What Party? Just seen this item from BBC Scotland Swinging MSP . Nowhere, as far as I can see is his party mentioned. I had to assume that he could not have been a Conservative as the heading on the BBC article would have shouted “Tory MSP…” or at the very least “Conservative sleaze”. Now I’m not particularly interested in this story, which is about vice and perjury, but I know how differently it would have been slanted if this MSP had been from the right, and how it would have been the main item on BBC News for the best part of a week if he had. I checked elsewhere and he’s apparently a Socialist MSP.
To be fair, everyone in Scotland knows exactly which party Tommy Sheridan represented, without it needing to be said. There is no possibility that anyone up here would have wondered if he is a Tory! He isn’t an MSP now, following the ritual implosion of the Scottish Socialist Party.
‘Newsnight’, as the rest of INBBC, is ideologically programmed to relegate the significance of the real Islamic jihad threat to British people; the INBBC presumption is that Islam is simply a ‘religion’ and that the history of Islamic imperialism can be censored, as can the violent message and practice of Islam.
But tonight’s first item on ‘Newsnight’ was that rarity: a report which appeared not to have been reseached by an Islamic jihad sympathiser.
‘Newsnight’s Richard Watson emphasised the global nature of the Jihad* threat (*that word was used more than twice) with jihadist linkages between Britain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Taliban and back to ‘The Islamic Army of Great Britain’.
Watson criticised British security services for making a past mistake of thinking that jihad activities in Britain were preparation for jihad attacks outside Britain.
Watson did not go further and suggest that INBBC was wedded to the role of playing long-term apologist for Islam in all its forms, which, of course, it is.
True, the item was only about 7 mins duration, and appeared to be rushed though, so that Crick could give us his gossip about Labour’s new wonder, ”back of the envelope’ non-economist shadow chancellor, Johnson. But.
What a large crop of bias there was on the Today programme – today. At 8:55 the subject went onto Ed Milliband’s new cabinet. Who were the balanced commentators, well the two very unbalananced lefty jounos Antony Howard and Mathew Taylor. So instead of showing how many of the old tainted ministers were still present, we got a list of suggestions of how best Labour could attack the Tories. Pure, simple, total, bBC BIAS.
Although despite the press release, their website still promotes it heavily, so I doubt the sincerity of the announcement. Nevertheless for Richard Black to ignore it speaks volumes about his agenda.
Hal Lewis resigns from the American Physical Society, and his reason:
“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.” http://thegwpf.org/ipcc-news/1670-hal-lewis-my-resignation-from-the-american-physical-society.html
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on Nuclear Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Former member, President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee; Chairman APS study on Nuclear Reactor Safety Chairman Risk Assessment Review Group; Co-founder and former Chairman of JASON; Former member USAF Scientific Advisory Board; Served in US Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk (about, surprise, technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about decision making)
I was listening to the News Quiz this evening (force of habit I guess, as for some reason its gone off the boil these past few months…) but I must have missed the following question when I took my wife a cup of tea. Please could someone let me know if I guessed the coverage correctly.
Sandi: Whose effort bombed this week, but scored 10 out of 10 for effort?
Andy: Was this the excellent puff piece (ed: I think the script said snuff) put together at great expense by that Curtis fellow and his 10:10 crew.
Sandi: Yes, you’re right. Would you like to expand on this. No pressure.
Andy (nervously): Err, o.k. Apparently, the reviews from the first screening received a very small amount of critisism, and the decision was made to pull it. And as a result a hole has been blown in the TV schedules on Sunday as rebroadcasting it may offend those of a nervous disposition.
Sandi: You’re entitled to your view – and for saving the corporation your taxi home, our 10% emission reduction is guaranteed. Jeremy and Sue are tonight’s winners with 10 points!
Anyone got any views on why our noble State broadcaster have never eluded to These Five Facts on “Red Eds” new Islamist Shadow Justice secretary Sadiq Khan “Inshallah”?
BBC has to worry about Britain’s cr@p libel laws, Guido does not. He is deliberately registered offshore to make it as difficult as possible for him to be sued.
A Jew was ambushed and lynched by dozens of rock-throwing ‘Palestinians’ (including some kids) in Jerusalem yesterday (a common occurrence – often staged and employing entrapment).
Although pretty silly of him to be there at Friday mosque incitement *sorry* prayer hour – It appears the occupant did what any of us would have given similar circumstances and floored it..
They are steeped in a Pavlovian and visceral hatred of Israel and Israelis. You can almost hear the spit hitting the carpet when they snarl the euphemism ‘settler’.
Personally I don’t think he floored it at all, unless you are referring to his escape from injury after the accident. I’d like a fresh pair of eyes to confirm or deny what I think happened.
He was driving, perhaps a little too fast around the corner when he was ambushed from all sides by juvenile stone throwers. Trying to avoid those on his right (Israel drives on the right side of the road) he swerved left, horn blaring, to avoid the boys on his right (see picture) were he knocked over two boys who had literally run into the centre of the road to stone him from the left. He immediately stopped but when his back window was smashed realised his dangerous predicament and escaped.
What the BBC doesn’t tell you and censors from the photographs. There were, as apparent from the video, at least five photographers and one camera crew present which strongly suggests a photo opportunity gone wrong (or right depending on POV). Did they attempt to dissuade the children from a dangerous and illegal act or did they direct them? It’s hard to imagine them standing with their cameras ready to photograph a child walking down a railway track in the face of an oncoming train and taking no action.
After the accident the injured boys were handled in the most rough dangerous manner. Instead of waiting for an ambulance the spectators were thrown into the back of a van, risking their lives even further. It looks as if the injured boy is resisting further increasing the possibilty of grater injury.
This is speculation but as the settler lived in the Silwan area it is not beyond possibility that his car was known and he was specifically targeted. There is now way to know if a driver with yellow i.e. Israeli plates is Jewish or Arab without stopping the car. An Israeli Arab acquaintanceship of mine once told me that if he is driving in a dangerous place he wears a kheffiya to avoid incidents of this nature.
BBC bias by language. Silwan, just south of Jerusalem’s Old City, has been the scene of regular clashes between hardline settlers and local Palestinians. What makes a settler hardline? Are there soft line settlers? If the Palestinians are local why aren’t the settlers local? If the local Palestinians are prepared to assault random drivers endangering them and as events have shown themselves doesn’t that make them by definition hardline?
He is the local leader of Elad, a right-wing group that supports increased Jewish settlement in the Old City and occupied East Jerusalem. If he was a right-wing leader what wing do the Palestinians fly with? The Old City is part of East Jerusalem, defined as the area occupied by the Jordanians from 1948-67. They are both ‘occupied’ in BBC terms.
BBC bias by pictures.
The picture illustrating the article concentrates entirely on the ‘poor, injured children’ and ignores photographers, stoning, the boys running into the path of the car and the boy resisting being loaded into the car.
I’ve watched the video frame by frame and looked at the photos and I’m sure I’ve still missed a lot. But here goes:
*Young boy shows aggression towards occupants of red car, discouraged by older boy.
*Car comes on scene, hoots and swerves left towards boys. (From the video there does not seem to be any threat from his right at that stage. Perhaps he was trying to frighten them away.)
*Two get out of the way but two, showing incredible bravado, run straight at him ready to throw their rocks and he hits both of them.
*He stops for a second or two, perhaps out of an instinct to help or to assess the situation. His back windscreen has already been smashed by then, at least by one rock, and he drives off. But certainly not at great speed, even slowing to take a last look once out of rock-throwing range. Running out of tiem so will check it out further later.
Now that I’ve seen the video, I can see that the headline should read “Palestinian kid hits car”. They ran right in front of it, and deliberately into it. Even The Stig couldn’t have avoided them.
The BBC news channel this morning included a picture in it’s review of the papers of the car driver “veering towards the children”. As far as I could see there were hooded youths all around, where was he supposed to “veer” away from them? of course they had to say the evil driver was an israeli settler, and he has veered toward the children. Narrow road, rock hurling youths either side, WTF are you supposed ot veer?
