The Global Warming Policy Foundation report into the various “inquiries” that have been held into Climategate was published yesterday, and author Andrew Montford’s very thorough analysis paints a disturbing picture of whitewash and fudge. As regular B-BBC commenter John Anderson lucidly points out in response to my previous post and on What’s Up With That?, coverage of the report by the MSM – even the Guardian – notes that Mr Montford had landed some disturbing punches on the alarmists’ conduct. Predictably, for the BBC’s Roger Harrabin, it’s a different approach. First he claims that the real issue raised by the report is a call for the resignation of the head of the IPCC; second, he gives just three short lip-service parapagraphs to the main substance of Mr Montford’s analysis, buried towards the end of the story; and thirdly, he gives far more space to blustering negative responses from a fanatical warmist MP – who repeats the mantra that the vast majority of scientists believe in global warming, so they must be right, and that those who don’t aren’t scientists – and the UEA, who of course continue to defend their entrenched position. You can rely on our Roger to distort or misrepresent everything to do with climate scepticism.
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The regulation BBC blinkers are obviously welded to Harrabin’s head.
After all, in Beebland, black is white, or white is black. Only cerebral surgey could hope to correct this mental aberration that manifests itself in these unfortunate people. They’ll never change. As their ship sinks beneath the waves, they’ll still believe it’ll unscuttle itself and everything will be OK. And as an OT aside, the LBC are happily saying this morning that Ed Miliband (the adenoidal android) is saying he can “return a labour government within 5 years, or sooner”. What is “sooner” than “within” anything? Yesterday? A possibilty, because the labour party are far more yesterday than tomorrow…
I know I shouldn’t, but being merely human, I can’t resist a touch of schadenfreude. One could almost say, that Roger is in ‘denial’. Scepticism is breaking out all over, with the warmist galleon holed below the waterline and, still moving, will slowly disappear whilst the crew clamber off in dribs and drabs as the discipline breaks down in the face of hopelessness.
Completely O/T but does anyone remember all the fuss being made over Ray Gosling and so-called “mercy killings” after admitting on BBC TV to smothering his gay lover who was dying of aids?? This gave the BBC carte blanche to pontificate endlessly about euthaniasia, almost to the point of disgust.
It now turns out that this clown whom the BBC took ever-so-seriously has been charged with wasting police time, chortle!
As Mr Horbury points out, there is a very stark contrast between the Guardian report by Fred Pearce – a journalist of some real substance who spells out the main Montford criticisms – and Harrabin, whose obfuscating “report” totally fails to give the substance of Montford’s criticisms of the whitewashes.
This latest Harrabin piece is truly disgraceful.
As I mentioned on the previous thread, perhaps the most telling and brutal comment was made by Lord Turnbull who wrote Montford’s foreword – that the ClimateGate “enquiries” were more like Widgery than Saville. I cannot imagine a more blunt criticism from a “Sir Humphrey”. It is a devastating charge.
Pearce’s article in the Guardian gives you the reasons why such a severe charge could be made by such an eminent Mandarin, Harrabin’s piece would leave everyone guessing about why Lord Turnbull was so severely critical. The real measure of Harrabin’s deliberate evasion. For which we are forced to pay on pain of imprisonment.
When I first started commenting at this blog, I felt that the BBC needed reform. I now feel that the rot cuts so deep that it is beyond reform. With the degree of bias we see all the time by people like Harrabin and Bowen, the BBC’s news operation should be cut off entirely from public funding.
It is indeed beyond reform.
Harrabin writes:
The UK has previously been a major actor at the IPCC. One expert close to government told BBC News the decision might be influenced by the desire of Prime Minister David Cameron not to undermine UK relations with India.
I understand that France will not seek Professor Pachauri’s resignation. And if India decides to make this an issue of national pride, it will be hard for other major nations to put in a challenge.
Let’s get this straight. I’m told that Warming is the greatest threat ever. Something we should take very seriously indeed, to the extent that we should radically alter our lifestyles. And yet there is politicking about the removal of one man – one man – from a quango devoted to advancing the Warming cause. Global Warming Vs Indian national pride – Indian national pride will win, according to Harrabin. Sorry Roger, I can’t take this circus seriously.