It’s relentless, it’s offensive and it seems to be something that the BBC has taken up as a cause macabre..
“Should Hamas be included in Middle East peace talks? Jon Donnison reports on how Hamas still has a strong influence in Gaza and the West Bank, despite the efforts by the Israeli and Palestinian security services to crack down on the organisation.”
ETA, IRA, Hamas, Taliban, Al Queda – the BBC just LOVE them.
Hamas don’t want to be part of the talks, is everyone at the BBC on Cocaine?
Hamas Principles from the Hamas Charter 1988
Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
Don’t forget that Israel’s ‘partner in peace’ Mahmoud Abbas, the man who was elected to serve until 9 January 2009 but unilaterally extended his term for another year and continues in office even after that deadline expired, has now said that ‘he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Israel Radio reported on Tuesday.’
Not one question to the Hamas guy about how he can justify the killings of 4 Israeli civilians. Not one question about how making sure the victims, one of them a pregnant woman, were dead by going up to them and shooting them at point blank range is something that could be celebrated in the streets, whether this is a sign of a sick society consumed with hatred? Any democratic broadcaster would be asking these questions. The BBC is not serving democracy, it is serving evil and tyranny.
Should Hamas be included in the Middle East Talks? What a stupid question. They dont want them to go ahead because they dont want peace with Israel. Instead of highlighting this patent fact the BBC is trying to mask it by making out Hamas are being hard done by. What authentic scum.
You have to understand that the BBC hate Israel as do Hamas. Once you understand that all becomes clearer.
A NOTE TO – Mr Preiser on his reply to my “persiflage” comments on the “SPANISH EYES…” blog
I do not care for your hyperbolised sarcasm. It may simply be your idiom for the relief of your ennui on this platitude-ridden web-site, but I don’t like it. So kindly keep your sarcastic remonstrations to yourself.
Jerry, please, stop acting like a nutter.
Sorry if I offended, Jerry, but your question was offensive. Did I at least answer your question?
hippiepooter, piss off and mind your own business.
Preiser , Do you see what I mean now? If not, I’m sure I have another explanation for you. Sarcastic twat.
But you used sarcasm in your retort to my rather innocent comment. Surely you can’t think you weren’t being offensive and taunting.
It’s at moments like these one is so glad of Moderator powers to keep the headbanger’s out.
You clearly have serious mental problems Jerry. I tend not to have much sympathy. I tend to find that most people with mental problems have themselves to blame for the mentality that they choose to adopt.
Jerry, if you put the same comment on multiple threads it becomes everyone’s business. Keep your spat where it belongs.
Jerry you must really be desperate for attention for your blog if you have to reference it here.
Jon Donnison “reporting” on Hamas? This is the same useful idiot who was frantically proclaiming on the World Service that the Islamic thugs on the Mavi Marmara were, “Defending themselves against the Israelis with sticks” hours after the video showing them being brutally beaten to the deck had been circulating on the Net.
Of course, if Donison gave anything but the Hamas version of events he would soon find himself thrown out of Gaza or worse.
Yes, of course the ageing lefty would-be revolutionaries at the BBC love Hamas. They see the terror group as striving to fulfil lofty ideals of the brotherhood of man while the evil Israelis try to stop them and the EU and the USA somehow remain stubbornly indifferent to the best of BBC attempts to portray Hamas as a positive factor in the Israeli-Arab conflict.
I recall the Have Your Say programme during the bloody Hamas-Fatah strife in Gaza which had Azzam Tamimi and Alastair Crooke, both Hamas lovers, as guests while Fatah was unrepresented aside from the occasional caller and e-mail to the show.
And Google just helpfully showed me that Crooke and Tamimi are as thick as thieves when I Googled Azzam Tamimi and Alastair Crooke. I see they were on Newsnight together as well:
And I recall that when Stephen Sackur interviewed chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat on Hardtalk in 2007, he pushed the line that Hamas was the true voice of the Palestinians and Fatah an Israeli and American stooge a little too energetically and insistently, even for the brief of a programme like Hardtalk.
Anyone notice that Abbas gets little coverage on the BBC? I base that observation mostly on the World Service, since I’ve come to realise that it generally reflects editorial policy in other areas of the BBC. Abbas only figures on the WS when it can’t not give him a brief mention – as when he goes over to the US or talks to US representatives here.
That proves conclusively how lousy are BBC journalists. If they knew anything at all about the Israeli-Arab conflict they would understand that Abbas, the more “respectable” face of Palestinian terror, has not changed his spots and is just playing an elaborate game with the West to help weaken Israel. And having understood that, they would then help Abbas play his game rather than ignoring him and promoting Hamas.
After all, BBC aims and ideals for this conflict are inseparable from those of the Palestinians.