Today marks the start of the new ‘Harperson’ equality law. So R4 today with humph has a lefty womans rights person saying how wonderful it was. She went on about the unequal pay statistic of 17% between men and women. Humpf did not question it. He should as this is the same stat that Harperson had to go back into Parliament and appologise for ‘misleading the house’ or ‘lying through your teeth’ in our language. The reason it is such a lie is that the stat compares mens and womens wages, The fact they are doing DIFFERENT jobs and work DIFFERENT hours is totally ignored.
According to CNBC, 91% of males who are computer science majors and find jobs within six months of graduation earn an average starting salary of $60K.
In contrast, 95% of women who find jobs within that same time frame are paid an average salary of $62K.
Neumont University, which teaches a 2.5-year computer science program, says their women are extremely valuable within the industry, getting placed better, and faster, than males. But only one out of every twenty students is female.
Tech companies are looking for diversity, they say, and research has shown that women coders are actually better communicators.
I am afraid that with every day that goes by , I am beginning to suspect that this government will be not much different from the last. I don’t even trust them to abolish ID cards. Politics in the UK is pretty much dead.
And the latest is the ludicrous Theresa May ( what is the point of this ridiculous woman ? ) giving the police the right to strike. What next, the Armed Services ?
While delivering a cup of tea to Mrs Bup this morning I had the misfortune to catch thirty seconds of Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State. Talking about the section of Harriet Vile’s Law that allows person C to take an employer to court if person C is offended by something person A says to person B, Sheila ‘Tittering Coquette’ Fuggarty said, ‘That’ll upset the anti-PC brigade’.
Living in her softie-leftie hopey-changey BBC bubble it is probably beyond Tittering Coquette to work out that this law is a charter for lawyers and vexatious litigants to earn money at (one way or another) everyone else’s expense.
It’s not about being anti-PC, it’s about being anti-stupid.
AS with much “equality” law the actual result is usually the reverse of that intended. The more “rights” you give employees to beat employers with the less of those people, other than in the public sector, will be employed by employers who wish to avoid time at tribunals.
If accused of “racially” selecting someone for redundancy the employer has to prove he hasn’t, which is an interesting approach. So what would you do when selecting new employees – you avoid the possibility of an accusation of racism arising, or now an “ethnic” being upset by other workers. Similarly as more and more “rights” are given to the expectant female the sensible employer avoids taking on those likely to be availing themself of those rights at the employers expense!
Apparently Person C doesn’t even have to be present when Person A racially abuses/ normal office banters Person B, he just has to hear about it. No wonder the ‘anti-PC brigade’ (ie normal people) will be upset.
I confess to have read this in the Daily Mail so it may not be true 😉 I only get the Daily Mail because I know it annoys the pretrendy lefties.
A WARNING TO *THE TROLL: This Site Contains Pointed Critical and/or Argumentative text that serves only to ‘feed’ a black-hole in the mind of a pathetic troll that exists through bordom and ignorance/stupidity. This person,dear friend, thinks that he can change ‘ideology’ merely through the act of venting repetative comments on this site. he, of course, cannot!
The B- BBC generates some comments then the ‘stalker’ arrives and dumps his pointless trash upon it, thinking that that is the action of an intellectual. The result being the web-site suffers from a troll who’s foolish statements hang aroud like a pile of rotting shit.
Contribution to the BBC’s web-site is fun Commenting on any BBC narrative brings the troll to frothing . The first anoys the troll . The second is the troll behaving like a retard wasting your time.
It’s far better, dear reader, to spend ones precious time on more useful and intellectual activities. Basically, leave this poor imbecile to their own demise.
Agreed. I’d like to request that those childish posts be left up in future, as removing them makes us look as thin-skinned as a BBC employee, while leaving them up gives everyone a chance to see the troll for what he is.
It’s sometimes the things the BBC doesn’t report that irk just as much as the things it does. I wonder if there will be coverage of this on the evening news?
It was raised on Richard Black’s laughing stock blog, but this suffered a flurry of referalls to mods until going straight through watertight oversight to a much more final ‘closed for comments’ before Helen Boaden could check her pension plan investments.
Plus, with addition irony, I now find I also co-fund this effort via quangos, etc, as well as the news medium that seem to have, at least on this inconvenient topic, so far, a bit of a ‘black out’.
The BBC’s beloved Twitter continues to provide unintended insights into the corporation’s genetic bias, especially its extraordinarily biased Washington outfit.
So far this site has busted several of the BBC’s Washington team.
Katie Connolly, formerly of Newsweek, is a twitter-buddy of many JournOListas (she tweeted no less than six of them last month alone) and quotes them (and many like them) very liberally in her often highly-loaded articles – such as this one which seems to be anonymous but turns out, if you check here, to be her biased work.
The unit is headed by long-term beeboid Matthew Davis, who follows no right-wing blogs or journalists on Twitter but plenty of left-wing ones.
Now, in the spirit of DB, Twitter suggests there’s yet another left-leaning BBC journalist at their Washington journalist: Iain MacKenzie, who seems (from his tweets) to have taken up his new posting in July. He may need watching too.
Here’s one recent tweet:
Glenn Beck’s using a Hitler analogy… again. The usual drivel.
11:15 PM Sep 24th via web
I remembered Mr MacKenzie as the smirking beeboid who ‘reported’ disdainfully on Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honour’ rally back in late August. He described Mr Beck as “a conservative, right-wing talk show host” and “a very controversial and divisive figure” and yet described the liberal, left-wing rabble-rouser – and very controversial and divisive figure – who organised the opposing rally, the Rev Al Sharpton, merely as “a civil rights leaders and contemporary of Dr Martin Luther King Jnr”.
Other tweets have digs at Fox News and Sarah Palin (of course).
He is entitled to his personal views. He isn’t entitled to let them bias his reporting. He needs watching to see if the above example is merely a one-off lapse or something more serious.
The identikit clone inevitably of the plonkers from the BBC who see Twitter as their one degree of separation to spew personal opinion as BBC commentary is getting out of hand.
Is it the job of the UK’s national broadcaster to make snide swipes at other media that may have, and represent, some views that the internal BBC hive mind can’t cope with?
Too bad the BBC hasn’t the wit to see that just because you can do something doesn’t mean it is a good idea to do it.
Throw out adherence to the charter obligation, throw away any aspiration to standards, integrity, impartiality and what are you left with? Nothing worth defending. Nothing worth forcing everyone to pay for.
Have you noticed the BBC-NUJ’s political self-advertisements between TV programmes for its ‘Today’ propaganda, in which ‘multiculturalism’ is presented as a fact?!
I am almost as concerned at the Graun going into meltdown with its censorship, complemented by Richard Black’s blog zipping straight through watertight oversight to comments closed when this… inconvenient topic… cropped up.
This an appalling reflection on propagandistic mindsets that will brook no free speech that does not conform.
The Graun can do what it likes, and enjoy the consequences to its reputation of its actions.
That various public-funded agencies are complicit, using public money, in all this just muddy already soiled waters.
BBC-NUJ is very pro-European Union, of course. The yielding of national sovereignty to the E.U. bureaucracy fits with BBC-NUJ political preference for international undemocratic governance, over democratic national self-determination.
In the following piece, BBC-NUJ merely serves as a mouthpiece for E.U.’s increasing political and economic control over nation states:
i did it people. i cancelled the direct debit to pay the licence fee. as of now i have decided to not watch any tv. i want to be congratulated for not paying to get al beeba indoctrination.
also hearing about the striking beebas get their pension demands agreed to did not make me annoyed. i was serenity personified.
I would like to just jaxstapose the BBC news coverage of the NHS changes and the Channel 4 News coverage.
The BBC have been supine, as per usual to the BMA, you know “Stop drinking, stop smoking, wear seatbelts and just eat lettuce”. No hard questions, all agreement, etc.
Channel 4 News tonight (Indie rather than Guardian) put it straight. “Doesn’t the BMA moan everytime there is a change to the NHS?” A fair point. They do. Haven’t seen the BBC even come close to even that level of questioning.
Fair point, the head of the BMA got an easy ride yesterday on “The Daily Politics”, but did go off script a bit when he said doctors and medical staff should have more say in the management of the NHS.
How did this country survive before “managers” were invented ?
Just the other day, Mark Mardell’s faith was at a low ebb. Seeing all those rats abandoning a sinking Adminstration was causing him to doubt his belief in the President just a little bit, and he accidentally let it show in his blog post. Upon seeing Rahm Emanuel leave for Chicago. and fretting over the departure of the Sec. of Defense and National Security Advisor in the near future, Mardell said this:
The last three jobs are important in themselves. As for the others, they’re important if the president comes to feel he has fewer friends around. It is not exactly bunker White House yet, but if Mr Obama replaces them with more Chicago insiders it may feel increasingly like that.