If you look at the video you will see (between 00:09 and 00:12), that in fact the driver tried to avoid the kids, then had to swerve in the opposite direction to avoid hitting the kerb.
Contrary to the MSM’s wish-fulfilment narrative, he was certainly not ‘veering’ towards them.
BBC-NUJ’s Easton supported Labour’s mass immigration ‘policy’.
His first political impulse is to look at the situation from the immigrant’s viewpoint, not from the viewpoint of the British people. He does not do a cost-benefit analysis of mass immigration, he does a benefit analysis only.
It is only when Labour is out of power that he says this:
“Capping immigration as a general idea would, I suspect, be cheered by a country which was never asked or informed about Labour’s quiet policy of substantially expanding net migration into the UK.”
He doesn’t go on to remind people of this:
“The secret plot to destroy Britain’s identity”
(by Melanie Phillips, Feb 2010)
“[Labour] Ministers claim that immigration policy has been driven principally to help the economy. They have always denied that they actually set out deliberately to change the ethnic composition of the country.
“Well, now we know for a certainty that this is not true. The Government embarked on a policy of mass immigration to change Britain into a multicultural society — and they kept this momentous aim secret from the people whose votes they sought.
Worse still, they did this knowing that it ran directly counter to the wishes of those voters, whose concerns about immigration they dismissed as racist; and they further concealed official warnings that large-scale immigration would bring about significant increases in crime.”
No, Easton, ever the ‘scientific’ populist, joins the pro-Zimbabwean, overstay-your-visa, ‘X-factor’ bandwagon now, and conflates the case with a possible loss of research scientists to Britain!
BBC-NUJ is politically close to SOROS because he finances the politically left-wing organisations which BBC-NUJ supports; so who else would BBC-NUJ’s E. Davis interview on China-US economic relations, this morning, ‘Today’, 08:10 ?
Now we all know the BBCs position on the Ground Zero Mosque, the Americans that oppose it are racist, homophobic, Islamophobic red necks. However, there is a deafening silence from the BBC when it comes to stories like these. The Saudis must be misunderstanders of Islam.
BBC-NUJ’s ‘Reward Director’ and its ‘People Director’.
“Salary cover up director to leave BBC”
[Opening extract]:
“The BBC’s ‘reward director’ who admitted trying to disguise the number of high earning staff at the corporation is leaving for a ‘less high profile and demanding role’.
“Robert Johnston apologised in April after he suggested the BBC could ‘deliberately disguise’ the number of bosses on six-figure salaries.”
I wonder how Richard Black will play this one. A real scientist resigns from the American Physical Society. His reason for resigning?
“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.”
“Your own Physics Department (of which you are chairman) [the addressee of the letter] would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Mike Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for doing otherwise. As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. Since I am no philosopher, I’m not going to explore at just which point enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes it clear that this is not an academic question.”
Ok, it did happen but may not be quite per the PR release from the places I am used to so it might not have happened. Ignore it.
Darn it, it happened, everyone has noticed and some are asking why we have gone into shut down. Again.
Bugger. Broadcast only piece (as any commenters will hang me out to dry) lost somewhere on the website, away from the enviro pages, saying that it may have happned, doesn’t matter, and he is probably in the pay of Big Oil. Plus some other factually inaccurate pants my mates have fed me with the lure of a nice conference chairmanship.
Phew, I think I might have mentioned it once, and got away with it.
Darn, sorry, Jo, it really was too much to totally suppress. Tell Franny I’ll make it up to her. Like I did the 10:10 stuff.
Oooo look. Sustainable reuseable condoms! That’s the next blog priority sorted.
Can someone please explain WHY the very camp male beeboid reporting from the miners trapped in Chile is spending most of his time talking about politics? No doubt the BBC will be trying to find a link to the accident and Thatcher or Tory cuts.
Ha, Ha, Global Warming, the AIDS epidemic, conflict in the Middle East, is all the fault of Margaret Thatcher because of what she did during the Miners Strike. Cue, Billy Bragg droning on about Thatcher, the Miners, and how she was a milk snatcher.
I’m know someone has already mentioned this but I can’t find the comment again (sorry!). Last night’s Newsnight contained a moment of classic Crick bias.
Crick was reporting on the new shadow chancellor (Alan Johnson) and ran through a short list of those who Ed Miliband couldn’t choose – Balls, Yvette, anyone who presents a leadership threat “and certainly not George Osborne – the wealthy, upper-middle-class heir to a baronetcy”. He never misses a chance!
This class-based attack was backed up by Mehdi Hasan of the New Statesman.
Craig I posted this somewhere else that Gary Donahue said the SAME thing on the main BBC news. Clearly a BBC narrative to highlight Osborne as an out of touch toff.
So how do they explain St Vince Cable also supporting big cuts?
I caught Mardell on R4 this morning on the Tea Party and the upcoming elections. I wish I hadn’t. Flowery drivel that lends new meaning to meaningless.
I gathered that the Tea Party people are probably racist but may not be too racist. That they are quite nasty and certainly thick. Obama , Mr seriously cool, is above their petty concerns but has to squash them somehow.
The Americans are not like us old civilised Europeans, and really don’t have the confidence to understand democracy as I, Mardell,and Obama see it.
America was a democracy when Europe lanquished under one or another tyranny right up unto the 20th century.
Mardell seems ignorant of even the basic facts.
The tea Party has them all rattled. I hope it spreads here and gives the “elites” the nightmares they so richly deserve.
Spot the racist in the upper left photo. If these Tea Party assemblies really were full of racists hovering just under the surface, does anyone think that guy would be there saying what he’s saying?
I know I shouldn’t have looked, but couldn’t help myself. This has to be the most slanderous thing Mardell has said yet:
Some say it’s racism. Those I’ve met are not racist but I do wonder if for some there’s a sense of lost superiority. For all their lives there’s been a white man in the White House. It’s not just that Obama isn’t in this image, he does not fit any stereotype of a black person that they know. Cool, cosmopolitan, calm and aloof. There is a sense of disconnect for what ought to be their view of the natural order.
“A sense of lost superiority”? Look in the mirror, you piece of BBC broadcasting.
According to previous Mardell blatherings, any loss of support from Democrats is due to the fact that He is Too Cool For School and doesn’t always display the passion needed to inspire the less enlightened masses who can’t fathom His highly nuanced brain.
Look in the mirror is right. Why do these Beeboids feel the need to project their own inadequacy into some constructed fiction to lay at the door of other people? Who but Mardell was longing for some stereotype? How or why exactly is a failing President “cool” in Markyland? And why would people object to someone for being cool, seeing as it is a desirable quality? Back up such fantasies and imaginings if you can. If you can’t, keep them confined to your fevered Beeboid mind.
Anyone else catch Dateline on News 24? They had Tim Montgomerie on who DARED to point the finger at barking bad Muslims who simply target westerners in the UK because they don’t like our liberal views (like women going to night clubs)
The bug eyed barking mad Bari Abdul Twatman just looked even more barking mad as Monty stated this and his hate filled eyes bulged even more especially when Monty pointed out 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq.
Of course bug eyed Twatman tried to make the excuse that Muslims were not blowing up Night clubs before the invasion of Iraq. Hmm, he clearly forgot about the Bali bomb and the numerous ones in Israel.
Yes, Tim Montgomerie made the two obvious points in answer to Atwan’s usual claptrap that rarely ever get put on the BBC – and certain not by BBC reporters/interviewers themselves: Why is al-Qaeda targeting France if it’s all about US foreign policy, particularly Iraq? and, even more obviously, 9/11 happenedbeforeall these foreign invasions.
I’ve never seen TM on that programme before – unlike Atwan, who’s never off it.
Well said, Martin. These violent Mohammedans and their appeasers also forget about the first time Al Qaeda tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that the US saved countless Mohammedans from being slaughtered by the Serbs.
INBBC is strongly pro-Islamic, and gives plenty of air space to the likes of Muhammad Abdul Bari, Sec Gen of Muslim Council of Britain, regardless of his dangerous views. (In contrast, INBBC treats critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, hostilely.)
