Whatever happened to the looming weekend?! It’s Monday morning and the last Open Thread has filled up and so I offer you a brand shiny new one to start the week! Let’s be hearing from you….
Yet more BBC hatred of our armed forces on the Today Programme this morning, interviewing a high ranking-general about the UK handover of Sangin to US troops, Humphreys couldn’t wait to get stuck into the British Army repeating over and over that our armed forces had ‘failed’ and that it was a humiliating retreat etc. If the army wore red stars and had the word ‘revolutionary’ in their title the BBC would be singing their praises.
Woman’s hour
At times I could not believe what I was listening to. The deeply harrowing case of the grooming of young schoolgirl Emma Jackson. How often did we hear the BBC interviewer, Jane Garvey repeatedly says “these people”, “the men”, “strange men” “these particular groups”who groomed her, raping her regularly, as well as gang rape, as she puts it herself “for his cousins, of course”. The BBC woman jumps in, alarmed. Please listen to this textbook BBC interview (also the parents participate) there is throughout no mention of ethnicity, no mention of the religion of peace. The failings of the police and CPS in her case a complete and utter disgrace! Astonishing that the BBC actually conducted this interview, but so sterile, so devoid of the truth that underlines what is happening. We are marching towards chaos. To explain child abuse when the prophet himself had a relationship with a young girl, and like Halal now, it seems to be just one of these things we have to accept as cultural enrichment, without questioning if the British people want it. The result of this grooming was that the Jackson family emigrated, as the police failed them, could not protect them from these “evil men”. Now Jane Garvey is talking about cosmetics, “What is a primer” and covering spots on noses, “filling in wrinkles”, “not looking too makeuppy(sic)” that’s the BBC for you. Woman’s Hour http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00tt4lp
The UK Human Trafficking Centre is campaigning to raise awareness of British children who suffer sexual exploitation through grooming and internal trafficking. A young woman tells Jane how she was groomed from the age of twelve
I heard that Womens’ Hour item too, and posted about it on the earlier Open thread. It lasted a full 20 minutes . I kept waiting and waiting for any indication of which community is committing these dreadful crimes.
Truly sick “reporting” by the BBC. The “impartial” BBC.
Apparently Muhammed permitted marriage between first cousins. Today, 70 percent of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent. close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred.
the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.
The research (conducted by the BBC!) found that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births, they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.
Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being “retarded”) increases 400 percent among children from cousin marriages.
Don’t expect the BBC to pay much attention to this article.
Channel 4 did an excellent documentary on this inbreeding a few weeks ago.
I remember the beeboids wetting their g-strings some time back over those evil yanks and their depleted Uranium causing birth defects in Fallujah.
Not once did beeboids mention the high number of birth defects caused by inter breeding in Muslim Countries that may well account for most if not all of the defects.
What Pajamas didn’t cover was the fact that Pakistani and Bangladeshi cousin marriage can also be employed as a vehicle for immigration fraud – take a look.
I used to think that it was a phenomenon that only existed in communities near me, where it aided immigration & was supported by the welfare state. It is amazing that the practice exists in the 3rd world where it just acts as a millstone hampering economic & social development
But you see the story about the use of depleted uranium rounds aligns perfectly with the BBC corporate narrative and prejudice. The evil warmongering West and nasty nuclear by product weapons, the blind hatred you find in greenpiss and CND and FoE.
The forced marrige/sale of children to cousins however does not ring any ideological bells with the BBC, it would mean questioning the practices of a woman child abusing society and that is off the agenda.
Child abuse by a few priests within the Catholic church with senior clergy protecting the monsters and covering up for them is quite obviously a big story and should be investigated.
The cynical exploitation and abuse of female children by a religious group is out of bounds for the BBC, the trafficking of children, the enslavement of vulnerable children and the abuse of childrens basic human rights, the trading of little girls for passports/cash and the fierce and savage punishment of women who dare to rebel against the crushing brutal systematic abuse.
Am I islamophobic? Of course I am! Any rational enlightened person should be.
Its the same as being Naziphobic, two evil ideolgies bringing death and pain and suffering and hatred and ignorance and darkness, its why the term islamofascist is so very apt.
On Five Live this morning they reported that only 2% of people they surveyed had confidence in the Coalition cuts. They then compared that to the number of people in the world that believe Elvis is alive (2%).
Message: No one has confidence in the Coalitions cuts and those that do are just nutcases not living in the real world.
You should take a listen to Vicki Pollard on Radio 5 right now coming from the Limp Dem conference, well I think it’s the Limp Dems, all I’ve heard so far from the “BBC hand picked audience” is
“Evil Tories”
“Public sector workers”
“Evil Thatcher” – that’ one has been used a lot
I thought the TUC conference was last week? So how come the BBC is wheeling out endless public sector dross to whine on about cuts?
Not a single word of blame on the one eyed idiot from the “hand picked BBC audience”
Did I sleep a lot? Did Maggie only get booted out of office last week?
You know I swear she left office 20 years ago, mind you in Liverpool shell suits are still the in thing and no one in the real world has worn one of those since the 1980’s
The BBC is a joke, do they really think they can get away with this one sided distortion?
Sometimes, the BBC bias is not just overt but also mired in deceit. Such is the case with this story.
Sometimes ? You are in a remarkably charitable mood this morning. I would say, on the majority of issues, the bbc invariably exhibits bias. Thus, the selective reporting , to support the chosen bbc position on a subject is inevitably decietful .
To move forward against the bbc, someone with sufficient time available (not me unfortunately), needs to start tabulating bbc responses to individual issues and comparing their reporting to other media outlets. I supose suppression of facts when the self detonating community are involved would be a classic example, or presenting known left wing comentators as the default position in interviews. Sadly our politicians are so hopeless and complacent, that unless information is handed them on a plate in this way, they will be too supine to do anything about bbc bias.
Made the mistake of hitting the Radio 4 button in the car last night and caught the odious Matt Frei spewing out the usual leftist rubbish in a weekly propaganda-doco about the USA.
So what did we get?
Item 1 – more unreconstructed Obamessianism in the form of a frantic Democrat teling us how retrograde, racist and errr, uncool awful the Republicans (and esp the Tea Party movement) are. All of which uncritically received by the idiot Beeboid presenter…
Item 2 – a sly, nasty little piece on the cold war, enabling the vile bigot Frei to mock an 87 year old women who’d sung a hymn in the first satellite broadcast in the 60s (with a Mormon choir)
Item 3 – who else? The BBC poster boy Noam Chomsky.
And they don’t see the bias???? It really is beyond parody.
Barack Obama implored black voters on Saturday to restoke the passion they felt for his groundbreaking campaign two years ago and turn out in force this fall to repel Republicans who are ready to “turn back the clock.”
In a fiery speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, Obama warned that Republicans hoping to seize control of Congress want “to do what’s right politically, instead of what’s right – period.”
“I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, to go back to your workplaces, to go to the churches, and go to the barbershops and go to the beauty shops. And tell them we’ve got more work to do,” Obama said to cheers from a black-tie audience at the Washington Convention Center. “Tell them we can’t wait to organize. Tell them that the time for action is now.”
Can you feel the magic? This is the ugliest racial politics I’ve ever ssen from a President of the United States in my lifetime. I am ashamed.
Justin Webb and Matt Frei assured me He was above all this. Mark Mardell and Katie Connolly see racists all over the place. Even defenders of the indefensible told us that He would govern as a moderate and would be the first post-racial President.
This is what we got instead. You can’t say we didn’t see this coming, though.
Did he make any speeches – fiery or otherwise – to the Congressional White Caucus? Oh right, right…
So let me get this straight: Obama telling a group of voters distinguished only by their skin colour to get out and vote is groovy, right-on and like, totally happening, man, but a group of voters of all colours and creeds motivated not by race, but by political ideology is ‘sinister and racist’? Huh. Got it.
He is one crass and shameless individual. He sure knows how to push the black button. His cynical appeal (“I need everybody here…”) calls to mind the tactics and the exploitative methods of one of those sinister cult leaders.
The President is suggesting that Republicans (and you can add all Tea Party supporters to that, registered Independent or nto) want to oppress black people and prevent racial equality.
If the BBC ever again says that He is above this sort of thing, you’ll know they are lying.
A real racist appealing to his racist base and calling on them to support him because of the colour of his skin.
The true nature of racism laid bare for all to see, he is not an American president, he is a black man using the leftist politics of the left becaue that political ideology is a convenient platform.
Is this what people voted for? A petty racist engaging his core vote on racist grounds and appealing to the base instincts of the racist mob. He is acting exactly like the local political agitator he is.
Has anybody got any suggestions (sic), as to where our beloved State broadcaster was hiding when the soldiers of Allah were protesting HERE or even HERE?….I mean, considering that Al-Beeb spent the entire weekend employing God knows how many camera crews, to film the popes every action, and critisise the cathelic church at every damned turn?
FFS jason Mohammed on BBC wales at the liberals conference in scouse land. Lempit bannana face has been on for an hour trying to defend what he hates….ie. the coalition. He’s not even elected but BBC wales have more time for him since his defeat than ever. And lo and behold he’sjust said he wants to stand for the London Mayors job. Oh how welsh
‘Guardian’ emphasis here is, predictably, that it is publicly subsidised interests of BBC-NUJ which should be protected, not the interests of British licencepayers:
“BBC Trust has ‘never made sense’, says former BBC chairman”
Every beeboid should be forced to watch that film, then see how many of them still call islamofascim a religion of peace.
Millions of victims,innocent victims of a cruel and evil ideology ignored by the BBC.
The BBC cowards dare not speak out for the millions of victims, their sffuering is invisible to the BBC. The moral cowards at the BBC live in fear of the islamofascit bullies, the BBC gives more airtime to the supposed sufferings of polar bears and badgers than to human girl children and if thats not sick then I dont know what is.
The BBC claims that islam is a religion of peace? NO islam is a religion of cruelty and death and suffering and brutality and war and savage domination.
If Satan exists he could find no better home than islam, he would find soulmates and friends and allies in the quest to bring hell to earth, if anyone thinks I am being unreasonable then I would ask them to look at the broken bodies of little girls covered in blood.
