Well, here we are on ” Axe Wednesday” – when the doomsday cuts are announced by the Coalition and hyped by the BBC. Thought we could use this Open Thread to detail their outrageous coverage of it all…
Would anyone like to comment on last nights Spooks episode where the writers yet again used the plot where the Israeli turns out to be the terrorist. How many times have the writers of Spooks done this already? Anyone been keeping count? I think twice, maybe three times already.
I still quite enjoy it, but as soon as I realised that it was an episode involving Israelis my heart sank. I knew exactly how they would be portrayed, and I was spot on. I hadn’t considered that they would invent the world’s first Israeli suicide bomber, as that has been exclusively the province of the Japanese Kamikaze pilots and those who wish to destroy Israel and the West, so at least that was new.
They have definitely used the plot before where Arab “militants” are actually controlled by Israelis just to ensure that peace can never happen, and that the dastardly Jews will land the peaceful Muslims all the blame for the breakup of peace.
There are many other messages the BBC was trying to give out, such as the one “good” Israeli was still willing to organise his forces to illegally do what they wished on London streets. Also that once he is no longer part of the peace initiative it will be a while before they can find another peace campaigning Israeli. Another comment made by the “Arab” delegate is that the Muslims will again get the blame (Ironically said at a time when they assumed the main terrorist was an Arab.)
The anti-Israel messages were relentless and far from subtle if you expect them. However, the gullible BBC watchers will have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. They will have their prejudices, already formed by BBC’s “news” output, confirmed by the BBC’s drama department. It would be shocking if it wasn’t so expected.
It is unwatchable. The libbies action man drama. The good libbie riding to the defence of every cherished libby belief and predudice.
Propaganda masquerading as drama.
Keep it away from the children.
Was there once an episode of Spooks where a Christian ‘Fundamentalist’ kidnapped and threatened to behead a hostage? As they do.
Being turned off by twenty-somethings who shout a lot, I never watch the thing myself, and I took a lot of acid in the 60s so I may have had a flashback.
BBC -NUJ-Labour’s ‘Today’: Ms Montague gives free run to its pet Marxist, Mr. Steel to advocate French-type street action against the British Coalition government.
Straight from her ‘Left’, dogmatic critique of the talented Chilean President Pinera on ‘Hardtalk’ ( a critique which went all the way back to Pinochet!), at 08:52 on ‘Today’ she gave uninterrupted free rein to BBC-NUJ-Labour’s pet Marxist, Mr. Steel to advocate street political action of the French-type to be adopted by British adults and children against the Coalition government here.
So agreeable was Mr. Steel’s political exposition to Ms. Montague that she let him overrun to the 9 o’clock time signal.
I just logged on to comment on that also. He was introduced as the “comedian and political activist” Mark Steel (as someone pointed out last week, why is it that the words “left wing” are strangely absent from their vocabulary at moments like these but the words “right wing” are not?) and he was given free rein to explain how “the bankers” have caused all the problems and wonder aloud with Montague and the other guest why the public are not protesting vigorously enough for their liking. Anyone still playing cliche bingo at this point would have got a full house when he really put his finger on the problem which is that they would be demonised by the Daily Mail. The famously tough and incisive Today programme style of questioning threw him such grenades as “So, what would you do?”.
The last thing I heard before turning off in anger was that today’s “great object of the world” is a throne sculptured from decommissioned guns.
Mark Steel is a member of the Socialist Workers Party. He sees French style protesting as proto-revolutionary violence to overthrow democracy. ñBig suprise that the bent TODAY programme acts as his cheerleader. In a sane world MI5 would be looking into this.
Mark Steel is no more qualified to pontificate to us than is my cat. He is that very typical mouthy BBC comedian whose every word and gesture is utterly predicatable. He is more boring than Strictly come dancing. His appearance on the Today programme tells us all we need to know about it’s real motivation and the core beliefs that it stands for.
Actually Mark Steel has made a series of television lectures pontificating on important historical figures for the BBC. He is hardly neutral as every reference to him points out his socialism. He has written weekly columns in Socialist Worker, the Guardian and the Independent. Very much a BBC go-to guy.
An even more pro-Islamic, anti-Western political agenda can be expected from INBBC now that it is directly using our (British licencepayers’) funding of World Service.
Will INBBC introduce an anti-Israel flotilla series, with prizes for the best ideas for beating the Israeli defence blockade? Will INBBC introduce burqa-wearing news-readers on the Arabic TV channel (from Broadcasting House, to be paid for again by Brfitish licencepayers)?
Much closer scrutiny of INBBC’s political propaganda in the World Services area weill be needed. And the INBBC will br duty bound to provide more information about its Wold Sertvice political output.
“I have seen no newspaper today give the other side of this argument. The only way readers would find it out is to look at the photos of Alexander’s document and read the line above, which says “OBR’s budget forecast is for whole economy employment to rise from 28.9m to 30.2m between 2010-11 and 2015-16, driven by two million private sector jobs”. (The 2m figure is greater than the 1.5m figure, because they are adding an extra year: 2015-16).
The MSM reporting of the cuts has been near-hysterical at times, and woefully lacking in any sense of balance. The BBC, in particular, has no excuse: it has an economics team and a mandate to be a public service broadcaster. Why did it make no mention of the other side of this coin? Is there a D-Notice on good economic news that we haven’t been told about?”
I’m condemning the Tories for choosing A Good Day To Bury Bad News. To wit, the day that Jonathan Powell chose to plug volume two of his trilogy (trilogy ffs!). Phil ‘Polyversity’ Williams dedicated the best part of an hour to him on Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State.
If you thought the title of Vainest Man On The Planet belonged to either Tony or Barrack (sp?) – think again JP is right up there duking it out with them.
Newsnight last night – Paxo discussing the military cuts.
Did anyone see that knight Guardian columnist say that we dont need any forces ’cause ‘Britain has never been safer!’ – well why the bloody hell is that?! – oh yes, the collapse of the Soviet block..caused by.. the deterrent of arms by US/UK and the west!
No challenge on this at all of course. The other guest was the defence editor of the Times – dear God -she was unbelievably incoherent.
12:38 “The BBC’s Danny Shaw says a leaked memo from the Ministry of Justice, dated 14 October, says the department faces cuts of 14,000 full-time staff – with most of this coming on the front line, where 11,000 posts will go. Most of the cuts in the first two years, it adds.”
I was listening on Radio 4, Milliband sounded like a lisping prat – getting nowhere. Not a good performance as a lead-in to Osborne’s statement.
Since the election – Cameron is looking less the young man, more the solid guy ? More solid, for example, than Obama. Milliband by contrast looks like a callow youth. Which I suppose he is.
Yes, he has taken to the prime ministership like a duck to water. It really suits him. Ever since the election result came in and he sprang into action to get the Lib Dems on board (accomplished with aplomb, compared with the inept Labour faffing about), he has seemed keen, eager and dynamic, a man of action with an intent to get on with it and bring about change and reform. He isn’t popular with a lot of Conservatives and for numerous reasons but I do think he is shaping up to be a considerable figure and potentially a very capable and successful prime minister.
Following the spending review anouncement live online. Anyone else agree that Nick Robinsons two blog entries and Nicks comments flashed during the speech on tV are incredibly biased and somewhat pointless? To quote from the TV screen: “7Bn in welfare cuts is equivalent to taking 1k from 7million people”. Well thanks for that startling fact Nick. He’s also stated: Governments with money centralise and claim the credit, those without decentralise and spread the blame. That’s deep analysis right there.
Robinson did the same thing Friday night. It does seem as if he’s resigned himself to simply summarizing everything already said rather than do his job properly.
Billionaire investor Jim Rogers, former business partner of George Soros, comments in a US TV interview this week on why Obama and his economic team failed their Economics 101:
`…6 years ago he (Obama) was a community organiser. He doesn’t know anything about economics. He barely knows much about the world. He has very little experience of anything.’
Don’t expect to see this kind of opinion expressed anywhere on the BBC
Yes indeed they were David…even so, somehow I doubt Palin would have made the same mistakes that barry made. Although you do have to give it to barry, I dont know of anyone outside of Carter or any other democrat who could have weakened America both internally and internationally to the same level this clown has done…in only two short years.
Lets face it, his Vice President would have made a far better President simply because the guy is merely a bumbling fool instead of a full on dirty socialist! 🙂
You mean that awful red stripey thing? I’m sure that was outsourced to a suitably trendy marketing company (whose brother works at the BBC) and it cost two weeks work and 50 thousand quid.
Breaking News: Adam Bolton is a twat, all he says to labour ministers is “what would you have done” when they mention sheffield forge masters he cuts them short. more Bolton Bias.
Sky is not the official state broadcaster you’re forced to pay for. Irrelevant. Show us the BBC employee who can only ask Labour ministers what they would have done and then cuts off any real answer. Come on, then. That would be relevant balance.
Labour knew that the Sheffield forgmaster cheque which it promised would bounce. They wrote so many rubber cheques it was lucky for them they lost the election ( just thought i’d rub some lefties up the wrong way)
Goverment cheques dont bounce, this was a new invention made by clegg. the money is always there, you just move it from etc overseas aid, rich tax dodgers, Trevor Phillips.
Haha, a hospital admin just told the female Beeboid that he already had a ten-year plan to consolidate his resources and was well-placed to deal with the new funding scene. He was very pragmatic, and positive.