Pro-Islamic INBBC is politically opposed to English Defence League, and INBBC follows NUJ politcal guidance to support UAF; this shows in the politically biased ‘report’ on EDL in Leicester today:
“Five arrests during Leicester protests by EDL and UAF”
What to do about the EDL must cause the BBC real heartache.Long may it continue to vex them.
What I find interesting is the juxtaposition of Leicester and the Kibworth villages( 10 miles from L ) of Michael Wood’s programme currently running.
This week’s programme showed an almost 100% mono cultural and mono ethnic population following a very English and immediately recognisable way of life. A way of speaking and behaving that despite surface changes has not altered much for generations.
This is the reality of rural England which I am very familiar with.
In contrast the city of Leicester , where the EDL felt impelled to demonstrate, is in another reality and the two realities are drifting further and further apart.
Now nobody really wants to discuss this .Nobody wants to deal with these realities and the longer this refusal to confront the real goes on the greater the danger to us all.
One can already start to see the frontiers of a Balkanised England. Dimly they are beginning to appear.
This would be the greatest tragedy to afflict us since the Conquest and it must be asked why did those who had the power take such a terrible risk in allowing unrestricted immigration based on nothing but a belief in human perfectibilty and goodness that no people has ever possessed.
Unfortunately, the BBC will get Mark Easton and others to tell you that Balkanization = Multiculatural society you don’t like because change is scary, innit.
Trades union leaders were all over the BBC News Channel during the Labour conference, understandably. They were all over the News Channel during the Conservative Party conference, even being used to bookend George Osborne’s big speech on Monday. They were all over the News Channel on Thursday.
Before John Hutton made his first announcement at 8.00am, Breakfast featured two guests to preview the pensions issue – Saga‘s Dr Ros Altmann and Gail Cartmail of the Unite union. After the announcement (at 8.15), Dr Altmann had vanished but Gail Cartmail of Unite remained to give the proposals a very frosty welcome.
Thereafter we had:
9.05 Dave Prentis, UNISON
11.05 Mark Serwotka, PCS union
11.35 Chris Keates, NASUWT
12.10 Chris Keates, NASUWT
12.38 Brendan Barber, TUC
13.35 Paul Noon, Prospect union
14.15 Roger McKenzie, UNISON
17.20 Karen Jennings, UNISON
The story then faded somewhat as it – and all other stories (and interviews) – got squeezed by the Labour Shadow Cabinet story, which gripped the News Channel’s imagination that evening far more than anything else.
The worst aspect of Thursday’s coverage of the Hutton Report into public sector pensions was that the News Channel did another of those hourly live reports from somewhere specially chosen to make the proposals look very unpopular – and ONLY from there!
This time it was from a primary school in the safe Labour seat of Birmingham Ladywood, where reporter Susannah Streeter, introduced from the studio with such statements as “Susanna, those kids probably a little bit too young to be worried, but I’m sure their teachers are?”, interviewed two such worried teachers and a learning mentor, all saying it’s not fair, it’s unjust (etc), the head of a teaching union (who just happened to be there) and the regional officer for another union (who also just happened to be there). There were six live reports in total.
Susannah kept the message coming – “Many feel quite aggrieved by these proposals”, “So as you can see there is much concern about Lord Hutton’s proposals”, “Many are concerned”, “I’ve spoken to a lot of people here today..and ALL of them are pretty unhappy”, they’re all very concerned at Lord Hutton’s proposals.” “Many people just don’t think that’s fair”.
Yes, I have some spreadsheets – for the Dimbleby stuff, plus all my old interruption coefficient figures – but most of it is stored in notepads or in Word-type files. It’s a bit disorganised really.
I see fatty Nolan is banging on about this Gamu woman on Radio 5 right now. So why is the BBC so obsessed with this story (after all the X-Factor is an ITV show)
Oh hang on I know where this is going, the Tories are going to be painted as heartless racist bastards for deporting these women back to Zimbabwe. But hang on the BBC have been painting Zimbabwe as a Socialist heaven, shouldn’t people be queuing up to move there not leave (just like Cuba BBC?)
Talking about Gamu, that’s something else that the News Channel was pushing on Thursday. It began at 7.30 with Gamu’s local MP, Labour’s Gordon Banks, campaigning for her to stay in the U.K. Then later in the morning we heard from Pastor John Locke, who’s leading a campaign for her to stay in the U.K. That interview was replayed in full not once but twice over the course of the morning…before the unions took over! No contrasting voices were heard from.
Yes it’s very odd Craig, especially as the BBC like to big up that thug Mugabe as some sort of national hero.
Why would anyone fear being returned to Zimbabwe? After all the evil white farmers have been dealt with and now Zimbabwe is a land of milk and honey with all that wealth spread around the people.
“The BBC last night declined to comment, but senior executives are known to be worried that the revelations about the relationships will fuel concerns over Left-wing bias within the Corporation”.
Okay, Mark Mardell and Kevin Connolly and Katie Connolly and all the rest of you Beeboids assigned to the US, if there’s an undercurrent of racism – or, as Mark Mardell says, a “sense of loss of superiority” – in the Tea Party movement, how do you explain the Democrat Senator Russ Feingold saying that he represents Tea Party values?
“She was made the BBC’s economics editor in February 2008.
The BBC last night declined to comment, but senior executives are known to be worried that the revelations about the relationships will fuel concerns over Left-wing bias within the Corporation. ”
Ostensibly, he’s visiting one of BBC-NUJ’s innumerable bureaus around the world. One of the perks of the job of D.G.
His US visit included a kid-glove interview by Bloomberg’s Charlie Rose:
“‘Abuse of power’: BBC director general Mark Thompson calls for Vince Cable to intervene in Murdoch’s bid for whole of Sky”
Here are a couple of lists detailing who’s appeared on the BBC News Channel to talk politics in the three days since the end of the party conference season:
7/10/10 7.25 Gordon Banks, Labour (3 minutes)
8.33 Lord Hutton, Labour (6 minutes)
12.47 Alex Salmond, SNP (2 minutes)
20.40 Maria Eagle, Labour (4 minutes)
9.32 Stephen Pound, Labour (4 minutes)
14.06 Margaret Beckett, Labour (3 minutes)
14.19 Peter Hain, Labour (5 minutes)
14.37 Philip Hammond, Conservative (3 minutes)
14.47 Rosie Winterton, Labour (4 minutes)
16.10 Peter Hain, Labour (6 minutes)
17.36 Alan Johnson, Labour (6 minutes)
19.41 Shaun Woodward, Labour (4 minutes)
9.14 Hilary Benn, Labour (3 minutes)
20.24 Hamish McDonnell, former political editor of the Scotsman 20.37 Paul Hackett, Smith Institute (Left)
21.05 Sunder Katwala, Fabian Society (Left)
21.09 Neal Lawson, Compass (Left)
21.31 Vincent Moss, political editor, Sunday Mirror (Left)
8/10 7.11 Professor Tim Bale (Right) and John McTernan, former Blair aide (Left)
8.31 John McTernan, former Blair aide (Left)
10.39 Will Straw, Left Foot Forward (Left)
16.08 John McTernan, former Tony Blair aide (Left)
19.11 Lance Price, former Blair advisor (Left)
20.13 Mark Davies, former Labour advisor (Left)
21.11 George Eaton, New statesman (Left)
The “World Debate” on the News Channel from the last half hour was pretty much a joke.
The Panel:
Joseph Stieglitz – Nobel Prize Laureate for Keynesian economicis
Christine Romer – discredited Socialist über-Keynesian who recently abandoned the sinking Good Ship Obamessiah
Head of the IMF
Greece Treasury Boss – discredited
Head of China Central Bank
Summary of discussion: The IMF thinks China’s currency is seriously under-valued. China Bank guy shrugs his shoulders and dances around the issue, more or less says the rest of them should get their houses in order, China will be fine.
