Anyone catch this report from Jeremy Al Bowen as he strolls around the streets of Jerusalam to “find out the mood of the public towards continuing peace negotiations”? Bowen parrots the Palestinian demand that Jerusalem must also be it’s Holy City (as much as it is Israel’s) if there is to be peace – this equivocation is so ludicrous only Bowen could make it. If Palestinians wanted a publicist who can always be relied upon. Al Bowen fits the bill. I wonder did he wear a Keffiyeh when he filed his report?
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But within his slanted report, Bowen did mention that the Jews were driven out of East Jerusalem in 1948. That sounded like a first ?
He said that the Holy Sepulchre was believed to be the site where Jesus was crucified. How inaccurate can he get ?
And he described the mosque as if there had been no hugely important Jewish site there beforehand.
He seemed to conclude that East Jerusalem must come under Palestinian “sovereignty” – as if that is the only possible solution. Rubbish.
Bowen’s ignorance of history is breath-taking. Or he knows and doesn’t tell the truth. Either way he should be sacked. Oh, that will never happen at the anti-semitic BBC.
This al-bowen clown is beyond the pale. He seems to conveniently forget that Jerusalem has only ever been the capital of a Jewish state. No Arab, Roman, Ottoman, etc. group ever made it their main city. Only the Jews have been continuously present in Jerusalem, and in the rest of Israel, for 3000 years. The Arabs even disdained to make it their capital!
And also, these beeboids keep mentioning “illegal Jewish settlements” without ever referring to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. Wonder why? Oh, because those articles clearly show that the “settlements” are not illegal according to international law.
As I blogged a few days ago – – as part of a long and angry piece about BBC pro-Islamic claim: ‘Will the BBC show any footage of Jews at the ‘Wailing Wall’ in Jerusalem and if so will they explain what the ‘Wailing Wall’ is and how it comes to be that a Jewish monument of such antiquity (dating to before the birth of Christ) exists in what the BBC endlessly portray as Muslim lands? Will the BBC explain that Muslim invaders built their Al-Aqsa Mosque on top of the temple Mount so as to show their dominance over the Jews? Will the BBC contrast how the Jews have not destroyed the Al-Aqsa Mosque but left it in-situ and have not rebuilt their Temple over the top of the mosque? Will the BBC explain how whilst Muslims claim that Jerusalem is the third most holy site in Islam despite it not being mentioned even once on the Koran, it is the Jews most holy place and mentioned over and over in the Old Testament and the subject of one of the most moving expressions of hope in the Jewish calendar; when in the Pesach Seder night service Jews all wish that next year they will celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem – ‘Next year in Jerusalem’ ‘L’Shana Haba’a B’yerushalayim’?
Will the BBC contrast the way that Muslims are allowed to worship at the Al-Aqsa Mosque right in the heart of the holiest part of Jerusalem with the way that Jews were banned from the Western Wall after 1948 despite the 1949 Armistice Agreement providing for Israeli Jewish access to the Western Wall? Will the BBC discuss why Israelis mistrust the idea of sharing Jerusalem with the Palestinians after their experience of Jerusalem being under the control of the real Palestinian homeland of Jordan between 1948 and 1967 when Jordan refused access to the Wailing Wall to Jews despite the attempts of the United Nations and other international bodies to attempt to enforce the armistice agreement? Will the BBC remind people of how Jordan refused to abide by the Armistice in this respect? Will the BBC inform people of how the Jordanians refused access to the Wailing Wall for anyone who could not produce a certificate of baptism?
Will the BBC ever discuss how the Jordanians used Jewish gravestones to line army barracks latrines and contrast that with the way that Israel shows respect to Muslim antiquities? ‘
I am not Jewish – but I have learned all those important facts.
It amazes me that the Jewish community in the UK does not rise up against all the BBC’s lies and obfuscation.
I suspect they have succumbed to the same apathy that grips the British population at large and would only rise up if prevented from getting their weekly doses of EastEnders, Corrie & The X-Factor.
John this is no different to the USA where Jews mostly vote Democrat, yet it’s the Republican party that stands up for Israel the most.
John Anderson,
I am not Jewish either. But I support the legal right of the State of Israel to exist.
I also appreciate the amazing contribution that the Jews have made to civilisation in Science, the Arts , Music, Business and much else.
On a personal level, my Jewish friends have never discriminated against me because I am an atheist. They have always accepted my wife even though she is nominally a muslim ( albeit it somewhat lapsed and smoking fags and drinking the odd glass of wine ).
I have never felt threatened by Jewish terrorism.
To sum up, I think the Jews are the second greatest people in history after the Scots 😉
The BBC does show pictures of Jews at the Wall, NotaSheep: when they find an opportunity to bash Jews for not giving women equal religious rights.
Oh, and the fact that they still use the bigoted term “Wailing Wall”, when in fact the most correct English term is “Western Wall’, as it is the remnant of the western retaining wall surrounding the Temple Mount. I guess the useful Jews in the Jerusalem bureau never managed to correct that during the grim years of their tenure.
Funny how the supposedly pro-Israel/controlled-by-the-Jewish-Lobby BBC can say “Mumbai” and twist their uvulas into knots trying to correctly pronounce every Arabic name but still use the culturally insensitive term “Wailing Wall”.
As for Martin’s comment about Jews in the US always being the Turkeys who vote for Christmas, well, Jews have a long history with Leftoid politics, and even our own religious texts are full of stories that tells us we are a stiff-necked people who don’t learn these lessons easily. Some have changed their minds over the last couple of years. It may be because they’re racists and hate the fact that a black man is President, but I couldn’t say for sure.
That’s a brilliant summary, NotaSheep, thank you! As a bonus, I’ve now found your blog too.
Great, Notasheep’s blog is excellent , stick with it !
Bowen is a Muzzie lover so that’s the only history he’s interested in.
Bowen is a self-serving prat.
Ahmed Ali Bowen genuinely makes me want to vomit every time I see his smug jew hating face on tv
a truly vile excuse for a human being
I feel more strongly than that. Bowen should convert to Islam and go and live in Iran and farm chickens.
Fisking Bowen
The Damascus Gate is not the main entrance for Palestinians. Jerusalem has currently seven open gates. None of them are restricted to Palestinians. If Bowen means that the Damascus gate is the largest gate on the Northern Wall, leading to that part of Jerusalem commonly called East Jerusalem that was Jordanian territory from 1948-67 that is in no way clear from what he says.
It is true the largest population of Old Jerusalem is Arab but there are substantial Armenian and Jewish populations which Bowen ignores.
As always the Bowen narrative is that Israel has to give something up. Palestinians never have to make concessions. If they don’t get what they want there is no deal.
Bowen states that at the end of 1948 the Jews were driven out (Agree with John Anderson that this is a BBC first) but he neglects to state by whom. That the majority of the Old City’s population is Arab has a great deal to do with the expulsion of the Jews, the pre 1948 majority.
Actually, John Anderson, the Holy Sepulchre is traditionally described as the site of the crucifixion as well as the burial place. While there are strong grounds for suggesting Queen Helena got it wrong and not every Christian group accepts it Bowen’s description is reasonable.
Good Fisking – the key point being that East Jerusalem is largely Arab only because Jewish people were driven out by military aggression in 1948.
Thanks for the correction re. the Holy Sepulchre, I had assumed it was just the believed burial site, had not known it was also believed to be Golgotha, the crucifixion site.
Has Bowen ever said ANYTHING about compromises the Palestinians could or should make ? For instance about being an unarmed zone, or guarantees for the safety of Israel ?