So today it emerges that his beloved Obamessiah has indeed replaced Emanuel with another one of his old inner circle. He’s not exactly a Chicago insider, but is a Washington and Administration insider and long-time fixer.
Here’s some news from the US that the BBC didn’t find time to cover, what with all that celebrity news and the poor kid who killed himself and that Facebook movie. At least George R will be pleased that the BBC reported something about Canada, even if it is a UK-centric story.
But this is what the BBC chose to ignore in the last few days:
The essence of their critique is that the White House lacks a moral compass. The instances where Obama displays a flash of moral authority – the mosque speech comes to mind – these bloggers cheer him with the same fervor as his most ardent fans.
Some will dismiss them as minor players in the wider national discourse, but two things make them a thorn in the administration’s side: a) they have a disproportionately large influence on the political debate, with numerous readers and followers — among them major media figures; and b) they develop the frames and narratives that other progressive Obama critics adopt and disseminate.
The editor of Rolling Stone magazine did a cover-feature interview with the President, in which he asked the following questions:
When you came into office, you felt you would be able to work with the other side. When did you realize that the Republicans had abandoned any real effort to work with you and create bipartisan policy?
How do you feel about the fact that day after day, there’s this really destructive attack on whatever you propose? Does that bother you? Has it shocked you?
What do you think the Republican Party stands for today?
Maybe at least one of the platoon of BBC employees living in the US is going to read it over the weekend and write about it.
The author-publisher of “The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids” says he has received death threats over its publication.
Wayne Bell, publisher of Clayton, Mo.-based Really Big Coloring Books, said in an interview with CBS that his $3.59 coloring book is not political. But some critics think the book was designed for politically conservative adults, and not for children.
LOL (no really) It’s all your fault, I’ve woken my partner up but that was funny. Just imagine if this was a right-wing organisation which made a video depicting kids being blown up who disagreed with whatever point they wish to put across, then the BBC would have the story on the front page as soon as you can say the-bbbc-is-full-of-shite.
Judging from the reaction of the 10:10 fascists, five bucks says that they took the public outrage as proof that people who don’t agree with them are tiny-minded idiots.
Blooming boiling! Listening to “Today” (Sat morning) and the crap from the presenters is unbelievable. The one interviewing Lord Young about changes to Health & Safety rules asked, “well if you can break your leg doing something, why can’t you smoke cannabis. Much safer.” The ignorance and bias of these morons is so blatant that it would sound incredible if presented as a comedy show.
And speaking of “ignorance”, I’ve also emailed “Today” asking why they keep producing the oafish Lard Prescott on the programme when none of the presenters are able to control him.
Now off for an extra beta-blocker to try and get the BP down.
‘Eeek, to the Bat-bunker, comrades, the pooh has gain hit the fan!’
Meanwhile, as the truth whooshes around the world thanks to the independent web, the MSM (and its aged Aunty especially) are still figuring out which boots to pull on to stomp on an inconvenient outing.
The BBC is in ‘kill the story’ mode about one of the sickest most vile CAGW cult advertisments top date.
The casual staged murder of children and adults who dare to dissent from the alarmist orthodoxy and whats worse the makers, a group with close government ties thought it was hilarious and claimed many found it extremely funny.
The group called 10.10 or some such silly name wanted to use humour to display dissenters and sceptics killed in front of others, the smiling killers lending the illusion of normal behaviour and all done with humour as the main ingredient.
I dont know about you but I dont find the murder of innocent children fun at all but maybe the BBC does? You can only imagine the rage and anger if a right wing group made a film about murdering UAF/ANL/ALF street thugs, it would be hold the front page stuff and guests round the block queuing to add fuel to the condemnation bonfire.
But the perverts who made this trash are BBC friends and allies and maybe even some of the volunteers were off duty beeboids so you can more or less bank on the fact that the BBC will not be reporting this story if they can get away with it.
Good post Cass, totally agree with you. Imagine if this video was done by some god botherers depicting a teacher asking if her pupils believed in god, the ones who said they didn’t getting blown up, splattered all over the classroom. The BBC would have this on the front page for sure, possibly even on regular times on news 24.
INBBC’s Frei, is concerned about ‘Stuxnet’ cyber attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities; but he is unconcerned about the threat posed by Islamic Republic of Iran, and so is unmentioned by him.
Frei Boy is only “worked up” when it’s something the US does. Otherwise, he’s oblivious, as if this is some new thing. He cannot be trusted to report on US issues, or anything else. Yet he’s the trusted anchor for BBC World News America.
“The Week at Westminster” is one of the most left-wing biased programmes of the BBC.
Switched on today wondering which leftie would be presenting it. John Kampfner naturally was covering the Tory conference but surprised me by kicking with cuts, splits, splits, cuts, cuts , splits and difficulties for MPs to sell the cuts to their constituents.
I missed about 20 mins, switched on towards the end and Kampfner had changed the subject. It was now about splits, cuts, splits, splits and more cuts.
Thanks BBC, I think I am beginning to get the message.
I decided to guess which leftie would present next week and thought Andrew Rawnsley hasn’t been on for at least 2 weeks.
” Next week’s programme will be presented by Andrew Rawnsley “.
Well Grant, left-leaning John Kampfner (former editor of the New Statesman) was also the presenter last week, when he looked at leadership in the light of the Labour leadership campaign.
The week before (prior to the Lib Dem conference) it was left-leaning Jackie Ashley of the Guardian.
The week before that it was left-leaning Elinor Goodman.
The week before that it was left-leaning Andrew Rawnsley of the Observer.
You have to go back to 28th August to get a right-leaning presenter, Michael Dobbs.
“From our own correspondent” is often a good source of bias.
Today Kevin Connolly on Obama did at least mention his difficulties, although none of them are his own fault.
A South African Beeboid, or a Beeboid with a SA accent reports from Johannesburg that, since the end of Apartheid , the city has become a multi-cultural and multi-lingual paradise. Well he didn’t actually use the word paradise, but it certainly seemed idyllic. Most people there speak several langauges which he proceeded to list and then “I have just come out of a shop where everyone is speaking Turkish”.
I had this vision of Africans sitting around and deciding to go to night-classes to learn a new language and ” Hey, why not Turkish ? “. Beeboid prat didn’t make it clear that they were probably speaking Turkish because they were Turks. No question of how they got there and what they were doing.
Next report from what sounded like a very drunk Beeboid, but you never know because they all have this strange way of speaking, was from Eastern Germany. Of course, I am sure there are many East Germans who hanker after the Soviet Union, but you can be sure the BBC will ferret them out. This one was a former Ambassador who said things were much freer in the old days. Beeboid said that he didn’t want ask him about censorship, repression etc. I wonder why not ?
Yes, Kevin Connolly says Obama has lost his magic touch “at least for now” but he’s unlucky in that he “has the job at a moment in history when it may be on the point of becoming impossible”. It’s the fault, Kevin says, of the “psychotic” 24-hour news media and the “obstructive and begrudging” Republican minority. He doesn’t mention Obama’s unpopular policies, which might have even more to do with his present difficulties.
Well, Mardell said in his blog post from the other day (in which he admitted to a slight crisis in faith), those who think the President’s policies are the problem don’t count. Only the opinion of the faithful has any meaning, and they say it’s not the policies but His passion (no pun intended, I’m sure).
you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
The Delingpole blog at the telegraph about the 10.10 snuff/murder video now has one thousand five hundred comments and I cannot see on poster who agreed that it was “extremely funny”.
People who have seen it are outraged and for good reason, it is the sickest most vile piece of filth I have ever seen. The BBC are desperate to keep a lid on this like they did with climategate and helped by their MSM allies of course.
When will the BBC respond to this breaking news of great public interest? Just like climategate they will of course sit on it hoping it dies away, they will contact their friends and allies who made this piece of vile filth with the aim of creating a firewall and/or story killer/defence.
If the BBC are forced to air the story they might duplicate the climategate counter accusations and decry the people who keep showing the snuff movie after the makers withdrew it.
The BBC are nothing if not predictable in their partisan bias. Well Mr Black/Shukman/Harrabin what do think about the violent murder of children in a classroom by explosives?…..sound of crickets chirping….!
I think they are waiting for a few mates on twitter to chirp ‘what’s all the fuss about?’ before announcing that the majority of the UK (they mix with) thought it was just grand.
That everyone, from FoE to, is strapping barge poles together between them and 0 out of Ten seems not to have registered.
I’m waiting for ‘Downfall: the closer to the original than might be comfortable version‘, but here’s one to go on with:
They really are crazy, nothing matters as long as they get thier point across. Dangerous ground.