Greek guy wants to keep spending to provide benefits he promised people. None of Greece’s problems are his fault – it’s all the global economy, etc. Romer says that, “We….the economists of the world, have decided…” that printing even more money and spending it is the only way to fix things. Stieglitz agrees, is unhappy with the austerity measures he sees in Europe. Can’t continue to go down that road, he says. IMF guy mostly shakes his head in disgust, but doesn’t make much of a real case for anything except for the problem with China’s currency.
Result: Me shouting at the screen (especially when Romer is talking) and visiting relatives asking me what the hell my problem is.
While the BBC is busy preparing a gigantic smear campaign against people like me, here’s some information they won’t tell you, and the reason why they’re on the attack:
29% of voters say they are either members of a Tea Party group or have friends or family who are.
17% describe themselves as members, up 4% from six weeks ago.
Voters are now almost evenly divided in their views of the movement: 41% have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party; 40% view it unfavorably, and 19% are undecided. This is a slightly more critical assessment than was found in August.
Still, 47% believe the Tea Party movement is good for the country, a finding that hasn’t changed since May. Thirty-two percent (32%) say the movement is bad for America, while 14% say it’s neither.
Why, as Mark Mardell asked yesterday, is the Tea Party boiling?
The Tea Party movement arose out of voter unhappiness with the growth of government and spending under the Bush and Obama administrations
Is it racist to be against the excessive government spending of George Bush? Can we stop that lie now, BBC?
Thirty percent (30%) of Republicans and 17% of voters not affiliated with either major party say they are members of the Tea Party, compared to just five percent (5%) of Democrats.
So 22% of non-Republicans say they are part of the movement. Are they all racists, even the Democrats?
Seventy-four percent (74%) of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party movement. Seventy percent (70%) of Democrats do not. Unaffiliateds are almost evenly divided in their views.
No surprise here, of course.
But then, most Democrats think most members of the Tea Party movement are racist. Most Republicans and unaffiliated voters disagree.
Which is why the BBC keeps telling you that racism underpins the entire movement. Can there be any better proof of BBC partisanship?
Here’s one bit that will make Beeboids extremely angry:
“Conservative” is still the most positive political label you can attach to a candidate. But voters now have stronger reactions—positive and negative– to the Tea Party label than they do to the more traditional labels.
The BBC seriously failed in their coverage of the Tea Party movement from the very beginning. They’ve made a couple of good attempts – Katty Kay’s report from December 2009, for example – but overall the BBC’s reporting has been highly biased against both the ideals of the movement and its participants and supporters. When they bothered to cover it at all, that is.
Originally, the BBC refused to report the movement even existed. Then they disparaged it, then ignored it again, then disparaged it again. And now here we are: muddled Beeboid thinking, and biased reporting to the point of delusion.
Let’s get this straight, this Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian who was arrested in an Al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan, is demanding to stay in Britain (as supported by INBBC/Chakrabarti, etc.), but he is suing the ‘Daily Mail’ to keep it secret!
The public are starting to see the truth and how the MSM/NUJ are selling a pack of lies about the EDL.
The establishment are determined to portray the EDL as hooligan thugs bent on destruction and violence and the MSM/NUJ are peddling the fraud in association with the establishment.
The EDL is our tea party in fact and its gaining ground fast, far from being a gang of skinhead thugs the EDL consist of ordinary people like you and me and this alone terrifies the establishment more than anything else.
A grass roots popular movement appealing to and consisting of ordinary real normal people standing up and saying NO NO NO! The establishment can support and give succour to rent a rabble minorities like the UAF because they are nothing more than state sponsored and state endorsed street thugs who the state can use as arms length deniable operators.
The state is very very afraid of the EDL because of its potential to create a new reality where the MAJORITY concerns are enacted and MAJORITY opinions are respected. You see this in he USA where the establishment is frightened to death of the MAJORITY standing up and saying loudly and clearly to the tyrannical minority that we will no longer be pushed around and ignored and abused.
The state, the tyrannical minority who for so long have governed the MAJORITY while ignoring our wishes will move heaven and earth to destroy popular grassroots peoples movements like the EDL and the tea party because they mean a loss of power for the tyranny of the minority and it means that this tyranny would be forced to represent and enact our wishes.
The internet destroyed the establishments control of the mass media and now grassroots popular movements threaten to destroy the states monopoly on power. These b*stards will fight tooth and nail to preserve their stranglehold on power, they simply will not hand over control of our destiny to those they see as insects but the tide is turning now at long last, once people become aware that we are the many and they are the few and that we have the power and they do not then the establishments grip on us will vanish.
We’re all for it now! BBC Comrade Andrew Marr takes aim at all of us as being:
“Most citizen journalism strikes me as nothing to do with journalism at all. A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed, young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people. OK – the country is full of very angry people. Many of us are angry people at times. Some of us are angry and drunk. But the so-called citizen journalism is the spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night.”
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://x.com/tadhghickey/status/1893340977026261489?s=61 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
What Party? Just seen this item from BBC Scotland Swinging MSP . Nowhere, as far as I can see is his party mentioned. I had to assume that he could not have been a Conservative as the heading on the BBC article would have shouted “Tory MSP…” or at the very least “Conservative sleaze”. Now I’m not particularly interested in this story, which is about vice and perjury, but I know how differently it would have been slanted if this MSP had been from the right, and how it would have been the main item on BBC News for the best part of a week if he had. I checked elsewhere and he’s apparently a Socialist MSP.
To be fair, everyone in Scotland knows exactly which party Tommy Sheridan represented, without it needing to be said. There is no possibility that anyone up here would have wondered if he is a Tory! He isn’t an MSP now, following the ritual implosion of the Scottish Socialist Party.
‘Newsnight’, as the rest of INBBC, is ideologically programmed to relegate the significance of the real Islamic jihad threat to British people; the INBBC presumption is that Islam is simply a ‘religion’ and that the history of Islamic imperialism can be censored, as can the violent message and practice of Islam.
But tonight’s first item on ‘Newsnight’ was that rarity: a report which appeared not to have been reseached by an Islamic jihad sympathiser.
‘Newsnight’s Richard Watson emphasised the global nature of the Jihad* threat (*that word was used more than twice) with jihadist linkages between Britain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Taliban and back to ‘The Islamic Army of Great Britain’.
Watson criticised British security services for making a past mistake of thinking that jihad activities in Britain were preparation for jihad attacks outside Britain.
Watson did not go further and suggest that INBBC was wedded to the role of playing long-term apologist for Islam in all its forms, which, of course, it is.
True, the item was only about 7 mins duration, and appeared to be rushed though, so that Crick could give us his gossip about Labour’s new wonder, ”back of the envelope’ non-economist shadow chancellor, Johnson. But.
What a large crop of bias there was on the Today programme – today. At 8:55 the subject went onto Ed Milliband’s new cabinet. Who were the balanced commentators, well the two very unbalananced lefty jounos Antony Howard and Mathew Taylor. So instead of showing how many of the old tainted ministers were still present, we got a list of suggestions of how best Labour could attack the Tories. Pure, simple, total, bBC BIAS.
Dear God, where to begin?
‘At the heart of things is 350.org, which is calling the event a “global work party”.‘
No, Richard, they’re not at the heart of it now. Are you really so out of touch?
Although despite the press release, their website still promotes it heavily, so I doubt the sincerity of the announcement. Nevertheless for Richard Black to ignore it speaks volumes about his agenda.
I see Black (or Horribin) has not reported this:
Hal Lewis resigns from the American Physical Society, and his reason:
“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.”
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on Nuclear Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Former member, President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee; Chairman APS study on Nuclear Reactor Safety Chairman Risk Assessment Review Group; Co-founder and former Chairman of JASON; Former member USAF Scientific Advisory Board; Served in US Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk (about, surprise, technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about decision making)
I was listening to the News Quiz this evening (force of habit I guess, as for some reason its gone off the boil these past few months…) but I must have missed the following question when I took my wife a cup of tea. Please could someone let me know if I guessed the coverage correctly.
Sandi: Whose effort bombed this week, but scored 10 out of 10 for effort?
Andy: Was this the excellent puff piece (ed: I think the script said snuff) put together at great expense by that Curtis fellow and his 10:10 crew.
