I was away at the weekend so have only just picked up on the full horrors of the Splattergate film saga, in which kids who do not believe in global warming lunacy are blown up by their teacher and their body parts spattered on their warmist chums. Richard North has covered what warming fanatics really want to do with their opponents admirably (scroll down for several items on the topic); I particularly liked his links to Hitler’s treatment of dissenters or those considered impure.
What I haven’t seen mentioned is that Richard Curtis, the creative genius behind this whole disgusting wheeze, is a particular darling of the BBC and remains a trustee of its favourite charity, the warmist zealots Comic Relief. And the BBC website gives acres of space here to the makers of the film for them to explain that the whole escapade was OK really, it’s just been seen in some senstive quarters as bad taste. As usual, there’s not a peep in the story from anyone who would spell out that the makers are arguably certifiable, warped lunatics who have a central hold on BBC ideology.
All I ask is if the Tories had done such a film the BBC wouldn’t shut up about it.
We know the left are violent scum, always have been always will be.
The Tories are supporters of the 10:10 campaign. They won’t like this publicity.
A Guardian reader comment selected by the BBC website…
“To suggest that people who disagree with you deserve to die is incredibly stupid. Imagine if some Christian group in the US did that to gays, Muslims, or anyone else they disagree with. The outrage would be palpable. And deserved.”
I’m really not sure I can cope with that level of irony at this time of the morning.
You have to wonder if the producers of this series did any preliminary audience testing? Too capitalist?
Not too capitalist, but clearly unnecessary in their minds. Of course everyone who saw the piece was going to agree with it wholeheartedly. Only the unbelievers wouldn’t appreciate it, and they wouldn’t watch it anyway as it wasn’t shown on the Mail website or during The One Show.
The producers were schocked by the negative response. They literally had no idea anybody would object to their fire and brimstone.
The symbolism of the piece is the concept of the destruction of the perceived other. The other being guilty of the crime of non-conformity.
The ‘other’ is guilty of the crime of non-participation. The other is a ‘waste of space’ and therefore can be casually be destroyed.
Evil. It is aimed at children.
Jüd Süss was also a ‘comedy’ for the in-crowd. Just a laugh. It also had, for the time, great production values. It ended with a hanging. But all good fun. No animals were hurt.
BBC, these people are totalitarian. Wake up.
People, the stinking BBC is totalitarian. Wake up!
You lot here just don’t understand!
The ends obviously justify the means: a bit of propaganda and a few children’s nightmares are all to the good of the cause!
As one of the child actors so tellingly said, blowing up a few children must be a good way to deal with climate change. Now, if only we could get 60-70% of the Earth’s population (obviously starting with you right-wingers) think what a paradise we would have!
Nahhh the greenies and giaists should be first they can show us the way lead by example and all that ! as they have lead the world in the past on A.G.W/climate change /climate disruption or weather to the rest of us , then we can all end up in the great hole/// soz ‘whole’ they want us to join them in where we will all get our 72 virtues and a ‘bag for life’ !
[mind knowing my luck the bag will be jo brand! looks nowt like her brother Russell ???]
They may have an article on their website but have the BBC ever mentioned it on TV or radio? I heard nothing over the weekend so if they did it was pretty low profile.
As opposed to the publicity the BBC might give to, say, a right wing politician who says something daft.
A classic case of BBC bias by omission.
Viz the Christine O’Donnell ‘revelation’. In any other context the BBC would be lauding witchcraft/Wicca as a perfectly laudable religion that should be given equal standing with Christianity.
Pre-9/11 they would rubbish Islam as antithetical to everything they believe in, now they see it as a convenient vehicle to help them fulfill their totalitarian ambitions.
Mr Curtis’ squalid little video reveals what is genuinely in the minds of leftists concerning people who disagree with them.
You can see it running through the minds of Paxman and Wark, hear it in the voices of Humphrys and Naughtie.
Anyone know how the BBC has reported Druids being given charitable status ?
The 10:10 organisation ie 10 out of 10 organisation for eco-fascism, is getting caned at their site. I wonder how long before it is all scrubbed, and they announce a new beginning- another giant leap forward.
