Have’t heard the BBC mention just who these men are who’ve been arrested for plotting to kill the Pope.
Sky News says they’re Algerian. Could it be they’re M****m?
I did hear one male Beeboid accidentally say “Algerian” a while back during one news break. He stumbled over “North African” and said “Algerian”, and it seemed like what happens when you have one word in your mind but another comes out of your mouth.
So I just saw the Pope and the ArchB of C exchange gifts, preceded by a speech from the Pope which was met with an audible, heartfelt “Thank you” by the ArchB. Here are two Churches which have a history of massive bloody wars and persecutions sharing a stage, smiles, exchanging gifts, and talking about how much they share.
In another religion with a similar kind of schism, Shia and Sunni kill each other all the time and blow up each others houses of worship when they’re not persecuting Sufis or “heretics”. The BBC wouldn’t dare compare the two traditions.
And all Anita McVeigh can talk about is that there are difficulties in bridging ecumenical ties, and highlight protesters shouting “Shame on you”.
It was momentous, extraordinary, considering the history. I watched it on Sky as I didn’t want the splendour or spirit of the occasion poisoned by Beeboid bile.
Apologies. The site is currently facing some difficulties, so please refresh the page or try again later. Click here to return to the BBC Personality homepage to complete your survey.
Terrorist attack in a Copenhagen hotel on 10th September.
Afghan Health Ministry reports that girls have been attacked in several schools across the country by chemical weapons.
The Saudis have built a security wall between their country and Yemen to keep out terrorists, (not at all like Israel then)
Bono is at tax exile.
BBC is responsible for shortwave radio masts that emit radiation. The Italian courts have convicted stations for doing the same thing.
Organic food, fertilised with manure rather than nice clean chemicals, has been responsible for outbreaks of ecoli 0157 food poisoning.
Remember the BBC is biased for what it does not tell you just as much as for it does.
Note how Islam Not BBC (INBBC) COMPLETELY EXCLUDES reference to SOMALIA Islamic jihad threat here, and note use of favourite INBBC misnomer ‘dissidents’:
Cranmer is back, and says this about the coverage of the Pope’s visit:
The Popemobile has landed, the BBC has mobilised and the Benedictaphone is outselling Buzz Lightyear.
And this:
For Pope Benedict XVI comes to the United Kingdom at a time when the Christian conscience is besieged, the national church cowed and our liberties undermined in ways they have not been for centuries. Nurses dare not pray or wear a crucifix; teachers dare not mention Jesus and the school receptionist dare not ask for prayer. If you work for BA, turbans, karas and hijabs are fine, but don’t even think about wearing a cross. Christians are no longer free to be foster parents, registrars, hotel owners or B&B proprietors. Bishops may no longer uphold orthodoxy, street preachers may not quote Scripture, and adoption agencies must act against their conscience or close.
And don’t even think about saying ‘God bless’ in the workplace.
And this:
When Christians dare to be convicted, they are portrayed as bigots. When they articulate a view with which others may disagree, they are dogmatic. When they fall short of perfection, they are pilloried and cast as hypocrites. When they defend the unborn, they are unenlightened. When they oppose animal-human embryos, they are anti-science. When they express concern over the fatherless, they are homophobic. When they speak up for the poor, they are wishy-washy liberals. When they defend faith-based education, they are intolerant. When they seek to uphold marriage, they are ‘right wing’ reactionaries.
All of this could apply to the BBC’s coverage, and judging from that first sentence, Cranmer probably means to include them, or even them especially.
Those who shame the British spirit of generosity and offend against Christian notions of hospitality with cries of ‘No Pope Here!’ are doubtless those who uttered not a syllable of protest against the state visits of Mugabe, Hirohito, Ceauşescu, Abdullah, Jintao…
What up, Anita McVeigh?
Not, of course, that Pope Benedict may in any sense be considered a rogue, vagabond, tyrant, dictator or mass murderer.
Other than by Peter Tatchell or Stephen Fry.
Cranmer has another interesting post about how he’s troubled by something the Pope said about the paedo-priests which I hadn’t considered.
Peter Tatchell, I presume is saying that the Pope condones pedophiles and therefore should not be allowed into Britain. I suspect the only difference is that Tachell would allow sex with children if they consent.
“The idea of a sliding-scale age of consent is something that OutRage! is promoting. In addition to supporting an age of consent of 14 for everyone (gay and straight), OutRage! argues that sex involving young people under 14 should not be prosecuted providing both partners consent and there is no more than three years difference in their ages.” http://www.petertatchell.net/age%20of%20consent/14%20gay%20boyfriend.htm
We know how INBBC ‘Newsnight’ will spin the Islamic jihad threat to Pope: with no reference to ‘Islam’, and no reference to ‘jihad’ –
“We’ll also have the latest on the arrest by counter-terrorism officers of five men, all street cleaners, on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack during pontiff’s trip.” (-from ‘Newsnight’ blog.)
If INBBC ‘Newsnight’ wanted to educate itself as to the nature of the Islamic jihad threat from Algeria it would refer to this:
“Exclusive: Al Qaeda’s North African Connection (Part Three of Three)”
I’m pissed off with all this popery. Send the mitred bugger home, and restore “Eggheads” to it’s rightful spot. Just watching the acolytes toadying all over him really sticks in my throat. Yesterday, on Channel 4 news, Jon Snow was almost wetting his knickers watching him leave Scotland: ” you can see the pope sitting in the aeroplane, look, third window back” he exclaimed breathlessly. So bloody what, it was a bloke, in a plane, at an airport. I just can’t “get” this religion thing at all.
Send the mitred bugger home, and restore “Eggheads” to it’s rightful spot.
It’s always nice to see a well ordered sense of priorities.
How could a Pope compete with Daphne and co?
Oh dear, pleeeeeeze don’t get me started on Daaafff’ne.
Mrs Bug won’t let me watch anymore, ‘cos I throw things at the tellybox when Smugne’s pretending to guess an answer she swotted up on long ago.
And as for Barry, that tragic wreck of a human being……Lawks, just like the tortoise in the old Creature Comforts ad (“It’s easily turn-off and on-able…”).
So (and as a non-RC, mark you) I’m wondering whether it’s pssible to move the Vatican to somewhere in the vicinity of , say, Reigate so the Papacy show can be broadcast every single evening for ever more and kill off the Eggheads for evahhhhhh ?
The BBC online articloe about the 5 men arrested in London starts by describing them as “all street cleaners in Westminster”. You have to go down the story to see the Algeria link.
How ridiculous can BBC journalists and editors get ?
Official statement from Labour and their street thugs, UAF, regarding the upcoming demonstration against ‘THE GOD DAMN RACIST NAZI FASCISTS!!’ (a white person who’s political views are anywhere to the right of Stalin) Look out for the BBC giving their leaders a lot of air time but forgetting to ask them about the serious criminal records they all have.
Now which morning R4 hourly news gets the most listeners. In reverse order 10.00 no mention of Precott. 9.00 Precotts claim for a judicial review as he wants to find out if he was a targets, gets a prominent mention. 8.00 Prescott case application is mentioned, then as a rider Coulson is appended to the report.
Crafty these lefty news editors who do Labour’s bidding!
After a year-and-a-half of trench warfare over healthcare reform and the like, American politics is being churned up by a Tea Party where civilities have been drowned out by the sound of crashing china.
Hey, Matt: why aren’t you complaining about a lack of civility from the Left? You know, where the real danger of violence and hate speech comes from.
A former stand-up comedian turned TV preacher and a woman who believes masturbation should be banned – surely Christine O’Donnell’s true Achilles heel – suddenly need to be traken seriously.
I told you this is why the BBC would focus on her and the Delaware race. And Frei is exaggerating anyway. “Discouraged” isn’t the same thing as “banned”. It’s impossible to ban masturbation, but Frei doesn’t care. He’s using humorous hyperbole to make the point that she’s dangerous. Why does this remind me of so many comments from certain past defenders of the indefensible?
Foreign governments who had assumed that an Obama administration would end America’s quixotic adventures under George W Bush and put the country back on a more predictable, genteel course are wondering whether an even wilder ride is just beginning.
That’s two editorial remarks in one sentence. “Quixotic” and “wilder ride” betray his personal opinion. This comes as no surprise to anyone who saw him refer on air to “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration” too many times to count.
But the palest faces in the arena probably belong to the grandees of the Grand Old Party.
What used to be run like a gentleman’s club with an unstated but understood protocol of succession and patrician patronage has now been rattled from below.
No bias there, but for a laugh, read it again and replace “Grand Old Party” with “BBC”.
It is underpinned by an appalling discrepancy in incomes, by the heavy hand of government, by the limitations of America at home and abroad.
“Discrepancy in incomes”? He’s mixed his scripts up, there. Another personal opinion rears its ugly head.
Frei finishes by blaming the whole thing on Sarah Palin. Again. Even Journolist groupie Katie Connolly managed to type a few words saying that Palin is not the leader of any movement.
This is the bias broadcast across the US every night on BBC World News America.
I’m concerned about publicly funding his lordly manner and lifestyle and his ubiquity on the BBC. They seem to wheel him out at every opportunity to pontificate on all manner of subjects. I suspect they think this gives it some sort of a fig leaf of intellectual respectability.
I’ve been out all day and only just got onto the fact that the BBC are doing anything they can to avoid reporting the story about the Algerian “men” who wanted to kill the pope. By the morning their narrative will be about what could have driven the “men” to contemplate such a deed no doubt.
Now 6 minutes into the 9 o’clock bulletin and not a mention.
While Matt Frei is blogging about the lack of civility from the Tea Party movement, the real world provides evidence of where the real nastiness lies. The BBC will not tell you about the following:
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck as Nazis.
BIG UPDATE: One of the protesters has been identified. She’s one of Obama’s Organizing for America staffers. They shipped her from Missouri to Chicago for their Hitler rally.
Will any of the platoon of Beeboids covering the US dare mention this? They sure rushed to report that “Obama=Hitler” billboard that was taken down almost immediately and disavowed by the national Tea Party group associated with the dopes who put it up. Come on, BBC, let’s see you talk about the ugliness and extremism only on the Right now. And remember, this OFA woman is part of the White House political machine.
