24 hours a day, the BBC keep pumping out their toxic mix of facts and myths, half-truths and lies. Consider;
BBC Radio 4 news briefing, ‘On this Day’ spot – 5:40 (ish) am 24 /09/10
“This spot features brief reminders of historical anniversaries, things that happened ‘on this day’.This morning, together with the creation of the George Cross medal, the removal of ‘the prophet Mohammed’ from Mecca to Medina featured, as a comparable historical fact. Now there are loads of things wrong with this even from a Muslim point of view – but the most egregious is the conflation of a tradition that is disputed with verifiable incidents in recent history. The date of Mohammed’s (if he even existed) alleged flight from Mecca is not known, it may be commemorated on this day (Some years, the islamic calender not being the same) for all I know but that lesser claim was not made. Would the BBC be caught saying ‘on this day 4000(?) years ago Moses parted the Red Sea? 1977 years ago J! esus Christ entered Jerusalem? was crucified?!
Yet another great catch by a B-BBC reader. Wonder do they have prayer mats at BBC HQ?
Just more cobblers from the BBC.
David, I heard it too and did momentarily think strange – I don’t remember them commenting on Lord Vishnu having a bad hair day , or Bhuda popping out to Tescos. Both equally as relevant , I would have thought.
You remember “The Great Game.” Where a manipulative great power tries to influence events and politics in various underhand ways – welcome to the bbc social modification programme.
“social modification programme” best and most descriptive phrase yet! Beware though the BBC might want to steal it.
You are right, we are being manipulated in the most evil ways imagineable, we are being forced to accept a deranged backward and disgusting cult as equal to our own first world faiths.
In reality islam is one step down from ritual canabalism/stone age savagery and should be treated as the same as nazism.
The BBC must have been looking here for their information:
I drifting into calling the BBC, ‘Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’ -no copyright- some time ago as it became increasing apparent on being assailed daily by its output, that the Corporation really doesn’t represent the interests of the British people in any sense; but does represent, on so many crucial issues, domestic and global, the interests of Islam.
It seems like the BBC news department has Muslims looking for every opportunity to insert their minority stuff.
Will we get a mention of the day in history when their murderous guy deflowered his child bride ?
I don’t know if you have read Robin Shepherd’s latest blog? could I suggest you follow the link?
Actually, I have little problem with an On this Day about Hejira, an historical event although dates may vary. Just as long as they don’t credit Mohammed’s flight to Al Quds in one night on a flying horse with the face of a woman!
Islam uses a lunar calendar while Christianity (and by extension most of the world) uses a solar calendar. This means that over time a Muslim date migrates through the seasons. For example, Christmas is always in winter while Ramadan can be in any season.
Hard to believe the BBC has developed a method for conflating Muslim and Christian dates.
For what it’s worth. Wikipedia has this timeline.
Day 1
Thursday26 Safar AH 1
(9 September 622)Left home in Mecca. Stayed three days in the Cave of Thur near Mecca.Day 5
Monday1 Rabi’ I AH 1
(13 September 622)Left the environs of Mecca. Traveled to the region of Yathrib.Day 12
Monday8 Rabi’ I AH 1
(20 September 622)Arrived at Quba’ near Medina.Day 16
Friday12 Rabi’ I AH 1
(24 September 622)First visit to Medina for Friday prayers.Day 26
Monday22 Rabi’ I AH 1
(4 October 622)Moved from Quba’ to Medina.
Doesn’t that mean the Hejira should be two weeks earlier?
Who really gives a damn what some child molesting killer and torturer did or did not do.
What next? Stalin went to the toilet and then had breakfast and then signed the death warrants of one hundred thousand innocents?
Hey lets all celebrate Myra Hyndely or the yorkshire ripper instead, we could all have a bank holiday for psycho killers like Genghis Kahn and Vlad the impaler and that Ruski nut case that boiled people alive for fun.
Itll be great! Who needs our old heroes when the mass murderers of history offer so much culture’N’stuff.
Have the bbc mentioned ONCE anywhere that it is the Jewish festival of Succot??
No, but Mardell did allow that the Israeli delegation to the UN was absent from the President’s speech because of “a Jewish holiday”. No need to actually mention which one, of course.
In a way, I’m glad they didn’t as that might open a door for certain people to hold that up as evidence that Jews are interlopers who stole land from the Palestinians in 1175 BC.
Q: Why did the Jews wander around in the desert for 40 years?
A: Somebody lost a quarter. =-O
DG, Apart from the Koran, the Sira and Wikipedia, what independent evidence is there for the events of the life of Mohammed? His movements are not historical facts except to believers.
Busy Month for Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps in England
This is absolutely appalling. I cannot imagine how the authorities have allowed this to happen.
I guess all the Beeboids who might be covering this have been sent to India to report on the crap housing at the Commonwealth Games?
Doesn’t include the libyan pervert imam who’s in the country to expose himself to women and children either
David P,
While staying in luxury hotels !
It is appalling but just imagine how clean the streets must be!
I wonder how that will effect the police crime figues. Violent Crime fell to its lowest level since the Battle of Bosworth said West Yorkshire Poilce.
Probably not Labour are not in power any more.
It makes you wonder how they get into this country in the first place.
“Andrezej Kunowski was a serial rapist in his native Poland but was able to come to Britain to continue his depraved crime spree unchecked. Katerina Koneva, 12, is just one of many victims who have paid for lax border and immigration controls with their lives.”
Maybe this is why.
What is the point of a parliament if they cannot make laws? We vote for MPs not judges.