The BBC know damn well what is happening in the muslim world. But they don’t wish to report it. It does not fit in with their agenda of undermining the west and its hard won freedoms.
Women’s Hour does annoy me. Jenny Murray had two Afghan women on a few weeks ago and asked them to accept negotiations with the Taliban for the sake of peace. Probably Murray should watch this video to realise what exactly is going on in some Muslim countries.
‘Panorama’ tries its best to avoid details of BBC-NUJ high paid staff, which it summarises thus:
“The BBC’s salaries were included because the BBC is funded by the £145.50 licence fee paid by UK households. There are 331 managers at the BBC earning more than £100,000.
“Lucy Adams, the head of BBC People, said the corporation needs to compete with the private sector for top talent in the media and entertainment industries. She said the BBC is dealing with the issue of executive pay.
“She added that Director General Mark Thompson – who for the year 2009/10 received a total remuneration of £838,000 including base pay of £668,000 and £7,000 in benefits in addition to a £163,000 pension payment – and other senior managers at the BBC had taken pay cuts: ‘We have given up, all the executives have given up two months’ pay. We have had a pay freeze for the next four years.'”
‘People, who hire people, are the highest paid people.. in the media world’
Such top talent explains the plethora of happy staff, well-managed pensions, terrific programmes and awesome outings into the media (Mark, Mark, John, Helen, etc, take a bow) surfacing in just the last few days.
Head of BBC People!
Tell me oh Head, why has the amount of the licence tax per head kept going up every year even though the population has gone up by something like 1.8m and new households are added at the rate of around 250,000 a year. (And, no, they are not all over the age of 75.)
Is it cos Mark Thompson’s greed has required that we be conned into paying more each year, with no one ever having to explain why the licence tax is not going down per head instead of up?
Radio 5 has been an utter joke again today. I heard Peter Allen sneering away that anyone in Burnley who voted Lib Dem wouldn’t have wanted “those Tories in power”.
Funny but most people who voted Labour didn’t want the Tories either and vice versa.
The BBC just can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that they lost the election.
I also had to laugh last night and today when the usual public sector idiots come on insisting that the public sector ‘creates wealth’
Some idiot claimed that because HE buys things from shops that’s “wealth creation”. No it isn’t. It’s simply recirculating that private companies taxes, just as people in the public sector who pay taxes don’t actually contribute real wealth as they could simply be paid less and not pay tax, it would make no difference.
INBBC, Mass Immigration, Islamisation and Europe, continued.
Very late in the day, INBBC’s Mr. Hewitt, gives a hint of almost understanding the nature of the problem for European people of the political lib/Left’s (inc. Beeboids’) advocacy of mass immigration and Islamisation:
“Is Europe tiring of its immigrants?”
(“Tiring” seems an odd choice of word, Mr Hewitt: as though mass immigration, which lib/Left has so campaigned for, is no longer fashionable!)
Perhaps Islam Not BBC (INBBC) thinks it is more in its own political interests not to mention the following, than it is in the security interests of the many British people travelling to/from France to know about it.
Anyway, the usual censorship from INBBC on Islamic jihad threat, but ‘France 24’ has:-
“France at ‘imminent’ risk of terrorist attack, intelligence indicates”
Norman Smith on Today this morning “reporting” on the BBC meme that liberal party members dont support the coalition with the evil tories.
He interviews some “union members” “demonstrating” outside the conference. Their views on the “betrayal” by Clegg are entirely predictable – although the level of irrational hatred they are prepared to broadcast unchallenged is quite frightening.
The special twist was that although he did disclose that they werent actually liberals, it was only tangentially revealed and the casual listener would have assumed the whole tendentious exercise was actually reporting on the anger felt by “ordinary” liberals at their betrayal when it was nothing of the kind as Smith had clearly failed to find anyone in the party prepared to sing his song – so he just effectively made it up!
Its beyond belief that such blatant and wicked propaganda is (a) condoned by whatever passes for editorial control by the BBC and (b) not vigorously countered by the government they are seeking to destroy.
Yes as I posted earlier Radio 5’s “hand picked audience” was full of the usual trade union vermin (just how many times do we have to get the views of the public sector?) spouting hate.
You know in all of today at no time has the BBC mentioned just WHO created this mess. The deficit was nothing to do with the banks, it was down to the one eyed idiots mishandling of the economy for 13 years.
As an example some idiot from the fire brigade union had an anti Tory rant this morning about some regional control centre that “was a waste of money”. Hmm wasn’t John Prescott responsible for that idea? The unions were very quiet when Liebour were in power, now all of a sudden they are not happy with lot’s of things that went on, perhaps a beeboid might like to actually ask one of them why they said nothing for 13 years?
Typical biased reporting by Norman Smith, a man clearly still pining for the last Labour government or a Lib-Lab coalition – things he spun for shamelessly in the run-up to the general election. (His calling of the ‘winners’ of the three prime-ministerial debates – Clegg, Clegg and Brown – were but one of many examples.)
Anyone clicking on the Today website link will read “The Lib Dem conference appears willing to accept coalition politics, but what of Lib Dem voters around the country?”, which could also mislead them into thinking that the union protestors are ‘ordinary liberals’ – and the headline Clegg’s ‘yellow Tories’? is taken from one of the trades unionists, not from an ‘ordinary liberal’.
I was listening to Beyond Belief on R4 this afternoon. It concerned the Jewish religion and different flavours (mainstream vs orthodox). All very interesting. Then they had to bring out a jewish chap who was gay and how it was difficult for him etc etc. At this point I switched off.
Why does the BBC have to spoil a good and informative program with always bringing out a gay angle in it?
It reminded me of some segment on Today several months ago about how the World Cup was going to effect the South African gay community.
The BBC always promote gay as if it is mainstream. Sickening.
They do the same with slavery. I’m sure it must have been brought into the football coverage.
It’s because they are agenda-driven nutters with a few chosen causes in lieu of a set of real standards or values such as honesty, decency and integrity.
I am sure that, to be balanced, the BBC will do a similar programme on Islam with a gay muslim telling us how easy it is to be gay and muslim, unlike these homophobic Jews.
Well what a shock, Toenails and the BBC try to hype up ‘splits’ between Clegg and his own party and of course ‘splits’ between the Lib Dems and the Tories.
Toenails claimed just now that the speech Clegg didn’t give was one highlighting the things the Lib Dems have gotten out of the coalition. Why crap, the very first things Clegg started with was a long list of things.
Then the BBC hyped up the Lib Dem floor vote on free schools. Wow that is a real split. Not !
Then we get Rita Chakrabarti or whatever her name is talking about “massive cuts” and so on.
Does every BBC report have to talk about “massive cuts” every 5 seconds. Funny thing is when Toenails and Paxman used to interview the one eyed idiot no mention of “massive cuts passed their lips”
Quite right Martin. I think Nick Robinson must have been fast asleep during the first five minutes of Clegg’s speech, nearly all of which was spent listing Lib Dem policies already brought in by the coalition, going through the Four Big Promises the Lib Dems made during the general election and promising that Lib Dem values would be never be changed.
In the course of the 6 O’Clock News we got “massive spending cuts” from Huw Edwards, “huge spending cuts” from Reeta C. and “drastic spending cuts” from both Huw and Reeta!!
Yes isn’t it funny that not once during the last 2 years since the economy collapsed did the BBC ever talk about Nu Liebour and ‘savage cuts’ in the same sentence.
All we ever got was Toenails and co parroting Liebour investment v Tory cuts.
toenails and peston are as they say ‘out of the loop’ and so have to spurt the savage cuts line….toenails kept quiet about GB and prob abour CK and his drinking…as with all BBC bods you cant trust them at all
Check out this ‘Hardcore Anarchist Class Warrior’ from Liverpool UAF. He’d put the fear of Christ in to any EDL member!
He’s obviously a veteran campaigner from the days of the miner’s strikes.
You have to feel sorry for him really. The poor dear thinks he is being a rebel but is doing exactly what he thinks will impress his teachers.
I liked the bit about protesting against a protest by the BNP about the war in Iraq. So in other words he was protesting against someone protesting about something he probably protests about himself ! I doubt he has thought to deeply about it.
Well just heard Tom Bradby review Clegg’s speech on ITV. Clearly Nick Robinson was at a different conference today, Bradby’s report was much more upbeat, they played a clip of Clegg praising Cameron (not done on the BBC) and Bradby points out that many independent commentators are complimenting Clegg on his political astuteness.
Of course on the BBC it was all about “savage cuts” even though as ITV correctly reported Government spending will still be only back to 2006 levels (as Bradby put it, “the lights were hardly going out then”)
Just how can the BBC hold their heads up high and spout this clap trap?
The News Channel ran a ‘breaking news’ commentary on the screen as Clegg was speaking. It too completely ignored his positive comments about Cameron and the Conservatives (though it kept repeating his comments about the Iraq War being illegal).
Did anyone watch Panorama? For some stupid reason I did.
Unsurprisingly biased as ever (at least the BBC are consistent). Basically the meme was that there’s nothing wrong with high paid public sector workers because they’re worth it.
One example they used was the Chief of Cleveland Police and interviewed some old biddies who said that they’ve never known the streets to be so safe. One even said she’s been living in the same area for 40 odd years and the last 4 years have been the best! The best?!?! WTF?!?? Have I missed something?!
They also mentioned a head teacher (surname Dick) who has turned around a school, and a doctor – basically he was saving lives so essentially he’s priceless.
When they mentioned the PM’s pay they really bigged up the fact that Gordy cut his pay by £50k so Dave’s 5% was bugger all. Say’s it all.
I could go on but I’ll leave it there – I won’t even mention the bit where they discussed the BBC salaries!
Part of the narrative appeared to be that these over paid public sector executives are doing us a favour because they could earn much higher salaries in the private sector.
Having spent a refreshing month in Poland, I come back to the onslaught on my senses that is our state broadcasting service.
What struck me most was the relentless scrolling news at the bottom of the screen (sometimes entitled ‘Breaking News’ – when it was nothing of the sort). This reminds me of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques akin to brainwashing, and particularly noticeable during the coverage of the Pope’s visit.
