Brought to my attention by another eagle-eared B-BBC Reader, Ryan.
“Have a listen to the 10-11PM hour on 5 Live from yesterday. A reply of a “live” debate “from the Conservative Conference”. Several observations —
1. The Conservative debate was the only one to not be broadcast live but shunted to the late evening schedule at short notice and with hardly any publicity because of the Ryder Cup. What is 5Live SPORTS Extra for?
2. Listen to the first 30 minutes and you will be hard pressed to find a more feral bunch. Much worse then any Question Time audience. Was there any audience moderation? I suspect not.
3. Despite repeatedly being misled that this was “from the Conservative Conference” — hmm, you do wonder why a Tory audience was so anti Tory policies — you have to listen for quite a while to hear it was being recorded “just around the corner” from the ICC. Ahh. I began to wonder if it was held at the TUC HQ?”
Actually it was supposed to be live online yesterday morning when the ball and stick hitters were going around. However, when I checked online there was a message saying there was a ‘technical fault’ (I wish I’d done a screen capture at the time) so I couldn’t listen.
As I posted in the general thread WHY wasn’t the golf booted to Radio 4 long wave?
TUC H.Q..Or…Perhaps THIS… is a far more realistic venue for the BBC to pose questions, to “concerned” members of the British public.
So In other words, just like Question Time, but on radio, where the BBC don’t even need bother requesting that their beloved Socialist activists, bathe or dress properly, so I would dare hazard a guess that were interviewing a group of swivel eyed, smelly tramps, who’d just finished protesting outside the conference itself, with their moronic slogan “Tory Scum Out Of Brum” which of course no doubt had the BBC squealing in approval.
If it was a deliberate attempt and it appears to be, to mislead the listener into believing it was canference delegates involved, I look forward to the Tories asking the bbc for a public appology for the deception.
Is there an SFX for tumbleweed?
I, however, am adding it to my growing list of factual failings tat Ms. Boaden seems to feel are genetically impossible.
IDS did his speech about restructuring the benefits system. Spelling out the bad benefits culture Labour had left this country in.
That reminded me of the last time IDS was on Question Time; he started to give a similar message, but was stopped. How; by a fellow panellist Hattie Harpie giving lap dog Dimbleby a nudge with her elbow, so that he could shut IDS up. Harpie and Labour lap dog thought the TV stream was on IDS, they did know know they were also in full view. That TV shot showed how the Siamese twins, Labour and bBC, are joined at the hip.
Do you mean this…
I see the Sun has a poll showing 83% of people agree with the child benefit cuts. Seems to me the BBC should shut up, they can afford to take the cut in their money, after all are they not all socialists who believe in redistribution of wealth.
I had a feeling that public opinion on cutting universal child benefit for people earning over twice the national average salary of £22,000p.a. wasn’t what the BBC’s been reporting it as being. Will the BBC report that Sun/YouGov poll (which it would be interesting to read in full) or any others that might show similar results? Can the BBC just ignore them?
Yes !
WoW isn’t it funny when the poor are losing out in the spending review its ok, but the moment tory middle class voters,well off people have to pitch in, all hell breaks loose.
Ah but this hurts your typical BBC reporter, Toenails even said so himself, that’s why they are so upset. The BBC are typical socialists, they believe in redistribution of wealth, so long as it’s someone else’s wealth being redistributed.
Read my post again, i was not being sarcastic, and the meltdown is in the tory camp over this issue,not the bbbc.
Any meltdown in the Tory camp is because whoever wrote up the scheme left a gaping hole in it big enough to drive a TV License Detector van through.
The meltdown is because the Tories are NOT challenging the BBC over this ‘myth’ of thousands of wealthy widows on 45k a year losing child benefit.
Most of the people on these high salaries use child benefit for other things and if as the BBC claim these people are so badly off why did the BBC not demand that their income tax is reduced?
Someone on Guido’s blog reckons the one eyed twat made a bit of a knob of himself on Newsnight Scotland tonight. Apparently he said that the Royal Navy had been patrolling the seas for thousands of years, which will be news to the rest of us.
It’s not up at the moment on the BBC iplayer but did anyone see this? I just wonder if he did say that if the BBC will hammer him like they did Cameron for his WW2 error? I suspect not.
Did the ancient Royal Navy patrol the shores of Obama Beach?
It’s true, but the BBC wont be over keen to allow the video to upload Internet wide.
It’s their old “Dear Leader” for Gods sake.
Here we go then Martin….The thousands of Years Royal Navy quote, by Gordoom McMad:
Cheers I look forward tot he BBc playing this as often as Cameron’s screw up about 1940.
Or Mcdoom’s about ‘Obam beach’, Obama’s about ’58 states’ or McMental’s nose picking?
Was he talking about the possible cancellation of the building of the aircraft carriers and what a blow it’d be for the economy . . . . of Poland!
Don’t worry. I’m sure the cutting-edge lefty topical comedy shows will give him a beating for this, just like they do with Sarah Palin, George Bush, Christine O’ Donnell, the Jews &c.
THousands of years. That’s funny. Going round and round eternally like the Flying Dutchman.
Up until the English taking over the Scottish navy was a reference to their alcoholic incontinence and not military might.
When the fleets merged in 1707 I believe the Royal Scots navy compised three ships, oddly this was the number of ships that Gordon Brown was aiming to reduce the Royal Navy to,
Yup. He even corrected himself back to “hundreds” then added back in the “thousands”. He’s only got a PhD in History and we know he’s not good with numbers.
What a mong.
PS the studio discussion didn’t mention the faux pas. Imagine if it had been Sarah Palin!?
That was supposed to be a reply to Martin…
He’s only used to talking about billions these days.
The Moron’s PhD was in the History of the Labour Party in Scotland so could never fail at a Scottish University.
