My usual morning listening is Kiss 100 The Original Funky Dread More Kicking Than A Mad Cow Mooo but unfortunately this morning I had Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State inflicted on me. :'(
There was a non-story about the ‘success’ of something called Academies-That-Labour-Established. This is blink and you’d miss it stuff. Firstly, the release from the National Audit Office didn’t mention ‘Labour’, that was added by some BBC schoolboy ‘editor’ (read ‘shiller’). Secondly I wonder if the report had been talking of failure whether a similar attribution would have been made or whether the story would have got a mention at all. (I don’t wonder, actually, I know).
The poor saps like to flatter themselves that they’re journalists – they’re nothing but second-hand salesmen for Project Re-elect Labour.
With the truly lovestruck Sheila Fuggerty tittering coquettishly in the background at his every utterance, Queen Nikki (for whom gravitas is a smoked salmon. Gravadlax? Oh please yourselves) interviewed a former friend of Osama Bin Laden. Launching into into an encomium the fellow got lost for a word to describe OBL – the Queen jumped in with ‘charismatic’.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to think that there are quite a few words I would use to describe OBL before I got to ‘charismatic’ – ‘murderous’ for one.
Meanwhile Fuggarty carried on tittering coquettishly in the background. It’s what she does.
Finally in the daily Former-New-Labour-Minister Explains-Resoundingly-Successful-Policy-He-Worked-Extremely-Hard-At we had Jack Straw.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to think that there are quite a few words I would use to describe OBL before I got to ‘charismatic’ – ‘murderous’ for one.
In one of John ‘I liberated Kabul’ Simpson’s books he describes Bin Laden as handsome. This is with full knowledge of the fact that Bin Laden tried to have Simpson murdered for the heinous crime of being an Infidel.
I guess the BBC’s indoctrination – which I’m guessing is ten times stronger for employees than the stuff they put on air – really messes your mind up.
At the risk of being the out man out. OBL is extremely charismatic as was Adolf Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Ayatollah Khomenei and dozens of other ‘leaders’ .
i was shocked that they were going to interview an ex friend of obl. of course we were repeatedly told that islam is a religion of peace and most muslims are peace loving. or the old chestnut that muslims died in 9/11 attacks. just because muslims kill muslims, it means that islam is a religion of peace
i think a lot of ppl misunderstand environmentalism and islam, the religion of peace, so i’ve decided to educate the masses by printing the koran in english, on loo roll, so ppl can read it when having a dump, and then wipe their botty with it, hows that for sustainability
dont forget, islam, its the religion of peace, unless u slag it off, then its the religion that blow u to pieces
Radio 5 dead was as pathetic as ever this morning.
Agreed, the interview with the friend of OBL was truly shocking. Do you reckon they would have treated a friend of Enoch Powell in the same way?
Straw banging on about what a great job HE’D done and how Ken Clarke was right to carry on the policy HE’D devised all by himself was the final straw and I switched over. Do we ever hear about the truly crap Labour policies that the Coalition are getting rid of? Um, no not really.
Oh joy of joys !
Just watched “Daily Politics” expecting it be presented by Anita. Imagine my delight when it was gorgeous, pouting, Jo Coburn, my pin-up girl.
Studio guests were journalists Steve Richards and Nick Ferrari. With Jo, the 3 of them reminded me of nodding dogs in the back of a car, but without the intelligence.
Don’t have time to go into detail but the thrust was boringly predictible. Cuts, Coalition, Coulson.
But, some great quotes from Jo :-
When Israeli and Lebanese troops clashed a month ago on the eastern end of their border, near the village of Adaysseh, there were fears the incident would spark another intense and costly frontier war. Soldiers from both sides were killed and, for a while, an escalation right along the border seemed almost inevitable.…..That the incident was over within hours and a relative calm returned along the rugged and hilly frontier owed as much to the quick response and persuasive powers of United Nations peacekeepers in the region (Unifil), as anything else…..The fighting had started over something as apparently innocuous as an Israeli army patrol removing a small tree along the disputed frontier.In the days that followed it brought a quick realisation at Unifil headquarters that proper marking of the Blue Line (the agreed demarcation line between the two enemies,
So according to the bBC this was all about the demarcation of the border betweenIsrael and Lebanon. Nothing about how the Israels informed the UN they would be clearing debris from their side of the border, nothing about how after the UN informed the Lebanese they brought in snipers (and the media) in which to kill a few jews . Which they did by targeting officers 300 meters away from the guys on the ground, something the UN admits, but the bBC doesn’t.
What the bBC does do is demonise Israel by:
Blaming them for all the mines in the region. Really bBC defence experts?
By blaming the jews for alleged the re-arming of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, in contravention of UN Resolution 1701.
Which the bBC tries to substantiate by; saying “While Unifil bosses indicate they don’t recognise that level of threat and they have no evidence of such large-scale rearming,” And just to make sure that the reader is rightly informed of the righteous nature of Hezb-allah. Who the bBC says hasn’t rearmed. They give us this message;
“Only Hezbollah can defend the country,” he says with a broad grin.
Surely it takes weapons to do so bBC defence experts, weapons you claim that Hezb-allah hasn’t got.
Yet another anti-Israeli article by the plastic wannbe Muslims at the bBC.
The BBC was prepared to blow the story out of all proportion UNTILL it was found that Israel was blameless and innocent and was in fact opperating on its own side of the border with the consent of the UN.
When it was found that Lebanon was solely to blame then the BBC suddenly dropped the story like a used kleenex full of snot, thats the BBC for you isnt it?
BTW, what was the story behind the story do you think? What did Leabanon have to gain by its unprovoked murderous attack fully supported by a media circus I wonder?
Shortly afterwards the Lebanese regime opened a bank account and asked for it to be filled with international donations to modernize its armed forces.
What timing eh? Stir up a border clash and Bobs yer Mullah the cash from the islamist Jew haters pours into the bank account for the Lebanese armed forces, whats the betting that the Lebanon went to the great Satan for free weapons and was given the bums rush?
So the aim to murder a few Jews was a ploy to get the islamist cash rolling in to rearm with Chinese and Russian weaponry, still its only a Jew that was murdered, its not like he was a real person with a family and as we know the BBC dont want to know about some sub human untermenschen getting their just desserts.
I sensed the BBC was really pissed off that the longed for mega story fell flat and when they dropped it like a turd filled croissant you just knew at the time that they would return to the story later after re writing the events and leaving out the real reasons and the real culprits and true to form thats what the BBC did!
As Islam Not BBC (INBBC) will concentrate its political efforts on advancing the Islamic cause tomorrow, 9/11, here is some alternative information which INBBC will either censor or politically distort:
The BBC just showed footage of Mohammedans burning something and firing weapons and causing destruction because they’re angry that somebody suggested burning a Koran. Female Beeboid in the studio expresses her concern that these people seemed to be “unaware of the nuances of the story down in Florida”, i.e., that the pastor said he had put the book-burning on hold.
Of course, we know that’s no longer the case as he was either misled or (more likely) jumped to a conclusion last night, so I think the burning is going ahead as planned. But still, the BBC is missing the point: These people are already freaking out and destroying things simply because somebody expressed an unapproved thought. Nothing has happened yet – nobody has even lit a match in the same room as a Koran so far. But buildings are arlready destroyed, US flags burnt, so much foaming at the mouth. Over a thought, not a deed.
Maybe if the BBC and all the appeasing media hadn’t spent every five minutes screaming that someone had this unapproved thought, maybe there wouldn’t be these riots and destruction. Perhaps the BBC and all the other media dopes should have waited until it happened. But no, these poeple think that they have a right – no, a duty – to affect our behavior when they can, and so colluded to make a pre-emptive attack on one man’s personal, non-violent thought.
Personally, I think half the the riots about this in Pakistan are really a display of anger that someone has accused Muslims of cheating at cricket.
Frankly I am so sick of the BBC, and its stirring role in such things, that I have not watched any of their ‘output’ on this.
However, if SKY is any guide, the MSM has decided to bend over with our ‘statespersons’, touch toes and exclaim ‘Oh, wears the halal soap!?’.
Watched a lunchtime ‘report’ where the ‘reporter’ grabbed a passing person of colour, wound him up into a frenzy of how insulted he was and then may as well handed him a map of the nearest Army recruitment office.
Fortunately, I do have a means to express my views (while I can) in ways SKY can understand,… by withdrawing my custom (ad revenue eyeballs on news only: I fear I enjoy such as Eureka & 2 1/2 Men too much).
Sadly, in some other cases, this is not an option open to me.
Is it really too much to expect a Western Leader to condemn the proposed book burning, and at the same time call upon the Muslim World to respect the West’s sacrosanct values of free speech and to condemn any form of violence in response to the book burning? Is that really that difficult?
The problem we have is we lack democratic solidarity in the West. If one leader moved to make such a necessary invitiation, the rest would rush to distance themselves / condemn it in the hope their countries would get the trade deals this country is losing.
Pathetic. The West is morally bankrupt. We need West:
Anyone else catch queen Nikki Campbell, the man (well I think he’s a man) who laughingly admitted that when he runs he looks like Forest Gump do the phone in this morning?
He had some mad muzzie bitch on who Queen Nikki loved for a while until she talked about stoning women to death. 2It’s not in the Koran” stated dopey bitch, Dame Nicki grunted in approval. But then she went off on a rant about needing 4 witnesses (she didn’t point out they HAD to be men) to witness the ‘intercourse’ before she could be punished.
Poor Dame Nicki she was quickly faded down and booted off.
I always love it when Nicki gets on a Muzzie because you just know at some point they will go off message.
Also when Radio 5 interview someone from the 9/11 families it’s the same woman, she’s a George Bush hater and pro the Mosque. She’s a minority in the families but she’s the go to bint for the BBC.
Was it the same woman Mark Mardell gave the last word to in his little attack on people who might be opposed to it, the one he and his editor chose to follow the fireman’s father?
BBC NEWS 24 was leading all night (during its 1-6am anti-america zone) with the INCONSEQUENTIAL PASTOR SAYS HE WILL NOT BURN KORAN SHOCKER. Even many Guardian readers must be shaking their heads at the (Donald)trumped-up nature of this.
