homeless. “The waters came as a result of an artificial diversion, built to save the agricultural estates belonging to powerful landowners who convinced– and some say in a corrupt manner– local officials to divert the course of water and save their land,” the Fides news agency reported.
Oh, dear. The BBC was just showing The Obamessiah’s speech telling us about how His Plan For Us added 67,000 jobs in August, “the eighth consecutive month of job growth”. But just now – while someone was telling us that The Obamessiah was fighting nasty Republicans so He could help small businesses – the text crawl said that the US lost 54,000 jobs in August. Somebody did not get the memo.
This noise about the BBC compromising editorial impartiality by meeting with the Government is the biggest joke of the week. Beeboids were in and out of No. 10 and consulted about coverage the whole time Labour was in power. One meeting with the Tories and garments are rent? Please.
What will the BBC do with this news?
Raoul Moat Shot Himself *SHOCK*
All those Beeboids who friended him on Facebook will have to have a rethink.
I’m shocked, I tell you… SHOCKED!
• West blamed for rapid increase in China’s CO2
Speaking in a documentary to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 next week, Professor Bob Watson said…
What… has the BBC got against John Prescott?
There seems hardly a day when they don’t forklift the dribbling, blustering, incoherent old oaf in and proceed to give him enough rope to keep Tehran cranes supplied until the rapture.
He’s never off! And every time it is pure car crash.
Must be good for ratings. Or maybe they figure after this, anything must be seen as dumbing up.
Love the concept of the BBC “dumbing up ” !
Because the fat stinking violent wife cheating slapper shagging shit spouts the sort of shit the BBC love.
But since they show an unflattering video of him every other episode of HIGNFY, it’s all balanced out in the end.
Mark Mardell is back in action with a couple of little white lies about those who are not fully supportive of the Cordoba House/Park51 mosque/cultural center.
A taxi driver was attacked in New York, explicitly because he was a Muslim.
Actually, the guy worked for an organization which expressed support for the mosque, donated money to Democrats and had a massive alcohol problem. He turned against Muslims after spending time filming troops in Afghanistan. He was in drunken rage when he stabbed the taxi driver. Can you say PTSD? He told his victim to “bring the king of Saudi Arabia to the checkpoint” for heaven’s sake. Nothing to do with the Tea Party movement or the kind of generic anti-Muslim sentiment Mardell is suggesting. This is not a secret, but Mardell lies about it hoping you won’t find out.
Here’s something else Mardell and the BBC don’t want you to know. The Muslim victim was also against the mosque/cultural center:
Mr. Sharif, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, with his wife and four children, came to the United States about 25 years ago and was a cook before becoming a cabdriver 15 years ago. He said nothing of this nature had happened to him before. Recently, some passengers asked him about the center planned near ground zero, he recalled, and he replied that he was against it, that there was no need to put it there.
Mardell spends the rest of his post trying to stoke fear and hatred of people like me. I object to his gross generalizations and slanderous attempts and guilt by association.
Mardell is a lying mong.
How will the BBC report this?
EU Official in Trouble for Remarks on Jews
On Thursday, with the Middle East peace process in the news, Mr. De Gucht picked yet another fight. Jews, he told Belgian radio, have a “belief” that they are “always right.” He described his frustration at debating the Middle East because “it is not easy even with a moderate Jew to have a conversation.”
He continued: “Don’t underestimate the power of the Jewish lobby in the capital. That is best organized lobby in the states. And they have an influence on politicians, Republicans and Democrats.”
The BBC agrees with him, so the editorial decision will be interesting.
I see the BBC have made the Coulson non story the TOP 6PM story again.
Now fat shit Mark Mardell is giving us the sob story about the rag head Mosque at Ground Zero.
Piss off Mardell you slob.
In teh introduction the newsreader described it as a ‘cultural centre’, then ifrom the reporter we have….
“It’s the site of a mosque, or a ‘cultural centre’ if you are a supporter”
I’m para phrasing, but they are admitting their support.
BBC Europe editor Gavin Hewitt has blogged about a racist remark from a European figure after all.
German angst over immigration
Thilo Sarrazin has written a book called Germany Abolishes Itself. He is a member of the left-leaning Social Democrats (SPD) and on the board of the Bundesbank. His concern is that immigrants who do not integrate are undermining German identity. It is an echo that can be heard in many European countries.
