I’m getting bored with keeping track of BBC greenie/environment/climate alarmism nonsense – there are so many stories, so much rubbish, so many inane, insane claims, that each report I file here is looking and sounding like more of the same. Black, Harrabin (though he has been keeping a low profile of late) Kinver & co seem to be under instructions to provide a torrent of one-sided propaganda, so much so that I have no doubt that this is being coordinated. They are like the Terminator androids, capable of self-repairing and continuing with their pre-programmed, lunatic mission no matter what happens. The latest is wearisomly here; it’s going to get warmer by 4 degrees C over the next century (the models say so), so a bunch of loony scientists have constructed 20 big saucers (sorry, “replicated ecosystems” in the language of the green religion) and have studied what happens at different temperatures. Why they need to do this, I do not know (or care), because I think any child would tell you that plant and animal life is different in a lake in tropical Africa from one in Canada. But hey-ho, this is science grant money, so it can be sprayed around like champagne on the Grand Prix winners’ podium.
As usual Mark Kinver reports the whole farce with reverential tones, ignoring obvious countervaling arguments such as this. Actually, in this case, those involved in this “research” acknowledge that they don’t know what they’ve proved with their saucers, but the irony is totally lost on Mr Kinver.
My question to myself (and you) this morning is whether I continue to write about this drivel. Part of me says that logging the lies is important, another that it’s like shooting ducks in a barrel, and that the nonsense has become so obvious and so absurd that it’s pointless to chronicle it. Nothing will stop it. It’s daily, it’s there, it’s relentless, it’s a campaign to indoctrinate us. I have come to see the BBC as a gigantic Trabant, trundling on but oblivious to the parody it has become. Yet the stuff it spews out is dangerous. Our political class and our schoolkids are totally on board (as the normally mild-mannered Harmless Sky blog testifies today). It’s a religion of divisiveness, of fascism and of hate (towards the human race); every bit as loathsome and cynical as Nazism.
I hope you will find the drive to keep up the good work ! as it’s a great help having you point out the lies and make it clearer to pass on the information as greeniewatch and bishop hill can get very involved sometimes !. 😎
Please continue. The work that this blog does, especially you, Sue and Craig, is really important. It is beginning to get more and more attention.
I am monitoring Twitter via TweetTabs and messaging those I think would appreciate this site. The lefties I leave alone.
This site is really very important for the future of our country.
It is very important to continue the good work!
I am all in favour of science being conducted and that science being reported fairly and without bias (whatever the conclusions). However, looking at the website for the journal this work was published from: Global Change Journal http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1354-1013
On the front page, we have i) a large section on all the publicity it has received from the media – citations there from supporters like the BBC. ii) a statement; “*NEWS JUST IN* According to a special ISI ScienceWatch section, Global Change Biology is ranked 3rd in the list of most-cited journals in Climate Change Research, 1999-2009 (First and second places were Nature and Science respectively).
it is clear it is simply being run as a business. Bad news makes headlines and is good for business, good news would cause the investment to dry up.
Don’t give up, Robin !
I find your posts easily some of the best on this blog. Cumulatively they show how ridiculous the BBC is on these matters. And as you say, this propaganda is dangerous – it needs to be tracked and recorded.
Plus – in your posts you often include links to contra-arguments. These links are very useful.
Your sustained focus is essential although I understand only too well the impulse to walk away from it all given the scale of the BBC monstrosity. Detailing their unrelenting bias, providing a rallying point for like-minded souls, confronting them at every level possible – that’s why I think we should do this. Never give up and never give them a break.
You’ve really answered your own question.
Of course its banal, its irksome, its soul sapping, its absurd and more. That’s the nature of the beast.
To trot out a couple of sayings that are as instructive today as ever:
“…. people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
A Hitler
“Evil prospers when good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
So lets soldier on …nobody said it was going to be easy!
How can you think of withdrawing? this is important work, if anything, the work has to be double and redoubled, nothing must slip through the net. When the time comes to submit the evidence against these evil people who divert taxpayers money to hawk their socialist filth in an effort to bring down a democratically elected government, your work, your evidence and your concise documentation of this scam nonsense could be the pivotal evidence.
Harrabin comments…
“Please stop repeating the old Jo Abbess smear. I wrote a piece pointing out that global temperatures were not rising. I corrected it after the head of the WMO complained that I had not properly represented his views. Ms Abbess assumed incorrectly that she had engineered the change, and boasted about it. Along the way, the Abbess quote got altered. No-one has protested that the article itself is incorrect, and indeed it presages other mainstream articles on this topic by a long distance.”
Keep up the pressure!!
Listening to Harrabin talking about subjects such as the biosphere or temperatures is like hearing someone not qualified as a doctor talking hot air about medical research. EMBARRASSING
I do know the feeling. Pointless exercise fatigue syndrome. I get that. Onwards and upwards.
Biodiversity is experiencing its very own ‘Copenhagen’ moment.