I imagine that the Beeb will soon commission its own Terry Jones, the ex-Python and faux-historian, to make his own documentary series blaming the rise of Al Qaeda retrospectively on this incident.
James Reynolds in Washington just said something which is a perfect example of how the BBC has completely lost objectivity. The blonde female in the studio was talking to him about – what else? – the coverage of the Pastor Who Expressed An Unapproved Thought And Hasn’t Done Anything Yet.
This guy leads “what is essentially a fringe group,” says Reynolds. It’s just a little country church, James, not a “group”, not a sect, not anything except an independent little church who have brought no harm to anyone. It just shows how little the sophisticated, worldly Beeboids understand about the multitude of little worship groups that exist in Christendom. Actually, Judaism and Islam and Buddhism also have this kaleidoscope of worshipers. Yet the Beeboids see this little church as some kind of organized religious group with a specific school of thought and dogma.
It’s just a little country church, yet the BBC looks at them less respectfully and with less understanding than they do at Amazonian tribesmen who have tasted human flesh.
But that’s not the worst part. The main point of their discussion was about how this isolated little story somehow “sparked a media frenzy”, reverberating around the world. The Beeboids are clearly aware of the idea that it might be the media who have created this international outrage, and maybe they shouldn’t be giving this such prominence and inflame everybody’s anger. We saw this the other night during Newsnight’s moment of cognitive dissonance on the same subject.
So the blonde asks Reynolds if the media is being a little more self-aware today in the reporting of this story. No, says Reynolds. It’s only become a big media sensation because the “upper-echelon” US political figures are talking about it publicly. Seriously, that’s what he said. Complete denial that Hillary and Gen. Petraeus and the President only made statements because the media had already stoked this up to an insane level.
It’s like they have no self-awareness, no objectivity, no clue at all.
That’s a good point. If you buy into the narrative- as the BBC clearly does- that this incident will inflame anger and possibly violence, why run it so prominently? If anyone is harmed due to this hysteria, the BBC will have blood on its hands.
But there has been no incident yet. Nothing has happened, no Korans even singed. All the violence and freaking out – including Muslims shooting Muslims in Afghanistan now, as George R showed above – is happening because of a thought, and idea. The BBC and the rest of the media are justifying this insane anger because they, too, disapprove of the pastor’s thoughts. And they’ve already done a few segments over the last couple of days trying to promote the idea that the law should be changed so that people who express unapproved thoughts like this can be arrested for it.
Very true, the Pastor has been called a ‘lunatic’, ‘nutter’ and close to being locked up on many occasions.
Any objectivity by the BBC has been lost. Is calling someone a ‘nutter’ acceptable on BBC news? I think Jeremy Clarkson was picked up for calling Richard Hammond ‘a mental’ on Top Gear in a joking moment. Yet Nicki Campbell and Paxman and others can call this man a nutter etc without any complaint.
When Clarkson called Hammond a ‘mental’ I remember the BBC getting some po faced old hag on form some mental illness charity to rant on about how un PC Top Gear was (well Top Gear is supposed to be un PC) yet Campbell and Paxman throw the world nutter around without any care.
Yes, part of sensible and responsible news reporting is to apportion time and attention to a subject in proportion with its significance within the universe.
The intensity with which this single individual’s actions have been broadcast is wholly disproportionate with his significance.
Contrary to what the BBC would have you believe, he is a non-entity with no sort of following. He’s really not very newsworthy. At all.
But then I’d never expect the BBC to show any grasp of sensible or responsible reporting.
BBC failed to report that Unite Against Fascism national officer Martin Smith has been convicted of assaulting a Police Officer at the BBC Question Time edition with Nick Griffin, although a quick search seems to show that all mainstream outlets have failed to report this.
Is this because David Cameron and and other MPs are signatories of the UAF? UAF has changed its website and the list of signatories seems to have disappeared.
Yet another Beeboid in Florida to stoke up hatred against this dopey pastor. How many of them are there now to create this story? Do they each have their own crew and do reports for individual divisions of the BBC? Are they tag-teaming it where one Beeboid comes in after the other one leaves? All for an unapproved thought.
Now there’s yet another Mohammedan spokesman in the studio, and they’re talking about how they shouldn’t be giving this pastor the oxygen of publicity.
And now we’re getting – once again – the justification for violence over an unapproved thought. It’s the end of Ramadan, everyone has spent the month in religious fervor, studying the Koran, etc., so of course they’re going to want to kill. And Islam DOES NOT come from a violent culture. No, sir.
The interesting thing here is what happens the next time a rag head demands something from the west? Say insisting that in Muslim cities in the UK, the mini skirt is banned? What happens if the UK refuses to comply? Do we get the rag heads rioting and threatening to kill us again?
Will the west back down every time?
Oh and were not Churchill’s Gin fuelled anti Hitler diatribes an excuse for German soldiers to kill and bomb us in the UK? Did anyone ever tell Churchill to “shut up you’re only making things worse?” I don’t think so.
You know I don’t think enough westerners we’re murdered on 9/11. I think it will take the deaths of hundreds of thousands of westerners (probably a nuclear strike by Muslims) for our gutless politicians to finally stand up. Even then the BBC will be demanding WE show tolerance.
Would Nicki Campbell think we should show ‘tolerance’ to the Germans when they were bombing our cities and murdering millions in the name of Hitler?
In my anger, I forgot to add the other outrageous claim made by the Mohammedan mouthpiece and met with nodding head by the Beeboid.
He suggested that the pastor deliberately chose the day for his book burning because it was the end of Ramadan and he wanted to hurt Muslims in this holy time. I’m not joking, that’s what he said. What about September @#$@ing 11? Does that date have any significance? Hello?
My thanks to everyone who gave suggestions to me on the previous open thread about tomorrow’s memorial rally at Ground Zero. My intention is not to confront Beeboids, but to get footage of as much as possible (maybe talk to a couple people) to provide a full picture of who is there and what they’re up to, in the hopes of countering any biased interpretation the BBC will show you.
I will definitely be looking for Beeboids to see just what they’re doing, who they’re talking to, so we can get the full context of whatever details they end up reporting. If one of them decides to talk to me (I may or may not be wearing a provocative t-shirt with this on it, depending on whether or not I get laundry done today), I’ll certainly talk to them. But I’m not going there looking for a fight at all. I’d prefer to do my own thing to balance out whatever the BBC does.
Also, I will be looking for supporters of the intended Islamic Center and mosque near Ground Zero who believe that the US deserved 9/11. We already know the BBC won’t tell you about that, as they’ve censored expressions of that sentiment by the imam behind the project.
Please do wear that T-Shirt DP. It can mean all things to all people. What the pro-Super Mosque crowd would take it to mean is you’re one of them. That way you could maybe draw them out on their true feelings about 9/11. Could produce some great material. Just one thing, have someone with you, just in case.
Well the Islamic month of Ramadan (which the bBC has more than informed me is where muslims refrain from Sex/evil thoughts and food) is almost at an end and unable to hold their lust for blood back any longer the peaceful democratically elected terrorist sorry political Hamas party has unleashed an attack on those nasty jews next door.
Reading the bBC excuse for a news article you get the impression that the peaceful Muslims of Gaza have all being reading the unholy koran and abstaining from food (doesn’t explain why so many fat bastards live there) these past 30 days and explains why Hamas have been trying very hard in which to stop non-Muslims (well they must be as Islam is a religion of peace) from launching homemade rockets against their neighbor. But why are the peace loving Muslims of gaza doing so? the bBC article doesn’t tell me, I wonder could it have something to do with how Hamas have stated they will derail the peace talks currently in place. But if peace transpires between Israel and Fatah does that mean Hamas will lose any legitimate excuse in which to target kinder garden schools at school times (Kind of left that out bBC) and thus be denied the right to play the victim. How will Abu Bowen take this News?
Blood lust and rage junkies, deranged psychopathic nutters who are ready and waiting to express their rage and racist hatred.
Now Mr Obama/Cameron/Gay Billy/Clinton and all the rest of the political tribe all claim that the book burning would do what and lead to what?
What, are the islamist going to burn more flags and effigies than they already do and call for the murder of more innocents more loudly than before?
Are the terrorist loony tunes going to kill more innocents than they already are and plant more roadside bombs and recruit more suicide killers than they already do?
Are the rage mobs going to increase their rage factor if the burning goes ahead or is it simply that whatever the West does the rage’N’hate industry will keep rolling along killing and threatening and bombing into islamist heaven?
As others have already said, not a page of the putrid book has been singed so far and yet the rage industry is out in force in Pakistan, BTW despite the floods and the hundreds of millions in aid from the great Satan, the rage industry is very busy burning US flags by the hundred!
All too ready to grub for charity from the infidel while stocking up for the days of rage that will come whatever the West does or doesnt do.
The real truth is that it aint about what we do or what alleged insults we perpetrate, its about real evil intent, its about a pathological hatred of the infidel, those greasy smug islamists who pay lip service to peace know that time, colonisation, birth rates and the degeneration of the west will swamp the infidel.
I’m obviously missing something. Barry Obama said that the Pastor’s comments are putting US soldiers at risk. No shit!!! Just how many have died in the last few weeks? Not a Koran burning in sight either.
These gutless politicians are shitting themselves over Muslims, we have millions of the enemy within now and we can’t get rid. Sooner or later something is going to set off a chain of events that will set the world ablaze, just look at what triggered WW1.
Iran with a nuke and a load of mad Mullahs just won’t be able to resist it.
My concern with Iran is not a full on nuke strike (they know that would be difficult to get away with) but what about a dirty bomb?
Simply pack plenty of radioactive material into a conventional device and detonate in the centre of a large city. The radioactive contamination would cause utter chaos. Iran could easily supply the material and the rag heads already have the ability to build large conventional bombs.
Imagine the centre of London a no go area for the nest 100 years.
‘Imagine the centre of London a no go area for the nest 100 years.’,
Is that why the Beeb have moved to Manchester,do they know something we dont know..
This is the real danger and all too likely. Israel is almost certainly an unlikely target as their retaliation would be immediate and devastating. The assumption would be that Iran was ultimately responsible.