Pope plot:
This morning at 8:30 am the beeb news is STILL bigging up the streetcleaner angle, and the not british angle. No mention of what nationality they are which is obviously the next question…I wonder why?
and the early morning review of the newspapers led with Clegg facing conference trouble over the cuts (from the Independent) whereas the Guardian, Times, Sun, Mirror and Express ALL led on the Islamist plot against the Pope’s visit.
Has anyone yet heard the BBC use the Islamist word on this ?
I was just thinking about how the murder of four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, disappeared very quickly from the BBC headlines and RSS feeds while Palestinians slotted by the IDF stay in-your-face for days on end.
Strikes me that there are a couple of agendas here:
*The default blame Israel for everything agenda.
*The lazy Pump out the standard crap without bothering too much about where it comes from or whether they’ve published practically the identical crap beforeeven though the situation has changed agenda.
It’s a clear demonstration of the BBC’s lazy “journalism” – editing a two month old piece to make it look like it’s current.
It also shows how the BBC is quite happy to regurgitate old stuff in the cause of showing Israel in a bad light. Most of the quotes in the piece dated 17 September are clearly from the same interviews as the July report.
Lazy, dishonest, and tendentious reporting – what the BBC does best!
Found a blatant invite to a demo mascarading as news on aunties shitty socialist website
Protest The Pope co-organiser Marco Tranchino thinks “thousands” will listen to speakers including the human rights lawyer, Geoffrey Robertson.
The British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society are among the groups backing the demonstration.
Protesters will meet at Hyde Park Corner at 1330 BST.
The marchers will then proceed down Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus, then head down Haymarket towards Trafalgar Square. From there, they will head along Whitehall towards Richmond Terrace, opposite Downing Street.
Other speakers at the 1530 rally include the atheist scientist and author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, and the human rights activist, Peter Tatchell”
Perhaps there is a shorter route to get there via iphone.
So I guess it’s fair to say that the BBC is not exactly shoving this in our faces, but I don’t know if it’s strictly necessary to have such a comprehensive breakdown of the protest groups as it does on the Papal visit: Pope Benedict IV’s opponents page. Interestingly, there’s info there on Catholic voices for reform, the very group that Robert Piggot just promoted with his extraordinary deceit.
Actually got to the page with one click from the home page. At the time it was the first link on the news section. Hardly burying it. To add to that they had thatchel little walk of love on the BBC news channel for a full twenty minutes from about 1:10 to 1:30 .
You can deny the bias you can hide from it but it’s still there.
The first ever state visit by a pope. A major event for the 5,000,000 Catholics in the uk and yet they allow rent a crowd to take a totally disproportionate slice of the airtime. Couple this with the almost constant negative editorializing from the last two weeks and you could be blamed for believing Gary glitter had organized a concert in Hyde park. The proportion of kiddy fiddlers in the priesthood is much lower Than in the main uk population yet watching listening and reading the beeb output you’d think it was some aped club. My church fuckec up. They didn’t take the problem seriously but there is no proportionality in the coverage of the problem and the solution.
Thanks for that clarification. Me deny BBC bias? I loathe the BBC. Only thing is, I’m sometimes cautious about concluding that there is deliberate bias since it’s not always the case. Anyway, I see now that you have removed any doubt in this instance.
I’m limited to the World Service and the Website and I don’t have access to BBC TV but at times like this I’m tempted to get it, just to get the full picture of the distortion of the news to suit the BBC’s biased agenda.
Er… I should have mentioned that the story of the BBC’s deceit re Catholic voices for reform was introduced by George R on page 3 of the Whinge 3 thread, whence it was picked up by a few more people.
On the Today programme this morning James Naughtie introduced a “right-wing” US commentator. Great – let’s have some Krauthammer for a change ! But no – it was David Frum, just about as wet as you can get, despised by many in the Republican Party. So these two lefties nattered on, largely in agreement, Naughtie pretending to be an expert on US politics – and of course they had a bash at Palin en passant.
Naughtie hasn’t the guts to face a really fierce US conservative commentator. They’d eat him alive.
INBBC does not want to report the truth that such Jihadist attacks in London are also a threat to British people, so INBBC relegates the story to Karachi, and is reported by INBBC’s Syed Shoaib Hasan.
‘Daily Mail’ reports this Islamic violence by foreigners in London as a threat to the security of the British people; not a consideration to which INBBC is prone to give priority:
“Was the Taliban behind attack on Pakistani politician stabbed to death outside his London home?”
When I first read this news I thought that London must also be a suburb in Karachi…when it went on to mention SO15 that I had doubts but you need to get to paragraph 10 (i.e. scroll down off screen) before you see the mention of living in UK, video with English number plates, Edgware Road etc.
Why you start a campaign to not pay the license fee for the days the BBC are on strike, in fact claim for loss of service, breach of contract.. and anything else legal.
Is it just me or does the BBC’s constant focus on the attacks on the Pope and the Church – in fact giving the protests and anti-Pope voice far more credence and raising it to a higher moral level – stray into the realm of insulting hundreds of millions of Catholics who never hurt anybody? You know, kind of like how the Beeboids kept saying that burning one Koran is wrong because it insults millions of Muslims who aren’t terrorists? Where can one draw the line?
I have commented before that I suspect the BBC would love to scrap R4 Test Match Cricket on the grounds that cricket is :-
1. Elitist ( tell that to Geoff Boycott ).
2. Invented by the English ( although there is some debate about that ).
I missed TMS yesterday, but apparently the commentary was interrupted to cover the Pope’s arrival in Westminster Abbey. I can remember bigger world events which didn’t interrupt TMS.
I shall keep a close eye on this as I expect more interruptions in the future, then cutting down coverage to certain days as they chip away at TMS.
On the other hand a letter in today’s Telegraph asked if the Pope couldn’t be persuaded to live permanently in the UK. Obviously the writer not a cricket fan !
the play of words is worrying. Should be more like survivors of cocks up bums when they were kids are bullshitted by the investivgating cunt who hid it all.
The Pope speaks of his “deep love” for the Welsh people and sadness at being unable to visit during his UK trip, in a special address at Westminster Cathedral.
Keep the marmite miner away please. All our childrens homes have shut down.because his mates got there first
Thanks for pointing that out. It’s the first blog on The Editors since Peter Horrock was gushing with praise for the way the World Service was reporting on the Pakistan floods, back in late August.
(He had nothing to say, of course, about the corruption and siphoning off of aid to put money in pockets and the selling of aid to Pakistani Christians who had to buy it or do without, unless of course they converted to Islam.)
Helen Boaden was the one who defended Barbara Plett over the infamous “Tears for Arafat” affair.
She said it appeared Plett “unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying with Yasser Arafat and his cause”.
The key to that peculiar statement is in the prefix, “over-.”
That is, she identified anyway with Arafat and his cause but, by crying, gave the impression of too much identification.
Half expected the weekend night-shift ‘B’-rebutteam from Aunty’s Pom-pom squad to weigh in first and try and slam the post for dodgy spelling.
Just savouring, in turn, “unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying..’ ie: out and out, deliberately did.
Kinda explains her latest outing in PC-bollox, navel-gazing, self-obsessed, managementspeek, foot-in-mouth-whilst-shooting print, and its potential for hilarity. Ch4 got space for her too?
I am frankly amazed not just by the ineptitude of the argument, and the lack of skill in its construction (presuming a team of Aunty’s best honed and vetted it), but also simply see it as a pretty neat self-detonating note over any chance the BBC has at trying to claim any comptence, much less objectivity in its ‘news’ output.
Near every paragraph the silly girl has committed to print can be pegged next to almost all their output, from politics, to religion to Climate thingie, and shown to be bull manure.
Yet she… is what makes it to the top???? Almost explains, if not excuses the dross that results from the collapsing pyramid of in-breds below.
They’ve “planned their coverage of the spending cuts so carefully?” Hilarious. Was that done before or after Mark Thompson got called into the headmaster’s office? Oops, Helen forgot to mention that entirely.
Trust Robert Peston and Mark Easton? In your dreams, darling. And am I supposed to trust Nick Robinson for what he reports, or for what he withholds?
Near every paragraph the silly girl has committed to print can be pegged next to almost all their output, from politics, to religion to Climate thingie, and shown to be bull manure.
I was thinking the same thing as I went through the rubbish she wrote.
Thanks for that – it is enough to make a cat laugh, so I have left a comment on the BBC blog taking a swipe at the Boaden article. It is arrogant beyond belief – who does she take us for ?
Oh, how I laughed at the sheer effrontery of that fine example of using the platform of our publicly funded medium to indulge in a bit of self-serving pure political spin.
“I always think that impartiality is in our DNA…
That’s why, for example, we’ve planned our coverage of the spending cuts so carefully…”
Yes, Helen, so very very carefully. That’s why when I clicked on that link I found a page with the word “cuts” sprinkled all around the place like confetti.
Tell me, oh, wise one, why you consider that to be the topic and the right word. Why is the subject not rendered as “The National Debt” for example, rather than “Cuts”? Or “The Debt” if you wish to make it short and snappy. Or “Spending Review “(“Spend, Spend”, if you’d prefer 😀 ), which appears only once, against a dozen appearances for “Cuts” on that page’s headings.
The moderators on the Boaden post are being uncharacteristically democratic at the moment. I wonder how long that will last, especially given the pasting she is getting there (including from several of us!)
For a country that prides itself on religious tolerance, this has been a shaming week.
Thanks to the BBC and a noisy cabal of self-important atheists and Catholic-haters, we have been subjected to wall-to-wall attacks on the Pope and his Church.
Ross Douthat of the New York Times spoke at USC Annenberg recently about this very topic of the media’s disconnect with religion and religious people. What he says seems to apply to the BBC perfectly.
Journalists are more skeptical — and often less religious — than the average American, Douthat said in a conversation with Diane Winston, the Knight Chair in Media and Religion at Annenberg. That skepticism helps reporters cover politics, business and local government. But that same skepticism hinders them from understanding, let alone covering, the religion beat.
“It would be odd for business reporters to think that balance sheets are silly, or to not believe in Wall Street,” Douthat said. “But in religion, you get that all the time.”
