Part of the menace of the BBC lies in how it willingly, even joyfully, allows itself to be a propagandist for terrorism. The IRA milked this (still does) for all it was worth, so do radical Islamists, and now we have ETA making sure that it lets the BBC know first that it is to stop murdering. Of course, it has made similar claims before, and then gone back on them, but if a terror group wants an image make-over, it has the BBC on speed-dial.
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The scum of the earth definitely consider the BBC ‘the terrorist’s friend’. It appears this is an unconditional cessation of terrorism ETA have called. This is what happens when you go for the kill against terrorists and dont appease them. It is absolutely unthinkable here in Spain that a Spanish Government would reach an agreement that saw Otegi, the (now ex) leader of ETA-Batasuna, in a power sharing deal in the Basque Country. Any party in Government would literally be decimated at the polls if they’d done the sort of thing that Blair did – if not lynched on the street. Instead, what the Spanish Government did under Aznar, was make ETA’s political wing ‘Batasuna’ illegal as a terrorist support group. I can’t overstate what a joy it was arriving in Spain in 2002 and seeing on news reports Spanish police literally dragging terrorist groupies by the hair from their offices and closing them down. I’d left a country that had betrayed every tenet of democratic principle by de facto legitimisation of 30 years of SF/PIRA terrorism, to a country that knew how to deal with evil.
Aznar’s anti-ETA terror laws were so popular that after initial murmurings PSOE, Spain’s socialist party, went along with them. On the War against Terror however, they were non-commital over Iraq until they saw the opinion polls, and then decided to become Spain’s own support group for Islamic terrorism and won power with the assistance of Al Qa’eda 11/3 2004. The legacy of Aznar however clearly lives on on the ETA front.
Yes, Aznar was firm – which is why the BBC delighted in his fall.
Yes, another reason why Islam Not BBC (INBBC) opposes ex-PM Aznar is that he supports Israel.
INBBC did not report Aznar’s speech on this of a couple of months ago:
“If Israel goes down, we all go down”
Note ETA’s symbol of the snake and the axe appears above the heads of the hooded terrorists in BBC-NUJ propaganda ‘report’, which omits explanatory reference to the ETA symbol.
The AXE has not been removed from ETA’s symbol, which bodes ill for the future…
The terrorists’ broacaster of choice – its ‘scoop’ is headline news on The World At One with the statutory socialist (natch) to provide an “expert” view. The BBC – providing a platform for murderous thugs’ propaganda – this is what we do.
I also notice that TWAO is not reporting the Dannatt story but instead has found an ex- Air Marshal who is complaining about the Defence Review as “rushed” and “a cost-cutting exercise”. Don’t you just love our state Broadcaster – balancing an attack on Labour by a retired military chief which they don’t report with an attack on the Coalition by an ex-military chief which they do. Absolutely fair and balanced then.
They did however manage to make it clear that Dannatts’ attack on Bliar was to be expected, because he had been offered a job by Cameron !
Yeah, if there’s no Labour spokesman available, no worries, the BBC is always willing to do their propaganda for them!
Whilst we’re talking about the BBC and their support of terrorists, has anyone noticed if the BBC have anything on this week to remember 9/11?
C4 and the digital channels have already had some stuff and C4 has a lot of stuff on on Saturday, but I can’t see anything from the BBC. Am I right in thinking they haven’t done anything on 9/11 for a couple of years now?
Sure they did. Only recently they sent some far-Left US blogger Daryl Lang to do a segment telling us that the area around Ground Zero is full of strip joints and shady street vendors, so it’s ridiculous to suggest that it’s “hallowed ground”. The BBC hired Lang to do this because he says things like this:
There’s a scene in “Twelve Angry Men” where Juror #10, having exhausted all his other arguments, starts to use ethnic stereotypes to argue why the accused is guilty. The other jurors, one by one, stand up silently and turn their backs to him.
That’s what I was hoping to do with yesterday’s post, “Hallowed Ground,” showing photos of things as close to the World Trade Center site as the proposed Park51 Islamic community center. One by one, all the arguments against the center are falling away, so the only argument left is anti-Muslim bigotry. People who want to make that argument are free to keep talking, like Juror #10, until it becomes apparent what their true motivations are.
“If you don’t agree with me, you have evil thoughts.” The age-old cry of the totalitarian oppressor. As always, they claim they are doing it for a higher cause – the kind of justice and whatnot that Mark Thompson was talking about.
The BBC saw this and hired him to do a segment for them. It was a deliberate attack piece, and Lang was very disingenuous in his profession of sympathy for the families of the victims and survivors of the terrorist attack. Lang pretended that the act of mass murder was not done in the name of Islam, did not mention the significance of “Cordoba” – not even to try and dismiss it – and basically created something that perfectly fit the BBC Narrative.
The BBC deliberately went out looking for someone to make a segment promoting this Narrative. Ever seen the BBC send one of their own or hire an outside freelancer to do an entire segment supporting the other point of view? Ever heard a full and frank discussion about all the angles of this debate, and not just a Beeboid talking to a supporter after showing you shots of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin’s twitter feed on the BBC? They barely even give air time to guests who don’t completely agree with Lang and Mark Mardell and Matt Frei and all the rest of them.
The ongoing story of this Islamic Celebration Center With No Historical Connotations Whatsoever, No, Really, is all about 9/11. And the BBC is doing everything in its power to make you think it’s about bigotry.
I just don’t understand the Ground Zero Mosque business. To me it is provacation pure and simple. New York is a big city so why there.
I am now going to build a Luftwaffe Appreciation Centre next to Coventry Cathedral.
Funny I was thinking along the same lines as you just before reading your post. I’m sure the BBC would think it’s bigotry to oppose a church of the black sun built near the BBC studios in London or anywhere for that matter, for the understanding of moderate Nazis and peace.
I was stunned when I read this report and immediately went to various Spanish sources that confirmed the report and that the BBC had received the video. Incredible, you may think the BBc is the bees knees in the UK (haha) but there are plenty of Spanish outlets that would have given far deeper national coverage. I can only think they have got wind of a major bust/weapons cache discovery and are getting their defence in early.
The Basque Government responds to ETA: “The time of ceasefires/truces is over” and that the message is “ambiguous” and “totally inadequate” and not enough to enable them to enter in the coming elections.
“We demand that ETA terrorist activity cease altogether and while they don’t we will continue to fight the terrorists with a line of firm democracy and zero tolerance”
Out in the last hour:
OT but well worth a read
George Schwartz, the Jewish Nazi
By Ezra Levant on September 4, 2010
Have you ever heard of a Jewish Nazi?
George Schwartz was born in Hungary in 1930 — not the luckiest time and place to be born a Jew.
George’s father Theodore tried to change the family’s fortunes by changing their name to something less Jewish-sounding. It didn’t help. And soon war came.
When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.
To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.
Read on.
Apparently a conspiracy nut. But then, it’s the wrong kind of conspiracy for some.
The are many on the so-called ‘political left’, including Beeboids, who retain a political empathy for the political violence of ETA, Hamas, Taliban, etc.
The comment here by Rogelio Alonza on the BBC’s dangerous political irresponsibility is excellent.