I think I shared with you the great offence that the BBC took when I called Jesse Jackson (and Al Sharpton) a race hustler. They choked on their caffe lattes at my entirely accurate description. Now then, Jackson was on the BBC this morning and if you want to hear nauseating genuflection give THIS a listen from Justin. Even the heading is biased “One of the most poignant images of Barack Obama’s election night was the sight of the civil rights leader Jesse Jackson weeping with joy.” Really? Some argue Jackson was weeping because “it should have been me”. Anyway, back to the interview. Note how Jackson gets to accuse those who oppose Obama as racists. That’s OK on the BBC playbook but god forbid anyone should turn around and call out this rancid race hustler.
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Just how many more BBC outlets is this twat going to be allowed to peddle his hate on?
On the open thread this morning I said:
“It was announced on Today in a tone of awe that they would be speaking to Jesse Jackson about Obama. I wasn’t able to listen to it, and wouldn’t have wanted to. But anyone who does, can they confirm whether it’s the kind of lefty wankfest I was anticipating?“
It seems my fears were correct, then. They’re just so bloody predictable.
I loved the way he got to say that everyone was being nasty to Obama, and when challenged over similar comments made about Bush, it did count ‘cos these were personal and religious attacks!
Although I was exceedingly happy to see the end of the Bush Presidency, I was not at all happy with the replacement. In many ways he is far worse than Bush. From slaughtering civil liberties, through environmental fascism, to war-mongering, to economic self harming, Obama is far worse than Bush was. And although I expected Obama to be economically incompetent in the same way that the left always are, I am deeply dissapointed with the massive rafts of failure right across the political spectrum of Obama.
It’s a given in the canons of common decency that if one is making strong allegations they have to back them up with strong evidence, otherwise expect to be given a very hard time. Iz it ‘cos iz black?
Oh, a number of years ago I read a biography on MLK Jr by David J Garrow ‘Bearin the Cross’. In it he noted that MLK viewed Jesse Jackson with deep suspicion and thought he was only out for himself.
I’m sorry, but Jackson did not accuse <i>those who oppose Obama as [being] racists</i>. He said there was an ‘element’ of that, which is not quite the same, is it?
And he’s is right. Anybody who thinks differently is being naive, at best, and obviously has no idea what’s going on the States right now -among certain sections.
Martin above says Jackson is ‘allowed to peddle his hate’. Do what!! Where was the ‘hate’? It all sounded fairly innocuous to me.
Jackson peddles crap about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party all the time.
That is smearing far too many people eg among the Tea Partiers. The real racism is from Obama’s side.
What was even more typical than Jackson’s kneejerk playing of the race card was that he was led into it by the BBC presenter. It was fed to him.
Exactly. Webb fed it and invited it twice.
The first time he leapt in with this: “Has it been racist?”
The quick, eager way he pounced gave the impression he had been geared up and waiting to get it in.
The second time he interjected: “‘cos of his racial background?”
Another thing I noticed about Jackson was that he said “President Barack”. It’s an odd way to refer to the President. Would he say “President Bill” or “President George?
Is it cos he is black?
By the way, Jackson was involved in a “race” row a while back and it was suggested he didn’t think Obama was Black American enough – which woulkd be racist wouldn’t it?
See here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/2420533/Jesse-Jackson-forced-to-apologise-again-for-racist-slur.html
Of course, the Tea Party never smear anyone, certainly not in the manner of the artwork at the top of this post.
<i>The real racism is on Obama’s side</i>
This strikes me as a somewhat pathetic Fox victim wish fantasy. Exactly how is Obama rascist? And to whom? To you?
Yes, it was fed to him, arguably because the accusation contains an element of truth. I’ve trawled a few blogs where the racism toward Obama is vitriolic and blood-thirsty. Jackson then moderates the proposition, if I recall.
“Exactly how is Obama rascist?”
everybody knows black people can NEVER be racist 😉
Utter rubbish. Don’t you remember Barry sticking his nose into the incident involving the white cop and the black University lecturer that led to the famous beer summit?
You seem to live in a world that thinks black people can’t be racist. Have you never heard of the Reverand Wright? A man who spouted racist hate for years against white people whilst Barry attended his church.
Ohbummer isn’t black – he’s mulatto. He isn’t even qualified to play the race card.
The BBC and Jackson should know that he’s hated not for his skin colour but for his socialism and economic incompetence, not to mention the fact that he despises America’s history.
SK, what was the name of that howlingly racist black preacher whose Church Obama attended for 20 years again??
Viz your ‘artwork’ comment SK, a smear is saying something damaging about a person that you know is not true. This is the problem with so many people on the Left. They think a ‘smear’ is someone expressing an opinion they dont like.
JA, I think Simon Kisby makes a valid point insofar as it goes. I think what DV objects to is the overall fawning tone of the interview, basically ‘comrade speaking unto comrade’. Jackson also said that Bush never had to suffer ‘name-calling’. Any objective interviewer could have easily reeled of a list of names Bush regularly got called to challenge Jackson’s claim as utter hokum.