Even better was the GP she talked to next to him. He said the country was broke and things needed to be re-focused. The Beeboid gave him newly-minted economics guru Alan Johnson’s line that handing over all that money and responsibility to GPs would force them to do a huge amount of paperwork and management which would harm their ability to care for patients.
The GP – to her horror – said that he was glad to have it. He felt that there has been a huge amount of bureaucratice waste, all that management stuff Johnson was talking about is a waste of time. His final point was that patients would see an improvement in care now that people who actually knew what they were doing were put in charge.
No possible challenge from the Beeboid, as this was so far off script that she could barely pass it back to the studio.
No doubt the BBC News Channel producers are scrambling to find a hospital admin and/or doctor who is unhappy instead.
Going slightly ‘Off Piste’ for a moment; I’ve just been reading the Gaurdianista comments on reaction to the cuts.
If you want a good laugh, go and have a peep.
The shrill squealing leaps out the screen at you, with the general consensus that the answer is tax the rich and spend more.
I couldn’t resist putting this comment in.
Today is ‘Axe Wednesday’ for the Public Sector.
Over the last 2 years, the private sector has been in a slump.
To everyone’s amazement, the subsequent unemployment has been nowhere near as high as predicted – Why? – Because employers and employees have adapted.
Job share, reduced hours, multi-tasking, pay cuts etc.
OK it ain’t ideal. BUT at least jobs that could have disappeared forever have been preserved.
The public sector should do the same.
Would it work? – I think it would – However, useless, pointless and unproductive jobs need to go; You know, Diversity Officers, Useless Managers, clipboard wielding jobsworths and the rest.
As we all know, the first people to go are those at the coal face, doing the actual work. The hangers-on never seem to get the chop.
My suggestion is that the obviously pointless jobs should be axed first, let the dust settle, and then those that are left can strike a sensible deal that preserves as many ESSENTIAL jobs as possible.
Will this happen? – I’ll go and ask our Climate Change Manager (on £60,000 pa) what she thinks.
HaHa again, Digby Jones sees all sorts of positives in today’s Spending Review results. Anita Anand wasn’t happy, but did get him to help out with the myth about how all public sector jobs which will be cut over the next 4 years must be replaced by the private sector. I say it’s a myth because surely the private sector isn’t always going to have the bloated middle-management and waste of the public sector.
Jones did get in a nice ideologically-based dig about north versus south, so the BBC will be pleased.
Some Unison moron just said it was a bad thing to cut all those pooblic sector jobs because that was billions of tax revenue lost.
WTF? Unchallenged by the Beeboid, of course. Can these people not do even simple math? I could exlain this to a child using bottle caps and a circle drawn in the dirt.
I have referred to this before , and make no apologies for mentioning an ongoing example of bias.
If anything shows the unconscious bias of the BBC, it is their use of the word “claim”. If someone claims something it is uncertain, open to debate and or ridicule. If you say something, it is more definite, confident and assured.
I would like to see a count of the use of the word claim by the BBC when reporting labour and conservative statements/policies etc.
So with the BBC still reeling from having some of its budget cut, they have gone in to complete and total anti-coalition mode on their website.
It is a scene to behold people, so much left wing drivel puring out of it, the only thing missing is the Labour Party emblem on the front page.
Briefly heard VD on R5L getting it some facts wrong and guess in whose favour?
The BBC should be paying us for this crap.
Oh, dear, Jane Beeboid found another doctor to talk to about the new spending cuts, and he wasn’t upset either. She tried to get him to be unhappy about a reduction in fees, meaning that doctors would earn less, but he was too clever for her. He said that he was too senior to worry about it at this point, and when Jane challenged him about how it would affect junior doctos, he pointed out that, while they would earn somewhat less than he did at that stage, they sure didn’t have to work the long hours and draconian on-call shifts he had to back then. The heartless bastard. =-O
The look of “omg what is his problem?” shocked half-smile on Jane’s face when she passed it back to the studio was priceless.
Imagine if the BBC could take advertising:
“Here is the 10 O’clock news brought to you by:”
The Labour Party
The Guardian
The Fabian Society
Could MPs put this on their ‘communication’ expenses?
Robert Peston is now babbling about how, while in general terms the private sector would only have to expand hiring by two percent to….mop up….all those public sector jobs that are going to be cut over the next five years, all those administrators and “back room” office employees in the public sector might not be aaaable to find the kiiiiiind of jobs they want in the private sector.
This is not the fault of the private sector, nor is it the fault of the political party which has not been in charge of the public sector for the last 13 years. But Peston doesn’t want you to think about that.
Not to mention that out of that 500K a lot will be lost due to retirement, voluntary redundancy and those moving on. The idea that tomorrow 500K is going to go on the unemployment line is just bollocks from the BBC.
People are not likely to be sacked. Most employment cuts – spread over several years – will be by natural wastage.
The big gamble is – now the economic future is a bit clearer, and debt growth constrained, without all the extra taxes that Labour would have imposed – will the private sector feel more confident ? And in due course start investing, increasing employment ? I think it will.
So – if there are not hundreds of thousands of actual redundancies in the public sector, pain will not be too bad.
Meanwhile, whatever the BBC (including clowns like Mark Steel) and Labour may suggest, my sense is that there is widespread public recognition that the country was in dire straits, that severe cuts had to be made – and that Labour would have made similar cuts anyway. That is – the Govt. is not being seen as hard-faced and anti-worker. For most people, there is especial concern that welfare abuses look likely to be chased much harder.
This week we have had the nasty medicine – including the dose deservedly given to the BBC. Next week the Govt will focus on explaining how growth can develop.
It is always a matter of confidence. In the US, under the BBC’s favourite Bambi, there is no confidence because economic policy is just digging the economy deeper into the mire. That does not apply here, methinks.
It all depends on which jobs will be cut, and exactly what kind of workers will need to be “mopped up” by the private sector. But this is not being discussed by the BBC analysts such as Peston or Flanders or Robinson or Laura K. All they keep talking about is the total figure, as if all must be taken care of or it’s a failure and will increase welfare expenses.
I worked firstly in the private sector where we did recruit some public sector staff. The culture shock for them was quite visible. Some did survive , the others just couldn’t stand the pace.
Then, I worked for a while in the public sector. I was astonished at the slow pace of work and pointlessness of much of it.
I wouldn’t bank on the private sector mopping up many former public sector jobs.
But, they could start their own businesses and contribute to the economy 😀
Radio 5 was a hoot this afternoon with Vicki Pollard, John Pinhead, Steph Flander and Rachel Burdeon
Burdeon was a classic reporting from Sheffield (where just by coincidence everyone was pro Liebour) “Does it feel like we’re going back to the dark days of the 80’s” Asks Burdeon. Well I liked the 80’s actually, oh hang on she was talking about THATCHER and MINERS which kept coming up.
“We used to do free drinks for miners” was one useful comment.
Then Vicki Pollard who made the mistake of asking the people in Parliament Green who was responsible for the mess we’re in. LIEBOUR said most people, with a couple for the bankers (but no one blamed the Tories which really did piss her off)
Yet when she was talking to a Liebour mong, she stated (a lie) that in their unofficial vox pop people were split on who to blame. Split? We yes 80/20 in favour of blaming Liebour Vicki, or didn’t you notice? Clearly the BBC couldn’t manipulate the audience like they normally do.
They did manage to manipulate most of the ‘guests’ though, who seemed to all come from the public sector (teachers, social workers etc)
What got me was why were the bastards not at work like I was?
Stephanie Flanders came out with a classic. She stated that the increase in retirement age was no progressive as it hit the poor the most who do manual work and need to retire earleir and don’t live so long.
Eh hum, eh hum, perhaps Ms Flanders might like to explain why MEN have to work to 65 now and women only 60, when most of the hard manual jobs are done by men and we don’t live as long.
Hilarious coverage of the ‘cuts’. So pleased this blog exists.
The Today prog on R4, ‘Where will the axe fall?’, Huw Edwards at Westminster on News 24 giving the easiest possible ride to the opposition, then live to the regions for appalled reaction. ‘It’s going to mean pain, lots of pain, etc etc.’
And yet not a single worthwhile economist or holder of British debt asked what they think. The whole thing framed as a rolling national disaster, ‘thousands of jobs to be lost’ rather than, say, millions of tax to stop being wasted.
Camp male with pink shirt and tie on BBC 1 (very pretty) just used that word ‘populist’ again regarding Osborne’s plan to get the bone idle scum off the dole.
Classic public sector mentality. Some dozy female teacher moaning about the pension age rising for women “It’s wrong that a teacher today will have to work longer” she moans “You get tired teaching (well change jobs then) and you want to enjoy retirement”
Well that’s OK, just get us fuckers in the private sector to work even longer hours so you can sit on your fat lard arse you bone idle bitch.
Sorry for the swearing but I’ve had enough of the public sector moaning, try working in the real world
Anyone see n this on Guidos blog? That mong Boaden is clearly upset that we’re picking up on her fellow tossers twittering
We have had some occasions recently of BBC News staff using social networking sites to share with the world their somewhat controversial opinions on matters of public policy and the future of the BBC. Unsurprisingly, these have been picked up by the wider web and used to discredit the BBC and its impartiality. We have Editorial Guidelines which cover the personal use of the internet …which everyone should observe. We also have brains and judgement which I suggest people fully engage before rushing to communicate. Hx
Briefly changing the subject from the usual political bias regarding cuts….
