It was, of course, entirely predictable that the BBC would join in the left-wing attack on Christine O’Donnell. In an item entitled “A new broomstick”, the BBC indulges in the mockery of the new GOP Senatorial candidate. She is “a murky figure” apparently. Even worse she says evolution is “a theory”, oh and then again she believes masturbation to be unBiblical. That must REALLY gut the BBC. Can’t remember the BBC being quite as excited when Hillary Clinton revealed she talked to Eleanor Roosevelt. though they did get engaged when Nancy Reagan talked astrology! I have to say that I like O’Donnell, I admire the Tea Party but she is getting the same treatment afforded to Sarah Palin. How vert DARE the electorate support these people?
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As you say David, entirely predictable.
However, as the excellent Mark Levin put it on his show last night, O’Donnell has no “Chappaquiddick” in her closet or any of the other misdemeanours the Left leaning media hushes up on behalf of their political masters.
I’m another fan of “the Great One” – imagine having a Mark Levin on UK radio. We can but dream. He would run rings around the smug talking heads of the BBC.
And that’s why he’ll never, ever be on the BBC. He or anyone like him. The BBC only has right-wingers on who’re soft marks or who are RWINOS.
Great point, OW.
Well of course they’re going to attack her for claiming masturbation is unBiblical. What else do you expect from a bunch of wankers?
Anyone know what the Koran has to say about masturbation ?
No but we know the Prophet Mohammaden liked em young.
You may find yourself in stir with comments like that one, here in our Islamic Republic of North Korea
And here’s me thinking we were free of Authoritarian Socialism that the BBC adhere too with delight under their New Labour puppetmasters.
I think it’s acceptable so long as you’ve beheaded your monthly quota of Jews.
Doesn’t look as if the Koran is too keen on it, but not a beheading offence !
I have a few differances in my veiws to this young lady and Palin ! but thats the way the world should be, but the bbcs constant sniping and undertones that these persons are in some way undemocratic and extreme now i may have missed something but the most vocal calls for my rights to be taken away are coming from the liberal left remember Liebour 4.300 new laws 1.300 new ways to prison .
I have seen little to suggest the republicans or the tea party movement want to take my rights away but the bbcs pet projects are all about killing my life style and breaking my freedom to choose!
I don’t recall the BBC ever alluding to Obama as a murky figure – you just know they never would – or reciting a litany of all the questioned and questionable (financial and otherwise) issues surrounding him and his murky past.
That is most unfair. Are you suggesting that the BBC ought to broadcast the questions that had been raised about a contender for the most important office in the world ?
The BBC were entirely correct to ignore Obama’s background of a succession of Marxist mentors, his association with urban terrorists, his dealings with slum landlords, the way he acquired a very expensive house, his work with shakedown artists like ACORN ……. Let alone silly things like his failure to vote on many occasions – except his solo defence of near-term embryos being pulled from the womb and their skulls smashed, his childhood Islam, his unexplained travels to Pakistan …….
Goodness me ! Next thing, you will be complaining that the BBC is failing to mention that O’Donnell’s Democrat opponent describes himself as a Marxist, that he virtually bankrupted the county in Delaware that he led, that the leader of the Senate calls him “my pet”.
It’s strange, but I’d happily vote for some UK wingnut, flat earth, creationists if I thought they were sincere and honest. Surely this would serve our people better than our current crop of slick, right and left wing elitist, lying, corrupt traitors?
Nothing gets BBC juices flowing like a chance to unite with their Dem-supporting colleagues in the US media in a highly personalised attack on someone from the American Right.
In contrast, a Democrat politician can make the nuttiest of observations – eg Congressman Hank Johnson worrying earlier this year that the island of Guam would physically tip over if 8,000 US troops were deployed there – and the BBC ignores it. A leading Democrat can make a string of gaffes on the campaign trail – eg Joe Biden – and the BBC spins it as a positive. When revelations emerge about dodgy goings on relating to Obama supporting organisations – eg the nefarious dealings at ACORN, or the sudden dropping of a case involving voter intimidation by The New Black Panther Party – the BBC looks the other way.
But any opportunity to attack the Right is red meat to the shamelessly partisan BBC. Paul Adams and Katie Connolly have already had their say about the earth-shattering revelations of O’Donnell’s high school activities. I wonder how many more of the BBC’s many US reporters will find themselves unable to resist adding their thoughts.
The one thing you can be sure the BBC WON’T do – they won’t broadcast O’Donnell herself explaining her policy views or attacking the policies of her self-decalred Marxist opponent. It is unthinkable that the BBC audience should be given the policy issues so that they can make their own minds up.
And of course they will never mention any of the really outraqeous views of Bill Maher.
