I try to monitor “The Daily Politics” to see if Andrew Neil is starting to hang to the left. Yesterday’s guest was Will Hutton who was given a free ride from Brillo. In fact it was almost a love-in. Not significant in itself, but watch this space.
Anyone else see it ?
Does anyone understand what this business is which Evan Davis is doing just after the Today programme on Radio 4 all this week, where they are rather self-importantly unveiling a shortlist of objects to be the 100th great object of the world? Today’s candidate seemed to be a spice grinder used by a Bangladeshi family living in London, of crucial importance because it symbolises migration and movement in a way which a rucksack with lots of wires coming out of it doesn’t. From what I heard today I understand the other candidates are a football shirt, a second hand mobile phone from Uganda, some clothing to go the Antarctic and a solar-powered lamp.
Journalist Oliver Holt just had a right go at Dame Nikki Campbell on Radio 5 just now (Dame Nikki didn’t like it one little bit). Holt accused Campbell of sneering at the press whilst then running the very same stories 30 minutes later.
Dame Nikki didn’t like the term ‘sneering’ yet this is what Dame Nikki does.
“The man in charge of the BBC move to Salford is one of three top bosses who have been dropped from the corporation’s executive board.
“Peter Salmon, who is leading the massive BBC North project, will step down from the board as part of director general Mark Thompson’s plan to slim down his top tier of managers.”
“Mr Salmon himself made headlines this summer after announcing he would not be moving his family north initially but renting a flat close to MediaCity ‘for the moment’ and commuting to London.
The creation of the BBC’s northern headquarters has been hit by rumours staff did not want to move away from London.”
“He said stories suggesting BBC bosses, including himself, were not committed to the project were ‘outrageous’.”
There is, in all humility, a topic post on the home page that I now see precedes it (I had not noticed while writing), but thank you.
I am sure your question is benign, but do forgive me if I prefer to avoid getting into the personalities behind posting nicknames. I only moved to ‘Guest Who’ after a taunt from a fellow poster, to show that it was really no different to the default ‘Guest’ at the time. Ironically this seemed to satisfy all. Que sera, sera.
Sadly the blogosphere is still a bit Wild West, and hence I am one who prefers the relative anonymity that I think most prefer and enjoy, especially when it does appear there are those of ‘passion’ around, often indulged or… possibly… supported by well-resourced backers.
I prefer to go by what as person has written, rather than who they are, if that’s OK. And, really, admission or denial could easily be false, so it all becomes moot.
If a post is polite, coherent and addresses a topic factually (with URLs, etc, always being helpful), I am happy to share in posters’ opinions and even robust joshing, but some can take it a bit far.
Certainly, with the plethora of ‘we must be impartial because, well, we just are’ posts currently, from such as Ms. Boaden, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Simpson and now Mr. Jordan, if found wanting they do need to be held firmly to account. We are enforced, often unwilling stakeholders, after all.
And the cause of trusted journalism is served poorly by weasel words in place of honourable deeds.
The highlighted instance of shabby reporting happening first, and then being concealed later, is a serious one, needs clear exposure… and explanation.
Hence the post you refer to has in my terms made a valuable contribution, and in a fairly neutral manner, mostly citing the BBC’s own published (if subsequently deleted) material. IMHO.
In particular on the day the latest raft of ‘guidelines’ are being trumpeted, when clearly such things are of little use if promptly ignored.
My question was totally benign and I have no problem with anonymity, yours or mine, I merely wished to highlight an excellent contribution. As for the guidelines I have just read a tweet that indicates how little they mean to the average Beeboid.
If they’re written by David Jordan take it for read they’re just PR and the BBC will continue lumbering on playing PC Thought Policeman in the life of Britain.
Trifecta My question was totally benign and I have no problem with anonymity, yours or mine,
Tx for your understanding. I do note that the substantive issues raised, namely the blatant mis-reporting in an attempt to create US-UK friction, and subsequent attempted cover up by the BBC of their doing this, remains unaddressed.
after the blog entry.
Betsan’s Blog – and my colleague David Cornock’s blog – have both been closed to comment for some time.
Because some of the comments didn’t really add much to a mature public debate.
What have we done about it?
We’ve looked again at the way comments are moderated and now, we’ve reopened both blogs to comment.
Comment in your droves; comment from any and every side of any and every political divide. Tell it as it is but as you do it, stick to the House Rules.
Here they are: House Rules
We reserve the right to fail messages which:
• Are considered likely to provoke, attack or offend others
• Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
• Contain swear words or other language likely to offend
• Break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court.
• Advertise products or services for profit
• Are seen to impersonate someone else
• Repeatedly post the same or similar messages (‘spam’)
• Are unrelated to the topic
• Include contact details such as telephone numbers and postal or email addresses
• Are written in anything other than English – Welsh and Gaelic may be used where marked.
• Contain links to other websites which break our Editorial Guidelines
• Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
We may also close comments on a post if we think the discussion has become irrelevant or out of date.
We want to keep our blog as focused as possible. For this reason, messages not relevant to the post may be rejected.
Repeatedly posting personal or offensive comments about individual members of the public or people who work for the BBC may be considered harassment. We reserve the right to remove such messages and take action against those responsible.
Maggie was not perfect, but she did her best under very difficult circumstances. At least she stopped the rot for about 20 years.
And the only female PM in British history.
Happy Birthday, Maggie !
I seem to recall that Jeremy Hardy is keenly anticipatingher death
“Thatcher’s grave is going to be a permanent urinal to all decent people, isn’t it?” he stated unequivocally to the simpering smarmy approval of Fry on QI some months ago. So you will not be a decent person if you do not urinate on her grave in his opinion.
Expect a lot of this sort of pathetic and fundamentally offensive abuse when she dies. It is the only celebration of her life and achievements that the BBC will permit.
I am proud not to be a “decent person”.
Buggy, you should be ashamed of yourself. Given Jeremy Hardy’s unique contribution to the Nation, I hope he lives forever. He is a giant among men, often mentioned in the same breath as Churchill….er…. wait a minute, I think I have the wrong script here.
Lets see if this even gets up…and if it does, whether it stays up if the thread is closed!
“Sorry but the BBC’s issues with impartiality are one of culture, which cannot simply be addressed by adding a few words to a document your staff will never really read.
If the BBC was serious about impartiality you wouldnt need a document like this telling us how awesome you are simply because the BBC would already be impartial.
I mean lets face the truth here. The BBC stopped reporting the news decades ago and instead started reporting its opinion as the news. You want to be serious about reporting the news, get rid of all the BBC blogs which are nothing more than a collection of leftist ideology.
Please do tell us underserving underlings how exactly the BBC will change how it reports Mann Made Global Warming ™, Immigration, Islam, Republicans, British way of life, multiculturalism over night? Actually, lets be slightly more realistic, how does the BBC plan to report on any of these items over the next 10 years?
Sadly, each of the above items I have listed the BBC has shown a marked bias towards. Mann Made Global Warming, the BBC is an advocate. Immigration, the BBC is an advocate for unlimited immigration. Islam, the BBC is an advocate for Islam and censors any and all stories that shines light in the true nature of the beast (anyone seen an in depth analisys of Wilders trial or Theo Van Goughs murder? No, didnt think so). Republicans, how many times did the BBC regurgitate the lie of Palins beautiful son being her grand son? Dont even get me started on how the BBC has treated and still does treat GW. British way of life…the BBC is an advocate for the destruction of the British way of life, after all its unfair to expect all those immigrants to adapt to Britain and fit in.
So yes, please do explain how you intend to change the BBC when so many of the biases I have listed above are so deeply ingrained in to the corporations leftist culture.”
Just watched both vids and I can say with certainty that NOTHING of that testimony will ever be heard on the BBC, the BBC will NEVER tell us the truth and the facts in an open and honest manner because they cannot.
I firmly believe that islamist censors work at the BBC and they clear any material or block any material they make think helps or hinders their cause.
There’s nothing about Wilders on the BBC Europe News page. Isn’t this extremely relevant to the UK, seeing as how Wilders was banned from entering because of his film for which he’s on trial right now? Not to mention the fact that Britian is facing a similar problem of encroaching fundamentalist Islam.
D.G Thompson’s e-mail to Beeboids, dutifully reported in full, by their chums at the only newspaper they willingly read:
“Mark Thompson’s email to BBC staff”
A classic Thompson one-liner:
“As you know, we are committed to spending every penny possible on the BBC’s services and content.”
‘Services’ includes BBC licencepayers servicing extravagant top pay, perks and pensions to the likes of himself and Byford.
‘Content’ includes political propaganda for: Islam, Labour, TUs, EU, Obama, GW, mass immigration, etc.
As you well know, Thompson, over recent times as the licence tax goes up, (strangely, given that the number of households keeps rising in leaps and bounds), the proportion of spend on programmes goes down.
Why would that be? Can you tell us, Clever Clogs? You must know.