“Because we have got about four years to stabilise global emissions and we are not anywhere near doing that. All our lives are at threat and if that’s not worth jumping up and down about, I don’t know what is.”
“We ‘killed’ five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change,”
The BBC accepts the apocalyptic talk of the Warmists, but laugh at the apocalyptic talk of Christians. One is a religious belief, the other is a belief in something that can’t be proven.
I wonder if the BBC would be so happy and relaxed and forgiving if the targets for casual ‘hilarious’ murder were black/Jews(ooops scrub that group)/Roma/Gays/disabled?
If any of their beloved minority groups were the target of a video showing their casual murder the BBC would be blaring this out front page calling for criminal prosecutions, the rage would as explosive as the dissidents they portray being murdered.
I think the above video has been withdrawn from YouTube – not quite sure.
My take on the AGW explode video is that I don’t think the exploding is the offensive part. The thud of the shoe in the football episode is a bit much maybe, but to object purely on the basis of squeamishness is for wimps and prudes.
No, what I think is ridiculous is the fact that all those people could have gone to all that trouble, writers, actors, special effects, editors and whoever else collaborated to make it, without any one of them realising that the ‘joke’ (intolerance of dissent) was too close to the truth to be anything but a massive own goal.
I mean, we’ve all seen skits that end with people or animals exploding, and found them sort of amusing. It’s just that this clunking bit of film was so off the mark as propaganda for pro climate change activism, and it’s amazing that not one of the creative team saw that it comes across as a laboured kind of comment on the way the ‘sceptics’ are being bullied.
In today’s Mail Michael Wood, the telegenic tame right on BBC historian, is explaining his programme on Kibworth.
Read it and weep. The liberals just cannot help themselves and Wood is typical. 10th century Kibworth was “multicultural”( Anglo Saxons and Danes). That alone is very contentious and he must know it. 21st century Kibworth 10 miles from Leicester is just the same or should be if he had his way. Except it isn’t. It looked pretty traditionally English to me whereas today’s Leicester looks like something completely different( he calls it in the usual libby way “vibrant”.) Again this disconnection from reality which is the hallmark of the liberal approach. Leicester is a textbook example of white flight.
I could go on but a man who says in passing that only 40 villagers died in WW1 is hardly worth bothering with. His lack of empathy with England runs through every word unless it is to praise radical left leaning movements which in his words culminate in “the national working class culture of the 19th century”.
A typical example of the BBC agenda which is why I dislike this man and his programme. It is not really about old England but about the creation of the dream England of the left and using the past to achieve this.
It is pernicious but on the surface entertaining. The agenda is there as it is with most of the BBC/Guardian axis of liberal disinformation.
The one glaring bit of hypocrisy I see here is that we all know that an office or BBC programme full of only Danes and Anglo-Saxons wouldn’t be considered diverse at all, as they’re all white Northern Europeans.
Or by “multicultural” do they mean that it’s a combination of the indigenous population and the invading one living together by force of rule?
I can’t wrap my poor little xenophobic United Statesian head around this one.
Anyone else listen to Bringing Up Britain tonight on R4? Interesting research about family size but the elephant in the room was immigration and racial and religious demographics and how they relate to family size. The only mention this was a rabbi, and the reference was somewhat cryptic. Not one other contributer alluded to the fact it’s families ‘not of European descent’ that have the highest birth rates.
I blame our warmongering cowboy President for escalating the war and invading Pakistan to murder innocents and target enemies for assassination without due process and in violation of international law. I understand now how Muslim youths can become radicalized by Western aggression.
Here’s a highly explosive short film, written by Richard Curtis, from our friends at the 10:10 climate change campaign Explosive lacking quote marks, of course, and friends because the Guardian backs the campaign.
As I was watching the clip in horrified amazement that anyone could accept something that vile as a supposed advert for their cause, it struck me that Richard Curtis must have deliberately set out to sabotage the eco-fascist cause. Only other explanations are that he’s an eco-fascist himself, and so dumb that he really believed that sick rubbish would help the cause.
Here’s Lizzie Gillet, 10:10 global campaign director:
“With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines while making people laugh,” said Lizzie Gillet, 10:10 global campaign director. “We were therefore delighted when Richard Curtis agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and 10:10 would like to apologise to everybody who was offended by the film.”
Right! Many liked it but some didn’t – typical deluded lefty. In fact, it’s evident from the link above that there were hundreds of recommedations for comments against the ad, while the minority of comments supporting the ad attracted hardly any recommendations at all. A number of people who were against the ad were themselves supporters of the “cause.” And this was the response to the Guardians own supportive article.
I was specualating on the motives of Richard Curtis above, but here he is in his own words in the Guardian’s updated article:
Curtis said last night: “I was worried that the environment is an issue that can seem worthy and we will all just drift into disaster. So I thought it was worth trying to write something unexpected. But when you try to be funny on a serious subject, it’s obviously risky. I hope people who don’t like the little film will still think about the big issue and try to do something about it.”
So there we have it. The man is as brainless and as insensitive as the 10:10 group.
“Comments left on the Guardian website where the film was posted before being taken down on the 10:10 site, were split between those congratulating the team and others who thought it was in bad taste.”
The BBC report is biased and untrue. It implies that there is some sort of fifty-fifty division…
Do you know what makes me really angry about this vile video? It is that it was made in Britain.
It made me remember of something someone once said about Nazi Germany – “ could all this happen in one of the most civilised countries in the western world?” And the answer is people were scared. In Germany they had the brown shirts in Britain we have the ecofacists and PC, a deadly combination.
Had the BBC gone to the 10:10 website they would have found out that nearly all the comments were not at all congratulatory. The BBC using the Guardian as some sort of measure of public opinion is dumb as a beeboid.
“Why is Red Ed a lodger in his own £1.6m home? Not only is his name not on his son’s birth certificate, it’s not on the title deeds of his family house either”
Andrew Marr’s paper reviewers for the Labour Party conference last week were both Labour-supporters, Polly Toynbee and David Aaronovitch, both from the same wing of the party.
The week before’s paper reviewers for the Lib Dem conference, in contrast, were a right-wing Conservative supporter not wholly in sympathy with her party leader or the coalition (Amanda Platell) and a left-wing Lib Dem MP not wholly in sympathy with his party leader or the coalition (Charles Kennedy).
This week it was one Conservative supporter (supportive of the coalition), Carol Vorderman, and one Labour supporter, former Blair speechwriter Philip Collins of the Times.
I used to think it was some sort of BBC convention that the prime minister got longer interviewers on the Andrew Marr Show than the leader of the opposition – as all of Gordon Brown’s interviews on the show in the year before the general election lasted longer than those with opposition leader David Cameron (the week before or the week after).
It’s clearly not a convention as Ed Miliband’s interview last week lasted three-and-a-half minutes longer than David Cameron’s today – and that’s not including the extra sofa time he got at the end of the show (nearly a minute more than the prime minister).
That other Marr Show ‘convention’ – that the prime minister would be interrupted less than the leader of the opposition (Brown was always interrupted less than Cameron by Marr) – is another one that turns out not to be a convention either. Ed Miliband was interrupted 21 times last week, David Cameron 31 times this week.
The real ‘convention’ seems to be that Labour are treated more generously and gently by the Marr Show than the Tories, whether in or out of office.
It’s shocking when you analyse it, isn’t it? I didn’t see the interview but I would be willing to bet that David Cameron still comes across ten times better than Brown or MillipEd, despite the built-in hostility and low trickery of the Beeboid Corporation. And don’t the Beeboids know it too!
I can’t find it on their News website. If you Google Muslims kill Christians Pakistan BBC you get five results. One from Nigeria, two from 2009, one from 2010 and a Radio Today report from 2001.
Let’s just say that reporting the ongoing oppression and slaughter of Christians by Muslims in Pakistan or anywhere else in the Muslim world is not a high priority at the BBC.
Steve Kingstone’s sycophantic tribute to Brazil’s outgoing President makes no mention of his relationship with Ahmadinejad – something that has invited condemnation from Brazilians and non-Brazilians alike.
This is a very sad day.
A soldier with the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles has lost his life.
It was in an explosion, he was on active duty in the Nahr-e-Saraj district in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
He becomes the 299th soldier to have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
If any of you are working for the BBC and reading this, then I am putting you on Notice.
When the next British casualty happens in Afghanistan, report it as such, and not, as I suspect you will, as a Magic number.
We know you are biased, we know you don’t approve of the war, but for god’s sake, try not to report the next fatality with unbridied Glee.
Before getting to the links, let’s take a moment to note the dishonesty in this headline. First, Sanchez was fired; he didn’t “leave”. Second, he was fired for making anti-Semitic comments, which was bigoted of him. He said that Jews like Stewart don’t like to see non-Jews advance in society. Saying this is all about calling Stewart a bigot plays down the larger anti-Semitic tone of his comments.