Can you imagine what would happen here or in any other European country. Total paralysis. A Royal Commission to find out who exactly planted the bomb.And no real retaliation at all.
No where in Western Europe is safe in the long or even medium term. Russia is since Russia would instantly retaliate.
The future is bleak.
I just wish the President had also expressed his own hope that those good angels he spoke of would have a word with all those angry Mohammedans and remind them that they’re supposed to be members of the Religion of Peace.
I’m told by a reliable source there was a friendly chat with Caroline Lucas on the Today show this morning which was free of the interruptions and sneers which characterise BBC interviews with people not identifiable with the various narratives the BBC peddles
It’s been almost a year now since Panorama dumped a couple of Asians on a sink estate in Bristol to find out how the ‘filthy white under-class scum’ would react. Like any vulnerable person walking through such an area they were picked upon because of physical appearance, in this instance obviously it was their skin colour but could just as easily have been someone’s hair style, dress sense etc.
This programme demonstrated just how ignorant the liberal elite are and how little they know about these deprived areas of Britain.
In typical BBC style they gave out racist attack figures simply by the numbers committed upon each race, not by percentages of each race charged with this crime (which would show ethnic minorities are far far more over-represented than white British).
I wrote to the BBC pointing this out and also asked if, in the name of ‘due impartiality’, we can expect to see a white couple or perhaps even a gay couple sent to the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham to see how they get treated by the residents.
Obviously the reply was the usual BBC excuse-making and lying. So, any BBC representatives who may be reading, I’d just like to say, I’m still waiting.
I urge you to all watch this video too:
3.5 Earthquake hit Sofia, Bulgaria today (the third in a fortnight). Nobody killed and only fairly light damage thankfully, but absolutely zero coverage on the Beeb.
What would the story been like had it been a black or Muslim country with a large left-wing ‘fake charity’ presence to support; and not a largely white EU capital, one has to wonder?
Mark Mardell on the news at 10 stated that Obama used a rare news conference to condemn the actions of the Pastor. Did I hear this correct? A rare news conference? It wasn’t rare for Bary to comment on this story so it certainly couldn’t mean that. Next up we hear of how Obama also broke with tradition by using a teleprompter and showed uncharacteristic arrogance.
The President has been on the campaign trail for a couple of weeks already. He’s giving several speeches along the way, including today’s “Me, me, me, Booooosh, Booooosh, Booooosh, I’m pointing my finger at Republicans for wanting to give money to millionaires” speech which was about – I think – somebody’s criticism of Him. There might have been another reason, but there was no indication of it in the speech.
And oh yes: The footage the BBC has been showing every five minutes as soon as the cameraman hit the “stop” button was a separate special appearance in front of a camera. Not in the middle of any “news conference”. So He responded twice because the media have whipped up a maelstrom of hate?
If this had been a cause promoted by the Daily Mail…..
While everyone is enjoying the BBC’s recognition of the 9th anniversary of the only time the majority of the Muslim World danced in the streets in unison about anything, here’s an article from a racist conservative (to hear the BBC tell it, the only reason for opposition to the you-know-what near the you-know-where).
How interesting that the BBC and Sky managed to quickly find out all about the Florida Pastor and his ‘alleged’ comments etc in Germany.
BUT can anyone remember a single BBC report on the comments from the New York rag head who wants to build the Mosque? His links to terrorist groups, his comments that America deserved it on 911 and the terrorist money links to the proposed Mosque?
You know just like the media managed to dig up crap on Sarah Palin in seconds yet failed to pick up on Barry Obama’s terrorist links his corruption over land deals and so on.
The bBC and ‘Not the Nine O/Clock news.’ How often do you find the bBC reporting how some nut job has gone postal in the US and decided to let his gun do the talking? I think you will find all the time, simply because: a) The bBC hates the US b) The bBC loves to look down at the US So with that in mind, how many people have heard the story of how a woman who after arguing with 3 work mates was escorted out of the factory she had worked at for 15 years, returned a while later and decided to shoot 2 of those people dead and critically injure the third. No? I wonder if the reason the bBC hasn’t reported the news is because the lady in question is a …..peaceful member of a certain religion of peace celebrating the end of ramadan and the start of Eid.
On that note , how many people knew it was the Jewish new year on Wednesday just gone. None if you get all your news from the bBC.
The BBC already explained to me that, as this is the end of Ramadan, Muslims like this woman would be in an emotionally heightened state from spending the month in prayer and studying the Koran and focusing on her connection to Allah. So it’s no surprise at all to me – now that the BBC has had on experts to inform me how this works – that this woman would kill someone if she was offended.
just seen a programme about the beeb’s coverage of 9/11 by david shyler on sky,the beeb haven’t got copies of their live programmes as it all happened….strange why that was so…..they told us about WT 7 building collapsing 20 mins before it did…a cover up..????
And as per the bBCs mission statement there is only one god and his name is allah. message for the day. Christ even Christmas doesn’t get as much coverage as this. But then Christ was just some bloke who gave out a few teachings according to the bBC, I quote from the bBCs religion web site: Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christwho lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad.
Yup only mohammed revealed his message to humanity according to the bBC, the rest of the world just happen to get by on the teachings of some bloke or another. Why if you should happen to have 5 minutes spare have a butchers at how Islam is feted in the quick religion synopsis while the others aren’t on the bBCs religion page.
The bBC which has reported on how bad the peoples of the world are for not giving enough Aid to the peoples of Pakistan (while leaving out how Western Aid is been openly sold on the Bazaars of Pakistan and how Christians are being denied aid unless they convert to Islam) has now posted a load of pictures of how these poor people who have nothing are having to construct shelters in their devastated land… Really bBC lets have another look at those photos you post.
Photo 1..utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo2 .. utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo3.. utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo4..IS that a dog I see and there i was thinking (because the bbC keeps telling me that Muslims don’t like dogs)
Photo5..utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses with a 4X4 and a truck on concrete while people live on dirt.
Photo7.. utter utter devastation But what’s that in the background why it’s a concrete house.
As much as I feel sorry for the people of Paksitan (Not) They should be helping their own now if the people who live in those nice houses can’t be bothered to allow those poor wrenched people to camp out on their concrete car ports why should I bother crying over a country which has more tanks, jet fighters and ships than the UK. Let the muslims help their own out, this is natures way of saying you breed like f-ing rats.
The BBC go straight for the heart string tugging pictures, its emotional blackmail of the worst kind, highly edited and highly censored reports.
The BBC uses all its trickery and deceit to manipulate the viewer, it presents a picture that is fundamentally flawed ad dishonest. The reports could have been crafted by oxfam, all that was missing was the violins playing a dirge in the background but at last many people are seeing the reality that the BBC never shows us.
Standing next to the pastor is an Asian man…no not the mullah but the other Asian man whose words of support for the pastor the BBC sees fit not to report, the Asian man is a Christian preacher so obviously the BBC just cannot get their tiny warped racist little minds around the fact that the Pastor not only has support for his views but the supporter is not a redneck bigot racist whitey…Ooooooh Nooooo! That would really put a crimp in the BBC narrative wouldnt it?
The BBC are trying so hard to portray the pastor as having no supporters, the BBC claim they cannot find anyone who supports him(yeah right) BUT look at who is standing right next to him? Oh dear me, the race bigot angle of attack lays in ruins so what does the BBC do? Oh yes folks they censor him out and effectively silence him!
You see how the BBC thinks and opperates?
He obviously doesn’t hold the opinions deemed “appropriate” for his race, so he’s not really Asian. In the same way that Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice etc etc aren’t really black.
Just watched BBC Breakfast (boycotting SKY after their incitement attempts yesterday) and a moderately calm report about the NYC mosque.
Nice old smiley imam not fussed where the mosque goes, but he does need one on account of them all being currently in a parking lot as they will need more and more space.
Hold that thought.
Fortunately the teleprompter readers have on a nice guest to ask a set of loaded questions to conflate 9/11 terrorists actions with the possibility of setting fire to a book… which is now not happening (possibly).
The BBC is always concerned with what messages get sent out.
Watching the utterly objective newspaper (guess which ‘serious’ ones – all with ‘good’ stories) ‘review’ by utterly objective newspaper reviewer Simon Fanshawe.
Top was one in the Indy by Robert Fisk, which was conceded could be viewed as ‘a bit of a rant’.
But no….
If you think this with your own reading… you are wrong!
I have to wonder if is the BBC’s (via words placed in teleprompter readers’ mouths) place to inform us that this ‘journalist’ knows what he is talking about and anything he comes out with is without question true. With the gilding of a cuddly luvvy agreeing with them.
The fact that they are all offering an opinion on an opinion, yet presenting it as the only way to think on a highly complex story, speaks volumes on how corrupted by the views as news meme they now are.
Imagine if Littlejohn was invited on to require all right-thinking (!) folk to pay homage to every word penned by James Delingpole because, well, he cannot be wrong, with happy-clappy blonde and bouffant Beeboids beaming on and in fact setting up the whole… um… se-up.
One suspects the BBC twit-squad would immediately kick in to create a ‘campaign’ of a good score of mates to object, that would be ‘picked up’ by the Guardian to get noticed (‘Roger, new fax in the machine!’) by the BBC to report on the need to be balanced.
quote… “the BBC will probably be the only freely available…”
It’s not freely available. It’s subscription based, like the Times or WSJ. It’s funny how those who work at the BBC seem to forget who pays their wages.
Funny ha-ha? Or funny [insert less cuddly term about ability to report accurately/mindsets, etc here]
After the nth repeat this morning of the story (actually quite worth running) about abuses of parking laws by scammers moving from now illegal clamps to ‘issuing tickets’, I wrote to Aunty to enquire when they might turn their attention to the institutional abuses by LGAs, that are no different.
Such as the extortion racket where, if you have a legitimate objection, they have the right to hike the fine at each stage (if proven correct, you do not enjoy the same escalating reward), whilst using a computerised system to ignore any human discussion (or reasoned assessment), relying on the fact that 30% pay up as the one-sided pressure is racked up. Don Corleone would be impressed by such a ‘guilty until you withstand our threats’ technique.
I can see why looking at such dubious revenue generation practices might be a wee bit close to home for the uniquely funded BBC.