Not very long by the looks of it, all the comments are gone now unless something has broken. It doesn’t surprise me that they would do such a thing, ‘progresive’ types usually only like freedom of speech when someone agrees with them.
Nope, nothing is broken. They have removed all 800+ comments, just like they did on their Youtube channel.
Komment Macht Frei.
From the highly visible exposure… well, a factually inaccurate wee site post… the BBC is giving this, the likes of Richard Black & Co. are either in the moderators’ bunker closing down anything in sight as ‘watertight oversight’ or with Mr. Patchy on the latest climate guys’ ‘retreat’, where doubtless Franny, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey … and Dicky and Jemima have also scarpered to ‘regroup’ and have a group hug at how ‘beastly’ the world is at not seeing they are right.
‘Comments left on the Guardian website where the film was posted before being taken down on the 10:10 site, were split between those congratulating the team and others who thought it was in bad taste.
Er, no Aunty, unless your idea if ‘a split’ is 100:1 as opposed to 10:10.
Even such as FoE and 350.org were appalled. So with maths like that you’d be up for a CRU tenure before anyone can say ‘we think we got it about right’ on Newsnight.
Or maybe it’s just that famous genetic impartiality at work, eh, Helen? Hele? Are you there love? Heeeelen?
Must be counting her pension again.
Just revisited the site after a long while, and the designated rebutt-head there for this thread (the cuts must be biting, as there is seldom now more than one per, but they do seem to work a full 10 to 4 day), Simon21, is doing an awesome job of making the 10:10 guys look almost slick in their PR crisis management.
Repasting everything in site and then throwing toys out of pram with near unintelligible tripe, plus the odd ad hom (I think he really does believe ‘Spawn of Rupert!/Daily Mail Reader!’ counts as an argument) really is the way to sway independent readers. Keep it up dude!
I don’t know what’s wrong with you lot on here that you can’t all just appreciate the edgy humour behind this Splattergate video
Just as long as the so called humour does not contradict the leftist narrative and agenda of course.
Its all a great laugh, breaking new ground bringing cutting edge comedy UNLESS it was eco warriors/black people/disabled/muslims being murdered in a casual way THEN it would be full on hardcore outrage and calls for prosecutions for hate crimes.
Just as long as the targets for murder are white and British its a real laugh a minute, who cares about white children anyway if they are antisocial counter revolutionary elements and enemies of the people, kill em all and laugh about it along the way.
Once in a while the mask slips and we see the ugly face underneath and boy is it ugly! These ugly perverts were NOT joking and they were NOT trying to be funny, the eco fascists would really truly like to murder their enemies and place real fear in the population to toe the line OR ELSE. That is what the message meant you see, the state will kill dissidents but do not feel empathy for them or YOU will be next, have a laugh but remember they are not human they are not real people just lice or rats.
The minds who created the 10.10 no pressure video could have created the eternal Jew, they could easily have come up with the idea of showing sceptics as rats in a sewer or lice in rags or a gross spider fangs dripping blood in a web and in the web is a helpless young girl.
The aim is to instill hate and fear, fear of being different or daring to contradict the new masters, the aim is to strip the humanity and empathy for the target enemy from those around them, dehumanize and accuse and deride and separate.
You are right about the BBC burying the story to protect one of it’s top assets Richard Curtis. The Masons have nothing on the BBC.
Smug Richard Black on Splatter Gate
It’s a blog, you can leave comments.
Thanks for the link. Black realizes the snuff film was an own-goal, but you can tell what side he’s on when he describes it as
children in a classroom being erased from the register of life
Cute. It’s everyone else’s fault, of course, and he excuses the 10:10 fascists by pointing out that the righteous are getting desperate because the masses aren’t listening enough.
And Black still doesn’t get it. He says that because of this, people are focusing on the “campaign bloop rather than the campaign itseif.”
Actually, Richard, your problem is precisely that this video made everyone notice the mindset of the campaign itself. We all had a good laugh at those idiots flushing a Saudi flag down the toilet, but this is a bit different.
Then Black shows his devotion to the UN and the concept of a group of elites controlling the entire world by describing a country’s attempt to protect its national sovereignty as an act of desperation because his darling UN hasn’t been able to force everyone’s behavior in the desired direction. National sovereignty has a use after all at the BBC. Who’d have thought? Too bad they don’t want Britain to have any.