The shocking story from East London where police and social services are acting on the information from Romania, concerning Gypsy Barons and child-trafficking to UK to beg on a High Street near you.
This comes as no surprise as similar stories and court cases are flying all over Western Europe. The details are uncannily similar which leads one to suspect that there is a widespread problem here.
It amazes me that children begging in full public view are not followed by PCSOs and the case could easily be cracked by UK police and Social services. School attendance in term time for a start.
The BBC introduces this case, as it must, in concert with the press, both print and on-line in UK and abroad.
However, the malaise that led to the lack of policing is also evident in the BBC strapline:
‘How criminals deploy Roma children to fund a life of luxury’
The missing word is :
How ROMA criminals deploy Roma children to fund a life of luxury.
Come on BBC tell it as it is. We all know what is going on.
The Met Police Bulletin (below) issued 12th October is a clear and precise statement of the international dimension of this shocking case. It’s worth reading.
But the malaise that has crept into the police (and that, in my view, allowed this shocking state of affairs to persist over a considerable length of time) is evident in one clause in the body of the report which jumps out as a non-sequitor. Evidence of the ‘sociologicalisation’ of the service (force) and, in fact, is totally out of place in an otherwise clear statement.
I#ll highlight it:
Operation Golf is a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) between the MPS and the Romanian National Police (RNP) tackling a specific Romanian Roma organised Crime Network (OCN) that are trafficking and exploiting children from the Romanian Roma community, ONE OF THE POOREST AND MOST DEPRIVED COMMUNITIES IN EUROPE . It is supported by Europol, Eurojust, the UK Crown Prosecution Service and the Romanian Prosecutors Office (DIICOT). The JIT is currently 70% funded by a grant from the European Commission and the remainder by the Met Police.’
In fact, the same formula appears twice.
It is strictly irrelevant and has no bearing on the shocking crimes and child abuse.
Remember, each of those children got past our (non-Schengen’ borders. Passports had to be checked. Children were clearly nodded through. A group of agencies bears a lot of responsibility for the lack of attention.
Less sociology and more policing. If only for the children
La Cumparsita<img src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/images/icon10-external-url.png”/> I would really like Howard Jacobson to win the Man Booker prize this year. Has he had much publicity on the BBC?
jueves, 07 de octubre de 2010, 17:26:36– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate Wishes do come true:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11528908
Nice to see those Chilean miners emerging safe and sound after all this time.
However, I notice that the cage is coming up full but going down empty. What a wasted opportunity. I have in mind Andrew Marr, Jeremy Paxman, Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton – for starters.
You can always count on Someone (“They” know who they are! 😉 ) lowering the tone along with the cage. It’s back to the Basement and a cold supper for you, lad.
Thats what happens when you enoble someone just because of their ethnic origin and not for what they have contributed to the country they are supposed to serve.
The Zionist Federation informs that Judge George Bathurst-Norman, the Judge who gave a biased summing up in the Trial of a group of anti-Jewish State vandals, has been reprimanded for his comments.
So John Pinhead on Radio 5 salutes Red Ed for his performance at PMQ’s today (funny I’ve never heard Pinhead say the same about Cameron, he usually drones on about Camerons background)
Then Scabby Logan read out plenty of Pro Red Ed texts even finishing off her show with a very glowing pro Red Ed text.
Then I hear that Film 2010 will be presented by Claudia Winkleman and a hack from a Newspaper.
Anyone like to take a wild guess as to which newspaper?
Dame Nicky interviewed Michael Howard on R5 this morning, supposedly about PMQs. The Dame’s fat faced friend, Fogarty, was on hand to butter up dear, dear Nicky & leapt straight in at the first opportunity to regurgitate the “something about the night” quote to Howard.
Howard then went on to show his other-worldlyness by admiting that he had never watched bloody “Strictly” (me neither)
Matt Frei just called the Chilean mine rescue a “cauldron of hope”. What a waste of oxygen.
I feel sorry for Tim Willcox. He was made to leave his comfortable anchor’s chair and spend three weeks in Chile (presumably because he’s fluent in Spanish), and did a great job of what little there was to report for days and days. Now that it’s time for the reveal, Frei Boy swoops in and is getting the glory air time, and spouts drivel instead of Willcox’s straight talk.
I have heard that some Chilean reporters speak excelent English and because they live in Chile, it would be be quite cheap for the licence payer as well.
He is rather excitable, isn’t he? But then, you have to remember that he is the first cousin of the wild whirling Peter Snow of Swingometer, which perhaps helps explain a lot. 😀
Frei just dissed all miners everywhere. He mentioned that the youngest of the trapped Chilean miners was 19 years old. Then he said the the kid’s mother said that he didn’t want to go down the mine anymore and was going to college “so he could get a decent job”.
At least the BBC is now admitting that Iran wants to make Lebanon into their outpost against Israel. That was absent in previous reports. But the Body Count Narrative is back, albeit slightly altered. This time, when they mention the body count differences, both Israeli and Lebanese casualties are given as single figures. In the past (before the useful Jews left the Jerusalem bureau), the BBC always delinieated only the Israeli casualties as military or civilian deaths, while the non-Israeli casualties were given as a single number, leaving the impression that they were all innocent civilians. So there’s a slight improvement.
When the article mentions Iran’s support for Hezbollah, there is no attempt to provide evidence that Hezbollah has rearmed. All we get is a he said/she said exchange, as if both opinons are equally valid, even thought there’s plenty of evidence that Hezbollah has rearmed with Iranian help.
The worst error of bias here is the BBC’s attempt to – once again – rewrite history about the origins of Hezbollah. The “Hezbollah” inset in the lower half of the piece says that the group “Emerged in 1982 to fight Israeli invasion of Lebanon”.
This makes it appear that this was pure, unprovoked Israeli aggression and conquest, which is a lie. I know because I was going to school in Israel in 1981 and know that the PLO was sending Katyusha rockets into Israel for weeks, which is what prompted Israel to go in. None of that was reported in Western media at the time, and the rest of the world was schocked, shocked to find out that nasty old Israel was invading Lebanon for seemingly no reason.
Israel had to occupy part of southern Lebanon afterwards to prevent more rockets and root out the PLO. Syria and then Iran saw their chance, and Hezbollah was born. The BBC still loves to portray them as a legitimate resistance force, even though they continued to attack Israel long after the withdrawal from Lebanon. As usual, Israel is the only bad guy in the picture, and the BBC continues to rewrite history to demonize the Jews.
Some mistake, surely? This is not the type of result obtained by the sundry international polls conducted for the BBC.
“The UK has remained in fourth position in an annual league table of the world’s most admired countries.
The UK was beaten into fourth position by the US, who stayed top, with Germany second and France third in the 2010 Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index.
The annual list is compiled from the views of 20,000 adults from 20 countries across the world.”
Haha. Tim Willcox just said that there’s no need for all the hordes of media hacks to bring cameras and equipment to the rescue area because the Chilean state TV has been provided great footage which the rest of them ended up using. I said as much last night while watching that feed on the Fox News website.
Bonus: no crap emotional narrative from Matt Frei, either.
So the BBC really has wasted a huge amount of money sending all that staff and equipment to Chile.
Classic Radio 5 anti Tea Party comments from Peter Allen. Some camp male beeboid was interviewing some tea partiers who expressed their dislike of Barry’s big Government and his taxing of everything that moves agenda.
Peter Allen sneers in studio “did you go searching for these people or did you bump into them?” he sniggers (with ugly female beeboid tittering as well)
“No this is the view of a lot of the bible belt America” says’ beeboid. “Well they’re a bit too strong for OUR taste” sneers Allen. For YOUR taste Allen?
Oh dear, St Barry Obama is going to get his arse well kicked in a few weeks and the camp males at the BBC don’t like it one little bit.
If I remember I’ll try to put the link up to the audio when it’s uploaded.
Beeboid and Comrade Mason, following in the footsteps of BBC’s Democrat Schama, has further ‘socialist’ analysis of American society (continued)- tonight on ‘Newsnight’ BBC 2 TV, and ‘Newsnight’ blog.
Mason is now trying to catch up with, and understand the ‘Tea Party’ movement, after the BBC has either dismissed it or ridiculed it for a long time; as even Mason notices now:
“Some of America’s mainstream media” [and BBC] “is in a state of denial and disorientation over the Tea Party movement, as are some political strategists in Washington.”
“In the shadow of 1860 – America’s ‘two nations’ go to the polls”
Some of the US media is in denial? The BBC was in denial for 18 months, and Mark Mardell is still disoriented.
With the platoon of Beeboids covering the US already, now they’re sending Mason as well? How many Beeboids does it take to figure out what’s going on? Are they all that useless? Do they just really have no idea how the US works?
The BBC really needs to stop hiring Leftoid political activists and get real.
But the BBC just ignore the drop in support from Democrats with Obama, they can’t spin that one so they hide it. Obama is about as popular as a turd in a swimming pool with Democrats looking for re-election.