Bias is now endemic in almost everything we watch and listen to and gets in the way. This weekend, the news headlines, read as a link into the news broadcast proper were mainly opinion, conjecture and bias – again blatant in respect of the Pope’s visit.
However, I still love Radio 4, e.g. the program on “Hits of the Blitz”, Paul Morley, 10:30am 11 Sep, was most informative. Yet, later that morning Kate Adie got a mention of Global Warming in on her program, and on Money Box, the head of HMRC was given the easiest of rides, not challenged on anything.
This blog, ahead of all others, is the destination of choice of frustrated individuals, however, the information is not catalogued in any way.
Is there someone out there who could create a suitable repository (database/wiki?) that could be cross indexed by topic, program/channel, etc., containing just the briefest of details of each case of bias, omission, repetition, misrepresentation, etc., etc., of course with links and references. The result would be a searchable live database of all news and current affairs (including environment) programs (not the whole BBC output).
Yes, I am totally aware that these things can take on a life of their own, and 20 or so categories can mushroom into hundreds once let loose, but we should start somewhere. And after it is up and running, create a set of standards that can be reviewed at the appropriate frequency.
Hopefully, armed with this information, we can begin to remove the monkeys’ impediments and get broadcasting to what it once was (yes, I know there has always been ‘bias’ but it is now out of control).
Neuro Linguistic Programming? What do you mean Like This, as shown up by Brian Gerrish, pertaining too the odious Julia Middleton, one of who’s closest sidekicks is the Beeboid Business editor, Robert Peston..
Common Purpose have done their homework all right, and the BBC of course, will be a willing partner to any Socialist indoctrination carried out on the unsuspecting masses.
Here I will enter my periodic plea for V Bulletin software which enables themed threads and is effectively a database searchable by topic and by other identifiers as you wish.
What is always amusing is when the very special talents so lavishly remunerated to prevent them taking up that job with NASA get it so horribly wrong that they cannot simply ignore or traduce their critics.
The re-design of the (formerly excellent) i-player is just such a catastrophe. It has inspired speculation that fifth columnists (in the pay of the enemy of humanity Murdoch) must have infiltrated the greatest collection of public servants since the Manhatten Project and deliberately sabotaged the previous winning design because “they” want to kill it and melt the ice-caps through a lack of diversity.
The venom on the message boards on this topic is also now noticeably strongly informed by a hatred of the BBCs widely accepted arrogance, profligacy, mediocrity and refusal to listen to criticism. Not even the usual silly payroll trolls are popping up to insult the critics.
As ever the original response from the magisterium has been to pour scorn (“Some people always resistant to change and innovation”) on those daring to point out that it is now impossible to use – and that perhaps even morons might not want to share their viewing preferences with all their “friends” on facebook; or be told what to watch by an algorithm.
Where now the Deputy Director (UK) Digital Media and Platforms (North) £350k pa (job-share)?
Also Clive Anderson whilst interviewing Anthony Jay on “Loose Leftists” about the new Yes Minister stage play (in which he tried to insinuate that the plainly conservative minded Mr Jay must be at least secretly holding several former miners as slaves in his LA villa) expressed his genuine horror and surprise that the audience had cheered their support at the plays attacks on the worlds greatest and best loved cultural institution.
I tell you poor wonderrful old Auntie is now the worst managed public body since Stafford General Hospital, and the public support they think they own has all but deserted them.
I can’t believe the BBC have dared to put the one eyed idiot on TV just now spouting on about poverty. This man is totally discredited as a human being, a politician and an economist.
Hmm. Newsnight gets worse (if possible) rat face spouts nonsense then Paxman states that “the MOD didn’t give the soldiers in Helmand the tools to do the job”. The MOD? Yes they may be partly to blame but yet again the BBC erases the one eyed prat’s involvement here.
It was Brown who starved the forces of soldiers and equipment to do the job, the one eyed idiot wasted billions on his ‘pet wastes of space’ like the NHS and ‘skoolz and starving Muslims’
Unwisely I watched Humphrey’s programme on schools.
I fail to understand how he can fill a whole hour without ever mentioning the remaining state grammar schools ( they are free John and not just for the rich) but our John managed it.
I know they exist as there is a very good one a few miles from me but if the BBC declares such schools non schools perhaps they had better get on message and shut down .
Now I know I live in rural England and avoid London but the schools featured on the show appeared to have almost no white English pupils. Where have they all gone ? Is London now so different that the old London of the English has vanished?
This is not the multi cultural dream of the left but looks like white flight and population replacement on a quite massive scale.
Still the BBC just don’t get it. Change the people and you change the culture not to a multi culture but to a new culture which bears little relationship to the old.
Now I understand why the left is so determind to encourage immigration. The old English culture was just not up to scratch and really had to go. WE could never match up to the vision of the future the left had for us.
Yep here we go Rat face attacking Sir Philip Green, another ‘Tory’ of course. Why not find mates of the one eyed idiot to highlight tax evasion?
And I seem to remember the BBC giving advice to staff on how to evade tax, wasn’t there a link on this site to a story about the BBC giving advise on tax evasion?
Anyone want to bet the BBC will now go after Philip Green along with the Guardian?
The BBC forgets just how many REAL jobs Sir Philip Green has created, unlike the BBC which hasn’t created one.
I wonder how many Beeboids funnel their income through companies owned by them to avoid income tax and pay lower rates of corporation tax. Maybe they can tell us.
I am so pleased some of the more right wing on here hAven’t slagged off Clegg.
I think we should be looking at the only positive to come out of this. The Daily Politics is the only BBC show I know that that does not have a grindingly PC agenda.
Please support Andrew and Anita, they go at everyone the same way.
Agree with you about Brillo, but even he has being going soft recently. Not sure I agree about Anita. And , certainly, when gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn gets the friday slot to herself , it is the usual BBC bias.
Is there anyway we can start to lobby parliament over how bBC News which is funded by the tax payer isn’t doing the job it is paid to do;
I’ve just read the news from around the world and find that what the bBC says is happening isn’t what is transpiring on the ground.
There is nothing about France being on alert for a female suicide bomber/ There is nothing about how 2 men were arrested in Gateshead for watching a video on face-book of an American burning a koran/Its coverage of the takeover of a couple of Somali radiostations diesn’t mention that they were both looted. It downplays the number of people who went to see the pope yesterday in Birmingham and it promotes the leader of Iran as a media savy man….really?
I really am concerned at how the anti-western agenda at the bBC appears to be the controlling factor in their news output.
Is there anyway we can start to lobby parliament over how bBC News which is funded by the tax payer isn’t doing the job it is paid to do;
I’ve just read the news from around the world and find that what the bBC says is happening isn’t what is transpiring on the ground.
There is nothing about France being on alert for a female suicide bomber/ There is nothing about how 2 men were arrested in Gateshead for watching a video on face-book of an American burning a koran/Its coverage of the takeover of a couple of Somali radiostations diesn’t mention that they were both looted. It downplays the number of people who went to see the pope yesterday in Birmingham and it promotes the leader of Iran as a media savy man….really?
I really am concerned at how the anti-western agenda at the bBC appears to be the controlling factor in their news output.
Did these ‘freedom fighters’ make it on to the BBC’s coverage of the Pope’s visit?
Surely it’s only a matter of time before Anjem Choudary is invited on to Radio 4 to present ‘Thought for the day’.
On BBC R4 news this morning. Apparently Hilary Clinton is trying to ban the use of home cooking on open fires indoors, because, amongst other reasons, (like, it’s bad for your health…) it “contributes to climate change”! WTF? Isn’t that what humans did when there were first humans? So climate change IS our fault, then
But look at it this way. If our ancestors hadn’t done that, perhaps the last Ice Age would never have ended and we’d still be living in caves (with no cooking fires of course).
I suspect that cooking fires contribute to climate change in the same way emptying a glass of water into the ocean raises sea levels.
If we’d have still lived in caves Billy boy Clinton wouldn’t have been humping cheap tarts in the oval Office, perhaps that’s what Ms Clinton really meant 🙂
I saw the same thing early this morning on the World News’ “GMT’ news broadcast. First, What-His-Name Charles in the anchor’s chair introduced the segment by saying that indoor fires “contribute to Climate Change”. In the segment itself, Roger Harriban said right at the start that these indoor fires cause “Global Warming”. I was half asleep so I might be misremembering who said which, but between them they definitely said both shibboleths.
This was on the World News, which goes out to all English-speaking countries. While I do sympathize with people cooking indoors without proper ventilation, the complete solution surely isn’t solar cooking. Both in the Boy Scouts and in school science classes, I’ve done the solar cooking experiment or seen it done many times. Of course, growing up in sunny Arizona, it was easy. How’s that going to work in monsoon season, Hillary? Back to indoor smoke for a month, I suppose.
I suppose fireplaces with chimneys will be banned next? The BBC reported Hillary’s plan as fact, when it is in fact partially driven by ideology.
You can always spot the socialist. Any thing they don’t like “ban it” Not for them reasoned debate or research – no just the idea that they are 100% right and it should be “banned”.
That is why the EU wants to “ban” democracy.
“The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.”
Any of the blog’s US-based contributors got any thoughts on the following from a parachuted-in BBC Brit, to offer what experience has shown may be some much-needed context and/or objectivity to Aunty’s often uni-directional world view?
I note that Mr. Mason has already been called out on this by a possible actual US resident, and issued a rather defensive reply, which in light of Helen Boaden’s epic hole digging effort seems pretty much lobbing a JCB in to plumb further.
Once again a BBC reporter lies about the Tea Party movement. It is not – and this apparently cannot be stressed and repeated enough to get through certain thick skulls – about social issues. Yes, in the Venn diagram of Tea Party supporters, there is a set of people concerned about social issues. But that’s not the reality. What the Tea Party movement is really about is the intersection between the sets of people involved. Mason, just like the rest of the Beeboids, focuses on one set of supporters. It’s even more dishonest that he’s claiming that Beck is some sort of leader of the movement, as he’s actually only jumping on the bandwagon about a year after ordinary citizens started this spontaneously and independently all across the country.