Actually, I think Stewart is a bigot, but the Justin Webb kind, not a particularly ethnocentric kind.
I will, though, give the crack BBC News Online team one point for each time they allowed the word “Jews” through the censors. So that’s two points. However, I’m going to deduct two points for the dishonest headline and the BBC’s failure to mention in the lead para what kind of comments Sanchez made, as that’s the only salient point of the entire story.
Now for the links. The BBC News Online sub-editor supplied a good group of five links to other news outlets. First up is the Jerusalem Post.
Here’s how the Beeboid entered the headline of the JPost article:
CNN’s Rich Sanchez fired…
Here’s the actual headline. Spot the missing word.
As for the other links: uh, the Times of India? Does this irrelevant internatonal anlge lend gravitas or something? At least CBC is on the same continent, and we do tend to think of Canada as America-Lite. Oops, there I go being parochial and xenophobic again.
Only one out of five links – the Boston Globe – includes the J-word. The BBC censored the other one to play down that angle. Seems silly, but there’s no other reason for it. The only other US outlet is a relatively obscure South Carolina paper. Why not, say, the NY Times or the LA Times, or some paper with a national audience? USA Today, perhaps?
Well, that would mean the sub-editor would have to do a lot more censoring. The NY Times headline puts the lie into the BBC headline I mentioned:
Same goes for the LA Times. Even the BBC”s thought-leader on US issues, the WashingtonPost, says that Sanchez was fired, as does USA Today. The poor sub-editor must have spent half an hour trying to find a US publication that didn’t show up this article for being a little mean with the truth. The HuffPo? Oops, there’s that J-word again.
Pathetic effort, BBC. Final score: -5. See me afterwards.
The Boston Globe headline has gone David. Now none of the headlines linked to by the BBC includes the J-word.
The censoring of the JPost headline is bizarre. I can think of no good reason for it. Given that the long Times of India headline is given in full, it’s certainly not for reasons of space.
The most charitable interpretation of the BBC onliner’s weird sense of priorities in the article as a whole is that for them insulting their beloved Jon Stewart is such a bad thing it blinds them to everything else – including Sanchez’s astonishing anti-semitism.
That though still doesn’t explain those very deliberate dots…
Too funny. At least they read my comment ( 😉 ) and added the NY Times link which said Sanchez was fired. Plus we get another totally relevant view from India.
Although, they are updating a couple links to include Stewart’s response. Still, they haven’t put “fired” in their own headline yet.
I’m surprised the BBC linked to the JPost. They usually avoid it like the plague, concentrating on Ha’aretz because they know it is brimful of lefties.
It truly is bizarre to edit the headline of the link like that. Maybe they were trying to prove their “balance” by including the JPost. But then to edit out the mention of Jews….
Of course the propagandists are aware that most people will just skim an article and not bother to follow the links so they do their best to make the info on the page suit their agenda.
D’you think the BBC has demonised Jews to the point where the word Jew itself is a pejorative, and in a bizarre inversion of political correctness they have excised it from the language so as not to cause offence? In other words until a suitable euphemism is found, openly using the insult ‘Jew’ is banned out of consideration for ‘some of their best friends’.
There might be a document: Journalistic guidelines. ‘Rules concerning the word “Jew.”
New policy restricting the emotive word Jew. Unless absolutely essential, substitute the word……….?
The 10.10 ecofascist murder incitement has a new name, its called
‘no pressure,the final sollution’ =-O very apt I think.
EUREFERENDUM has the video the ecofasicsti wanted to show and perhaps given the passage of time will someday show.
BTW most of the executive branch of the SS were highly educated middle class law abiding and for their day sophisticated university graduates. Brought up by middle class parents with none of the discomforts of the masses.
It was they more than any other entity that devised schemes and oiled the wheels of a mass murder industry, these were no thick bone headed apes.
These technocrats were very bright and had listened to the early dog whistle calls by the nazi party to see Jews and others as less than human with humour used in the early stages to help ease the resistance that all humans have for such methods.
The people who devised the film are bright and educated, they have had the middleclass ubringing and the university education, they are the new technocrat class able to bring their education to bear in devising plans to elliminate their political enemies. They bear in thier hearts a horrifc darkness that awaits only the opportunity to reveal itself. The producers of this video knew exactly what they were doing and that is the danger we face, the coming nightmare will not arise by mass thug action but by these new executive class of hate merchants, it is this group who we must fear most.
OK – one of the BBC’s 25 Chief Political Correspondents, Norman Smith, was on Radio 5 PVS this morning. About 10 seconds after the programme’s host said that welfare costs Britain £192 billion a year (and rising) Norman said this…
‘For some Tories welfare reform has been a holy grail, a way of not only saving huge amounts of money but also for countering what they see as a deliberately intergenerational benefits lifestyle.’
Being a ‘some Tory’ myself, I find it very hard to know just where to begin there. So I’ll just leave it… splendid in its isolation.
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 19:55 Start the Week 31st March 2025 USA (2020) good – stop Trump. Romania good – stop Georgescu. France good – stop Le Pen. Turkiye bad -…
ZephirMar 31, 19:55 Start the Week 31st March 2025 “Lib Dems refuse to probe MP accused of ‘shocking’ sweary tirade on constituency visit. The MP for Tiverton and Minehead…
Today marks the start of the new ‘Harperson’ equality law. So R4 today with humph has a lefty womans rights person saying how wonderful it was. She went on about the unequal pay statistic of 17% between men and women. Humpf did not question it. He should as this is the same stat that Harperson had to go back into Parliament and appologise for ‘misleading the house’ or ‘lying through your teeth’ in our language. The reason it is such a lie is that the stat compares mens and womens wages, The fact they are doing DIFFERENT jobs and work DIFFERENT hours is totally ignored.
You guys are way behind the times:
Women in Tech Make More Money And Land Better Jobs Than Men
According to CNBC, 91% of males who are computer science majors and find jobs within six months of graduation earn an average starting salary of $60K.
In contrast, 95% of women who find jobs within that same time frame are paid an average salary of $62K.
Neumont University, which teaches a 2.5-year computer science program, says their women are extremely valuable within the industry, getting placed better, and faster, than males. But only one out of every twenty students is female.
Tech companies are looking for diversity, they say, and research has shown that women coders are actually better communicators.
Diversity discriminates every time.
It would be interesting to compare the pay of Paxman to say Maitlis. I reckon I know who earns more and it isn’t the one with tits.
Paxman has the bigger tits
I am afraid that with every day that goes by , I am beginning to suspect that this government will be not much different from the last. I don’t even trust them to abolish ID cards. Politics in the UK is pretty much dead.
And the latest is the ludicrous Theresa May ( what is the point of this ridiculous woman ? ) giving the police the right to strike. What next, the Armed Services ?
I reckon 17% is fair; after all, for one week in four…..
While delivering a cup of tea to Mrs Bup this morning I had the misfortune to catch thirty seconds of Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State. Talking about the section of Harriet Vile’s Law that allows person C to take an employer to court if person C is offended by something person A says to person B, Sheila ‘Tittering Coquette’ Fuggarty said, ‘That’ll upset the anti-PC brigade’.
Living in her softie-leftie hopey-changey BBC bubble it is probably beyond Tittering Coquette to work out that this law is a charter for lawyers and vexatious litigants to earn money at (one way or another) everyone else’s expense.
It’s not about being anti-PC, it’s about being anti-stupid.
AS with much “equality” law the actual result is usually the reverse of that intended. The more “rights” you give employees to beat employers with the less of those people, other than in the public sector, will be employed by employers who wish to avoid time at tribunals.
If accused of “racially” selecting someone for redundancy the employer has to prove he hasn’t, which is an interesting approach. So what would you do when selecting new employees – you avoid the possibility of an accusation of racism arising, or now an “ethnic” being upset by other workers. Similarly as more and more “rights” are given to the expectant female the sensible employer avoids taking on those likely to be availing themself of those rights at the employers expense!
It’s called the law of unintended consequences!
It’s worse than that he’s dead, Jim.
Apparently Person C doesn’t even have to be present when Person A racially abuses/ normal office banters Person B, he just has to hear about it. No wonder the ‘anti-PC brigade’ (ie normal people) will be upset.
I confess to have read this in the Daily Mail so it may not be true 😉 I only get the Daily Mail because I know it annoys the pretrendy lefties.
John Cruddas, Labour MP:
“The Tea Party is more dangerous than the BNP”
Yes, they can actually elect candidates into the national legislature, and they really piss of the far-Left elite. Other than that, not so much.
Is the BBC going to jump on this bandwagon?
John Cruddas has always been a moron.
Thank you for calling. Good day.
