Richard Black’s at it again, this time claiming to discuss objectively whether meat rearing is sustainable. His agenda of course, is that he is a greenie and greenies such as IPCC boss Patchy Pachauri and his acolytes make no secret of their contempt for human carnivores. They want the world to become vegan in the name of “sustainability”. Mr Black sticks closely to this script and uses as the main fulcrum of his bleatings a paper by two eco-nuts from Canada, who have done what such people always do, created a snappy model of “earth boundaries” and then said that by 2050, we will all be dying because of our nasty meat-lust.
As usual, Mr Black chooses to ignore alternative viewpoints, such as this admirable discussion by Willis Eschenbach, in which he shows that if meat production stopped tomorrow, more, not less, land would be needed to grow replacement vegetable protein, and we would also lose the ancilliary products from animal husbandry such as leather and feathers – all of which would take extra resources to produce. In other words, the Canadian model, along with the greenie obsession with vegetarianism, is a load of cobblers (of course you might not want to eat meat for other reasons, but that is a separate debate). Yet again, Mr Black ignores the key facts.
It’s a delight to see the veggie cause floundering in their attempts to make us switch away from eating meat. They seem to have abandoned the ‘meat eating is cruel to animals’ argument – which is a great shame, as I’m about to launch a website chronicling all the animals that will get killed in the course of the arable year. I’ve chosen a field on my farm where I’m growing breadmaking wheat (if it ever stops raining), and I’m going to list the dead animals and how they’ve died. It’ll be a gruesome start with slugs being killed by metaldehyde, dying a slow, agonising death by dehydration. But then veggies don’t care about slugs, do they? Then it’ll be rats, rabbits, mice, and on right through the arable year with aphids and the infamous (if you’re a milling wheat grower) orange blossom midge. It’s carnage. But as long as it says ‘suitable for vegetarians’ on the side of that loaf in Tesco’s, veggies will be smugly content.
So it’s quite fun watching them clinging firmly to the AGW ship as it sinks.
Yes, the veggies are showing the strain, nowhere more so than in Canada.
Yet here in the UK, I thought it was rather naughty of Hovis to start adding, at no exta cost, mice into their bread.
Once I came across dark balls in a loaf of Hovis (last year) and I immediately thought rat droppings. Luckily we hadn’t eaten anything from that loaf, but when we sent it back to Hovis they claimed that it was just over-baked dough or something. I always wondered if they were trying to fob us off, now I’m even more convinced.
Hmmm, could have been rat droppings. Except the last ten years have seen a massive tightening in the standards and ‘security’ of grain stores – and no bad thing, really. We get inspected yearly, and our stores have to be vermin-proof and sealed against rodents. I employ a local vermin control man to go round all the farm buildings every month, check the poison stations, and then write a nice note I can show to the inspector. It means we can’t have a barn cat any more (he used to live inside the combine harvester all winter – never had any wires chewed by mice back then), and barn owls aren’t allowed near, er, barns. We’re lucky to be alowed to drive from the field to the barn during harvest without putting a secure sheet over the top to avoid random bird droppings!
The milling and baking process normally pulverises foreign objects – the mouse in the loaf, and your dark bits certainly sound like post-farm ‘additions’.
The rats I kill in the arable year tend to be the surprisingly large number that live out in the fields, and get cruelly slaughtered by cultivations.
What kind of balls were they? Because everyone knows rats love to shoot hoops.
Hello Chuffer, wonderful to see you back ! What really really depresses me , is that they seem to be able to dismiss as irrelevant the small practical details , like approx 1/3 of the country being too steep / wet / rocky, for anything other than livestock rearing. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a grumpy peasant.
What about some sustainability at the BBC?
Casualty, Holby City and Doctors.
Radio1, Radio 1 extra, Radio 6, Radio 2.
Flog It, Car Booty, Bargain Hunt.
For the sake of the planet why doesn’t the BBC stop making the same old dross again and again? Is there a more extravagant and wasteful corporation in the UK than the BBC?
The BBC is eager to sustain its own vast income so it can mass manufacture lots of very similar downmarket programmes. That’s about as far as sustainabilty goes at the BBC.
Hey if the ecofascists want to save wildlife they could support a ban on the bird mincing windmills.
Pet food? let them eat cabbage eh? Milk cheese and butter? who needs it eh?
The ecofascists have a mental illness, there is something missing in their brains making it impossible for them to see the consequences of their actions, it all sounds so great in their minds you see.
If the ecofascists thought they could get away with it they would have tanker deliveries of standard gruel to every street, you go and wait and queue up for your allowance every week ration card in hand.
There is no limit to their authoritarian streak, they believe that if only they enjoyed complete power over us then the world would be fabulous, what they really truly want is a world of mindless obedient droids to rule over.