Don’t know, but he’s got a lovely website. Look at the hilarious list of interviewees for his programme series Hart of the Matter: Alistair Crooke, Steven Rose, Ghada Karmi, Norman Finkelstein, Riah Abu El-Assal, Dr Jennifer Louise Tonge (haha) John Pilger, Ilan Pappe. What a bunch!!
I thought there was much to be proud of this week, seeing the conduct of the Pope’s visit and the response of our institutions, including our Queen, PM and Archbish and the enthusiastic, happy and orderly crowds of people. And not forgetting the police. All have scored highly, with Cameron unequivocally setting the tone and giving a lead in advance of the visit. He also matched the occasion with a particularly well chosen and timely gift. Full marks there.
After watching the spiritually moving, happy and jubilant event in Hyde Park this evening, I just now looked at the BBC news website and although the Pope’s visit is the leading item, the highlights in the headlines are not about the remarkable historic events of the day.
Instead, it is nearly all about abuse, protests, threats, sorrow, negativity, with just bare, uninformative glancing references to the events and the celebrations. Unbelievably bad. Talk about missing the story! About not understanding the nature of events and their significance.
Here is what you get: Pope’s ‘sorrow’ for abuse victims
<img style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49156000/jpg/_49156917_33_384_popemobile_getty.jpg” alt=”33_384_popemobile_getty”/><img style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49153000/jpg/_49153625_19_384_westminster_getty.jpg” alt=”19_384_westminster_getty”/>Previous Image| Pause| Next Image1 / 7
Links always useful. I did a quick check (and would have posted to confirm, but some Telegraph script crashed my browser & lost ’em all) just to see if my guess was correct:)
I do note the BBC weasel, that they were PRasNews’d the 20k by folk who they meet afterwards in the wine bar and whose opinions count, while the Police weren’t helpful. Have to wonder how others arrived at their figures.
‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.’
Or… grab a number that suits, luv?
As we seem to have a factor of x2 of doubt in all her mighty news organisation comes up with, maybe a BBC budget of £1.6B? Or DG T on ‘only £400k’ (the devine Ms. B on, what, still around £250k?)
I am sure she and her advisers are chuffed they wrote that suicide note already.
‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.’
I think she got carried away with her own rhetoric there, like Jonathan Aitken with his trusty sword of truth and honour.
Not a comparison she would have us make. Heh. If only we could have one of their specialists to hand while reading the high-flown PR prose! They could steer us away from error and prevent us from falling into the unfortunate habit of thinking for ourselves.
Here’s a thought. Peter the tosspot Tatchel claims there is a homosexual community. A coherent group who need our respect etc. Well the majority of kiddy fiddler priests in my church showed homosexual tendencies I.e. A penchant for choirboys. Thus it could be argued that they were homosexual and therefore members of Peters ‘community’.
Why then as a leader in this community is Peter not apologizing for the abuse carried out by his gay brothers?
Surely we should not allow him the dignity of free spots on newsnight and the ten o’clock news until he fully admits to the activities of these homosexuals within his community and apologises.
Dawkins as a leader within the atheist community has never apologises for the genocidal acts carried out by fellow members of the atheist community like Stalin.
I could go on but i’m getting bored with all this apologising. Mind you as a practising left footer a good bit of guilt and a bit of penance makes me feel right at home 😀
Anyone else seen the pictures on the BBC website of Yom Kippur as celebrated by Israelis? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11359877
Five pictures- one of an Orthodox Jew whipping his fellow Jew symbolically!!!!One of a mother holding a chilcken for the ‘kapparot ritual’. One showing a paddling pool filled with fish for Tashlich(btw nothing to do with Yom Kippur, but with Rosh Hashanah). All rather peculiar and bizarre rituals. The one of the Shofar has an interesting caption. See if you can spot the bias!!!
In the interests of transparency I would like to note I am both Jewish and Israeli.
The BBC ignored the two major Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, while producing multiple Ramadan articles and references. I suppose this In Pictures is some form of attempt at balance? What a pity they didn’t show the photographs to someone with some form of Jewish knowledge, preferably of the ultra Orthodox variety before writing the captions.
Israel has been observing the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, when observant Jews atone for the sins of the past year by fasting for 25 hours and praying. Shops are shut and traffic comes to a halt. A more appropriate caption would be children take advantage of the one day a year that the streets are traffic free (excepting emergency and service vehicles, such as police) to ride their bikes. Incidentally there is no law prohibiting driving on Yom Kippur but practically no one drives.
A series of rituals are performed ahead of the day itself. Here an ultra-Orthodox Jew whips another with a leather belt as a symbolic punishment for his sins during the traditional Malkot ceremony, a few hours before the start of Yom Kippur
I have lived as a Jew for more than fifty years and have never heard of the Malkot ceremony. Apparently, it exists for a tiny minority of Jews. What the BBC doesn’t say is that over 60% of secular Israeli Jews (and of course 100% of those defining themselves as religious) fast on Yom Kippur, preserving a tradition passed down over thousands of years. Not eating or drinking is the distinctive custom of the festival. Could anyone imagine the BBC forgetting that Muslims fast during Ramadan?
Many traditions have evolved; fasting, prayer, wearing white, no bathing or washing, no wearing of leather shoes and refraining from marital relations ”For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G-d” (Leviticus 16:30).
A Jewish settler blows the Shofar horn on the eve of Yom Kippur, near the disputed Ibrahimi mosque, known to Jews as the Tomb of the Patriarchs, during the weekly Muslim Friday prayer in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron.
This is an odd one as familyjaffa noted. Firstly the background doesn’t look like the Tomb of the Patriachs, rather it looks like Jerusalem. Secondly the ‘settler’ is blowing a Yeminite shofar while most of the Hebron settlers and blow a ram’s horn shofar that is much shorter (see image). Thirdly there is no tradition of blowing the shofar on the day before Yom Kippur, only at the very end when the sun has already set. None of this is conclusive but I would love to have seen the other shots the photographer took at the time.
People pray in front of a plastic pool filled with water and fish in the ultra-Orthodox Israeli city of Bnei Brak, near Tel Aviv, as they perform the Tashlich ritual during which they cast their sins into the water.
I’m inclined to agree with familyjaffa on this one. Tashlich demands a body of flowing water and in any case is a Rosh Hashana not a Yom Kippur custom.
A woman holds a chicken as her son reads a blessing before performing the Kaparot ritual in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv. Kaparot is a custom where white chickens are slaughtered in a symbolic gesture of atonement and donated to the poor.
The custom of Kaporat involves waving a chicken over the head to metaphorically exchange the sins. Kaparot is supposed to imbue people with a feeling that their very lives are at stake as Yom Kippur approaches. The kaparot ceremony is meant to symbolically express our recognition that we have sinned and are no longer deserving of life (like the chicken), but we can be saved from the penalty we deserve if we repent, perform good deeds, and give charity. Most Israelis substitute money which is donated to charity for the chicken. It is the waving of the chicken and the donation rather than the slaughter that is the heart of the custom. The same chicken is used for the ceremony as many times as required.
In all sloppy research and captioning from the BBC.
As to the kapparot the chicken used is donated to the poor as another form of charity. In any event most Jews use money which is then donated to charity. I have complained to the BBC the most blatant piece of “denigrate the Jews” being to call the Cave of Machpela which is mentioned in the Bible the Ibrahimi Mosque and make out it’s the Jews who are trying to steal it from the Arabs not vice versa. The useless researcher who put the montage together deserves to be fired but knowing the BBC will probably get promoted for making the Jews angry!
When you play the race card like fatty does on a daily basis you can get carried away and stray into racist territory yourself. She is as thick as pig muck and it was only a matter of time she was hoist on her own petard
Can’t say I would shed a tear if she falls on her fat neocomm arse
The link into the ridiculous blogpost by Helen Boaden – Head of BBC News – has been posted a couple of times above – I suggest it deserves its own thread. Some of us have already commented on that BBC blog – Craig has a couple of zingers, I got one in at No 12, TooTrue (formerly Bryan) also posted there.
The sheer arrogance and complacency of Boaden’s piece is amazing ! Others may wish to join in the comments, as Craig says the moderators seem to be letting through anything critical but polite.
Also to DV, I would request a front-page post for the story about the planted Catholic and the BBC’s religious affairs correspondent in Tottenham. It was originally posted in the open thread by George R. Thanks.
It was on page 3 of the Whinge 3 thread. I’ve just sent an e-mail off to whoever gets it of the admin people here with George R’s link to the letter of complaint and my summary of it, echoing you request that it gets put up as a main post. It’s a huge story and I think we need it as a main post so it doesn’t get lost in the comments and so we can more easily follow it and update it.
I agree. This was a blatant example of BBC bias – a BBC reporter not just skewing the news, but actually setting up a hit job. His behaviour was sick as it gets.
Only in the BBC milieu could he imagine he was behaving properly.
Great post on the BBC’s treatment of Yom Kippur. The BBC’s pathetic effort reminded me of a schoolboy who has a project to do that he really hates and he rushes through it doing the minimum amount of work possible.
Here’s yet another BBC piece about the Tea Party movement in the US. It’s a simple deal: two voters, two opinions about the movement. Yes, it’s balanced on a superficial level, i.e. it presents two opposing views. But is this really the kind of balance everyone here actually wants? Perhaps more importantly, is there any journalistic value in presenting opinions like this at all?
Before thinking about that last question, I want to point out something about the opinions themselves. Notice how the supporter is from Delaware, and is advocating for Christin O’Donnell, the very Tea Party-backed candidate the BBC has been highlighting as the whacko who will bring the movement to a crashing halt, while the opposing voter is from Kentucky, where Rand Paul is on the rise. Surely Katie Connolly and her political activist crew could have found a Tea Party supporter somewhere else in the country.
Besides the silly photos, there’s a stark contrast between the two opinions in their choice of language and message. The supporter states what he’s for, acknowledges that there are critics, but still speaks in a positive tone, reaching out to others. The opponent, on the other hand, engages in the same fearmongering we hear from the BBC.
The movement represents some of the worst of American culture. I don’t think they really understand what they are demanding.