Expressions such as ‘Shocking and pitiful, pepper his report on ‘progress.’
Poor, old Richard Black, I had meant to add.
To be honest Robin no one takes any notice of the three twats at the BBC. These climate change stories simply wash over peoples heads. No one outside of the drug taking eco terrorists believe this crap and most people are only interested in the economy and Muslim terrorists.
The BBC used to give us a Harrabin or Shukman eco loon story almost every night, now it’s once a week if that.
I’m not sure even the BBC really believe this crap now.
Don’t despair, even now a secure ward is being prepared for the likes of Black, Horrorbin, Huhne, at al. Plenty of restraining clothing, syringes and, er, “serum” stockpiled, too, and some electrical “persuasion” equipment (independent of the grid)…
Well I hope you continue. Your articles (like sue’s and Laban’s) are well written, reasoned and demonstrate the clear bias of the BBC.
Any campaign like this is inevitably going to take a long time. They don’t think they are biased and so your job is not to convince them but to denormalise their arguments so that ordinary people see how skewed to one side they really are.
You’re doing a good job. Please continue
I think the work you have done on this blog is of excellent quality and very valuable. It’s important to expose the lies and spin of a vast undemocratic organisation which is out of control and beyond reason on this as on several other issues.
It is an onerous and seemingly thankless task to keep toiling with perhaps litttle visible result. But rest assured that your expose of BBC lies, spin and indoctrination are worthwhile and of value even to people who may not know anything about it or about climate fervour and shenanigans, much less read this blog. It must be your own choice, freely made, whether you can summon the heart to continue what seems like such a never-ending uphill struggle and I for one would not think less of you or blame you at all whatever you decide. Your life is your own and that is precious too.
I like listening to podcasts of US radio shows where people talk about UFOs, alien abductions and other such nonsense. Their conviction is total. They know they are speaking the truth and regard non-believers to be either stupid or in conspiracy against them for their own evil ends.
The BBC is like these oddballs when it comes to many topics, but especially global warming.
Please keep it up. I rely on blogs like this in order to keep my friends informed, if sadly not in all cases convinced, about this scandal to end all scandals.
Rome was not built in a day.
It is OK for readers to ask you to continue, but what is their actual response? Other than a rant followed by another stiff drink.
How about some action from readers such as a complaint of the day. Pick one of the subjects each day, look at the article/programme and then actually complain to them about it.
Or come up with a researched complaint or even petition referring to the green pension funding and contact all other BBC bias sites to join in.
Concerted action would be better than splintered armchair rants. Lets show Robin et al some useful support.
Go on, then…
Excuse me …I’m just having another stiff cup of tea.
You must continue. The great strength of the left is their persistence. The unswerving, unthinking determination to drive their evil agenda forwards with no concern for evidence, experience or logic. Self doubt or introspection is largely absent on the left.
Those of us on the right often get ground down and give up the fight. I managed over two years running a right wing political blog, but finally gave up in frustration, deciding to redirect my efforts into protecting myself and my family from the depredations of the socialist nanny state rather than trying to convince others to reject it.
If everyone was like me they will have won. I hope that you are made of sterner stuff.
Your posts are one of the main things that gives this site credibility. And because of that I think – if you’ve got time – you should carry on.
The BBC may be a massive political entity, but don’t think your evidence of its flagrant, egregious bias isn’t having any effect.
I despair. Obviously an orchestrated campaign to pul lthe wool over everyone’s eyes…
The BBC are relentless in their AGW propaganda. The BBCs uses the technique known as “card stacking”. That is they only report findings that back up their claim and not those that don’t. The legal term for this is fraud.
The best way to fight this nonsense is to ridicule it. It is no good pointing to contrary research because this is not about science any more. Yes, Robin continue please. Your posts highlight the nonsense which the likes of Black spout. Don’t stop mocking their absurd claims. Propaganda works when people get sick of opposing the lie and stay quiet.
Donna Laframboise points out that some of the “lead authors” for IPCC reports were barely out of school :
The next big scare could be Global Rounding ?
Is there an increasing tendency for at least some comedians to take the mick out of climate alarmism ?
I think it would be a shame if any skewed view prevailed by successfully boring all others from the field.
Astonishing post up at the eminently sane Greenie Watch, lifting the lid on UN training of the media on “how to report biodiversity”
Source: taken from here
So now you know how our BBC ecowack correspondents are being trained to tell us lies by the UN. “BiasedUN” doesn’t sound as catchy but they make Goebells look like a rank amateur.
Yes see my post on the current Open Thread.
I was about rant and rave about AGW but I see I’m late, again…
Sorry. Please keep going with this, it’s a very important topic as you can see by the comments so far. To quote someone earlier “onwards and upwards!”…
You want to track the trash. It still doesn’t sound as crazy as the incessant whinging from’scientists’ -alleged – on the other side of the puddle. This collection has friends in the Topical Index http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2010/03/climate.html