Interesting and subtle article here by the BBC. It screams about alleged financial “abuse” of “bonus culture” by NHS Consultants. The impression is given that there is widespread troughery and self reward and this is unacceptable at a time when the NHS faces cuts. But it’s not quite that straightforward. You see for starters, it is the BBC itself which claims to have identified the “loop-hole” that these greedy medics are exploiting.They then go to speak to three experts, two of whom take the view that these bonus payments should stop forthwith. It strikes me as a hatchet job on NHS consultants and whilst I carry no candle for them I can also see when they are being stitched up, if you’ll pardon the pun. What say you?
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I look forward to the BBC co-operating with the Daily Mail when they investigate BBC bonuses.
Exactly. Some FOI requests reveal shocking waste at the BBC. The NHS needs to save a few bob, but at least consultants doing something worthwhile. It was Gordon Brown that really threw money at the organization, but without much-needed reform.
“How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?”
Matthew 7:4
It is the managers and management consultants the BBC should be investigating.
At least the surgeons save lives.
How does the BBC decide who to put in a FOI request against? Consultants have not exactly been in the news lately.
Consultant awards within the NHS are generally considered as extra compensation for those consultants who do not actively pursue private practice. Many NHS consultants – surgeons particularly – can double their NHS salary in a minimal amount of free time, and some can triple it. Giving NHS-work priority – committees, admin, out of hours, and stuff doesn’t get you bucks. The answer for senior people was “awards”.
You would think journalists and politicians would understand what keeps their nationalised beloved health system working – in the interest of the NHS. Apparently not.