And then there’s the same strawman argument we’ve heard many times, grossly exaggerating the actual fiscal concept to the point of horrible absurdity. Which is the same thing the BBC tried to do initially, oddly enough. The opponent says he expects success in his area because there are so many neanderthals there. Never mind that Rand Paul isn’t running on the God Ticket at all.
The supporter doesn’t even mention the other side, never mind spend time bashing them and using inflammatory language. I find it curious that the BBC chose such different approaches.
Having said all this, one thing is obvious: I personally agree with one, but not the other. But so what? What good is this, then? How does this help you understand what’s going on at all?
I see this as evidence that the Beeboids are thinking the same thing that so many defenders of the indefensible have told us: we don’t want impartiality; we just want to hear the right-wing point of view. So that’s what the BBC has provided here. Two opinions: the balance of the opposing views we’re always asking for. But this isn’t so much news as it is a subjective story they’re presenting to you.
I say that this is completely useless and without journalistic value for two reasons. First, these are not experts in anything or analysts who have spent years studying their field, or people with experience in anything to with anything on which they’re commenting. They’re just average shmoes, same as me. What’s the point, then?
Secondly, this tells you absolutely nothing about what’s really going on. There are no facts here, no background information, no information at all, really. It’s a vox pops elevated above its status. How does this help any of you form an opinion about the Tea Party movement either way? It doesn’t, of course. All it does is re-inforce whichever opinion you already had.
Everyone here knows my opinion of the movement. But I have tried to present facts on the ground from the beginning, and let everyone else decide what to think about them. Yes, I’ve been open about my opinion that the movement has promise, and that it can really do something, but that’s because I’ve seen evidence of it, not because I agree with its policies. I could easily say the same thing (and have) about ACORN. I’ve said before that ACORN can get people elected, even though I thoroughly disagree with their methods and just about everything they really stand (stood) for.
The BBC, on the other hand, acted as if the Tea Party movement didn’t exist until two months after it got going. Then they told you it wasn’t going anywhere. Mark Mardell has at least three pieces saying that “the steam is running out” or similar. Sure, he learned in the BBC’s journalism school to couch it in the form of a question, but that’s a trick as old as the printing press. That’s his personal bias preventing him from seeing what’s really going on.
I say this kind of thing isn’t the “balance” we’re looking for, but it does reveal the BBC mindset.
The BBC has made London the laughing stock of the world and damaged Britain’s reputation abroad. This is due to their unrelenting negative coverage of the Papal visit. The BBC just doesn’t get it; cultures outside Britain respect the family, love children, respect the elderly and hold hospitality as the highest virtue. Now, did the BBC broadcast images on its news (which is seen around the world) of all those wonderful Londoners who came out to welcome the Pope. Did it show images of thousands of families, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, extending traditional London hospitality to the head of a minority religion in this country? No, the BBC focused on a minority of malcontents. What sort of image will this project to the world in the run up to 2012 Olympics. Imagine a person from another country flipping on the BBC World Wide News to be faced with the Hate Parade. There are no families, no children, and no elderly, just spiteful bigoted men mocking a foreign visitors, culture and belief. At their head Peter Tatchell, a man who looks like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, mincing about the screen. That sight is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. This is the image of London the BBC has projected to the world. The BBC just doesn’t get it?
And the negative spiteful BBC coverage on the World Service has had exactly the same disgraceful tone.
It is not just Catholics who must feel very annoyed. other denominations too have seen the Christian religion trashed by BBC “news”, have seen what appears to be a decent Pope who is very concerned by too much secularism, who has shown due respect to co-religionists in Britain, who today has been praising Britain’s role against Hitler – nearly all pushed aside to show endless images of secularists protesting.
I am not religious – although I had a fairly severe Methodist upbringing. But I too am offended by the images the BBC has been pushing, the news headlines it has been selecting.
The only possible ray of sunshine is that all this may have turned even more people against the BBC’s arrogation of arbiter of morality in Britain.
Yes John I am not a Catholic and not a great church goer but I am a Christian. This event was a state visit of the head of the Catholic Church. It was the government on behalf of the people that invited him to come to this country. The BBC do not understand that this is how state vists work. If people object to this vist then they take it up with their MP. This is democracy. Never once, that I was aware of, was this protocol relayed via their large “news” organisation.
Maybe Gordon Brown should apologise to the Pope for the BBCs “aggresive atheism”
The beeb seems like a petulant teenager that knows what it doesn’t like but doesn’t know what it likes.
You know it “Christmas is lame and all materialistic and that I’m not going to join in that’ Christmas day comes and it’s ‘why haven’t I got any presents.’
They don’t like Christians/Hindus/Jews they secretly admire communism and Islam but would shit themselves if they had to live under either of those totalitarian systems. All of them trust fund trots and islington revolutionaries. Their nihilist vision in turn arouses and frightens them. Now the pope has gone home and they’ve wasted 75% of their airtime slagging him off and suddenly they’ve lost a true chance to understand a religion which accounts for 10% of the population
Iran’s supreme leader believes it was the Jews what did it…Jews were behind the actions of the Koran-(not)-burning pastor, Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks, Jews are behind everything bad in the world. He also believes they should be punished.
This comes from a blogpost by Sky News’s foreign editor Tim Marshall, who believes that Khamenei’s comments need to be widely reported. They certainly do.
Yet more BBC hatred of our armed forces on the Today Programme this morning, interviewing a high ranking-general about the UK handover of Sangin to US troops, Humphreys couldn’t wait to get stuck into the British Army repeating over and over that our armed forces had ‘failed’ and that it was a humiliating retreat etc. If the army wore red stars and had the word ‘revolutionary’ in their title the BBC would be singing their praises.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Have’t heard the BBC mention just who these men are who’ve been arrested for plotting to kill the Pope.
Sky News says they’re Algerian. Could it be they’re M****m?
I did hear one male Beeboid accidentally say “Algerian” a while back during one news break. He stumbled over “North African” and said “Algerian”, and it seemed like what happens when you have one word in your mind but another comes out of your mouth.
No doubt it was one of those fanatical Algerian Protestants fired up by Martin Luther’s denunciation of the Pope as the Antichrist,
So I just saw the Pope and the ArchB of C exchange gifts, preceded by a speech from the Pope which was met with an audible, heartfelt “Thank you” by the ArchB. Here are two Churches which have a history of massive bloody wars and persecutions sharing a stage, smiles, exchanging gifts, and talking about how much they share.
In another religion with a similar kind of schism, Shia and Sunni kill each other all the time and blow up each others houses of worship when they’re not persecuting Sufis or “heretics”. The BBC wouldn’t dare compare the two traditions.
And all Anita McVeigh can talk about is that there are difficulties in bridging ecumenical ties, and highlight protesters shouting “Shame on you”.
But Sunni and Shia do unite; against Israel and Jews.
It was momentous, extraordinary, considering the history. I watched it on Sky as I didn’t want the splendour or spirit of the occasion poisoned by Beeboid bile.
You don’t need me to tell you what to do. Trust your heart!
Apologies. The site is currently facing some difficulties, so please refresh the page or try again later. Click here to return to the BBC Personality homepage to complete your survey.
Stories the BBC won’t report:
Terrorist attack in a Copenhagen hotel on 10th September.
Afghan Health Ministry reports that girls have been attacked in several schools across the country by chemical weapons.
The Saudis have built a security wall between their country and Yemen to keep out terrorists, (not at all like Israel then)
Bono is at tax exile.
BBC is responsible for shortwave radio masts that emit radiation. The Italian courts have convicted stations for doing the same thing.
Organic food, fertilised with manure rather than nice clean chemicals, has been responsible for outbreaks of ecoli 0157 food poisoning.
Remember the BBC is biased for what it does not tell you just as much as for it does.
By the way, I believe the Saudi wall was built by an Israeli company, or at least an Israeli cnsultancy was involved – not a lot of people know that.
The Poles are also building a wall, with Israeli assistance.
Note how Islam Not BBC (INBBC) COMPLETELY EXCLUDES reference to SOMALIA Islamic jihad threat here, and note use of favourite INBBC misnomer ‘dissidents’:
“Dissidents’ threat rising – MI5”
‘Wall Street Journal’ has:
“UK Spy chief warns of Somalia terror threat”
Cranmer is back, and says this about the coverage of the Pope’s visit:
The Popemobile has landed, the BBC has mobilised and the Benedictaphone is outselling Buzz Lightyear.
And this:
For Pope Benedict XVI comes to the United Kingdom at a time when the Christian conscience is besieged, the national church cowed and our liberties undermined in ways they have not been for centuries. Nurses dare not pray or wear a crucifix; teachers dare not mention Jesus and the school receptionist dare not ask for prayer. If you work for BA, turbans, karas and hijabs are fine, but don’t even think about wearing a cross. Christians are no longer free to be foster parents, registrars, hotel owners or B&B proprietors. Bishops may no longer uphold orthodoxy, street preachers may not quote Scripture, and adoption agencies must act against their conscience or close.
And don’t even think about saying ‘God bless’ in the workplace.
And this:
When Christians dare to be convicted, they are portrayed as bigots. When they articulate a view with which others may disagree, they are dogmatic. When they fall short of perfection, they are pilloried and cast as hypocrites. When they defend the unborn, they are unenlightened. When they oppose animal-human embryos, they are anti-science. When they express concern over the fatherless, they are homophobic. When they speak up for the poor, they are wishy-washy liberals. When they defend faith-based education, they are intolerant. When they seek to uphold marriage, they are ‘right wing’ reactionaries.
All of this could apply to the BBC’s coverage, and judging from that first sentence, Cranmer probably means to include them, or even them especially.
Those who shame the British spirit of generosity and offend against Christian notions of hospitality with cries of ‘No Pope Here!’ are doubtless those who uttered not a syllable of protest against the state visits of Mugabe, Hirohito, Ceauşescu, Abdullah, Jintao…
What up, Anita McVeigh?
Not, of course, that Pope Benedict may in any sense be considered a rogue, vagabond, tyrant, dictator or mass murderer.
Other than by Peter Tatchell or Stephen Fry.
Cranmer has another interesting post about how he’s troubled by something the Pope said about the paedo-priests which I hadn’t considered.
Peter Tatchell, I presume is saying that the Pope condones pedophiles and therefore should not be allowed into Britain. I suspect the only difference is that Tachell would allow sex with children if they consent.