I read Mason’s blog. They are really worried by the Tea Party now. Over intellectualising as is their wont.
Behind all the words is perhaps a fear that this counter revolution against the libbie excesses is spreading to Britain and maybe Europe.
I think it was Oliver Cromwell who said that all he needed was a few good men and he would win.
The “elites” in both the US and GB need to remember that events are unpredictable and great changes happen fast.
The ordinary American of flyover country and the ordinary Englishman of rural and suburban England will do what is necessary to restore sanity and good government to their lands.
If not then our culture and futures will be lost.
Mason simply does not understand that this is not primarily an economic struggle but one that will decide the fate of nations.
America gives me hope. The Tea Party shows that there is life left in democracy there and that people are prepared to get out, make themselves heard and be listened to on the sort of country they want and on the bread and butter issues that affect them. Not so much sign here of that. Usually here it has to be for some fashionable cause from a left and minority point of view, attached to some laudable idea such as freedom or justice.
What is worrying about America though is how useless most of the lame stream media were for vetting Barry Obama, just as over here in the UK the media never properly held the Limp Dems to account.
Barry Obama may well not have been elected if the media had put 1/100 of the effort into vetting him as they did Sarah Palin who was only standing for VP.
The American people have a right to be angry but most of that anger should be at their media.
Actually, I think Mason and the rest of the BBC do understand that this election will affect the fate of nations: that’s why they hate it so and are desperately spinning and trying to demonize more than half the country. They’re completely aware that this may spell the beginning of the end of The Obamessianic Age, the age which they dreamed of during what Matt Frei often referred to on air as “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration”. If He loses, they will absolutely freak out. And He’s not even running, so you know just how much this is a cult of personality.
But we in the US don’t really give a damn about the fate of other nations, and the Tea Party movement certainly could care less what a bunch of useless Beeboids think. This really is about an economic struggle, and the culture war aspect is mostly a sideshow. For now, anyway.
JournoLista and Katie Connolly Twiiter buddy Jonathan Chait has announced a new tactic to enrage the faithful in the hopes of getting them to vote in November. He claims that a GOP-majority Congress will try to impeach The Obamessiah.
If this bit of baseless scaremongering shows up in BBC reporting, you’ll know where it came from.
Mark Mardell has blogged about the latest developments in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law struggle. Spot the missing political party in the following sentence:
The US government is indeed in an odd position: President Barack Obama wants to get rid of the law but his plans have been blocked by the Senate, so the Department of Justice fought this case because it is a challenge to existing laws and policy.
But, but, but, I thought Candidate Obamessiah promised that He would repeal the law. Why hasn’t He fought for this? What’s going on, BBC?
What will the White House and the Department of Justice do? We’ve asked, they won’t tell.
Really? Here’s what Mardell doesn’t want you to know:
Even Andrew Sullivan, whom a few Beeboids saluted on the recent 10th anniversary of his blog, knows the score:
So once again, we will have the political prospect of the Obama administration simultaneously legally defending the Defense of Marriage Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in court, while politically saying they oppose both…
Yes, the GOP is the main party to blame. But no, this does not excuse the extra-cautious, gays-are-radioactive mindset of the Obama administration…
So The Obamessiah lied about it when running for office, and the BBC is lying to cover for Him now.
Between all the live reports from Chile, Breakfast had time this morning for its business ‘guru’ Simon Jack to ask an L.S.E. professor, Nicholas Barr (on the subject of lifting the cap on tuition fees):
What’s the net result of all this going to be? Does it mean we’re going to reverse ten years of encouraging people to go to university and we’re going to end up like an American system where only rich kids go to university?
As well as that gem, there was also time for the programme’s daily live CUTS coverage, today from a hospital. There was a recurring report featuring BBC regular Peter Carter of the Royal College of Nursing, strongly attacking the budget cuts, who was ‘balanced’ by a “health economist” called Zack Cooper from the L.S.E., another BBC regular (and a voice from the Huffington Post), who was (according to reporter Graham Satchell) “more sanguine”, saying it wasn’t doomsday for health spending, if only in comparison to other government departments. (Dr Cooper advised the last government – not mentioned by the BBC).
The BBC reporter ended his live broadcast (at 7.30) with the sort of thing BBC reporters are now regularly ending their reports with:
“Talk to people who work in the NHS and they’re worried.”.
After his report ended, Bill Turnbull gave us a taste of tomorrow’s scary CUTS story:
“Tomorrow we’ll look at the effects the spending review could have on schools and consider whether maybe teaching assistants and dinner ladies could be in line to lose their jobs”.
So expect a lot of ‘deeply concerned’ teaching assistants and dinner ladies, probably a union leader (Chris Keates?) and perhaps even a left-wing academic (not announced as such).
That’s one thing you can say about the News Channel’s blanket coverage today from Chile: It’s given the Channel’s viewers a break from the usual sort of propaganda.
Yesterday, Simon Jack was pushing a particular line on the government’s changes to the way pensions and benefits are going to be uprated from next year. You will perhaps guess what that line was from a few quotes:
“It could mean people get less.” “How much will people lose out?” “Ok, so people will be getting less”. “All right, so there’s a big squeeze all round there” “It looks like many people will lose out.”
That was simply disgusting. Can you imagine the BBC going to another country like Pakistan or Nigeria and talking to a local, then sneering at them in the studio?
The BBC is so out of touch, they try to make out the Tea Party movement just a small bunch quack red neck. In fact it is a huge movement as shown by Glenn Becks rally.
Radio 5 live have not woken up to the reality that their Messiah Obama is the most unpopular president in history. The Democrats, his own party don’t like him and are realising that he is a liability. Talk about out of touch, the BBC is still backing the great One; even Rahm Emmanuel has jumped ship and is running for the mayor of Chicago.
Shows how crap the White House is when your top men are jumping ship after 2 years. I’ve lost count of how many of Barry’s staff have gone now, he lost a few early on sacked a few and some have clearly just had enough.
Have a listen to this, the wife of the great One, Michelle Obama jibbering on about keeping the spirits clean. And the BBC thinks the Tea Partiers are crazy?
Oh dear, the President of Chile has just learned about the BBC poison the hard way. Apparently HE asked to interview our camp male beeboid. So camp male beeboid did what camp male beeboids do,, attack attack attack!
‘Pincochet’ ‘Governments fault’ ‘the note’ ‘making political capital’ it went on and on.
You learn the hard way with the BBC if you’re a ‘right wing President’
Could you imagine if this had been a US rescue and Barry Obama had been there, the beeboids would have been sniffing his bum to please him.
First it was New York, now it seems that Illinois is going to deprive a ton of overseas military from voting in the mid-term elections because of “accidents” in sending out the absentee ballots.
No prizes for guessing which party most of the military vote for. Even JournoListas know the answer.
That’s a nice voting block you’ve got there, colonel. Shame if something was to ‘appen to it.
BBC: No worries, losing is the best thing for it. Look over there: a racist! ZZzzzzzzzz.
That happened to our forces last May, and many troops support patriotic Parties.
To add insult to injury there were naive left-wing morons giving their votes to foreigners (telling them to vote Labour for them) http://giveyourvote.org/
Its funny how the lessons of history are not learned, the battles of the past bear wisdom which is ignored by those who seem determined not to learn by the mistakes of those that went before.
When China is ready it will march West, that much is clear and while they prepare the West is doing all in its power to make itself weaker and less able to defend its interests China is building the means to win the next conflict.
NATO is weak and divided and used by the lazy as an excuse to be lazy, why bother with defence when others will do it for you? I am sure the ancient Greek city states placed their faith in leagues to protect them and were very surprised when these leagues turned out to be worthless.
Weakness and division and the insane pursuit of a ridiculous utopian dream, the world is not going to come together in peace’N’harmony via the UN and just like the world post WW1 the next bloc war is coming along the line.
Then again there are many in the political class of the left who would welcome a Chinese political system as long as they were the satraps left in place, there are many in the political class who despise Western democracy and yearn for th epower a Chinese system would give them. No wonder the EU is building itself into a anti democratic monolith, perhaps in expectation of the satrap underling role to come. All we really need to know about the future could be learned from the ancient Greek city states wars and conflicts, the history of the Peleponesian wars could give us all the information we need to see what is going to happen if only we cared to look.
We are trusting the care of our ‘city walls’ to traitors it seems
The Chinese are already marching across Africa and I have seen them in action. Not much reported by the BBC.
But, something inside me has a sneaking admiration for them, they look after their own interests at all times.
I suspect the first big conflict will be between China and India.
David P,
Yes the BBC don’t have a clue about what is going on in global politics, economics and business, so the big events in the world go unreported. Beeboids are stupid, narrow-minded, parochial clones.
What’s more important to Britain right now: the geo-political ramifications of Turkey allying itself with China, both economically and militarily, or a mid-term election in the US?