This is starting to sound familiar. But Hewitt does notice Sarrazin’s comment about Jews:
But in comments at the start of a book tour he mentioned that, in his opinion, “all Jews share a certain gene”. It is not acceptable in Germany to make comments like this – with all their resonances of the past – and condemnation came swiftly.
There go those pesky Jews, playing the eternal victim and beating everyone over the head with the Holocaust. No, that’s not fair of me. I’m only inferring that, can’t say Hewitt means it that way.
And really, it’s only some Jews who share a certain gene, although there’s a clear genetic connection between just about all Jewish communities around the world.
In any case, that’s not what Hewitt’s purpose is. He’s only bringing that up so he can frame Sarrazin as a racist. It’s the oldest trick in the book: demonize the man, in order to pre-emptively discredit anything he says.
Sarrazin’s actual concern is that – surprise! – Mohammedans do not tend to integrate successfully into German communities. He says they’re either unwilling or unable, cites crime statistics (it’s outside of Mark Easton’s patch, so he can’t come in to spin them the other way), points to low intermarriage rates, and speaks unflatteringly about certain parts of Mohammedan immigrant culture.
Of course, any criticism is racism, according to BBC editorial policy. And Hewitt sees this as already inciting more racial hatred.
Similar fears have been expressed in many parts of Europe. In the past they have largely been confined to the fringes of society, but in countries from France to Switzerland to the Netherlands they have entered more mainstream debate. At their root is unease at the speed with which society is changing and a concern that societies may develop separate, parallel communities.
“May develop separate, parallel communities”? When was the last time Hewitt walked from the Grand Place in Brussels to the Midi Station, or took the No. 230 bus through the northern part of the city? It’s already happened. Or are we still pretending it hasn’t?
Why doesn’t Hewitt present facts or figures to counter Sarrazin’s statement rather than just pointing a scolding finger at him? He’s not going to convince anyone this way.
Can someone explain to Hewitt and all the other thick Beeboids that muslims are not “a race” therefore any criticisms of them cannot be racist.
Like the rest of the BBC and their fellow travelers, Hewitt uses Jo Brand’s definition of racism: It’s nothing to do with ethnicity or skin color, but is in fact about political power. Whoever holds more political power – in the David vs. Goliath, black & white children’s book version of the world – is the racst because they use that political power to oppress others.
Racists oppress people, ergo people with political power are racists. People who do not have political power cannot be racist. So the thinking goes, anyway.
Most Mohammedans have browner skin than the people criticizing Islam, whites hold political power over people with brown skin (again, in the David vs. Goliath, black & white children’s book perception of the world), thus any criticism by white people of something associated with anyone of a darker hue can only be racist.
Also, Hewitt thinks that Western Civilization is bad, and so has full respect for any group who doesn’t wish to participate.
Sarrazin has been mugged by the gramscite PC element in Germany, unfortunately aided by the dhimmi elements of the German Jewish community.
I dont care if “mekon” Haig is a secret botty man, just as long as he takes a firm line with the muzzie peril.
The beeboids are probably only jealous anyway.
Tut that should be Hague.
Sorry sugar.
Lurved the Pitt book by the way.
Hague’s enthusiastic support for Turkish EU entry (see bottom half of article)
His ‘outspoken’ criticism of Israel over the flotilla incident is a matter of recent memory.
Yes, I was quite an admirer of Hague until his comdemnation of the flotilla incident before any of us knew the facts. Incredibly irresponsible for a Foreign Secretary let alone anyone else.
Hague is proving to be a real prat.
Its my guess that Hague was simply parroting the lines handed to him by his shadowy FO mandarin handlers, sing from the hymn sheet and you can go play with your new best friend/rent boy/employee of the month.
The transformation of Hague stinks of the usual arm twisting dirty tricks beloved of the establishment, this stuff is classic and well tried tactics to control and handle elected representatives. Our new REAL foreign minister the traitor Ashton calls the shots now, she simply has minions like Billy the Mekon to spread her diktats to the masses and to give the illusion of national control. The new reality is that the UK foreign office is directly controlled from Brussels, they formulate the line and Gay Billy simply repeats his orders, the despicable Hague speech about the so called aid convoy attack came from the EU and Billy being the good little eurotrash stooge just obeyed.
Our elected representatives are nothing more that puppets dancing to the real powers tune.
Indeed Wally.