‘Actually, Richard, your problem is precisely that this video made everyone notice the mindset of the campaign itself. ‘
In one.
He’s tried to tuck a brief mention in there, and even then redirect from the mindset by playing up the furore as a ‘them vs. us’ spat.
But yet again, as I am starting to notice, the groupies for this blog are few in number (especially vs. those not so enamoured), but also as inept as those seeded to be rebutt-heads across the BBc blog system.
Just had a gander, and one has just pretty much confirmed the worst fears of those less happy with the 10:10 mindset by irony-free demanding all dissent be excised, while another has defended ‘balance’ by pointing at a minor site broadcast-only post which is factually incorrect, seemingly based on the original Franny, Dick, Eugenie ‘apology’ where they noted a few folk didn’t ‘get’ the joke the rest of the planet really appreciated.
Even these numpties have now moved, too late, to humble pie and a quick reality check.
But not the BBC.
“Sen. James Inhofe (R., Okla.), the ranking member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, tells National Review Online that the clip is an “outrageous, last-ditch effort” by the green movement to “scare little kids into thinking that they could be killed if they don’t believe what they’re told to believe.”
Has Clegg and his deputy Cameron who have signed us all up to this 10:10 campaign organised by the extreme left wing greenies, said anything yet?
Comedians and other assorted luvvies have been noticeably quiet about this on Twitter. Not a good career move to disagree with Mr Comic Relief, or just can’t see what all the fuss is about? Bit of both probably.
Curtis’s influence extends beyond the BBC – his brother-in-law is PR bigwig Matthew Freud (how ironic given the publiciy over this) who in turn is married to Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elizabeth. Check out the guest list for Liz’s 40th birthday bash in the Cotswolds a couple of years ago. Coincidentally Murdoch’s UK media outlets don’t seem to have shown much interest in the Splattegate story. The Sun’s article on it reads like a press realease from the 10:10 campaign, and that’s about as much as I can find. Nothing from the Times search engine (unless it’s hidden behind the paywall) Has anybody seen Sky do anything about it?
The MSM response has been much like the response to climategate, muted and quiet and almost as if the NUJ who control much of the media has got its members to stamp down hard on this scandal.
The NUJ/SEJ and others have a stranglehold on news nowadays, its why so little real news and genuine examination of the facts takes place, the new media is showing the way again.
I’m not so sure it is NUJ control Cassandra as pure idleness on the MSMs part. No one is holding any press conferences about this story or handing out press releases the journalists can cut and paste from. Hence its a none story for them.
Re-post, for reference:
‘”No Pressure’: New Environmental Campaign Glorifies Eco-Fascism”
The 10.10 snuff movie pornography has pushed Sony to quit sponsoring the 10.10 campaign.
Thats one big bailout so far.
The Nazi wannabes have taken down their original non appology, the “many people found it extremely funny” one and replaced it with something a little more sheepish.
Onward and upward eh Frannie? pompous asshole!
Who would have thought that the portrayal of the casual murder of children in front of other children by a smirking teacher was not funny? Ha ha ha…er…ha ha…uhm…..?
You just don’t have a sense of humour 😉
These Warmist nut jobs should go and have a word with the Russians, because the Commies are not having any of this global warming crap. Check this out:
They reckon we’re being lined up for the coldest winter in 1,000 years and maybe on the cusp of a new Ice Age.
Wonder what Al Bore would make of that?
I don’t think the Chinese take it seriously either .
The Chinese are playing the game and working it to their own advantage of course.
Rare earth metals? Oh yes this is one thing the ecofascists are quiet about, the new eco tech products are stuffed with the metals that China is keen on controlling, its no accident that China is happy for the West to destroy itself on the alter of saving the planet’N’stuff.
China sits on trillions of dollars and the West is in debt for trillions of dollars and China is industrialising where the West is destroying its economies and industrial power.
China will nod and smile and hand the West just enough rope and when the West is in deepest trouble the Chinese will move in. The West is commiting mass suicide by means of destroying its own industrial economic base. Traitors at the top are betraying us all.