I think it’s useful to sometimes consider how the BBC regional programmes also play a significant role in advancing the BBC’s own national malignancy. Take this small item tucked away in the Northern Ireland section. It takes a report from one of the local Banks flagging up a loss of “consumer confidence” ever since “the General Election and the June emergency budget”. The coda is simple – the Coalition is making our lives less comfortable. Fight the Cuts. Vote Labour. Presumably the illusive “consumer confidence” was soaring as Labour wracked up massive public debt, created jobs that we could not fund, and allowed a property bubble to build that then burst ruining lives for possibly generations. It seems that the Banks can have their uses for the BBC!
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A very strange item appeared on Radio Solent news (and I use the term loosely) last week – I’m furious I didn’t get it down on paper.. I think it was on 10th October, late morning.
It started off something like: ” Only a few months after the multi-million pound refurbishment of Bournemouth Airport, one airline is stopping its flights to Manchester…” You might think the next interview would be about the lack of cost effctiveness of the route, or something related to the economics of the problem.
No, we were then treated to a Green Party Spokeswiimin giving us thirty seconds on the evil of flying!
Although national it is still a view about the Banks and the economy. On R4 they are obviously talking about the cuts. Two aspects are NEVER said by the bBC. First, that the unsustainable borrowing started in 200, way before the banking crisis. Second, that Labour created 700,000 (vote for Labour, because we created your totally unneeded work) unfunded non jobs.
Sory, clearly 200 should be 2000.
just who the hell are these “regionals”? Unlike local rags where we usually know the authors, or likewise local radio stations where the voice is familiar, BBC regionals are anonymous feeders of bias information. No by-lines, no names, nothing. If “it’s my BBC” then i want to know who’s behind the screen waffle. It could and probably is anyone who can type 50 words a minute.
The online regional pages are useful to them. There they hide stories they are not keen on bigging-up. Anything anti republican, anti Tory etc usually makes the front page, if it’s somehting they don’t want too many people seeing its news-click-front page-click-UK-click-region- click scroll down after discyphering innocuous headline.
Oh, now suddenly; “it’s useful to sometimes consider how the BBC regional programmes also play a significant role”. Hold on, didn’t you previously describe something as;”conveniently tucked away in the Sussex section” i.e. in an attempt to hide it away…
Dez, the blogpost says “tucked away” in the Northern Ireland section…nothing toooo different, eh? They do it sometimes to avoid making big headlines that many could see if it was on the main pages.
Yes Dez.
The point being that the BBC sometimes uses its regional news pages to hide away an inconvenient story worthy of wider coverage, and at the same time highlights in its regional news coverage (and promotes where it can) the same bias and agenda which dominate its global news coverage.
The two aren’t contradictory or mutually exclusive, so I’m not sure how this is `Cassic’ for you.
hahahahaha kerwality
The pro-Labout bias is very pronounced on BBC Look North Humberside – Tim Iredale (their policital Editor is one of the worst but Levy et al are nearly as bad) and every day for weeks (or so it feels) has been an attack on the government cuts (wicked, wicked government) and how all the scroungers in the Humberside region are going to be worse off.
Good God – I didn’t even know that the Humberside “Region” had its own Look North. It somehow sums up what’s wrong with the whole rotten corporation. Was it just another ego trip dating back to the “glory days” of John Prescott?
Peter Hitchens made a point in his piece below that had me marvelling why I myself hadn’t had it cross my mind. Much of 3rd tier higher education is just froth. We can easily do without about 50% of places at university, if not a lot more. A lot of ‘universities’ could be shut down as well, just leaving elite education to elite brains, and bringing up ‘A’ Levels once more to a gold standard to determine who that elite is. A productive elite, not the self hating sub-Marxist subversives who are destroying this country.
Sceptical Steve – not only does ‘Humberside’ (to the people of the area Humberside doesn’t exist it is E Riding and Lincolnshire) have its own Look North but in times past it was Prescott’s son that was the producer. You couldn’t make it up.
To my mind, the most pernicious aspect of the Beeboid regional offering is the way it culturally disenfranchises everyone who lives outside of London (and specifically within a 2 mile radius of Alan Yentob’s knob). I live in Birmingham, which of course the BBC sees only as an object of elitist ridicule (you see, we actually MAKE things here… so trade, my dear!). Of course we don’t give a flying xxxx what Beebpids think, but this kind of snobbery and prejudice does have important implications fort the future prosperity of the city and the million people who live here.
BBC power is a truly nasty and corrosive force.