Here are two nice examples of how the BBC does subtle bias provided by a thoughtful B-BBC reader!
A couple of curious examples of potential bias on the BBC. Not of the direct kind, but one of apologist and one of omission kind.
Firstly, a news report on a pipe bomb found on school grounds in Northern Ireland. Nothing biased about that of course, but a line from the reporter gives away an opinion: “a small breakaway loyalist group has claimed responsibility for the bomb, however it was NOT left by any mainstream loyalist group” (their emphasis). It appears terrorism can now be ranked in terms of acceptability. As in, “its OK folks.. it was some wannabes that left it. It wasn’t the real terrorists…”
The second one comes to us courtesy of Midlands Today. Apparently, schools in the Midlands will haven to take on moren four year olds due to “a surge in child birth”. No mention of course that the most likely cause of a child birth surge is a surge in immigration. Immigration bad for something? Can’t have the BBC reporting that.
Immigration is certainly playing havoc with the British idea of democracy. How the BBc must have anguished over this story. Eeeeeeeeeeevil Tories…..but with a Mohammed Quotient of 40%!
I just now realized that the part your reader highlights where the BBC says, “however it was NOT left by any mainstream loyalist group”, means that they’re more concerned about intent than outcome. Frightening.
How does the Beeboid know it was not a “mainstream” loyalist group ?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) supports islamisation of Europe.
The following article is not reported by INBBC which is, of course, campaigning for an Islamised Europe through:
a.) supporting Mass immigration from Islamic countries:
b.) giving preferential propaganda treatment to Muslims and to Islam;
c.) denigrating Western civilisation in general, and Christianity and Judaism in particular.
“Muslims will become majority in Europe, senior Vatican official warns”
Of course, people like Mark Steyn, Fjordman, Hugh Fitzgerald, Geert Wilders, etc have all warned about Islamisation by demographic policy, for years, and have been castigated for doing so.
INBBC: unable to relate ‘racism’ to Muslim violence on white boy.
Two reports of same case:
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Schools ordered to probe all playground bullying for racism after pupil is left brain damaged by hammer attack”
Read more:
2.) INBBC report:
“Hammer attack school ‘failed to spot racism'”
Of course, INBBC omits this from the Daily Mail’ report because it goes against evereything which INBBC propagandises for: continuing mass immigration from Islamic countries, the enforced enrolment of Muslim students in British schools, the relegation of the negative impact of 7/7, an appeasement of all things Islam, a presumption that ‘whites’, not Muslims are racist.
A ‘Daily Mail’ extract:-
“Today’s review, which involved speaking to the school, police, council and other organisations, slams the establishment for failing to tackle the growing tensions between Muslim and white teenagers.
It claims opportunities to intervene to address escalating issues were missed – even after a riot on the playing fields.
“And it says the school was not adequately prepared when about 20 Asian pupils from central Swindon joined the rural school in September 2005 – less than two months after the 7/7 London bombings.
“Their enrollment had been designed to improve community relations.”