B-BBC contributor David Jones asked me to look into BBC connections in this story, that the UN has established a whole new machinery to ensure that its line on biodiversity alarmism is properly reported. In this instance, I can find no obvious smoking gun. But there are inevitably some BBC links. One of the key organisations that the UN is using to enforce its groupthink is the International Institute for Environment and Development (often quoted by Richard Black). In turn, the IIED is a a key supporter of the Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP), which exists to indoctrinate journalists about both climate change and biodiversity. On the board of CCMP is – suprise, surprise, an ex BBC environment reporter (Mr Harrabin’s predecessor) Alex Kirby. As his wiki biography shows, he now works on developing “media training skills” among NGOs, as well as continuing to work for the BBC on a freelance basis. He was a pioneer of alarmist reporting about climate and biodiversity, as this feature shows.
Also listed as a key member of CCMP is Mark Harvey, whom I know was an employee for many years of the Television Trust for the Environment(TVE), which I have mentioned before on this blog – they are a favoured supplier to the BBC of greenie propaganda, linked in turn closely with the BBC World Service Trust, the primary purpose of which is also to spread greenie propaganda, and train journalists how to do so.
Indirect links, maybe, but they illustrate that the BBC is entwined to some extent with the UN’s own propaganda machine. And my bet is that behind the scenes, BBC staff are working flat out to assist the UN’s goals. These people work together and feed off each other.
If you put this story with the comment on the “Four Whores” thread about how the UN has banned any negative comment about Sharia Law and Islamic Supremacism, yet it feels free to have a go at any democracy then one must conclude that the UN is finally a joke organisation. It is certainly not what its founders intended; that is to be used as a means to prevent war and encourage freedom. This awful undemocratic, pro Global Warming theories and very pro Islam and anti-West is just the sort of organisation that the BBC can feel happy to support in its entirety.
Can someone remind me what the BBC’s Charter says about reporting on Sharia Law & Democracies?
The man made global warming fraud was only a political vehicle and when the vehicle malfunctions and ootlives its usefulness the occupant/users of the vehicle simply switch to another.
Those who used the CAGW fraud will now use the biodeiversity fraud and funnily enough the ultimate aims are identical to the aims of the CAGW fraud, money and power. If a snake oil fraudsters particular scam is busted does the fraudster give up and lead an honest life or does he find another scam?
The aquisition of money and power and the fabrication of the means to aquire those aims, in the end it all boils down to climbing the eternal dung heap and who you are willing to tread on to reach the summit, the fewer morals you have the more readily you will stamp on the fingers of those you seek to overtake.
Strip away the fabricatred excuses, mother Theresa self promotion, self justifications and pious holier than thou bullsh*t and all you are left with are age old base motivations laid bare.
The art of REAL genuine jouranalism is to srtrip away the mulitude of covers to catch a glimpse of the real motivations and the BBC is failing in this duty, it has become an active conspiritor and aid to those with a vested interest in covering up their real intent.
Thank you, Robin.
I’m sure you saw Richard North giving you high praise (which is pretty rare from Dr North):
The trouble is, this does not even begin to touch the depths of the malaise. There is so much wrong with the BBC – as just a glance at Biased BBC, which uses the above word cloud to illustrate the latest BBC view, would indicate – that you do not know where to start.
What particularly struck a chord recently was this fine piece of writing:
“I’m getting bored with keeping track of BBC greenie/environment/climate alarmism nonsense – there are so many stories, so much rubbish, so many inane, insane claims, that each report I file here is looking and sounding like more of the same. Black, Harrabin (though he has been keeping a low profile of late) Kinver & co seem to be under instructions to provide a torrent of one-sided propaganda, so much so that I have no doubt that this is being coordinated. They are like the Terminator androids, capable of self-repairing and continuing with their pre-programmed, lunatic mission no matter what happens.”
And then writes Robin Horbury:
“Nothing will stop it. It’s daily, it’s there, it’s relentless, it’s a campaign to indoctrinate us. I have come to see the BBC as a gigantic Trabant, trundling on but oblivious to the parody it has become. Yet the stuff it spews out is dangerous. Our political class and our schoolkids are totally on board (as the normally mild-mannered Harmless Sky blog testifies today). It’s a religion of divisiveness, of fascism and of hate (towards the human race); every bit as loathsome and cynical as Nazism.
One wonders, therefore, why Dyke a thinks that the BBC “should be the envy of the world.” But then, that is also part of its world view. Despite that, though, the BBC has never had the reputation for itself that it has claimed (or believes it should have). It has always been low-grade, self-opinionated, ignorant and biased, with only the very occasional programme shining out like a beacon from the mountain of dross.”
Such praise from the heavy hitters surely makes all the effort worthwhile.
Richard North’s post also referenced the All Seeing Eye’s post (via Nick Heath) on the spending cut word clouds. Two references to B-BBC in one go!