“The idea of a sliding-scale age of consent is something that OutRage! is promoting. In addition to supporting an age of consent of 14 for everyone (gay and straight), OutRage! argues that sex involving young people under 14 should not be prosecuted providing both partners consent and there is no more than three years difference in their ages.”
We know how INBBC ‘Newsnight’ will spin the Islamic jihad threat to Pope: with no reference to ‘Islam’, and no reference to ‘jihad’ –
“We’ll also have the latest on the arrest by counter-terrorism officers of five men, all street cleaners, on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack during pontiff’s trip.” (-from ‘Newsnight’ blog.)
If INBBC ‘Newsnight’ wanted to educate itself as to the nature of the Islamic jihad threat from Algeria it would refer to this:
“Exclusive: Al Qaeda’s North African Connection (Part Three of Three)”
[link deleted due to malware]
Surely the Muslims are angy at the Pope because of all that child sex abuse.
I’m pissed off with all this popery. Send the mitred bugger home, and restore “Eggheads” to it’s rightful spot. Just watching the acolytes toadying all over him really sticks in my throat. Yesterday, on Channel 4 news, Jon Snow was almost wetting his knickers watching him leave Scotland: ” you can see the pope sitting in the aeroplane, look, third window back” he exclaimed breathlessly. So bloody what, it was a bloke, in a plane, at an airport. I just can’t “get” this religion thing at all.
The BBC is only doing this so they can devote as much air time as possible to bashing the Pope and the Church, and religion in general (except Islam).
But a lot of people do – so should they not be catered for?
I don’t have a problem with the BBC covering the Pope but why does the BBC feel the need to cover it on News 24 AND BBC 2 at the same time?
With Sky also covering it I can’t watch any British news.
They could put it on the red button on News 24 if needed and live on BBC 2.
Send the mitred bugger home, and restore “Eggheads” to it’s rightful spot.
It’s always nice to see a well ordered sense of priorities.
How could a Pope compete with Daphne and co?
Oh dear, pleeeeeeze don’t get me started on Daaafff’ne.
Mrs Bug won’t let me watch anymore, ‘cos I throw things at the tellybox when Smugne’s pretending to guess an answer she swotted up on long ago.
And as for Barry, that tragic wreck of a human being……Lawks, just like the tortoise in the old Creature Comforts ad (“It’s easily turn-off and on-able…”).
So (and as a non-RC, mark you) I’m wondering whether it’s pssible to move the Vatican to somewhere in the vicinity of , say, Reigate so the Papacy show can be broadcast every single evening for ever more and kill off the Eggheads for evahhhhhh ?
Oh, and many thanks to Martin for my nice new avatar. 😛
Buggy you sre a sick man 😛
The BBC online articloe about the 5 men arrested in London starts by describing them as “all street cleaners in Westminster”. You have to go down the story to see the Algeria link.
How ridiculous can BBC journalists and editors get ?
Oh they can get more ridiculous than that John.
Official statement from Labour and their street thugs, UAF, regarding the upcoming demonstration against ‘THE GOD DAMN RACIST NAZI FASCISTS!!’ (a white person who’s political views are anywhere to the right of Stalin)
Look out for the BBC giving their leaders a lot of air time but forgetting to ask them about the serious criminal records they all have.
Will they all be joining Algerian ‘street cleaners’ in an inevitable political alliance?
Now which morning R4 hourly news gets the most listeners. In reverse order 10.00 no mention of Precott. 9.00 Precotts claim for a judicial review as he wants to find out if he was a targets, gets a prominent mention. 8.00 Prescott case application is mentioned, then as a rider Coulson is appended to the report.
Crafty these lefty news editors who do Labour’s bidding!
Here’s Matt Frei stoking fear and revealing his personal opinion of people like me on his blog, all while pushing the White House party line.
A real revolution in the ranks
After a year-and-a-half of trench warfare over healthcare reform and the like, American politics is being churned up by a Tea Party where civilities have been drowned out by the sound of crashing china.
Hey, Matt: why aren’t you complaining about a lack of civility from the Left? You know, where the real danger of violence and hate speech comes from.
A former stand-up comedian turned TV preacher and a woman who believes masturbation should be banned – surely Christine O’Donnell’s true Achilles heel – suddenly need to be traken seriously.
I told you this is why the BBC would focus on her and the Delaware race. And Frei is exaggerating anyway. “Discouraged” isn’t the same thing as “banned”. It’s impossible to ban masturbation, but Frei doesn’t care. He’s using humorous hyperbole to make the point that she’s dangerous. Why does this remind me of so many comments from certain past defenders of the indefensible?
Foreign governments who had assumed that an Obama administration would end America’s quixotic adventures under George W Bush and put the country back on a more predictable, genteel course are wondering whether an even wilder ride is just beginning.
That’s two editorial remarks in one sentence. “Quixotic” and “wilder ride” betray his personal opinion. This comes as no surprise to anyone who saw him refer on air to “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration” too many times to count.
But the palest faces in the arena probably belong to the grandees of the Grand Old Party.
What used to be run like a gentleman’s club with an unstated but understood protocol of succession and patrician patronage has now been rattled from below.
No bias there, but for a laugh, read it again and replace “Grand Old Party” with “BBC”.
It is underpinned by an appalling discrepancy in incomes, by the heavy hand of government, by the limitations of America at home and abroad.
“Discrepancy in incomes”? He’s mixed his scripts up, there. Another personal opinion rears its ugly head.
Frei finishes by blaming the whole thing on Sarah Palin. Again. Even Journolist groupie Katie Connolly managed to type a few words saying that Palin is not the leader of any movement.
This is the bias broadcast across the US every night on BBC World News America.
I had to laugh at quixotic and genteel. That man should leave out adjectives or else take up novel writing.
Even Frei’s fingers sneer.
quixotic… genteel… appalling… Matty Boy does so enjoy using his job at the BBC as a forum for his personal views
Any bets on how long it will take the BBC to report this?
Tea Party comes to Australia
Good to see that Stephen Fry has waxed concerned over taxpayers funding the Pope’s visit
Now let’s hear him make the same argument about the BBC an autocratic little fiefdom funded by taxpayers. Cue Fry’s whiny tone “It’s not right”!
Compare and contrast with his opinions here:
I’m concerned about publicly funding his lordly manner and lifestyle and his ubiquity on the BBC. They seem to wheel him out at every opportunity to pontificate on all manner of subjects. I suspect they think this gives it some sort of a fig leaf of intellectual respectability.
Not to mention Fry’s big house and estate in Kenya, complete with servants and gardeners which we don’t seem to hear too much about !
Really? I thought it was in Norfolk.
Has anyone seen this great cartoon re the Pope and the BBC?
(Not sure if it’s already been posted.)
I like the pictures of nuns going through security scanners – whereas these people are different.
My apologies, David, but your comment looks odd now that the offending spam has been deleted 😀
Thanks to those who hit ‘Flag‘ to alert the moderators.
I’m thinking it still applies to Stephen Fry….
I’ve been out all day and only just got onto the fact that the BBC are doing anything they can to avoid reporting the story about the Algerian “men” who wanted to kill the pope. By the morning their narrative will be about what could have driven the “men” to contemplate such a deed no doubt.
Now 6 minutes into the 9 o’clock bulletin and not a mention.
It will all turn out to be the Popes fault for a speech he was misquoted gving some years ago.
While Matt Frei is blogging about the lack of civility from the Tea Party movement, the real world provides evidence of where the real nastiness lies. The BBC will not tell you about the following:
Busted…Vile Protesters With “Nazi” Signs Filmed Entering Dem Rep’s Office After Rally…OFA Organizer Identified
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck as Nazis.
BIG UPDATE: One of the protesters has been identified. She’s one of Obama’s Organizing for America staffers. They shipped her from Missouri to Chicago for their Hitler rally.
Will any of the platoon of Beeboids covering the US dare mention this? They sure rushed to report that “Obama=Hitler” billboard that was taken down almost immediately and disavowed by the national Tea Party group associated with the dopes who put it up. Come on, BBC, let’s see you talk about the ugliness and extremism only on the Right now. And remember, this OFA woman is part of the White House political machine.
Yes, I’m sure if he tries Matty Boy can find a nice adjective to describe it in a balanced and impartial manner
If I remember correctly Bush=Hitler posters were positively de-rigueur not so long ago with not a peep of complaint from the BBC.
David Preiser and his Tea Party Jacobins betta watch out – here comes the counter-revolution ! :
Pope plot:
This morning at 8:30 am the beeb news is STILL bigging up the streetcleaner angle, and the not british angle. No mention of what nationality they are which is obviously the next question…I wonder why?
and the early morning review of the newspapers led with Clegg facing conference trouble over the cuts (from the Independent) whereas the Guardian, Times, Sun, Mirror and Express ALL led on the Islamist plot against the Pope’s visit.
Has anyone yet heard the BBC use the Islamist word on this ?
I was just thinking about how the murder of four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, disappeared very quickly from the BBC headlines and RSS feeds while Palestinians slotted by the IDF stay in-your-face for days on end.
Then I came across this:
Gaza voices: Business under the eased blockade
17 September 2010 Last updated at 11:45 GMT
I thought it looked familiar so I searched the web site, and violá!
Gaza hopes to get back to business as blockade eases
6 July 2010 Last updated at 08:35 GMT
Almost identical.
Now tell me the BBC does not have an agenda!
Strikes me that there are a couple of agendas here:
*The default blame Israel for everything agenda.
*The lazy Pump out the standard crap without bothering too much about where it comes from or whether they’ve published practically the identical crap before even though the situation has changed agenda.
It’s a clear demonstration of the BBC’s lazy “journalism” – editing a two month old piece to make it look like it’s current.
It also shows how the BBC is quite happy to regurgitate old stuff in the cause of showing Israel in a bad light. Most of the quotes in the piece dated 17 September are clearly from the same interviews as the July report.
Lazy, dishonest, and tendentious reporting – what the BBC does best!
Sorry but my avatar doesn’t work from my iPad
Found a blatant invite to a demo mascarading as news on aunties shitty socialist website
Protest The Pope co-organiser Marco Tranchino thinks “thousands” will listen to speakers including the human rights lawyer, Geoffrey Robertson.
