So, our security services disrupt what appears to be a terror plot to kill Roman Catholics in London. Elsewhere in the media we discover they are of “North African” origin, possibly some Algerians. I’m guessing Mohammed might be a common name. The BBC tells us what they are NOT! God but they are so dhimmfied.
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But surely once they’ve set foot upon British soil they’re as British as those of us who can trace our ancestry back as far as is possible!
They must be, Bonny Greer said so!
You sure she ‘said’ it or was she just farting at the time? With her I can’t tell as crap comes out both ends.
What does the term British mean nowadays?
I am English, always have been on any form I have filled out, everyone in the world is entitled to have a place they can call home except us it seems, the English are a non people without a homeland to call their own.
Who else in the world would do this to themselves? Would Pakistan or India or China or Mali just allow their nation to be wiped out?
No sane government would allow this to happen to their people, no sane government would put ‘foreign aid’ before the well-being and safety of their own people, no sane government would wish to allow unlimited immigration from Turkey in to this already dangerously overcrowded little island.
If your local MP is a Tory I would suggest writing to them and demanding an inquiry in to the planned changing of Britain’s ethnic make up that Labour carried out. They must surely have access to all of the relevant records now.
Jeremy Hunt is my local MP and he promised that they’d be exposing this during the election campaign. Needless to say the weaklings that make up the modern ‘Conservative ‘ Party were too afraid to actually do so.
One way we could stop the ethnic replacement that is happening to us would be by a co ordinated campaign of disobedience. A rising up of the native people. There is the problem, we are so easily bought off and disunited that it will never happen and so my friends it seems we are f**ked.
Wow when did we piss off street cleaners? Did we invade the Democratic Republic of Street Cleaning at sometime?
Have those nasty Yankee boys being dropping bombs on street cleaners in New York?
Are Americans protesting that street cleaners are un American?
The overwhelming majority of Street Cleaners are peaceful tolerant souls. Indeed, Street Cleaner literally means ‘peace’. We mustn’t characterise all Street Cleaners by the acts of these few unrepresentative extremists.
Street Cleaning has given so much to us in terms of scientific and medical advancement, and the inventor of Street Cleaning, the Prophet Bill, was a really nice guy and a snappy dresser.
If you disagree – or even hesitate to agree immediately – with any of this, then you’re a Street Cleaneraphobe, and you shouldn’t be surprised if you should find yourself dead some time soon.
I hope no-one’s thinking of publicly burning Harrow Council’s Cleaner & Safer Streets Handbook 2009/2010.
Yes, the BBC jumped on the street cleaning thing as if it was the most important bit of info in the whole story. It’s almost comical – the BBC holding them up as street cleaners and hoping nobody reads down to the revelation that they are Algerian.
In a sense we are getting what we deserve after Boooosh antagonised street cleaners over many years
A radical sect of anti-catholic street cleaners. Who’d a thunk it?
Yes, the BBC tells us what these suspects are not:
At least five of the men were not British nationals
before, with great reluctance, it tells us what they are:
They are 26, 27, 29, 36, 40 and 50 years old and most are understood to be Algerian.
So here’s how the BBC prioritises its information:
Paragraph 3: The men are street cleaners.
Paragraph 5: They are not British.
Paragraph 10: They range in age from 26 to 50.
Paragraph 10: Most of them are Algerian.
If they were American or Israeli, the BBC would be shouting that fact from the rooftops, not obfuscating it.
The BBC is Biased Because:…
“Their paragraphs are in the wrong order.”
You’ve figured it out. Well done for understanding journalism 101.
I would like to introduce you to the words “STRAWS” and “CLUTCHING”. Perhaps you are familiar with them already?
I see you are unable to explain how this is wrong, and why the BBC article is actually correct journalistic standard practice.
Are you defending BBC America as well?
David stop trying so hard; your slip is showing…
Dez, if you are unable to actually debate, how is anyone supposed to respect your opinion?