Hello hello what this emanating from the ‘BBC Chile’ disaster circus?
Now we know how much the BBC hate opinion polls and popularity ratings when they portray the BBCs ideological enemies in a positive light, the BBC are very keen to tell us the poll ratings of the new right wing president of Chile. I wondered why until it came to me, his ratings are going to sink back down to normal levels after the euphoria of the rescue that much is obvious and guess who will be waiting to report in blaring headlines ‘Chiles right wing BILLIONIARE presidents popularity is plunging because of his economic policies’! You cannot buy propaganda like that can you? Well you can if you have access to unlimited funds like the BBC for example.
I did wonder why so many beeboids headed south for what is essentially a local story, I can imagine the beeboids and the leftist socialist media had a cosy get together to plan the next phase of the attack on the Chilean right.
Its no coincidence that the BBC and the Chilean left have very close historic ties from the days of Pinochet onwards with many Marxist agitators fleeing Chile and finding a welcome home in the UK and Europe.
The reforms that the new government is going to enact is a revolution and the Marxist left are going to find any way they possibly can to sabotage them. The BBC are going to do everything in its power to help and assist them.
Why does the BBC knock Chile? Because it is a South American success story. It managed to escape the ravages of communism because of Pinochet. We all know that the BBC’s idea of a perfectly just and fair, wealthy and happy society is Castros’ Cuba.
And look at it this way if the accident had happened in China, the miners would have been left entombed down there, and the world media would be censored.
bbc5liveBBC Radio 5 LiveHundreds of quangos are finding out if they’re going to be scrapped or not. @nickyaacampbell asks: what would you cut?http://bbc.in/cftp2J
Is Aunty a quango?
At the very least, as I look at smug diversity-selected teleprompter readers sitting side by side doing the exact same thing, I am now going ‘That one… cut. That one…’
r4todayBBC Radio 4 TodayDo immigrants have a clear idea of what British #fairness means? John Humphrys investigates:http://bbc.in/ctaGQ7
An old, white, isolated, privileged, hypocritical dinosaur who has lived his entire life off an anachronistic entitlement imposed on the many so a few can shuttle from their estates to their recording booths to spout their 50’s studnet Uni doctrine… is going to ‘investigate’ fairness?
Can’t wait.
I think of Humphrys as a character in a John Le Carre novel.
Needless to say playing the part of a traitor somewhat effortlessly.
So when he’s on R4 it’s fiction to me !
Too bad they aren’t going to cut back on the legion of BBC staff deployed in the US right now. I gues smearing the Tea Party movement and supporting the leader of a foreign country is a better use of the license fee than covering trivial things like the G20 and NATO.
By what leap of market rate talent brainpower, after Helen, David, Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice, did they feel another ‘we got it about right’ selective bit of navel-gazing internal BS was going to swing it when none so far have?
What BS. They sent more than just Willcox and Frei. As I said before, Willcox was worth sending down there. Frei, not so much. I saw at least one other Beeboid doing a video report there as well – something to do with the pipes used to line the rescue shaft. And what about all the extra crew they sent? How useful were they in the end? There was no need for more than one camera and one sound guy, plus a producer/wrangler.
Willcox did lots of on-air interviews in Spanish, where he translated as he went, and obviously had developed relationships with family members and rescue teams. Frei, on the other hand, swanned in later on so he could tell his stories and use ridiculously flowery language such as “a cauldron of hope”. He never did any of the kind of key interviews Willcox did.
Anyone watching will have seen a stark contrast between Willcox and Frei.
In terms of being an utter twat, Frei scored max points and even used his joker. Fox and Sky shred resources and for the most part used the official feed. I think Sky had two people there and Fox one (plus crew)
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
BBC bimbo takes 1st place prize in the corporation’s ‘Goldfish impersonation of the year’ competition:
Does anyone know what happened to Jack Bauer who used to post here regularly ? I rather miss his wry comments.
I was wondering about him yesterday. Also John Anderson.
Yes, also John , who was a great poster here especially on science matters.
I think John’s still on holiday, somewhere out in the Far East (if memory serves me right).
Lucky John !
Seems his last post was in July.
I missed this angle from the Beeb’s coverage of the EHRC report on ‘Fairness’:
Anyway, back to the Chilean miners…
I try to monitor “The Daily Politics” to see if Andrew Neil is starting to hang to the left. Yesterday’s guest was Will Hutton who was given a free ride from Brillo. In fact it was almost a love-in. Not significant in itself, but watch this space.
Anyone else see it ?
BBBC-NUJ: ‘It’s all about Fairness’. (As in extravagant ‘fairness’ to BBC execs.)
“Second BBC executive to go (with £325,000 goodbye): Now corporation’s marketing chief is made redundant”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319993/Second-BBC-executive-325-000-goodbye–Now-corporations-marketing-chief-redundant.html#ixzz12DykdzLl
Is this possibly the biggest non-story of recent times?
Funny how the word ‘Asian’ is used liberally here, but not when it comes to the rape of white 13-year-old girls…
OK, we know (more or less) who is being robbed. What we don’t know is – who is doing the robbing?
It’s Sky’s fault that England are rubbish at football according to he radio 5 phone in.
Does anyone understand what this business is which Evan Davis is doing just after the Today programme on Radio 4 all this week, where they are rather self-importantly unveiling a shortlist of objects to be the 100th great object of the world? Today’s candidate seemed to be a spice grinder used by a Bangladeshi family living in London, of crucial importance because it symbolises migration and movement in a way which a rucksack with lots of wires coming out of it doesn’t. From what I heard today I understand the other candidates are a football shirt, a second hand mobile phone from Uganda, some clothing to go the Antarctic and a solar-powered lamp.
It’s a biased list. No atlatl, no range weapons of any kind, no musical instruments older than a Chinese bronze bell.
It took them 4 years to plan and here is the 100 objects.
The world of our making (AD 1914–2010)
A Russian revolutionary plate
A painting of two blokes lying together
Weapons from Mozambique
A credit card from the United Arab Emirates.
That is the last 90 years in a nutshell ala BBC and Neil MacGregor,Art historian and museum director, Salary £179,999
Incredible, only on the BBC. They are all barking mad !
Journalist Oliver Holt just had a right go at Dame Nikki Campbell on Radio 5 just now (Dame Nikki didn’t like it one little bit). Holt accused Campbell of sneering at the press whilst then running the very same stories 30 minutes later.
Dame Nikki didn’t like the term ‘sneering’ yet this is what Dame Nikki does.
We’ll always have Salford.
“BBC shake-up ‘won’t hit the move to Salford’”
(‘Manchester E. News’)
“The man in charge of the BBC move to Salford is one of three top bosses who have been dropped from the corporation’s executive board.
“Peter Salmon, who is leading the massive BBC North project, will step down from the board as part of director general Mark Thompson’s plan to slim down his top tier of managers.”
“Mr Salmon himself made headlines this summer after announcing he would not be moving his family north initially but renting a flat close to MediaCity ‘for the moment’ and commuting to London.
The creation of the BBC’s northern headquarters has been hit by rumours staff did not want to move away from London.”
“He said stories suggesting BBC bosses, including himself, were not committed to the project were ‘outrageous’.”
But true.
‘Right wing President’ again.
“Commercial radio criticises BBC pay and ‘inefficiencies'”
The comments about Radio3 are spot on.
Looks interesting…
Excellent spot Guest Who. There is a very interesting comment from a Junkkmale, is that you? Good stuff.
There is, in all humility, a topic post on the home page that I now see precedes it (I had not noticed while writing), but thank you.
I am sure your question is benign, but do forgive me if I prefer to avoid getting into the personalities behind posting nicknames. I only moved to ‘Guest Who’ after a taunt from a fellow poster, to show that it was really no different to the default ‘Guest’ at the time. Ironically this seemed to satisfy all. Que sera, sera.
Sadly the blogosphere is still a bit Wild West, and hence I am one who prefers the relative anonymity that I think most prefer and enjoy, especially when it does appear there are those of ‘passion’ around, often indulged or… possibly… supported by well-resourced backers.
I prefer to go by what as person has written, rather than who they are, if that’s OK. And, really, admission or denial could easily be false, so it all becomes moot.
If a post is polite, coherent and addresses a topic factually (with URLs, etc, always being helpful), I am happy to share in posters’ opinions and even robust joshing, but some can take it a bit far.
Certainly, with the plethora of ‘we must be impartial because, well, we just are’ posts currently, from such as Ms. Boaden, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Simpson and now Mr. Jordan, if found wanting they do need to be held firmly to account. We are enforced, often unwilling stakeholders, after all.
And the cause of trusted journalism is served poorly by weasel words in place of honourable deeds.
The highlighted instance of shabby reporting happening first, and then being concealed later, is a serious one, needs clear exposure… and explanation.
Hence the post you refer to has in my terms made a valuable contribution, and in a fairly neutral manner, mostly citing the BBC’s own published (if subsequently deleted) material. IMHO.