A WARNING TO *THE TROLL: This Site Contains Pointed Critical and/or Argumentative text that serves only to ‘feed’ a black-hole in the mind of a pathetic troll that exists through bordom and ignorance/stupidity. This person,dear friend, thinks that he can change ‘ideology’ merely through the act of venting repetative comments on this site. he, of course, cannot!
The B- BBC generates some comments then the ‘stalker’ arrives and dumps his pointless trash upon it, thinking that that is the action of an intellectual. The result being the web-site suffers from a troll who’s foolish statements hang aroud like a pile of rotting shit.
Contribution to the BBC’s web-site is fun Commenting on any BBC narrative brings the troll to frothing . The first anoys the troll . The second is the troll behaving like a retard wasting your time.
It’s far better, dear reader, to spend ones precious time on more useful and intellectual activities. Basically, leave this poor imbecile to their own demise.
I think it is quite good fun to wind up trolls now and again !
Scott M:
I thought you weren’t coming back here anymore?
Did I miss something?
Has the troll gone back to his cave taking out his stupid comments as I can’t see them.
Yep but he will be back when there’s nothing on womans hour ! 😀
I don’t think trolls ever delete a comment.
Agreed. I’d like to request that those childish posts be left up in future, as removing them makes us look as thin-skinned as a BBC employee, while leaving them up gives everyone a chance to see the troll for what he is.
It’s sometimes the things the BBC doesn’t report that irk just as much as the things it does. I wonder if there will be coverage of this on the evening news?
Doubt it.
It was raised on Richard Black’s laughing stock blog, but this suffered a flurry of referalls to mods until going straight through watertight oversight to a much more final ‘closed for comments’ before Helen Boaden could check her pension plan investments.
Plus, with addition irony, I now find I also co-fund this effort via quangos, etc, as well as the news medium that seem to have, at least on this inconvenient topic, so far, a bit of a ‘black out’.
The BBC’s beloved Twitter continues to provide unintended insights into the corporation’s genetic bias, especially its extraordinarily biased Washington outfit.
So far this site has busted several of the BBC’s Washington team.
Katie Connolly, formerly of Newsweek, is a twitter-buddy of many JournOListas (she tweeted no less than six of them last month alone) and quotes them (and many like them) very liberally in her often highly-loaded articles – such as this one which seems to be anonymous but turns out, if you check here, to be her biased work.
Then there’s former Guardian America correspondent Daniel Nasaw and Obama 2008 campaign worker Matt Danzico – both keen Sarah Palin-bashers on Twitter, as DB showed.
The unit is headed by long-term beeboid Matthew Davis, who follows no right-wing blogs or journalists on Twitter but plenty of left-wing ones.
Now, in the spirit of DB, Twitter suggests there’s yet another left-leaning BBC journalist at their Washington journalist: Iain MacKenzie, who seems (from his tweets) to have taken up his new posting in July. He may need watching too.
Here’s one recent tweet:
Glenn Beck’s using a Hitler analogy… again. The usual drivel.
11:15 PM Sep 24th via web
I remembered Mr MacKenzie as the smirking beeboid who ‘reported’ disdainfully on Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honour’ rally back in late August. He described Mr Beck as “a conservative, right-wing talk show host” and “a very controversial and divisive figure” and yet described the liberal, left-wing rabble-rouser – and very controversial and divisive figure – who organised the opposing rally, the Rev Al Sharpton, merely as “a civil rights leaders and contemporary of Dr Martin Luther King Jnr”.
Other tweets have digs at Fox News and Sarah Palin (of course).
He is entitled to his personal views. He isn’t entitled to let them bias his reporting. He needs watching to see if the above example is merely a one-off lapse or something more serious.
Just look at Mackenzie a pasty faced camp liberal.
Good catch, Craig.
The identikit clone inevitably of the plonkers from the BBC who see Twitter as their one degree of separation to spew personal opinion as BBC commentary is getting out of hand.
Is it the job of the UK’s national broadcaster to make snide swipes at other media that may have, and represent, some views that the internal BBC hive mind can’t cope with?
I would suggest, from Charter downwards… not.
It’s a serious point.
Too bad the BBC hasn’t the wit to see that just because you can do something doesn’t mean it is a good idea to do it.
Throw out adherence to the charter obligation, throw away any aspiration to standards, integrity, impartiality and what are you left with? Nothing worth defending. Nothing worth forcing everyone to pay for.
Have you noticed the BBC-NUJ’s political self-advertisements between TV programmes for its ‘Today’ propaganda, in which ‘multiculturalism’ is presented as a fact?!
Eco-jihad – the movie – by Richard… Friday, October 01, 2010
This is a must read.
Gosh, this is resonating.
I am almost as concerned at the Graun going into meltdown with its censorship, complemented by Richard Black’s blog zipping straight through watertight oversight to comments closed when this… inconvenient topic… cropped up.
This an appalling reflection on propagandistic mindsets that will brook no free speech that does not conform.
The Graun can do what it likes, and enjoy the consequences to its reputation of its actions.
That various public-funded agencies are complicit, using public money, in all this just muddy already soiled waters.
BBC-NUJ is very pro-European Union, of course. The yielding of national sovereignty to the E.U. bureaucracy fits with BBC-NUJ political preference for international undemocratic governance, over democratic national self-determination.
In the following piece, BBC-NUJ merely serves as a mouthpiece for E.U.’s increasing political and economic control over nation states:
“EU lays out sanctions to punish budget rebels”
Alternative, non-INBBC view:
“The EU is an antidote to democratic governments, argues President Barroso”
i did it people. i cancelled the direct debit to pay the licence fee. as of now i have decided to not watch any tv. i want to be congratulated for not paying to get al beeba indoctrination.
also hearing about the striking beebas get their pension demands agreed to did not make me annoyed. i was serenity personified.
Well done keep it up !
I would like to just jaxstapose the BBC news coverage of the NHS changes and the Channel 4 News coverage.
The BBC have been supine, as per usual to the BMA, you know “Stop drinking, stop smoking, wear seatbelts and just eat lettuce”. No hard questions, all agreement, etc.
Channel 4 News tonight (Indie rather than Guardian) put it straight. “Doesn’t the BMA moan everytime there is a change to the NHS?” A fair point. They do. Haven’t seen the BBC even come close to even that level of questioning.
Fair point, the head of the BMA got an easy ride yesterday on “The Daily Politics”, but did go off script a bit when he said doctors and medical staff should have more say in the management of the NHS.
How did this country survive before “managers” were invented ?
Just the other day, Mark Mardell’s faith was at a low ebb. Seeing all those rats abandoning a sinking Adminstration was causing him to doubt his belief in the President just a little bit, and he accidentally let it show in his blog post. Upon seeing Rahm Emanuel leave for Chicago. and fretting over the departure of the Sec. of Defense and National Security Advisor in the near future, Mardell said this:
The last three jobs are important in themselves. As for the others, they’re important if the president comes to feel he has fewer friends around. It is not exactly bunker White House yet, but if Mr Obama replaces them with more Chicago insiders it may feel increasingly like that.
So today it emerges that his beloved Obamessiah has indeed replaced Emanuel with another one of his old inner circle. He’s not exactly a Chicago insider, but is a Washington and Administration insider and long-time fixer.
Is it a bunker yet, Mark?
All the signs are distinctly bunkerish, I’d say.
Archie Bunkerish?
Here’s some news from the US that the BBC didn’t find time to cover, what with all that celebrity news and the poor kid who killed himself and that Facebook movie. At least George R will be pleased that the BBC reported something about Canada, even if it is a UK-centric story.
But this is what the BBC chose to ignore in the last few days:
Liberal bloggers are bringing down Obama
The essence of their critique is that the White House lacks a moral compass. The instances where Obama displays a flash of moral authority – the mosque speech comes to mind – these bloggers cheer him with the same fervor as his most ardent fans.
Some will dismiss them as minor players in the wider national discourse, but two things make them a thorn in the administration’s side: a) they have a disproportionately large influence on the political debate, with numerous readers and followers — among them major media figures; and b) they develop the frames and narratives that other progressive Obama critics adopt and disseminate.
The editor of Rolling Stone magazine did a cover-feature interview with the President, in which he asked the following questions:
When you came into office, you felt you would be able to work with the other side. When did you realize that the Republicans had abandoned any real effort to work with you and create bipartisan policy?
How do you feel about the fact that day after day, there’s this really destructive attack on whatever you propose? Does that bother you? Has it shocked you?
What do you think the Republican Party stands for today?
Maybe at least one of the platoon of BBC employees living in the US is going to read it over the weekend and write about it.
Once again, the violence comes from the Left:
Tea Party Coloring Book Publisher Says He’s Getting Death Threats
The author-publisher of “The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids” says he has received death threats over its publication.
