The deluge of BBC greenie propaganda continues. Today we have sea urchins resisting ocean acidification caused by climate change. As any ful no (apologies to the wonderful Ronald Searle), (for CHRISSAKE!), oceans are not acid, despite what greenies say. They have framed the debate in this way to deliberately cause alarmism. At the current rate of alleged change (even on the most alarmist figures, and accepting that they knew how to measure pH values accurately 250 years ago)) it would take 3,500 years for the seas to be no longer alkaline. And even if they do so change, they have been of a lower pH value in the past and sea life SURVIVED AND MULTIPLIED. Who are the BBC idiots who write and sub such nonsense?
Then there is Richard Black, faithfully reporting their highnesses’ voices from the Japan ecofascist biodiversity talks, that we need a minister of greenness to frame and enforce green laws, extract green taxes and prevent us turning a single new clod of soil if it is deemed to be “natural”. It’s accompanied by the usual warnings that there are too many people and that we are all going to die unless we roll over and supinely accept such authoritarian claptrap. What’s so sickening about this is that normally, Mr Black and his liberal cronies would project as repressive any steps that increased government control. But because it’s being done in the name of protecting the environment, anything goes. The BBC hated John Gummer when he was a Tory minister (note how Mark Easton refers to him “shoving a burger” down his daughter’s throat during the BSE scare), but now he’s an ecosaint, his words are reported with unqualified reverence.
It’s not just the BBC: in his message to supposedly Conservative supporters (I’ve tried to get off the list for 4 years – without success so I still receive this bunkum) Dave tells us that in his drive for jobs we in the UK have an advantage in many industries and upfront is that black hole of national wealth “green technologies”. He is singing from the same hymnbook as the BBC but so great is his villainy – he is, after all, a Conservative (albeit In Name Only) – that, to the BBC, he is still Thatcher in trousers.
Spain was to become a mecca of green employment, policies were put in place and investment injected by the billion. Oh yes Spain was going to reap the rewards of green technologies and green investment and eco jobs would fall form the skies and all would be well in the lands etc atc HOWEVER it didnt quite turn out like that did it? Spain now languishes near bankruptcy, its economy a mess and uneployment is over 20% and the few green jobs created cost several real jobs to create.
California took the green gamble with draconian laws and green technologies and strict eco laws and massive green investment and now Califormia is broke in debt and failing with massive unemployment.
Now with these two massive failures and massive mistakes to learn by the coalition ‘General Melchetts’ have a cunning plan and one that cannot possible fail(ahem!) The highly cunning fox like plan is to follow the examples and tactics of Spain and California to the letter but this time will be different, the plan cannot possibly go wrong can it?
Third time lucky eh? Jobs by the million will flow in and gigantic factories will appear as if by magic building the new green eco stuff, tax revenues will pour in from all the economic activities powered by the masses of cheap reliable electricity generated by state of the art windmills. Other nations will look at us with awe filled eyes and wish to follow our example, the trees will laugh and the angels will dance and the fairies will jump for joy and we will all live happily ever after.
What could possibly go wrong? The government have worked it all out, crossed all the Is and dottred all the Ts and will work like a charm this time 😉 .
Two days ago I posted a cloud using the BBC Science & Environment website and forecast that “biodiversity” would grow. Look at it now!
That old acidification line. Sea water is basic (alkaline) and not acid in the least.
The public is not necessarily au fait with Ph scales and the logarithmic component. They hear ‘acid’ and think car batteries.
The oceans have got ever so, ever so slightly less alkaline and will never become acid in the way the public imagines.
It really will not do for a minute change to be presented as a trend to disaster because it just isn’t.
The world’s oceans are crammed full of buffers to ‘acidification’ in the chemistry of geology itself.
Co2 is the basis of carbonic acid, which with neutral rainwater is very weakly acidic and reacts over time with limestone…but sea water is quite different.
But ‘acidification’ is scary…the green agenda furthered yet again.
‘Sea urchins are likely to be able to adapt to increasingly acidic oceans resulting from climate change, according to new research’
should read,
Sea urchins are likely to be able to adapt to a minute drop in sea water alkalinity resulting from a doubling of present Co2 concentrations, according to new laboratory based reasearch.
Not quite as scary, is it?
One of the most amusing pieces of eco propoganda I have seen on the BBC, was Richard Attenborough claiming that Global Warming was causing the extinction of the Tibetan Antelope. What Mr Attenborough did not explain that these antelopes are prized for their wool which is then woven into Shahtoosh. The Red Army that is assigned to protect the antelope, is actually hunting this animal to extinction, because of the price of it’s wool.
