Anyone hear the “battle” between Nutty Nutt and Peter Hitchens this morning? Got quite heated, but of course Hitchens was continually interrupted and shouted down by Nutt and the beeboid…
Actually I thought Peter Hitchens got a reasonable chance to deliver his evil right wing fundamentalist Daily Mail rant.
On the one hand Nutt is correct in trying to introduce the idea of evidence-based policy; however he is rather naive in terms of politics and the public good, and he and his fellow scientists are not unbiased – I can tell you that they generally share and are preconditioned by a left-of-centre outlook on life where the liberalisation of drugs laws is in their view inevitable anyway and also in their view the best approach to the problem.
Any sensible informed person knows that the effects of alcohol on society are, in their entirety, more than that of cannabis or heroin. But why is David Nutt pressing this point? My conclusion is that he and colleagues desire the liberalisation of drugs laws. The BBC will inevitably give this a sympathetic ear.
One final thing, the Lancet has had problems in the past with regard to data analysis, see the now widely discredited report on deaths in Iraq, as well as Wakefield’s early work on MMR and autism.
Peter Hitchens seems spot on about many political issues such as the drift to the ‘left’ of the likes of Cameron who is more at home in a ‘Coalition Party (with Lib Dems) than with an anti-EU, conservative grouping.
Of course many Beeboids don’t like the political effectiveness of Peter Hitchens, and of ‘the Daily Mail, but the the BBC-NUJ is disinclined to enter into politcal debate, but instead goes for the political intolerance of the likes of National Public Radio, and of George Soros.
One interesting point – the podcast of the Nutt-Hitchens exchange on the BBC website misses the more heated section. David Nutt muttered something at the end but I didn’t catch it live on the radio – did anyone else catch what he said, perhaps about Peter Hittchens? Also on the Listen again page for the Today programme,when you click on the piece, it replays some sort of business news!
I think Peter Hitchens was asking how one could distinguish between legal and illegal drugs, and anyway, what did it matter as most of the resulting criminal “actions” appeared to be merely cautions – didn’t catch what Nutt said, though…
What with plots to bring down airliners and dozens of worshippers killed in Church, the Religion of Peace has had a pretty storming week.
Yet again, our “National Broadcaster” (sic) has offered NOTHING in the way of analysis. IT seems that Islam simpy has nothing at all to do with the terror invoked in its name.
But for Jews and Christians, the very opposite is true.
How do these sons of bitches get away with it… and get us to pay for it!?
Perhaps if more of you refused to pay for it, it might go away.
Fortunately, I don’t have to pay for it, because I escaped the Former UK! If I were still there, they’d not get a penny from me…
Yes, and the more people realise that even if you DO live in the UK you do not have to pay for your licence if you follow a few simple guidelines such as a “denied implied right of access” notice to prevent private TV Licensing company, Capita from visiting your private residence.
Incidentally, the morally perfect Palestinians have persecuted the Christian population virtually to extinction. They now account for about 2% of the Palestinian population in the territories.
But the statement, with the weasel word ‘relatively’, is still in place, suggesting that all was reasonably harmonious prior to recent times. It was decidely not all sweetness and light as any study of the region shows.
‘In the wake of the 1991 Gulf War and the imposition of sanctions, many Iraqi Christians, who had lived in relative harmony with their Muslim neighbours for decades, left to join family in the West’.
Still a thoroughly misleading statement. The majority have fled to Syria and Jordan. The ‘joining families in the West’ is highly inaccurate. Only some have made it out of the region, most do not have the means or opportunity.
Was listening to Five Dead this morning on the way into work. One of the discussions centred around muslims being approached by MI5 in order to work as spies against terrorists. Seemed fairly logicial especially in view of what has recently happened.
Unsurprisingly however it focused on the ‘lack of respect’ of MI5 in their approaches to muslims. They had a muslim student on who spoke of the unpleasant experienced he endured when MI5 approached him to work as a spy. The two people they had on (can’t remember their names or who they were) again took the same position so no balanced view.
