Couple of great examples of BBC bias on “The World Tonight” last night…
“In the first, an Indian journalist was asked forhis views on the preparations for the Commonwealth Games. Presumably, nobodyhad read out to him the Beeb’s ground-rules, as he trenchantly observed thatthe defects in the preparations typified the corruption, incompetence andcronyism of the Indian public sector. He contrasted the efficiency of theIndian private sector, pointing out that the new airport at New Delhi was putout to private contract and is up and running, in fine working order, incontrast to the sports facilities and the athletes’ village (which might seem,to the casual observer, rather lesser undertakings). In the news headlines at11 P.M., his words were quoted, but with no acknowledgement of the distinctionhe had drawn between the virtuous private sector and the venal,child-labour-exploiting public sector.”
“Later on in the same broadcast of “The World Tonight”, the last itemwas a discussion of the UN’s report on the “Mavi Marmara”.Predictably, the fundamental assumption of the article was that the objectivityof the UN could be taken for granted. The “expert” interviewed wasthe lawyer representing the British “humanitarians for Hamas pyschopaths” who accompanied in the flotilla.No-one was invited to defend Israel, or dispute the findings, or the motives,of the UN “investigation”. Why would they – to the BBC Israel is always in the wrong, that’s the rule.”
Hat-tip to the eagle eared B-BBC reader!
Weekend 22nd February 2025
How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…