He could be a secret islamochum, which is far more distasteful than being an occasional anal daytripper. (Allegedly)
It is much safer to critisize Isreal than Hamas loving “activists”. Hague is just a member of the political elite who has turned away from “conservatism” and joined the Blair clones set.
The dhimmi rot has set in in all political parties.
We shall have to see if Farage can revitalise UKIP.
if not a new political party is required on our political scene.
UKIP need to tap into the grass roots in this Country, they need to expand past the EU and get into the idea of really small Government, control of our borders and returning power to the citizen.
Total reform of Parliament, the cutting of the number of MP’s to just a couple of hundred and making sure none of them can serve more than 2 terms as an MP before taking a break.
I could go on, but UKIP really do need to look at the tea party movement in the USA.
I’d also go further, UKIP should look at starting their own online TV station, they will never get a fair crack from out left sided media, but a live online TV station would get around those rules.
UKIP should really look to the USA.
Mark Mardell has written another anti-Sarah Palin piece,
He quotes from a hostile profile of her in Vanity Fair (she’s a bag tipper, “may” believe in guardian angels, is vindictive , etc, – all of which is “no surprise “ to Mardell), He has a dig at Glenn Beck, who is organising a rally on 9/11with Mrs Palin, and at Fox too, and talks of the “frenzy of contempt” for Obama of her supporters and their “slavering worship” of her.
I think it’s possible to guess exactly how Mardell came to this story. It’s was in the Hufffington Post two days ago. Mardell would have read that and followed the links:
Sarah Palin And Glenn Beck To Meet In Alaska In Secretive 9/11 Event
As we know, beeboids have long drawn stories on American politics from the HuffPo (at least before the new intake arrived in April, who are – to adapt Mardell’s own sneer at Fox – “the HuffPo made flesh”.)
Oddly, the BBC is not reporting that some of the people quoted in that hit-piece in Vanity Fair (they do one every few months) have immediately flat-out denied that they uttered criticisms of Palin.
This a new low for Mardell. There’s already been a backlash against Vanity Fair for this hit piece. But since it was in the HuffPo and it pushes all of Mardell’s buttons, he believes it fully and submits it to the license fee payers as Gospel.
Unfortunately for Mardell, even JournoListas are attacking this trash. Ben Smith of Politico has already debunked two of the lies in it. Even the editor of the far, far Left, JournoList-infested Mother Jones thought that this article was a travesty of journalistic standards.
Of course, that puts it right up Mardell’s street. He also won’t tell you that liberal feminists are speaking out against this hit piece.
Don’t trust the BBC on anything to do with the US.
The BBC/NUJ are giving much prominance to a tiny survey suggesting that tax payers should not fund the popes visit. I really am surprised at their sudden concern for the poor taxpayer, normally the BBC/NUJ expect the taxpayer to be an uncomplaining milch cow to fund their left wing & muslim utopia.
Yes the BBC usually ignore the will of the people.
Some mincing beeboid queen just done a piece on the scumbag pikies in France. We get this camp male beeboid bleating on and on and on for 5 minutes taking the side of these vile pikies (perhaps the mincing beeboid would like to have them living outside his house? no I thought not) we get some halfwit woman with a copy of the EU constitution (I never even knew such a thing existed? who wrote that then? the BBC).
The camp mincing male beeboid then slips in right at the end of his report that “oh and 65% of the French people support the move”.
Well we can’t have that can we? What the view of the people?
Does it say anywhere in the ‘EU Constitution’ by chance that the will of the people should prevail? or does it sat the view of camp left wing twats in the media should prevail?
Our former man in Washington, Christopher Meyer, makes an interesting observation in today’s Mail:
“Many years later, the Chilcot Inquiry asked me about the Crawford summit. I replied that, because I had not been at the talks, to this day I was not entirely clear what ‘degree of convergence was, if you like, signed in blood at the Crawford ranch’ (the reference to blood was an allusion to Blair’s belief that Britain owed a ‘blood debt’ to the U.S. from World War II).
But I noted to the Inquiry that, in his speech the next day at College Station, Blair referred approvingly to regime change for the first time ever in my hearing in public.
In his book, Blair reacts strangely to my statement to Chilcot. He transforms my words into an assertion that he had pledged ‘in blood’ to support America and that he had signed up for regime change.
This, says Blair, was a myth; and I wouldn’t know anyway because I was not present at the meeting – just what I had myself admitted!”