In particular on the day the latest raft of ‘guidelines’ are being trumpeted, when clearly such things are of little use if promptly ignored.
My question was totally benign and I have no problem with anonymity, yours or mine, I merely wished to highlight an excellent contribution. As for the guidelines I have just read a tweet that indicates how little they mean to the average Beeboid.
If they’re written by David Jordan take it for read they’re just PR and the BBC will continue lumbering on playing PC Thought Policeman in the life of Britain.
My question was totally benign and I have no problem with anonymity, yours or mine,
Tx for your understanding. I do note that the substantive issues raised, namely the blatant mis-reporting in an attempt to create US-UK friction, and subsequent attempted cover up by the BBC of their doing this, remains unaddressed.
care to take part in our online discussion? Just try!
Heree are the BBC WALES rules as they choose to put them
Betsan Powys | 11:05 UK time, Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Comments (6)
<!– clearing –>
after the blog entry.
Betsan’s Blog – and my colleague David Cornock’s blog – have both been closed to comment for some time.
Because some of the comments didn’t really add much to a mature public debate.
What have we done about it?
We’ve looked again at the way comments are moderated and now, we’ve reopened both blogs to comment.
Comment in your droves; comment from any and every side of any and every political divide. Tell it as it is but as you do it, stick to the House Rules.
Here they are:
House Rules
We reserve the right to fail messages which:
• Are considered likely to provoke, attack or offend others
• Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
• Contain swear words or other language likely to offend
• Break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court.
• Advertise products or services for profit
• Are seen to impersonate someone else
• Repeatedly post the same or similar messages (‘spam’)
• Are unrelated to the topic
• Include contact details such as telephone numbers and postal or email addresses
• Are written in anything other than English – Welsh and Gaelic may be used where marked.
• Contain links to other websites which break our Editorial Guidelines
• Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
We may also close comments on a post if we think the discussion has become irrelevant or out of date.
We want to keep our blog as focused as possible. For this reason, messages not relevant to the post may be rejected.
Repeatedly posting personal or offensive comments about individual members of the public or people who work for the BBC may be considered harassment. We reserve the right to remove such messages and take action against those responsible.
I.E. They can do anything they want.
If the same rules applied to this blog , there wouldn’t be many posts !
What’s Welsh for ‘Beware of the Leopard’?
With all due homage to Douglas Adams.
‘Gochelwch y llewpard’
Many happy returns to Baroness Thatcher on her 85th birthday today.
I hope the inevitable beeboid sneering will not spoil this otherwise happy event
Yes, indeed, she was exceptional. The scum at the BBC will save their celebrations for her passing away.
God bless her!
There doesn’t seem to be much to object to in the two BBC articles Lady Thatcher’s career highlights on her 85th birthday and Baroness Thatcher celebrating her 85th birthday
In these sad, forlorn days, when one begins to forget the greatness of Britain, one just has to remember the not too far off days of Mrs Thatcher.
May she live till a 100. The British 20th Century was Churchill and Thatcher.
Maggie was not perfect, but she did her best under very difficult circumstances. At least she stopped the rot for about 20 years.
And the only female PM in British history.
Happy Birthday, Maggie !
I seem to recall that Jeremy Hardy is keenly anticipatingher death
“Thatcher’s grave is going to be a permanent urinal to all decent people, isn’t it?” he stated unequivocally to the simpering smarmy approval of Fry on QI some months ago. So you will not be a decent person if you do not urinate on her grave in his opinion.
Expect a lot of this sort of pathetic and fundamentally offensive abuse when she dies. It is the only celebration of her life and achievements that the BBC will permit.
What does one expect from the Marxist Left’s equivalent to Nick Griffin?
Wouldn’t it be fun if she outlived him ?
“Party At Jeremy’s ! Bring Your Dancing Shoes ! “
I am proud not to be a “decent person”.
Buggy, you should be ashamed of yourself. Given Jeremy Hardy’s unique contribution to the Nation, I hope he lives forever. He is a giant among men, often mentioned in the same breath as Churchill….er…. wait a minute, I think I have the wrong script here.
Just posted the below at;
Lets see if this even gets up…and if it does, whether it stays up if the thread is closed!
“Sorry but the BBC’s issues with impartiality are one of culture, which cannot simply be addressed by adding a few words to a document your staff will never really read.
If the BBC was serious about impartiality you wouldnt need a document like this telling us how awesome you are simply because the BBC would already be impartial.
I mean lets face the truth here. The BBC stopped reporting the news decades ago and instead started reporting its opinion as the news. You want to be serious about reporting the news, get rid of all the BBC blogs which are nothing more than a collection of leftist ideology.
Please do tell us underserving underlings how exactly the BBC will change how it reports Mann Made Global Warming ™, Immigration, Islam, Republicans, British way of life, multiculturalism over night? Actually, lets be slightly more realistic, how does the BBC plan to report on any of these items over the next 10 years?
Sadly, each of the above items I have listed the BBC has shown a marked bias towards. Mann Made Global Warming, the BBC is an advocate. Immigration, the BBC is an advocate for unlimited immigration. Islam, the BBC is an advocate for Islam and censors any and all stories that shines light in the true nature of the beast (anyone seen an in depth analisys of Wilders trial or Theo Van Goughs murder? No, didnt think so). Republicans, how many times did the BBC regurgitate the lie of Palins beautiful son being her grand son? Dont even get me started on how the BBC has treated and still does treat GW. British way of life…the BBC is an advocate for the destruction of the British way of life, after all its unfair to expect all those immigrants to adapt to Britain and fit in.
So yes, please do explain how you intend to change the BBC when so many of the biases I have listed above are so deeply ingrained in to the corporations leftist culture.”
Sorry, my bad…wrong thread 🙂
I was waiting to see what you wrote, ah well it’s up now.
As for Wilders, something you won’t see on the BBC
Just watched both vids and I can say with certainty that NOTHING of that testimony will ever be heard on the BBC, the BBC will NEVER tell us the truth and the facts in an open and honest manner because they cannot.
I firmly believe that islamist censors work at the BBC and they clear any material or block any material they make think helps or hinders their cause.
Isn’t it amazing, eh? Put a non-Islamic war criminal in the dock (Milsevic for e.g) and it would have been on N24 constantly.
The problem of course for the BBC is the evidence presented by Wilders’ team in court.
Post of the week ?
There’s nothing about Wilders on the BBC Europe News page. Isn’t this extremely relevant to the UK, seeing as how Wilders was banned from entering because of his film for which he’s on trial right now? Not to mention the fact that Britian is facing a similar problem of encroaching fundamentalist Islam.
2 Things – i) On last night’s Newsnight debate on tertiary education Paxman kept on referring to it being ‘free’ when he meant tax-payer funded.
ii) How many bloody spuds need to be in Chile – i’ve counted 5 reporters and God alone knows how many back up & ancillary staff.
Unique way they’re funded!
You missed Matt Frei making an utter prick of himself last night with the really camp beeboid.
It was toe curlingly cringing.
“Bloody spuds”. Great phrase to describe Beeboids !
The pig ignorant Paxman and Frei are constantly acting the prick
Ha Bloody Hal!!
Tim Worstall tells all (well if you read between the lines).
Don’t you just love bloggers Mr Marr (and Mr Blunkett).
D.G Thompson’s e-mail to Beeboids, dutifully reported in full, by their chums at the only newspaper they willingly read:
“Mark Thompson’s email to BBC staff”
A classic Thompson one-liner:
“As you know, we are committed to spending every penny possible on the BBC’s services and content.”
‘Services’ includes BBC licencepayers servicing extravagant top pay, perks and pensions to the likes of himself and Byford.
‘Content’ includes political propaganda for: Islam, Labour, TUs, EU, Obama, GW, mass immigration, etc.
As you well know, Thompson, over recent times as the licence tax goes up, (strangely, given that the number of households keeps rising in leaps and bounds), the proportion of spend on programmes goes down.
Why would that be? Can you tell us, Clever Clogs? You must know.
Necessary revision to BBC-NUJ headline:
BBC headline:
“Scientists call for defence cuts”
Change to:
“‘Far left’, Scientists for Global Responsibility (politically approved by BBC-NUJ) call for defence cuts by Britain”
The shocking story from East London where police and social services are acting on the information from Romania, concerning Gypsy Barons and child-trafficking to UK to beg on a High Street near you.
This comes as no surprise as similar stories and court cases are flying all over Western Europe. The details are uncannily similar which leads one to suspect that there is a widespread problem here.
It amazes me that children begging in full public view are not followed by PCSOs and the case could easily be cracked by UK police and Social services. School attendance in term time for a start.
The BBC introduces this case, as it must, in concert with the press, both print and on-line in UK and abroad.
However, the malaise that led to the lack of policing is also evident in the BBC strapline:
‘How criminals deploy Roma children to fund a life of luxury’
The missing word is :
How ROMA criminals deploy Roma children to fund a life of luxury.