Reminds me of a great film quote – see
Raving nutters, all of them. Do they REALLY think we’re going to stop eating meat in the name of eco-religion? No chance, no chance at all. As I’ve written elsewhere, they are now clutching at straws, because nobody believes them any more – that’s why they are reduced to threats and warninggs of death, mutilation or other persecution for daring to question the greenie, veggy faith. They know, and we know that they’ve bitten off far more than they can chew, if the 10:10 nonsense is anything to go by. They’ve lost the plot, and any credibilty that they might have had (which was never much to start with).
How long can this be kept up? They appear to be really scraping the barrel in their search for things to frighten us with in order to persuade us to comply. It’s not working, is it?
Messrs. Black and Horrobin have both been exposed for the green leftie creeps they really are.
God, how I wish this namby-pamby government could see the light, and kick both the BBC and the eco-loony faction into touch. They really need to wake up sharpish, before the Former United Kingdom is utterly destroyed, and the inhabitants finally revolt.
Greenery is not rational it is an aberrant cult. We (humans) are guilty of environmental sin. We have ‘tortured’ our planet (mother earth/ Gaia/ Ninhursag) and are deaf to the ‘screams of the butterflies’. It is all thoroughly mad. Like the numerologist who was caught carving lines in the pyramids to create number relationships which he thought ought to be there to explain the true nature of ‘reality’, ecoscience, ecopsychology and all the other ecos have set up a structure of reality with is seriously deficent in terms of hard science but very attractive to those who feel they have been ‘saved’.
That’s my three bobs’ worth.
It’s all utterly bonkers…
What would farmers do with all the ‘useless’ animals? They wouldn’t feed them because that costs money.
Oh dear, another little difficulty for the veggies.
Men, women, and children are expected to dress in their finest clothing to perform Eid prayer (ṣalātu l-`Īdi) in a large congregation is an open area or mosque. Muslims who can afford to do so sacrifice their best domestic animals (usually sheep, but also camels, cows and goats) as a symbol of Abraham’s sacrifice. The sacrificed animals, called uḍiyyah (Arabic: أضحية, also known as “al-qurbāni”), have to meet certain age and quality standards or else the animal is considered an unacceptable sacrifice. Generally, sacrificial animals must be at least one year of age.
It must be awful being a green explaining his theory to the Bradford Mufti council. And they mean so well.
But they could send a nice (recycled paper) greeting card to show that they are well into the joys of vibrancy:
November 16th this year, chaps.
Ah, sustainability. Applied by Beeboids to everything except economics.
What is “sustainablility”?
It has a very different meaning to the ecofascists, it means power and control and a platform from which to launch their bid for that power and control.
Many who spout the word ‘sustainable’ have no intention of living a sustainable lifestyle yet they wish to force others(lower orders)to exist in their hellish version of an East Germany/Soviet block grey dismal authoritarian creation.
Its about being able to dictate to others how they live their lives according to their principles, do as I say not as I do. They can fly and live the high life because they are somehow more essential than us and it really truly is an ‘animal farm’ mentality. They alone have the intelligence and superior mindset and they alone must bear the ‘burden’ of leadership, not because they desire it(they excuse themselves)but because we need them to guide and teach and rule over us.
And the animals looked from man to pig and from pig to man and then again from man to pig and they could no longer tell them apart. Beware any false prophet who claims to be the font of wisdom and knowledge and if only you obey without question they will take you to paradise, its hell they are taking you via a long tall portion of kool aid!
Just a quick scientific point here.
If, as omnivours we can no longer feed ourselves, doesn’t this just scream “STOP BREEDING”.
There’s a lay in Kensington, who featured in today’s R2 Vine show, to much Aunty coo-ing, who may disagree.
Tried to find a link, and got more than I bargained for….,17311,25567,26788,26885,27014&xhr=t&q=housing+benefits,+kensington,+8+children&cp=40&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=housing+benefits%2C+kensington%2C+8+children&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=d2cd4c9c2aff9b1d
Apols. That”s ‘lady’. Totally unintentional, but…
“Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Sir Paul McCartney are just two of the public figures who have called on us all to eat less meat in order to curb the rate at which the world warms.”
I presume Pachauri is a Hindu:
“In accordance with ahiṃsā, many Hindus embrace vegetarianism to respect higher forms of life.”
Paul McCarthy on the other hand was a pop singer with a famous band who is extremely rich and like his friend before him Lennon, is full of his own importance.
Neither of them have a mandate to tell us to do a thing – if they want to change how we live – stand for election?
Black, as with all the bloated BBC “commentators” uses the tried and tested propaganda techniques to try and indoctrinate.