Here is a helpful diagram of reality to counteract BBC/Democrat propaganda. The actual values of the Tea Party movement itself are in the intersection:
Looking back at the thread, I also note that the ‘defenders’ of the author seem to be, surprisingly, stuck in ‘Fox News supporter!’ mode with some expressing doubts, at the expense of any actual argument.
The BBC are pimping an old story about the tea party candidate Christine O’Donnell once dabbling in witchcraft ooooh Noooo! the horror the shame the…er..horror…ehm…er..uhm.
An old story dragged up from the past,a meaningless non story as a person searches for her spiritual identity, a journey each of us makes and is the mark of a normal human being.
So why does the BBC give valuable airtime to a petty vindictive smear pimped by the leftist smear industry? Well the BBC and the leftist press feed each other stories and exist in a symbiotic relationship where this political axis works closely together to destroy its political enemies.
Young person seeks to find a spiritual truth among the darkness of uncertainty, a young person tries to find a personal meaning to their existence in the world and find a spiritual shelter and base from which to grow.
Now the above is common to most of us and completely normal, we seek meanings to lifes mysteries and we find different angles and means to get there, this is no story because its as common as sand on a beach so why does the BBC believe its a story?
The art of poison politics is at play and its the favourite tactic of the leftist elites and their media allies, the art of poisoning and smears.
Funny, but I don’t remember Radio 4 doing “The Major Years” back in 1997.
The impression that they seem to be trying to generate is that things were not that bad then, in fact, they were pretty good. 13 years of Labour is always viewed with nostalgia rather than with balance/reality.
================= Thanks for your e-mail about Radio 1’s ‘Newsbeat’ on 12 May.
We apologise for the very severe delay in replying which was due to a major fault in our systems.
I understand that you believe the item about the deficit was biased because the term ‘pay back’ was used. I note that you felt this was inaccurate.
We forwarded your concerns to the Editor of Newsbeat.
We’d like to apologise for the specific use of language on this occasion. We shouldn’t have conflated the term ‘pay back’ with the word ‘deficit’ and we recognise this. However, we weren’t dealing in specific amounts – only using the word ‘vast’ – therefore we don’t agree that the report was underplaying the significance of the debt through ‘bias’ as you allege.
Nevertheless, I do appreciate your concerns about the wording used and I can you that, at the time, the points in your contact were included on the BBC’s audience log. This is the internal report of audience reaction which we compile daily and which is circulated to all programme makers, commissioning executives and senior management. Your points, with other comments we received, were therefore circulated and considered across the BBC at the time.
LoL. I love the way a £3.6B 24/7 news organisation essentially closes up for 3 months as they all scoot off to berate the villa tennis court bulb changers.
Can’t imagine many others in the service delivery world lasting long on that basis.
In the true spirit of INBBC impartiality, who does ‘Today’ have on to discuss the charges of bribery by members of the Pakistan cricket team against England, but only two Pakistanis and no English people: the Pakistan High Commissioner, and the ubiquitous Iran Khan.
England’s opinions censored out, or misrepresented by others.
Of course the BBC would never dream of asking Sir Ian Botham to say why he thinks Pakistan should be suspended from international cricket. After all, nobody’s ever heard of this Botham character.
I was just about to post that when I got to yours ! Botham’s statement is big news.
I remember when he returned from a tour of Pakistan, was asked what he thought and said “I wouldn’t send my mother-in-law there “.
Good old Beefy !
Book Cafe on Radio Bour – a chap called Bill Jameson was reviewing the new Le Carre book which has as a theme the huge amount of dirty money slushing around the UK financial system. Bill, seeking to put the amount into context and going completely and utterly off-message, said, ‘It’s six times the total income of the BBC licence fee.’
The droid presenter, screaming inside, could only blurt out, ‘That’s what I like to hear.’
Having, as I do the power to see dinly into the future, I can only say to Bill, ‘When the phone doesn’t ring, you’ll know it’s the BBC’.
And to the droid,’Enjoy your career shift from the gentleman’s club that is Radio Bour to the icy gulags of Radio 5 Drivel’s graveyard slots.
Heaping Pelion on Ossa, poor Bill went on to say, ‘I’m no great fan of Tony Blair’.
If it is the Bill Jamieson I am thinking of, he is a financial journalist who actually knows his subject and is not a leftie. I am surprised the BBC had him on at all.
‘We shall fight them on the oddly not yet 30m underwater beaches,
We shall fight on the affordably concreted over grounds,
We shall fight around the idle windmill bedecked hills,
… and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were insufficiently subjugated and starving, then our national broadcaster, armed and funded uniquely, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the EU and UN, with all its power and might, steps forth to help screw as much money out in the name of dodgy science for taxes, as we are able to send them press releases!
Just caught some snippets from today’s Daily Politics from the Lib Dem conference.
Brillo had a cosy chat with 2 journalists Nick ( Nik ? ) Watt of the Guardian and someone from the Times. Both of them repeatedly referred to the Lib Dems as “This lot “.
I wonder if, when the Labour conference comes along, anyone will refer to them as “This lot”.
I shall be looking out for this very carefully, but , as an incentive for B-BBC posters , I offer a 14 3/4 year- old bottle of “Old Kelty” Irn Bru ” McBroon’s Oxter ” ( not available in the shops ) to the first person who spots a reference to “This Lot ” .
(NB. For uneducated Sassenachs I should say that “oxter” is a Scots word for “armpit” and I can promise you that this bottling of our national drink has a quite unique flavour which is not for the faint-hearted).
PS Brillo interviewed the universal Simon Hughes who has made pompous prattishness an art form.
A couple of light moments.
Brillo asked him if he was a “man of the right or a man of the left”.
Simon assumed that Brillo meant politically ( maybe he did ) and answered “I am a man of the centre left “.
We can all make slips of the tongue , but Simon talked about the “debt paying off the interest”. To be fair , he corrected himself.
Does anyone know how many heartbeats Simon is away from being PM. Scary or what ?
On the News Channel a few minutes ago, Emily Maitlis was interviewing some Scottish guy about upcoming squeezes on banks, via taxes and bonus levies and all that. Maitlis was obviously in “defending the commoner against tyranny” mode, and responded to one of the Scotsmans’ statemants by saying that the banks “would get around whatever was imposed on them”, shaking her head, almost taunting with her voice.
While it’s very nice for the BBC to look out for the public wellfare, attacking the banks in this manner is an ideological position and is not based on informing the public.
Beeboid joke of the day (to be told with straight face, if possible):
“‘BBC News coverage of any subject is always approached in an impartial and accurate way, reflecting the different sides of any debate'”
– ‘except for its automatically biased ‘reporting’ for its favourite causes:-
Labour, trade unions, Islam, Obama, global warming, European Union, mass immigration, etc.
This is a baseless defense, really. Just falling back on numbers is meaningless unless we see the quality of the comments pro and con. If it’s all activists on either side, it proves nothing except who had more time on their hands to file a complaint. Without examples of the quality of the criticisms, this is a smokescreen.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
Yet more BBC hatred of our armed forces on the Today Programme this morning, interviewing a high ranking-general about the UK handover of Sangin to US troops, Humphreys couldn’t wait to get stuck into the British Army repeating over and over that our armed forces had ‘failed’ and that it was a humiliating retreat etc. If the army wore red stars and had the word ‘revolutionary’ in their title the BBC would be singing their praises.
I see Panorama is going to be attacking the army over ‘uman rites abuses’ in Iraq next week.
Must be at least a month since they last slagged off the forces.
Woman’s hour
At times I could not believe what I was listening to. The deeply harrowing case of the grooming of young schoolgirl Emma Jackson. How often did we hear the BBC interviewer, Jane Garvey repeatedly says “these people”, “the men”, “strange men” “these particular groups” who groomed her, raping her regularly, as well as gang rape, as she puts it herself “for his cousins, of course”. The BBC woman jumps in, alarmed. Please listen to this textbook BBC interview (also the parents participate) there is throughout no mention of ethnicity, no mention of the religion of peace. The failings of the police and CPS in her case a complete and utter disgrace! Astonishing that the BBC actually conducted this interview, but so sterile, so devoid of the truth that underlines what is happening. We are marching towards chaos. To explain child abuse when the prophet himself had a relationship with a young girl, and like Halal now, it seems to be just one of these things we have to accept as cultural enrichment, without questioning if the British people want it. The result of this grooming was that the Jackson family emigrated, as the police failed them, could not protect them from these “evil men”. Now Jane Garvey is talking about cosmetics, “What is a primer” and covering spots on noses, “filling in wrinkles”, “not looking too makeuppy(sic)” that’s the BBC for you. Woman’s Hour
The UK Human Trafficking Centre is campaigning to raise awareness of British children who suffer sexual exploitation through grooming and internal trafficking. A young woman tells Jane how she was groomed from the age of twelve
I heard that Womens’ Hour item too, and posted about it on the earlier Open thread. It lasted a full 20 minutes . I kept waiting and waiting for any indication of which community is committing these dreadful crimes.
Truly sick “reporting” by the BBC. The “impartial” BBC.
The Problem of Inbreeding in Modern Islam
Apparently Muhammed permitted marriage between first cousins. Today, 70 percent of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent. close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred.
the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.
The research (conducted by the BBC!) found that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births, they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.
Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being “retarded”) increases 400 percent among children from cousin marriages.
Don’t expect the BBC to pay much attention to this article.
Channel 4 did an excellent documentary on this inbreeding a few weeks ago.
I remember the beeboids wetting their g-strings some time back over those evil yanks and their depleted Uranium causing birth defects in Fallujah.
Not once did beeboids mention the high number of birth defects caused by inter breeding in Muslim Countries that may well account for most if not all of the defects.
What Pajamas didn’t cover was the fact that Pakistani and Bangladeshi cousin marriage can also be employed as a vehicle for immigration fraud – take a look.
Blog local – get the story first, hehe 😉
I used to think that it was a phenomenon that only existed in communities near me, where it aided immigration & was supported by the welfare state. It is amazing that the practice exists in the 3rd world where it just acts as a millstone hampering economic & social development
Good point Martin!