The meme was that muslims should be treated with respect especially by MI5 and the BBC did it’s best with the help of the two guests to seperate the link between muslims and terrorism.
Why have I never heard the BBC championing the issue of respect from muslims to those of other faiths? It seems to me that at the moment respect seems to be a one way street.
I wouldn’t trust a single Muslim working for MI5, you’d spend more time watching them (we’ve already seem CIA staff murdered by Muslim double agents) than the terrorists.
Martin – I think these are moaning about being approached as being informers rather than as employees. If MI5 are using the same tactics as they used in NI it will be a carrot and stick approach. For instance if the person is say a Pakistani national they will be threatened with deportation unless they become an informer. If they do become one and give good info they will be promised British citizenship. The same recruitment tactics have probably been used since WW1 and are usually effective.
There was some squealing about this type of tactic a few months ago on the Beeb which I take as a sign that MI5 are doing a good job.
Further (sorry I cut the last one short). They will also be looking for Jihadists who are dipping their fingers into mosque funds , spend to long in gents toilets or who rather like their beer any kind of a weakness really. They will then be offered a choice of being an informer or having their mates being told about what they are up to. If done with a few treats thrown in for good info the Informer begins to identify with his handler and bonds with him. Again all tried in NI with great success.
AS a caller on dame Nikki’s show this morning pointed out, Peanuts are more dangerous than Cyanide pills, Peanuts are everywhere but you’d have a job to get hold of a Cyanide pill.
The problem in this Country with alcohol is cultural, many other European Countries don’t have the alcohol problems we have. Comparing alcohol to hard drugs is an old stuck record being played over and over by nutter and Easton.
BBC news sunday, according to Frank Gardner, the 300 or so islamic terrosrist activists in the Yemen include some who were formerly imprisoned in guantanamo, and therefore they now hate the west even more. So thats all right then isnt it, bombmaking is a natural reaction.
As far as the BBC are concerned all those held at Guantanamo are innocent victims of those evil Americans. The fact that this may result in acts of terrorism carried out by those released is seen as ‘fair game’.
INBBC’s ‘Analysis’ of persecution of Christians in Iraq:
– no mention of ‘Islamic jihad’ nor of role of ‘Muslims’.
‘Analysis’ by INBBC’s Jim Muir:
“There have been many attacks on Christians in Iraq since the US-led invasion of 2003, but nothing like this.
At that time there were estimated to be around one million Christians from several ancient denominations – mainly Assyrian Nestorians, Chaldaeans and Syriacs.
“Their numbers are believed to have dwindled now to 600,000 or less.
Many churches have been damaged by bombs in various parts of the country where Christians live – around Mosul in the north, Baghdad, and even Basra in the south.
“Christians have also been the victims of targeted killings, while priests and others have been abducted and murdered or ransomed.
The exodus of Christian emigrants has continued despite the general improvement in Iraq’s security in the past three years.
The fear is that the carnage on Sunday night at the church of Our Lady of Salvation may speed up the flow of Christians seeking a better life elsewhere.”
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The key word is ‘Islamists’ operating under the moral sanction of their understanding of Islam. And the programme has not just appeared since 2003. It has been a tradition for a long time. The 1932 massacres evidence this.
The whole tragic development is paralleled by the simultaneous destruction of Jewish Iraq which is now complete.
The “targeted killing” is an especially effective form of antiChristian terror. A Christian – either a man or woman will do – is simply grabbed off the street by Islamists while walking to work or school, killed and the body dumped. No one can feel safe. When a Christian leaves home in the morning, he does not know if he will be killed that day.
The figures show the general trend, and the acceleration due to recent violent persecution by Islamists , unrestrained by the Iraq security forces. In 1932, Christians were 20% of the Iraqi population. By 1979, when Saddam came to power, they were 10%. After the first Iraq War in 1991, they were down to 5%. Since 2003 and the second Iraq War they are fewer than 3% and dropping rapidly.