Sandi: Yes, you’re right. Would you like to expand on this. No pressure.
Andy (nervously): Err, o.k. Apparently, the reviews from the first screening received a very small amount of critisism, and the decision was made to pull it. And as a result a hole has been blown in the TV schedules on Sunday as rebroadcasting it may offend those of a nervous disposition.
Sandi: You’re entitled to your view – and for saving the corporation your taxi home, our 10% emission reduction is guaranteed. Jeremy and Sue are tonight’s winners with 10 points!
‘Apparently, the reviews from the first screening received a very small amount of critisism,’
Evidently another in the bubble who gets their information only from the bubble.
He could have tried calling the reaction ‘split’, as the BBC’s near only reference referred to 100:1 aghast, including many eco groups.
And there’s more:
“Legal Defeat For Global Warming In Kiwigate Scandal ”
Apparently New Zealand climate “scientists” have been fiddling the temperature data.
Silence from the BBC . This would explain why Black and his art graduate friends are getting more and more hysterical.
Anyone got any views on why our noble State broadcaster have never eluded to These Five Facts on “Red Eds” new Islamist Shadow Justice secretary Sadiq Khan “Inshallah”?
It’s all part of the British political elite’s (inc. INBBC) softly, softly Islamisation process, including Sharia law.
“New Report – Sharia Law in Britain – A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights”
BBC has to worry about Britain’s cr@p libel laws, Guido does not. He is deliberately registered offshore to make it as difficult as possible for him to be sued.
A Jew was ambushed and lynched by dozens of rock-throwing ‘Palestinians’ (including some kids) in Jerusalem yesterday (a common occurrence – often staged and employing entrapment).
Although pretty silly of him to be there at Friday mosque incitement *sorry* prayer hour – It appears the occupant did what any of us would have given similar circumstances and floored it..
al-BBCeera Headline?
Palestinians boys hit by settler’s car in Jerusalem
They are steeped in a Pavlovian and visceral hatred of Israel and Israelis. You can almost hear the spit hitting the carpet when they snarl the euphemism ‘settler’.
As I like to point out most beeboids would have loved to have worked in th econcentration camps running the ovens.
BBC bias by omission. You can see the video of the accident at Set-up,stoned and skittled.
Personally I don’t think he floored it at all, unless you are referring to his escape from injury after the accident. I’d like a fresh pair of eyes to confirm or deny what I think happened.
He was driving, perhaps a little too fast around the corner when he was ambushed from all sides by juvenile stone throwers. Trying to avoid those on his right (Israel drives on the right side of the road) he swerved left, horn blaring, to avoid the boys on his right (see picture) were he knocked over two boys who had literally run into the centre of the road to stone him from the left. He immediately stopped but when his back window was smashed realised his dangerous predicament and escaped.
What the BBC doesn’t tell you and censors from the photographs. There were, as apparent from the video, at least five photographers and one camera crew present which strongly suggests a photo opportunity gone wrong (or right depending on POV). Did they attempt to dissuade the children from a dangerous and illegal act or did they direct them? It’s hard to imagine them standing with their cameras ready to photograph a child walking down a railway track in the face of an oncoming train and taking no action.
After the accident the injured boys were handled in the most rough dangerous manner. Instead of waiting for an ambulance the spectators were thrown into the back of a van, risking their lives even further. It looks as if the injured boy is resisting further increasing the possibilty of grater injury.
This is speculation but as the settler lived in the Silwan area it is not beyond possibility that his car was known and he was specifically targeted. There is now way to know if a driver with yellow i.e. Israeli plates is Jewish or Arab without stopping the car. An Israeli Arab acquaintanceship of mine once told me that if he is driving in a dangerous place he wears a kheffiya to avoid incidents of this nature.
BBC bias by language.
Silwan, just south of Jerusalem’s Old City, has been the scene of regular clashes between hardline settlers and local Palestinians. What makes a settler hardline? Are there soft line settlers? If the Palestinians are local why aren’t the settlers local? If the local Palestinians are prepared to assault random drivers endangering them and as events have shown themselves doesn’t that make them by definition hardline?
He is the local leader of Elad, a right-wing group that supports increased Jewish settlement in the Old City and occupied East Jerusalem. If he was a right-wing leader what wing do the Palestinians fly with? The Old City is part of East Jerusalem, defined as the area occupied by the Jordanians from 1948-67. They are both ‘occupied’ in BBC terms.
BBC bias by pictures.
The picture illustrating the article concentrates entirely on the ‘poor, injured children’ and ignores photographers, stoning, the boys running into the path of the car and the boy resisting being loaded into the car.
That should have been spectators throwing the children into the vehicle.
I’ve watched the video frame by frame and looked at the photos and I’m sure I’ve still missed a lot. But here goes:
*Young boy shows aggression towards occupants of red car, discouraged by older boy.
*Car comes on scene, hoots and swerves left towards boys. (From the video there does not seem to be any threat from his right at that stage. Perhaps he was trying to frighten them away.)
*Two get out of the way but two, showing incredible bravado, run straight at him ready to throw their rocks and he hits both of them.
*He stops for a second or two, perhaps out of an instinct to help or to assess the situation. His back windscreen has already been smashed by then, at least by one rock, and he drives off. But certainly not at great speed, even slowing to take a last look once out of rock-throwing range. Running out of tiem so will check it out further later.
Now that I’ve seen the video, I can see that the headline should read “Palestinian kid hits car”. They ran right in front of it, and deliberately into it. Even The Stig couldn’t have avoided them.
The BBC news channel this morning included a picture in it’s review of the papers of the car driver “veering towards the children”. As far as I could see there were hooded youths all around, where was he supposed to “veer” away from them? of course they had to say the evil driver was an israeli settler, and he has veered toward the children. Narrow road, rock hurling youths either side, WTF are you supposed ot veer?
If you look at the video you will see (between 00:09 and 00:12), that in fact the driver tried to avoid the kids, then had to swerve in the opposite direction to avoid hitting the kerb.
Contrary to the MSM’s wish-fulfilment narrative, he was certainly not ‘veering’ towards them.
The event was a Pallywood trap.
Perhaps this video Hamas Holiday Song Performed by Children should be watched together with the accident video?
Sorry, the link button is greyed out for me and it doesn’t seem to accept HTML.
The link works fine…maybe try again?
BBC-NUJ’s Easton supported Labour’s mass immigration ‘policy’.
His first political impulse is to look at the situation from the immigrant’s viewpoint, not from the viewpoint of the British people. He does not do a cost-benefit analysis of mass immigration, he does a benefit analysis only.
“Did the PM jump the gun on immigration?”
It is only when Labour is out of power that he says this:
“Capping immigration as a general idea would, I suspect, be cheered by a country which was never asked or informed about Labour’s quiet policy of substantially expanding net migration into the UK.”
He doesn’t go on to remind people of this:
“The secret plot to destroy Britain’s identity”
(by Melanie Phillips, Feb 2010)
“[Labour] Ministers claim that immigration policy has been driven principally to help the economy. They have always denied that they actually set out deliberately to change the ethnic composition of the country.
“Well, now we know for a certainty that this is not true. The Government embarked on a policy of mass immigration to change Britain into a multicultural society — and they kept this momentous aim secret from the people whose votes they sought.
Worse still, they did this knowing that it ran directly counter to the wishes of those voters, whose concerns about immigration they dismissed as racist; and they further concealed official warnings that large-scale immigration would bring about significant increases in crime.”
No, Easton, ever the ‘scientific’ populist, joins the pro-Zimbabwean, overstay-your-visa, ‘X-factor’ bandwagon now, and conflates the case with a possible loss of research scientists to Britain!
BBC-NUJ is politically close to SOROS because he finances the politically left-wing organisations which BBC-NUJ supports; so who else would BBC-NUJ’s E. Davis interview on China-US economic relations, this morning, ‘Today’, 08:10 ?