I was going to say you couldn’t have expected him to know about English history pre-1707 !
But, give us a break, we did give Royal Navy the great Admiral Cochrane. Not quite Nelson but ….
Every single Tory politician interviewed by the BBC has had the same narrative spun to them by the beeboids “It’s not been a good week for you has it?”
The BBC had that narrative before the conference even started, they were going to find something and dig their teeth in regardless.
Thing is last week the BBC were trumpeting a poll that showed Liebour ahead of the Tories, now one in the Sun shows the Tories well ahead and the BBC…..ignore it.
Why should we ignore the BBC? It was their relentless support for Labour that helped Labour avoid well deserved electoral meltdown in May. They must not be allowed to continue their spewing of pro-Labour and anti-Tory propaganda.
Does anyone else out there just crave some proper adult political conference coverage ? Instead of the endless emphasis on personalities and jumping up and down anytime anyone proposes something a little different why not have a few shows that show the conference fringe debates. Then look at the up and coming personalities and ideas but without judgemental comment from the party old guard the media keep inviting on at this time of year.
I’m not just talking about the Tory conference here but also the Labour and Lib Dem ones also as they also have ideas and personalities who are aren’t yet mainstream.
Oh well I can dream.
Saw Hague being grilled by Bill Turnbull (I think) about a proposed sovereignty bill this morning, the BBC’s anti-British/pro-EU agenda on stark display for all to see.
Don’t worry Beeboids! Hague is up against Labour, the Lib Dems, the pro-EU section of his own party and, of course, the BBC so he’ll never get it through. Don’t worry your little selves.
I don’t think I would exactly describe Hague as a Euro-sceptic. But you are right nothing will happen.
National Sovereignty?
“William Hague promises UK sovereignty law”
BBC-NUJ won’t like that. It would prefer power to reside in EU, trade unions, UN, OIC.
Of course, Hague’s pronouncement on this won’t amount to much in practice; along with Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, BBC-NUJ, they are all campaigning for the continuation of mass immigration into Britain through their joint advocacy of membership of 80 million Turks into the EU and the concomitant Islamisation of EU and UK.
Link to above:
Yes I saw that Turnbull prattled on about “not sending the right singals out to the EU” The only signal we should be sending the twats in the EU is this one.
Watching Sopel and Kuensberg gibbering at each other over “cuts” and the mythical widow 44ker is mind numbing. Do the BBC pay these two more than 44k?
Minimum wage would be more than enough.
No real analysis. No evidence of real news gathering ability.
Cameron has nothing to fear long term from these fools.
Maitlis just said that the Tory Conference has been “almost destabilized by the backlash” against you know what.
She’s talking to a writer from the Telegraph, and for balance a former speechwriter for Blair who now works for the Times. They’re speculating now about how depressing Cameron’s speech is going to be and how “fairness” is going to be a problem. Well, using your opponent’s language – again – is not a sign that you’re winning the argument. Another BBC success in controlling the agenda.
I would say that any destabilization has been done by the BBC with their relentless attack on a single issue. Is there anything else the Conservatives have said or done this week worth discussing?
To prepare the audience for Cameron’s speech, the BBC has Sopel talking to Danny Finklestein and Laura Kuenssberg. They’re hopefully suggesting errors he might make. Yet again it’s all superficial swipes.
There wasn’t a single instance of this sort of thing during the Labour conference.
Kuenssberg just revealed her personal political bias again, and barely caught herself before completely letting it out. She and Sopel and Finklestein are having a cozy chat about all the ways Cameron’s speech could go wrong, whereas a certain Labour leader gave a great, memorable speech.
“There are lines that still stay with…..with people,” she said, catching herself as she touched her chest on the first “with”.
And she’s going to replace Nick Robinson one day.
First time anyone has touched her chest ?
Hey, check out the national leader giving a speech without a teleprompter. I haven’t seen that in a while…
notice the beeb turns down the sound when there is a video presentation didn’t do that at the liebore shindig…biased no never
Richard Bacon just did 20 minutes solid dissing the Tories with Toilets Maguire. He spoke to two Times hacks as well. I’ve hardly heard or seen a proper Tory Hack interviewed anywhere all week, and I’m certain that the Ed Miliband speech wasn’t dissed beforehand with a right wing hack.
“Daily Politics” had their tame, wet, Tory, Matthew Parris on. Is it because he is gay ?
Been meaning to ask you for ages , why “toilets” ? Is it a reference to Hampstead Heath ?
Notice the sound going off at the end of DC speech,no clapping heard at the end,bbc bias again
Isn’t it time for each BBC-NUJ commenter to state their personal political affiliations, how much more than £44k they each are paid by us, and their personal parental status? All that affects their political bias, of course.
E.g. Ms Flanders is very keen to put the Tories right on child benefits, but she could have the honesty to at least point out that she has a vested interest in all this: she has two young children and a ‘partner’, presumably she is not married.
Child benefit saga: Lessons to be learnt
But didn’t Mz flanders say the Tory married persons allowance planned by DC wouldn’t make her marry? Didn’t she say that on Newsnight? So why is child benefit so important yet a marriage allowance not?
The three Beeboids covering this conference have been as negative as possible, and now they have on Andy Burnham to say that it’s all “a shambles” and the Conservatives aren’t ready for government.
Sopel challenged one statement by basically repeating what Gove told him, but Burnham is mostly allowed to go on and on. Sopel agreed that Burnham had made “legitimate political points”. Now Burnham is getting a free rein to spout whatever he likes.
Did we get a Tory commenting on Red Ed’s speech last week? I don’t remember one.
I don’t remember any Tory commenting on any aspect of Labour’s conference last week.
Sopel, of course , made the point that Burnham obviously wasn’t ready to be leader of the Labour Party.