Wayne Bell, publisher of Clayton, Mo.-based Really Big Coloring Books, said in an interview with CBS that his $3.59 coloring book is not political. But some critics think the book was designed for politically conservative adults, and not for children.
This one’s about the Soros-funded J-Street group, the only Jewish Lobby the BBC found praiseworthy.
Israel lobby aided Hill visits for U.N. report author
Yes, J-Street helped out Goldstone. No wonder the BBC likes them.
And lastly, here’s how the wonderful, thoughtful, nuanced brain of the President says goodbye to his faithful servant:
White House Staff Gives Rahm Emanuel Dead Fish as Parting Gift
Of course the Left would never indoctrinate children.
No doubt this story will not be covered by the BBC.
There were some good jokes in the comments field under James Delingpole’s article – for no good reason! Such as:
Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, and the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.
LOL (no really) It’s all your fault, I’ve woken my partner up but that was funny. Just imagine if this was a right-wing organisation which made a video depicting kids being blown up who disagreed with whatever point they wish to put across, then the BBC would have the story on the front page as soon as you can say the-bbbc-is-full-of-shite.
If your partner is still sleeping at 8:53, I would get a new one 😉
Not if I’ve been keeping her up all night. 😉
There is nothing like a game of nightime scrabble.
If only they would during the Archers !
Yes and wouldn’t it also qualify as a hate crime?
The Richard Curtis Eco child snuff movie.
Finally on the BBC, well on their website.
Judging from the reaction of the 10:10 fascists, five bucks says that they took the public outrage as proof that people who don’t agree with them are tiny-minded idiots.
Blooming boiling! Listening to “Today” (Sat morning) and the crap from the presenters is unbelievable. The one interviewing Lord Young about changes to Health & Safety rules asked, “well if you can break your leg doing something, why can’t you smoke cannabis. Much safer.” The ignorance and bias of these morons is so blatant that it would sound incredible if presented as a comedy show.
And speaking of “ignorance”, I’ve also emailed “Today” asking why they keep producing the oafish Lard Prescott on the programme when none of the presenters are able to control him.
Now off for an extra beta-blocker to try and get the BP down.
Thompson gives more licencepayers’ money to BBC-NUJ-BECTU staff:
“BBC strikes called off after £20million management climbdown”
A triumph for objectivity!
A triumph for integrity!
A triumph for genes!
A triumph for Ed!
Depends on what one sees with one’s own eyes, or what gets pumped out from the BS factory that is the BBC ‘views’ team.
ps: Um, who paid to buy off this latest mis-management problem?
Um that would be us, eventually, as it is all licence fee money.
Sure, but what front-line services will be cut to pay for these fat-cat pensions? It’s going to hurt children and the poorest most of all.
Proving a bad week for luvvies, and inter-luvvie love?:
Will the BBC report this? I suspect not.
There is no schism in Labour. The BBC told me so. Who cares if the former chairman of Gordon Brown’s economic team said they screwed it up?–Labours-new-leader-Ed-Miliband.html
No, the BBC can’t see any splits within the Labour party
Oh dear, the BBC are NOT HAPPY that Lord Young might be trying to roll back the nanny state.
The ending of Freedom of Speech in Britain, courtesy of Coalition govt, Labour, BBC-NUJ, etc, which endorse this:
“Death of the office joke: Coalition enacts Harriet’s PC equality law which means ANYONE can sue for ANYTHING that offends them”
Read more:
‘Eeek, to the Bat-bunker, comrades, the pooh has gain hit the fan!’
Meanwhile, as the truth whooshes around the world thanks to the independent web, the MSM (and its aged Aunty especially) are still figuring out which boots to pull on to stomp on an inconvenient outing.
Er, guys, that doesn’t work like it used to. FYI.
Now silence is more than consent. It’s complicity.
The BBC is in ‘kill the story’ mode about one of the sickest most vile CAGW cult advertisments top date.
The casual staged murder of children and adults who dare to dissent from the alarmist orthodoxy and whats worse the makers, a group with close government ties thought it was hilarious and claimed many found it extremely funny.
The group called 10.10 or some such silly name wanted to use humour to display dissenters and sceptics killed in front of others, the smiling killers lending the illusion of normal behaviour and all done with humour as the main ingredient.
I dont know about you but I dont find the murder of innocent children fun at all but maybe the BBC does? You can only imagine the rage and anger if a right wing group made a film about murdering UAF/ANL/ALF street thugs, it would be hold the front page stuff and guests round the block queuing to add fuel to the condemnation bonfire.
But the perverts who made this trash are BBC friends and allies and maybe even some of the volunteers were off duty beeboids so you can more or less bank on the fact that the BBC will not be reporting this story if they can get away with it.
When I saw the videos I had the distinct feeling that someone was taking the mickey and the Green sponsors of the spots were too thick to realise.
Good post Cass, totally agree with you. Imagine if this video was done by some god botherers depicting a teacher asking if her pupils believed in god, the ones who said they didn’t getting blown up, splattered all over the classroom. The BBC would have this on the front page for sure, possibly even on regular times on news 24.
Here’s one Aunty’s minions may get their heads around better:
I wonder what would happen if some right wing group did a video which showed eco loons being ‘slotted’ for fun?
INBBC’s Frei, is concerned about ‘Stuxnet’ cyber attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities; but he is unconcerned about the threat posed by Islamic Republic of Iran, and so is unmentioned by him.
Stuxnet leads us into a new era
For Frei:
“Iran’s Global Terrorist reach”
Apparently Matt Frei doesn’t read his own colleagues’ news reports:
Estonia hit by ‘Moscow cyber war’
This is from 2007.
US ‘trouble’ by China cyber attacks
That one is fro January of this year.
Frei Boy is only “worked up” when it’s something the US does. Otherwise, he’s oblivious, as if this is some new thing. He cannot be trusted to report on US issues, or anything else. Yet he’s the trusted anchor for BBC World News America.
“The Week at Westminster” is one of the most left-wing biased programmes of the BBC.
Switched on today wondering which leftie would be presenting it. John Kampfner naturally was covering the Tory conference but surprised me by kicking with cuts, splits, splits, cuts, cuts , splits and difficulties for MPs to sell the cuts to their constituents.
I missed about 20 mins, switched on towards the end and Kampfner had changed the subject. It was now about splits, cuts, splits, splits and more cuts.
Thanks BBC, I think I am beginning to get the message.
I decided to guess which leftie would present next week and thought Andrew Rawnsley hasn’t been on for at least 2 weeks.
” Next week’s programme will be presented by Andrew Rawnsley “.
“kicking off” !
Well Grant, left-leaning John Kampfner (former editor of the New Statesman) was also the presenter last week, when he looked at leadership in the light of the Labour leadership campaign.
The week before (prior to the Lib Dem conference) it was left-leaning Jackie Ashley of the Guardian.
The week before that it was left-leaning Elinor Goodman.
The week before that it was left-leaning Andrew Rawnsley of the Observer.
You have to go back to 28th August to get a right-leaning presenter, Michael Dobbs.
Exactly, it is so blatant, how can anyone deny it ?
“From our own correspondent” is often a good source of bias.
Today Kevin Connolly on Obama did at least mention his difficulties, although none of them are his own fault.
A South African Beeboid, or a Beeboid with a SA accent reports from Johannesburg that, since the end of Apartheid , the city has become a multi-cultural and multi-lingual paradise. Well he didn’t actually use the word paradise, but it certainly seemed idyllic. Most people there speak several langauges which he proceeded to list and then “I have just come out of a shop where everyone is speaking Turkish”.
I had this vision of Africans sitting around and deciding to go to night-classes to learn a new language and ” Hey, why not Turkish ? “. Beeboid prat didn’t make it clear that they were probably speaking Turkish because they were Turks. No question of how they got there and what they were doing.
Next report from what sounded like a very drunk Beeboid, but you never know because they all have this strange way of speaking, was from Eastern Germany. Of course, I am sure there are many East Germans who hanker after the Soviet Union, but you can be sure the BBC will ferret them out. This one was a former Ambassador who said things were much freer in the old days. Beeboid said that he didn’t want ask him about censorship, repression etc. I wonder why not ?
Sounds to me like Balkanization and self-segregation = a gloriuos multicultural state.
Oh, and NOTHING is His fault. The fault lies in the hearts and minds of those who don’t truly understand Him.
Yes, Kevin Connolly says Obama has lost his magic touch “at least for now” but he’s unlucky in that he “has the job at a moment in history when it may be on the point of becoming impossible”. It’s the fault, Kevin says, of the “psychotic” 24-hour news media and the “obstructive and begrudging” Republican minority. He doesn’t mention Obama’s unpopular policies, which might have even more to do with his present difficulties.
