Tim Montgomerie, in his opinion piece, accompanying the Daily Mail editorial about whinge watch, observes:
Most BBC staff members probably make every effort to leave their political views at the door of the recording studio, but if you are surrounded by people who have only ever worked for the state and have never been part of the wealthcreation process, you struggle to think any differently.
What utter nonsense, the sort of thinking that means that the ills of the BBC will never be tackled by politicians, “poor dears, they are under all sorts of pressures, and they don’t really mean to be biased”. The reality is that most BBC staff spend every moment of their working days calculating out how to diss their enemies,and how to ignore points of view that they don’t agree with. On their agenda (for starters): their eternal love-in with the EU; their admiration of Islam, and the follow-on anti-Semtism and anti-Christianity; their love affair with terrorists; the eco-crusade; their hatred of anything that might be called “right-wing”….
Agreed. Montgomerie is wrong. The beeboids know exactly what they are doing, they bring their politics into the BBC studios.
Dame Nicki Campbell for example does it this way. He decides to give us HIS personal opinion (from the left of course) so he will state something like “public spending is the sigh of a caring society, OR SO SOME PEOPLE MIGHT SAY”
Dame Nicki has to add that bit in to make out it’s not his opinion, so just whose opinion is it? Some people? what people?
Look at the Radio 5 guest list
Chris Addison
Marcus Pigstock
Yasmin Alabi Brown
Toilets Maguire
Sir Michael Shite
Polly Toynbee
There’s also an annoying little prick who is on who is a right leftie twat but I can’t remember his name, he sometimes does the Sky paper review.
I can’t think of one right wing person who is a regular on Radio 5.
Surely all the IT guys and receptionists and maintenance workers and tea ladies don’t bring their bias in to work.
‘Course they do, but they’re advised to leave it in their locker until home time. Not that anyone takes a blind bit of notice, mind…
Totally agree.
As I said last week I heard Dame Nicki say that in some part of the UK the public sector was supporting the private sector and gave the impresssion that this wasn’t unusual.
Message: Public sector is the most important.
What utter bollocks.
Clearly Nicky doesn’t know the meaning of the word “sustainable” after all.
Might be elsewhere, but might be worth repeating, too:
Got to say, what the BBC was doing in response did rather fall under the category of a ‘whinge’ by most measures.
Your whinge is fair but it is in a long, long article relaying the bias of the BBC, for that at least TM should be applauded. That said I don’t even think he is saying “they don’t mean it” he’s saying many “can’t help it” and many probably don’t think they are being biased: when they “diss their enemies, push their agenda, love the EU and Islam etc they probably genuinely think it is the widely held agenda, what “normal’ people think. The fact that this is complete bollocks is beyond their comprehension.
I read it that Montgomerie thinks they are beyond hope. Fully zombied beeboids with a hive mind. I think he was just being circumspect and polite. It is probably in his nature. There is no way the massed ranks of beeboids would read that article without a communal wail
-“its not fair” and throw a collective tantrum.
It too felt it was saying that it is like fish not realising they are wet – because that is their normal state.
Perhaps Montgomerie should be reminded of the BBC’s ‘balance’ when it comes to question Time. And endless precession of left wingers out gunning the right by 4 to 1 most weeks.
Then the even worse Dateline where we get the same idiotic halfwits from the left. Steve Richards, Sir Michael Shite, Polly Toynbee, Yasmin I hate Whites, Abdul Barry Twatman and so on.
The beeboid mindset is that this is representative of the people.
Tim montgomerie should be asking the BBC for the proof that it “provides political balance across its output”
A claim that is a bigger load of bollocks than a Gordon Brown ‘tax cut’.
How does the BBC audit political balance? Where is the documented evidence?
It doesn’t exist. The BBC is spouting lies and they know it.
Sam Delaney editor of Heat mag. Pugnatious little twerp.
Cheers Charlie that’s the little prick. A right smug leftie arsehole.
oh right so thats the little tosser wondered who he is!
I wonder if we’ve all missed the point here a little. The BBC recruits stright from the pages of the Guardian for a reason – those at the top who really do have an agenda want to hire like minded people. The Left has always been deeply rooted in the politics of protest, evangalism and the convenient bending of the truth for the ‘greater good’. The right has largely been rooted the politics of administration dating back centuries. It isn’t a naturally campaigning ethos. It plays fair – it conserves rather than radicalises. Youth is drawn to radical ideology and change.
So what has hapenned over the years is that with all the campaigning that has gone on, on the airwaves, in the papers, in our education system, through uncontrolled immigration and the multicultural doctrine – that the BBC and the metropolitan populace have converged and really do largely stand on very similar ground.
The issue is not that it has occurred, but how to stimulate the those not of the leftist persuasion to take a more ‘campaigning stance’ – to spur those with pragmatic political opinions based on good governance and sound economics to raise their voices to match those of the left and provide a visible argument to the next generation of students who will eventually become our leaders.
Top post Tony E , a very accurate assesment of what has happened.
It is possible for a small c conservatively minded cross section of society to promote a change in people’s viewpoint, as the Countryside Alliance proved so well. However that was for a well defined cause and the challenge is keeping up the momentum.
At the moment the torch is being carried by The Taxpayers Alliance, which is doing incredible work in exposing the lies and the folly of the mega bureaucratic state favoured by labour.
If this site could obtain a modicum of funding and model itself on the Taxpayers Alliance, as an outgoing campaigning organisation against left wing bias at the bbc, it couldhave a similar profound effect.
The main problem with the BBC is that the Labour government wrote its social and cultural agenda into the charter of the BBC. Add to that the revolving door between the Labour party and its supporters and the BBC, top it off with Labour placements in related quangos and Bob’s your uncle. We’re all sewn up good and proper.
It’s now for the Conservatives to unpick some of that but it will take time to have any effect. Besides, the damage has been done and most of it cannot be undone.
Eric Pickles is having a good go. I want to see Pickles end the public sector subsidy of the Guardian newspaper with the endless job adverts.
I refuse to buy the Guardian so why should that stop me from applying for a Government job?
I wonder how many lefties would buy a copy of the Daily Mail if the jobs were advertised only in that paper?
Exactly Martin but in addition the attacks have to be simultaneous. So you have Gove pushing his free schools , at the same time announce no more public sector jobs adverts in the newspapers and a cut in the licence fee.
Do that all at once and the public sector classes would be so wrapped up in saving themselves you could privatise the NHS and invade Iran yet Beeb wouldn’t even notice 🙂
Why is that we who have done nothing but excercise our rights of free expression, have to go into hiding, but the ones who make murderous threats are left free to walk the streets?
For what reason have all the common mores of society been inverted till good is bad and bad is good?
Then see this
The origins of Political correctness and its deliberately designed destructive effects on Western culture and civilisation.
<b>Here are a couple of videos that are a Must See. </b>
As Israel is Western as well as in the frontline against Islam, attacks on it from the Left are natural.
These two videos are a must see.