I note the BBC are running this story about a farmer who has been “murdered”. It is suggested to me that the man concerned may have been run down and killed by thieves who COULD be of the “traveller” persuasion. Given the anxiety that this sort of incident has on our farmers, one would think the BBC would pursue the story rather more vigorously but then again who knows where that might lead? Instead this is conveniently tucked away in the Sussex section, next to an item concerning Winnie the Pooh stamps.
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Funny the BBC never tucked tihs one away. Tony Martin a real hero.
It’s currently 20th on my list of ‘Latest Headlines’ in firefox.
All the papers / reports I’ve seen refer to burglars. Nothing else. Is there more?
We may now have to add Tucked in Sussex to Hidden in Berkshire for what the Beeboid Corporation doesn’t want to be seen.
No BBC-EU comment on the costs of mass immigration:
“Children removed in Ilford people-trafficking raids”
Interesting to do the old ‘word swap’ game: replace ‘farmer’ with ‘muslim’, and ‘burglars’ with ‘members of EDL’. I wonder how far down the news chain it would be then.
All hail Claire Rayner then!
Only a month ago,the old trout was inciting protestors to “get rid of the Pope” when he visited here. No arrest followed though!
She said that her animus for the poor old bloke was worse than anything she had ever felt for another person…presumably including perpetrators of child abuse,rapists and murderers etc. That says a lot about our Claire. An aged and fat version of Lady Di who was at least “passionate” about the NHS…yet not so passionate about it when she went private for her treatment!
A true new Labor luvvie right to the end…a posturing fake who begat the grief industry and therapy culcha that the media groom and inflate .This is the day when she will have to meet the God she so vehemently raged against.
Benedict need not fear(not that he ever did) the gawdy pompous barrage ballooon of platitudes and banalities who left us no wiser for her life. How many minutes silence is she worth-Madrid was 4mins…what am I bid?
10 seconds…says it all when her last words should have been I LOVE YOU,but instead a true liebore twit to the end not excepting the mess GB left the nhs and attacking DC….If that was my mother on her death bed i would be angry that her last words were not for the family but for the media….pity .Anyone think her and dianne flabott were sisters..
I see your 10 seconds and lower it to 2.
Any advance on 2 seconds ?
Oh, and I’ll overlook your nasty bit of fiddling with my beloved’s surname, ‘cos every bit of weight means there’s more Diane to get hold of ! In my dreams………. 😉
Words for the family and all that…her twit of a son went to Twitter, of all things, telling whoever was interested that “my dear old mum” had passed away. I was shocked at the manner of it. It read all wrong to me: casual, flippant, lacking personal and family feeling, decorum, privacy, a sense of connection with a mother and the import of the death of a mother. It was as if he was reporting a mundane event like a trip to the shops. Rushing to twitter and trivialising one’s mother’s death. Do some people live only through what they do online and lose the sense of deeper connections and meanings – even of family, life, death?