There was a preview for a program I caught on Radio 4 whilst travelling home from work today (probably around 5). It was a slightly surreal. Basically it went like this…Why don’t we see more British Asians on the football terraces, and more worryingly why aren’t there more Asian players? What can be done about it? There was a snapshot of the presenters discussion and then, I presume it was the presenter of the program said something very siimilar to this – ‘British Asians put their Islamic studies above football, so they don’t have time to practice after school’. It was difficult to believe what I was hearing. I know the BBC and its socialist ways would like every colour, creed, sexual orientation, religous doctine on the terraces cheering Rooney, but it was surreal.
This is patronising for everyone and is ignorant – I would kindly ask why they making programs or commisioning programs on this flim flam??
Or more obviously, Cricket is their preferred game, go to India or Pakistan and they are obsessed with Cricket. There is as much money slopping around the IPL as there is in our Premier League.
The obvious never occurs to a libbie beeboid. I suppose it is because the “elite” pretends to like football judging by the way they go on and on about their favourite teams. They never do this about cricket. Too elitest for their tender feelings. The Indians and Pakistanis really take it seriously as you say.
Yes, the stupid Beeboids and lefties will never forgive cricket for distinguishing between “gentlemen and players” so they try to pretend the sport is still elitist. For many Asians it is the best chance to escape poverty.
Anything to perpetuate the myth that British society is endemically racist, despite the glaring examples that can easily refute this. They dictate the terms of debate, the obvious wont get stated, the brainwashing will go on.
‘it’ presumably meaning the hypocritical, unprofessional, navel-gazing, over (and uniquely) funded propaganda machine that is the the BBC, and this ‘talent’ is ‘bright’ enough to see that, if they carry o like they have lately, there are plenty of walls they’ll be first against as the true extent of their abuses and complicity sink in to those tasked with paying them no matter what.
Short Answer: Of course they are, even if a little disappointed that He hasn’t fixed the economy yet.
Long Answer: Of course they are, even if a little disappointed that He hasn’t fixed the economy yet, and His opponents are racists.
Note to BBC: Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid aren’t black. Any opponents of the President’s policies are opponents of those two mandarins as well. After all, they’re the ones responsible for creating and ramming through ObamaCare and the Spendulus Bill, not the President Himself.
I am so sick of the BBC’s promotion of slander.
Here’s what Adams and the BBC don’t want you to know about what effect the President’s and Pelosi’s and Reid’s policies are having on Chicago:
Projects to weatherize homes are a key part of the Obama administration’s fusion of stimulus spending and the green agenda. But a new report by the Department of Energy has found serious problems in stimulus-funded weatherization work — problems so severe that they have resulted in homes that are not only not more energy efficient but are actually dangerous for people to live in.
As predicted, instead of discussing the actual policies which are causing the problems for the President and the Democrats, the BBC instead tries to make you think it’s all about racism.
Are the President’s advisors this superior and arrogant that they actually think the Tea Party voters don’t know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims? Seriously?
But the United States has ruled out a Golden Temple visit, according to an American official involved in planning. Temple officials said that American advance teams had gone to Amritsar, the holy city that is the site of the temple, to discuss a possible visit. But the plan appears to have foundered on the thorny question of how Mr. Obama would cover his head, as Sikh tradition requires, while visiting the temple.
If this Administration wasn’t run so poorly, this wouldn’t be an issue. Yes, they are that pathetic.
Why would he have to wear a headscarf, for heaven’s sake? He can wear a Chicago White Sox cap, and nobody over there will embarrass Him by asking Him to name a single player. I think the President and the Democrats are also using this as an opportunity to prove to His believers that the rest of us really are that stupid.
It’s too bad that the President has to throw the Sikhs under the bus in a desperate attempt to protect Himself.
He can bow to the King of Saudi, he can hug Marxist dictator-wannabe Hugo Chavez, he can kowtow to the Chinese – but he cannot pay proper respect to the Sikhs. I bet that goes down well.
Anyone visiting north India should not even dream of missing out on Amritsar.
How will the World Service play this ? By ignoring it ?
Will Obama be wearing a burkha in India ? The man is a moron. Despite hiccups, India is heading to be a global economic and military power. If he had a brain, he would not upset them . If…
I don’t usually watch the BBC news but watched about 20 mins of news 24. For 20 minutes the BBC lined up people who were against the cuts due to them intruding on their patch. In the end I turned over to Sky News for some more intelligent news with economists rather than anyone who could be found against the cuts.
Socialist Worker Today has been on spectacular form this week.
My favourites so far have been:
Why cant we have a revolution like the French – by the ca ira they have it all, socialist babes like Segolene, 300 Cheeses and detachable cobblestones. If only the proles had residences secondaires in the Paye D’Aude maybe they’d be up for the sedition they are so crudely promoting.
The excellent Ms Birbalsingh (interviewed by the truly loathsome Webb) managing to get her points across quite brilliantly despite being interrupted more times than an evil Tory minister and being accused of (a) being put up to it by Gove (b) advocating a “brutal” system and (c) having a book to promote.
Not a breath of sympathy for this former “front line professional” no hint of a platform to tell her shocking story; in contrast to the “Ah Nuns! Lovely” tone the same creeps adopt when milking some reproductively incontinent welfare scrounger about the forthcoming CUTS!CUTS!CUTS! potato famine.
John interviewing Nick and Stephanie about Roberts opinions (all of whom are frankly so crap, ill informed or unintelligible that its merely amusing); followed by an open mike for revenant 1970s Trades Unionists and quangocrat “poverty” professionals advocating increases in public expenditure.
But best of all (and not on Toady) was the look on Daves face in the HoC when Osborne announced their delicious 16% stitch up of the BBC. I know we all have our doubts about the the nutories and especially there failure to stand up to the obvious bias of the BBC; but just watch his exquisite pleasure baiting the doomed assholes opposite about the damage to their principal asset, before he checks himself and acts grave….I rather think they have got there own back, Very quickly, very craftily and where it hurts.
“We will be discussing whether Britain will feel culturally different in the wake of the swingeing cuts with artist Grayson Perry, historian and author Amanda Foreman, and businessman Sir Martin Sorrell.”
Firstly its “swingeing cuts”-not simply cuts, or savings. This is the sort of language used by Al Beeb that gives the game away, like last nights “draconian cuts” as quoted by Frank Gardner.
You should have watched last nights “Look North” which had Mrs 1327 yelling at the TV and expressing opinions that made me sound centre ground. As part of their cuts coverage they interviewed 2 ordinary Barnsley families which turned out to contain only unemployed people. One of the couples were both in their mid twenties she was unemployed and he (a big strapping bloke) was on the disability with a “bad back”. Yet their local authority house was nicely decorated with what I presume is the compulsory 50 inch TV and Sky TV box.
None of this was mentioned of course and the entire segment of the show was just surreal.
I’m fed up of hearing the BBC bleat on about the poor on benefits. Most of them look well enough to hold down a job. I hope the Government kicks these lardy twats up the arse.
‘as the news broke, BBC correspondents gauged the reaction from communities around the UK.’
One is sure they did, if ‘guaged’ is just a poncy word for rigging things to fit. Per usual.
No wonder Ms. Boaden and Mr. Jordan are too busy to answer any questions on the blogs they initiated… they are too busy pouring petrol on all the other fires being started hourly.
Had a quick gander at the ‘typical UK public’ that has been ‘selected’.
They really are going for the the full self-immolation option.
I have a vision of Helen Boaden and Miliband E. standing on top of the teachers’ climate change display, with their petticoats hitched up around their knees, screaming pointless requests to desist at the unruly charges their own PC-rules have given the little thugs carte blanche to ignore, as the tikes take every liberty they’ve been given to abuse and are simply making life just beastly for those who know better than them.
and don’t forget the memememememe that the cuts are *** gasp *** ideology.
I mean when we had a hundred-odd pages in The Guardian every week of adverts for Directors Of Excellence for Our World Class Local Authority I don’t remember the BBC shouting ***gasp*** ideology.
Still they’re getting the message across. This reduction in the increase of state spending that will see the State (ie we taxpayers) spending what it spent in 2008 is actually
The BBC – truly pathetic. Not only are they poor at shilling, they’re even worse as journalists.
Having spent the morning watching and listening to the ‘Incitement to Riot Show’ AKA BBC Television and Radio. I thought I’d earned a little relaxation reading the Guardian’s CiF’s.
Boy are they mad! They’re madder than a box of frog’s!
Unlike the private sector, whose slaves, when kicked into touch, starting 2 years ago- put their heads down and started trying to do something about it – This lot are squealing like stuck pigs! The comments revolve around ‘Don’t sack us, sack the bankers, it’s the bankers what did it!’ Ignoring the fact that whoever did it is irrelevant. It’s what we do to get us out of this hole that matters.
As the grasp of mathematics of the average Guardian reader appears to be extremely weak, I gave them a short maths lesson to try and help.
‘Which part of ‘We are skint’ do people not understand?
Under the brilliant stewardship of Gordon ‘psychologicaly flawed’ Brown, the countries finances were decimated.
It’s no good saying that as a percentage of GDP, Labour spent less. Brown was given the rare opportunity of reducing Government debt to the point that taxes could have gone down, but as a compulsive spender and control freak he couldn’t bring himself to do this.
Personally, I trust the Tories about as much as I do Labour i.e. Zero; But nobody can argue that we should keep spending money we haven’t got.
So, once more for the hard of hearing:
The problem is the typical Guardian reader has lived all their lives sucking off the teat of the state, be it on huge benefits or public sector jobs.