But you see the story about the use of depleted uranium rounds aligns perfectly with the BBC corporate narrative and prejudice. The evil warmongering West and nasty nuclear by product weapons, the blind hatred you find in greenpiss and CND and FoE.
The forced marrige/sale of children to cousins however does not ring any ideological bells with the BBC, it would mean questioning the practices of a woman child abusing society and that is off the agenda.
Child abuse by a few priests within the Catholic church with senior clergy protecting the monsters and covering up for them is quite obviously a big story and should be investigated.
The cynical exploitation and abuse of female children by a religious group is out of bounds for the BBC, the trafficking of children, the enslavement of vulnerable children and the abuse of childrens basic human rights, the trading of little girls for passports/cash and the fierce and savage punishment of women who dare to rebel against the crushing brutal systematic abuse.
Am I islamophobic? Of course I am! Any rational enlightened person should be.
Its the same as being Naziphobic, two evil ideolgies bringing death and pain and suffering and hatred and ignorance and darkness, its why the term islamofascist is so very apt.
On Five Live this morning they reported that only 2% of people they surveyed had confidence in the Coalition cuts. They then compared that to the number of people in the world that believe Elvis is alive (2%).
Message: No one has confidence in the Coalitions cuts and those that do are just nutcases not living in the real world.
BBC MultiCulturalist Explains His Vision for the Future of Britain
That sort of crap gets preached in London Mosques every day.
BBC MultiCulturalist FAIL!
One of the greatest ends to any movie. The beginning when he appears at the open gate and the church organ starts up….classic…tear-enducing!
I remember the BBC used to show El Cid regularly. I wonder they will be quite so keen to show it now?
You should take a listen to Vicki Pollard on Radio 5 right now coming from the Limp Dem conference, well I think it’s the Limp Dems, all I’ve heard so far from the “BBC hand picked audience” is
“Evil Tories”
“Public sector workers”
“Evil Thatcher” – that’ one has been used a lot
I thought the TUC conference was last week? So how come the BBC is wheeling out endless public sector dross to whine on about cuts?
Not a single word of blame on the one eyed idiot from the “hand picked BBC audience”
Did I sleep a lot? Did Maggie only get booted out of office last week?
You know I swear she left office 20 years ago, mind you in Liverpool shell suits are still the in thing and no one in the real world has worn one of those since the 1980’s
The BBC is a joke, do they really think they can get away with this one sided distortion?
Not the greatest in a series of slight counter-facts for ‘Hand-picked’ Helen and her coterie of genetically-enhanced super-reporters, really.
The BBC 5 a side team must be a hoot.
“I’ll take you, you, you, you and you.
The rest are against us so don’t count.
So…We win!” Again.
Now, back to the studio.
“Random guests Lord Prescott, Ms. Bercow & Mr. Maguire… what are your views on anything?”
Taken from your previous thread………
Sometimes, the BBC bias is not just overt but also mired in deceit. Such is the case with this story.
Sometimes ? You are in a remarkably charitable mood this morning. I would say, on the majority of issues, the bbc invariably exhibits bias. Thus, the selective reporting , to support the chosen bbc position on a subject is inevitably decietful .
To move forward against the bbc, someone with sufficient time available (not me unfortunately), needs to start tabulating bbc responses to individual issues and comparing their reporting to other media outlets. I supose suppression of facts when the self detonating community are involved would be a classic example, or presenting known left wing comentators as the default position in interviews. Sadly our politicians are so hopeless and complacent, that unless information is handed them on a plate in this way, they will be too supine to do anything about bbc bias.
If that story is true – Pigott should be sacked. Simples. And also any producer or editor who might have connived in the deception.
Made the mistake of hitting the Radio 4 button in the car last night and caught the odious Matt Frei spewing out the usual leftist rubbish in a weekly propaganda-doco about the USA.
So what did we get?
Item 1 – more unreconstructed Obamessianism in the form of a frantic Democrat teling us how retrograde, racist and errr, uncool awful the Republicans (and esp the Tea Party movement) are. All of which uncritically received by the idiot Beeboid presenter…
Item 2 – a sly, nasty little piece on the cold war, enabling the vile bigot Frei to mock an 87 year old women who’d sung a hymn in the first satellite broadcast in the 60s (with a Mormon choir)
Item 3 – who else? The BBC poster boy Noam Chomsky.
And they don’t see the bias???? It really is beyond parody.
Guess what Frei Boy doesn’t want you to know?
Obama Tells Black Voters Republicans Want To ‘Turn Back The Clock’
Barack Obama implored black voters on Saturday to restoke the passion they felt for his groundbreaking campaign two years ago and turn out in force this fall to repel Republicans who are ready to “turn back the clock.”
In a fiery speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, Obama warned that Republicans hoping to seize control of Congress want “to do what’s right politically, instead of what’s right – period.”
“I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, to go back to your workplaces, to go to the churches, and go to the barbershops and go to the beauty shops. And tell them we’ve got more work to do,” Obama said to cheers from a black-tie audience at the Washington Convention Center. “Tell them we can’t wait to organize. Tell them that the time for action is now.”
Can you feel the magic? This is the ugliest racial politics I’ve ever ssen from a President of the United States in my lifetime. I am ashamed.
Justin Webb and Matt Frei assured me He was above all this. Mark Mardell and Katie Connolly see racists all over the place. Even defenders of the indefensible told us that He would govern as a moderate and would be the first post-racial President.
This is what we got instead. You can’t say we didn’t see this coming, though.
Did he make any speeches – fiery or otherwise – to the Congressional White Caucus? Oh right, right…
So let me get this straight: Obama telling a group of voters distinguished only by their skin colour to get out and vote is groovy, right-on and like, totally happening, man, but a group of voters of all colours and creeds motivated not by race, but by political ideology is ‘sinister and racist’? Huh. Got it.
What a bizarre world lefties occupy.
He is one crass and shameless individual. He sure knows how to push the black button. His cynical appeal (“I need everybody here…”) calls to mind the tactics and the exploitative methods of one of those sinister cult leaders.
The President is suggesting that Republicans (and you can add all Tea Party supporters to that, registered Independent or nto) want to oppress black people and prevent racial equality.
If the BBC ever again says that He is above this sort of thing, you’ll know they are lying.
A real racist appealing to his racist base and calling on them to support him because of the colour of his skin.
The true nature of racism laid bare for all to see, he is not an American president, he is a black man using the leftist politics of the left becaue that political ideology is a convenient platform.
Is this what people voted for? A petty racist engaging his core vote on racist grounds and appealing to the base instincts of the racist mob. He is acting exactly like the local political agitator he is.
A “black-tie audience” is by definition racist.
Has anybody got any suggestions (sic), as to where our beloved State broadcaster was hiding when the soldiers of Allah were protesting HERE or even HERE?….I mean, considering that Al-Beeb spent the entire weekend employing God knows how many camera crews, to film the popes every action, and critisise the cathelic church at every damned turn?
Maybe they forgot to take the lens cap off ?
FFS jason Mohammed on BBC wales at the liberals conference in scouse land. Lempit bannana face has been on for an hour trying to defend what he hates….ie. the coalition. He’s not even elected but BBC wales have more time for him since his defeat than ever. And lo and behold he’sjust said he wants to stand for the London Mayors job. Oh how welsh
He”s trying a new career as a stand-up comic, apparently. What an idiot.
Well, he makes me laugh.
He always was a stand-up comic.
‘Guardian’ emphasis here is, predictably, that it is publicly subsidised interests of BBC-NUJ which should be protected, not the interests of British licencepayers:
“BBC Trust has ‘never made sense’, says former BBC chairman”
“Our job is to ensure we remain absolutely impartial and present the facts to our audiences – without following any agendas.”
Has this footage been seen on the BBC, if not why not? It’s the BBC’s job to inform us and for us to join the dots as we see fit.
Every beeboid should be forced to watch that film, then see how many of them still call islamofascim a religion of peace.
Millions of victims,innocent victims of a cruel and evil ideology ignored by the BBC.
The BBC cowards dare not speak out for the millions of victims, their sffuering is invisible to the BBC. The moral cowards at the BBC live in fear of the islamofascit bullies, the BBC gives more airtime to the supposed sufferings of polar bears and badgers than to human girl children and if thats not sick then I dont know what is.
The BBC claims that islam is a religion of peace? NO islam is a religion of cruelty and death and suffering and brutality and war and savage domination.
If Satan exists he could find no better home than islam, he would find soulmates and friends and allies in the quest to bring hell to earth, if anyone thinks I am being unreasonable then I would ask them to look at the broken bodies of little girls covered in blood.
The BBC know damn well what is happening in the muslim world. But they don’t wish to report it. It does not fit in with their agenda of undermining the west and its hard won freedoms.
Women’s Hour does annoy me. Jenny Murray had two Afghan women on a few weeks ago and asked them to accept negotiations with the Taliban for the sake of peace. Probably Murray should watch this video to realise what exactly is going on in some Muslim countries.
‘Panorama’ tries its best to avoid details of BBC-NUJ high paid staff, which it summarises thus:
“The BBC’s salaries were included because the BBC is funded by the £145.50 licence fee paid by UK households. There are 331 managers at the BBC earning more than £100,000.
“Lucy Adams, the head of BBC People, said the corporation needs to compete with the private sector for top talent in the media and entertainment industries. She said the BBC is dealing with the issue of executive pay.
“She added that Director General Mark Thompson – who for the year 2009/10 received a total remuneration of £838,000 including base pay of £668,000 and £7,000 in benefits in addition to a £163,000 pension payment – and other senior managers at the BBC had taken pay cuts: ‘We have given up, all the executives have given up two months’ pay. We have had a pay freeze for the next four years.'”
“Public Sector pay: The numbers”
Next step in the argument: link this to feasibility/necessity of making ‘cuts’ in public sector expenditures.
Full marks for the ace title, mind, Lucy.
‘People, who hire people, are the highest paid people.. in the media world’
Such top talent explains the plethora of happy staff, well-managed pensions, terrific programmes and awesome outings into the media (Mark, Mark, John, Helen, etc, take a bow) surfacing in just the last few days.
If the BBC wants to compete with the private sector then let it join the private sector.
