BBC hatred of Rupert Murdoch is thinly disguised, if at all, and I commend this “debate” between Evan Davis, William Shawcross and Henry Porter for your interest. Shawcross makes some very positive comments about the contribution made by Murdoch to the British media whilst Porter venomously attacks Murdoch. That’s fair enough in my view – two contrasting opinions. What irritates is the fact that it is clear that Davis inserts himself in the same camp as Porter so the debate is loaded 2 against 1 with Porter being afforded the final word, naturally. It always strikes me as ironic to hear the BBC waffle about monopoly media power given the £3billion it extracts from us each year. Moat in the eye and all that, I’m afraid. I suppose the fact that Murdoch spoke at the inaugural Margaret Thatcher lecture was too much for the leftist bleeding hearts that infest Today?
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I posted in the general thread on this. Dame Nikki was spouting his usual anti Sky/Murdoch bile this morning asking why in these hard times more people were not dumping their Sky package to save money.
It was lost on Dame Nikki that we don’t have the same right to dump the BBC and save ourselves £150 a year.
I have Sky as it gives me access to the channels I like to watch like Discovery, National Geographic and so on.
I like to watch informative and interesting programmes on science, history and engineering. I don’t get that watching two fat dykes shouting “you slag” at each other 4 nights a week on BBC 1 nor do I get informed watching endless cooking programmes or what dead piece of crap is in my attic.
Time to scrap the TV tax.
Indeed at one point Davis seemed to take over from Porter in having a go at Murdoch.
The BBC sees SKY and is jealous, they see a successful TV media in direct competition and they look weak,boring and rather flea bitten by comparison. The BBC is a top heavy giant slow to move and think and innovate, the BBC structure is a poisonous combination of Marxist ideology/limitless funds/outdated ideas/group think prejudice and a fixation with management of the ‘too many chiefs and not enough Indians’ variety. It has become lazy and inflexible with money no object they spend it stupidly on vanity projects and projects that reflect their own political prejudice.
SKY is far superior in every way from programmes to delivery and that really stings the BBC pride, for all their billions in unearned revenue they could not hope to provide a comparative service to SKY if they doubled or trebled the licence fee.
A sense of entitlement runs through the corporate BBC, this bloated unearned sense of entitlement kills any chance of it cultivating a shared sense of struggle to improve and innovate and create.
Too much money,too few controls, too few top flight manager/executives,too much political ideology,too much prejudice,too much arrogance and topped with too little real talent, they have mistaken indoctrination for entertainment and their self righteous preaching dominates its output.
Discuss the political similarities between BBC-NUJ, and America’s NPR.
(Bill O’Reilly, of ‘Fox News’ about NPR)
Of course in the hierarchy of al-beebeezeera eat-your-baby, kill-your-granny really-scary-nasty-evil tear-the-legs-of-kittens bogeymen, Rupert Murdoch is Brother #2 to Sir Gideon’s Brother #1. Dame Nikki talking to Tittering-Coquette mentioned how Fox News would never be allowed in the UK because of it’s ‘Editorial’. ‘Arguably’, ‘the Dame said, ‘…Channel 4 News is the other way’.
Can anyone see the whale sitting on the elephant admiring the Jumbo Jet in that room.
How would NPR’s fellow left-wing public broaadcaster, BBC-NUJ have treated Juan Williams? Like ‘Fox News’?
‘Fox News’ is on Sky channel 509;
Glenn Beck is on at 8 pm weekdays (UK time) ;
Bill O’Reilly (and tonight, Juan Williams), 1 am weekdays (UK time).
I saw this story on WLWT-TV. The setret in the video was my setret. It appears that the only hole they filled was the one shown in that segment. Other holes in the setret – even a block away, are still there. Then Murray spoke for a bit, saying something like, “we will work around the clock to fill these potholes, but we won’t spend any extra money.” Which does not make sense to me.IMO, The whole thing reeked like a PR stunt.
The problem with beeboids is they are thick. In the USA a network like Fox is allowed to have news programmes presented by clearly identified news readers and reporters and commentators. Commentators like Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck do NOT report the news nor do they present news programmes.
For some reason this seems hard to understand for beeboids. The problem with the BBC is that beeboids do both opinion stuff and reporting, they mix the two together.
For example Gavin Essler does the news AND he does commentary so it’s easy to mix leftie opinion with the news.
We really need to de-regulate and scrap the TV tax, funding the BBC by a 80 year old model is just not sustainable.
Why is it that we can’t have a UK based Fox News but we get Press TV (based in the UK and funded by Iran) rammed down our throats.
I realise they’re all much of a muchness, but it was Webb, not Davis who was the less than impartial referee here.
How do you tell them apart?
Ans just to ram home the point, someone needs to ask these people if a single organisation employing more jounralists than every other outlet in Britain combined also counts as a monopoly?
Isn’t the BBC violating some sort of anti-trust rules by using its uniquely powerful, government-protected position to attack a competitor?
I’ve just listened to it and Henry Porter was given the opening as well as the closing word in this interview /discussion.
I had to laugh at the old Webb monster going on about Murdoch being potentially able to cross-subsidise. Oh, as if the Beeboid empire can’t do that as well.
Remind me of how much money the BBC has had as a ‘bung’ off the EU again? And it spends all it’s time promoting the EU.
Is that not a conflict of interest?
NPR’s sacking of Juan Williams: ears burning at INBBC?
He was sacked in the same week that billionaire George Soros donated $1.8m to NPR, about $1m to Huffington Post, and $1m to Media Matters, with the explict purpose of ‘getting’ Fox News.
“Soros gives $1 million to target Fox News”
Here’s a Fox News video clip of Juan Williams talking about NPR.
(About whom does it also sounds like he’s talking?):-
INBBC would prefer to stop reporting NPR’s sacking of Williams;
“NPR’s Disgrace”
BBC-NUJ hates Murdoch and ‘Fox News’ but politically genuflects towards billionaire SOROS, using licencepayers’ money.
“George Soros’ War against Fox News”