Imagine how differently the BBC would frame this story if, say, Glenn Beck was threatening to release decade-old clips in an attempt to force a Democrat onto his show as Bill “anti-vaccine” Maher is doing?
Apologies if already posted elsewhere – Christine O’Donnell/Jimmy Carter Quiz .
The BBC have become a smear outlet for the democrap smear industry, just one call to beeeboid land HQ is all it takes.
The BBC claims that “its not known whether the story will have a negative impact on her level of support with her base when what they really mean is that the BBC very much hope that the smear will have a negative impact on her support, as they say in smear land ‘throw enough mud and some will stick’ so that is what they are doing.
Negative smear stories will abound now, the desperate effort to dig up the dirt, any dirt will do and it matters not how old or how pathetic. As I write this there are dozens of smear merchants working hard to dig up the dirt on candidates for the November elections.
Its the Chicago style of dirty politics and its where Mr Guess Who cut his teeth in the most corrupt political environment outside the USSR/Cuba/China.
No style of politics has so destroyed our political life, these vile scumbags who engage in poison politics are spitting in our faces and laughing, the BBC is in love with the corrupt and dirty democreep smear industry, after all the ends justify the means dont they? Well the Nazis used to think so.
As with Barry Useless the BBC have gone light on the mohammaden Imam in New York, I can’t remember Mark Mardell telling us that the yanks were responsible for 9/11 nor has fat boy Mardell informed us of the fact he’s up on all sorts of charges for being a crap Landlord.
Well, the folk who will elect the candidate there don’t have to be drip fed this BBC crap do they. The voters there won’t give a toss what the BBC says, they are not exposed to it as so many Uk’ers are. at the end of the day THEY will choose, and not some Beeb twat.
The BBCs agenda in all this is to paint anyone who is right of centre as dangerous and potty. It is to condition the British public to never ever vote for anyone who they label as right wing.
The BBC sink to a new low (yes it is possible)
Richard Bacon the queen of day time radio was giving us ‘his’ opinion on the athletes complaining about the accommodation at the Commonwealth games in India.
A couple of the complaints were that there were human turds in places they shouldn’t be and that some doors don’t close correctly (along with other complaints like the places being dirty and rubble all over the place)
Bacon ‘exploded’ “What’s wrong with them” he minced “they are only runners and the like”
I wonder if Bacon would like it if the BBC put him in a hotel room with a human turd on the floor? or a bedroom door that won’t lock?
Even the beeboid doing the report seemed embarrassed with this queen of camps outburst.
“Why can’t they book into a hotel” squeals the Twittering one?
“Security” responds other beeboid “oh what’s wrong they are only runners” other beeboid sounding even more embarrassed points out the Israeli athlete murders in the 1970’s. Bacon sort of back tracks.
“Well wouldn’t it be better if they were spread out and not together” squeals the ex Cocaine snorter. “Well the experts don’t think so” says other beeboid. “Well they never asked me” minces Miss day time radio.
Of course Bacon then starts to try to back track, what this prat forgets if course is that not so long ago we have a hotel in India attacked by Muslims, we also had a Cricket team attacked on their bus, not to mention a football team attacked on a bus in Africa.
I’m trying to be nice and polite here, but Bacon really has over stepped the mark this time, I think he realised he’d made a total twat of himself live on air, but the BBC must take action.
Bacon them minces on to talk about Twatter and his appearance on Loose Women. Wow and the BBC deny they are dumbing down.
The BBC is full of “human turds”.
Methinks Mr bacon is getting over stimulated again O:-) ! he should cut his coffe intake and try a nice tea !
I think we get the message from that article. The diversity Miss O’Donnell’s beliefs bring to the political scene is NOT something we should respect and celebrate.
We all saw this coming. Are there any other Tea Party-backed candidates out there besides Christine O’Donnell and Paladino in NY? Where are the BBC features on them?
As for myself, I could care less what O’Donnell believes in or doesn’t believe in when she’s at home, as long as she doesn’t try to enact legislation forcing me to adhere to it and instead focuses on fiscal responsibility, getting rid of government corruption, repealing or greatly reducing ObamaCare, and supporting the small businesses which provide more than three quarters of the jobs in the US. And I am unanimous in that.
If Justin Webb wants to say once again that an individual who holds a belief which “denies what most rational peple, in the Western world at least, would say is scientifc truth” (starting @ 3:25 in) is unfit for public office, I hope he is willing to say the same thing about people who believe in astrology, homeopathy, dowsing, that Mohammed was born circumcised, or in the healing powers of magnets and crystals. To me, all of that is as absurd as any religious belief, and all of it “denies scientific truth”.