Head of BBC People!
Tell me oh Head, why has the amount of the licence tax per head kept going up every year even though the population has gone up by something like 1.8m and new households are added at the rate of around 250,000 a year. (And, no, they are not all over the age of 75.)
Is it cos Mark Thompson’s greed has required that we be conned into paying more each year, with no one ever having to explain why the licence tax is not going down per head instead of up?
(Ignore last line rogue item above.)
Supplementary on SWEDEN’s election results.
(Check links):
“AP: Swedish gov’t loses majority as far-right surges”
SWEDEN’s elections:
INBBC barely mentions ‘IMMIGRATION’ in its report above.
Even CNN has this as a headline:
“Swedish far-right leader: Success due to immigration backlash”
That Jimmie Akesson looks a lot like David Miliband!
He looks like a maths graduate on his way to an interview. Bless.
Radio 5 has been an utter joke again today. I heard Peter Allen sneering away that anyone in Burnley who voted Lib Dem wouldn’t have wanted “those Tories in power”.
Funny but most people who voted Labour didn’t want the Tories either and vice versa.
The BBC just can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that they lost the election.
I also had to laugh last night and today when the usual public sector idiots come on insisting that the public sector ‘creates wealth’
Some idiot claimed that because HE buys things from shops that’s “wealth creation”. No it isn’t. It’s simply recirculating that private companies taxes, just as people in the public sector who pay taxes don’t actually contribute real wealth as they could simply be paid less and not pay tax, it would make no difference.
It does create wealth. . . for the likes of Bob Crow
INBBC, Mass Immigration, Islamisation and Europe, continued.
Very late in the day, INBBC’s Mr. Hewitt, gives a hint of almost understanding the nature of the problem for European people of the political lib/Left’s (inc. Beeboids’) advocacy of mass immigration and Islamisation:
“Is Europe tiring of its immigrants?”
(“Tiring” seems an odd choice of word, Mr Hewitt: as though mass immigration, which lib/Left has so campaigned for, is no longer fashionable!)
Of course what the beeboids don’t point out it’s the most liberal Countries who are getting fed up with …..Islam in particular.
Watched Clegg’s speech, now listeing to the beeboids.
Key words
Northern Cities
The 1980’s
Evil bankers
The BBC spinning Clegg’s speech already.
FRANCE: jihad threat unmentioned by BBC online.
Perhaps Islam Not BBC (INBBC) thinks it is more in its own political interests not to mention the following, than it is in the security interests of the many British people travelling to/from France to know about it.
Anyway, the usual censorship from INBBC on Islamic jihad threat, but ‘France 24’ has:-
“France at ‘imminent’ risk of terrorist attack, intelligence indicates”
Supplementary for INBBC, from London ‘Evening Standard’:
“Foiled: woman bomber’s plot to blow herself up in central Paris”
Norman Smith on Today this morning “reporting” on the BBC meme that liberal party members dont support the coalition with the evil tories.
He interviews some “union members” “demonstrating” outside the conference. Their views on the “betrayal” by Clegg are entirely predictable – although the level of irrational hatred they are prepared to broadcast unchallenged is quite frightening.
The special twist was that although he did disclose that they werent actually liberals, it was only tangentially revealed and the casual listener would have assumed the whole tendentious exercise was actually reporting on the anger felt by “ordinary” liberals at their betrayal when it was nothing of the kind as Smith had clearly failed to find anyone in the party prepared to sing his song – so he just effectively made it up!
Its beyond belief that such blatant and wicked propaganda is (a) condoned by whatever passes for editorial control by the BBC and (b) not vigorously countered by the government they are seeking to destroy.
Yes as I posted earlier Radio 5’s “hand picked audience” was full of the usual trade union vermin (just how many times do we have to get the views of the public sector?) spouting hate.
You know in all of today at no time has the BBC mentioned just WHO created this mess. The deficit was nothing to do with the banks, it was down to the one eyed idiots mishandling of the economy for 13 years.
As an example some idiot from the fire brigade union had an anti Tory rant this morning about some regional control centre that “was a waste of money”. Hmm wasn’t John Prescott responsible for that idea? The unions were very quiet when Liebour were in power, now all of a sudden they are not happy with lot’s of things that went on, perhaps a beeboid might like to actually ask one of them why they said nothing for 13 years?
That’s a spot-on description.
Typical biased reporting by Norman Smith, a man clearly still pining for the last Labour government or a Lib-Lab coalition – things he spun for shamelessly in the run-up to the general election. (His calling of the ‘winners’ of the three prime-ministerial debates – Clegg, Clegg and Brown – were but one of many examples.)
Anyone clicking on the Today website link will read “The Lib Dem conference appears willing to accept coalition politics, but what of Lib Dem voters around the country?”, which could also mislead them into thinking that the union protestors are ‘ordinary liberals’ – and the headline Clegg’s ‘yellow Tories’? is taken from one of the trades unionists, not from an ‘ordinary liberal’.
I was listening to Beyond Belief on R4 this afternoon. It concerned the Jewish religion and different flavours (mainstream vs orthodox). All very interesting. Then they had to bring out a jewish chap who was gay and how it was difficult for him etc etc. At this point I switched off.
Why does the BBC have to spoil a good and informative program with always bringing out a gay angle in it?
It reminded me of some segment on Today several months ago about how the World Cup was going to effect the South African gay community.
The BBC always promote gay as if it is mainstream. Sickening.
In the world of the BBC gay is the norm. Straight people are seen as the odd ones out. Even the few strsaight ones come across as camp.
Mainstream? The norm? These folk think they could teach us a thing or two. They’d fit right in at the BBC.
They do the same with slavery. I’m sure it must have been brought into the football coverage.
It’s because they are agenda-driven nutters with a few chosen causes in lieu of a set of real standards or values such as honesty, decency and integrity.
What the world REALLY needs – a history of gay comedy:
I am sure that, to be balanced, the BBC will do a similar programme on Islam with a gay muslim telling us how easy it is to be gay and muslim, unlike these homophobic Jews.
Well what a shock, Toenails and the BBC try to hype up ‘splits’ between Clegg and his own party and of course ‘splits’ between the Lib Dems and the Tories.
Toenails claimed just now that the speech Clegg didn’t give was one highlighting the things the Lib Dems have gotten out of the coalition. Why crap, the very first things Clegg started with was a long list of things.
Then the BBC hyped up the Lib Dem floor vote on free schools. Wow that is a real split. Not !
Then we get Rita Chakrabarti or whatever her name is talking about “massive cuts” and so on.
Does every BBC report have to talk about “massive cuts” every 5 seconds. Funny thing is when Toenails and Paxman used to interview the one eyed idiot no mention of “massive cuts passed their lips”
Quite right Martin. I think Nick Robinson must have been fast asleep during the first five minutes of Clegg’s speech, nearly all of which was spent listing Lib Dem policies already brought in by the coalition, going through the Four Big Promises the Lib Dems made during the general election and promising that Lib Dem values would be never be changed.
In the course of the 6 O’Clock News we got “massive spending cuts” from Huw Edwards, “huge spending cuts” from Reeta C. and “drastic spending cuts” from both Huw and Reeta!!
Yes isn’t it funny that not once during the last 2 years since the economy collapsed did the BBC ever talk about Nu Liebour and ‘savage cuts’ in the same sentence.
All we ever got was Toenails and co parroting Liebour investment v Tory cuts.
toenails and peston are as they say ‘out of the loop’ and so have to spurt the savage cuts line….toenails kept quiet about GB and prob abour CK and his drinking…as with all BBC bods you cant trust them at all
It’s never described as “huge deficit reduction” or “massive debt- interest reduction”, I’ll bet.
At least they’ve moved on from the “savage cuts” – for now at least.
Check out this ‘Hardcore Anarchist Class Warrior’ from Liverpool UAF. He’d put the fear of Christ in to any EDL member!
He’s obviously a veteran campaigner from the days of the miner’s strikes.
He looks a nice boy. I could do one of my rants about Vaseline but I won’t… I’m being a good boy now.
Not too good, I hope 😉
What’s this, the UAF Youth? So reminiscent.
You have to feel sorry for him really. The poor dear thinks he is being a rebel but is doing exactly what he thinks will impress his teachers.
I liked the bit about protesting against a protest by the BNP about the war in Iraq. So in other words he was protesting against someone protesting about something he probably protests about himself ! I doubt he has thought to deeply about it.
Well just heard Tom Bradby review Clegg’s speech on ITV. Clearly Nick Robinson was at a different conference today, Bradby’s report was much more upbeat, they played a clip of Clegg praising Cameron (not done on the BBC) and Bradby points out that many independent commentators are complimenting Clegg on his political astuteness.
Of course on the BBC it was all about “savage cuts” even though as ITV correctly reported Government spending will still be only back to 2006 levels (as Bradby put it, “the lights were hardly going out then”)
Just how can the BBC hold their heads up high and spout this clap trap?
The News Channel ran a ‘breaking news’ commentary on the screen as Clegg was speaking. It too completely ignored his positive comments about Cameron and the Conservatives (though it kept repeating his comments about the Iraq War being illegal).
Did anyone watch Panorama? For some stupid reason I did.
Unsurprisingly biased as ever (at least the BBC are consistent). Basically the meme was that there’s nothing wrong with high paid public sector workers because they’re worth it.
One example they used was the Chief of Cleveland Police and interviewed some old biddies who said that they’ve never known the streets to be so safe. One even said she’s been living in the same area for 40 odd years and the last 4 years have been the best! The best?!?! WTF?!?? Have I missed something?!
They also mentioned a head teacher (surname Dick) who has turned around a school, and a doctor – basically he was saving lives so essentially he’s priceless.
When they mentioned the PM’s pay they really bigged up the fact that Gordy cut his pay by £50k so Dave’s 5% was bugger all. Say’s it all.
I could go on but I’ll leave it there – I won’t even mention the bit where they discussed the BBC salaries!
What a joke.
Who was the troughing BBC cow? A right stuck up bitch. Sod off back to the private sector if you don’t want a pay cut.
I wouldn’t pay her minimum wage the dozy bint.