They just have no idea that you can’t keep spending money on the public sector.
Some mong on radio 5 from ‘oop north’ was trying to convince someone with a brain that the whole of the north can survive on the public sector. When man with brain tried to point out that it’s the private sector that generates the money Government spends man from ‘oop north’ just didn’t get it.
“Youz don’t need pooblic sektor in the south” he squealed like a pig knowing it’s knackers are about to be chopped off.
So no ‘ozpitals or skooz’ in the south east, we just subsizise the lardy wasters in the north.
I tell you what I’ve never seen to may Sky boxes or 50″ plasma TV’s as I have in the last few days in the houses of those on income support.
Then the bleating of women who want to retire at 60 (oh and have someone else pay their pension of course) forgetting they should have been retiring at 65 like men for years. Just how did they get away with that one?
Toilets Maguire was on TV going on about how people in the public sector have had their pensions stolen. Funny old toilets didn’t say a word when the one eyed mong was raping the private pension schemes 10 years ago.
Toilets like the left doesn’t get it. WE HAVE NO MONEY LEFT, IT’S ALL GONE.
They are like the citizens of a defeated army arguing who left the gate open as the city is burning. You are right. We have a problem just try to fix it.
A bomb attack on a bus in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao has killed nine people, officials say. Several more were hurt when the bomb, hidden in an overhead compartment, went off as the bus travelled through Matalam in Cotabato province.
More than 50 passengers were on board at the time of the blast.
Police said it was not clear who was behind the blast, but Mindanao is home to kidnappers, extortion gangs and Muslim insurgent groups.
So according to the bBC the police don’t have a clue who could be behind this latest militant protest and in which to highlight how troubled this Island is they list 3 different protest collectives who could be behind this bomb blast.
But hang on what’s this from the police: Military and police have yet to establish the identity of those responsible for the bombing of the bus of Rural Transit, whose other buses have been subjected to similar attacks in the past. “We do not have yet a suspect. We are still determining the bomb mix,” said Cabangbang, adding however that the Alcobar extortion group had been the traditional suspect in past bombings of passenger vehicles in the province. “Historically, ang Rural Bus ay binobomba ng extortion group na Al Khobar (Historically, Rural Bus has been bombed by the extortion group Al Khobar),” Cabangbang said.
The notorious Al Khobar group was blamed for the spate of bomb explosions that have been rocking several province in southern and central Mindanao since 2006. The extortion group, composed of former Moro rebels, was said to be previously linked to the Abu Sayyaf group, earlier reports said.
And there’s more: Kiunisala said intelligence agents are trying to determine whether the Alcobar group is composed of the dreaded Pentagon Gang, a notorious lawless group operating in Central Mindanao known for their kidnapping activities.Pentagon is allegedly headed by Alonto Tahir, whom the military claimed to have killed in Maguindanao province three years ago.
So when we look at the facts as handed over by the bBC over who could be behind this deadly bombing it turns out that Islamic terrorist groups are behind all three activities. I wonder why the bBC didn’t mention that?
Lesbian dancers accepted all over the Middle East! Does he know what happens to homosexuals in much of the Middle East? Oh probably not if he relies on the bBC for his news.
That ‘please stop..’ rather comes from the Helen Boaden ‘You’re all being twuly beastly, and if you don’t desist I’ll hold my bweff until I tun blue and then you’ll be sorwy’ school of finger-wagging. Guessing Mr. Black’s legal team struggled to see much by way of legs to stand on, then?
I am currently having fun with what is about my 4th exchange with a bunch at newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk (how many different departments are there in the bowels of the BBC, as this lot are very different to the usual cookie-cutters I encounter) following my taking them to task over Bridget Kendall’s accusations of a cover up (subsequently shown to be unfounded in the terms she made them, with no factual basis, at the time) and UK/US relations collapse (yet to transpire) as a result of the tragically cocked-up hostage rescue by special forces. Plus subsequent stealth editing out of this clearly pants reporting… what they are trying to call ‘evolving the story’… by ditching the words of the story initiator. Er, no, it’s what was broadcast at the time, and was seen at that time. So dicking about with spin about ‘revisions’ and time stamps is simply pathetic in justification.
What’s odd is this is getting very heavy and personal, with vast amounts of new and corroboratory stuff being researched by them and flung at me as they get more and more determined to ‘prove’ my complaint to be ‘wrong’.
Thing is, setting up straw men or citing a Graun article or, worse, a BBC colleague snipe that is no more than a second wrong to hers… is unlikely to sway me much.
And they seem to be getting deliciously desperate. Even gave me the FoI section I requested to try and get more info, but smugly also asserted that it won’t get anywhere because… as they do journalism stuff they do, they are exempt. Now, if only all interviewees the BBC pounces on adopted that approach…
You are welcome to make a Freedom of Information request, although as you are probably awarethe Act covers only information “held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”:
I am guessing I have struck a nerve as they really are wielding big guns now and trotting out legal stuff. They have even invited me to write to… Helen ‘Hugs’ Boaden about this directly! Maybe I’ll tweet her? Frankly, much over 140 characters and I think her pretty head will just melt, especially if most are not 🙂 faces.
Shame it’s only little old me and they have a vast legal budget for just such things paid for… in part… by the likes of little old me.
Sorry for straying, but reading Rog the Dodge as the sole contributor on a blog post (does he surf the net all day looking for stuff about himself?) was telling, especially when, as a true Beeboid, they think normal folk have a clue about internal systems and semantics… or care.
If you are caught with your panties down Aunty, the very best you can attempt is ‘oops’, followed by ‘sorry’.
What you inevitably do is called ‘carrying on digging’.
AM has responded, quickly and courteously, if robustly.
While a period of reflection to draft a reply is reasonable, one hopes that it will not be too long before RH gets around to providing some answers to the points raised.
Speaking personally, between the BBC’s own blogs, privates such as the AM one, and of course on BBBC’s own around us, I have found that the BBC, its employees and groupies do suddenly become a little less vocal when confronted with actual facts… in particular quotes of what they actually said, often on BBC pages.
And while hitting the mute switch is an option, and not dealing with stuff made even easier by sticking fingers in ears and humming ‘La, la, la…can;’t hear you’, it’s strating to unravel as a technique.
No matter how unique one thinks one is. Or how many lawyers hired on public money to tell you you have no case.
Fairness as defined by the BBC today means even more redistribution of wealth. Punish achievement, please, BBC. Who is going to lose their homes today, I wonder?
vladMar 11, 04:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The guy on the left is saying: WE OWN YOU, CHARLIE BOY. Guy on the right is saying: Allahu Akbar,…
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Would anyone like to comment on last nights Spooks episode where the writers yet again used the plot where the Israeli turns out to be the terrorist. How many times have the writers of Spooks done this already? Anyone been keeping count? I think twice, maybe three times already.
It is all so boringly predictable, any of us here could write a script for it. Don’t know if I can bear to watch.
I still quite enjoy it, but as soon as I realised that it was an episode involving Israelis my heart sank. I knew exactly how they would be portrayed, and I was spot on. I hadn’t considered that they would invent the world’s first Israeli suicide bomber, as that has been exclusively the province of the Japanese Kamikaze pilots and those who wish to destroy Israel and the West, so at least that was new.
They have definitely used the plot before where Arab “militants” are actually controlled by Israelis just to ensure that peace can never happen, and that the dastardly Jews will land the peaceful Muslims all the blame for the breakup of peace.
There are many other messages the BBC was trying to give out, such as the one “good” Israeli was still willing to organise his forces to illegally do what they wished on London streets. Also that once he is no longer part of the peace initiative it will be a while before they can find another peace campaigning Israeli. Another comment made by the “Arab” delegate is that the Muslims will again get the blame (Ironically said at a time when they assumed the main terrorist was an Arab.)
The anti-Israel messages were relentless and far from subtle if you expect them. However, the gullible BBC watchers will have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. They will have their prejudices, already formed by BBC’s “news” output, confirmed by the BBC’s drama department. It would be shocking if it wasn’t so expected.
It is unwatchable. The libbies action man drama. The good libbie riding to the defence of every cherished libby belief and predudice.
Propaganda masquerading as drama.
Keep it away from the children.
Was there once an episode of Spooks where a Christian ‘Fundamentalist’ kidnapped and threatened to behead a hostage? As they do.
Being turned off by twenty-somethings who shout a lot, I never watch the thing myself, and I took a lot of acid in the 60s so I may have had a flashback.
BBC -NUJ-Labour’s ‘Today’: Ms Montague gives free run to its pet Marxist, Mr. Steel to advocate French-type street action against the British Coalition government.
Straight from her ‘Left’, dogmatic critique of the talented Chilean President Pinera on ‘Hardtalk’ ( a critique which went all the way back to Pinochet!), at 08:52 on ‘Today’ she gave uninterrupted free rein to BBC-NUJ-Labour’s pet Marxist, Mr. Steel to advocate street political action of the French-type to be adopted by British adults and children against the Coalition government here.
So agreeable was Mr. Steel’s political exposition to Ms. Montague that she let him overrun to the 9 o’clock time signal.
I just logged on to comment on that also. He was introduced as the “comedian and political activist” Mark Steel (as someone pointed out last week, why is it that the words “left wing” are strangely absent from their vocabulary at moments like these but the words “right wing” are not?) and he was given free rein to explain how “the bankers” have caused all the problems and wonder aloud with Montague and the other guest why the public are not protesting vigorously enough for their liking. Anyone still playing cliche bingo at this point would have got a full house when he really put his finger on the problem which is that they would be demonised by the Daily Mail. The famously tough and incisive Today programme style of questioning threw him such grenades as “So, what would you do?”.