The British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society are among the groups backing the demonstration.
Protesters will meet at Hyde Park Corner at 1330 BST.
The marchers will then proceed down Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus, then head down Haymarket towards Trafalgar Square. From there, they will head along Whitehall towards Richmond Terrace, opposite Downing Street.
Other speakers at the 1530 rally include the atheist scientist and author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, and the human rights activist, Peter Tatchell”
Note the seperate line to inform where to turn up
Dodgy rentamob common room trots
Dunno, I had to hunt for that info, by first going here:
Papal visit: Pope offers ‘hand of friendship’ to UK
Then scrolling down past the article to get to this:
More features and analysis
The Pope’s Opponents
And by clicking on that link to this:
Papal visit: Pope Benedict IV’s opponents
Then scrolling to the bottom to click on
Protest the Pope under
Related Internet links
(where the corporation covers its collective arse with this disclaimer:
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites)
To get to the site you saw:
Perhaps there is a shorter route to get there via iphone.
So I guess it’s fair to say that the BBC is not exactly shoving this in our faces, but I don’t know if it’s strictly necessary to have such a comprehensive breakdown of the protest groups as it does on the Papal visit: Pope Benedict IV’s opponents page. Interestingly, there’s info there on Catholic voices for reform, the very group that Robert Piggot just promoted with his extraordinary deceit.
Actually got to the page with one click from the home page. At the time it was the first link on the news section. Hardly burying it. To add to that they had thatchel little walk of love on the BBC news channel for a full twenty minutes from about 1:10 to 1:30 .
You can deny the bias you can hide from it but it’s still there.
The first ever state visit by a pope. A major event for the 5,000,000 Catholics in the uk and yet they allow rent a crowd to take a totally disproportionate slice of the airtime. Couple this with the almost constant negative editorializing from the last two weeks and you could be blamed for believing Gary glitter had organized a concert in Hyde park. The proportion of kiddy fiddlers in the priesthood is much lower Than in the main uk population yet watching listening and reading the beeb output you’d think it was some aped club. My church fuckec up. They didn’t take the problem seriously but there is no proportionality in the coverage of the problem and the solution.
Should read paedo club (bloody spellcheck)
Thanks for that clarification. Me deny BBC bias? I loathe the BBC. Only thing is, I’m sometimes cautious about concluding that there is deliberate bias since it’s not always the case. Anyway, I see now that you have removed any doubt in this instance.
I’m limited to the World Service and the Website and I don’t have access to BBC TV but at times like this I’m tempted to get it, just to get the full picture of the distortion of the news to suit the BBC’s biased agenda.
So it turned out not to be hidden in Berkshire after all. 🙂
Er… I should have mentioned that the story of the BBC’s deceit re Catholic voices for reform was introduced by George R on page 3 of the Whinge 3 thread, whence it was picked up by a few more people.
Only two religions acceptable at the beeb,
the ROP and man bear pig
On the Today programme this morning James Naughtie introduced a “right-wing” US commentator. Great – let’s have some Krauthammer for a change ! But no – it was David Frum, just about as wet as you can get, despised by many in the Republican Party. So these two lefties nattered on, largely in agreement, Naughtie pretending to be an expert on US politics – and of course they had a bash at Palin en passant.
Naughtie hasn’t the guts to face a really fierce US conservative commentator. They’d eat him alive.
INBBC, attempting to lessen Islamic jihad threat in UK, shifts its report of Taliban jihad murder of Pakistani politician from LONDON to KARACHI.
INBBC has moved its report to ‘South Asia’ newspage:
“Karachi shut down after killing of exile Imran Farooq”
INBBC does not want to report the truth that such Jihadist attacks in London are also a threat to British people, so INBBC relegates the story to Karachi, and is reported by INBBC’s Syed Shoaib Hasan.
‘Daily Mail’ reports this Islamic violence by foreigners in London as a threat to the security of the British people; not a consideration to which INBBC is prone to give priority:
“Was the Taliban behind attack on Pakistani politician stabbed to death outside his London home?”
When I first read this news I thought that London must also be a suburb in Karachi…when it went on to mention SO15 that I had doubts but you need to get to paragraph 10 (i.e. scroll down off screen) before you see the mention of living in UK, video with English number plates, Edgware Road etc.
Why you start a campaign to not pay the license fee for the days the BBC are on strike, in fact claim for loss of service, breach of contract.. and anything else legal.
Is it just me or does the BBC’s constant focus on the attacks on the Pope and the Church – in fact giving the protests and anti-Pope voice far more credence and raising it to a higher moral level – stray into the realm of insulting hundreds of millions of Catholics who never hurt anybody? You know, kind of like how the Beeboids kept saying that burning one Koran is wrong because it insults millions of Muslims who aren’t terrorists? Where can one draw the line?
Just a thought.
Behold the world’s first open prison with a Mercedes dealership.
As I pointed out, that piece is a rehash of a two month old report:
I have commented before that I suspect the BBC would love to scrap R4 Test Match Cricket on the grounds that cricket is :-
1. Elitist ( tell that to Geoff Boycott ).
2. Invented by the English ( although there is some debate about that ).
I missed TMS yesterday, but apparently the commentary was interrupted to cover the Pope’s arrival in Westminster Abbey. I can remember bigger world events which didn’t interrupt TMS.
I shall keep a close eye on this as I expect more interruptions in the future, then cutting down coverage to certain days as they chip away at TMS.
On the other hand a letter in today’s Telegraph asked if the Pope couldn’t be persuaded to live permanently in the UK. Obviously the writer not a cricket fan !
what the fuck is “clerical abuse”?
The Pope has held a meeting with five victims of clerical abuse
the play of words is worrying. Should be more like survivors of cocks up bums when they were kids are bullshitted by the investivgating cunt who hid it all.
shit……..poor things
“Samantha Walker, 13, and her seven-year-old brother David, from St Dogmaels, near Cardigan, were presented to the Pope during the Mass”
further more….
Pope’s sadness at no Welsh visit<img src=”http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49152000/jpg/_49152088_pope_blessing_westcath_reuters.jpg” alt=”Pope Benedict at Westminster Cathedral”/>
The Pope speaks of his “deep love” for the Welsh people and sadness at being unable to visit during his UK trip, in a special address at Westminster Cathedral.
Keep the marmite miner away please. All our childrens homes have shut down.because his mates got there first
only in wales
Ladies, Gents, start your engines; the flaw is yours….
I do rather suspect that, mixing some ancient history, hubris has opened Pandora’s box.
The “flaw?” LOL.
Thanks for pointing that out. It’s the first blog on The Editors since Peter Horrock was gushing with praise for the way the World Service was reporting on the Pakistan floods, back in late August.
(He had nothing to say, of course, about the corruption and siphoning off of aid to put money in pockets and the selling of aid to Pakistani Christians who had to buy it or do without, unless of course they converted to Islam.)
Helen Boaden was the one who defended Barbara Plett over the infamous “Tears for Arafat” affair.
She said it appeared Plett “unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying with Yasser Arafat and his cause”.
The key to that peculiar statement is in the prefix, “over-.”
That is, she identified anyway with Arafat and his cause but, by crying, gave the impression of too much identification.
Glad you appreciated the deliberate error.
Half expected the weekend night-shift ‘B’-rebutteam from Aunty’s Pom-pom squad to weigh in first and try and slam the post for dodgy spelling.
Just savouring, in turn, “unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying..’ ie: out and out, deliberately did.
Kinda explains her latest outing in PC-bollox, navel-gazing, self-obsessed, managementspeek, foot-in-mouth-whilst-shooting print, and its potential for hilarity. Ch4 got space for her too?
I am frankly amazed not just by the ineptitude of the argument, and the lack of skill in its construction (presuming a team of Aunty’s best honed and vetted it), but also simply see it as a pretty neat self-detonating note over any chance the BBC has at trying to claim any comptence, much less objectivity in its ‘news’ output.
Near every paragraph the silly girl has committed to print can be pegged next to almost all their output, from politics, to religion to Climate thingie, and shown to be bull manure.
Yet she… is what makes it to the top???? Almost explains, if not excuses the dross that results from the collapsing pyramid of in-breds below.
Truly… unique.
They’ve “planned their coverage of the spending cuts so carefully?” Hilarious. Was that done before or after Mark Thompson got called into the headmaster’s office? Oops, Helen forgot to mention that entirely.
Trust Robert Peston and Mark Easton? In your dreams, darling. And am I supposed to trust Nick Robinson for what he reports, or for what he withholds?
Near every paragraph the silly girl has committed to print can be pegged next to almost all their output, from politics, to religion to Climate thingie, and shown to be bull manure.
I was thinking the same thing as I went through the rubbish she wrote.
Thanks for that – it is enough to make a cat laugh, so I have left a comment on the BBC blog taking a swipe at the Boaden article. It is arrogant beyond belief – who does she take us for ?
That was you at no. 12? Good comment. I also put my oar in.
Great comment. Wonder if she’ll read it?
I’ve commented a bit on the few posts Boaden comes up with. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her respond.
Yes, after delay by the moderators my comment has appeared as No 12.
Really enjoyed reading that John but will Helen?
Boaden should be given her P45 immediately and the BBC news service closed down
Oh, how I laughed at the sheer effrontery of that fine example of using the platform of our publicly funded medium to indulge in a bit of self-serving pure political spin.
“I always think that impartiality is in our DNA…
That’s why, for example, we’ve planned our coverage of the spending cuts so carefully…”
Yes, Helen, so very very carefully. That’s why when I clicked on that link I found a page with the word “cuts” sprinkled all around the place like confetti.
Tell me, oh, wise one, why you consider that to be the topic and the right word. Why is the subject not rendered as “The National Debt” for example, rather than “Cuts”? Or “The Debt” if you wish to make it short and snappy. Or “Spending Review “(“Spend, Spend”, if you’d prefer 😀 ), which appears only once, against a dozen appearances for “Cuts” on that page’s headings.
So very impartial, indeed! /sarcasm
The moderators on the Boaden post are being uncharacteristically democratic at the moment. I wonder how long that will last, especially given the pasting she is getting there (including from several of us!)