There is also much wailing & knashing of teeth because someone has culled a 12 year old Red stag on Exmoor. A 12 year old beast is going to be ‘going backward’ dramatically and will not be able to hold any hinds and is highly unlikely to survive much more than one winter .
The very fact that it has reached 12 years old , is testament to careful and selective culling by the local deer managers. That fact is , of course , anathema to the bbc , who wish to flag the story up as ‘trophy hunter’ shoots biggest stag.
The government is considering a “radical” overhaul of the state pension, ditching means testing to provide a flat rate state pension and a “decent” retirement for all, says Vince Cable.
Oh dear, the BBC is not amused. Just look at those inverted commas around single words.
Or even…
“As any fule kno.”
“BBC reports scientific research”!
1st & last direct exchange.
Keep up the good work.
Really, you are doing a brilliant job on site that values quoted sources, breadth of scope in research, considered opinion and substantiation in persuasive debate.
But tribal defaulters missing the point always adds value.
Shouldn’t you be off checking spelling or wondering why a site that highlights failures in objectivity or journalistic competence isn’t running a commentary on stuff that is, if rare, basically OK?
Typical, that.
Love ‘n stuff (sorry no kisses, as one suspects the risk of still ending up with a bad case of frogs is too high)
Guest Who, Thank you for your words of encouragement.
But I’m afraid i don’t quite recognise your description of this site as valuing ‘quoted sources’ and ‘breadth of scope in research’ when quite often it’s little more than a link to another sympathetic blog site.
As for;”substantiation in persuasive debate.” Yeah right, as long as your not a “defaulter”!
.Hold the front page….beeboids wetting themselves because one of their favourite organisations, the gang masters licencing authority has found some Roumanian mothers have their 9 year old children picking apples with them in Worcestershire. Mass hysteria on R4 as situation is compared to child slavery blah blah. Nearly up there with the ‘Highland Clearances’ classic for hyperbole !
Blimey, I wonder how close my mum came to being prosecuted for taking me and my sister (aged, at the time 9 and 6 respectively) cherry picking in the late ’50s? And what about all the hop and apple pickers of the old days, too – many of them were foreigners who came to Britain (in season) specifically for that purpose. The kids came too. Heaven forbid, what’s happening to the world? Will misplaced PC altruism end up killing everyone? Is it another Bilderberg plot?
Er, things don’t seem to be going all that well in the windmill business, either here on in Denmark. Not that the BBC will explain why.
Might be worth popping to Matthew Bannister c/o
Yesterday, as part of the ‘cuts, Cuts… CUTS!!!!!’ special a highly savvy caller was allowed to spout off on lack of investment citing Sheffield Forgemasters as a classic example of the evil coalition losing jobs through not ploughing money left, right and centre into a sure thing.
Now, I don’t know enough about the overall situation, yet, to be as definitive one way or t’other as this caller was given free rein to be, but doesn’t this all rather suggest that you tend to invest where there is a viable business, and viable businesses tend not to go bust?
The odd thing is that this is all happening even when there seems to be a vast prop in the form of subsidies that is also not enough.
That story certainly begs a number of questions. Such as what conditions the windmill factory has failed to meet which have meant it “only” gets £2,400,000 of your money and mine rather than the £9,200,000 that has been agreed. (Puts it in context when you show all the zeroes, doesn’t it?)
Such as how the company has run out of money given the headlong rush by governments into producing the bloody things, whether they work or not, and the public money already pumped in.
And this has what to do with BBC bias? High quality trolling there pal.
Fantastic result of the Socialist Education system. 😀
That was in response to Mr. Turpin.
Mr Turpin, the Dick, has gone away and taken his illiterate and silly comment with him.
Turpin banished.
BBC-Greenpeace won’t like this:
“Climate sceptics launch campaign to overturn green targets”
As seems well appreciated, if it appears in the Gruan,
…the BBC will ‘learn’ it pretty soon and issue a comprehensive report.
Won’t they?
I fear I was already a little dubious about Aunty’s GHG coherence when its employees scampered off by dug out to be handed Ricardo’s latest PR to be rehashed as news, involving a coconut plantation to run one 747 engine, and that Virgin Galactic would solve global crises by him personally getting anywhere in the globe in a matter of minutes to airdrop a small case of Virgin Cola on flood victims.
I know I gave you my file on the Climate farce in the Topical Index at….but I think this entry is worth special note