Can’t remember her name but she was truly awful – just one of many though!
Part of the narrative appeared to be that these over paid public sector executives are doing us a favour because they could earn much higher salaries in the private sector.
David et al
Having spent a refreshing month in Poland, I come back to the onslaught on my senses that is our state broadcasting service.
What struck me most was the relentless scrolling news at the bottom of the screen (sometimes entitled ‘Breaking News’ – when it was nothing of the sort). This reminds me of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques akin to brainwashing, and particularly noticeable during the coverage of the Pope’s visit.
Bias is now endemic in almost everything we watch and listen to and gets in the way. This weekend, the news headlines, read as a link into the news broadcast proper were mainly opinion, conjecture and bias – again blatant in respect of the Pope’s visit.
However, I still love Radio 4, e.g. the program on “Hits of the Blitz”, Paul Morley, 10:30am 11 Sep, was most informative. Yet, later that morning Kate Adie got a mention of Global Warming in on her program, and on Money Box, the head of HMRC was given the easiest of rides, not challenged on anything.
This blog, ahead of all others, is the destination of choice of frustrated individuals, however, the information is not catalogued in any way.
Is there someone out there who could create a suitable repository (database/wiki?) that could be cross indexed by topic, program/channel, etc., containing just the briefest of details of each case of bias, omission, repetition, misrepresentation, etc., etc., of course with links and references. The result would be a searchable live database of all news and current affairs (including environment) programs (not the whole BBC output).
Yes, I am totally aware that these things can take on a life of their own, and 20 or so categories can mushroom into hundreds once let loose, but we should start somewhere. And after it is up and running, create a set of standards that can be reviewed at the appropriate frequency.
Hopefully, armed with this information, we can begin to remove the monkeys’ impediments and get broadcasting to what it once was (yes, I know there has always been ‘bias’ but it is now out of control).
@ amanwitha polishwife:
Neuro Linguistic Programming? What do you mean Like This, as shown up by Brian Gerrish, pertaining too the odious Julia Middleton, one of who’s closest sidekicks is the Beeboid Business editor, Robert Peston..
Common Purpose have done their homework all right, and the BBC of course, will be a willing partner to any Socialist indoctrination carried out on the unsuspecting masses.
it’s “in their genes”.
Here I will enter my periodic plea for V Bulletin software which enables themed threads and is effectively a database searchable by topic and by other identifiers as you wish.
What is always amusing is when the very special talents so lavishly remunerated to prevent them taking up that job with NASA get it so horribly wrong that they cannot simply ignore or traduce their critics.
The re-design of the (formerly excellent) i-player is just such a catastrophe. It has inspired speculation that fifth columnists (in the pay of the enemy of humanity Murdoch) must have infiltrated the greatest collection of public servants since the Manhatten Project and deliberately sabotaged the previous winning design because “they” want to kill it and melt the ice-caps through a lack of diversity.
The venom on the message boards on this topic is also now noticeably strongly informed by a hatred of the BBCs widely accepted arrogance, profligacy, mediocrity and refusal to listen to criticism. Not even the usual silly payroll trolls are popping up to insult the critics.
As ever the original response from the magisterium has been to pour scorn (“Some people always resistant to change and innovation”) on those daring to point out that it is now impossible to use – and that perhaps even morons might not want to share their viewing preferences with all their “friends” on facebook; or be told what to watch by an algorithm.
Where now the Deputy Director (UK) Digital Media and Platforms (North) £350k pa (job-share)?
Also Clive Anderson whilst interviewing Anthony Jay on “Loose Leftists” about the new Yes Minister stage play (in which he tried to insinuate that the plainly conservative minded Mr Jay must be at least secretly holding several former miners as slaves in his LA villa) expressed his genuine horror and surprise that the audience had cheered their support at the plays attacks on the worlds greatest and best loved cultural institution.
I tell you poor wonderrful old Auntie is now the worst managed public body since Stafford General Hospital, and the public support they think they own has all but deserted them.
I can’t believe the BBC have dared to put the one eyed idiot on TV just now spouting on about poverty. This man is totally discredited as a human being, a politician and an economist.
Poverty rose or fell while he was at the helm?
I saw that as well. The Beeboids sure have a knack for knowing whom to go to about redistributing other people’s money.
Hmm. Newsnight gets worse (if possible) rat face spouts nonsense then Paxman states that “the MOD didn’t give the soldiers in Helmand the tools to do the job”. The MOD? Yes they may be partly to blame but yet again the BBC erases the one eyed prat’s involvement here.
It was Brown who starved the forces of soldiers and equipment to do the job, the one eyed idiot wasted billions on his ‘pet wastes of space’ like the NHS and ‘skoolz and starving Muslims’
Unwisely I watched Humphrey’s programme on schools.
I fail to understand how he can fill a whole hour without ever mentioning the remaining state grammar schools ( they are free John and not just for the rich) but our John managed it.
I know they exist as there is a very good one a few miles from me but if the BBC declares such schools non schools perhaps they had better get on message and shut down .
Now I know I live in rural England and avoid London but the schools featured on the show appeared to have almost no white English pupils. Where have they all gone ? Is London now so different that the old London of the English has vanished?
This is not the multi cultural dream of the left but looks like white flight and population replacement on a quite massive scale.
Still the BBC just don’t get it. Change the people and you change the culture not to a multi culture but to a new culture which bears little relationship to the old.
Now I understand why the left is so determind to encourage immigration. The old English culture was just not up to scratch and really had to go. WE could never match up to the vision of the future the left had for us.
Well all Humphries had to do was ask some of his ‘chums’ on the left who send THEIR kids to Grammar schools, you know like Hattie Hatemenperson.
Yes, that programme showed the results of Labour’s failed social experiment. Not multiculturalism just a monoculture.
Obviously , this is not the same Humphrys who went to Cardiff High School, at that time a Grammar School.
Yep here we go Rat face attacking Sir Philip Green, another ‘Tory’ of course. Why not find mates of the one eyed idiot to highlight tax evasion?
And I seem to remember the BBC giving advice to staff on how to evade tax, wasn’t there a link on this site to a story about the BBC giving advise on tax evasion?
Anyone want to bet the BBC will now go after Philip Green along with the Guardian?
The BBC forgets just how many REAL jobs Sir Philip Green has created, unlike the BBC which hasn’t created one.
I wonder how many Beeboids funnel their income through companies owned by them to avoid income tax and pay lower rates of corporation tax. Maybe they can tell us.
I am so pleased some of the more right wing on here hAven’t slagged off Clegg.
I think we should be looking at the only positive to come out of this. The Daily Politics is the only BBC show I know that that does not have a grindingly PC agenda.
Please support Andrew and Anita, they go at everyone the same way.
Clegg and the Lib Dems will stand or fall by their own actions. As will Cameron and his party.
What most object too here on this blog, is the Publicly funded State broadcasters complete subservience to their New Labour masters.
Their actions of which have gone simply beyond recall, and of which their is no defence anymore.
If I’m not forced to pay for their bias and bile, then they can say what they like, produce what they like, defend what they like…..
Yet as I do have to subsidise this one sided Socialist bile, the BBC remain my anathema.
Agree with you about Brillo, but even he has being going soft recently. Not sure I agree about Anita. And , certainly, when gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn gets the friday slot to herself , it is the usual BBC bias.
Is there anyway we can start to lobby parliament over how bBC News which is funded by the tax payer isn’t doing the job it is paid to do;
I’ve just read the news from around the world and find that what the bBC says is happening isn’t what is transpiring on the ground.
There is nothing about France being on alert for a female suicide bomber/ There is nothing about how 2 men were arrested in Gateshead for watching a video on face-book of an American burning a koran/Its coverage of the takeover of a couple of Somali radiostations diesn’t mention that they were both looted. It downplays the number of people who went to see the pope yesterday in Birmingham and it promotes the leader of Iran as a media savy man….really?
I really am concerned at how the anti-western agenda at the bBC appears to be the controlling factor in their news output.
Is there anyway we can start to lobby parliament over how bBC News which is funded by the tax payer isn’t doing the job it is paid to do;
I’ve just read the news from around the world and find that what the bBC says is happening isn’t what is transpiring on the ground.
There is nothing about France being on alert for a female suicide bomber/ There is nothing about how 2 men were arrested in Gateshead for watching a video on face-book of an American burning a koran/Its coverage of the takeover of a couple of Somali radiostations diesn’t mention that they were both looted. It downplays the number of people who went to see the pope yesterday in Birmingham and it promotes the leader of Iran as a media savy man….really?
I really am concerned at how the anti-western agenda at the bBC appears to be the controlling factor in their news output.
It is the same post, posted twice 😉
Did these ‘freedom fighters’ make it on to the BBC’s coverage of the Pope’s visit?
Surely it’s only a matter of time before Anjem Choudary is invited on to Radio 4 to present ‘Thought for the day’.
On BBC R4 news this morning. Apparently Hilary Clinton is trying to ban the use of home cooking on open fires indoors, because, amongst other reasons, (like, it’s bad for your health…) it “contributes to climate change”! WTF? Isn’t that what humans did when there were first humans? So climate change IS our fault, then
I heard that! A real WTF moment.
But look at it this way. If our ancestors hadn’t done that, perhaps the last Ice Age would never have ended and we’d still be living in caves (with no cooking fires of course).
I suspect that cooking fires contribute to climate change in the same way emptying a glass of water into the ocean raises sea levels.
If we’d have still lived in caves Billy boy Clinton wouldn’t have been humping cheap tarts in the oval Office, perhaps that’s what Ms Clinton really meant 🙂
I saw the same thing early this morning on the World News’ “GMT’ news broadcast. First, What-His-Name Charles in the anchor’s chair introduced the segment by saying that indoor fires “contribute to Climate Change”. In the segment itself, Roger Harriban said right at the start that these indoor fires cause “Global Warming”. I was half asleep so I might be misremembering who said which, but between them they definitely said both shibboleths.
This was on the World News, which goes out to all English-speaking countries. While I do sympathize with people cooking indoors without proper ventilation, the complete solution surely isn’t solar cooking. Both in the Boy Scouts and in school science classes, I’ve done the solar cooking experiment or seen it done many times. Of course, growing up in sunny Arizona, it was easy. How’s that going to work in monsoon season, Hillary? Back to indoor smoke for a month, I suppose.