A JOBLESS 22-year-old portrayed by the BBC as a helpless victim of benefits cuts has admitted he REFUSES to work – because he is better off on the dole.
But the interesting aspect of this damning article on the bias of the bbc, is not only that the MSM are running it, there is also a quote from a Tory MP , stating outright pro-labour bias.
From small shoots and all that !!! Its fair to say that an understanding of the level of bbc bias is at last percolating through – in no small way as a result of the hard work of the authors and members here – gold stars all round !
The only question is, was the journalist team which produced this story just absolutely piss-poor, or were they deliberately and knowingly fabricating a falsehood.
It’s a pretty serious question. If the journalistic team really couldn’t figure out there was something wrong with the story, they need – well, actually, they need sacking, because they can’t do their job.
If on the other hand, they are deliberately fabricating the story, they obviously need sacking for professional misconduct.
It’s tempting just to let these things slide, but when you think about it, we really do need to know whether its a cock-up or a conspiracy. Either way, we (the paying public) need to know what will be the upshot – what will be the consequences for the incompetents/liars (no way yet of knowing which).
At the very considerable risk of simply talking to myself, I should explain that I had a former career as a print journalist, and actually went through the same Cardiff journo’s course that many of those working at the BBC did.
And this story was one which, even when I was watching it, I was thinking ‘wait a minute, there’s something not quite right here.’ It’s nothing you can actually put your finger on, it’s just a feeling – this journalist is struggling to stand up the story.
If you’ve done the job yourself – by which I mean if you’ve ever had to struggle to stand up a story yourself – you know it instinctively.
So once again, when the BBC has basically broadcast lies, someone – the editor? the producer? the BBC Trust? – has to ask why it happened. And it comes down to this: either the journalist was lying deliberately (for whatever reason), or the journalist has been conned. Either of these must be absolutely unacceptable to any serious journalistic organization. For a journalistic organization which finances itself by extorting a tax from the public on the grounds that only thus can it guarantee to ‘be the best’, it’s not just unacceptable, it’s an effing outrage. So why do I suspect that there’ll be no blowback, no enquiry about what went wrong, no bollocking, and no resignations? Why, in short, is there no responsibility?
someone – the editor? the producer? The journalist? The crew?
Is there no one at the BBC at any level with those journalistic instincts – or the balls to speak up? Was it simply more banal? The time slot was already allocated and killing the story would be problematic? That should be the reaction of entertainment not news.
I had the misfortune to listen to Bacon with Dawn French last week. She was publicising her new novel and was plainly irritated that Bacon had made no effort to either read it himself or get anyone else to brief him on it, so his only source of information was what he could read off the dust jacket.
It really was pathetic and unprofessional, and his excuses were on the same level as “the dog ate my homework..”.
Oh dear Alice Cooper is a born again Christian who belives in EVERY WORD of the Bible (rather Sarah Palin like) so of course the ex drug addict can’t work it out. Bum boy Bacon trying to be very polite with Alice Cooper, almost as cringeworthy as Bacon’s attempt to defend Russell Brand to Michael Parkinson.
So yet another ex Guantanamo resident is shown to be Al Qaeda after all (though in this case he has “repented” and informed on his fellow terrorists).
But the BBC with a straight face just continues to bang on the the Guantanamo prisoners were a bunch of peaceniks brutally captured and tortured by the evil Americans and their capitalist stooges.
And meanwhile the poster boy Binyam jumps the queue for residency because of foul bs spread by the BBC knowing it puts our troops in danger.
It is stomach churningly awful.
Cameron has horribly misjudged it, now is the time for the despicable BBC to go, NOW!
It’s Amateur Hour at the Obamessiah Administration again. Brought to you by the same State Department which couldn’t even ask someone what the Russian word for “Reset” is, they sent a happy birthday message to Iranian President Ahmadimjihadi and asked for the release of those other two hikers…..via Twitter.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley urged Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (ah-muh-DEE’-neh-zhahd) to send American hikers Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer home.
In a tweet sent Thursday on Ahmadinejad’s birthday, Crowley said, “What a gift that would be.”
