I have to say that I found this a fascinating insight into the language of bias employed by the BBC when discussing …Islam. Here’s Roger Bolton from the BBC College of Journalism..
“Journalists tend to be sceptical of religion and those for whom spirituality is important. That’s understandable to an extent. Journalists work with evidence; they want proof; want to see things with their own eyes. Faith and belief are the antithesis of that mindset. Some journalists take this further and find those who live their lives and make their decisions on the basis of their religious beliefs incomprehensible. Or they’re contemptuous of those of sincere spiritual conviction.’
BBC’s description of Islamic words in its college of journalism…
Kufr: ‘Non-belief in Islam.’ (No ‘best not use’…no description of it as derogatory or emotive?)
Islamophobia…Hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims. (No ‘irrational’ hatred of Islam?)
Islamist…A difficult term which, like ‘fundamentalist’, is best avoided… despite the fact that it has a perfectly respectable meaning. Used now pejoratively to refer to politically radical fundamentalist Muslims seeking to achieve political ends for their faith. (Islam is not political, nor fundamental, nor radical to a secular West?)
Dhimmi…Best not used because it can be emotive. It is sometimes used to refer to non-Muslims living under restrictions in Muslim countries. The use of the word is often intended to criticise Muslims. (ah so don’t use it because it puts Muslims in a bad light)
Fundamentalist…Fundamentalists believe their faith rests on the highest religious authority – scripture or God or a prophet. This is a very difficult word to use and is best avoided. Its association with terrorism has become so strong that its original meaning is almost lost.
Madrassa…A term often used – almost always incorrectly – to imply an institution where anti-Western sentiment is taught.
Wahhabi…The state religion in Saudi Arabia – puritanical and against innovations in Islam. Favours Islamic government. (so ‘Fundamentalists’/’Puritans’…those who follow the ‘real’ religion, not those who ‘pervert’ Islam?)
The wailing/western wall…The only remaining part of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. It is an important place of prayer and pilgrimage for Jews. Do not refer to it as the ‘Wailing Wall’. (Why not ‘wailing’?…possibly people may then ask why the Jews ‘wail’…This description stemmed from the Jewish practice of coming to the site to mourn and bemoan the destruction of the Jewish Temple that was on the site before Islam conquered the land.)
Islam. .The word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission to the will of God’. …(not ‘peace’ then?)
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) journalism students:
“Islam 101”
BBC’s description of Christian words in its college of journalism.
Christian – homophobic, racist, sexist, Islamophobic, intolerant, hate criminal.
Jesus – imaginary friend of Christians who lives in the sky.
Priest – always a paedophile, say the word paedophile when saying priest.
Fundamentalist – lives in the deep south of America, marry their sisters and plays the banjo, for more information see definition of Christian.
Bible – Christian book of Hate, for more information see definition of Christian.
How many of these books are on INBBC’s College of Journalism’s reading list on Islam (or in the College’s library)?
“Journalists work with evidence; they want proof; want to see things with their own eyes. Faith and belief are the antithesis of that mindset. “
Yeah, like Harrabin and Black….
INBBC’s distorted journalism in practice when reporftinga case of an Islamic jihadist convicted in the West.
How to report:
1.) try to make the Islamic ‘victim’ seem to be as repectable as possible; the use of the word ‘scientist’ is ideal here;
2.) emphasise Islamic protests from friendly countries, like Pakistan, to indicate that sentence is unjust.
From the non-INBBC College of Journalism:
“On Aafia Siddiqui, Well-Versed in Deception”
And now, a classic, from INBBC College of Journalism:
“US jails Pakistani scientist for 86 years”
Well, I always think the BBC and Muslim programme of indoctrination is working when I see people on this site preferring some Islamic word on that Beeboid College of Journalism list to an English one.
And this is the biggest self-serving myth of all (that journalists are pure, objective, truth seekers, without bias, political leanings, influences, assumptions, values, personal disposition or prejudices):
“Journalists tend to be sceptical of religion and those for whom spirituality is important. That’s understandable to an extent. Journalists work with evidence; they want proof; want to see things with their own eyes. Faith and belief are the antithesis of that mindset.
As with Richard Dawkins (who departs from his own regard for reason and evidence with all the irrationality and rage of a two-year-old having a tantrum), the Beeboids themselves stand as the greatest contradiction to their own dictum.
What would be more accurate and more insightful would be for the college of beeboid journalism to question why Beeboids have contempt for religious people (unless they are Muslim, in which case they merit a peculiar form of deference) and how their own sets of prejudices and closed-mindedness get in the way of fair, objective and impartial reporting of Christians, Jews and religious affairs. Same goes for politics. And don’t tell me Beeboids don’t adhere to Labour and left political stances with all the fervour of any religious believer or despise Conservative, Republican politicians and Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin and female politicians not of the left, with all the venom of a denouncer of the Anti-Christ.
Or they’re contemptuous of those of sincere spiritual conviction.
This is a perfect description of Justin Webb’s “journalism”.
And if journalists are supposedly so dedicated to facts only, I’d like to know how many Beeboids believe in astrology, homeopathy, or the healing power of magnets.
Also, as Mark Thompson is an avowed Catholic, does this mean he’s not a proper journalist? What about Tim Franks, who attends synagogue? This line of questioning could be fun.
So the BBC censor the bits they don’t like as if that will make it go away.
Better not mention this then:
“O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.” Qur’an:8:65
“…devoid of understanding” – you certainly are if you get your information from the Dhimmi BBC.
Compare the above with this:
“Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ” Matthew 5:43
And the BBC hates Christianity but loves Islam. You just couldn’t make it up.
The wailing/western wall... etc
DV has discovered a rare instance when the BBC has taken into account Jewish sensibilities.
It is no longer PC to call it the ‘Wailing Wall’ in Jewish circles. I don’t have an explanation.
At least the BBC doesn’t call it the al Buraq Wall. The current PA position is to deny any historical Jewish connection with the wall, Jerusalem or Israel.
I was always under the impression that the “wailing” was what outsiders thought the Jews were doing when they were praying. Orthodox males often sway rapidly back and forth while praying, and the minor key emphasis sounds like wailing to those who don’t know what’s going on. I never bought into the idea that it was called the “Wailing Wall” because Jews were always there lamenting the destruction of the Temple. It’s daily prayers. I’ve even seen Bar Mitzvahs take place there.
If anything, they’re lamenting the fact that they’re not allowed to pray up top, at the location of the Temple itself, and the western retaining wall is the only bit intact, and is as close as Jews are allowed to get for prayer or even while wearing religious garb. Oh, but the BBC never mentions that, do they?