I am perilously close to risking a lot of grief by with-holding payment for grotesque abuses of the terms of ‘service’, but not terribly confident that the ‘law’ of this mis-led land would even break its stride in allowing a fair hearing.
I loved the use of FatBoy Slim’s ‘Praise You’ tune on Newshite last night when giving the Labour leadership contenders another chunk of air time.
The BBC`s dire “on line Magazine” is managing to blame Margret Thatcher for the death of saterday morning childrens television! (what happened to childrens saterday morning TV) Really I cannot understand the continuing vitriol that the BBC pour out against the ex Prime Minister.
There wasn’t a word from the BBC about the violent anti-democratic nature of the anarchist thugs from the UAF organisation when they were outside the BBC studios smashing public property and attacking police officers during the pantomime edition of Question Time. All they had were a few ‘interviews’ with their leaders (all of whom have serious criminal records) spouting some meaningless nonsense about 1930’s Germany.
I take great delight in informing you that one of their leaders has been found guilty of kicking a Police Officer in the knackers.
What is interesting though is that this hasn’t been mentioned in the mainstream media (compare this with the hysteria we see whenever an ‘extreme right’ group does so much as wave a flag) and the claims from many union leaders, left-wing journalists etc. that communist thugs should be able to indiscriminately attack anyone who they happen to disagree with.
classic Radio 5, the mong that runs the HMRC has refused ot say sorry for the mess. But why did stupid female beeboid on Radio 5 then state that the current government were trying to dodge things by blaming the last government.
So this is how the BBC works, this was a clear screw up from the last mong filled Government, led by the kings of mongs the one eyed one.
Yet the BBC have NEVER pointed out this simple fact that this was (just like the FSA) Brown tinkering and merging departments that simply created chaos.
Did anyone elese catch the 9am Radio 4 show “Saturday Live” today ? I was minding my own business washing the breakfast pots when on comes a show presented by a trendy Rev straight out of central casting who even used to be in a pop group. Does anyone else remember the Radio comedy show Radioactive from the late 80’s ? Well this guy reminded me of their character the “Right On Reverend Right”. The first article was about the plight of the Roma..
Sorry folks I would love to report how bad it was but I really couldn’t take it and I’m not brave enough either so turned off !
They are already there and in half a dozen other places and more are coming by the day, coaches from the east arrive weekly.
Of course we have tens of thousands of council houses ready and waiting there are no waiting lists and the NHS has lots of free space for them. Our legendary budget surplus means we can afford to house and provide for every Roma family that wants to come, they are ready and waiting to do their bit to help the UK economy too! The gangs of beggars and pickpockets will stimulate the economy and the traffic light car wash will delight people.
So there you have it folks, everyones a winner innit? We get to experience the delights of a roma wonderland just like they created in eastern Europe. Perhaps we could arrange shanty town tours just like SA, where whitey goes into the squalid hovels for a bit of genuine tird world experience.
But dont forget the mantra, if you disagree or have any doubts then you are a racist bigot KKK loving hate merchant.
Esler’s always-irritating Dateline London started by drivelling on about how we’d over-reacted to 9/11 (which I’ve slagged off elsewhere). Guess what subject they turned to next?
Esler did his silly little introduction then turned to (of all people) Polly Toynbee and asked “Do you think that anyone who edits a paper like the News of the World should be invited into government anyway?”
Not-so-pretty-Polly answered ‘No, certainly not.”
As Guest Who would say, “Unique!”.
When mild-mannered Thomas Kielinger of Die Welt wondered aloud why papers like the Guardian (and, though he didn’t say it, the BBC) were just going after the News of the World over phone-hacking allegations, Esler and Polly Toynbee pounced on him.
When Polly had a go at the select committee that looked into the matter (and found no wrongdoing on Coulson’s part), saying that they’d pulled punches because they feared attack from the Murdoch press, Esler backed her up, saying “Isn’t that blackmail?” She replied, “Of course it is.”
Happily, the American liberal mentioned the “old discredited Labour grandees” playing party politics with the issue & cast doubt on the New York Times‘s ‘proof’ and the Irish guest said that most people would be “absolutely amazed to see this on the front pages day after day after day.” Polly wasn’t happy about that! (Of course, he should have said that people would be “absolutely amazed to see this on the New Channel hour after hour after hour”!)
The main lesson here is that Gavin Esler should keep his opinions to himself. He rarely does though.
Did dumbfvck Esler object so vociferously to the Daily Mirror’s Alistair Campbell gong into Govt for Labour at the time, or is he just the biased pig-ignorant imbecile I recognise him as ?
Gavin Essler is a twat of the first order. Even sitting next to 250 pound sof fat (Toynbee) he still looks a bigger mong than her.
I wonder if St Polly has decided what she’s going to once that mong like twat of a husband of hers is sacked. Well done Eric Pickles, shame you’re not in charge of the BBC.
Yes. But what a nightmare for the accountants aftwards regarding payments and rights. And for what? 1%? How about all those people in the private sector who’ve already had their pensions slashed far more?
Just watched Andrew Marrshmallow ‘interview’ Bob Crow.
The former… is a market rate talent we are required to pay for?
The latter… makes Pastor Tel seem like a coherent voice of reason in his area of expertise, yet gets a free pass to talk absolute Unspeak with near zero counter as to the logical fallacies trotted out.
So BBC News 24 bangs on about cuts again. WE get ugly female beeboid interviewing the very ugly Yvette Cooper (boy has she got bad skin) and giving her a lengthy interview. THen we get a very short sound bite from Danny Alexander (about 10 seconds) THEN we get another long interview between Andrew Mong and Hattie Hatemenperson.
Then we get ugly female beeboid interviewing very camp male beeboid who slags off Government again.
Radio 5 last night. Dotun Adebayo was on and the female news reader announced that Tory Lord Sainsbury was giving £25 million to the British Museum.
“He’s Labour not Tory, Labour” was Dotuns cry actually cutting across her rather rudely. Of course the useless mong was wrong but it just sohws the mentality of Adetwat boy and the BBC.
One of the organisers of ‘Protest the Pope’ condemning Pope Benedict for failing to protect children from sex abuse is in favour of sex with children as young as 9:-
A few minutes ago, a sports reporter for INBBC at England v Pakistan cricket game in Leeds mentioned that half the crowd supported Pakistan.
Of course, he didn’t mention that the reason for this relates to such Pakistan supporters (who may have been born in England) give their preferred political allegiance to Islam, to Pakistan, not to Britain. Pakistan cricket cheats notwithstanding.
Chicken and Egg. The Mid East page ran this leading story link Exchange of fire near Gaza border with this leading paragraph: A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip explodes in Israel, hours after Israeli air raids against Hamas targets in the Palestinian territory. This suggests the Palestinian rocket was retaliation for an Israeli attack.
Actually clicking to the link brings one to Israel, Palestinian militants trade fire at Gaza border. There we find that Five rockets were fired into Israel since Monday. There were either two or four attacks from Israel on Thursday. Another rocket into Israel on Friday (referenced by the link).
So who started the exchange? Media researchers claim the headline and first paragraph are most important because many read no further. The BBC narrative is reinforced by the link. Israel attacked for no apparent reason and the Palestinians were forced to respond.
At least three Palestinians have been killed by shell fire near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, reports say.Medical staff and witnesses said Israel had fired shells across the border near the town of Beit Hanoun in Gaza….Israeli army radio described the people killed as “terrorists” and said that at least one of them was armed.
And here is how the Palestinians News agency based in the West Bank reports the story;
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli shelling killed three people including an elderly man in the northern Gaza Strip late Sunday, witnesses said. The bodies of shepherds Ibrahim Abu Said, 91, and Ismail Abu Odeh, 21, were taken to a hospital in Beit Hanoun, medics said.
Earlier reports said only two were killed.
An Israeli military spokesman said forces identified a number of suspects attempting to fire an RPG toward an Israeli position. He said forces fired on the Palestinians, apparently hitting them.
Two projectiles landed in the western Negev hours earlier, officials from the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council said. The Israeli military said three projectiles landed in Israel on Sunday
When you have the PLO affording a much better account than the bBC and with more balance to the story. Then you really can claim that there is something rotten at the bBC.
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
My usual morning listening is Kiss 100 The Original Funky Dread More Kicking Than A Mad Cow Mooo but unfortunately this morning I had Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State inflicted on me. :'(
There was a non-story about the ‘success’ of something called Academies-That-Labour-Established. This is blink and you’d miss it stuff. Firstly, the release from the National Audit Office didn’t mention ‘Labour’, that was added by some BBC schoolboy ‘editor’ (read ‘shiller’). Secondly I wonder if the report had been talking of failure whether a similar attribution would have been made or whether the story would have got a mention at all. (I don’t wonder, actually, I know).
The poor saps like to flatter themselves that they’re journalists – they’re nothing but second-hand salesmen for Project Re-elect Labour.
With the truly lovestruck Sheila Fuggerty tittering coquettishly in the background at his every utterance, Queen Nikki (for whom gravitas is a smoked salmon. Gravadlax? Oh please yourselves) interviewed a former friend of Osama Bin Laden. Launching into into an encomium the fellow got lost for a word to describe OBL – the Queen jumped in with ‘charismatic’.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to think that there are quite a few words I would use to describe OBL before I got to ‘charismatic’ – ‘murderous’ for one.
Meanwhile Fuggarty carried on tittering coquettishly in the background. It’s what she does.
Finally in the daily Former-New-Labour-Minister Explains-Resoundingly-Successful-Policy-He-Worked-Extremely-Hard-At we had Jack Straw.
Unfortunately I can’t remember the policy.
On Labour’s last Straw: his successful policy of Islamising his constituency of Blackburn (and the rest of Britain) as fast as possible?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to think that there are quite a few words I would use to describe OBL before I got to ‘charismatic’ – ‘murderous’ for one.
In one of John ‘I liberated Kabul’ Simpson’s books he describes Bin Laden as handsome. This is with full knowledge of the fact that Bin Laden tried to have Simpson murdered for the heinous crime of being an Infidel.
I guess the BBC’s indoctrination – which I’m guessing is ten times stronger for employees than the stuff they put on air – really messes your mind up.