I suppose fireplaces with chimneys will be banned next? The BBC reported Hillary’s plan as fact, when it is in fact partially driven by ideology.
It is always OUR fault.
You can always spot the socialist. Any thing they don’t like “ban it” Not for them reasoned debate or research – no just the idea that they are 100% right and it should be “banned”.
That is why the EU wants to “ban” democracy.
“The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.”
Any of the blog’s US-based contributors got any thoughts on the following from a parachuted-in BBC Brit, to offer what experience has shown may be some much-needed context and/or objectivity to Aunty’s often uni-directional world view?
I note that Mr. Mason has already been called out on this by a possible actual US resident, and issued a rather defensive reply, which in light of Helen Boaden’s epic hole digging effort seems pretty much lobbing a JCB in to plumb further.
Once again a BBC reporter lies about the Tea Party movement. It is not – and this apparently cannot be stressed and repeated enough to get through certain thick skulls – about social issues. Yes, in the Venn diagram of Tea Party supporters, there is a set of people concerned about social issues. But that’s not the reality. What the Tea Party movement is really about is the intersection between the sets of people involved. Mason, just like the rest of the Beeboids, focuses on one set of supporters. It’s even more dishonest that he’s claiming that Beck is some sort of leader of the movement, as he’s actually only jumping on the bandwagon about a year after ordinary citizens started this spontaneously and independently all across the country.
Here is a helpful diagram of reality to counteract BBC/Democrat propaganda. The actual values of the Tea Party movement itself are in the intersection:
Ta for that.
Looking back at the thread, I also note that the ‘defenders’ of the author seem to be, surprisingly, stuck in ‘Fox News supporter!’ mode with some expressing doubts, at the expense of any actual argument.
The BBC are pimping an old story about the tea party candidate Christine O’Donnell once dabbling in witchcraft ooooh Noooo! the horror the shame the…er..horror…ehm…er..uhm.
An old story dragged up from the past,a meaningless non story as a person searches for her spiritual identity, a journey each of us makes and is the mark of a normal human being.
So why does the BBC give valuable airtime to a petty vindictive smear pimped by the leftist smear industry? Well the BBC and the leftist press feed each other stories and exist in a symbiotic relationship where this political axis works closely together to destroy its political enemies.
Young person seeks to find a spiritual truth among the darkness of uncertainty, a young person tries to find a personal meaning to their existence in the world and find a spiritual shelter and base from which to grow.
Now the above is common to most of us and completely normal, we seek meanings to lifes mysteries and we find different angles and means to get there, this is no story because its as common as sand on a beach so why does the BBC believe its a story?
The art of poison politics is at play and its the favourite tactic of the leftist elites and their media allies, the art of poisoning and smears.
On R4 at the moment: “The Brown Years”. How apt.
Funny, but I don’t remember Radio 4 doing “The Major Years” back in 1997.
The impression that they seem to be trying to generate is that things were not that bad then, in fact, they were pretty good. 13 years of Labour is always viewed with nostalgia rather than with balance/reality.
Another complaint upheld
Thanks for your e-mail about Radio 1’s ‘Newsbeat’ on 12 May.
We apologise for the very severe delay in replying which was due to a major fault in our systems.
I understand that you believe the item about the deficit was biased because the term ‘pay back’ was used. I note that you felt this was inaccurate.
We forwarded your concerns to the Editor of Newsbeat.
We’d like to apologise for the specific use of language on this occasion. We shouldn’t have conflated the term ‘pay back’ with the word ‘deficit’ and we recognise this. However, we weren’t dealing in specific amounts – only using the word ‘vast’ – therefore we don’t agree that the report was underplaying the significance of the debt through ‘bias’ as you allege.
Nevertheless, I do appreciate your concerns about the wording used and I can you that, at the time, the points in your contact were included on the BBC’s audience log. This is the internal report of audience reaction which we compile daily and which is circulated to all programme makers, commissioning executives and senior management. Your points, with other comments we received, were therefore circulated and considered across the BBC at the time.
Amazing !
“for major fault in our systems” read “summer holidays”.
LoL. I love the way a £3.6B 24/7 news organisation essentially closes up for 3 months as they all scoot off to berate the villa tennis court bulb changers.
Can’t imagine many others in the service delivery world lasting long on that basis.
INBBC’s ‘Today’: it’s not cricket.
In the true spirit of INBBC impartiality, who does ‘Today’ have on to discuss the charges of bribery by members of the Pakistan cricket team against England, but only two Pakistanis and no English people: the Pakistan High Commissioner, and the ubiquitous Iran Khan.
England’s opinions censored out, or misrepresented by others.
INBBC continues to play the Pakistan ‘victim’ not instigator, anti-English line. It’s what’s the BBC licence fee is for
Of course the BBC would never dream of asking Sir Ian Botham to say why he thinks Pakistan should be suspended from international cricket. After all, nobody’s ever heard of this Botham character.
I was just about to post that when I got to yours ! Botham’s statement is big news.
I remember when he returned from a tour of Pakistan, was asked what he thought and said “I wouldn’t send my mother-in-law there “.
Good old Beefy !
Do contrast the generally sympathetic or positive coverage of Pakistan with the BBC’s less than sympathetic coverage of India.
Well spotted ! Imagine how the BBC would have reported this if the games were being held in Pakistan.
He’s on INBBC everywhere: his name is Imran Khan.
Imran Khan doesn’t wear his cricket cap, he wears his political hat: an Islamic one which politically suits INBBC.
“Not Well-Bowled, Imran Khan”
In today’s Out Of The Mouths Of Babes Section…
Book Cafe on Radio Bour – a chap called Bill Jameson was reviewing the new Le Carre book which has as a theme the huge amount of dirty money slushing around the UK financial system. Bill, seeking to put the amount into context and going completely and utterly off-message, said, ‘It’s six times the total income of the BBC licence fee.’
The droid presenter, screaming inside, could only blurt out, ‘That’s what I like to hear.’
Having, as I do the power to see dinly into the future, I can only say to Bill, ‘When the phone doesn’t ring, you’ll know it’s the BBC’.
And to the droid,’Enjoy your career shift from the gentleman’s club that is Radio Bour to the icy gulags of Radio 5 Drivel’s graveyard slots.
Heaping Pelion on Ossa, poor Bill went on to say, ‘I’m no great fan of Tony Blair’.
Bin nice knowing ya, fella.
If it is the Bill Jamieson I am thinking of, he is a financial journalist who actually knows his subject and is not a leftie. I am surprised the BBC had him on at all.
A follow-up to ‘Panorama’ on public pay:
“Are they really worth more than David Cameron?”
Will Harrabin and Black surrender as well?
“‘We have lost the climate war!’ admits Monbiot, surrendering his ceremonial Luger ”
(by James Delingpole)
‘We shall fight them on the oddly not yet 30m underwater beaches,
We shall fight on the affordably concreted over grounds,
We shall fight around the idle windmill bedecked hills,
… and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were insufficiently subjugated and starving, then our national broadcaster, armed and funded uniquely, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the EU and UN, with all its power and might, steps forth to help screw as much money out in the name of dodgy science for taxes, as we are able to send them press releases!
Helen Boaden, stand by your fax machine!’
daily_politics Shadow Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw will be on Tuesday’s @daily_politics to give a Labour view on the#ldconf
Top of the hour ‘news’ slots, front page web headlines & blogs being cleared as we speak…
Just caught some snippets from today’s Daily Politics from the Lib Dem conference.
Brillo had a cosy chat with 2 journalists Nick ( Nik ? ) Watt of the Guardian and someone from the Times. Both of them repeatedly referred to the Lib Dems as “This lot “.
I wonder if, when the Labour conference comes along, anyone will refer to them as “This lot”.
I shall be looking out for this very carefully, but , as an incentive for B-BBC posters , I offer a 14 3/4 year- old bottle of “Old Kelty” Irn Bru ” McBroon’s Oxter ” ( not available in the shops ) to the first person who spots a reference to “This Lot ” .
(NB. For uneducated Sassenachs I should say that “oxter” is a Scots word for “armpit” and I can promise you that this bottling of our national drink has a quite unique flavour which is not for the faint-hearted).
PS Brillo interviewed the universal Simon Hughes who has made pompous prattishness an art form.
A couple of light moments.
Brillo asked him if he was a “man of the right or a man of the left”.
Simon assumed that Brillo meant politically ( maybe he did ) and answered “I am a man of the centre left “.
We can all make slips of the tongue , but Simon talked about the “debt paying off the interest”. To be fair , he corrected himself.
Does anyone know how many heartbeats Simon is away from being PM. Scary or what ?
On the News Channel a few minutes ago, Emily Maitlis was interviewing some Scottish guy about upcoming squeezes on banks, via taxes and bonus levies and all that. Maitlis was obviously in “defending the commoner against tyranny” mode, and responded to one of the Scotsmans’ statemants by saying that the banks “would get around whatever was imposed on them”, shaking her head, almost taunting with her voice.
While it’s very nice for the BBC to look out for the public wellfare, attacking the banks in this manner is an ideological position and is not based on informing the public.
Beeboid joke of the day (to be told with straight face, if possible):
“‘BBC News coverage of any subject is always approached in an impartial and accurate way, reflecting the different sides of any debate'”
– ‘except for its automatically biased ‘reporting’ for its favourite causes:-
Labour, trade unions, Islam, Obama, global warming, European Union, mass immigration, etc.
“BBC defends Pope UK visit coverage”
This is a baseless defense, really. Just falling back on numbers is meaningless unless we see the quality of the comments pro and con. If it’s all activists on either side, it proves nothing except who had more time on their hands to file a complaint. Without examples of the quality of the criticisms, this is a smokescreen.
Is it just me but does Laura Koonsberg look like a cross between ‘Beaker’ (The Muppet) and a parrot ??
Insult to muppets and parrots.
I don’t know, but she does move around way too much on camera, as if she does have someone’s hand up her. Her camermen must hate her.