Could it be that Mr Blair was reacting to the BBC’s Laura Knutsberg’s (whatever her name is) misreporting of Christopher Meyer’s comments to make them say what the BBC wanted?
With BBC Director General Mark Thompson conceding the BBC’s reporting has shown clear bias but saying it’s all in the past and not an issue any more, I presume there is now no good reason not to publish the Balen Report, so the public can see the report’s judgments on the BBC’s balance and impartiality in its reporting of Middle East issues ? Surely the BBC has nothing to fear from publication of this report ?
A non-INBBC video clip of the same event:
The BBC narrative shines out clearly with the much pimped ‘demonstrations’ about the Roma repatriations, the BBC is very interested and lavishes airtime on the thinly attended demo even going as far as to inflate the numbers present.
This is BBC bias at its most blatant, they pick the stories that appeal to their political prejudice and then they flog them to death, any demo that contradicts the BBC narrative and the beeboids politcal beliefs becomes invisible and even if shown there are NO comments allowed by those attending the demos and certainly no beeboid sympathisers cooing and purring.
As the EDF demos show plainly, the BBC simply cannot allow their enemies any airtime to air their views and grievances as though allowing any to speak would somehow pollute the ideoloigical purity of the BBC narrative.
The left is the same the world over, they just cannot abide open free equal debate and free speech.
Yes; BBC-NUJ branch’s Beeboids have political campaign for ‘Roma’, and against Sarkozy, in France.
BBC-NUJ censors this:
“But Sakozy doesn’t crack”
And are Beeboids campaigning for ‘Roma’ to live next door in Beeboids’ own neighbourhoods in UK too? How many of them do Beeboids intend to add to the 300,000 plus, mostly ‘Third World’ immigrants who get into Britain annually?
We are truly at the end times, cats and dogs living together. Der Spiegel has an article agreeing with me about the President and His Economic Plan To Save Us All.
Obama’s Misguided Approach: America Has Become Too European
The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government.
It’s not working for Europe, either.
Liked for the Ghostbusters reference. Oh, and the comment.
The BBC is really being hypocritical in the way they’re stoking up resentment at the Pope’s visit. They just can’t find enough air time to feature all the complaints about how much this will cost the taxpayer, never mind all the other criticisms.
Funny how the BBC never made a sound about how much it cost the taxpayer to host the Dalai Lama. Yet, the Pope is technically a head of state, while the Dalai Lama is only an exiled feudal lord (albeit the BBC’s favorite one in history). So really, there should not be any state visit for the Dalai Lama, whereas the government has every right to host the Pope as a head of state.
I don’t recall the BBC being so assiduous about highlighting or commissioning polls to determine the public’s level of support for the use of public money towards the visits of people like Hugo Chavez
Perhaps a beeboid might like to remove his penis from the anus of his young rent boy and come and explain WHY the BBC appears to be giving Nu Liebour a free pass over the tax fiasco? The only quote from Liebour in this beeboid piece of crap is this
George Mudie, a Labour MP and member of the Treasury Select Committee, told the BBC he believed there was a case for waiving the debt owed by those who had underpaid.
He said he believed the HMRC had handled the situation badly and unfairly.
He described the HMRC as a “heartless” and “arrogant” organisation and said: “If they want money, they take the money and very rarely are they prepared to consider, even when they make mistakes, not taking the money.”
Come on beeboid twats why are you not grilling the one eyed mong, Alistair Darling or Ed the twat Balls? normally you can’t wait to get a sound bite from one of these twats so why are you NOT blaming them for this mess? Instead the blame appears to be on the Tories!!!!!
Anyone else noticed that the BBC doesn’t seem to link Nu Liebour to the war in Iraq? Did I miss something? Although Blair was PM didn’t he have the support of other ministers?
Yet again the BBC tries to re-write history. Whether you supported the Iraq war or not it was a Labour government that took us to war, not just one man.
Just come across a photograph of the people who take Harrabin seriousley.
I believe the short blonde woman on the left is “Jo Abbess” – who pestered Black to alter a climate change article. Crazy.
Peter Hitchens dumps a bucketful on the BBC
super article ! and so true
Can anyone guess which story – and which two Sunday newspapers – lead the BBC News website paper review today?
One wonders, innocently, if there will be protracted wailing and knashing of teeth and cloth rending chez Aunty over The Observer’s high-profile endorsement of Miliband D.