Glenn Beck critique of SOROS:
(9 min video)
Not on BBC
Here is an interesting article from Jihad Watch
Saudis arrest 12 Filipinos and a priest in raid on Catholic Mass, charge them with proselytizing
Now we all know the BBCs position on the Ground Zero Mosque, the Americans that oppose it are racist, homophobic, Islamophobic red necks. However, there is a deafening silence from the BBC when it comes to stories like these. The Saudis must be misunderstanders of Islam.
BBC editorial policy: Those Catholics were clearly inciting violence against Islam by preaching about Jesus.
Professor Lindzen bieng interviewed by the BBC’s One Planet…catch it while you can
In two segments around 5 mins & 21 mins
Prof’s reaction to the interviewer mentioning the Stern report is a gem…
BBC-NUJ’s ‘Reward Director’ and its ‘People Director’.
“Salary cover up director to leave BBC”
[Opening extract]:
“The BBC’s ‘reward director’ who admitted trying to disguise the number of high earning staff at the corporation is leaving for a ‘less high profile and demanding role’.
“Robert Johnston apologised in April after he suggested the BBC could ‘deliberately disguise’ the number of bosses on six-figure salaries.”
Also: Ms. L. Adams, BBC-NUJ ‘People Director’ salary: £320,000.
I wonder how Richard Black will play this one. A real scientist resigns from the American Physical Society. His reason for resigning?
“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.”
“Your own Physics Department (of which you are chairman) [the addressee of the letter] would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Mike Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for doing otherwise. As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. Since I am no philosopher, I’m not going to explore at just which point enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes it clear that this is not an academic question.”
Come on Black spin your way out of that.
Saw this on Dellers not BBC.
Over at the BBC zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
‘Come on Black spin your way out of that.’
There is mention of Climategate, which was based on possibly illegal (if accurate) acquisition of data that didn’t help the BBC pension fund.
Hence… watertight oversight.
Have you seen his blog lately? There are Zil sedans pulling up at midnight daily now.
Classic Black-out curtain.
It didn’t happen.
Ok, it did happen but may not be quite per the PR release from the places I am used to so it might not have happened. Ignore it.
Darn it, it happened, everyone has noticed and some are asking why we have gone into shut down. Again.
Bugger. Broadcast only piece (as any commenters will hang me out to dry) lost somewhere on the website, away from the enviro pages, saying that it may have happned, doesn’t matter, and he is probably in the pay of Big Oil. Plus some other factually inaccurate pants my mates have fed me with the lure of a nice conference chairmanship.
Phew, I think I might have mentioned it once, and got away with it.
Darn, sorry, Jo, it really was too much to totally suppress. Tell Franny I’ll make it up to her. Like I did the 10:10 stuff.
Oooo look. Sustainable reuseable condoms! That’s the next blog priority sorted.
Can someone please explain WHY the very camp male beeboid reporting from the miners trapped in Chile is spending most of his time talking about politics? No doubt the BBC will be trying to find a link to the accident and Thatcher or Tory cuts.
Ha, Ha, Global Warming, the AIDS epidemic, conflict in the Middle East, is all the fault of Margaret Thatcher because of what she did during the Miners Strike. Cue, Billy Bragg droning on about Thatcher, the Miners, and how she was a milk snatcher.
I’m know someone has already mentioned this but I can’t find the comment again (sorry!). Last night’s Newsnight contained a moment of classic Crick bias.
Crick was reporting on the new shadow chancellor (Alan Johnson) and ran through a short list of those who Ed Miliband couldn’t choose – Balls, Yvette, anyone who presents a leadership threat “and certainly not George Osborne – the wealthy, upper-middle-class heir to a baronetcy”. He never misses a chance!
This class-based attack was backed up by Mehdi Hasan of the New Statesman.
Craig I posted this somewhere else that Gary Donahue said the SAME thing on the main BBC news. Clearly a BBC narrative to highlight Osborne as an out of touch toff.
So how do they explain St Vince Cable also supporting big cuts?
Pervasive BBC-NUJ pro-immigrant, pro-Islam concluding propaganda, this time on Spain:
“Immigration and economy fuel Spanish anxiety”
Advice to all Western/ Christian aid workers:
Please do NOT go to any Islamic countries.
And to UK government: do not allow them to go.
“UK aid worker Linda Norgrove killed in Afghanistan”
I caught Mardell on R4 this morning on the Tea Party and the upcoming elections. I wish I hadn’t. Flowery drivel that lends new meaning to meaningless.
I gathered that the Tea Party people are probably racist but may not be too racist. That they are quite nasty and certainly thick. Obama , Mr seriously cool, is above their petty concerns but has to squash them somehow.
The Americans are not like us old civilised Europeans, and really don’t have the confidence to understand democracy as I, Mardell,and Obama see it.
America was a democracy when Europe lanquished under one or another tyranny right up unto the 20th century.
Mardell seems ignorant of even the basic facts.
The tea Party has them all rattled. I hope it spreads here and gives the “elites” the nightmares they so richly deserve.
Mardell is still singing the “He’s too cool for school” hymn? Send him back to Brussels where he belongs.
I imagine he was babbling in response to this:
Potential 2012 candidates convene in Richmond at Tea Party event
Spot the racist in the upper left photo. If these Tea Party assemblies really were full of racists hovering just under the surface, does anyone think that guy would be there saying what he’s saying?
I know I shouldn’t have looked, but couldn’t help myself. This has to be the most slanderous thing Mardell has said yet:
Some say it’s racism. Those I’ve met are not racist but I do wonder if for some there’s a sense of lost superiority. For all their lives there’s been a white man in the White House. It’s not just that Obama isn’t in this image, he does not fit any stereotype of a black person that they know. Cool, cosmopolitan, calm and aloof. There is a sense of disconnect for what ought to be their view of the natural order.
“A sense of lost superiority”? Look in the mirror, you piece of BBC broadcasting.
So how does Mardell explain the loss of support from Democrats
According to previous Mardell blatherings, any loss of support from Democrats is due to the fact that He is Too Cool For School and doesn’t always display the passion needed to inspire the less enlightened masses who can’t fathom His highly nuanced brain.
I thought I heard this. This is not acceptable. It is pure trite drivel.
And I am being restrained.
Look in the mirror is right. Why do these Beeboids feel the need to project their own inadequacy into some constructed fiction to lay at the door of other people? Who but Mardell was longing for some stereotype? How or why exactly is a failing President “cool” in Markyland? And why would people object to someone for being cool, seeing as it is a desirable quality? Back up such fantasies and imaginings if you can. If you can’t, keep them confined to your fevered Beeboid mind.
Anyone else catch Dateline on News 24? They had Tim Montgomerie on who DARED to point the finger at barking bad Muslims who simply target westerners in the UK because they don’t like our liberal views (like women going to night clubs)
The bug eyed barking mad Bari Abdul Twatman just looked even more barking mad as Monty stated this and his hate filled eyes bulged even more especially when Monty pointed out 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq.
Of course bug eyed Twatman tried to make the excuse that Muslims were not blowing up Night clubs before the invasion of Iraq. Hmm, he clearly forgot about the Bali bomb and the numerous ones in Israel.
Bug eyed Bari really is bonkers.
Yes, Tim Montgomerie made the two obvious points in answer to Atwan’s usual claptrap that rarely ever get put on the BBC – and certain not by BBC reporters/interviewers themselves: Why is al-Qaeda targeting France if it’s all about US foreign policy, particularly Iraq? and, even more obviously, 9/11 happened before all these foreign invasions.
I’ve never seen TM on that programme before – unlike Atwan, who’s never off it.
I can only assume Polly Toynbee and Yasmin Alibi Brown and Steve Richards have fallen down a deep hole (well we can hope)
Well said, Martin. These violent Mohammedans and their appeasers also forget about the first time Al Qaeda tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, and the fact that the US saved countless Mohammedans from being slaughtered by the Serbs.
INBBC is strongly pro-Islamic, and gives plenty of air space to the likes of Muhammad Abdul Bari, Sec Gen of Muslim Council of Britain, regardless of his dangerous views. (In contrast, INBBC treats critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, hostilely.)
