Pleased to see that the Daily Mail, much derided by the BBC, is going to monitor the BBC’s output and in that regard I am very supportive of this initiative as it means even more eyes watching the output from the State Broadcaster.
Which is why the Mail has decided to launch a BBC Whinge Watch. In the ensuing weeks, we will monitor the Corporation’s output to highlight bias and ensure it reflects the interests of the private sector – which pays its bills – as assiduously as the concerns of the public sector of which it is the flagship. And perhaps the BBC might even dare to turn the spotlight on its own spending. After all, the two-year licence fee freeze that it proposed yesterday is going to look very modest in the context of the savings that will have to be made by the rest of the public sector.
I wonder if anyone has contacts at the Daily Mail so we may share with them the fact that we also record BBC whingeing 24/7? If so, let them know about us. Together, we can hold the arrogant bloated anti-British BBC to account.
You got a plug on the very first comment 😉
Yes I saw this as well. Oh and Sky are reporting that the ‘men’ arrested are Arabs (I think they mean Muzzie’s) the BBC of course are denying this.
David you should also try here at Conservative home. Tim Montgomerie’s ‘home’ so to speak
They can begin by attacking the dhimmi attitude of al-BBC.
Other news outlets are reporting on the Muslim plot to kill the Pope and the five Algerian men behind the scheme. The BBC, terrified of Islam, are of course witholding this information on their website at the time of writing.
This is great news. Definately should get the DM to put a link up to this site.
The more people watching out for rancid BBC bias the better!
The head of MI5 warned yesterday of serious threats of many more attacks by home-grown terrorists.
That’s odd, I have not heard a dicky-bird on the BBC about this ! But I do keep hearing – every hour – that Vince Cable is wanting more non-EU immigrants.
BBC Strikers Plan to Disrupt Tory Coverage
David, don’t underestimate the lazyness of the msm hacks. On a number of occasions the content of threads on Guido’s, has been served up re-heated by columists in the Sundays. We are bound to get some traction from it. Perhaps someone with the necessary skills could put a link to the U Tube clips of licence fee goons being read their horroscopes by irate punters.
What fun if the beeboids decide to take their ball & go home during the Tory conference. Even the wettest Nottinghill Tories may possibly begin to consider the unpallatable truth.
Yes the BBC finds it hard to mention ‘home grown terrorists’ their Islamic utopia is going down the pan.
Do you want to see bias?
try living here in scotland where the bbc/msm/and labour are one and the same.
I thought that was the case throughout the UK…
It is but I can only imagine it’s worse in Jockland!
Robert, Grant despairs all the time.
He ain’t the only one!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), and its policy of concealing commonplace bad news on Islam as much as possible:
“Pope visit: Five men held over papal terror alert”
Finally, at paragraph 10:
“Most of the men are understood to be Algerian.”
Even the ‘Guardian’ had this as 3rd paragraph:
“Sources say the men are believed to be Muslim and that some of them are Algerian. ”
INBBC censors out ‘M’ word.
‘Sky News’:
Compare and contrast ‘Telegraph’ headline with that of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot”
George R, that paragraph has been slipped in, I posted on my blog at about 2pm UK time and it didn’t mention any country at all…yet the “last updated” says 13:47
News Sniffer confirms thay added it at 2pm whereas the rest of the media had it from the start. The BBC do this as people will seldom reread the same article.
“Pope visit: Five men held over papal terror alert”
Hm…they used the terror word. How unusual. But, ah, it is used in such a way as to make me wonder whether the Pope has perhaps suddenly gone on a rampage and unleashed some papal terror on the populace. 🙂
They have also avoided the Muslim word altogether, so of course there is no possible danger of coupling it with the terror word.
I posted this on the DM article, but so far not put up.
It’s not just the pro-spending bias that is so wrong, it’s the BBC’s blatant left wing political bias that is so disgraceful.
As I write, Sky and ITV are reporting that the five people arrested on suspicion of harming the Pope are Algerian.
All the BBC is reporting is that it is five ‘Men’.
This may seem trivial, but it is always the case that if a muslim person is reported to be involved in a crime, the BBC goes out of it’s way to either not report this, or, at best, withold any information that might indicate the person’s religion.
Why are they terrified of reporting the truth? Also Newsnight, the BBC news channel, the Today programme etc. always seem to find Labour politicians to interview, but rarely any other party. During the General Election, a blogger called Craig from ‘bias BBC website’ measured such things as number of minutes interview time given to each party, and how many interruptions per minute Labour got nearly twice the minutes and less than half the interruptions
Good news, but a pity that the Mail appears to be strictly limiting itself as to the range of its investigation into BBC bias. But perhaps this could be regarded as a start.
Yes, the Mail has nothing to lose from exposing BBC bias in its entirety as the paper is always derided by Beeboids anyway. The Mail should just go for it !
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) could be putting the security of British people at risk by not reporting this on the threat of Somali Islamic jihad in Britain.
Apparently, it is necessary to turn to somewhere such as Murdoch’s ‘WSJ’ to get information:
“UK spy chief warns of Somalia terror threat”
I thought we were in Afghanistan to stop this sort of thing happening.
So now the terrorists have moved to Somalia. Sneaky buggers.
Some would say that military action in Afghanistan is working as the terrorist groups moved elsewhere. If Al Qaeda was winning, surely they wouldn’t have moved house?
The problem is in Afghanistan we’re just fighting the inbred dollar a day mongs. The twats we want are in Pakistan and they need a Predator drone up their arse.
The Yemen has always been a shit hole as has Somalia (you can include the Sudan as well).
I agree we’ve got Alky Ada on the run but we need to be fighting them in all these places not wasting time nation building a failed shit hole.
Special forces and drones should be dealing death in the Yemen on a daily basis not handing out wind up radios.
Sure, I agree the game has changed now.
Unfortunately, the UK at least can’t afford to follow them from country to country trying to wipe them out. The war is costing us a fortune, aid is costing us millions we could use at home or in more deserving areas, and immigration, which is also supposed to help the individuals who come here, is also proving expensive in terms of cost and social cohesion.
Drones and special forces may be the answer; IMO full invasion is not.
But the Fi Glover drivel programme at 9am this morning on Radio 4 was fondly interviewing a robotics scientist who was pushing his involvement with anti-drone propaganda – who just happens to be talking at some pacifist conference today !
There, you see, we have “Somalia terror [threat]”, the same form of wording as in “papal terror”. Now, how could you tell from that who is terrorising and who is being terrorised and that the Pope is not actually terrorising anyone?
I’m surprised it took them this long.
But also am under no illusions this is the result of an idealogical epiphany on the DM’s part; they are too driven by what sells for that. Oddly, given the torrent of often logic-free ‘Daily Mail reader’ ad homs, irrespective of anything actually being discussed. Yes, it’s a tabloid rag (the rabble-rousing on UK earthquakes being the latest dire PRasNews they blared out), but it has a broad readership it must surely seek to represent and/or reflect. And while a lot IS horse manure, something factual cannot be waved away with a hissy-fit snipe about all generic readers’ intellects.
As with The Telegraph, I think they have spotted a trend, and it’s one the BBC should be very worried about.
As for its groupies, setting themselves up as the last bulwark of free speech against Rupert (when he actually has nowt to do with the two above, ironically) may seem a smart play to get hugs and kisses around the camp fire, but might actually place them exactly where anyone with half a brain can see they have no place being.
Especially as, uniquely, they are the only ones funded by a public given no choice.
If nothing else, the lefties will hate it. It’s enough to drive any deranged leftoid over the edge (hello, Cash).