The last thing I heard before turning off in anger was that today’s “great object of the world” is a throne sculptured from decommissioned guns.
Mark Steel is a member of the Socialist Workers Party. He sees French style protesting as proto-revolutionary violence to overthrow democracy. ñBig suprise that the bent TODAY programme acts as his cheerleader. In a sane world MI5 would be looking into this.
Mark Steel is no more qualified to pontificate to us than is my cat. He is that very typical mouthy BBC comedian whose every word and gesture is utterly predicatable. He is more boring than Strictly come dancing. His appearance on the Today programme tells us all we need to know about it’s real motivation and the core beliefs that it stands for.
Actually Mark Steel has made a series of television lectures pontificating on important historical figures for the BBC. He is hardly neutral as every reference to him points out his socialism. He has written weekly columns in Socialist Worker, the Guardian and the Independent.
Very much a BBC go-to guy.
fatty Nolan is crying into his porridge on radio ulster about the BBC cuts
might be an idea to text or ring in before the 10.30 close
it’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time…..let’s hope it’s just the start and the whole pile of shite comes crashing down around their ears
An even more pro-Islamic, anti-Western political agenda can be expected from INBBC now that it is directly using our (British licencepayers’) funding of World Service.
Will INBBC introduce an anti-Israel flotilla series, with prizes for the best ideas for beating the Israeli defence blockade? Will INBBC introduce burqa-wearing news-readers on the Arabic TV channel (from Broadcasting House, to be paid for again by Brfitish licencepayers)?
Much closer scrutiny of INBBC’s political propaganda in the World Services area weill be needed. And the INBBC will br duty bound to provide more information about its Wold Sertvice political output.
-From ‘Press Gazette’:-
“The BBC taking full control of the World Service will give it clear editorial independence from the Government…”
“I have seen no newspaper today give the other side of this argument. The only way readers would find it out is to look at the photos of Alexander’s document and read the line above, which says “OBR’s budget forecast is for whole economy employment to rise from 28.9m to 30.2m between 2010-11 and 2015-16, driven by two million private sector jobs”. (The 2m figure is greater than the 1.5m figure, because they are adding an extra year: 2015-16).
The MSM reporting of the cuts has been near-hysterical at times, and woefully lacking in any sense of balance. The BBC, in particular, has no excuse: it has an economics team and a mandate to be a public service broadcaster. Why did it make no mention of the other side of this coin? Is there a D-Notice on good economic news that we haven’t been told about?”
I’m condemning the Tories for choosing A Good Day To Bury Bad News. To wit, the day that Jonathan Powell chose to plug volume two of his trilogy (trilogy ffs!). Phil ‘Polyversity’ Williams dedicated the best part of an hour to him on Radio 5 Persistent Vegetative State.
If you thought the title of Vainest Man On The Planet belonged to either Tony or Barrack (sp?) – think again JP is right up there duking it out with them.
Newsnight last night – Paxo discussing the military cuts.
Did anyone see that knight Guardian columnist say that we dont need any forces ’cause ‘Britain has never been safer!’ – well why the bloody hell is that?! – oh yes, the collapse of the Soviet block..caused by.. the deterrent of arms by US/UK and the west!
No challenge on this at all of course. The other guest was the defence editor of the Times – dear God -she was unbelievably incoherent.
PMQ and Osborne live feed…
12:38 “The BBC’s Danny Shaw says a leaked memo from the Ministry of Justice, dated 14 October, says the department faces cuts of 14,000 full-time staff – with most of this coming on the front line, where 11,000 posts will go. Most of the cuts in the first two years, it adds.”
Complete coincidence Danny got the leak right now…? Osborne sounds good and confident so Danny needs to add some job loss news.
Just a few moments ago the BBC lost the whole onliine feed from the Commons !
They lost the sound several times, I switched over to their Live Democracy site, less quality, no loss of sound!
Have been watching PM’s questions. Apart from being a total waste of time was it me or did Big Ed get hammered by DC? 🙂
I was listening on Radio 4, Milliband sounded like a lisping prat – getting nowhere. Not a good performance as a lead-in to Osborne’s statement.
Since the election – Cameron is looking less the young man, more the solid guy ? More solid, for example, than Obama. Milliband by contrast looks like a callow youth. Which I suppose he is.
Highlighting another reason why it was a mistake it was to pick Ed Mili.
It wasn’t a mistake as far as I’m concerned, he looks like a mong.
Yes, he has taken to the prime ministership like a duck to water. It really suits him. Ever since the election result came in and he sprang into action to get the Lib Dems on board (accomplished with aplomb, compared with the inept Labour faffing about), he has seemed keen, eager and dynamic, a man of action with an intent to get on with it and bring about change and reform. He isn’t popular with a lot of Conservatives and for numerous reasons but I do think he is shaping up to be a considerable figure and potentially a very capable and successful prime minister.
He got mullered although Nick Robinson will either ignore it and talk about cuts or claim that it was 50/50.
This happened regularly during the Brown/Cameron spats. DC slaughtered him but the Daily Politics always gave Brown the nod.
He did. I hadn’t seen him in this role since he was elected. Millipede Snr. would have made a far better fist of it.
Shambles…just as they were in government.
Following the spending review anouncement live online. Anyone else agree that Nick Robinsons two blog entries and Nicks comments flashed during the speech on tV are incredibly biased and somewhat pointless? To quote from the TV screen: “7Bn in welfare cuts is equivalent to taking 1k from 7million people”. Well thanks for that startling fact Nick. He’s also stated: Governments with money centralise and claim the credit, those without decentralise and spread the blame. That’s deep analysis right there.
Robinson did the same thing Friday night. It does seem as if he’s resigned himself to simply summarizing everything already said rather than do his job properly.
Billionaire investor Jim Rogers, former business partner of George Soros, comments in a US TV interview this week on why Obama and his economic team failed their Economics 101:
`…6 years ago he (Obama) was a community organiser. He doesn’t know anything about economics. He barely knows much about the world. He has very little experience of anything.’
Don’t expect to see this kind of opinion expressed anywhere on the BBC
Exactly. They were far more concerned with Sarah Palin’s alleged lack of experience instead.
Yes indeed they were David…even so, somehow I doubt Palin would have made the same mistakes that barry made. Although you do have to give it to barry, I dont know of anyone outside of Carter or any other democrat who could have weakened America both internally and internationally to the same level this clown has done…in only two short years.
Lets face it, his Vice President would have made a far better President simply because the guy is merely a bumbling fool instead of a full on dirty socialist! 🙂
Oh the irony! BBC reporting biggest cuts since WW2 while the BBC helicopter hovered overhead to cover those cuts.
Did you notice the appalling graphic they attached to every single laptop being used on the show.
You mean that awful red stripey thing? I’m sure that was outsourced to a suitably trendy marketing company (whose brother works at the BBC) and it cost two weeks work and 50 thousand quid.
Breaking News: Adam Bolton is a twat, all he says to labour ministers is “what would you have done” when they mention sheffield forge masters he cuts them short. more Bolton Bias.
He works for the BBC? Gosh, I never knew that.
I hate the BBC but i see that much right wing shit here i thought id give the site a bit of balence.
Sky is not the official state broadcaster you’re forced to pay for. Irrelevant. Show us the BBC employee who can only ask Labour ministers what they would have done and then cuts off any real answer. Come on, then. That would be relevant balance.
but didn’t you post earlier that you hated ALL poiticians?
so presumably you don’t like left wing shit either?
Ben Turpin
On the day you’re legally obliged to pay for “right wing shit” you’re welcome to come back and talk to us about balance.
So are you forced to fund Sky then Benny boy? Don’t wantch Sky in fact please explain why you do watch it?
…so what should he do? Listen to more lies about forgemasters? allow them a free few minutes slag-the-tory-time?
I see nothing wrong with a bit of balance.
What is it about the BBC that you hate?
Labour knew that the Sheffield forgmaster cheque which it promised would bounce. They wrote so many rubber cheques it was lucky for them they lost the election ( just thought i’d rub some lefties up the wrong way)
Goverment cheques dont bounce, this was a new invention made by clegg. the money is always there, you just move it from etc overseas aid, rich tax dodgers, Trevor Phillips.
Haha, a hospital admin just told the female Beeboid that he already had a ten-year plan to consolidate his resources and was well-placed to deal with the new funding scene. He was very pragmatic, and positive.
Even better was the GP she talked to next to him. He said the country was broke and things needed to be re-focused. The Beeboid gave him newly-minted economics guru Alan Johnson’s line that handing over all that money and responsibility to GPs would force them to do a huge amount of paperwork and management which would harm their ability to care for patients.
The GP – to her horror – said that he was glad to have it. He felt that there has been a huge amount of bureaucratice waste, all that management stuff Johnson was talking about is a waste of time. His final point was that patients would see an improvement in care now that people who actually knew what they were doing were put in charge.
No possible challenge from the Beeboid, as this was so far off script that she could barely pass it back to the studio.
No doubt the BBC News Channel producers are scrambling to find a hospital admin and/or doctor who is unhappy instead.
Going slightly ‘Off Piste’ for a moment; I’ve just been reading the Gaurdianista comments on reaction to the cuts.