The indoctrination would be courtesy of ‘Common Purpose”!
Did he really use the word charismatic to describe OBL?…holy moses what a knob!
At the risk of being the out man out. OBL is extremely charismatic as was Adolf Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Ayatollah Khomenei and dozens of other ‘leaders’ .
No, you’re not the odd man out.
i was shocked that they were going to interview an ex friend of obl. of course we were repeatedly told that islam is a religion of peace and most muslims are peace loving. or the old chestnut that muslims died in 9/11 attacks. just because muslims kill muslims, it means that islam is a religion of peace
i think a lot of ppl misunderstand environmentalism and islam, the religion of peace, so i’ve decided to educate the masses by printing the koran in english, on loo roll, so ppl can read it when having a dump, and then wipe their botty with it, hows that for sustainability
dont forget, islam, its the religion of peace, unless u slag it off, then its the religion that blow u to pieces
Radio 5 dead was as pathetic as ever this morning.
Agreed, the interview with the friend of OBL was truly shocking. Do you reckon they would have treated a friend of Enoch Powell in the same way?
Straw banging on about what a great job HE’D done and how Ken Clarke was right to carry on the policy HE’D devised all by himself was the final straw and I switched over. Do we ever hear about the truly crap Labour policies that the Coalition are getting rid of? Um, no not really.
What a joke.
Oh joy of joys !
Just watched “Daily Politics” expecting it be presented by Anita. Imagine my delight when it was gorgeous, pouting, Jo Coburn, my pin-up girl.
Studio guests were journalists Steve Richards and Nick Ferrari. With Jo, the 3 of them reminded me of nodding dogs in the back of a car, but without the intelligence.
Don’t have time to go into detail but the thrust was boringly predictible. Cuts, Coalition, Coulson.
But, some great quotes from Jo :-
“slash and burn cuts”
“not complete Armageddon”
The next Labour leader will be “annointed”.
The next Labour leader will be “annointed”
I’d quite happily ‘anoint’ the next Labour leader.
Sniiirrrfffff chrrrcccchhht pthow.
Oops sorry Mr Miliband, my bad.
“Protests sweep Afghanistan” (Oh wait)
I see the bBC has written another biased article on Israel.
De-mining volatile Israeli-Lebanese frontier
When Israeli and Lebanese troops clashed a month ago on the eastern end of their border, near the village of Adaysseh, there were fears the incident would spark another intense and costly frontier war. Soldiers from both sides were killed and, for a while, an escalation right along the border seemed almost inevitable.…..That the incident was over within hours and a relative calm returned along the rugged and hilly frontier owed as much to the quick response and persuasive powers of United Nations peacekeepers in the region (Unifil), as anything else…..The fighting had started over something as apparently innocuous as an Israeli army patrol removing a small tree along the disputed frontier.In the days that followed it brought a quick realisation at Unifil headquarters that proper marking of the Blue Line (the agreed demarcation line between the two enemies,
(Part 2)
So according to the bBC this was all about the demarcation of the border betweenIsrael and Lebanon. Nothing about how the Israels informed the UN they would be clearing debris from their side of the border, nothing about how after the UN informed the Lebanese they brought in snipers (and the media) in which to kill a few jews . Which they did by targeting officers 300 meters away from the guys on the ground, something the UN admits, but the bBC doesn’t.
What the bBC does do is demonise Israel by:
Blaming them for all the mines in the region. Really bBC defence experts?
By blaming the jews for alleged the re-arming of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, in contravention of UN Resolution 1701.
Which the bBC tries to substantiate by; saying “While Unifil bosses indicate they don’t recognise that level of threat and they have no evidence of such large-scale rearming,” And just to make sure that the reader is rightly informed of the righteous nature of Hezb-allah. Who the bBC says hasn’t rearmed. They give us this message;
“Only Hezbollah can defend the country,” he says with a broad grin.
Surely it takes weapons to do so bBC defence experts, weapons you claim that Hezb-allah hasn’t got.
Yet another anti-Israeli article by the plastic wannbe Muslims at the bBC.
The BBC was prepared to blow the story out of all proportion UNTILL it was found that Israel was blameless and innocent and was in fact opperating on its own side of the border with the consent of the UN.
When it was found that Lebanon was solely to blame then the BBC suddenly dropped the story like a used kleenex full of snot, thats the BBC for you isnt it?
BTW, what was the story behind the story do you think? What did Leabanon have to gain by its unprovoked murderous attack fully supported by a media circus I wonder?
Shortly afterwards the Lebanese regime opened a bank account and asked for it to be filled with international donations to modernize its armed forces.
What timing eh? Stir up a border clash and Bobs yer Mullah the cash from the islamist Jew haters pours into the bank account for the Lebanese armed forces, whats the betting that the Lebanon went to the great Satan for free weapons and was given the bums rush?
So the aim to murder a few Jews was a ploy to get the islamist cash rolling in to rearm with Chinese and Russian weaponry, still its only a Jew that was murdered, its not like he was a real person with a family and as we know the BBC dont want to know about some sub human untermenschen getting their just desserts.
I sensed the BBC was really pissed off that the longed for mega story fell flat and when they dropped it like a turd filled croissant you just knew at the time that they would return to the story later after re writing the events and leaving out the real reasons and the real culprits and true to form thats what the BBC did!
A deft piece of disinformation for Israel’s enemies indeed. Wyre Davis has form:
As Islam Not BBC (INBBC) will concentrate its political efforts on advancing the Islamic cause tomorrow, 9/11, here is some alternative information which INBBC will either censor or politically distort:
September 11: Join Us at Ground Zero for Rally of Remembrance — Yes to Freedom, No to Ground Zero Mosque
The BBC just showed footage of Mohammedans burning something and firing weapons and causing destruction because they’re angry that somebody suggested burning a Koran. Female Beeboid in the studio expresses her concern that these people seemed to be “unaware of the nuances of the story down in Florida”, i.e., that the pastor said he had put the book-burning on hold.
Of course, we know that’s no longer the case as he was either misled or (more likely) jumped to a conclusion last night, so I think the burning is going ahead as planned. But still, the BBC is missing the point: These people are already freaking out and destroying things simply because somebody expressed an unapproved thought. Nothing has happened yet – nobody has even lit a match in the same room as a Koran so far. But buildings are arlready destroyed, US flags burnt, so much foaming at the mouth. Over a thought, not a deed.
Maybe if the BBC and all the appeasing media hadn’t spent every five minutes screaming that someone had this unapproved thought, maybe there wouldn’t be these riots and destruction. Perhaps the BBC and all the other media dopes should have waited until it happened. But no, these poeple think that they have a right – no, a duty – to affect our behavior when they can, and so colluded to make a pre-emptive attack on one man’s personal, non-violent thought.
Personally, I think half the the riots about this in Pakistan are really a display of anger that someone has accused Muslims of cheating at cricket.
Perfect dissection, David.
Frankly I am so sick of the BBC, and its stirring role in such things, that I have not watched any of their ‘output’ on this.
However, if SKY is any guide, the MSM has decided to bend over with our ‘statespersons’, touch toes and exclaim ‘Oh, wears the halal soap!?’.
Watched a lunchtime ‘report’ where the ‘reporter’ grabbed a passing person of colour, wound him up into a frenzy of how insulted he was and then may as well handed him a map of the nearest Army recruitment office.
Fortunately, I do have a means to express my views (while I can) in ways SKY can understand,… by withdrawing my custom (ad revenue eyeballs on news only: I fear I enjoy such as Eureka & 2 1/2 Men too much).
Sadly, in some other cases, this is not an option open to me.
Aunty… and others… YOU CAUSED THIS.
Is it really too much to expect a Western Leader to condemn the proposed book burning, and at the same time call upon the Muslim World to respect the West’s sacrosanct values of free speech and to condemn any form of violence in response to the book burning? Is that really that difficult?
The problem we have is we lack democratic solidarity in the West. If one leader moved to make such a necessary invitiation, the rest would rush to distance themselves / condemn it in the hope their countries would get the trade deals this country is losing.
Pathetic. The West is morally bankrupt. We need West:
Anyone else catch queen Nikki Campbell, the man (well I think he’s a man) who laughingly admitted that when he runs he looks like Forest Gump do the phone in this morning?
He had some mad muzzie bitch on who Queen Nikki loved for a while until she talked about stoning women to death. 2It’s not in the Koran” stated dopey bitch, Dame Nicki grunted in approval. But then she went off on a rant about needing 4 witnesses (she didn’t point out they HAD to be men) to witness the ‘intercourse’ before she could be punished.
Poor Dame Nicki she was quickly faded down and booted off.
I always love it when Nicki gets on a Muzzie because you just know at some point they will go off message.
Also when Radio 5 interview someone from the 9/11 families it’s the same woman, she’s a George Bush hater and pro the Mosque. She’s a minority in the families but she’s the go to bint for the BBC.
Was it the same woman Mark Mardell gave the last word to in his little attack on people who might be opposed to it, the one he and his editor chose to follow the fireman’s father?
I think it might be David, I can’t remember her name but she’s always on the BBC.
BBC NEWS 24 was leading all night (during its 1-6am anti-america zone) with the INCONSEQUENTIAL PASTOR SAYS HE WILL NOT BURN KORAN SHOCKER. Even many Guardian readers must be shaking their heads at the (Donald)trumped-up nature of this.
I imagine that the Beeb will soon commission its own Terry Jones, the ex-Python and faux-historian, to make his own documentary series blaming the rise of Al Qaeda retrospectively on this incident.
James Reynolds in Washington just said something which is a perfect example of how the BBC has completely lost objectivity. The blonde female in the studio was talking to him about – what else? – the coverage of the Pastor Who Expressed An Unapproved Thought And Hasn’t Done Anything Yet.
This guy leads “what is essentially a fringe group,” says Reynolds. It’s just a little country church, James, not a “group”, not a sect, not anything except an independent little church who have brought no harm to anyone. It just shows how little the sophisticated, worldly Beeboids understand about the multitude of little worship groups that exist in Christendom. Actually, Judaism and Islam and Buddhism also have this kaleidoscope of worshipers. Yet the Beeboids see this little church as some kind of organized religious group with a specific school of thought and dogma.