Come on BBC tell it as it is. We all know what is going on.
I never realised the UK suffered from such a shortage of people to fill vacancies for big issue sellers and crap accordionists out side shops
we’re even importing them it’s got so bad!!
/sarcasm off
The Met Police Bulletin (below) issued 12th October is a clear and precise statement of the international dimension of this shocking case. It’s worth reading.
But the malaise that has crept into the police (and that, in my view, allowed this shocking state of affairs to persist over a considerable length of time) is evident in one clause in the body of the report which jumps out as a non-sequitor. Evidence of the ‘sociologicalisation’ of the service (force) and, in fact, is totally out of place in an otherwise clear statement.
I#ll highlight it:
Operation Golf is a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) between the MPS and the Romanian National Police (RNP) tackling a specific Romanian Roma organised Crime Network (OCN) that are trafficking and exploiting children from the Romanian Roma community, ONE OF THE POOREST AND MOST DEPRIVED COMMUNITIES IN EUROPE . It is supported by Europol, Eurojust, the UK Crown Prosecution Service and the Romanian Prosecutors Office (DIICOT). The JIT is currently 70% funded by a grant from the European Commission and the remainder by the Met Police.’
In fact, the same formula appears twice.
It is strictly irrelevant and has no bearing on the shocking crimes and child abuse.
Remember, each of those children got past our (non-Schengen’ borders. Passports had to be checked. Children were clearly nodded through. A group of agencies bears a lot of responsibility for the lack of attention.
Less sociology and more policing. If only for the children
I suppose banjo lessons are out of the question then?
La Cumparsita<img src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/images/icon10-external-url.png”/>
I would really like Howard Jacobson to win the Man Booker prize this year. Has he had much publicity on the BBC?
jueves, 07 de octubre de 2010, 17:26:36– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate Wishes do come true:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11528908
Delighted that he did win, though most surprised. The BBC hate him because he is not left-wing, Jewish and writes goo english !
“good” , or at least better than mine !
Nice to see those Chilean miners emerging safe and sound after all this time.
However, I notice that the cage is coming up full but going down empty. What a wasted opportunity. I have in mind Andrew Marr, Jeremy Paxman, Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton – for starters.
I could easily fill that mine with beeboids and crap comedians who never seem to be off the tv
and to start with,about half a dozen beeboid “reporters” who are right there right now
I still think the BBC are simply turned on seeing a long hard object being inserted into a tight orifice.
You can always count on Someone (“They” know who they are! 😉 ) lowering the tone along with the cage. It’s back to the Basement and a cold supper for you, lad.
I doubt that any of these egos would fit in the cage.
Not for BBC-NUJ-Labour to report:
Lord Ahmed To Be Expelled From Labour, Again?
Thats what happens when you enoble someone just because of their ethnic origin and not for what they have contributed to the country they are supposed to serve.
Well, it makes you wonder: why did they pick him? Was there nobody suitable from that ethnic group?
BBC-NUJ’s John Simpson still in denial on BBC-NUJ left-wing political bias:
“John Simpson says BBC news was never left wing”
He offers no evidence (unlike ‘B-BBC’).
He palms us off with his mere world-weary assertions.
Anyway, no cuts for Simpson at the BBC-NUJ: he’s got another 3 years there till he’s 70. Nice propaganda work, if you can get it.
Not Taking The Flak
If your starting point is already hard left then yes the BBC isn’t left wing.
This is from the man who claimed to liberate Kabul.
The Zionist Federation informs that Judge George Bathurst-Norman, the Judge who gave a biased summing up in the Trial of a group of anti-Jewish State vandals, has been reprimanded for his comments.
This is the BBC Report:-
Fine insofar as it goes as far as I can see, but its only in local Sussex news and a search produces nothing elsewhere.
So John Pinhead on Radio 5 salutes Red Ed for his performance at PMQ’s today (funny I’ve never heard Pinhead say the same about Cameron, he usually drones on about Camerons background)
Then Scabby Logan read out plenty of Pro Red Ed texts even finishing off her show with a very glowing pro Red Ed text.
Then I hear that Film 2010 will be presented by Claudia Winkleman and a hack from a Newspaper.
Anyone like to take a wild guess as to which newspaper?
One presumes a publication with ABC ratings that reflect the most representative numbers and cross-section of the UK’s cinema-going audiences.
if, not, how… unique.
The Daily Mail ?
Dame Nicky interviewed Michael Howard on R5 this morning, supposedly about PMQs. The Dame’s fat faced friend, Fogarty, was on hand to butter up dear, dear Nicky & leapt straight in at the first opportunity to regurgitate the “something about the night” quote to Howard.
Howard then went on to show his other-worldlyness by admiting that he had never watched bloody “Strictly” (me neither)
Matt Frei just called the Chilean mine rescue a “cauldron of hope”. What a waste of oxygen.
I feel sorry for Tim Willcox. He was made to leave his comfortable anchor’s chair and spend three weeks in Chile (presumably because he’s fluent in Spanish), and did a great job of what little there was to report for days and days. Now that it’s time for the reveal, Frei Boy swoops in and is getting the glory air time, and spouts drivel instead of Willcox’s straight talk.
I watched parts of the live stream on Austrian TV. Excellent coverage and commentary, all of the developments but not a man on the ground…all studio.
I patched into the BBC’s coverage…and (perhaps, unluckily) got Matt Frei mumbling as there was some mix up over whether he was live or not.
Why they HAD to be there escapes me.
The Chilean TV feed was quite professional.
I have heard that some Chilean reporters speak excelent English and because they live in Chile, it would be be quite cheap for the licence payer as well.
He’s at the purple prose again, I see, lisping away like a good un.
Relieved as we all are that this mining rescue has been accomplished, I did find the reporting way oevr the top.
Jon Snow on Channel 4 in particular had me sticking fingers down my throat – he was almost wetting his briefs (knickers/pants…)
He is rather excitable, isn’t he? But then, you have to remember that he is the first cousin of the wild whirling Peter Snow of Swingometer, which perhaps helps explain a lot. 😀
Frei just dissed all miners everywhere. He mentioned that the youngest of the trapped Chilean miners was 19 years old. Then he said the the kid’s mother said that he didn’t want to go down the mine anymore and was going to college “so he could get a decent job”.
INBBC: all hail Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah!
(-except for a couple of late, brief remarks).
It could be an Islamic Al Jazeera TV report.
Contrast the negative reports which INBBC routinely puts out on Israeli leaders.
The BBC’s report on Ahmadimjihadi’s visit to Lebanon isn’t too bad, but there are a couple of biased moments.
Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ‘backs united Lebanon’
At least the BBC is now admitting that Iran wants to make Lebanon into their outpost against Israel. That was absent in previous reports. But the Body Count Narrative is back, albeit slightly altered. This time, when they mention the body count differences, both Israeli and Lebanese casualties are given as single figures. In the past (before the useful Jews left the Jerusalem bureau), the BBC always delinieated only the Israeli casualties as military or civilian deaths, while the non-Israeli casualties were given as a single number, leaving the impression that they were all innocent civilians. So there’s a slight improvement.
When the article mentions Iran’s support for Hezbollah, there is no attempt to provide evidence that Hezbollah has rearmed. All we get is a he said/she said exchange, as if both opinons are equally valid, even thought there’s plenty of evidence that Hezbollah has rearmed with Iranian help.
The worst error of bias here is the BBC’s attempt to – once again – rewrite history about the origins of Hezbollah. The “Hezbollah” inset in the lower half of the piece says that the group “Emerged in 1982 to fight Israeli invasion of Lebanon”.
This makes it appear that this was pure, unprovoked Israeli aggression and conquest, which is a lie. I know because I was going to school in Israel in 1981 and know that the PLO was sending Katyusha rockets into Israel for weeks, which is what prompted Israel to go in. None of that was reported in Western media at the time, and the rest of the world was schocked, shocked to find out that nasty old Israel was invading Lebanon for seemingly no reason.
Israel had to occupy part of southern Lebanon afterwards to prevent more rockets and root out the PLO. Syria and then Iran saw their chance, and Hezbollah was born. The BBC still loves to portray them as a legitimate resistance force, even though they continued to attack Israel long after the withdrawal from Lebanon. As usual, Israel is the only bad guy in the picture, and the BBC continues to rewrite history to demonize the Jews.
INBBC is part of ‘we are all Hezbollah’, the Islamic jihadists.
Of course, one has to go beyond INBBC to find out what is really going on in Lebanon:
“Is Hizbullah trying to take over Lebanon with Iran’s help?”
I see Biased BBC is on Bishop Hill’s blogroll which he has been updating.
Some mistake, surely? This is not the type of result obtained by the sundry international polls conducted for the BBC.
“The UK has remained in fourth position in an annual league table of the world’s most admired countries.
The UK was beaten into fourth position by the US, who stayed top, with Germany second and France third in the 2010 Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index.
