Very few people, apart from Richard North, admirably summing up the position here, understand the extent to which we are actually now ruled by Brussels, and how powerless we are to stop anything emanating from it. The reality is that David Cameron and the rest of his useless party, by saying that they want to be “in Europe but not run by it”, are guilty of disseminating a great big porky pie: truth is you are either in or out. And if you are in, then you do as you are told. No if or buts. Resistance is fruitless, you cannot opt out of budget increases, much as you might huff and puff and gesitculate, or make useless phone calls.
I have been a minor part of a campaign for years for the BBC to report this whole sorry saga properly, but everything that Global Britain has pointed out in reports like these has fallen on deaf ears. The sorry truth is that the BBC is an integral part of the EU project and it has repeatedly failed in its intrinsic duty to tell the British people about the awful, octopus, fascist nature of what is going on. And so the tradition continues today. In the report, they convey the semblance of brinkmanship and robustness on the part of the Cleggerons when in reality the government is powerless to resist. They spinelessly pass on vapid hot air from Labour suggesting that something can be done to avoid the £900m increase when it was Tony Blair’s budget cave-in in 2006 that made what is happening today inevitable. How short are the BBC’s memories and how limited is its ambition to carry out proper journalistic research and checks? And finally, Nick Robinson, the supposed political expert at the BBC, says that the meeting involved is a “summit”. He should damn-well know it’s not and to say it is both inaccurate and deliberately disingenuous. His innaccuracy sums up the poorness of the BBC’s journalism. The charade our leader is involved in is a rubber-stamp exercise and Mr Robinson should be saying so. He – and his colleagues – should also be talking to the Richard Norths of this world so that they can convey accurately what is actually going on. But they never do…
Yes, yes Yes!
British people are effectively double taxed: by UK government, and by European Union.
Although BBC-Oxfam would approve, there is the specific area of ‘Foreign Aid’ where this is happening, and the tax money for foreign aid is increasing.
“Foreign aid to increase by 37%: Osborne finds an extra £4bn to help poor countries”
Read more:
And Cameron is politically caving in to EU demands for bigger UK donation to EU budget, for such political purposes as this:
Gavin Hewitt has a blog post about this. I don’t see any real bias in the way he points out how Cameron has to work out a compromise, or about how he was a bit disingenuous about initially calling for a freeze on EU payments when it was really out of Britain’s hands in the first place. I’m ignoring the usual BBC portrayal of Cameron as being all alone with no allies here.
But clearly Hewitt is sympathetic to Europe as opposed to the country he’s supposed to represent and inform. He says this:
The second curious fact is that the budget for 2011 is not formally on the summit agenda. David Cameron will have to raise it on the fringe of the discussions or in bilateral meetings. So the attention of the UK press is on an issue that barely warrants attention elsewhere.
Why shouldn’t the UK press be concerned about something important to the British public? Why does Hewitt think that European opinion is more valid? That’s bias.
As Richard North explains, this is not some sort of random Summit, it’s a formal meeting of the European Council. As the Council has no role is setting the EU budget (which is decided by the Commission and the European Parliament), there’s damn all the Cameron can do at this meeting except for some posturing for the benefit of the media (who have yet to work out why we seem to have these “Summits” so regularly!).
I know there’s nothing Cameron can do today. But that’s no reason not to make a fuss, no reason not to draw the public’s attention to the fact that they’re getting royally ripped off during a time of economic crisis. This is a good tactic by Cameron for both political and practical reasons, and there’s no excuse for Hewitt to criticize his competitors this way.
So much money poured into an insatiable monster in the form of the EU and what does the UK get for it?
The EU commissars would be right at home with the Borg collective, resistance is futile! They dont give a sh*t what you think and couldnt care less whether you agree. Our political class so utterly determined that our future and destiny lays within a federal EU state controlled from and by an unelected political elite without regard to its serf regions and our opinion is neither sought nor wanted. If 99% of the electorate wanted out the political Quislings would still be trying to sell us out and into servitude.
The BBC isnt saying how the increase is being spent are they? This is where theh BBC is at its most dishonest as it lies and cheats and neglects to give us the most basic evidence of waht the EU is up to. A lavish luxury set of buildings housing the new unelected masters like Ashton and Vonbankclerk, its billionaire living and merc limos and fine foods and above all the kind of flunky caravan that would make a tird world despot cry with envy. Gold plated bathrooms and no expense spared and WE pay up no questions asked. These bloated commissars hate elections like vampires hate garlic, there is something about genuine democracy that repels them and they are doing everything in their power to make sure that democratic accountability never reaches their doorstep.
Dame Nikki tried to peddle the myth that outside of the EU we would be subject to a trade tariff hike from the EU.
What Dame Nikki forgets is that after the USA the UK is the biggest importer of luxury German cars. I think if we found ourselves being messed around by the EU, banning the import of German and French cars might ‘upset’ a few people in the EU.
China nad the USA along with Russia trade happily with the EU without being members. We trade with America even though we’re not part of the Americas trading zone.
The EU has and always will be about political union, increasing power for politicians whilst taking it away from the citizens. The problem is far too many people in member states are sheep, they have often lived under Socialist/left wing governments and seem to think that the state is always best placed to make decisions for them.
It’s quite obvious that the BBC wants to expand its role, I’ve always suspected that one of the reasons the BBC takes blood money from the EU (and does its bidding) is that the BBC wants to be the first EU wide state broadcaster.
It’s almost as though the BBC profits financially from the EU…
We had a chance to throw these shysters out for good. But in the end, we filed into the booths and voted like sheeple.
Anything, UKIP or even the BNP would have done, just to teach the political elite, a lesson.
Lets hope next time we get it right, or it will be too late for Britain, as a cultural and historic country.
Actually, if Cameron had Maggie’s balls, he could do something about the new EUrinal budget – he could, to coin a phrase, simply say ‘Can’t pay, won’t pay’!!
Interesting. What could the mandarins in Brussels do if Osborne didn’t sign the cheque next time?