Well, Mardell said in his blog post from the other day (in which he admitted to a slight crisis in faith), those who think the President’s policies are the problem don’t count. Only the opinion of the faithful has any meaning, and they say it’s not the policies but His passion (no pun intended, I’m sure).
you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deutoronomy 13:3
Katty Kay is on Rahm Emanuel’s White House visitor list, along with a host of JournoListas. Now we know how the BBC is able to stay on message.
The Delingpole blog at the telegraph about the 10.10 snuff/murder video now has one thousand five hundred comments and I cannot see on poster who agreed that it was “extremely funny”.
People who have seen it are outraged and for good reason, it is the sickest most vile piece of filth I have ever seen. The BBC are desperate to keep a lid on this like they did with climategate and helped by their MSM allies of course.
When will the BBC respond to this breaking news of great public interest? Just like climategate they will of course sit on it hoping it dies away, they will contact their friends and allies who made this piece of vile filth with the aim of creating a firewall and/or story killer/defence.
If the BBC are forced to air the story they might duplicate the climategate counter accusations and decry the people who keep showing the snuff movie after the makers withdrew it.
The BBC are nothing if not predictable in their partisan bias. Well Mr Black/Shukman/Harrabin what do think about the violent murder of children in a classroom by explosives?…..sound of crickets chirping….!
O, it’s on the site now. Tucked away.
I think they are waiting for a few mates on twitter to chirp ‘what’s all the fuss about?’ before announcing that the majority of the UK (they mix with) thought it was just grand.
That everyone, from FoE to, is strapping barge poles together between them and 0 out of Ten seems not to have registered.
I’m waiting for ‘Downfall: the closer to the original than might be comfortable version‘, but here’s one to go on with:
Now, what’s the betting….
They really are crazy, nothing matters as long as they get thier point across. Dangerous ground.
“Because we have got about four years to stabilise global emissions and we are not anywhere near doing that. All our lives are at threat and if that’s not worth jumping up and down about, I don’t know what is.”
“We ‘killed’ five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change,”
BBC where are you?
The BBC accepts the apocalyptic talk of the Warmists, but laugh at the apocalyptic talk of Christians. One is a religious belief, the other is a belief in something that can’t be proven.
“We killed five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 94 million real people that our heroes killed for a very similar ideology”
I wonder if the BBC would be so happy and relaxed and forgiving if the targets for casual ‘hilarious’ murder were black/Jews(ooops scrub that group)/Roma/Gays/disabled?
If any of their beloved minority groups were the target of a video showing their casual murder the BBC would be blaring this out front page calling for criminal prosecutions, the rage would as explosive as the dissidents they portray being murdered.
The ‘no pressure’ parody is out now on youtube by Fredo1070 and its a real gem!
Go and watch it please and anyone who can link to it please do so because we should all watch it.
I think the above video has been withdrawn from YouTube – not quite sure.
My take on the AGW explode video is that I don’t think the exploding is the offensive part. The thud of the shoe in the football episode is a bit much maybe, but to object purely on the basis of squeamishness is for wimps and prudes.
No, what I think is ridiculous is the fact that all those people could have gone to all that trouble, writers, actors, special effects, editors and whoever else collaborated to make it, without any one of them realising that the ‘joke’ (intolerance of dissent) was too close to the truth to be anything but a massive own goal.
I mean, we’ve all seen skits that end with people or animals exploding, and found them sort of amusing. It’s just that this clunking bit of film was so off the mark as propaganda for pro climate change activism, and it’s amazing that not one of the creative team saw that it comes across as a laboured kind of comment on the way the ‘sceptics’ are being bullied.
The parody video was still up a little while ago.
In today’s Mail Michael Wood, the telegenic tame right on BBC historian, is explaining his programme on Kibworth.
Read it and weep. The liberals just cannot help themselves and Wood is typical. 10th century Kibworth was “multicultural”( Anglo Saxons and Danes). That alone is very contentious and he must know it. 21st century Kibworth 10 miles from Leicester is just the same or should be if he had his way. Except it isn’t. It looked pretty traditionally English to me whereas today’s Leicester looks like something completely different( he calls it in the usual libby way “vibrant”.) Again this disconnection from reality which is the hallmark of the liberal approach. Leicester is a textbook example of white flight.
I could go on but a man who says in passing that only 40 villagers died in WW1 is hardly worth bothering with. His lack of empathy with England runs through every word unless it is to praise radical left leaning movements which in his words culminate in “the national working class culture of the 19th century”.
A typical example of the BBC agenda which is why I dislike this man and his programme. It is not really about old England but about the creation of the dream England of the left and using the past to achieve this.
It is pernicious but on the surface entertaining. The agenda is there as it is with most of the BBC/Guardian axis of liberal disinformation.
But if he cannot cope with the idea or actuality of England, I wouldn’t say that that is being liberal.
The one glaring bit of hypocrisy I see here is that we all know that an office or BBC programme full of only Danes and Anglo-Saxons wouldn’t be considered diverse at all, as they’re all white Northern Europeans.
Or by “multicultural” do they mean that it’s a combination of the indigenous population and the invading one living together by force of rule?
I can’t wrap my poor little xenophobic United Statesian head around this one.
Anyone else listen to Bringing Up Britain tonight on R4? Interesting research about family size but the elephant in the room was immigration and racial and religious demographics and how they relate to family size. The only mention this was a rabbi, and the reference was somewhat cryptic. Not one other contributer alluded to the fact it’s families ‘not of European descent’ that have the highest birth rates.
Not so eager to bleat the multcult word tonight, then. Sometimes it doesn’t suit the agenda, it seems.
Yes, BBC-NUJ will not be taking this urgent, sensible advice from the ‘Sunday Express’:
“Get a Grip on Immigration”
Is INBBC interested in this, or does it just want to cut Defence spending?
“SAS officers warn that Britain is unprepared for a Mumbai-style attack”
“US may issue travel warning for Americans in Europe”
I blame our warmongering cowboy President for escalating the war and invading Pakistan to murder innocents and target enemies for assassination without due process and in violation of international law. I understand now how Muslim youths can become radicalized by Western aggression.
“Act now on Dopey Davis”
Here’s the Guardian’s buddy-buddy and supportive article on the eco-fascists:
Here’s a highly explosive short film, written by Richard Curtis, from our friends at the 10:10 climate change campaign
Explosive lacking quote marks, of course, and friends because the Guardian backs the campaign.
As I was watching the clip in horrified amazement that anyone could accept something that vile as a supposed advert for their cause, it struck me that Richard Curtis must have deliberately set out to sabotage the eco-fascist cause. Only other explanations are that he’s an eco-fascist himself, and so dumb that he really believed that sick rubbish would help the cause.
Here’s Lizzie Gillet, 10:10 global campaign director:
“With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines while making people laugh,” said Lizzie Gillet, 10:10 global campaign director. “We were therefore delighted when Richard Curtis agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and 10:10 would like to apologise to everybody who was offended by the film.”
Right! Many liked it but some didn’t – typical deluded lefty. In fact, it’s evident from the link above that there were hundreds of recommedations for comments against the ad, while the minority of comments supporting the ad attracted hardly any recommendations at all. A number of people who were against the ad were themselves supporters of the “cause.” And this was the response to the Guardians own supportive article.
I was specualating on the motives of Richard Curtis above, but here he is in his own words in the Guardian’s updated article:
Curtis said last night: “I was worried that the environment is an issue that can seem worthy and we will all just drift into disaster. So I thought it was worth trying to write something unexpected. But when you try to be funny on a serious subject, it’s obviously risky. I hope people who don’t like the little film will still think about the big issue and try to do something about it.”
So there we have it. The man is as brainless and as insensitive as the 10:10 group.
Helen, yooo-hoo! Helen… are you there…?
“Comments left on the Guardian website where the film was posted before being taken down on the 10:10 site, were split between those congratulating the team and others who thought it was in bad taste.”
The BBC report is biased and untrue. It implies that there is some sort of fifty-fifty division…
Did they mention that this “campaign” is endorsed by Clegg and his deputy Cameron?
Do you know what makes me really angry about this vile video? It is that it was made in Britain.
It made me remember of something someone once said about Nazi Germany – “ could all this happen in one of the most civilised countries in the western world?” And the answer is people were scared. In Germany they had the brown shirts in Britain we have the ecofacists and PC, a deadly combination.
Had the BBC gone to the 10:10 website they would have found out that nearly all the comments were not at all congratulatory. The BBC using the Guardian as some sort of measure of public opinion is dumb as a beeboid.
Ed Miliband, Labour values, and BBC-NUJ.