Will he be in their pocket and dancing to their tune? Are we to be subject to politics at the behest of The Scott Trust press?
Or is this kind of thing OK only if the BBC agrees with it?
They could always claim ‘it’d different’, perhaps by virtue of the readership of The Observer being less than spectacular.
But then awkward questions might be asked as to why they and their equally modest circulation sisters seem to get constant and lead coverage all the time.
ps: How can The Express piece in the ‘review’ cited be deemed to ‘claim’ the level of BBC taxi useage?
Is it a secret?
Surely this is down to facts, and the BBC either rebuts them or reports accurately. Not tries to spin it to fit…
Guess which public funded service ‘can’t say’ how much is being diverted to activities that are not actually serving the public?:
I noticed that on the BBC paper review last night and on the Marr show (yet again retard Chris Addison makes an appearance) they totally ignored the story of the Iranian woman. I thought the BBC was full of fat feminists that have bigger beards than Geoff Capes?
I wouldn’t call the positively skeletal political animal Andrew Marr fat or feminist. He is very hot on raaaacism and Muslims, though, in the prescribed Beeboid manner. I don’t know about his editor Barney Jones. Presumably, he is too.
However, I found this long list of guests for the Marr show over the years: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/andrew_marr_show/7080510.stm
Some of the same names feature over and over – Chris Addison – who he? – seems to have a regular berth.
Addison is a lefty twat who often infests Radio 4 or 5. He’s supposed to be a comedian, although the only thing I would find funny from this mong is if he threw himself in front of a train.
I used to listen to loads on Radio 4 but now I rarely do because everything is so infected by Beeboid agenda and bias, so I tend not to know these Beeboid “comedians”.
I was listening to Kate Silverton’s programme on Radio 5 this morning. It went something like this:
Item on Pakistani cricket scndal.
Item headlined ‘ should drugs be decriminalised’. Yes, according to some bod from one of these drugs agencies. Guardian journalist Nick Watts, ostensibly there to do the paper review, plugs a Guardian article on the reults of decriminalisation in Portugal. Nobody there to express an opposing viewpoint.
Paper review, starring the Andy Coulson affair and General Sir Richard Dannat’s accusation that New Labour let down British troops. The Guardian’s Nick Watts informs us that the military have always loathed Brown.
An interview with Phillippe Sands, QC. Much talk of how Bush and Blair should face an international court over the Iraq war.
Item headlined ‘Should we be locking up young criminals’? ‘No’, says a criminal defence lawyer.” Restorative justice, the latest liberal/left device for keeping yobs out of prison, is getting great results” offers Kate Silverton. Somebody, maybe the Guardian’ s Nick Watts, claims only working class people go to prison and references The Bullingdon Club. Nobody there to express an opposing viewpoint.
The End.
At some point in all of this, somebody says ” This may sound a bit right- wing…”, whereupon Kate interrupts with ” Go ahead – we’re always being accused of being left-wing”. Kate, take a look at your programme today and tell me if the accusers might just have a point.
Earlier today in the Newsnight summary shown on BBC World TV, Gavin Esler looked delirious and glassy-eyed with pleasure as he interviewed author David Grossman about his new novel dealing with `the end of Israel.’
The Newsnight production team had also gone into overdrive, finding 2 other talking heads to provide useful context on this important theme for the BBC as Esler nodded away in bliss
Yes, INBBC, in contrast, continues to censor this:
“A State beyond the Pale: Europe’s problem with Israel”
(by Robin Shepherd)
Long extract here: scroll down.
Israel will not end-despite what the jew haters may say
“Catholic church accuses BBC of anti-Christian bias”
Of course, what is missing from this critique is Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s endless devotion to producing propaganda for Islam, from the appointment of a Muslim to head Religious Affairs, to the propaganda on Islam Not Children’s BBC (INCBBC) against the history of Britsh people.
Others have mentioned this video report by Mark Mardell about the Islamic Celebration Center intended to be built around the corner from Ground Zero, but I want to point out a couple of glaring bits of bias.
Before I even get to the video, have a laugh at this from the accompanying text:
In a new poll two thirds of New Yorkers said they wanted the centre moved, but more than 50 Muslim organisations have called the opposition “insensitive and inhumane.”