If you want a good laugh, go and have a peep.
The shrill squealing leaps out the screen at you, with the general consensus that the answer is tax the rich and spend more.
I couldn’t resist putting this comment in.
Today is ‘Axe Wednesday’ for the Public Sector.
Over the last 2 years, the private sector has been in a slump.
To everyone’s amazement, the subsequent unemployment has been nowhere near as high as predicted – Why? – Because employers and employees have adapted.
Job share, reduced hours, multi-tasking, pay cuts etc.
OK it ain’t ideal. BUT at least jobs that could have disappeared forever have been preserved.
The public sector should do the same.
Would it work? – I think it would – However, useless, pointless and unproductive jobs need to go; You know, Diversity Officers, Useless Managers, clipboard wielding jobsworths and the rest.
As we all know, the first people to go are those at the coal face, doing the actual work. The hangers-on never seem to get the chop.
My suggestion is that the obviously pointless jobs should be axed first, let the dust settle, and then those that are left can strike a sensible deal that preserves as many ESSENTIAL jobs as possible.
Will this happen? – I’ll go and ask our Climate Change Manager (on £60,000 pa) what she thinks.
HaHa again, Digby Jones sees all sorts of positives in today’s Spending Review results. Anita Anand wasn’t happy, but did get him to help out with the myth about how all public sector jobs which will be cut over the next 4 years must be replaced by the private sector. I say it’s a myth because surely the private sector isn’t always going to have the bloated middle-management and waste of the public sector.
Jones did get in a nice ideologically-based dig about north versus south, so the BBC will be pleased.
Some Unison moron just said it was a bad thing to cut all those pooblic sector jobs because that was billions of tax revenue lost.
WTF? Unchallenged by the Beeboid, of course. Can these people not do even simple math? I could exlain this to a child using bottle caps and a circle drawn in the dirt.
Tories “CLAIM” Labour “SAYS”
I have referred to this before , and make no apologies for mentioning an ongoing example of bias.
If anything shows the unconscious bias of the BBC, it is their use of the word “claim”. If someone claims something it is uncertain, open to debate and or ridicule. If you say something, it is more definite, confident and assured.
I would like to see a count of the use of the word claim by the BBC when reporting labour and conservative statements/policies etc.
Just pick any BBC political article or news report (radio 5 especially) & look for the use of “claim” or this article picked at random http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11579979
So with the BBC still reeling from having some of its budget cut, they have gone in to complete and total anti-coalition mode on their website.
It is a scene to behold people, so much left wing drivel puring out of it, the only thing missing is the Labour Party emblem on the front page.
Briefly heard VD on R5L getting it some facts wrong and guess in whose favour?
The BBC should be paying us for this crap.
Oh, dear, Jane Beeboid found another doctor to talk to about the new spending cuts, and he wasn’t upset either. She tried to get him to be unhappy about a reduction in fees, meaning that doctors would earn less, but he was too clever for her. He said that he was too senior to worry about it at this point, and when Jane challenged him about how it would affect junior doctos, he pointed out that, while they would earn somewhat less than he did at that stage, they sure didn’t have to work the long hours and draconian on-call shifts he had to back then. The heartless bastard. =-O
The look of “omg what is his problem?” shocked half-smile on Jane’s face when she passed it back to the studio was priceless.
Imagine if the BBC could take advertising:
“Here is the 10 O’clock news brought to you by:”
The Labour Party
The Guardian
The Fabian Society
Could MPs put this on their ‘communication’ expenses?
At least it would be transparent to the punter.
Just wondering…..
Robert Peston is now babbling about how, while in general terms the private sector would only have to expand hiring by two percent to….mop up….all those public sector jobs that are going to be cut over the next five years, all those administrators and “back room” office employees in the public sector might not be aaaable to find the kiiiiiind of jobs they want in the private sector.
This is not the fault of the private sector, nor is it the fault of the political party which has not been in charge of the public sector for the last 13 years. But Peston doesn’t want you to think about that.
Not to mention that out of that 500K a lot will be lost due to retirement, voluntary redundancy and those moving on. The idea that tomorrow 500K is going to go on the unemployment line is just bollocks from the BBC.
People are not likely to be sacked. Most employment cuts – spread over several years – will be by natural wastage.
The big gamble is – now the economic future is a bit clearer, and debt growth constrained, without all the extra taxes that Labour would have imposed – will the private sector feel more confident ? And in due course start investing, increasing employment ? I think it will.
So – if there are not hundreds of thousands of actual redundancies in the public sector, pain will not be too bad.
Meanwhile, whatever the BBC (including clowns like Mark Steel) and Labour may suggest, my sense is that there is widespread public recognition that the country was in dire straits, that severe cuts had to be made – and that Labour would have made similar cuts anyway. That is – the Govt. is not being seen as hard-faced and anti-worker. For most people, there is especial concern that welfare abuses look likely to be chased much harder.
This week we have had the nasty medicine – including the dose deservedly given to the BBC. Next week the Govt will focus on explaining how growth can develop.
It is always a matter of confidence. In the US, under the BBC’s favourite Bambi, there is no confidence because economic policy is just digging the economy deeper into the mire. That does not apply here, methinks.
It all depends on which jobs will be cut, and exactly what kind of workers will need to be “mopped up” by the private sector. But this is not being discussed by the BBC analysts such as Peston or Flanders or Robinson or Laura K. All they keep talking about is the total figure, as if all must be taken care of or it’s a failure and will increase welfare expenses.
I worked firstly in the private sector where we did recruit some public sector staff. The culture shock for them was quite visible. Some did survive , the others just couldn’t stand the pace.
Then, I worked for a while in the public sector. I was astonished at the slow pace of work and pointlessness of much of it.
I wouldn’t bank on the private sector mopping up many former public sector jobs.
But, they could start their own businesses and contribute to the economy 😀
Radio 5 was a hoot this afternoon with Vicki Pollard, John Pinhead, Steph Flander and Rachel Burdeon
Burdeon was a classic reporting from Sheffield (where just by coincidence everyone was pro Liebour) “Does it feel like we’re going back to the dark days of the 80’s” Asks Burdeon. Well I liked the 80’s actually, oh hang on she was talking about THATCHER and MINERS which kept coming up.
“We used to do free drinks for miners” was one useful comment.
Then Vicki Pollard who made the mistake of asking the people in Parliament Green who was responsible for the mess we’re in. LIEBOUR said most people, with a couple for the bankers (but no one blamed the Tories which really did piss her off)
Yet when she was talking to a Liebour mong, she stated (a lie) that in their unofficial vox pop people were split on who to blame. Split? We yes 80/20 in favour of blaming Liebour Vicki, or didn’t you notice? Clearly the BBC couldn’t manipulate the audience like they normally do.
They did manage to manipulate most of the ‘guests’ though, who seemed to all come from the public sector (teachers, social workers etc)
What got me was why were the bastards not at work like I was?
Stephanie Flanders came out with a classic. She stated that the increase in retirement age was no progressive as it hit the poor the most who do manual work and need to retire earleir and don’t live so long.
Eh hum, eh hum, perhaps Ms Flanders might like to explain why MEN have to work to 65 now and women only 60, when most of the hard manual jobs are done by men and we don’t live as long.
Hilarious coverage of the ‘cuts’. So pleased this blog exists.
The Today prog on R4, ‘Where will the axe fall?’, Huw Edwards at Westminster on News 24 giving the easiest possible ride to the opposition, then live to the regions for appalled reaction. ‘It’s going to mean pain, lots of pain, etc etc.’
And yet not a single worthwhile economist or holder of British debt asked what they think. The whole thing framed as a rolling national disaster, ‘thousands of jobs to be lost’ rather than, say, millions of tax to stop being wasted.
Yes this blog really pisses the lefties off.
After cricket, winding up lefties is my favourite sport !
Camp male with pink shirt and tie on BBC 1 (very pretty) just used that word ‘populist’ again regarding Osborne’s plan to get the bone idle scum off the dole.
Yes, I vote for that.
Classic public sector mentality. Some dozy female teacher moaning about the pension age rising for women “It’s wrong that a teacher today will have to work longer” she moans “You get tired teaching (well change jobs then) and you want to enjoy retirement”
Well that’s OK, just get us fuckers in the private sector to work even longer hours so you can sit on your fat lard arse you bone idle bitch.
Sorry for the swearing but I’ve had enough of the public sector moaning, try working in the real world
I suspect there are some jobs a bit more tiring than teaching !
Anyone see n this on Guidos blog? That mong Boaden is clearly upset that we’re picking up on her fellow tossers twittering
We have had some occasions recently of BBC News staff using social networking sites to share with the world their somewhat controversial opinions on matters of public policy and the future of the BBC. Unsurprisingly, these have been picked up by the wider web and used to discredit the BBC and its impartiality. We have Editorial Guidelines which cover the personal use of the internet …which everyone should observe. We also have brains and judgement which I suggest people fully engage before rushing to communicate. Hx
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I hope the poor dears don’t have to go through another training session at a cost to the license-fee payers of £100 per head.
I knew you’d be on the case Martin!
P.S. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Do you think she means us 🙂
Tom Bradby on ITV “cuts are less savage than we thought”
Hmm, not something I’ve heard once from the BBC today.
Briefly changing the subject from the usual political bias regarding cuts….