The annual list is compiled from the views of 20,000 adults from 20 countries across the world.”
A lot of these people have probably never visited the UK or are thinking of Britain in the past.
Haha. Tim Willcox just said that there’s no need for all the hordes of media hacks to bring cameras and equipment to the rescue area because the Chilean state TV has been provided great footage which the rest of them ended up using. I said as much last night while watching that feed on the Fox News website.
Bonus: no crap emotional narrative from Matt Frei, either.
So the BBC really has wasted a huge amount of money sending all that staff and equipment to Chile.
This one was a real tragedy.
Yet the BBC seemed satisfied with:
“Are you in the area near the mine? Send us your comments using the form below. “
Funny that. The weather in Poland is lovely this time of year and Polish wines anongst the best in the world…..er.
Classic Radio 5 anti Tea Party comments from Peter Allen. Some camp male beeboid was interviewing some tea partiers who expressed their dislike of Barry’s big Government and his taxing of everything that moves agenda.
Peter Allen sneers in studio “did you go searching for these people or did you bump into them?” he sniggers (with ugly female beeboid tittering as well)
“No this is the view of a lot of the bible belt America” says’ beeboid. “Well they’re a bit too strong for OUR taste” sneers Allen. For YOUR taste Allen?
Oh dear, St Barry Obama is going to get his arse well kicked in a few weeks and the camp males at the BBC don’t like it one little bit.
If I remember I’ll try to put the link up to the audio when it’s uploaded.
David Presier, you’ll love it! not!
Beeboid and Comrade Mason, following in the footsteps of BBC’s Democrat Schama, has further ‘socialist’ analysis of American society (continued)- tonight on ‘Newsnight’ BBC 2 TV, and ‘Newsnight’ blog.
Mason is now trying to catch up with, and understand the ‘Tea Party’ movement, after the BBC has either dismissed it or ridiculed it for a long time; as even Mason notices now:
“Some of America’s mainstream media” [and BBC] “is in a state of denial and disorientation over the Tea Party movement, as are some political strategists in Washington.”
“In the shadow of 1860 – America’s ‘two nations’ go to the polls”
Some of the US media is in denial? The BBC was in denial for 18 months, and Mark Mardell is still disoriented.
With the platoon of Beeboids covering the US already, now they’re sending Mason as well? How many Beeboids does it take to figure out what’s going on? Are they all that useless? Do they just really have no idea how the US works?
The BBC really needs to stop hiring Leftoid political activists and get real.
But the BBC just ignore the drop in support from Democrats with Obama, they can’t spin that one so they hide it. Obama is about as popular as a turd in a swimming pool with Democrats looking for re-election.
I read Mason’s blog. They are really worried by the Tea Party now. Over intellectualising as is their wont.
Behind all the words is perhaps a fear that this counter revolution against the libbie excesses is spreading to Britain and maybe Europe.
I think it was Oliver Cromwell who said that all he needed was a few good men and he would win.
The “elites” in both the US and GB need to remember that events are unpredictable and great changes happen fast.
The ordinary American of flyover country and the ordinary Englishman of rural and suburban England will do what is necessary to restore sanity and good government to their lands.
If not then our culture and futures will be lost.
Mason simply does not understand that this is not primarily an economic struggle but one that will decide the fate of nations.
America gives me hope. The Tea Party shows that there is life left in democracy there and that people are prepared to get out, make themselves heard and be listened to on the sort of country they want and on the bread and butter issues that affect them. Not so much sign here of that. Usually here it has to be for some fashionable cause from a left and minority point of view, attached to some laudable idea such as freedom or justice.
What is worrying about America though is how useless most of the lame stream media were for vetting Barry Obama, just as over here in the UK the media never properly held the Limp Dems to account.
Barry Obama may well not have been elected if the media had put 1/100 of the effort into vetting him as they did Sarah Palin who was only standing for VP.
The American people have a right to be angry but most of that anger should be at their media.
Actually, I think Mason and the rest of the BBC do understand that this election will affect the fate of nations: that’s why they hate it so and are desperately spinning and trying to demonize more than half the country. They’re completely aware that this may spell the beginning of the end of The Obamessianic Age, the age which they dreamed of during what Matt Frei often referred to on air as “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration”. If He loses, they will absolutely freak out. And He’s not even running, so you know just how much this is a cult of personality.
But we in the US don’t really give a damn about the fate of other nations, and the Tea Party movement certainly could care less what a bunch of useless Beeboids think. This really is about an economic struggle, and the culture war aspect is mostly a sideshow. For now, anyway.
JournoLista and Katie Connolly Twiiter buddy Jonathan Chait has announced a new tactic to enrage the faithful in the hopes of getting them to vote in November. He claims that a GOP-majority Congress will try to impeach The Obamessiah.
If this bit of baseless scaremongering shows up in BBC reporting, you’ll know where it came from.
Mark Mardell has blogged about the latest developments in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law struggle. Spot the missing political party in the following sentence:
The US government is indeed in an odd position: President Barack Obama wants to get rid of the law but his plans have been blocked by the Senate, so the Department of Justice fought this case because it is a challenge to existing laws and policy.
But, but, but, I thought Candidate Obamessiah promised that He would repeal the law. Why hasn’t He fought for this? What’s going on, BBC?
What will the White House and the Department of Justice do? We’ve asked, they won’t tell.
Really? Here’s what Mardell doesn’t want you to know:
The President and His Justice Dept. have fought against the lawsuit which is trying to end the law.
Even Andrew Sullivan, whom a few Beeboids saluted on the recent 10th anniversary of his blog, knows the score:
So once again, we will have the political prospect of the Obama administration simultaneously legally defending the Defense of Marriage Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in court, while politically saying they oppose both…
Yes, the GOP is the main party to blame. But no, this does not excuse the extra-cautious, gays-are-radioactive mindset of the Obama administration…
So The Obamessiah lied about it when running for office, and the BBC is lying to cover for Him now.
Between all the live reports from Chile, Breakfast had time this morning for its business ‘guru’ Simon Jack to ask an L.S.E. professor, Nicholas Barr (on the subject of lifting the cap on tuition fees):
What’s the net result of all this going to be? Does it mean we’re going to reverse ten years of encouraging people to go to university and we’re going to end up like an American system where only rich kids go to university?
As well as that gem, there was also time for the programme’s daily live CUTS coverage, today from a hospital. There was a recurring report featuring BBC regular Peter Carter of the Royal College of Nursing, strongly attacking the budget cuts, who was ‘balanced’ by a “health economist” called Zack Cooper from the L.S.E., another BBC regular (and a voice from the Huffington Post), who was (according to reporter Graham Satchell) “more sanguine”, saying it wasn’t doomsday for health spending, if only in comparison to other government departments. (Dr Cooper advised the last government – not mentioned by the BBC).
The BBC reporter ended his live broadcast (at 7.30) with the sort of thing BBC reporters are now regularly ending their reports with:
“Talk to people who work in the NHS and they’re worried.”.
After his report ended, Bill Turnbull gave us a taste of tomorrow’s scary CUTS story:
“Tomorrow we’ll look at the effects the spending review could have on schools and consider whether maybe teaching assistants and dinner ladies could be in line to lose their jobs”.
So expect a lot of ‘deeply concerned’ teaching assistants and dinner ladies, probably a union leader (Chris Keates?) and perhaps even a left-wing academic (not announced as such).
That’s one thing you can say about the News Channel’s blanket coverage today from Chile: It’s given the Channel’s viewers a break from the usual sort of propaganda.
Yesterday, Simon Jack was pushing a particular line on the government’s changes to the way pensions and benefits are going to be uprated from next year. You will perhaps guess what that line was from a few quotes:
“It could mean people get less.”
“How much will people lose out?”
“Ok, so people will be getting less”.
“All right, so there’s a big squeeze all round there”
“It looks like many people will lose out.”
I had never heard of him but “Zack” tells me all I need to know.
A Riposte to Andrew Marr
“These bloggers offer an uncompromising alternative to official policy, editorial bias, MSM ignorance, the cult of celebrity and blandness.”
Hear Peter Allen sneer at Tea Partiers and his typical beeboid response.
Starts about 2 hours 28 minutes in.
That was simply disgusting. Can you imagine the BBC going to another country like Pakistan or Nigeria and talking to a local, then sneering at them in the studio?
The BBC is so out of touch, they try to make out the Tea Party movement just a small bunch quack red neck. In fact it is a huge movement as shown by Glenn Becks rally.
Radio 5 live have not woken up to the reality that their Messiah Obama is the most unpopular president in history. The Democrats, his own party don’t like him and are realising that he is a liability. Talk about out of touch, the BBC is still backing the great One; even Rahm Emmanuel has jumped ship and is running for the mayor of Chicago.
Shows how crap the White House is when your top men are jumping ship after 2 years. I’ve lost count of how many of Barry’s staff have gone now, he lost a few early on sacked a few and some have clearly just had enough.