Actually, I would recommend that everyone watch this full interview with Carly Fiorina from Sept. 2008. Ol’ Justin is in full bigot mode, and Fiorina says some things which are extremely prescient considering the state of today’s Tea Party movement.
The BBC will never say anything that would upset the Mohammadens, they might get slotted…oh just like Frank the plank Gardner. sucking up to Islam didn’t get him far with the ‘religion of peace’ did it?
Holy shit, she’s hot. Hot and correct/right.
Beeboids and lefties generally especially hate any lady whose is right-wing and attractive !
Today covered two U.S. stories while I was listening this morning.
The Delaware lady and an attempt by the good old democrats to change the law with regard to homosexuals in the U.S. forces.
The latter could of course be blocked by the nasty Republicans we are told!
They showed the clip of Candidate Obamessiah promising that He would end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, but did not mention that this was yet another empty promise of magical powers which the media eagerly lapped up. Also no mention whatsoever that He does not support gay marriage.
The BBC reporter Adam Brooks got his panties in a knot getting all aflutter as he blamed the nasty repbublicans for destroying yet another cherished dream of the Obamessiah.
The slight fly in the beeboid fanatics ointment is that the evil republicans are still a minority and do not have the votes to block the Gay rights leglislation, only the democrats who oppose the obamamessiah plans can block the passage of the bill.
Funny how Brooks never once mentioned that the democrats are the bill killers NOT the republicans, aaaah but shouldnt the republicans just simply obey the obamessiah without question? Its the latest democrat invention of cross party politcs, their version is that the republicans do what they are told and jump when the messiah orders it.
Yes, and the much-maligned Fox News once again tells us what the BBC refuses to tell us:
Arkansas Democratic Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor voted against the bill. Reid also voted against the bill for procedural reasons.
The BBC website article ignores those two Arkansas Democratic senators.
Just as the beeboids ignored the likes of Harry Reid and Howard Dean who opposed the New York Mosque. The BBC simply LIED.
Me, the 13th Duke of Wimborne, being sent on a weekend retreat with Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell, with my reputation? What were they thinking?!
Front page of the BBC website has a bad picture of O’Donnell with the caption
“I dabbled in witchcraft”.
BBC priorities are clear for all to see, I have a caption that fits the BBC perfectly ‘the BBC, we dabble in partisan smear politics’.
So what you might ask, why has the BBC website got a non story on its front page, a years old story at that?
It must make the Beeboids’ heads spin thinking about how she can be such a fundamentalist whacko Christian but had dabbled in other philosophies in the past. I bet they can’t wrap their bigoted brains around this and expect the nasty old Tea Party Christians to freak out if it’s broadcast loudly enough.
Front page of the BBC website has a bad picture of O’Donnell with the caption
“I dabbled in witchcraft”.
Makes a nice addition to the recent Oz election ‘Flame-haired goddess’ vs. ‘Mad Monk’ selection as part of Ms. ‘In DeNiAl’ Boaden’s passionately objective professional news crew.
‘Flame-haired goddess’ intresting use of words! as the big religions don’t do goddesses then they must mean the pagan/witchcraft clans ? i thought they didn’t like that kind of thing?
further to my post about the camp idiot Bacon making a prat of himself today here’s the link, listen to about an hour and eight minutes in to hear this idiot.
If this does not convince you that the BBC has hit rock bottom, nothing will
I can’t see too many sensible voters worrying about what nonsense she got up to in her youth. But she really is eye candy. How come we get lumbered with Clare Short?
Hattie Hatemenperson and Diane Abbott are two other munters I wishe we didn’t have to look at.
Reminds me of the old joke. ” The human race is amazing, they can put a man on the moon, but they can’t put a man on Claire Short”.
Here’s another Tea Party-backed candidate the BBC doesn’t want you to know about: Marco Rubio.
He’s leading the race for the Florida Senate seat, and says things like this:
In the Obama administration, “I think you have people who have dreamed of making America more like Western Europe,” particularly on economic policy, he said. He said they seized the recession’s travails as “a perfect opportunity” to move in that direction — and in the process created the Tea Party movement.
Here’s the catch: Rubio is Hispanic. He is not white. Where’s the racism, BBC? How can it be a problem if the movement is “mostly white” and will vote for non-whites?
Instead of this, the BBC spends all its energy in a very narrow focus. Rubio distracts from the rapport with the US they want to create for you.
“I dabbled in witchcraft” 10 years ago – who the bloody hell cares. You would expect this stuff from the Daily Star or even the Mail, but the 3.5bn BBC? Next time they denigrade the “red tops” maybe they should be reminded of their “gutter press” tendancies.
Yes from the BBC’s coverage anyone who didn’t know better would think the incumbent Democrats were doing a great job of governing and riding high in the polls