Wow! INBBC’s Middle East page online, and its daily critique of Israel has been relegated by the reality of Islamic jihad, from Yemen to Iraq, which even INBBC can’t ignore.
Please see the reply from the BBC to a complaint about the odious “7 Day Sunday” on 5Live. I would frankly be embarrassed to send a client of mine such an inane response:
Thanks for contacting us about ‘7 Day Sunday’ broadcast on 17 October.
I was sorry to read that you felt this programme was biased against the Coalition Government. I note that you feel it’s biased and unbalanced and that it presents opinions as facts which are left unchallenged by the panel.
Our staff are well aware of our commitment to impartial reporting. They are expected to put their own political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC.
However impartiality is partly dependent on balance and it’s not possible to achieve that with every report. Programme makers aim to do justice to the full range of views and opinions in particular issues. We aim to report what’s actually happening over a period of time so the audience is in a better position to make up their own minds about what’s going on. I can assure you that we strive hard to be accurate, balanced and fair. I’m sorry that you feel this hasn’t been the case with this programme.
We’re guided by the feedback that we receive and to that end I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
I wouldn’t expect any better. You can keep replying but they do wear you down after a while. The complaints process is designed to get people to give up in disgust or out of tiredness. The BBC do not admit errors.
I wonder if there is any year by year information on how many complaints the BBC receives for bias and how it breaks down on a left/right basis? I’m sure an organistion with ‘impartiality in our genes’ would consider it vital to collate such information.
Trouble is that they also get attacked from the very, very hard left for not being left-wing enough. You sometimes even see those extremists trolling on this site.
I listened to the pile of crap that is “7 Day Sunday” yesterday. Cameron, Osborne, Tebbit, and of course, Mrs Thatcher, were all subject to jibes. Now you might think that in the week that lengthy bans were handed out to to Lord Paul, Baroness Uddin and Lord Bhatia, that they might have been subject to a jibe or two. But you’d be wrong – they never got a mention. What brought about this comedic failure, I wonder? Wrong party, wrong religion, wrong colour or a combination of all three?
St Chami just interviewed on News 24 by good old leftie Huw Edwards. Just who does she think she is? Edwards was talking to her like she’s some elected politician, in fact it was like she’s god.
Just how can the BBC give so much airtime to someone who represents almost no one.
I’m getting pissed off with the BBC continually going to former failed and corrupt liebour politicians for sound bites on terrorism. Since When did moron John Reid or five bellies Smiff have any credibility?
The impression the BBC likes to give is somehow these ***** are still in charge
Oh god Sheena Easton is at it again. Why does he always wear suits that make him look like a barman at the GAY club?
Sheena fails to highlight that this so called research is from the discredited Nutt the nutter.
Oh and Sheena just has to mention that Cocaine is only as harmful as tobacco.
He really does spout complete and utter shit.
What Sheena fails to point out is that in most other countries alcohol is used sensibly, the problem isn’t with alcohol it’s with the mindless benefit scrounging, tattooed, baseball capped twats who can’t drink sensibly.
Hey it’s children in need coming up, how about we have an auction of leftie biased twitter quotes? Or best clip on Today that illustrates the viral NewLab grief syndrome. Perhaps the most lunatic green nonsense propounded as fact. A sponsored ” bash Dimbletwat until the twatness leaves him ” Bit subjective that one, could go on a while.
Or give the money that should go to the licence tax to the poor kiddies.
Not sure how many followers of the site have submitted complaints – more than a few I expect.
The BBC have carried out a change in their policy when replying.
In the past your original e-mail was included with the reply so when your reply eventually arrives you can refresh yourself of the details – there seeming to be no way of keeping a copy of the e-mail that you send.
Now they have removed that so that by the time you get a reply to a follow up complaint it is becoming difficult to recall the detail so you probably desist.
Oh and how typical on Newsnight that the BBC bring up Cameron’s comment about the BBC cuts but totally fail to address their lies over the scummy unemployed twat they lied about.