Ears should be burning at INBBC at the title and content of this article by ex-Muslim, Ibn Warraq:
“The Dogmatic Islamophilia of Western Islamologists”
Was this before of after Muhammad began his journey of violent oppression, murder and subjugation?
Bit of a bummer really, at least Jesus (that cross guy) – apparently -did a few miracles and was generally going round telling others to be nice to each other.
Moh on the other hand…well, his father died six months before he was born and he was sent to live with a Bedouin family in the desert until he was two years old. At the age of six his mother died so he was subsequently brought up for two years under the guardianship of his paternal grandfather but when he was eight his grandfather died too, so he was put under the care of his uncle.
He travelled a lot and had loads of wives…shagger Moh to his mates. Despite apparently being happily married he still managed to marry many others including a few youngsters and Aisha (surely that can’t be true!) became his favourite, probably looked like one of his daughters.
Apparently also he did a lot of meditating – alone for several weeks every year in a cave – oh dear…yep, the roots of Islam are from the hallucinations of a probably drugged and diseased syphilitic serial shagger and child molester.
Imagine if the same were true today…the twat would be locked up before he had a chance of revealing his first conversation with cave wall and what the pile of camel shit had told him during his dreams.
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ misses out on Islamic jihad threat tonight; decides to concentrate on IRA threat only.
Ms. Flanders is fronting ‘Newsnight’ tonight, but in her blog there’s no mention of MI6′ s well publicised warning of increased terror threat from Islamic jihadists of e.g. Somalia and Yemen to British people. This is typical of INBBC’s censoring of the perpetual Islamic jihad terror threat to Britain.
“MI5: Somalia, Yemen Pose Increasing Threat to Security”
Perhaps ‘Newsnight’ hasn’t got the time to deal with the Islamic jihad threat; priority must go to comedian Ken Dodd apparently.
Ms Flanders’ empty box:
Flanders says they’ll be considering “the future of capitalism”. Perhaps Fidel Castro will be available for comment? He’s currently unemployed and seems to have some time on his hands….
On muslim things you will NEVER see on the bBC wbsite. On order-order you can pick any name tag you like; some wag has called himself – ‘Abdul – father of 20 – controller of a thousand votes’. Wonder how many microseconds that would last on the bBC website.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) avant-garde in its non-criticism of Islam:
“Criticism of Islam Is New Front in PC War, Media Expert Says”
[Opening Extract]:
“The mere act of criticizing Islam has become an act of politically incorrect hate speech, a media analyst and free-speech advocate says, citing several incidents in recent weeks where people have been lambasted publicly for their remarks.
“‘We’re living in a ‘here and now’ where no one’s allowed to say anything bad about Islam, it seems,’ says Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center.”
Free Speech:
-What FOX NEWS discusses, but INBBC doesn’t:
“Why Is America Curbing Free Speech, and Giving Extremists What They Want?”
And on it goes…The recurring headline about the quangos story on the BBC News Channel yesterday morning was accompanied by footage of a quango scientific researcher wearing an Islamic headscarf!
This, I expect is to fit in with Lord Rees’s comment that the coalition should not put a cap on scientists coming here from outside the EU.
Maybe the Coalition (read real conservatives) are serious about immigration
“We have consulted with business and other interested parties on how the limit should work. These consultations are now closed and we will announce the findings in due course.”
I see Panorama are doing yet another ‘special’ on Scientology? What have they got against this lot? Have they flown planes into buildings, blown up trains or night clubs? Nope.
The BBC needs to take Scientology down a peg because L. Ron Hubbard’s sci-fi religion is starting to recruit people away from Common Purpose.
A partial listing –
Busy Month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps
22. Koran 9:5 <b>”Then, when the sacred months have passed, (Ramadan)</b> slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush.
Student raped and left naked by roadside in Manchester
By Eeyore | September 24, 2010
A Manchester student has been raped, beaten and left naked by the roadside in an attack police believe could have been carried out by a serial offender.
Police described the man who pushed his victim into a car on Amhurst Road as Asian Read (Muslim most likely) and overweight.
Similar situation in Europe, particularly in Scandinavian countries. The epidemic of rapes of Scandinavian women by Muslim immigrants, has been swept under the carpet by the authorities, such is their fear of Islam. Fjordman wrote an interesting series of articles on this.
“Texas adopts decree rejecting ‘pro-Islam’ school books”
-But this won’t stop Islam Not BBC (INBBC) from continuing its propaganda for Islam, and against Christianity in Britain and globally.
This extract, from the article, below fits INBBC exactly too, I think:
“But since 9/11, American media have increasingly caved to threats from radical Islam. The new norm is a self-censorship consistent with Muslim teaching that Islam must be free from insult, though other religions may be insulted at all times.”
Islamisation of Britain which INBBC censors:
“Roman Catholic school could be handed over to a mosque after number of RC pupils falls to ‘five or six’ ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1314972/Roman-Catholic-school-run-MOSQUE-just-RC-pupils-left.html#ixzz10ZkuIh9l
Number of INBBC ‘news’ web reports today on the following countries:
a.) Islamic Republic of Pakistan: SEVEN;
b.) Canada: ZERO.
A forlorn message for INBBC:
“Bishop Bishoy: it is time to grow up about textual criticism of the Qur’an”
No doubt the following development will be seen by INBBC as part of its desirable Islamisation campaign (although it censors reporting of it):
“Top supermarkets secretly sell halal: Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, and M&S don’t tell us meat is ritually slaughtered”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315278/Top-supermarkets-secretly-sell-halal-Sainsburys-Tesco-Waitrose-M-S-dont-tell-meat-ritually-slaughtered.html#ixzz10d2xnUIh
Without Beeboids being told, is halal meat being served to them in their Broadcasting Houses?