Question Time tonight comes from Birmingham, largest council in Europe and which has seen the invention of gas lighting, custard powder, Brylcreem, and the magnetron.
On the panel tonight we have an entirely unelected bunch: Baroness Warsi, Charles Clarke, Susan Kramer, Max Mosley and راجح عمر (Rageh Omaar).
For those playing the Buzzword Bingo, we’ll be playing the ToryBashing Rules which means that pro-Tory remarks will score double because they’ll be as rare as hen’s teeth. Playing your Child Benefit joker combined with protect universal benefits or destroying the postwar consensus only gets the usual score….however it’s a double score played with paying for Charlotte’s pony, with second skiiing trip or Jessica’s piano lessons.
Look out for old Buzzword favourites Thatcher, decline of industry, cuts, sleaze and 1980’s and we’re running a tonight-only Memory Lane Special on Ashcroft.
The LiveBlog will also cover the entertainingly awful This Week, presented by Brillo alongside the sneering and patronising Michael Portillo and the human airship Diane Abbott.
David Vance, TheEye and David Mosque will be Digging For Victory here from 10:30pm.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) in seventh heaven in the Islamising city of Birmingham, with two Muslims on panel of five: Warsi, who tried to moderate on the Islamic Sudan imprisoning a British schoolteacher over the use of a teddy bear; and Omaar, of Al Jazeera, who INBBC gave a blank cheque to come out with a propaganda 4 parter on BBC TV (Islamic History of Europe) – these two make up of 40% of the panel.
Despite the fact that the Tory Party Conference has been held in Birmingham over the past few days, INBBC manages to uphold its usual high standards of political bias in the selection of its audience, based on its composition and attitudes.
Max Mosley ? Are they taking the Mick ?
I’ll not have a thing said against the delicious delightful deluvily Baroness, David Cameron’s attack muppet (cf – Evil Ali Campbell).
She can settle her islamic butterfly on my crusader stick anytime.
Socked it to the crowd, socked it to the panel, and socked it to the Bullingdon Boy (Dumbleby). Big time.
I’m a little in love with her as well. Got a few good rounds of applause from the audience as well.
Re: Ahmed (unelected Muslim Labour) and Warsi (unelected Muslim Tory):
“Seeking Gibbons’ Release” (2007)
“Banana Republic Britain”
(by Paul Weston)
“Just before the election, ex- MP Martin Bell suggested that the result could be decided by electoral fraud. And so it has been proven. It is not a surprise that by importing the Third World you become the Third World, but what is surprising is our reaction to the very real subversion of our ancient and bloodily defended democracy — which is that of total appeasement and dhimmitude.
“The idea that British democracy has been subverted by Socialist enabled Muslim fraud is an enormous front page story.”
(INBBC is inclined to pour scorn on such reports.)
Susan Kramer was on QT right afer losing her Lib Dem seat to Zac Goldsmith in Richmond Park. Now she is on again? I’m wondering what qualities this woman has to make her so popular with the BBC – other than the ability to lose in an election, that is.