What the Telegraph Mail and Sun should have done is put it as the ONLY story on their front pages, then see how the BBC manage to avoid talking about it on the paper reviews.
The headline is as misleading as some BBC efforts, I admit. But the content of the video shows racial politics and vandalism. with a bonus of black-on-black anger.
Some people went to Charlottesville, NC, the other day to attent a quasi-Tea Party type of rally, and put some “Americans for Prosperity” signs. A couple of African-American citizens got very angry and trashed the signs, and shouted the same, tired old racial nonsense we hear from the BBC every day: You just don’t like it when a black man is in charge, etc.
Amusingly, one of those Americans for Prosperity supporters is an African-American woman, so those lovely Democrats called her a “house nigger” and a “black/white bitch”. Charming, no? The BBC suggests time and time again that the attitude these gentlemen espouse is probably correct.
Of course, since this is ugly behavior from the Left, the BBC will censor it in any case.
The Democrat candidate being defended by these fellow travelers of Jon Stewart and Emily Maitlis, Tom Periello, is as hideously white as any BBC upper management.
The Tories are gutless, they took us into the EU and even Mrs T didn’t try to get us out. There’s no point blaming Cameron for a log he didn’t lay, blame those who voted for the Common Market originally.
Cast Iron Dave gave us constant sound-bites of how Labour betryed the British people because they did not keep their promise of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Then just as he thought he may get into government he did a 180 degree turn and renaiged on his promise.
He is now hopping mad (apparently) that we have to give criminals the vote on the say so of the EU soviet. Does he remember that he was also going to get out of the EU HR Acts and produce our very own British Bill of Rights. Cameron is a PR man. All talk and waffle with no substance.
Here’s a bBC man giving a presentation at the Climate Action Conference in Brussels last week:
Alex Kirby said: “We need to keep telling our audiences that climate change is happening, that it’s happening fast, that scientists cannot explain what is happening unless they factor in the influence of human activities, that decisions and actions we take – or fail to take – today may have effects decades and centuries ahead, and that apart from anything else climate change will make other problems – like water shortage, hunger and species loss – even harder to solve,” he said.
Kirby warns that journalists should now allow the climate skeptics to call the tune.
“Time and again in my early BBC environment days I would write a piece on climate and be told: “OK, now get a skeptic to provide balance.” Perhaps we’ve moved on. But those who deny the science still hold undue sway over many news desks.
Where do we have to go for this? To the Solomon Star – here and here. I don’t know how the Solomon Islands newspaper affords a reporter in Belgium but someone should give him a job over here. Eddie Osifelo is a better journalist than Black or Harrabin.
I am not sure that I really understand the “biscuit” story. The BBC seem to be saying that because the Israeli’s have partially lifted the blockade then local bakers and tunnel diggers are out of work. So if they completely lifted the ban then the locals would go mad for that ladies Garibaldi and the tunnel digger could do what? How are these things connected? Or would they prefer the evil Jooz to blockade the area so that the terrorists have full employment and Galloway can have another nice Mediteranean cruise and this lady can shift a few Jaffa Cakes? Confused.
I think the BBC person is saying that as Mrs Hassan’s biscuits have fallen out of favour among her Palestinian neighbours, who seem to prefer Israeli imported biscuits, she is being prevented from exporting her now locally unsaleable product to the world (but is being hindered in her dream of taking by storm the Viva Palestina market she’s been promised by Umm Lauren and Effendi George for her Gaza Resistance Bakery products by the Zionists out to ruin her life because she is a Muslim).
I should have thought that coming out of the dark ages into the modern age was a good thing.
The price of donkeys has dropped because of more modern transport. The tuk-tuks are clean, reliable and you don’t have to feed them, and it’s quicker.
But only the BBC sees that as a bad thing.
“The question is, years from now, will the tuk-tuk prove to have had the same staying power?”
Donkeys are being replaced by more modern transport all over the world. Why the focus on Gaza?