1.) Melanie Phillips on Bari (2007):
2.) BBC report here fails to mention that Bari is on a UK Panel investigating Islamic jihad in London University!
Pro-Islamic INBBC is politically opposed to English Defence League, and INBBC follows NUJ politcal guidance to support UAF; this shows in the politically biased ‘report’ on EDL in Leicester today:
“Five arrests during Leicester protests by EDL and UAF”
A contrasting, related report at ‘Gates of Vienna, which refers to upcoming pro-Geert Wilders demo in Amsterdam on Saturday, 30 October:
We Made the Grauniad Again!
What to do about the EDL must cause the BBC real heartache.Long may it continue to vex them.
What I find interesting is the juxtaposition of Leicester and the Kibworth villages( 10 miles from L ) of Michael Wood’s programme currently running.
This week’s programme showed an almost 100% mono cultural and mono ethnic population following a very English and immediately recognisable way of life. A way of speaking and behaving that despite surface changes has not altered much for generations.
This is the reality of rural England which I am very familiar with.
In contrast the city of Leicester , where the EDL felt impelled to demonstrate, is in another reality and the two realities are drifting further and further apart.
Now nobody really wants to discuss this .Nobody wants to deal with these realities and the longer this refusal to confront the real goes on the greater the danger to us all.
One can already start to see the frontiers of a Balkanised England. Dimly they are beginning to appear.
This would be the greatest tragedy to afflict us since the Conquest and it must be asked why did those who had the power take such a terrible risk in allowing unrestricted immigration based on nothing but a belief in human perfectibilty and goodness that no people has ever possessed.
Unfortunately, the BBC will get Mark Easton and others to tell you that Balkanization = Multiculatural society you don’t like because change is scary, innit.
Trades union leaders were all over the BBC News Channel during the Labour conference, understandably. They were all over the News Channel during the Conservative Party conference, even being used to bookend George Osborne’s big speech on Monday. They were all over the News Channel on Thursday.
Before John Hutton made his first announcement at 8.00am, Breakfast featured two guests to preview the pensions issue – Saga‘s Dr Ros Altmann and Gail Cartmail of the Unite union. After the announcement (at 8.15), Dr Altmann had vanished but Gail Cartmail of Unite remained to give the proposals a very frosty welcome.
Thereafter we had:
9.05 Dave Prentis, UNISON
11.05 Mark Serwotka, PCS union
11.35 Chris Keates, NASUWT
12.10 Chris Keates, NASUWT
12.38 Brendan Barber, TUC
13.35 Paul Noon, Prospect union
14.15 Roger McKenzie, UNISON
17.20 Karen Jennings, UNISON
The story then faded somewhat as it – and all other stories (and interviews) – got squeezed by the Labour Shadow Cabinet story, which gripped the News Channel’s imagination that evening far more than anything else.
The worst aspect of Thursday’s coverage of the Hutton Report into public sector pensions was that the News Channel did another of those hourly live reports from somewhere specially chosen to make the proposals look very unpopular – and ONLY from there!
This time it was from a primary school in the safe Labour seat of Birmingham Ladywood, where reporter Susannah Streeter, introduced from the studio with such statements as “Susanna, those kids probably a little bit too young to be worried, but I’m sure their teachers are?”, interviewed two such worried teachers and a learning mentor, all saying it’s not fair, it’s unjust (etc), the head of a teaching union (who just happened to be there) and the regional officer for another union (who also just happened to be there). There were six live reports in total.
Susannah kept the message coming – “Many feel quite aggrieved by these proposals”, “So as you can see there is much concern about Lord Hutton’s proposals”, “Many are concerned”, “I’ve spoken to a lot of people here today..and ALL of them are pretty unhappy”, they’re all very concerned at Lord Hutton’s proposals.” “Many people just don’t think that’s fair”.
Spot on again Craig. Can I ask have you ever put your data into a spreadsheet or other publishable form?
Yes, I have some spreadsheets – for the Dimbleby stuff, plus all my old interruption coefficient figures – but most of it is stored in notepads or in Word-type files. It’s a bit disorganised really.
Perhaps you could upload it somewhere possibly here? You might find at least some of the more switched on media might take notice finally.
The BBC don’t keep any details on bias, they lie when they say they do. The BBC lies.
I’ll give it a try Martin.
I see fatty Nolan is banging on about this Gamu woman on Radio 5 right now. So why is the BBC so obsessed with this story (after all the X-Factor is an ITV show)
Oh hang on I know where this is going, the Tories are going to be painted as heartless racist bastards for deporting these women back to Zimbabwe. But hang on the BBC have been painting Zimbabwe as a Socialist heaven, shouldn’t people be queuing up to move there not leave (just like Cuba BBC?)
I knew there there was a reason.
Talking about Gamu, that’s something else that the News Channel was pushing on Thursday. It began at 7.30 with Gamu’s local MP, Labour’s Gordon Banks, campaigning for her to stay in the U.K. Then later in the morning we heard from Pastor John Locke, who’s leading a campaign for her to stay in the U.K. That interview was replayed in full not once but twice over the course of the morning…before the unions took over! No contrasting voices were heard from.
Yes it’s very odd Craig, especially as the BBC like to big up that thug Mugabe as some sort of national hero.
Why would anyone fear being returned to Zimbabwe? After all the evil white farmers have been dealt with and now Zimbabwe is a land of milk and honey with all that wealth spread around the people.
“The BBC last night declined to comment, but senior executives are known to be worried that the revelations about the relationships will fuel concerns over Left-wing bias within the Corporation”.
Well I’m shocked to the core, at even the allegation of left wing bias in the BBC!
well,Ms Flanders isn’t exactly blessed in the looks dept,but come on…..
did she do those 2 for a bet,or did someone shoot her guide dog?
maybe just just has a fetish for very ugly annoying lefties
She is prettier than average. She would not get on in the BBC otherwise, whatever her status as a fellow traveller.
Attack her politics and bias but please not her looks.
Okay, Mark Mardell and Kevin Connolly and Katie Connolly and all the rest of you Beeboids assigned to the US, if there’s an undercurrent of racism – or, as Mark Mardell says, a “sense of loss of superiority” – in the Tea Party movement, how do you explain the Democrat Senator Russ Feingold saying that he represents Tea Party values?
I know how I explain it.
I’m tempted to go to this. Might meet Richard Black. I’m sure he’ll be covering it.
This is also interesting. Note the dig at the inferior degree of the warmist.
Yes what a shock that Stephanie Flanders was once shagging Ed Balls and Red Ed. Actually I always thought Yvette Cooper was more her type.
{Extract from ‘Daily Mail’ about Ms. Flanders:
“She was made the BBC’s economics editor in February 2008.
The BBC last night declined to comment, but senior executives are known to be worried that the revelations about the relationships will fuel concerns over Left-wing bias within the Corporation. ”
Much too late for that, BBC-Labour-NUJ.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319222/How-BBCs-Stephanie-Flanders-fell-Ed-Miliband-Ed-Balls.html#ixzz11xwHuSLz
Do BBC licencepayers have to fund D.G., Mr Thompson, and Economics Editor, Ms. S. Flanders to be in Washington in the same week?
George, what is this about? Why is Thompson in the US at all?
Ostensibly, he’s visiting one of BBC-NUJ’s innumerable bureaus around the world. One of the perks of the job of D.G.
His US visit included a kid-glove interview by Bloomberg’s Charlie Rose:
“‘Abuse of power’: BBC director general Mark Thompson calls for Vince Cable to intervene in Murdoch’s bid for whole of Sky”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1318930/BBC-director-general-Mark-Thompson-calls-Vince-Cable-intervene-Murdochs-bid-Sky.html#ixzz11y7rNJpD
I see, he’s come to rally the troops to fight the good fight. Thanks.
BBC-NUJ’s political priorities for spending of UK lottery winning total:
“What could £113m lottery win buy society?”
Mr. Jackson’s answer:
HIV spending in Africa;
the Arts;
Science – which apparently means ‘wind farms’ (photo provided).