It’s just a little country church, yet the BBC looks at them less respectfully and with less understanding than they do at Amazonian tribesmen who have tasted human flesh.
But that’s not the worst part. The main point of their discussion was about how this isolated little story somehow “sparked a media frenzy”, reverberating around the world. The Beeboids are clearly aware of the idea that it might be the media who have created this international outrage, and maybe they shouldn’t be giving this such prominence and inflame everybody’s anger. We saw this the other night during Newsnight’s moment of cognitive dissonance on the same subject.
So the blonde asks Reynolds if the media is being a little more self-aware today in the reporting of this story. No, says Reynolds. It’s only become a big media sensation because the “upper-echelon” US political figures are talking about it publicly. Seriously, that’s what he said. Complete denial that Hillary and Gen. Petraeus and the President only made statements because the media had already stoked this up to an insane level.
It’s like they have no self-awareness, no objectivity, no clue at all.
That’s a good point. If you buy into the narrative- as the BBC clearly does- that this incident will inflame anger and possibly violence, why run it so prominently? If anyone is harmed due to this hysteria, the BBC will have blood on its hands.
But there has been no incident yet. Nothing has happened, no Korans even singed. All the violence and freaking out – including Muslims shooting Muslims in Afghanistan now, as George R showed above – is happening because of a thought, and idea. The BBC and the rest of the media are justifying this insane anger because they, too, disapprove of the pastor’s thoughts. And they’ve already done a few segments over the last couple of days trying to promote the idea that the law should be changed so that people who express unapproved thoughts like this can be arrested for it.
Very true, the Pastor has been called a ‘lunatic’, ‘nutter’ and close to being locked up on many occasions.
Any objectivity by the BBC has been lost. Is calling someone a ‘nutter’ acceptable on BBC news? I think Jeremy Clarkson was picked up for calling Richard Hammond ‘a mental’ on Top Gear in a joking moment. Yet Nicki Campbell and Paxman and others can call this man a nutter etc without any complaint.
When Clarkson called Hammond a ‘mental’ I remember the BBC getting some po faced old hag on form some mental illness charity to rant on about how un PC Top Gear was (well Top Gear is supposed to be un PC) yet Campbell and Paxman throw the world nutter around without any care.
Isn’t Bin Laden a ‘nutter’ as well?
Yes, part of sensible and responsible news reporting is to apportion time and attention to a subject in proportion with its significance within the universe.
The intensity with which this single individual’s actions have been broadcast is wholly disproportionate with his significance.
Contrary to what the BBC would have you believe, he is a non-entity with no sort of following. He’s really not very newsworthy. At all.
But then I’d never expect the BBC to show any grasp of sensible or responsible reporting.
BBC failed to report that Unite Against Fascism national officer Martin Smith has been convicted of assaulting a Police Officer at the BBC Question Time edition with Nick Griffin, although a quick search seems to show that all mainstream outlets have failed to report this.
Is this because David Cameron and and other MPs are signatories of the UAF? UAF has changed its website and the list of signatories seems to have disappeared.
Yet another Beeboid in Florida to stoke up hatred against this dopey pastor. How many of them are there now to create this story? Do they each have their own crew and do reports for individual divisions of the BBC? Are they tag-teaming it where one Beeboid comes in after the other one leaves? All for an unapproved thought.
Now there’s yet another Mohammedan spokesman in the studio, and they’re talking about how they shouldn’t be giving this pastor the oxygen of publicity.
And now we’re getting – once again – the justification for violence over an unapproved thought. It’s the end of Ramadan, everyone has spent the month in religious fervor, studying the Koran, etc., so of course they’re going to want to kill. And Islam DOES NOT come from a violent culture. No, sir.
The interesting thing here is what happens the next time a rag head demands something from the west? Say insisting that in Muslim cities in the UK, the mini skirt is banned? What happens if the UK refuses to comply? Do we get the rag heads rioting and threatening to kill us again?
Will the west back down every time?
Oh and were not Churchill’s Gin fuelled anti Hitler diatribes an excuse for German soldiers to kill and bomb us in the UK? Did anyone ever tell Churchill to “shut up you’re only making things worse?” I don’t think so.
You know I don’t think enough westerners we’re murdered on 9/11. I think it will take the deaths of hundreds of thousands of westerners (probably a nuclear strike by Muslims) for our gutless politicians to finally stand up. Even then the BBC will be demanding WE show tolerance.
Would Nicki Campbell think we should show ‘tolerance’ to the Germans when they were bombing our cities and murdering millions in the name of Hitler?
In my anger, I forgot to add the other outrageous claim made by the Mohammedan mouthpiece and met with nodding head by the Beeboid.
He suggested that the pastor deliberately chose the day for his book burning because it was the end of Ramadan and he wanted to hurt Muslims in this holy time. I’m not joking, that’s what he said. What about September @#$@ing 11? Does that date have any significance? Hello?
As I said, madness.
I just wonder why the Muzzies don’t seem to feel at all disposed to reach out to “moderate” Christians…..
My thanks to everyone who gave suggestions to me on the previous open thread about tomorrow’s memorial rally at Ground Zero. My intention is not to confront Beeboids, but to get footage of as much as possible (maybe talk to a couple people) to provide a full picture of who is there and what they’re up to, in the hopes of countering any biased interpretation the BBC will show you.
I will definitely be looking for Beeboids to see just what they’re doing, who they’re talking to, so we can get the full context of whatever details they end up reporting. If one of them decides to talk to me (I may or may not be wearing a provocative t-shirt with this on it, depending on whether or not I get laundry done today), I’ll certainly talk to them. But I’m not going there looking for a fight at all. I’d prefer to do my own thing to balance out whatever the BBC does.
Also, I will be looking for supporters of the intended Islamic Center and mosque near Ground Zero who believe that the US deserved 9/11. We already know the BBC won’t tell you about that, as they’ve censored expressions of that sentiment by the imam behind the project.
Go for it David. I’m really looking forward to seeing your footage.
Be safe.
Yes do watch the beeboids David, I strongly expect they will tend to just select people who they think will be on message.
Please do wear that T-Shirt DP. It can mean all things to all people. What the pro-Super Mosque crowd would take it to mean is you’re one of them. That way you could maybe draw them out on their true feelings about 9/11. Could produce some great material. Just one thing, have someone with you, just in case.
Well the Islamic month of Ramadan (which the bBC has more than informed me is where muslims refrain from Sex/evil thoughts and food) is almost at an end and unable to hold their lust for blood back any longer the peaceful democratically elected terrorist sorry political Hamas party has unleashed an attack on those nasty jews next door.
Reading the bBC excuse for a news article you get the impression that the peaceful Muslims of Gaza have all being reading the unholy koran and abstaining from food (doesn’t explain why so many fat bastards live there) these past 30 days and explains why Hamas have been trying very hard in which to stop non-Muslims (well they must be as Islam is a religion of peace) from launching homemade rockets against their neighbor.
But why are the peace loving Muslims of gaza doing so? the bBC article doesn’t tell me, I wonder could it have something to do with how Hamas have stated they will derail the peace talks currently in place. But if peace transpires between Israel and Fatah does that mean Hamas will lose any legitimate excuse in which to target kinder garden schools at school times (Kind of left that out bBC) and thus be denied the right to play the victim.
How will Abu Bowen take this News?
Blood lust and rage junkies, deranged psychopathic nutters who are ready and waiting to express their rage and racist hatred.
Now Mr Obama/Cameron/Gay Billy/Clinton and all the rest of the political tribe all claim that the book burning would do what and lead to what?
What, are the islamist going to burn more flags and effigies than they already do and call for the murder of more innocents more loudly than before?
Are the terrorist loony tunes going to kill more innocents than they already are and plant more roadside bombs and recruit more suicide killers than they already do?
Are the rage mobs going to increase their rage factor if the burning goes ahead or is it simply that whatever the West does the rage’N’hate industry will keep rolling along killing and threatening and bombing into islamist heaven?
As others have already said, not a page of the putrid book has been singed so far and yet the rage industry is out in force in Pakistan, BTW despite the floods and the hundreds of millions in aid from the great Satan, the rage industry is very busy burning US flags by the hundred!
All too ready to grub for charity from the infidel while stocking up for the days of rage that will come whatever the West does or doesnt do.
The real truth is that it aint about what we do or what alleged insults we perpetrate, its about real evil intent, its about a pathological hatred of the infidel, those greasy smug islamists who pay lip service to peace know that time, colonisation, birth rates and the degeneration of the west will swamp the infidel.
I’m obviously missing something. Barry Obama said that the Pastor’s comments are putting US soldiers at risk. No shit!!! Just how many have died in the last few weeks? Not a Koran burning in sight either.
These gutless politicians are shitting themselves over Muslims, we have millions of the enemy within now and we can’t get rid. Sooner or later something is going to set off a chain of events that will set the world ablaze, just look at what triggered WW1.
Iran with a nuke and a load of mad Mullahs just won’t be able to resist it.
My concern with Iran is not a full on nuke strike (they know that would be difficult to get away with) but what about a dirty bomb?
Simply pack plenty of radioactive material into a conventional device and detonate in the centre of a large city. The radioactive contamination would cause utter chaos. Iran could easily supply the material and the rag heads already have the ability to build large conventional bombs.
Imagine the centre of London a no go area for the nest 100 years.
‘Imagine the centre of London a no go area for the nest 100 years.’,
Is that why the Beeb have moved to Manchester,do they know something we dont know..
This is the real danger and all too likely. Israel is almost certainly an unlikely target as their retaliation would be immediate and devastating. The assumption would be that Iran was ultimately responsible.
Can you imagine what would happen here or in any other European country. Total paralysis. A Royal Commission to find out who exactly planted the bomb.And no real retaliation at all.
No where in Western Europe is safe in the long or even medium term. Russia is since Russia would instantly retaliate.
The future is bleak.
I just wish the President had also expressed his own hope that those good angels he spoke of would have a word with all those angry Mohammedans and remind them that they’re supposed to be members of the Religion of Peace.
London is always a “no go” area for me 😉 But I still wouldn’t want it bombed.