There was a preview for a program I caught on Radio 4 whilst travelling home from work today (probably around 5). It was a slightly surreal. Basically it went like this…Why don’t we see more British Asians on the football terraces, and more worryingly why aren’t there more Asian players? What can be done about it? There was a snapshot of the presenters discussion and then, I presume it was the presenter of the program said something very siimilar to this – ‘British Asians put their Islamic studies above football, so they don’t have time to practice after school’. It was difficult to believe what I was hearing. I know the BBC and its socialist ways would like every colour, creed, sexual orientation, religous doctine on the terraces cheering Rooney, but it was surreal.
This is patronising for everyone and is ignorant – I would kindly ask why they making programs or commisioning programs on this flim flam??
Or more obviously, Cricket is their preferred game, go to India or Pakistan and they are obsessed with Cricket. There is as much money slopping around the IPL as there is in our Premier League.
The obvious never occurs to a libbie beeboid. I suppose it is because the “elite” pretends to like football judging by the way they go on and on about their favourite teams. They never do this about cricket. Too elitest for their tender feelings. The Indians and Pakistanis really take it seriously as you say.
Yes, the stupid Beeboids and lefties will never forgive cricket for distinguishing between “gentlemen and players” so they try to pretend the sport is still elitist. For many Asians it is the best chance to escape poverty.
So they want to spread match fixing to football now?
Just joking …..
Anything to perpetuate the myth that British society is endemically racist, despite the glaring examples that can easily refute this. They dictate the terms of debate, the obvious wont get stated, the brainwashing will go on.
Aoart from holding down these two important jobs in the past, anyone know what other qualifications Alan Johnson has to comment on economics?
Rory Cellan-Jones just tweeted this:
A depressing evening at TV Centre. As I left, one of our brightest talents, now heading to pr, said he was glad to be out of it.
Nick Robinson?
Brightest talent? Can’t be Toenails.
I’m heartbroken. Who are these self serving people?
‘it’ presumably meaning the hypocritical, unprofessional, navel-gazing, over (and uniquely) funded propaganda machine that is the the BBC, and this ‘talent’ is ‘bright’ enough to see that, if they carry o like they have lately, there are plenty of walls they’ll be first against as the true extent of their abuses and complicity sink in to those tasked with paying them no matter what.
Seems… appropriate on a few levels…
Talent at the BBC – you’ve got me there, no idea.
BBC US correspondent Paul Adams is in Chicago to see how the President’s hometown supporters are feeling.
Are Obama’s bedrock Chicago supporters still loyal?
By this he means black people.
Short Answer: Of course they are, even if a little disappointed that He hasn’t fixed the economy yet.
Long Answer: Of course they are, even if a little disappointed that He hasn’t fixed the economy yet, and His opponents are racists.
Note to BBC: Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid aren’t black. Any opponents of the President’s policies are opponents of those two mandarins as well. After all, they’re the ones responsible for creating and ramming through ObamaCare and the Spendulus Bill, not the President Himself.
I am so sick of the BBC’s promotion of slander.
Here’s what Adams and the BBC don’t want you to know about what effect the President’s and Pelosi’s and Reid’s policies are having on Chicago:
Report: In Obama’s Chicago, stimulus weatherization money buys shoddy work, widespread fraudReport: In Obama’s Chicago, stimulus weatherization money buys shoddy work, widespread fraud
Projects to weatherize homes are a key part of the Obama administration’s fusion of stimulus spending and the green agenda. But a new report by the Department of Energy has found serious problems in stimulus-funded weatherization work — problems so severe that they have resulted in homes that are not only not more energy efficient but are actually dangerous for people to live in.
As predicted, instead of discussing the actual policies which are causing the problems for the President and the Democrats, the BBC instead tries to make you think it’s all about racism.
This does not look good:
A Question of Appearances: Obama Will Bypass Sikh Temple on Visit to India
Are the President’s advisors this superior and arrogant that they actually think the Tea Party voters don’t know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims? Seriously?
But the United States has ruled out a Golden Temple visit, according to an American official involved in planning. Temple officials said that American advance teams had gone to Amritsar, the holy city that is the site of the temple, to discuss a possible visit. But the plan appears to have foundered on the thorny question of how Mr. Obama would cover his head, as Sikh tradition requires, while visiting the temple.
If this Administration wasn’t run so poorly, this wouldn’t be an issue. Yes, they are that pathetic.
Why would he have to wear a headscarf, for heaven’s sake? He can wear a Chicago White Sox cap, and nobody over there will embarrass Him by asking Him to name a single player. I think the President and the Democrats are also using this as an opportunity to prove to His believers that the rest of us really are that stupid.
It’s too bad that the President has to throw the Sikhs under the bus in a desperate attempt to protect Himself.
BBC: Zzzzzzzzzz
He can bow to the King of Saudi, he can hug Marxist dictator-wannabe Hugo Chavez, he can kowtow to the Chinese – but he cannot pay proper respect to the Sikhs. I bet that goes down well.
Anyone visiting north India should not even dream of missing out on Amritsar.
How will the World Service play this ? By ignoring it ?
Will Obama be wearing a burkha in India ? The man is a moron. Despite hiccups, India is heading to be a global economic and military power. If he had a brain, he would not upset them . If…
It’s just another nuance of The Obamessiah’s highly-tuned brain, and the way He confuses His enemies.
I don’t usually watch the BBC news but watched about 20 mins of news 24. For 20 minutes the BBC lined up people who were against the cuts due to them intruding on their patch. In the end I turned over to Sky News for some more intelligent news with economists rather than anyone who could be found against the cuts.
Socialist Worker Today has been on spectacular form this week.
My favourites so far have been:
Why cant we have a revolution like the French – by the ca ira they have it all, socialist babes like Segolene, 300 Cheeses and detachable cobblestones. If only the proles had residences secondaires in the Paye D’Aude maybe they’d be up for the sedition they are so crudely promoting.
The excellent Ms Birbalsingh (interviewed by the truly loathsome Webb) managing to get her points across quite brilliantly despite being interrupted more times than an evil Tory minister and being accused of (a) being put up to it by Gove (b) advocating a “brutal” system and (c) having a book to promote.
Not a breath of sympathy for this former “front line professional” no hint of a platform to tell her shocking story; in contrast to the “Ah Nuns! Lovely” tone the same creeps adopt when milking some reproductively incontinent welfare scrounger about the forthcoming CUTS!CUTS!CUTS! potato famine.
John interviewing Nick and Stephanie about Roberts opinions (all of whom are frankly so crap, ill informed or unintelligible that its merely amusing); followed by an open mike for revenant 1970s Trades Unionists and quangocrat “poverty” professionals advocating increases in public expenditure.
But best of all (and not on Toady) was the look on Daves face in the HoC when Osborne announced their delicious 16% stitch up of the BBC. I know we all have our doubts about the the nutories and especially there failure to stand up to the obvious bias of the BBC; but just watch his exquisite pleasure baiting the doomed assholes opposite about the damage to their principal asset, before he checks himself and acts grave….I rather think they have got there own back, Very quickly, very craftily and where it hurts.
What will become of poor Mitch Benn?
From the Newsnight website on tonights show:
“We will be discussing whether Britain will feel culturally different in the wake of the swingeing cuts with artist Grayson Perry, historian and author Amanda Foreman, and businessman Sir Martin Sorrell.”
Firstly its “swingeing cuts”-not simply cuts, or savings. This is the sort of language used by Al Beeb that gives the game away, like last nights “draconian cuts” as quoted by Frank Gardner.
Then look at the panelists:
Grammer School Arty lefty Grayson Perry:
Arty farty left wing historian Amanda Foreman:
And Mugabe and Blair’s best mate, and a man who knows a thing or two about crooked finances Martin Sorrell:
You really couldn’t make it up!
At least Perry isn’t dressed up like a male beeboid in a Hampstead Heath urinal for a change.
Lefty twat boy gets a new ass cut by Ann Coulter. The beeboid summary for this interview tells you all you need to know
You should have watched last nights “Look North” which had Mrs 1327 yelling at the TV and expressing opinions that made me sound centre ground. As part of their cuts coverage they interviewed 2 ordinary Barnsley families which turned out to contain only unemployed people. One of the couples were both in their mid twenties she was unemployed and he (a big strapping bloke) was on the disability with a “bad back”. Yet their local authority house was nicely decorated with what I presume is the compulsory 50 inch TV and Sky TV box.
None of this was mentioned of course and the entire segment of the show was just surreal.
I’m fed up of hearing the BBC bleat on about the poor on benefits. Most of them look well enough to hold down a job. I hope the Government kicks these lardy twats up the arse.
Dame Nikki is on fine form today. First caller wants more cuts, poor Nikki he nearly had a heart attack.
Yes the Dame is on fine form – I suppose her contract is up for renewal soon and she’s desperate to please her masters.
‘George Osborne, do you get your rocks off rolling back the welfare state?’
‘George Osborne have you ever known what it’s like to be poor?’
Get back to Wheel of Fortune, mate, it’s about your level.
Dame Nikki was crap at that as well.
Home page: The Nation’s Response
‘as the news broke, BBC correspondents gauged the reaction from communities around the UK.’
One is sure they did, if ‘guaged’ is just a poncy word for rigging things to fit. Per usual.
No wonder Ms. Boaden and Mr. Jordan are too busy to answer any questions on the blogs they initiated… they are too busy pouring petrol on all the other fires being started hourly.
Had a quick gander at the ‘typical UK public’ that has been ‘selected’.
They really are going for the the full self-immolation option.
