5 Responses to THE REAL MCCOY….

  1. Olly boy says:

    This sort of thing sums up the BBC to a tee. Mr Hunt – get some backbone and do something about this!

    I’m too tired an have had too much t drink to say anymore.


  2. Demon1001 says:

    Backfired a bit, this virtuous mother of 10 (No television?) started talking about immigrants, then ethnic minorities and when she got to agreeing with the main point Duncan Smith had made she was not heard from again.

    Lord Steel was doing something he had never done before in his political life, using some amount of common sense with regards to the need for examining state handouts, although he slipped back to the Hutton position a little too easily.

    What they all missed is that this woman won’t lose anything as she admitted that she is nowhere near the limit, and at least two of her children have already left home.


  3. John Horne Tooke says:

    “Large families are now being demonised by the government, said mother-of-10 Eileen McCoy, who is living on benefits.”

    My first question to this woman would be “Why should I pay for her children?”


  4. Span Ows says:

    Just listened but see that Demon 1001 has pipped the comments I was going to make. It wasn’t all that bad: the mother decried immigrants on at least two occasions (including that they get preferential treatment on the housing list) and laid on the minimum wage too. Also that construction industry suffered and it was the previous governments fault…hahahaha. Also that IDS was right. David Steel was reasonable too, agreed with the coalition as long as “any anomalies were ironed out”

    The hosts opening comments were the worst aspect (even Will Hutton was fair) I loved it when the host thanked the mother (just past 6 minutes) by saying “Thank you for setting us…” err…”thank you for joining us and setting all that out for us” , clearly swallowing the word “straight” in his first attempt. 😀


  5. John Horne Tooke says:

    “The weekly net income of a benefits-dependent parent is as follows:

        Lone parent, one child: £207 a week
        Two children: £262 a week
        Three children: £324 a week
        Four children: £377 a week
        Five children: £441 a week.

    Now compare this with work. The ONS recently published what women are paid for various occupations. It shows that a woman with two kids (and a £262 net weekly income) does better than a waiter (£113/week) a cashier (£128) shelf filler (£155) library assistant (£170) hairdresser (£188) child-minder (£240) and street trader (£246).  These are gross figures, so you’d have to take off a bit for tax (and add about £30 to the waiter and shelf filler – the lower paid get tax credits) but you get the picture.”

    Does this mean that with 10 children she gets about £1,000 a week? No wonder she is angry!!!