David, well sorry for the throw away remark; it was late and I had to go to bed… But anyway I don’t see anything wrong the BBC report. It gives the known facts first. The suspects’ nationality obviously hasn’t been confirmed so it seems reasonable to put that second. The claim of ‘bias’ because it says they aren’t British before saying they might be Algerian is an incredibly weak argument.
No, in fact YOUR argument is incredibly weak Dez
A strawman argument from a man of straw how amusing.
Always nice to get a contribution from the ‘When Aunty’s in a hole, lob a sack of snakes in to… ‘help” brigade.
I would dearly love to hear from any professional, competent, objective journalist or editor (or any news consumers they serve) how the order of a story doesn’t matter. Especially in an era of headline, first para and link priority online.
But great to learn how in some quarters such silly things as mucking about with story order to suit agenda is accepted as happening… if actually no biggie.
With all due deference to Godwin:
After a series of structures suffered considerable damage, Europe’s insurers are concerned at a trend that they suggest may see a hike in rates for building insurance on its borders….
Para, para, para…
Also at the same time, there was unfortunately some loss of life of some people we don’t feel quiet as important as others. Actually Polish soldiers….
Para, para, para…
Sources close to the BBC have suggested this might in fact be an invasion by Nazi forces, and this is in fact the opening shots of WW2.
The BBC has been faxed a press release from the Reichstag to assure all right-thinking folk that they are the Dictatorship of Peace, and any claims to the contrary are simply Nazi-ist, which they remind everyone is a hate crime inside the M25. Or would be it hadn’t been deemed ‘that’s different’.
Or… unique.
“Especially in an era of headline, first para and link priority online.”
Yes, and in an era of the short attention span.
Also note the inclusion of the cost of security in these austere times. That would have paid two months’ wages for Jonathan Ross!
Look, if they’re Algerians, they must be Christians. 😉 I’m sure it’s a secret cell acting on behalf of his Weirdy Beardiness to remove the Pope so he can march on Rome, declare himself Top Bean of all the Christian realms, march home in triumph, unseat HM Queen, abolish the Prime Minister, loot the jewels in the Tower and install himself in Buckingham Palace as sovereign ruler supreme, bishop in chief and first lord of the Treasury.
You know it makes sense. I always suspected there must be more to that man than he ever let on and a frantic scheming brain going nineteen to the dozen beneath that bishop’s tall hat. And the whole plot is just to let that pushy Archbishop of York know who’s boss. 😀
Well, it makes as much sense as anything the BBC writes. If you don’t believe me, only today they were starting up some story about papal terror. So, speaking of not, as you were earlier, why not an Algerian / Weirdy Beardy alliance?
Could it be a Mossad plot ? surely the BBC could get an undercover Panorama team to find out
Took me a while till I finally remembered this:
Funny comment there on “pipe bombs.”
I was wondering how many of us have been here long enough to remember the plumbers.
Street Cleaners are the new Plumbers! 😀
Yeah! Were you posting as Biodegradable then? I recall you made a couple of changes more recently and now you’re 100%. I was posting as Bryan, but I think you know that.
Yep, I’ve been Biodegradable for a while now. I did use a few different handles in that period when Andrew banned me and others, but I always made it clear it was me really.
I think I only discovered this blog in 2007/8. You were your own ghost.
Did you get to know why Andrew banned you?
I understood he did quite a bit of banning till he eventually banned himself.
I never did find out why I was banned, possibly it was for complaining about others being banned.
I seem to remember that Andrew bowed out due to ill health.
We are all of us, cognisant of the marvellous work ethic of our Algerian brothers, how clean must the streets be in Westminster!
Mind you, it must leave plenty of time to ferment the downfall of the hated; infidel, westernised, Christian, scum government, what chance of their repatriation to the wonderful utopia that is Algeria these days? – Must be lots of work for these skilled gentlemen there.
Although they might lose their superannuation and pension rights, thankfully the great and one true God will provide. If not Westminster Council no doubt will – and fight their repatriation battles doubtless.
What the hell are they doing here, France is their natural port of call, why do we put up with these nutters?
The French are too hard on the poor souls obviously and their work chances are better here, with thanks to and after Mad Hattie’s equality legislation – equality ha! ha! ha! – positive discrimination more like.