2 hours 28 minutes!!! I couldn’t possibly listen to the BBC for that long.
You can jump straight in to 2:28 John, trust me it’s worth a listen.
Have a listen to this, the wife of the great One, Michelle Obama jibbering on about keeping the spirits clean. And the BBC thinks the Tea Partiers are crazy?
The methylated spirits? O:-)
It’s a mid-term election, yet the focus is on Him. “Keeping the spirits clean around us.” The election is going to make a statement about His support.
I saw somewhere else that she got the crowd chanting, “Barack, Barack, Barack!”
We know a song about that, don’t we, boys and girls?
Vile. No other way of describing Peter Allen.
Oh dear, the President of Chile has just learned about the BBC poison the hard way. Apparently HE asked to interview our camp male beeboid. So camp male beeboid did what camp male beeboids do,, attack attack attack!
‘Pincochet’ ‘Governments fault’ ‘the note’ ‘making political capital’ it went on and on.
You learn the hard way with the BBC if you’re a ‘right wing President’
Could you imagine if this had been a US rescue and Barry Obama had been there, the beeboids would have been sniffing his bum to please him.
Actually, it was a US rescue. The “Plan B” group was a US crew, with US equipment, who had come over from working in Afghanistan.
But He wasn’t involved, so no mention of it except for an accidental moment after the breakthrough.
I meant if it had been on US soil, Barry would have been all over it
First it was New York, now it seems that Illinois is going to deprive a ton of overseas military from voting in the mid-term elections because of “accidents” in sending out the absentee ballots.
No prizes for guessing which party most of the military vote for. Even JournoListas know the answer.
That’s a nice voting block you’ve got there, colonel. Shame if something was to ‘appen to it.
BBC: No worries, losing is the best thing for it. Look over there: a racist! ZZzzzzzzzz.
That happened to our forces last May, and many troops support patriotic Parties.
To add insult to injury there were naive left-wing morons giving their votes to foreigners (telling them to vote Labour for them)
Somehow I don’t think the BBC will be wheeling out Greg Palast to do a antii Barry puff piece.
Turkey and China are now strategic partners, with a multi-billion dollar trade agreement and military hardware supply deal in place.
BBC: Zzzzzzzzz
Its funny how the lessons of history are not learned, the battles of the past bear wisdom which is ignored by those who seem determined not to learn by the mistakes of those that went before.
When China is ready it will march West, that much is clear and while they prepare the West is doing all in its power to make itself weaker and less able to defend its interests China is building the means to win the next conflict.
NATO is weak and divided and used by the lazy as an excuse to be lazy, why bother with defence when others will do it for you? I am sure the ancient Greek city states placed their faith in leagues to protect them and were very surprised when these leagues turned out to be worthless.
Weakness and division and the insane pursuit of a ridiculous utopian dream, the world is not going to come together in peace’N’harmony via the UN and just like the world post WW1 the next bloc war is coming along the line.
Then again there are many in the political class of the left who would welcome a Chinese political system as long as they were the satraps left in place, there are many in the political class who despise Western democracy and yearn for th epower a Chinese system would give them. No wonder the EU is building itself into a anti democratic monolith, perhaps in expectation of the satrap underling role to come. All we really need to know about the future could be learned from the ancient Greek city states wars and conflicts, the history of the Peleponesian wars could give us all the information we need to see what is going to happen if only we cared to look.
We are trusting the care of our ‘city walls’ to traitors it seems
The Chinese are already marching across Africa and I have seen them in action. Not much reported by the BBC.
But, something inside me has a sneaking admiration for them, they look after their own interests at all times.
I suspect the first big conflict will be between China and India.
David P,
Yes the BBC don’t have a clue about what is going on in global politics, economics and business, so the big events in the world go unreported. Beeboids are stupid, narrow-minded, parochial clones.
Rhetorical question:
What’s more important to Britain right now: the geo-political ramifications of Turkey allying itself with China, both economically and militarily, or a mid-term election in the US?
The BBC’s priorities are clear for all to see.
David P,
Rhetorical indeed !
Hello hello what this emanating from the ‘BBC Chile’ disaster circus?
Now we know how much the BBC hate opinion polls and popularity ratings when they portray the BBCs ideological enemies in a positive light, the BBC are very keen to tell us the poll ratings of the new right wing president of Chile. I wondered why until it came to me, his ratings are going to sink back down to normal levels after the euphoria of the rescue that much is obvious and guess who will be waiting to report in blaring headlines ‘Chiles right wing BILLIONIARE presidents popularity is plunging because of his economic policies’! You cannot buy propaganda like that can you? Well you can if you have access to unlimited funds like the BBC for example.
I did wonder why so many beeboids headed south for what is essentially a local story, I can imagine the beeboids and the leftist socialist media had a cosy get together to plan the next phase of the attack on the Chilean right.
Its no coincidence that the BBC and the Chilean left have very close historic ties from the days of Pinochet onwards with many Marxist agitators fleeing Chile and finding a welcome home in the UK and Europe.
The reforms that the new government is going to enact is a revolution and the Marxist left are going to find any way they possibly can to sabotage them. The BBC are going to do everything in its power to help and assist them.
Matt Frei has an unhealthy obsession with minors . . . .
Is this the same Chile which had a marxist President Allende, who came from a wealthy upper-class family, or am I confusing it with another Chile ?
Why does the BBC knock Chile? Because it is a South American success story. It managed to escape the ravages of communism because of Pinochet. We all know that the BBC’s idea of a perfectly just and fair, wealthy and happy society is Castros’ Cuba.
And look at it this way if the accident had happened in China, the miners would have been left entombed down there, and the world media would be censored.
Our media IS censored quite enough thanks.
Plus Chile is not as squeaky clean as you might think.
433 industrial deaths in the past year – so this 33 were lucky.
Fair point. Tim Wilcox did put that (in milder terms, of course) to the Chilean President, who admitted there was work to do in that area.
bbc5live BBC Radio 5 Live Hundreds of quangos are finding out if they’re going to be scrapped or not. @nickyaacampbell asks: what would you cut?http://bbc.in/cftp2J
Is Aunty a quango?
At the very least, as I look at smug diversity-selected teleprompter readers sitting side by side doing the exact same thing, I am now going ‘That one… cut. That one…’
r4today BBC Radio 4 Today Do immigrants have a clear idea of what British #fairness means? John Humphrys investigates: http://bbc.in/ctaGQ7
An old, white, isolated, privileged, hypocritical dinosaur who has lived his entire life off an anachronistic entitlement imposed on the many so a few can shuttle from their estates to their recording booths to spout their 50’s studnet Uni doctrine… is going to ‘investigate’ fairness?
Can’t wait.
r4today BBC Radio 4 Today What is #fairness? Some of your answers being read out on air now.
I’ll freakin’ bet.
Mr. Jordan, will these be ‘selected’ using your and your colleagues’ famous internal qualities, such as Ms. B’s genetic impartiality, I do wonder?
I think of Humphrys as a character in a John Le Carre novel.
Needless to say playing the part of a traitor somewhat effortlessly.
So when he’s on R4 it’s fiction to me !
I can see why the cuts are troubling them…
Because they are worth it… alll the time.
‘But Aunty,we just have to go. we just have to!!!!”
Might be a good spoof, but then again… maybe they could just call a strike?
Bwahahahahaha! Awesome.
Too bad they aren’t going to cut back on the legion of BBC staff deployed in the US right now. I gues smearing the Tea Party movement and supporting the leader of a foreign country is a better use of the license fee than covering trivial things like the G20 and NATO.
Oh larks amercy… and bless their cottonsocks… they have only gone and hired the PR crisis management team from 10:10:
By what leap of market rate talent brainpower, after Helen, David, Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice, did they feel another ‘we got it about right’ selective bit of navel-gazing internal BS was going to swing it when none so far have?
What BS. They sent more than just Willcox and Frei. As I said before, Willcox was worth sending down there. Frei, not so much. I saw at least one other Beeboid doing a video report there as well – something to do with the pipes used to line the rescue shaft. And what about all the extra crew they sent? How useful were they in the end? There was no need for more than one camera and one sound guy, plus a producer/wrangler.
Willcox did lots of on-air interviews in Spanish, where he translated as he went, and obviously had developed relationships with family members and rescue teams. Frei, on the other hand, swanned in later on so he could tell his stories and use ridiculously flowery language such as “a cauldron of hope”. He never did any of the kind of key interviews Willcox did.
Anyone watching will have seen a stark contrast between Willcox and Frei.
In terms of being an utter twat, Frei scored max points and even used his joker. Fox and Sky shred resources and for the most part used the official feed. I think Sky had two people there and Fox one (plus crew)
BBC-NUJ: representing the interests of the European Union bureaucrats, via G. Hewitt, not the British people:
“EU tensions over austerity”
Alternative British view:
“Tories defying the profligate European Union”