For a country that prides itself on religious tolerance, this has been a shaming week.
Thanks to the BBC and a noisy cabal of self-important atheists and Catholic-haters, we have been subjected to wall-to-wall attacks on the Pope and his Church.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1313161/AMANDA-PLATELL-Twisted-values-noisy-bigots.html#ixzz0zuVCNi2I
Ross Douthat of the New York Times spoke at USC Annenberg recently about this very topic of the media’s disconnect with religion and religious people. What he says seems to apply to the BBC perfectly.
Journalists are more skeptical — and often less religious — than the average American, Douthat said in a conversation with Diane Winston, the Knight Chair in Media and Religion at Annenberg. That skepticism helps reporters cover politics, business and local government. But that same skepticism hinders them from understanding, let alone covering, the religion beat.
“It would be odd for business reporters to think that balance sheets are silly, or to not believe in Wall Street,” Douthat said. “But in religion, you get that all the time.”
Does anyone know when Alan Hart anti-Israel crank and 9/11 Troofer left the BBC and when?
Don’t know, but he’s got a lovely website. Look at the hilarious list of interviewees for his programme series Hart of the Matter: Alistair Crooke, Steven Rose, Ghada Karmi, Norman Finkelstein, Riah Abu El-Assal, Dr Jennifer Louise Tonge (haha) John Pilger, Ilan Pappe. What a bunch!!
no bias there then ?
I thought there was much to be proud of this week, seeing the conduct of the Pope’s visit and the response of our institutions, including our Queen, PM and Archbish and the enthusiastic, happy and orderly crowds of people. And not forgetting the police. All have scored highly, with Cameron unequivocally setting the tone and giving a lead in advance of the visit. He also matched the occasion with a particularly well chosen and timely gift. Full marks there.
After watching the spiritually moving, happy and jubilant event in Hyde Park this evening, I just now looked at the BBC news website and although the Pope’s visit is the leading item, the highlights in the headlines are not about the remarkable historic events of the day.
Instead, it is nearly all about abuse, protests, threats, sorrow, negativity, with just bare, uninformative glancing references to the events and the celebrations. Unbelievably bad. Talk about missing the story! About not understanding the nature of events and their significance.
Here is what you get:
Pope’s ‘sorrow’ for abuse victims
<img style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49156000/jpg/_49156917_33_384_popemobile_getty.jpg” alt=”33_384_popemobile_getty”/><img style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49153000/jpg/_49153625_19_384_westminster_getty.jpg” alt=”19_384_westminster_getty”/>Previous Image| Pause| Next Image1 / 7
Pope Benedict XVI expresses his “deep sorrow” for the “unspeakable crimes” of child abuse within the Catholic Church.
Pope in London Live Special report: Papal state visit In pictures: Papal visit – Day 3 Thousands in protest against Pope Pope threat not credible – policeNew Pope celebrates Mass Watch Pope’s sadness at no Welsh visit Pope’s ‘deep sorrow’ Watch
Yes Its a great shame – but the BBC are nevr happy unless they are spreading their Gospel of Misery.
1am headlines on BBC World Service – Pope apologises for sexual abuse, big protests. Nary a word about where the Pope went, what else he said.
Where were the big protests?
here they are – notice the soviet flag in this report.
Here’s a wee quiz for you. Four news outlets give numbers for tatchel’s march of love.
The Indy the grauniad the torygraph and the beeb.
Here’s the quiz bit
Match an outlet to the estimated size of rentamob crowd.
A. 10,000
B. 20,000
C. 10,000
D. 11,000
100% overestimate. To quote a famous supermarket. This is not an estimate, it’s a BBC estimate
Links always useful. I did a quick check (and would have posted to confirm, but some Telegraph script crashed my browser & lost ’em all) just to see if my guess was correct:)
I do note the BBC weasel, that they were PRasNews’d the 20k by folk who they meet afterwards in the wine bar and whose opinions count, while the Police weren’t helpful. Have to wonder how others arrived at their figures.
One more mutation for Ms. Boaden’s DeNiAl?
‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.’
Or… grab a number that suits, luv?
As we seem to have a factor of x2 of doubt in all her mighty news organisation comes up with, maybe a BBC budget of £1.6B? Or DG T on ‘only £400k’ (the devine Ms. B on, what, still around £250k?)
I am sure she and her advisers are chuffed they wrote that suicide note already.
‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.’
I think she got carried away with her own rhetoric there, like Jonathan Aitken with his trusty sword of truth and honour.
Not a comparison she would have us make. Heh. If only we could have one of their specialists to hand while reading the high-flown PR prose! They could steer us away from error and prevent us from falling into the unfortunate habit of thinking for ourselves.
Here’s a thought. Peter the tosspot Tatchel claims there is a homosexual community. A coherent group who need our respect etc. Well the majority of kiddy fiddler priests in my church showed homosexual tendencies I.e. A penchant for choirboys. Thus it could be argued that they were homosexual and therefore members of Peters ‘community’.
Why then as a leader in this community is Peter not apologizing for the abuse carried out by his gay brothers?
Surely we should not allow him the dignity of free spots on newsnight and the ten o’clock news until he fully admits to the activities of these homosexuals within his community and apologises.
Dawkins as a leader within the atheist community has never apologises for the genocidal acts carried out by fellow members of the atheist community like Stalin.
I could go on but i’m getting bored with all this apologising. Mind you as a practising left footer a good bit of guilt and a bit of penance makes me feel right at home 😀
I don’t think Stalin carried out Genocide in the name of atheism, did he ? If so, I would like to see the quote.
Scientist not a historian but a little searching brings me
If you scroll down to the passage referring to religion you will find reference to 100,000 clergy killed by Stalin in one of his purges
If that site is too general please check out
A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia
Alexander N. Yakovlev, Anthony Austin, Paul Hollander
Yalepress no less. This documents the slaughter as well.
As I have said I am a scientist not an historian but these references seem bonafide enough. Not sure whether yalepress would publish blatant lies.
Anyone else seen the pictures on the BBC website of Yom Kippur as celebrated by Israelis?
Five pictures- one of an Orthodox Jew whipping his fellow Jew symbolically!!!!One of a mother holding a chilcken for the ‘kapparot ritual’. One showing a paddling pool filled with fish for Tashlich(btw nothing to do with Yom Kippur, but with Rosh Hashanah). All rather peculiar and bizarre rituals. The one of the Shofar has an interesting caption. See if you can spot the bias!!!
Pounce also commented on this on the B-BBC COMMENTING… thread.
In the interests of transparency I would like to note I am both Jewish and Israeli.
The BBC ignored the two major Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, while producing multiple Ramadan articles and references. I suppose this In Pictures is some form of attempt at balance? What a pity they didn’t show the photographs to someone with some form of Jewish knowledge, preferably of the ultra Orthodox variety before writing the captions.
Israel has been observing the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, when observant Jews atone for the sins of the past year by fasting for 25 hours and praying. Shops are shut and traffic comes to a halt.
A more appropriate caption would be children take advantage of the one day a year that the streets are traffic free (excepting emergency and service vehicles, such as police) to ride their bikes. Incidentally there is no law prohibiting driving on Yom Kippur but practically no one drives.
A series of rituals are performed ahead of the day itself. Here an ultra-Orthodox Jew whips another with a leather belt as a symbolic punishment for his sins during the traditional Malkot ceremony, a few hours before the start of Yom Kippur
I have lived as a Jew for more than fifty years and have never heard of the Malkot ceremony. Apparently, it exists for a tiny minority of Jews. What the BBC doesn’t say is that over 60% of secular Israeli Jews (and of course 100% of those defining themselves as religious) fast on Yom Kippur, preserving a tradition passed down over thousands of years. Not eating or drinking is the distinctive custom of the festival. Could anyone imagine the BBC forgetting that Muslims fast during Ramadan?
Many traditions have evolved; fasting, prayer, wearing white, no bathing or washing, no wearing of leather shoes and refraining from marital relations ”For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G-d” (Leviticus 16:30).
A Jewish settler blows the Shofar horn on the eve of Yom Kippur, near the disputed Ibrahimi mosque, known to Jews as the Tomb of the Patriarchs, during the weekly Muslim Friday prayer in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron.
This is an odd one as familyjaffa noted. Firstly the background doesn’t look like the Tomb of the Patriachs, rather it looks like Jerusalem. Secondly the ‘settler’ is blowing a Yeminite shofar while most of the Hebron settlers and blow a ram’s horn shofar that is much shorter (see image). Thirdly there is no tradition of blowing the shofar on the day before Yom Kippur, only at the very end when the sun has already set. None of this is conclusive but I would love to have seen the other shots the photographer took at the time.
People pray in front of a plastic pool filled with water and fish in the ultra-Orthodox Israeli city of Bnei Brak, near Tel Aviv, as they perform the Tashlich ritual during which they cast their sins into the water.
I’m inclined to agree with familyjaffa on this one. Tashlich demands a body of flowing water and in any case is a Rosh Hashana not a Yom Kippur custom.
A woman holds a chicken as her son reads a blessing before performing the Kaparot ritual in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv. Kaparot is a custom where white chickens are slaughtered in a symbolic gesture of atonement and donated to the poor.
The custom of Kaporat involves waving a chicken over the head to metaphorically exchange the sins. Kaparot is supposed to imbue people with a feeling that their very lives are at stake as Yom Kippur approaches. The kaparot ceremony is meant to symbolically express our recognition that we have sinned and are no longer deserving of life (like the chicken), but we can be saved from the penalty we deserve if we repent, perform good deeds, and give charity. Most Israelis substitute money which is donated to charity for the chicken. It is the waving of the chicken and the donation rather than the slaughter that is the heart of the custom. The same chicken is used for the ceremony as many times as required.
In all sloppy research and captioning from the BBC.
That should have been most settlers in Hebron are Ashkenasi and blow a shorter horn.
Excellent dissection, deegee.
Dissection? He’s ripped them to shreds! 😀
As to the kapparot the chicken used is donated to the poor as another form of charity. In any event most Jews use money which is then donated to charity. I have complained to the BBC the most blatant piece of “denigrate the Jews” being to call the Cave of Machpela which is mentioned in the Bible the Ibrahimi Mosque and make out it’s the Jews who are trying to steal it from the Arabs not vice versa. The useless researcher who put the montage together deserves to be fired but knowing the BBC will probably get promoted for making the Jews angry!