Aaah but you see here is the wonderful nature of the EU in action, any third worlder is free to move into the UK from any EU nation, if they can get into an EU nation they can then move onto the UK for the benefits gravytrain and that is what is happening right now, all the trash from the EU is moving to access the best and most generous benefits giveaway in Europe.
Are they the sort of immigrants Vince Cable was on about? We need them, and their skills. There’s a desperate shortage of street cleaner/pope killers…
Here come da Christian Militia. Better watch out or they’ll get you. At least it makes a change from Islamists.
It’s this type of essential worker that Vince Cable keeps telling us we need millions more of.
For what reason have all the common mores of society been inverted till good is bad and bad is good?
Then see this
The origins of Political correctness and its deliberately designed destructive effects on Western culture and civilisation.
Here are a couple of videos that are a Must See
As Israel is Western as well as in the frontline against Islam, attacks on it from the Left are natural.
These two videos are a must see.
Thanks DP111, I’ve watched your videos and apparently; “Gays, Blacks & Women”™ were all blissfully happy before the 1960’s when EVIL MARXISTS filled their heads with long words they couldn’t quite understand…
See what we are left with now: Blacks sitting in the wrong place; Men touching each other out of doors; Women wearing trousers WITH POCKETS!
I did love the video claiming that the media gave more prominence to the LAPD beating up Rodney King than it did to some people “wearing t-shirts” beating up Kenneth Gladney because of “political correctness”. Nothing to do with, y’know, the fact that they were the Police?
I wonder if perhaps you (or anybody else) could describe what you think “political correctness” is, and more significantly, how you think it affects your life?
Does this count? If not, why not?
Because I have two ducks and one of them keeps on thinking it’s Wednesday.
Try again, Dez. I forgot the link, and didn’t delete the first comment.
Dez, does this count? If not, why not?
Are you an NHS doctor? Does this affect your life in any way whatsoever?
As to the press report;
“Doctors should respect their patients” SHOCK.
“Employees should try and get along with their colleagues” SHOCK.
My God… and people still walk around in the streets as if everything is just fine.
You personify of BBC PC – bit reminiscent of former BBC representative with moniker John Reith. (Shake it up baby, twist and shout.)
“Are you an NHS doctor? “
Ooh, slippery. No, he aint an NHS doctor, possibly not even a doctor.
“Does this affect your life in any way whatsoever? ” Now there’s a twisty question. Bending over backwards to accommodate the sensibilities of the ROP certainly affects lives, no doubt including yours.
Deliberately narrow obscurantist twist: “doctors should respect their patients “– (who could argue with such a platitude?)
Deliberately avoided overview: Infidels must adapt so Islam doesn’t have to.
Narrow obscurantist twist: “Employees should try and get along with their colleagues “– (everyone be NICE to each other, who could argue with that?”)
Realistic overview: “Don’t provoke the Moslems”
“My God… and people still walk around in the streets as if everything is just fine.”
After the twists, there’s the “ironic” shout.
Hope you find out what political correctness is soon .
Sue, I asked if anyone could describe how “political correctness” has affected their life. David’s supposed example of the NHS doesn’t affect his life. So that’s a FAIL.
“Deliberately avoided overview: Infidels must adapt so Islam doesn’t have to.”
Would you rather Doctors totally disregarded the wishes of their patients? You talk about an “overview” and yet there seems to be a shortage of specific examples. It doesn’t add up.
“Bending over backwards to accommodate the sensibilities of the ROP certainly affects lives, no doubt including yours.”
It hasn’t affected my life one iota. How has it affected yours?
“Hope you find out what political correctness is soon”.
Oh my, how absolutely terrifying!
“Would you rather Doctors totally disregarded the wishes of their patients?”
You’re doing it again.
Doctors? Patients? Yes Dez, I would much rather Doctors totally disregarded their patients. I’d rather, when a patient goes to a NHS doctor, the doctor just gets up and dances a small jig and tips a bucket of porridge over the patient’s head. Dez. That’s what I’d much rather. Of course if the patient was a Muslim, and it was Ramadamadingdong, the bucket would not have to contain foodstuffs.