Quite simple really. Gaza is unlike most conflict areas where journalists, at least to an extent, have to suffer the conditions. The ‘journalist’ enjoys all the benefits of living in a liberal first world country and the kudos for reporting from a war zone an easy couple of hours car ride away.
When BBC-NUJ is not politically propagandising, it’s on strike:
“BBC threatened with Christmas strike”
“The BBC could face a strike over the Christmas period, after an improved offer on changes to employees’ pensions entitlement was rejected by the National Union of Journalists.
The NUJ, whose members account for 17 per cent of BBC staff, voted by 70 per cent to reject the pension proposals and announced two 48-hour strikes in November, with further dates to be named.”
“NUJ members will strike for 48 hours on November 5, 6, 15 and 16, with further dates to be named in the coming days. The NUJ said its members would also begin an indefinite “work to rule” after the first strike.”
How can 17% of BBC “journalists” possibly take the BBC off the air? Do these people produce all the BBC output? Have the other 83% of employees had a vote?
Apparently it was in revenge for his support of the Iraq war. I thought there was some other pertinent fact that caused her to do this but the story doesn’t mention it, so I must be wrong.
INBBC should reflect in its reporting that this is not simply a court case involving a ‘student’; it represents violent Islamic jihad in action against a representative of the British people.
INBBC makes no mention of ‘Islam’ , ‘Islamic jihad’, Muslim’ in its report. Its headline too indicates INBBC’s default political position of dhimmitude towards Islam:
[Islamic jihad] “Student guilty of attempted murder of MP Stephen Timms ”
“The attempted Chicago bombings were thus the third time that jihadists have targeted synagogues. It has the looks of a new strategy: Islamic jihadists have decided to terrorize Jews in particular, in accord with the Koran’s denunciation of Jews as ‘strongest among men in enmity to the believers’ (5:82). The Koran contains a great deal of material that forms the foundation for a hatred of Jews that has persisted throughout Islamic history.”
RH: “…if their so proud of what their doing, maybe they should come up with a new slogan…”
Voice-over: “Conservatives: Putting the ‘N’ into cuts.”
But where had I heard this before? Ah yes, Sandi Toksvig used exactly the same joke on ‘The News Quiz’ a few weeks back.
I was well aware that BBC comedians are somewhat generic, but clearly the problem is worse than I thought. Are they trying to prove their green credentials by recycling each others jokes?
For £3.5bn the very least I would expect is a bit of variety in their Tory-bashing.
Sandi’s disapproval of all things to the right of Ed Miliband doesn’t extend to one of her employers. She is a (remarkably unfunny) contributor to the Sunday Telegraph colour supplement
Having received the usual reply from the BBC about the use of the joke in The News Quiz (officially sanctioned at high level as part of the presenter’s script) I have complained to Ofcom. This has formed a supplementary complaint to them. Repetition prima facie indicating deliberate policy.
I believe a forword to a James Bond book went something like – Once – accidental. Twice – coincidence. Three times – enemy action.
Keep eyes and ears peeled for a third use of the joke please!
‘…it is thought he was abducted before being secretly buried by the IRA’.
Mmmmm… ponders… anyone care to hazard a guess as to what happened to this poor chap between his abduction and his secret burial (and who might have been responsible for it).
Nice of al-beeb to leave us to work it out for ourselves.
Seems pretty clear to me. This ‘IRA’ are obviously a kindly, local funeral directors who took it upon themselves to inter the poor chap. And it sounds like they didn’t even charge for their services, and kept it quiet out of modesty!
I thought I better put my money where my mouth is and put in a complaint about the Middlesborough QT – you know the one where the producer admitted that having it there as the spending cuts were announced was the ‘right thing to do’. ie an audience full of civil servants.
Please note that apparently we should judge the make up of the audience over the whole series… yes…Labout….Labour …. Labour
This is the response from the BBC.
Thanks for contacting the BBC regarding ‘Question Time’ which broadcast on 21st October.