I have a vision of Helen Boaden and Miliband E. standing on top of the teachers’ climate change display, with their petticoats hitched up around their knees, screaming pointless requests to desist at the unruly charges their own PC-rules have given the little thugs carte blanche to ignore, as the tikes take every liberty they’ve been given to abuse and are simply making life just beastly for those who know better than them.
and don’t forget the memememememe that the cuts are *** gasp *** ideology.
I mean when we had a hundred-odd pages in The Guardian every week of adverts for Directors Of Excellence for Our World Class Local Authority I don’t remember the BBC shouting ***gasp*** ideology.
Still they’re getting the message across. This reduction in the increase of state spending that will see the State (ie we taxpayers) spending what it spent in 2008 is actually
The BBC – truly pathetic. Not only are they poor at shilling, they’re even worse as journalists.
Having spent the morning watching and listening to the ‘Incitement to Riot Show’ AKA BBC Television and Radio. I thought I’d earned a little relaxation reading the Guardian’s CiF’s.
Boy are they mad! They’re madder than a box of frog’s!
Unlike the private sector, whose slaves, when kicked into touch, starting 2 years ago- put their heads down and started trying to do something about it – This lot are squealing like stuck pigs! The comments revolve around ‘Don’t sack us, sack the bankers, it’s the bankers what did it!’ Ignoring the fact that whoever did it is irrelevant. It’s what we do to get us out of this hole that matters.
As the grasp of mathematics of the average Guardian reader appears to be extremely weak, I gave them a short maths lesson to try and help.
‘Which part of ‘We are skint’ do people not understand?
Under the brilliant stewardship of Gordon ‘psychologicaly flawed’ Brown, the countries finances were decimated.
It’s no good saying that as a percentage of GDP, Labour spent less. Brown was given the rare opportunity of reducing Government debt to the point that taxes could have gone down, but as a compulsive spender and control freak he couldn’t bring himself to do this.
Personally, I trust the Tories about as much as I do Labour i.e. Zero; But nobody can argue that we should keep spending money we haven’t got.
So, once more for the hard of hearing:
Got it?’
The problem is the typical Guardian reader has lived all their lives sucking off the teat of the state, be it on huge benefits or public sector jobs.
They just have no idea that you can’t keep spending money on the public sector.
Some mong on radio 5 from ‘oop north’ was trying to convince someone with a brain that the whole of the north can survive on the public sector. When man with brain tried to point out that it’s the private sector that generates the money Government spends man from ‘oop north’ just didn’t get it.
“Youz don’t need pooblic sektor in the south” he squealed like a pig knowing it’s knackers are about to be chopped off.
So no ‘ozpitals or skooz’ in the south east, we just subsizise the lardy wasters in the north.
I tell you what I’ve never seen to may Sky boxes or 50″ plasma TV’s as I have in the last few days in the houses of those on income support.
Then the bleating of women who want to retire at 60 (oh and have someone else pay their pension of course) forgetting they should have been retiring at 65 like men for years. Just how did they get away with that one?
Toilets Maguire was on TV going on about how people in the public sector have had their pensions stolen. Funny old toilets didn’t say a word when the one eyed mong was raping the private pension schemes 10 years ago.
Toilets like the left doesn’t get it. WE HAVE NO MONEY LEFT, IT’S ALL GONE.
They are like the citizens of a defeated army arguing who left the gate open as the city is burning. You are right. We have a problem just try to fix it.
The bBC reports on a bus bomb on the southern Philippine Island of Mindanao
Bomb kills nine on Philippine bus
A bomb attack on a bus in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao has killed nine people, officials say. Several more were hurt when the bomb, hidden in an overhead compartment, went off as the bus travelled through Matalam in Cotabato province.
More than 50 passengers were on board at the time of the blast.
Police said it was not clear who was behind the blast, but Mindanao is home to kidnappers, extortion gangs and Muslim insurgent groups.
So according to the bBC the police don’t have a clue who could be behind this latest militant protest and in which to highlight how troubled this Island is they list 3 different protest collectives who could be behind this bomb blast.
But hang on what’s this from the police:
Military and police have yet to establish the identity of those responsible for the bombing of the bus of Rural Transit, whose other buses have been subjected to similar attacks in the past. “We do not have yet a suspect. We are still determining the bomb mix,” said Cabangbang, adding however that the Alcobar extortion group had been the traditional suspect in past bombings of passenger vehicles in the province. “Historically, ang Rural Bus ay binobomba ng extortion group na Al Khobar (Historically, Rural Bus has been bombed by the extortion group Al Khobar),” Cabangbang said.
The notorious Al Khobar group was blamed for the spate of bomb explosions that have been rocking several province in southern and central Mindanao since 2006. The extortion group, composed of former Moro rebels, was said to be previously linked to the Abu Sayyaf group, earlier reports said.
And there’s more:
Kiunisala said intelligence agents are trying to determine whether the Alcobar group is composed of the dreaded Pentagon Gang, a notorious lawless group operating in Central Mindanao known for their kidnapping activities.Pentagon is allegedly headed by Alonto Tahir, whom the military claimed to have killed in Maguindanao province three years ago.
So when we look at the facts as handed over by the bBC over who could be behind this deadly bombing it turns out that Islamic terrorist groups are behind all three activities. I wonder why the bBC didn’t mention that?
Excellent post . Your reasearch is almost as good as the BBC….er
Dame Nikki has just tweeted this – 3 times – he’s very excited!
NickyAACampbell Nicky Campbell
when will this be accepted all over the Middle East? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11594618
Lesbian dancers accepted all over the Middle East! Does he know what happens to homosexuals in much of the Middle East? Oh probably not if he relies on the bBC for his news.
Note to BBC: High school students joining French public sector workers in violence against the police and state are not “on strike”.
If students in France or the UK go on strike what will we do ? The economy will grind to a halt. They must be appeased.
Wow! Autonomous Mind gets a comment from Harrabin!
That ‘please stop..’ rather comes from the Helen Boaden ‘You’re all being twuly beastly, and if you don’t desist I’ll hold my bweff until I tun blue and then you’ll be sorwy’ school of finger-wagging. Guessing Mr. Black’s legal team struggled to see much by way of legs to stand on, then?
I am currently having fun with what is about my 4th exchange with a bunch at newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk (how many different departments are there in the bowels of the BBC, as this lot are very different to the usual cookie-cutters I encounter) following my taking them to task over Bridget Kendall’s accusations of a cover up (subsequently shown to be unfounded in the terms she made them, with no factual basis, at the time) and UK/US relations collapse (yet to transpire) as a result of the tragically cocked-up hostage rescue by special forces. Plus subsequent stealth editing out of this clearly pants reporting… what they are trying to call ‘evolving the story’… by ditching the words of the story initiator. Er, no, it’s what was broadcast at the time, and was seen at that time. So dicking about with spin about ‘revisions’ and time stamps is simply pathetic in justification.
What’s odd is this is getting very heavy and personal, with vast amounts of new and corroboratory stuff being researched by them and flung at me as they get more and more determined to ‘prove’ my complaint to be ‘wrong’.
Thing is, setting up straw men or citing a Graun article or, worse, a BBC colleague snipe that is no more than a second wrong to hers… is unlikely to sway me much.
And they seem to be getting deliciously desperate. Even gave me the FoI section I requested to try and get more info, but smugly also asserted that it won’t get anywhere because… as they do journalism stuff they do, they are exempt. Now, if only all interviewees the BBC pounces on adopted that approach…
You are welcome to make a Freedom of Information request, although as you are probably aware the Act covers only information “held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”:
I am guessing I have struck a nerve as they really are wielding big guns now and trotting out legal stuff. They have even invited me to write to… Helen ‘Hugs’ Boaden about this directly! Maybe I’ll tweet her? Frankly, much over 140 characters and I think her pretty head will just melt, especially if most are not 🙂 faces.
Shame it’s only little old me and they have a vast legal budget for just such things paid for… in part… by the likes of little old me.
Sorry for straying, but reading Rog the Dodge as the sole contributor on a blog post (does he surf the net all day looking for stuff about himself?) was telling, especially when, as a true Beeboid, they think normal folk have a clue about internal systems and semantics… or care.
If you are caught with your panties down Aunty, the very best you can attempt is ‘oops’, followed by ‘sorry’.
What you inevitably do is called ‘carrying on digging’.
Don’t let us stop you.
Oops, my post just got swallowed. Try again:
AM has responded, quickly and courteously, if robustly.
While a period of reflection to draft a reply is reasonable, one hopes that it will not be too long before RH gets around to providing some answers to the points raised.
Speaking personally, between the BBC’s own blogs, privates such as the AM one, and of course on BBBC’s own around us, I have found that the BBC, its employees and groupies do suddenly become a little less vocal when confronted with actual facts… in particular quotes of what they actually said, often on BBC pages.
And while hitting the mute switch is an option, and not dealing with stuff made even easier by sticking fingers in ears and humming ‘La, la, la…can;’t hear you’, it’s strating to unravel as a technique.
No matter how unique one thinks one is. Or how many lawyers hired on public money to tell you you have no case.
Fairness as defined by the BBC today means even more redistribution of wealth. Punish achievement, please, BBC. Who is going to lose their homes today, I wonder?
We can all have some fun with this hashtag on Twitter #bbccuts.
My contribution is “Cut the BBC licence fee. Why should I pay for bias? #bbccuts”
It’s mostly smart-arsed comments from luvvies but let’s see if we can upset them!