Basically, the whole tenor of the interview was one of lament that the Obama Presidency isn’t going well. That is not what the licence-payers are paying for.
You are correcting someone in the interests of accuracy and yet you immediately go on to make an unsubstantiated allegation that people who oppose Obama are racist.
Your inference is incorrect, since that is not what I believe.
That said, a significant portion of the US public believe Obama to be a Muslim, a Kenyan, ‘anti-American’, an illegitimate president and a racist to boot. And a minoarity want to see him assassinated because he is black.
These are substantiated facts. This, I believe, is what the interviewer and J Jackson were referring to.
if Obama wants to put the “Kenyan conman” rumours to rest once and for all,why doesn’t he produce the birth certificate?
no-instead Obama has spent nearly 2 million dollars to keep his birth certificate, school records, college records, passport and other documents hidden from public view. What does he have to hide?
“That said, a significant portion of the US public believe Obama to be a Muslim, a Kenyan, ‘anti-American’, an illegitimate president and a racist to boot.”
Hmmm…well, according to Muslims he’s a Muslim or an apostate so he’d better watch his back. Wasn’t his father Kenyan?…he certainly seems anti American and a racist. Not sure about illegitimate president but he does seem a bit of a bastard. 😉
Simon, would you care to quote the actual figure which you describe as “a significant portion?” Further, would you care to discuss the makeup of the pool used for that poll?
When you’re finished, perhaps you’d care to explain to me how Col. Allen West and David Webb (among others) are happily participating in the Tea Party movement if there is such an undercurrent of racism as you allege.
If that doesn’t interest you, at least please explain how a small subset of a very large group taints the entire Tea Party movement but a similar small subset absolutely does not taint a political movement more to your liking. Feel free to pick your own example.
Of course, you can always ignore all of this as right-wing rambling which is beneath your contempt, and simply explain how the BBC’s coverage of the political scene in the US is not highly biased in favor of the President, and why it’s appropriate for the BBC to use the term “teabagger”, and why the racial makeup of the movement automatically disqualifies a group of people only when they’re white.
Or you can just explain how the use of a quote from a black woman about how multiculturalism “is a fact of life” in their promo spot for the Today programme is not biased and does not promote that notion and is not evidence of the BBC engaging in a bit of social engineering.
Hey, some of us are still waiting to find out the difference in size between the ‘significant portion’ of the right that believes in Ogabe conspiracy theories and the ‘tiny minority’ of Muslim extremists.
And a significant proportion of the American public have grounds for believing those things, especially the ‘anti-American bit’. If you’d thrown in ‘crypto-Marxist’ the grounds would have been overwhelming.
Where are the figures (and their impartial sources) to support your “substantiated facts” on this? Hint: Moveon.org and Huffington Post do not count.
Jackson is a race hustler, proven time after time after time.
And that is why the BBC give him airtime. He has virtually nil relevance these days in US politics – but gets to appear on the Today programme.
race hustler race hustler race hustler race hustler race hustler
race hustler race hustler race hustler race hustler race hustler
that should be enough to give a few beeboids a stroke
Jesse Jackson.
In a harshly-worded statement, Jackson took Gilbert to task for his open letter to Cavaliers fans which slammed LeBron’s decision to sign with the Miami Heat. Jackson says, “He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland<img style=”display: inline ! important; height: 10px; width: 10px; position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px; padding: 0pt; margin: 0pt; float: none; border: 0pt none;” src=”http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif”/> Cavaliers. His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave.”
He goes on, “LeBron is not a child, nor is he bound to play on Gilbert’s plantation and be demeaned. He has been a model citizen and has inspired the children of Akron, Cleveland, the State of Ohio and the United States.”
This sort of nonsense from twats like Jackson just distract from real issues on race.
You should have heard him on Five Live this morning, both Shelagh and Dame Nicki were orgasmic.
When people like Jesse ‘Hymietown’ Jackson throw the racism charge around, it’s a sign of two things: 1. Desperation; 2. What psychologists call ‘projection bias’.
Obama is going to get beaten so hard in the upcoming elections that he’s going to see stars (and not the ones on the flags of the millions of people belonging to the phenomenal grass-roots political movement known as the Tea Party). If all these types have got is accusations of racism, then it’s going to be worse for them than I thought.
Of course Jackson is a poisonous race hustler with F all to contribute to British politics. Forty odd years ago black Americans certainly had something to gripe about, but he’s like a cracked record, stuck bleating the same out moded mantra. Without the simmering discontent that he and his ilk help to foster he has no reason to exist. We’ve got enough home bred lefty arseholes, think the totally talentless Billy Bragg, without importing them.
Well Jackson might still be 40 years behind reality, but the left in this country still talk in terms that would have been more appropriate in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Yes – seems Jackson can’t manage to drag himself out of his own mental plantation. It’s the crutch for his very existence.