Richard Black, discussing windfarms, gives unmoderated almost endless space to a nutter who wants to get rid of Britain’s planning laws so that millions of acres of our countryside can be blighted by these unnecessary monstrosities. He fails to mention anything about the huge cost or the level of subsidy required – facts easily available to him via Christopher Booker’s column.
This BBC article tells us that Wembley stadium is selling halal meat to its customers whether they like it or not. But don’t worry, friends. It has a quote from a Muslim saying that slitting an unstunned and fully conscious animal’s throat – as is required in this barbaric ritual – is not cruel. Missing from the BBC is any mention that to their eternal shame, Waitrose, Tesco’s and M and S have all, like Wembley, been lying through their teeth about their alleged commitment to animal welfare. All of them think it’s OK to sell us without telling us meat that has been slaughtered in this vile way. For the BBC, of course, it’s not an issue; anything Muslims do in the name of their religion must be condoned – or brushed under the carpet.
Thats the perverted BBC for you!
Some cruelty is acceptable.
Some child molesting and child abuse is acceptable.
Some thuggish autocracies and despots and dictators are acceptable.
In the hive menid of the BBC its all about context, inflicting pain and cruelty on women and animals is fine as long as that cruelty is ‘cultural’ HOWEVER fox hunting is cultural but not accptable, see how it works?
The wholesale massacre of birds is acceptable as long as the instruments are windmills and human health is a huge concern to the BBC, they will spend millions on hundreds of programmes uncovering the evils of secondhand smoke and phonemasts and McDonalds food but people who live near wind farms getting sick is accptable.
In the UK we have animal cruelty laws and groups like the RSPCA, but the laws are helpless in face of islamofascism and the RSPCA dares not proect the welfare of millions of ritually slaughtered animals yet they will spend millions on the effort to protect perhpas a hundred foxes from hunting. Where are the animal rights crusaders I hear you ask? The people who attack scientists and break into animal labs? Somehow the islamofascist ritual torturing of animals doesnt quite make it into their rage calender does it? Perhaps they are too busy smashing peoples windows and sending death threats to scientists experimanting on animals!
The BBC spends a lavish amount of time telling us how enlightened and concerned they are when in fact its all a fabrication and a fraud, they care only in as much as it advances their warped political narrative.
“The RSPCA, other welfare organisations and the Government’s veterinary experts say the practice is cruel and should be ended, but another concern is that the meat re-enters the general food chain where it is unwittingly consumed by the general population.
In a series of votes on food labelling this week, which also backed compulsory country-of-origin labelling on all meat, MEPs voted by 559 to 54 for compulsory labelling of the religious slaughter of meat without stunning. While kosher and halal meat is well labelled in specialist butchers and food outlets, the regulation would alert general consumers to supplies entering the mainstream food system.”
Never thought I would agree with a EU directive, but this is one. I wonder who the 54 were who voted against it?
Well -thanks for the link. I am not a great believer in boycotts, but I shall never again buy meat from New Zealand.
I like New Zealand. They were shafted when Ted Heath took us into the EEC based on a packet of lies.
NZ has made a comeback selling lamb to the muslim countries, but I believe they do stun animals before they are slaughtered. Even then, I feel sick that the meat that is being sold in our supermarkets has gone through islamic rituals.
I wonder when it was that the UK became an islamic country. Are we the OIC, or have we only just applied?
Sadly its merely a reflection of where NZ’s major trading partners are these days, where as in the good old days when neigh on 90% of EVERYTHING produced in NZ was sent to the Mother Country, these days NZ has to take in to consideration the needs of the Arab world who have replaced the UK.
Also, it is still required practice in NZ to stun animals before they are killed.
Halal meat is of course the thin end of an ever growing Islamic wedge. Sharia courts, 14 year old girls being sent off to be married, claiming benefits for multiple wives and halal meat.
All of the above are illegal under OUR laws yet tolerated in our Country.
Who are the UKERC? Well their aim :
“..addresses two of the Government’s toughest energy policy goals – delivering reliable energy to consumers while meeting its legal commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050″
So the conclusion of their report to
“.. build a home-grown wind power industry if it wants to meet EU targets on renewable energy… ” Is hardly suprising. Of course all this is funded by the tax payer via government.
If exxon mobile concuded in a report that Britain should go into building oil rigs on a massive scale – I’m sure the BBC would point out the conflict of interests.
Dhimmi INBBC defers to Muslims on how non-Muslims should respond to halal meat!
“Shame of Halal sale”
This was featured in a TV broadcast which seemed a little bit more outraged, and hence less biased, than the article you draw reference to (it included, of course, the opinions of the mindless zombies on the street as is customary for any BBC report. I find these more repellent than the bias itself.)
anything Muslims do in the name of their religion must be condoned
Sorry I don’t think this is anywhere near reality, even if you were generalising, it’s just not fair.
? How about all the stonings and sharia law we hear about? ?
How about terrorist attacks?
Islamic fundamentalists capturing aid workers?
Afghanis chanting “death to christians” over the koran burning issue (the article focussing on the violence and deaths in Islamic countries)
It is Islam which is not fair.
There’s lot of difference between INBBC reporting something, in its culturally relativist way, often filtered through Islam opinion only, and condemning it.
For example, in the case of stonings in the Islamic Republic of Iran, INBBC is inclined to avoid criticising the Ahmadinejad regime; in fact, on his visit to New York, INBBC allowed itself to be used as an uncritical propaganda vehicle for him. Of course, INBBC doesn’t want to offend him because:
a.) INBBC likes his hostility re-INBBC’s arch enemy, Israel:
b.) INBBC wants to be allowed its Persian Service, so INBBC back-pedals any criticism of Islamic Republic of Iran regime.
INBBC behaves as though it is a media outlet for the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, and INBBC is certainly opposed to most British people who subsidise this propaganda.
“This regime, in the 21st C, digs a hole, buries a woman up to her chest in dirt and stones her to death”
If that’s not an indictment, what is? Just because it doesn’t go so far as to condone the entirity of Iran or of Islam?
If a right wing government commited that kind of gruesome crime then the BBC would be up in arms, there would be no end to the programmes dedicated to exposing the sick practice, pundits would be queuing round the block to comment.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the BBC would somehow find dozens of rights groups and harsh intwerviews harranging any government and UN official to issue forth condemnations by the bucket load.
Here is where the BBC are so ugly and their narrative shines through.
Any nation that indulges in the gleeful public torture and evil murder of helpless women should be banned from joining the UN. I note the standard response from the leftists is the conflation of US executions with the mad mullahs methodolgies, that tells you all you need to know about leftism I think.
James Delingpole at the Telegraph Global Cooling and the New World Order
The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.
Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.
Which means one of two things.
Either it was a printing error.
Or the global elite is perfectly well aware that global cooling represents a far more serious and imminent threat to the world than global warming, but is so far unwilling to admit it except behind closed doors.
Heres Jo Nova on the anguish of Black getting attacked (verbaly) by one his own alarmists.
Hey look, I get quoted by Jo!
Im nearly semi-famous! 🙂
Well done, Mailman.
Supplementary, ‘Telegraph’:
“Britain’s offshore windpower costs twice as much as coal and gas generated electricity”
No, Huw Edwards, Labour’s economic plans about not cutting spending have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on lots and lots of people. Labour IS NOT in power.
Sorry to shout, but this is getting ridiculous.