Muslims could always go private though, eh. They could have a special law, where all Muslims automatically belong to Bupa as soon as they arrive from Pakistan.
Are you John Reith?
What was that word you were on about, Dez? Oh, yes. Straw. That’s it. STRAW as in STRAW MAN.
Dez, please put the goal posts back where they were when you’re done playing with them.
eorge Orwell’s book “1984” describes a totalitarian government constantly at war that is able to retain power over people because of its pyschological control, mainly through its use of the media .
The Party controls people’s thoughts, emotions and shortens their memories by systematically limiting the vocabulary of people to the minimum number of words.
It calls this language “Newspeak”.
The BBC use this as a template for their propaganda.
Yes, very difficult to get your head around one of the Pope’s advisers commenting that arriving in London is akin to arriving in the third world.
Silly Cardinal !
“North London parish protests over BBC report”
Will INBBC appreciate this essay?:-
Crusade against the pope: an Inquisition-in-Reverse
That’s how the BBC operate, with sleaze and mis-direction. The narrative of the story already decided, ‘pope evil, wimmin priests et al’
Even if the Catholic church did capitualte to the deviant charter of of the Islingtonistas, they would still chirp away in the background until the church is destroyed.
Islam got lucky today, if the pope had been harmed by the six ahem ‘streetcleaners’ then the real crusdades would start.
BBC faking the “news” again.
That’s a very interesting expose and insight into the dishonesty, cynicism and agenda-led methodology of the BBC.
Note the feeling of hurt and the sense of betrayal of the writer’s and parishioners’ respect for the BBC.
I would venture to suggest to DV that this merits a front page post of its own.
Absolutely. It’s a huge story because it illustrates the BBC’s arrogant deceit so clearly. And thanks to George R for posting it. Well, the info is slowly but surely getting out there. Now there is an entire parish that no longer trusts the BBC. The only damage control here that would actually control the damage would be for Thompson to make a shamefaced admission of wrongdoing and sack Robert Piggot.
I blogged about this elsewhere:
*BBC Religious Affairs Correspondent, Robert Pigott, keen to back those pushing for reform of the Catholic Church, disguises his campaign as genuine canvassing of the beliefs of ordinary Catholics as part of the BBC poll of Catholics in the UK ahead of the Pope’s visit .
*He scouts around for a Catholic who shares his campaigning zeal and finds her in one Penelope Middelboe of the newly-created Catholic Voices for Reform.
*But he needs a suitable place to plonk her in for the purposes of his propaganda clip so he picks on the parish of St John Vianney’s in South Tottenham, North London – almost certainly unknown to the aforementioned Penelope, since nobody there knows her.
*He then plonks her in a pew in a prominent position at the front of the church for the cameraman to film her as part of the congregation and takes her outside to interview her extensively there.
*He brushes Barbara off when she tries to find out whether Penelope is representing the parish by lying that he has OK’d her presence with parish priest, father Joe Ryan.
*He then sits in his car with Penelope for some time before leaving with her. He interviews no other member of the congregation.
*The cameraman stays behind to ask the parishioners a few questions, I guess as a ploy to make them think their views were being taken seriously by the BBC.
Now Barbara O’Driscoll strikes me as an honest, concerned and upright individual and I believe her account of events. This story is huge and it will be interesting to see how the BBC tries to wriggle out of this one. As she said:
I was shocked and very disappointed with the report. I feel that the BBC has misrepresented my parish of St John Vianney’s in South Tottenham, North London. I am also very disturbed at the devious way in which Robert Pigott, the BBC Religious Correspondent and his department has deceived the parish, the public and the BBC management.
If I know the BBC, the worst Robert Piggot can expect is a light rap over the knuckles. Perhaps the complainant should have gone the regular Complaints Website route. Then once they’d ignored her and then stalled and messed her around for a year or two she would have had a lot more evidence of what the BBC is and a lot more ammo against it.