I’m told by a reliable source there was a friendly chat with Caroline Lucas on the Today show this morning which was free of the interruptions and sneers which characterise BBC interviews with people not identifiable with the various narratives the BBC peddles
She also got coverage on the BBC 6PM news at ‘her’ conference.
I caught some of that. At first I thought they were broadcasting one of her speeches. Then I heard a leading question and understood the situation.
The “Greens” only have 1 MP and they get about as much time on the BBC as the Tories.
Happy Burn A Koran day to all BBBC readers:
Does he a recipe for the hardback version I wonder 🙂
It’s been almost a year now since Panorama dumped a couple of Asians on a sink estate in Bristol to find out how the ‘filthy white under-class scum’ would react. Like any vulnerable person walking through such an area they were picked upon because of physical appearance, in this instance obviously it was their skin colour but could just as easily have been someone’s hair style, dress sense etc.
This programme demonstrated just how ignorant the liberal elite are and how little they know about these deprived areas of Britain.
In typical BBC style they gave out racist attack figures simply by the numbers committed upon each race, not by percentages of each race charged with this crime (which would show ethnic minorities are far far more over-represented than white British).
I wrote to the BBC pointing this out and also asked if, in the name of ‘due impartiality’, we can expect to see a white couple or perhaps even a gay couple sent to the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham to see how they get treated by the residents.
Obviously the reply was the usual BBC excuse-making and lying. So, any BBC representatives who may be reading, I’d just like to say, I’m still waiting.
I urge you to all watch this video too:
3.5 Earthquake hit Sofia, Bulgaria today (the third in a fortnight). Nobody killed and only fairly light damage thankfully, but absolutely zero coverage on the Beeb.
What would the story been like had it been a black or Muslim country with a large left-wing ‘fake charity’ presence to support; and not a largely white EU capital, one has to wonder?
Oh, the hand-wringing..
Mark Mardell on the news at 10 stated that Obama used a rare news conference to condemn the actions of the Pastor. Did I hear this correct? A rare news conference? It wasn’t rare for Bary to comment on this story so it certainly couldn’t mean that. Next up we hear of how Obama also broke with tradition by using a teleprompter and showed uncharacteristic arrogance.
The President has been on the campaign trail for a couple of weeks already. He’s giving several speeches along the way, including today’s “Me, me, me, Booooosh, Booooosh, Booooosh, I’m pointing my finger at Republicans for wanting to give money to millionaires” speech which was about – I think – somebody’s criticism of Him. There might have been another reason, but there was no indication of it in the speech.
And oh yes: The footage the BBC has been showing every five minutes as soon as the cameraman hit the “stop” button was a separate special appearance in front of a camera. Not in the middle of any “news conference”. So He responded twice because the media have whipped up a maelstrom of hate?
If this had been a cause promoted by the Daily Mail…..
While everyone is enjoying the BBC’s recognition of the 9th anniversary of the only time the majority of the Muslim World danced in the streets in unison about anything, here’s an article from a racist conservative (to hear the BBC tell it, the only reason for opposition to the you-know-what near the you-know-where).
A matter of propriety, not rights
Read this and ask yourself if you’ve ever seen anyone articulating this viewpoint so clearly on the BBC. Or even remotely close.
Then ask: Where’s the racism, BBC?
How interesting that the BBC and Sky managed to quickly find out all about the Florida Pastor and his ‘alleged’ comments etc in Germany.
BUT can anyone remember a single BBC report on the comments from the New York rag head who wants to build the Mosque? His links to terrorist groups, his comments that America deserved it on 911 and the terrorist money links to the proposed Mosque?
You know just like the media managed to dig up crap on Sarah Palin in seconds yet failed to pick up on Barry Obama’s terrorist links his corruption over land deals and so on.
The bBC and ‘Not the Nine O/Clock news.’
How often do you find the bBC reporting how some nut job has gone postal in the US and decided to let his gun do the talking? I think you will find all the time, simply because:
a) The bBC hates the US
b) The bBC loves to look down at the US
So with that in mind, how many people have heard the story of how a woman who after arguing with 3 work mates was escorted out of the factory she had worked at for 15 years, returned a while later and decided to shoot 2 of those people dead and critically injure the third.
I wonder if the reason the bBC hasn’t reported the news is because the lady in question is a …..peaceful member of a certain religion of peace celebrating the end of ramadan and the start of Eid.
On that note , how many people knew it was the Jewish new year on Wednesday just gone. None if you get all your news from the bBC.
The BBC already explained to me that, as this is the end of Ramadan, Muslims like this woman would be in an emotionally heightened state from spending the month in prayer and studying the Koran and focusing on her connection to Allah. So it’s no surprise at all to me – now that the BBC has had on experts to inform me how this works – that this woman would kill someone if she was offended.
Actually, to clarify, it’s only David’s skill in exposing the inescapable sick logic of the BBC that I ‘like’
just seen a programme about the beeb’s coverage of 9/11 by david shyler on sky,the beeb haven’t got copies of their live programmes as it all happened….strange why that was so…..they told us about WT 7 building collapsing 20 mins before it did…a cover up..????
And as per the bBCs mission statement there is only one god and his name is allah. message for the day. Christ even
Christmas doesn’t get as much coverage as this. But then Christ was just some bloke who gave out a few teachings according to the bBC, I quote from the bBCs religion web site:
Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christwho lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.
As opposed to the holyman who founded ‘Islam’. I quote from the bBCs religion website:
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad.
Yup only mohammed revealed his message to humanity according to the bBC, the rest of the world just happen to get by on the teachings of some bloke or another. Why if you should happen to have 5 minutes spare have a butchers at how Islam is feted in the quick religion synopsis while the others aren’t on the bBCs religion page.
And the bBC says it isn’t biased
The bBC which has reported on how bad the peoples of the world are for not giving enough Aid to the peoples of Pakistan (while leaving out how Western Aid is been openly sold on the Bazaars of Pakistan and how Christians are being denied aid unless they convert to Islam) has now posted a load of pictures of how these poor people who have nothing are having to construct shelters in their devastated land… Really bBC lets have another look at those photos you post.
Photo 1..utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo2 .. utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo3.. utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses.
Photo4..IS that a dog I see and there i was thinking (because the bbC keeps telling me that Muslims don’t like dogs)
Photo5..utter utter devastation But what’s that on the background why it’s a couple of concrete houses with a 4X4 and a truck on concrete while people live on dirt.
Photo7.. utter utter devastation But what’s that in the background why it’s a concrete house.
As much as I feel sorry for the people of Paksitan (Not) They should be helping their own now if the people who live in those nice houses can’t be bothered to allow those poor wrenched people to camp out on their concrete car ports why should I bother crying over a country which has more tanks, jet fighters and ships than the UK. Let the muslims help their own out, this is natures way of saying you breed like f-ing rats.
The BBC go straight for the heart string tugging pictures, its emotional blackmail of the worst kind, highly edited and highly censored reports.
The BBC uses all its trickery and deceit to manipulate the viewer, it presents a picture that is fundamentally flawed ad dishonest. The reports could have been crafted by oxfam, all that was missing was the violins playing a dirge in the background but at last many people are seeing the reality that the BBC never shows us.
Ooooooh! Whats this I spy?
Standing next to the pastor is an Asian man…no not the mullah but the other Asian man whose words of support for the pastor the BBC sees fit not to report, the Asian man is a Christian preacher so obviously the BBC just cannot get their tiny warped racist little minds around the fact that the Pastor not only has support for his views but the supporter is not a redneck bigot racist whitey…Ooooooh Nooooo! That would really put a crimp in the BBC narrative wouldnt it?
The BBC are trying so hard to portray the pastor as having no supporters, the BBC claim they cannot find anyone who supports him(yeah right) BUT look at who is standing right next to him? Oh dear me, the race bigot angle of attack lays in ruins so what does the BBC do? Oh yes folks they censor him out and effectively silence him!
You see how the BBC thinks and opperates?
He obviously doesn’t hold the opinions deemed “appropriate” for his race, so he’s not really Asian. In the same way that Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice etc etc aren’t really black.
Just watched BBC Breakfast (boycotting SKY after their incitement attempts yesterday) and a moderately calm report about the NYC mosque.
Nice old smiley imam not fussed where the mosque goes, but he does need one on account of them all being currently in a parking lot as they will need more and more space.
Hold that thought.
Fortunately the teleprompter readers have on a nice guest to ask a set of loaded questions to conflate 9/11 terrorists actions with the possibility of setting fire to a book… which is now not happening (possibly).
The BBC is always concerned with what messages get sent out.
So am I. Mainly the ones by them.
Watching the utterly objective newspaper (guess which ‘serious’ ones – all with ‘good’ stories) ‘review’ by utterly objective newspaper reviewer Simon Fanshawe.
Top was one in the Indy by Robert Fisk, which was conceded could be viewed as ‘a bit of a rant’.
But no….
If you think this with your own reading… you are wrong!
I have to wonder if is the BBC’s (via words placed in teleprompter readers’ mouths) place to inform us that this ‘journalist’ knows what he is talking about and anything he comes out with is without question true. With the gilding of a cuddly luvvy agreeing with them.
The fact that they are all offering an opinion on an opinion, yet presenting it as the only way to think on a highly complex story, speaks volumes on how corrupted by the views as news meme they now are.
Imagine if Littlejohn was invited on to require all right-thinking (!) folk to pay homage to every word penned by James Delingpole because, well, he cannot be wrong, with happy-clappy blonde and bouffant Beeboids beaming on and in fact setting up the whole… um… se-up.
One suspects the BBC twit-squad would immediately kick in to create a ‘campaign’ of a good score of mates to object, that would be ‘picked up’ by the Guardian to get noticed (‘Roger, new fax in the machine!’) by the BBC to report on the need to be balanced.
quote… “the BBC will probably be the only freely available…”
It’s not freely available. It’s subscription based, like the Times or WSJ. It’s funny how those who work at the BBC seem to forget who pays their wages.
Funny ha-ha? Or funny [insert less cuddly term about ability to report accurately/mindsets, etc here]
After the nth repeat this morning of the story (actually quite worth running) about abuses of parking laws by scammers moving from now illegal clamps to ‘issuing tickets’, I wrote to Aunty to enquire when they might turn their attention to the institutional abuses by LGAs, that are no different.