Did this get reported by the BBC:
Its a big story about a Labour leader candidate
Bloody hell, she’s even uglier in that photo. I thought Blair’s wife was ugly but Abbott trumps her.
Is that the story about Diane Abbott being reported to the police for racism over remarks about blacks and job redundancy during the recession?
The interesting bit I read in that story was the police quoted as saying they wouldn’t be pursuing the matter. Heh, now there’s a surprise! <sarcasm>
Abbott the hut
When you play the race card like fatty does on a daily basis you can get carried away and stray into racist territory yourself. She is as thick as pig muck and it was only a matter of time she was hoist on her own petard
Can’t say I would shed a tear if she falls on her fat neocomm arse
Even ‘Guardian/Observer’ stalwart, Mr. P. Preston, looking through the wrong end of the telescope, has this:
“Trust the BBC to dig a hole for itself”
Mr Vance
The link into the ridiculous blogpost by Helen Boaden – Head of BBC News – has been posted a couple of times above – I suggest it deserves its own thread. Some of us have already commented on that BBC blog – Craig has a couple of zingers, I got one in at No 12, TooTrue (formerly Bryan) also posted there.
The sheer arrogance and complacency of Boaden’s piece is amazing ! Others may wish to join in the comments, as Craig says the moderators seem to be letting through anything critical but polite.
Here is the link :
Also to DV, I would request a front-page post for the story about the planted Catholic and the BBC’s religious affairs correspondent in Tottenham. It was originally posted in the open thread by George R. Thanks.
Millie Tant,
It was on page 3 of the Whinge 3 thread. I’ve just sent an e-mail off to whoever gets it of the admin people here with George R’s link to the letter of complaint and my summary of it, echoing you request that it gets put up as a main post. It’s a huge story and I think we need it as a main post so it doesn’t get lost in the comments and so we can more easily follow it and update it.
Many thanks for that, TrueToo.
Sorry I gave the wrong reference for George R’s original post.
Mr Vance
I agree. This was a blatant example of BBC bias – a BBC reporter not just skewing the news, but actually setting up a hit job. His behaviour was sick as it gets.
Only in the BBC milieu could he imagine he was behaving properly.
He should be sacked.
A relevant comment I heard recently. The BBC is no longer the ‘Gatekeeper of the News’.
Great post on the BBC’s treatment of Yom Kippur. The BBC’s pathetic effort reminded me of a schoolboy who has a project to do that he really hates and he rushes through it doing the minimum amount of work possible.
A Question of Balance:
Here’s yet another BBC piece about the Tea Party movement in the US. It’s a simple deal: two voters, two opinions about the movement. Yes, it’s balanced on a superficial level, i.e. it presents two opposing views. But is this really the kind of balance everyone here actually wants? Perhaps more importantly, is there any journalistic value in presenting opinions like this at all?
Before thinking about that last question, I want to point out something about the opinions themselves. Notice how the supporter is from Delaware, and is advocating for Christin O’Donnell, the very Tea Party-backed candidate the BBC has been highlighting as the whacko who will bring the movement to a crashing halt, while the opposing voter is from Kentucky, where Rand Paul is on the rise. Surely Katie Connolly and her political activist crew could have found a Tea Party supporter somewhere else in the country.
Besides the silly photos, there’s a stark contrast between the two opinions in their choice of language and message. The supporter states what he’s for, acknowledges that there are critics, but still speaks in a positive tone, reaching out to others. The opponent, on the other hand, engages in the same fearmongering we hear from the BBC.
The movement represents some of the worst of American culture. I don’t think they really understand what they are demanding.
And then there’s the same strawman argument we’ve heard many times, grossly exaggerating the actual fiscal concept to the point of horrible absurdity. Which is the same thing the BBC tried to do initially, oddly enough. The opponent says he expects success in his area because there are so many neanderthals there. Never mind that Rand Paul isn’t running on the God Ticket at all.
The supporter doesn’t even mention the other side, never mind spend time bashing them and using inflammatory language. I find it curious that the BBC chose such different approaches.
Having said all this, one thing is obvious: I personally agree with one, but not the other. But so what? What good is this, then? How does this help you understand what’s going on at all?
I see this as evidence that the Beeboids are thinking the same thing that so many defenders of the indefensible have told us: we don’t want impartiality; we just want to hear the right-wing point of view. So that’s what the BBC has provided here. Two opinions: the balance of the opposing views we’re always asking for. But this isn’t so much news as it is a subjective story they’re presenting to you.
I say that this is completely useless and without journalistic value for two reasons. First, these are not experts in anything or analysts who have spent years studying their field, or people with experience in anything to with anything on which they’re commenting. They’re just average shmoes, same as me. What’s the point, then?
Secondly, this tells you absolutely nothing about what’s really going on. There are no facts here, no background information, no information at all, really. It’s a vox pops elevated above its status. How does this help any of you form an opinion about the Tea Party movement either way? It doesn’t, of course. All it does is re-inforce whichever opinion you already had.
Everyone here knows my opinion of the movement. But I have tried to present facts on the ground from the beginning, and let everyone else decide what to think about them. Yes, I’ve been open about my opinion that the movement has promise, and that it can really do something, but that’s because I’ve seen evidence of it, not because I agree with its policies. I could easily say the same thing (and have) about ACORN. I’ve said before that ACORN can get people elected, even though I thoroughly disagree with their methods and just about everything they really stand (stood) for.
The BBC, on the other hand, acted as if the Tea Party movement didn’t exist until two months after it got going. Then they told you it wasn’t going anywhere. Mark Mardell has at least three pieces saying that “the steam is running out” or similar. Sure, he learned in the BBC’s journalism school to couch it in the form of a question, but that’s a trick as old as the printing press. That’s his personal bias preventing him from seeing what’s really going on.
I say this kind of thing isn’t the “balance” we’re looking for, but it does reveal the BBC mindset.
Take heart. Wipeout in November.
The BBC funded terrorists to go paintballing as well I seem to remember.
Islamic hate for Pope – which Islam Not BBC (INBBC) censors:
“More Islamic hate on the streets of London – this time against the Pope.”
The BBC had plenty of crews out – why bdid they not film this and show it ?
Answer – they hate being forced to show how aggressive these Islamist scum are.
I wonder how many of those prats have got a job ?
Thankfully we appear to have one Christian leader – the Pope – who has the measure of violent Islam. Who has a true sense of Europe’s history.
Shame the ArchDruid wants us to appease this alien culture by having us all bow to Mecca.
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Mat 7:20
The BBC has made London the laughing stock of the world and damaged Britain’s reputation abroad. This is due to their unrelenting negative coverage of the Papal visit. The BBC just doesn’t get it; cultures outside Britain respect the family, love children, respect the elderly and hold hospitality as the highest virtue. Now, did the BBC broadcast images on its news (which is seen around the world) of all those wonderful Londoners who came out to welcome the Pope. Did it show images of thousands of families, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, extending traditional London hospitality to the head of a minority religion in this country? No, the BBC focused on a minority of malcontents. What sort of image will this project to the world in the run up to 2012 Olympics. Imagine a person from another country flipping on the BBC World Wide News to be faced with the Hate Parade. There are no families, no children, and no elderly, just spiteful bigoted men mocking a foreign visitors, culture and belief. At their head Peter Tatchell, a man who looks like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, mincing about the screen. That sight is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. This is the image of London the BBC has projected to the world. The BBC just doesn’t get it?
And the negative spiteful BBC coverage on the World Service has had exactly the same disgraceful tone.
It is not just Catholics who must feel very annoyed. other denominations too have seen the Christian religion trashed by BBC “news”, have seen what appears to be a decent Pope who is very concerned by too much secularism, who has shown due respect to co-religionists in Britain, who today has been praising Britain’s role against Hitler – nearly all pushed aside to show endless images of secularists protesting.
I am not religious – although I had a fairly severe Methodist upbringing. But I too am offended by the images the BBC has been pushing, the news headlines it has been selecting.
The only possible ray of sunshine is that all this may have turned even more people against the BBC’s arrogation of arbiter of morality in Britain.
Yes John I am not a Catholic and not a great church goer but I am a Christian. This event was a state visit of the head of the Catholic Church. It was the government on behalf of the people that invited him to come to this country. The BBC do not understand that this is how state vists work. If people object to this vist then they take it up with their MP. This is democracy. Never once, that I was aware of, was this protocol relayed via their large “news” organisation.
Maybe Gordon Brown should apologise to the Pope for the BBCs “aggresive atheism”
“He was very welcoming of the invitation,” Mr Brown said. The Pope would be “warmly welcomed” in all parts of the UK, he said.”
James I totally agree
The beeb seems like a petulant teenager that knows what it doesn’t like but doesn’t know what it likes.
You know it “Christmas is lame and all materialistic and that I’m not going to join in that’ Christmas day comes and it’s ‘why haven’t I got any presents.’
They don’t like Christians/Hindus/Jews they secretly admire communism and Islam but would shit themselves if they had to live under either of those totalitarian systems. All of them trust fund trots and islington revolutionaries. Their nihilist vision in turn arouses and frightens them. Now the pope has gone home and they’ve wasted 75% of their airtime slagging him off and suddenly they’ve lost a true chance to understand a religion which accounts for 10% of the population
Iran’s supreme leader believes it was the Jews what did it…Jews were behind the actions of the Koran-(not)-burning pastor, Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks, Jews are behind everything bad in the world. He also believes they should be punished.
This comes from a blogpost by Sky News’s foreign editor Tim Marshall, who believes that Khamenei’s comments need to be widely reported. They certainly do.
Will the BBC report them?
Yet more BBC hatred of our armed forces on the Today Programme this morning, interviewing a high ranking-general about the UK handover of Sangin to US troops, Humphreys couldn’t wait to get stuck into the British Army repeating over and over that our armed forces had ‘failed’ and that it was a humiliating retreat etc. If the army wore red stars and had the word ‘revolutionary’ in their title the BBC would be singing their praises.