Look on the bright side. At least the BBC is acknowledging that there is such a thing as “British”.
It’s a step in the right direction.
Yes, they acknowledge that there is such a thing as “British” they just don’t like it 😉
The average beeboid wouldn’t even know what ‘English’ means then
So does Diane Abbott, she’s British when it suits her, then West Indian, then African . . . . . .
Well she will always be very fat and very ugly regardless of anything else. Oh stupid as well.
In the early part of the Today programme today the Algerian Muslims were still being described ONLY as “street cleaners”. And the first review of the day’s newpapers started with Clegg having to face the LibDem conference likely to be angry about the cuts. They then said that the Sun and the Mirror led with the street cleaner story.
Hello ???
The Islamists story was the main lead in the Sun, the Mirror, the Times, the Telegraph – and the Guardian ! An unusual agreement as to the main story.
So why – for a real change – did the BBC not lead off with the Guardian’s story ?
Also – in a lot of the BBC coverage, we get the idea that some street cleaners are being held on suspicion of terrorism. But some of the reports have totally omitted the fact that the target was the Pope. How the hell can that be left out – except by deliberate dhimmie editing ?
What will it ever take for the BBC to stop trying to kid us that Islam is best described as a Religion of Peace ?
Did they happen to mention what the Daily Mirror headline actually was?
Here it is:
You’d have to discern a small obscure sub-heading to figure out that this was meant to refer to a bomb plot against the Pope.
Nice, eh? From the Labourite lefty-cheerleading tabloid.
No they did not say “Bomb the Pope”. Indeed some of the BBC reports I have heard don’t even mention the Pope.
The front pages of each day’s newspapers are linked to at the top of the Sky News homepage – so it takes just a few seconds to check – day after day – that what the papers are actually saying is not what the BBC in the Today programme says they are saying.
That is a measure of the arrogance of the BBC. Thanks to the Internet, we can check nearly everything they do. And when the story broke about the Islamist’s threat to the Pope – you could predict that all the other UK media would report it straight – but the lying toads at the BBC would distort or camouflage the story.
I wish I could find a bookmaker that would take bets about predictions of how the BBC would play – or bury – any story. It is all so tiresomely predictable. They are like small children, playing games. But the impact of their behaviour is far from innocent play – it is deliberate and continual perversion of the news.
This runs right through the 1000-strong BBC news-gathering empire.
The Mirror implies the ‘street cleaner’ story is not so much an attempted attack on the Pope, but more an attempted attack by you-know-who on a crowd of British, albeit mainly Catholic, citizens.
“It was feared the men planned to place the bombs in bins around Westminster – which was packed with thousands of pilgrims, workers and tourists when the Pope arrived. Officers had insisted there was no intelligence warning of attacks on the pontiff.”
Interpreting it as purely an attack on the Pope seems to me like a red herring.
From BBC , to Islam Not BBC (INBBC), on ALGERIA.
Islamic jihad has a long, violent history in Algeria. I can remember the days before INBBC was fully entrenched, when the BBC had a worthy reporter called Peter Taylor, who would produce top reports like the following on the Islamic jihad threat from Algeria, in e.g. 1994: ‘The Paris Plot’ (video clips available).
But now that the BBC has become INBBC, no such reports on the presentday Islamic jihad threat from Algeria are encouraged.
‘The Paris Plot’ (Part 1 -other parts available)
R 4 news today “6 men arrested on suspicion…” No mention of origin or religion.
Daily Express headline ” Muslim plot to kill Pope”.
any minute now I am expecting the BBC to give air time to Ian Blair or some other herbert to tell us that the majority of street cleaners deplore the actions of this tiny minority of street cleaners
Slightly OT but there has been some debate about how or whether the BBC would cover Yom Kippur.
All you cynics have been proved wrong, including me.
It was featured on R4 News at One today, in the football section. “West Ham’s manager is not in the ground as he is observing Yom Kippur “.
And to think some of us here think the BBC is biased. Perish the thought !
Well then I guess I owe the BBC an apology!
This is a nice little piece by Chas Newkey-Burden about that topic.