Such as the extortion racket where, if you have a legitimate objection, they have the right to hike the fine at each stage (if proven correct, you do not enjoy the same escalating reward), whilst using a computerised system to ignore any human discussion (or reasoned assessment), relying on the fact that 30% pay up as the one-sided pressure is racked up. Don Corleone would be impressed by such a ‘guilty until you withstand our threats’ technique.
I can see why looking at such dubious revenue generation practices might be a wee bit close to home for the uniquely funded BBC.
I am perilously close to risking a lot of grief by with-holding payment for grotesque abuses of the terms of ‘service’, but not terribly confident that the ‘law’ of this mis-led land would even break its stride in allowing a fair hearing.
I loved the use of FatBoy Slim’s ‘Praise You’ tune on Newshite last night when giving the Labour leadership contenders another chunk of air time.
the only one even resembling a non in-bred in the liebore lineup is that Andy bloke
the others clearly spring from a very limited genepool
The BBC`s dire “on line Magazine” is managing to blame Margret Thatcher for the death of saterday morning childrens television! (what happened to childrens saterday morning TV) Really I cannot understand the continuing vitriol that the BBC pour out against the ex Prime Minister.
There wasn’t a word from the BBC about the violent anti-democratic nature of the anarchist thugs from the UAF organisation when they were outside the BBC studios smashing public property and attacking police officers during the pantomime edition of Question Time. All they had were a few ‘interviews’ with their leaders (all of whom have serious criminal records) spouting some meaningless nonsense about 1930’s Germany.
I take great delight in informing you that one of their leaders has been found guilty of kicking a Police Officer in the knackers.
What is interesting though is that this hasn’t been mentioned in the mainstream media (compare this with the hysteria we see whenever an ‘extreme right’ group does so much as wave a flag) and the claims from many union leaders, left-wing journalists etc. that communist thugs should be able to indiscriminately attack anyone who they happen to disagree with.
classic Radio 5, the mong that runs the HMRC has refused ot say sorry for the mess. But why did stupid female beeboid on Radio 5 then state that the current government were trying to dodge things by blaming the last government.
So this is how the BBC works, this was a clear screw up from the last mong filled Government, led by the kings of mongs the one eyed one.
Yet the BBC have NEVER pointed out this simple fact that this was (just like the FSA) Brown tinkering and merging departments that simply created chaos.
Did anyone elese catch the 9am Radio 4 show “Saturday Live” today ? I was minding my own business washing the breakfast pots when on comes a show presented by a trendy Rev straight out of central casting who even used to be in a pop group. Does anyone else remember the Radio comedy show Radioactive from the late 80’s ? Well this guy reminded me of their character the “Right On Reverend Right”. The first article was about the plight of the Roma..
Sorry folks I would love to report how bad it was but I really couldn’t take it and I’m not brave enough either so turned off !
I’m sure the Roma Pikies will be arriving in Croydon soon.
They are already there and in half a dozen other places and more are coming by the day, coaches from the east arrive weekly.
Of course we have tens of thousands of council houses ready and waiting there are no waiting lists and the NHS has lots of free space for them. Our legendary budget surplus means we can afford to house and provide for every Roma family that wants to come, they are ready and waiting to do their bit to help the UK economy too! The gangs of beggars and pickpockets will stimulate the economy and the traffic light car wash will delight people.
So there you have it folks, everyones a winner innit? We get to experience the delights of a roma wonderland just like they created in eastern Europe. Perhaps we could arrange shanty town tours just like SA, where whitey goes into the squalid hovels for a bit of genuine tird world experience.
But dont forget the mantra, if you disagree or have any doubts then you are a racist bigot KKK loving hate merchant.
Esler’s always-irritating Dateline London started by drivelling on about how we’d over-reacted to 9/11 (which I’ve slagged off elsewhere). Guess what subject they turned to next?
Esler did his silly little introduction then turned to (of all people) Polly Toynbee and asked “Do you think that anyone who edits a paper like the News of the World should be invited into government anyway?”
Not-so-pretty-Polly answered ‘No, certainly not.”
As Guest Who would say, “Unique!”.
When mild-mannered Thomas Kielinger of Die Welt wondered aloud why papers like the Guardian (and, though he didn’t say it, the BBC) were just going after the News of the World over phone-hacking allegations, Esler and Polly Toynbee pounced on him.
When Polly had a go at the select committee that looked into the matter (and found no wrongdoing on Coulson’s part), saying that they’d pulled punches because they feared attack from the Murdoch press, Esler backed her up, saying “Isn’t that blackmail?” She replied, “Of course it is.”
Happily, the American liberal mentioned the “old discredited Labour grandees” playing party politics with the issue & cast doubt on the New York Times‘s ‘proof’ and the Irish guest said that most people would be “absolutely amazed to see this on the front pages day after day after day.” Polly wasn’t happy about that! (Of course, he should have said that people would be “absolutely amazed to see this on the New Channel hour after hour after hour”!)
The main lesson here is that Gavin Esler should keep his opinions to himself. He rarely does though.
Did dumbfvck Esler object so vociferously to the Daily Mirror’s Alistair Campbell gong into Govt for Labour at the time, or is he just the biased pig-ignorant imbecile I recognise him as ?
Gavin Essler is a twat of the first order. Even sitting next to 250 pound sof fat (Toynbee) he still looks a bigger mong than her.
I wonder if St Polly has decided what she’s going to once that mong like twat of a husband of hers is sacked. Well done Eric Pickles, shame you’re not in charge of the BBC.
Really, all BBC employees should keep their opinions from intruding into the objective sharing of news.
But even with an iPhone packed with those they can invite on at will to proxy spout their personal agendas, they won’t… can’t.
I merely ask, but, is it theirs to offer in this manner?
Yes. But what a nightmare for the accountants aftwards regarding payments and rights. And for what? 1%? How about all those people in the private sector who’ve already had their pensions slashed far more?
Minions! Throw another licence fee on the fire to cover this!
Just watched Andrew Marrshmallow ‘interview’ Bob Crow.
The former… is a market rate talent we are required to pay for?
The latter… makes Pastor Tel seem like a coherent voice of reason in his area of expertise, yet gets a free pass to talk absolute Unspeak with near zero counter as to the logical fallacies trotted out.
So BBC News 24 bangs on about cuts again. WE get ugly female beeboid interviewing the very ugly Yvette Cooper (boy has she got bad skin) and giving her a lengthy interview. THen we get a very short sound bite from Danny Alexander (about 10 seconds) THEN we get another long interview between Andrew Mong and Hattie Hatemenperson.
Then we get ugly female beeboid interviewing very camp male beeboid who slags off Government again.
Bias at the BBC? Of course not.
Radio 5 last night. Dotun Adebayo was on and the female news reader announced that Tory Lord Sainsbury was giving £25 million to the British Museum.
“He’s Labour not Tory, Labour” was Dotuns cry actually cutting across her rather rudely. Of course the useless mong was wrong but it just sohws the mentality of Adetwat boy and the BBC.
One of the organisers of ‘Protest the Pope’ condemning Pope Benedict for failing to protect children from sex abuse is in favour of sex with children as young as 9:-
I’m sure the BBC is going to give him a really hard time over his hypocrisy and perversion.
The moral universe of the BBC:- You can bum a 9 year old but dont ever burn a Koran!
Censored by: Islam Not BBC (INBBC) –
but ITV reported:
A few minutes ago, a sports reporter for INBBC at England v Pakistan cricket game in Leeds mentioned that half the crowd supported Pakistan.
Of course, he didn’t mention that the reason for this relates to such Pakistan supporters (who may have been born in England) give their preferred political allegiance to Islam, to Pakistan, not to Britain. Pakistan cricket cheats notwithstanding.
Chicken and Egg. The Mid East page ran this leading story link
Exchange of fire near Gaza border with this leading paragraph:
A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip explodes in Israel, hours after Israeli air raids against Hamas targets in the Palestinian territory. This suggests the Palestinian rocket was retaliation for an Israeli attack.
Actually clicking to the link brings one to Israel, Palestinian militants trade fire at Gaza border. There we find that Five rockets were fired into Israel since Monday. There were either two or four attacks from Israel on Thursday. Another rocket into Israel on Friday (referenced by the link).
So who started the exchange? Media researchers claim the headline and first paragraph are most important because many read no further. The BBC narrative is reinforced by the link. Israel attacked for no apparent reason and the Palestinians were forced to respond.
Does the Beeboid manual tell staff to refer to the Koran as “the holy Koran”?
The presenter of Any Questions? did just that on the programme in a sentence where he referred to the pastor threatening to burn “the holy Koran”.
Why? Is it holy to him? He’s not a Muslim, I’d bet.
If he referred to the Bible, would he say, “Someone threatened to burn the holy Bible”?
Somehow, I get the feeling he wouldn’t.
The mongs at the BBC have a habit of calling every shithole city in the Islamic world ‘holy’ as well.
Funny but no one at the BBC ever calls Canterbury the ‘holy city of Canterbury’
The BBC are just twats.
The bBC, reporting from GAza and half the story.
Israeli shelling ‘kills three’ in Gaza
At least three Palestinians have been killed by shell fire near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, reports say.Medical staff and witnesses said Israel had fired shells across the border near the town of Beit Hanoun in Gaza….Israeli army radio described the people killed as “terrorists” and said that at least one of them was armed.
And here is how the Palestinians News agency based in the West Bank reports the story;
Israeli shelling kills 3 in north Gaza
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli shelling killed three people including an elderly man in the northern Gaza Strip late Sunday, witnesses said. The bodies of shepherds Ibrahim Abu Said, 91, and Ismail Abu Odeh, 21, were taken to a hospital in Beit Hanoun, medics said.
Earlier reports said only two were killed.
An Israeli military spokesman said forces identified a number of suspects attempting to fire an RPG toward an Israeli position. He said forces fired on the Palestinians, apparently hitting them.
Two projectiles landed in the western Negev hours earlier, officials from the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council said. The Israeli military said three projectiles landed in Israel on Sunday
When you have the PLO affording a much better account than the bBC and with more balance to the story. Then you really can claim that there is something rotten at the bBC.