Here are a couple of lists detailing who’s appeared on the BBC News Channel to talk politics in the three days since the end of the party conference season:
7.25 Gordon Banks, Labour (3 minutes)
8.33 Lord Hutton, Labour (6 minutes)
12.47 Alex Salmond, SNP (2 minutes)
20.40 Maria Eagle, Labour (4 minutes)
9.32 Stephen Pound, Labour (4 minutes)
14.06 Margaret Beckett, Labour (3 minutes)
14.19 Peter Hain, Labour (5 minutes)
14.37 Philip Hammond, Conservative (3 minutes)
14.47 Rosie Winterton, Labour (4 minutes)
16.10 Peter Hain, Labour (6 minutes)
17.36 Alan Johnson, Labour (6 minutes)
19.41 Shaun Woodward, Labour (4 minutes)
9.14 Hilary Benn, Labour (3 minutes)
20.24 Hamish McDonnell, former political editor of the Scotsman
20.37 Paul Hackett, Smith Institute (Left)
21.05 Sunder Katwala, Fabian Society (Left)
21.09 Neal Lawson, Compass (Left)
21.31 Vincent Moss, political editor, Sunday Mirror (Left)
7.11 Professor Tim Bale (Right) and John McTernan, former Blair aide (Left)
8.31 John McTernan, former Blair aide (Left)
10.39 Will Straw, Left Foot Forward (Left)
16.08 John McTernan, former Tony Blair aide (Left)
19.11 Lance Price, former Blair advisor (Left)
20.13 Mark Davies, former Labour advisor (Left)
21.11 George Eaton, New statesman (Left)
So we ll balanced then!
INBBC under-reports Christian persecuted in Islamic countries, and in Britain:
“Rome ‘crisis’ talks on Middle East Christians”
On Christian persecution in Britain, Channel 4 had this (2007):
“Persecution of 3,000 ex-Muslim Christians in UK” (video)
INBBC censors this sort of Islamic activity.
The “World Debate” on the News Channel from the last half hour was pretty much a joke.
The Panel:
Joseph Stieglitz – Nobel Prize Laureate for Keynesian economicis
Christine Romer – discredited Socialist über-Keynesian who recently abandoned the sinking Good Ship Obamessiah
Head of the IMF
Greece Treasury Boss – discredited
Head of China Central Bank
Summary of discussion: The IMF thinks China’s currency is seriously under-valued. China Bank guy shrugs his shoulders and dances around the issue, more or less says the rest of them should get their houses in order, China will be fine.
Greek guy wants to keep spending to provide benefits he promised people. None of Greece’s problems are his fault – it’s all the global economy, etc. Romer says that, “We….the economists of the world, have decided…” that printing even more money and spending it is the only way to fix things. Stieglitz agrees, is unhappy with the austerity measures he sees in Europe. Can’t continue to go down that road, he says. IMF guy mostly shakes his head in disgust, but doesn’t make much of a real case for anything except for the problem with China’s currency.
Result: Me shouting at the screen (especially when Romer is talking) and visiting relatives asking me what the hell my problem is.
While the BBC is busy preparing a gigantic smear campaign against people like me, here’s some information they won’t tell you, and the reason why they’re on the attack:
Tea Party Participation Up As Election Nears
29% of voters say they are either members of a Tea Party group or have friends or family who are.
17% describe themselves as members, up 4% from six weeks ago.
Voters are now almost evenly divided in their views of the movement: 41% have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party; 40% view it unfavorably, and 19% are undecided. This is a slightly more critical assessment than was found in August.
Still, 47% believe the Tea Party movement is good for the country, a finding that hasn’t changed since May. Thirty-two percent (32%) say the movement is bad for America, while 14% say it’s neither.
Why, as Mark Mardell asked yesterday, is the Tea Party boiling?
The Tea Party movement arose out of voter unhappiness with the growth of government and spending under the Bush and Obama administrations
Is it racist to be against the excessive government spending of George Bush? Can we stop that lie now, BBC?
Thirty percent (30%) of Republicans and 17% of voters not affiliated with either major party say they are members of the Tea Party, compared to just five percent (5%) of Democrats.
So 22% of non-Republicans say they are part of the movement. Are they all racists, even the Democrats?
Seventy-four percent (74%) of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party movement. Seventy percent (70%) of Democrats do not. Unaffiliateds are almost evenly divided in their views.
No surprise here, of course.
But then, most Democrats think most members of the Tea Party movement are racist. Most Republicans and unaffiliated voters disagree.
Which is why the BBC keeps telling you that racism underpins the entire movement. Can there be any better proof of BBC partisanship?
Here’s one bit that will make Beeboids extremely angry:
“Conservative” is still the most positive political label you can attach to a candidate. But voters now have stronger reactions—positive and negative– to the Tea Party label than they do to the more traditional labels.
The BBC seriously failed in their coverage of the Tea Party movement from the very beginning. They’ve made a couple of good attempts – Katty Kay’s report from December 2009, for example – but overall the BBC’s reporting has been highly biased against both the ideals of the movement and its participants and supporters. When they bothered to cover it at all, that is.
Originally, the BBC refused to report the movement even existed. Then they disparaged it, then ignored it again, then disparaged it again. And now here we are: muddled Beeboid thinking, and biased reporting to the point of delusion.
I can only feel sorry for the BBC audience.
One for INBBC to keep quiet, to suit its poster boy, Binyam Mohamed.
‘Dail Mail’:
“Binyam Mohamed can stay in Britain – but he wants it kept secret: Former detainee argues reporting story amounts to ‘torture'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319220/Binyam-Mohamed-stay-Britain–wants-kept-secret-Former-detainee-argues-story-amounts-torture.html#ixzz11yHxr3G8
Let’s get this straight, this Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian who was arrested in an Al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan, is demanding to stay in Britain (as supported by INBBC/Chakrabarti, etc.), but he is suing the ‘Daily Mail’ to keep it secret!
“Binyam Mohamed: The false martyr” (2009).
Compare and contrast INBBC’s fawning attitiude to Ethiopian Muslim, with its hostile attitude to critic of Islam, Geert Wilders.
A contrast to BBC-NUJ’s pro-UAF, anti-EDL propaganda:
“EDL in Leicester – Chris Lough’s speech” (inc. video).
The public are starting to see the truth and how the MSM/NUJ are selling a pack of lies about the EDL.
The establishment are determined to portray the EDL as hooligan thugs bent on destruction and violence and the MSM/NUJ are peddling the fraud in association with the establishment.
The EDL is our tea party in fact and its gaining ground fast, far from being a gang of skinhead thugs the EDL consist of ordinary people like you and me and this alone terrifies the establishment more than anything else.
A grass roots popular movement appealing to and consisting of ordinary real normal people standing up and saying NO NO NO! The establishment can support and give succour to rent a rabble minorities like the UAF because they are nothing more than state sponsored and state endorsed street thugs who the state can use as arms length deniable operators.
The state is very very afraid of the EDL because of its potential to create a new reality where the MAJORITY concerns are enacted and MAJORITY opinions are respected. You see this in he USA where the establishment is frightened to death of the MAJORITY standing up and saying loudly and clearly to the tyrannical minority that we will no longer be pushed around and ignored and abused.
The state, the tyrannical minority who for so long have governed the MAJORITY while ignoring our wishes will move heaven and earth to destroy popular grassroots peoples movements like the EDL and the tea party because they mean a loss of power for the tyranny of the minority and it means that this tyranny would be forced to represent and enact our wishes.
The internet destroyed the establishments control of the mass media and now grassroots popular movements threaten to destroy the states monopoly on power. These b*stards will fight tooth and nail to preserve their stranglehold on power, they simply will not hand over control of our destiny to those they see as insects but the tide is turning now at long last, once people become aware that we are the many and they are the few and that we have the power and they do not then the establishments grip on us will vanish.
We’re all for it now! BBC Comrade Andrew Marr takes aim at all of us as being:
“Most citizen journalism strikes me as nothing to do with journalism at all. A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed, young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people. OK – the country is full of very angry people. Many of us are angry people at times. Some of us are angry and drunk. But the so-called citizen journalism is the spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night.”