“Ed Miliband ‘will marry’ but politics ‘got in the way'”
‘Mail on Sunday’:
“Why is Red Ed a lodger in his own £1.6m home? Not only is his name not on his son’s birth certificate, it’s not on the title deeds of his family house either”
Read more:
Andrew Marr’s paper reviewers for the Labour Party conference last week were both Labour-supporters, Polly Toynbee and David Aaronovitch, both from the same wing of the party.
The week before’s paper reviewers for the Lib Dem conference, in contrast, were a right-wing Conservative supporter not wholly in sympathy with her party leader or the coalition (Amanda Platell) and a left-wing Lib Dem MP not wholly in sympathy with his party leader or the coalition (Charles Kennedy).
This week it was one Conservative supporter (supportive of the coalition), Carol Vorderman, and one Labour supporter, former Blair speechwriter Philip Collins of the Times.
Lucky Labour!
I used to think it was some sort of BBC convention that the prime minister got longer interviewers on the Andrew Marr Show than the leader of the opposition – as all of Gordon Brown’s interviews on the show in the year before the general election lasted longer than those with opposition leader David Cameron (the week before or the week after).
It’s clearly not a convention as Ed Miliband’s interview last week lasted three-and-a-half minutes longer than David Cameron’s today – and that’s not including the extra sofa time he got at the end of the show (nearly a minute more than the prime minister).
That other Marr Show ‘convention’ – that the prime minister would be interrupted less than the leader of the opposition (Brown was always interrupted less than Cameron by Marr) – is another one that turns out not to be a convention either. Ed Miliband was interrupted 21 times last week, David Cameron 31 times this week.
The real ‘convention’ seems to be that Labour are treated more generously and gently by the Marr Show than the Tories, whether in or out of office.
It’s shocking when you analyse it, isn’t it? I didn’t see the interview but I would be willing to bet that David Cameron still comes across ten times better than Brown or MillipEd, despite the built-in hostility and low trickery of the Beeboid Corporation. And don’t the Beeboids know it too!
‘Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen .. ‘ .. A split arrow on that bull’s eye Craig!
Can I anyone tell me if the BBC are covering this story? I can’t find it.
I can’t find it on their News website. If you Google Muslims kill Christians Pakistan BBC you get five results. One from Nigeria, two from 2009, one from 2010 and a Radio Today report from 2001.
Let’s just say that reporting the ongoing oppression and slaughter of Christians by Muslims in Pakistan or anywhere else in the Muslim world is not a high priority at the BBC.
Steve Kingstone’s sycophantic tribute to Brazil’s outgoing President makes no mention of his relationship with Ahmadinejad – something that has invited condemnation from Brazilians and non-Brazilians alike.
What a surprise.
This is a very sad day.
A soldier with the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles has lost his life.
It was in an explosion, he was on active duty in the Nahr-e-Saraj district in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
He becomes the 299th soldier to have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
If any of you are working for the BBC and reading this, then I am putting you on Notice.
When the next British casualty happens in Afghanistan, report it as such, and not, as I suspect you will, as a Magic number.
We know you are biased, we know you don’t approve of the war, but for god’s sake, try not to report the next fatality with unbridied Glee.
I shall be listening to you !
Check out how the BBC is even censoring ‘From other news sites” links:
Rick Sanchez leaves CNN after Jon Stewart bigot remark
Before getting to the links, let’s take a moment to note the dishonesty in this headline. First, Sanchez was fired; he didn’t “leave”. Second, he was fired for making anti-Semitic comments, which was bigoted of him. He said that Jews like Stewart don’t like to see non-Jews advance in society. Saying this is all about calling Stewart a bigot plays down the larger anti-Semitic tone of his comments.
Actually, I think Stewart is a bigot, but the Justin Webb kind, not a particularly ethnocentric kind.
I will, though, give the crack BBC News Online team one point for each time they allowed the word “Jews” through the censors. So that’s two points. However, I’m going to deduct two points for the dishonest headline and the BBC’s failure to mention in the lead para what kind of comments Sanchez made, as that’s the only salient point of the entire story.
Now for the links. The BBC News Online sub-editor supplied a good group of five links to other news outlets. First up is the Jerusalem Post.
Here’s how the Beeboid entered the headline of the JPost article:
CNN’s Rich Sanchez fired…
Here’s the actual headline. Spot the missing word.
CNN’s Rich Sanchez fired after comments on Jews
As for the other links: uh, the Times of India? Does this irrelevant internatonal anlge lend gravitas or something? At least CBC is on the same continent, and we do tend to think of Canada as America-Lite. Oops, there I go being parochial and xenophobic again.
Only one out of five links – the Boston Globe – includes the J-word. The BBC censored the other one to play down that angle. Seems silly, but there’s no other reason for it. The only other US outlet is a relatively obscure South Carolina paper. Why not, say, the NY Times or the LA Times, or some paper with a national audience? USA Today, perhaps?
Well, that would mean the sub-editor would have to do a lot more censoring. The NY Times headline puts the lie into the BBC headline I mentioned:
CNN Fires Rich Sanchez for Remarks in Interview
Same goes for the LA Times. Even the BBC”s thought-leader on US issues, the WashingtonPost, says that Sanchez was fired, as does USA Today. The poor sub-editor must have spent half an hour trying to find a US publication that didn’t show up this article for being a little mean with the truth. The HuffPo? Oops, there’s that J-word again.
Pathetic effort, BBC. Final score: -5. See me afterwards.
The Boston Globe headline has gone David. Now none of the headlines linked to by the BBC includes the J-word.
The censoring of the JPost headline is bizarre. I can think of no good reason for it. Given that the long Times of India headline is given in full, it’s certainly not for reasons of space.
The most charitable interpretation of the BBC onliner’s weird sense of priorities in the article as a whole is that for them insulting their beloved Jon Stewart is such a bad thing it blinds them to everything else – including Sanchez’s astonishing anti-semitism.
That though still doesn’t explain those very deliberate dots…
Too funny. At least they read my comment ( 😉 ) and added the NY Times link which said Sanchez was fired. Plus we get another totally relevant view from India.
Although, they are updating a couple links to include Stewart’s response. Still, they haven’t put “fired” in their own headline yet.
I’m surprised the BBC linked to the JPost. They usually avoid it like the plague, concentrating on Ha’aretz because they know it is brimful of lefties.
It truly is bizarre to edit the headline of the link like that. Maybe they were trying to prove their “balance” by including the JPost. But then to edit out the mention of Jews….
Of course the propagandists are aware that most people will just skim an article and not bother to follow the links so they do their best to make the info on the page suit their agenda.
D’you think the BBC has demonised Jews to the point where the word Jew itself is a pejorative, and in a bizarre inversion of political correctness they have excised it from the language so as not to cause offence? In other words until a suitable euphemism is found, openly using the insult ‘Jew’ is banned out of consideration for ‘some of their best friends’.
There might be a document:
Journalistic guidelines. ‘Rules concerning the word “Jew.”
New policy restricting the emotive word Jew. Unless absolutely essential, substitute the word……….?
So… Helen. How’s that genetic impartiality and dedication to professional news repwhoring and editorial working out?
If I may repeat from above…
Guest Who
Helen, yooo-hoo! Helen… are you there…?
The 10.10 ecofascist murder incitement has a new name, its called
‘no pressure,the final sollution’ =-O very apt I think.
EUREFERENDUM has the video the ecofasicsti wanted to show and perhaps given the passage of time will someday show.
BTW most of the executive branch of the SS were highly educated middle class law abiding and for their day sophisticated university graduates. Brought up by middle class parents with none of the discomforts of the masses.
It was they more than any other entity that devised schemes and oiled the wheels of a mass murder industry, these were no thick bone headed apes.
These technocrats were very bright and had listened to the early dog whistle calls by the nazi party to see Jews and others as less than human with humour used in the early stages to help ease the resistance that all humans have for such methods.
The people who devised the film are bright and educated, they have had the middleclass ubringing and the university education, they are the new technocrat class able to bring their education to bear in devising plans to elliminate their political enemies. They bear in thier hearts a horrifc darkness that awaits only the opportunity to reveal itself. The producers of this video knew exactly what they were doing and that is the danger we face, the coming nightmare will not arise by mass thug action but by these new executive class of hate merchants, it is this group who we must fear most.
Heres another splattergate soof, great special effects.
OK – one of the BBC’s 25 Chief Political Correspondents, Norman Smith, was on Radio 5 PVS this morning. About 10 seconds after the programme’s host said that welfare costs Britain £192 billion a year (and rising) Norman said this…
‘For some Tories welfare reform has been a holy grail, a way of not only saving huge amounts of money but also for countering what they see as a deliberately intergenerational benefits lifestyle.’
Being a ‘some Tory’ myself, I find it very hard to know just where to begin there. So I’ll just leave it… splendid in its isolation.