No matter which side of the argument one is on, it’s a ridiculous comparison. Of course Muslim organizations are going to criticize people who are opposed to something they like. It’s moronic, but the BBC sub-editor simply has no idea what he or she has done. Whoever it is is clearly coming from the supporters’ camp.
As for the video report itself, note who gets the last word: a Muslim. I grant you that she, like the father of the murdered fireman, is also the parent of a victim, and so her opinion is deserving of equal respect. But the editor had to choose who got the last word, and he chose one side over the other. I say no way in hell would a Beeboid ever give the other side the last word. They haven’t so far in any of their reports about this issue, and I don’t ever expect them to.
Worse than that is Mardell’s reiteration of the same talking points we saw in far-Left blogger David Lang’s video blog: the area cannot be considered special because there are strip clubs and pawn shops.
Mardell also happily quotes the most innocent proclamations of the imam behind the project. He also plays up the bigotry angle, and gives only one segment over to the opposing view: the fireman’s father (probably an NYFD vet himself). Mardell’s own reporting comes from the prespective of a supporter, and is biased from the viewpoint that opposition to this Muslim project is more about bigotry than anything else.
Of course, we get to play Spot the Missing Word, with bonus rounds of what else Mark Mardell doesn’t want you to know:
Today’s Missing Word….all together now: Cordoba
Bonus answers:
1. The taxi driver who was stabbed because of his religion was stabbed by someone who had an equivalent of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after a month embedded with soliders in Afghanistan, compounded by a major alcohol problem. The Beeboids also know he’s a mental case because the HuffingtonPost reported that he’s been taken to a psych ward. If this was any other issue, the BBC would sympathize with him instead of misrepresenting the awful violent act. Here’s more about that from a JournoLista (so we know the Beeboids know) at far-Left Village Voice.
2. The taxi driver who was stabbed because of his religion thinks the Islamic project is a bad idea, and is insensitive.
3. Most of the strip clubs and pawn shops (if not all – I haven’t checked) were already there, and so cannot possibly count as something seedy being built upon “hallowed ground”, making the BBC’s constant references to them based on a false premise.
4. Debris from the Towers (probably including human remains) hit the building at Park51, as did it hit every other building in a radius several blocks wide. I know because I saw it myself a couple weeks after 9/11. That puts things in a context the BBC sure as hell doesn’t want you to know about.
5. The innocent, peace-loving imam behind the project has said that the US deserved the attack of 9/11 because of the usual foreign policy complaints.
6. Even though the fireman’s father mentioned that much of the Muslim World was dancing in the streets and celebrating the act of mass murder, the BBC has never, ever made an effort to confirm or debunk this charge – even though it’s one of the top reasons given by people opposed to this deal. That’s yet another bit of context the BBC definitely doesn’t want you to know about.
I think I’ve even forgotten one now, but I just don’t have the stomach to go back and see the video again.
Martin asked on another thread if anyone has seen the BBC do anything to recognzie the coming anniversary of 9/11. I say this is the BBC’s way of preparing you for it this coming Saturday. The more they stoke the fires of hatred regarding opponents of this Islamic Project, the more they can play down any residual anger about 9/11.
“Student immigration levels unsustainable says Minister”
BBC-NUJ’s Mark Easton is preparing his propaganda for more mass immigration to Britain at this very moment.
“Student visa crackdown as immigration minister vows to cut number of arrivals by tens of thousands”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1309369/Student-visa-crackdown-immigration-minister-vows-cut-number-arrivals-tens-thousands.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0yhVCnGMy
I notice that the BBC fail to mention that Sean Hoare who they keep bigging up over his claims about Andy Coulson was sacked by the NOTW for drugs and alcohol issues.
SO are his so called claims trustworthy? Put him on a stand in a court room and any good defence lawyer will make him look a bitter man.
But the BBC don’t think it’s relevant, yet when they were talking about General Dannatt’s comments about Bliar and the one eyed mong the BBC kept mentioning that his comments were not as valid as he’d worked for the Tories.
I was absolutely flabbergasted to hear ex Army chief Dennat blasting Blair and brown over Iraq and funding the armed services, in general, on the World Service. Ex-army chief Dannatt criticises Blair and Brown
While I suppose this is news and the BBC was obliged to mention it, their approach was respectful and refrained from interruptions.
Has the BBC made a choice to that pushing opposition to Iraq is worth sacrificing Blair and Brown?