I’m sorry to read from your email that you believe the audience make up for ‘Question Time’ wasn’t fairly balanced. I understand that you felt the audience reflected more the voting intentions from the area it was recorded.
‘Question Time’ looks for a broad but balancing range of views from people who are interested in the topics likely to come up. Applicants are asked detailed questions before they are accepted to establish their views and background. The programme does not claim that in any one programme the audience is “representative” in any proportionate way of the views of the population as a whole. The overall aim is to achieve balance across the series as the audience mix will vary in different locations.
In a fast-moving programme it is extremely difficult for the viewer to make an accurate assessment, based on what they can see and hear of the studio audience, of the make-up of its members. Question Time goes to considerable lengths to ensure the audience is appropriately balanced, but then once it’s assembled, the level of applause and audible support for one case or another, is a notoriously unreliable way of judging that overall balance. This is the nature of a live and dynamic debate with real people.
We’re guided by the feedback that we receive and to that end I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
I feel I would like to ask why the BBC feel we cannot judge an audiences’ views from the applause and audible support but there gets a point where flogging and horse come into the equation.
In addition what I asked was when the change happened that the QT audience was no longer was a reflection of what happened at the last election and became a reflection of the area from where the programme is broadcast. No longer either it appears.
“Housing benefit will be reformed to ensure that we do not subsidise people to live in the private sector on rents that other working families could not afford”.
Just waiting for a BBC interviwer to run that one past a senior Labour politician.
Jeremy Bowen is in Lebanon talking to President Hariri about the failing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Hariri says that the failure to bring peace to the entire region is causing problems for the US and Europe, by which he means the recent terrorist dry-runs.
Bowen and Hariri’s message: The “international community” must do something to move the peace process forward by stopping Israel from “getting a away with it.”
…and was Bowen telling us that there are rumours that Hezbollah intend to take over in Beirut if the UN enquiry finds they were involved in the assassination of the previous Lebanese President ?
I thought not. Hezbollah in Bowen’s book are justified in all they do – it is all the fault of those Joos !
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Anyone hear the “battle” between Nutty Nutt and Peter Hitchens this morning? Got quite heated, but of course Hitchens was continually interrupted and shouted down by Nutt and the beeboid…
Actually I thought Peter Hitchens got a reasonable chance to deliver his evil right wing fundamentalist Daily Mail rant.
On the one hand Nutt is correct in trying to introduce the idea of evidence-based policy; however he is rather naive in terms of politics and the public good, and he and his fellow scientists are not unbiased – I can tell you that they generally share and are preconditioned by a left-of-centre outlook on life where the liberalisation of drugs laws is in their view inevitable anyway and also in their view the best approach to the problem.
Any sensible informed person knows that the effects of alcohol on society are, in their entirety, more than that of cannabis or heroin. But why is David Nutt pressing this point? My conclusion is that he and colleagues desire the liberalisation of drugs laws. The BBC will inevitably give this a sympathetic ear.
One final thing, the Lancet has had problems in the past with regard to data analysis, see the now widely discredited report on deaths in Iraq, as well as Wakefield’s early work on MMR and autism.
Peter Hitchens seems spot on about many political issues such as the drift to the ‘left’ of the likes of Cameron who is more at home in a ‘Coalition Party (with Lib Dems) than with an anti-EU, conservative grouping.
Of course many Beeboids don’t like the political effectiveness of Peter Hitchens, and of ‘the Daily Mail, but the the BBC-NUJ is disinclined to enter into politcal debate, but instead goes for the political intolerance of the likes of National Public Radio, and of George Soros.
One interesting point – the podcast of the Nutt-Hitchens exchange on the BBC website misses the more heated section. David Nutt muttered something at the end but I didn’t catch it live on the radio – did anyone else catch what he said, perhaps about Peter Hittchens? Also on the Listen again page for the Today programme,when you click on the piece, it replays some sort of business news!
I think Peter Hitchens was asking how one could distinguish between legal and illegal drugs, and anyway, what did it matter as most of the resulting criminal “actions” appeared to be merely cautions – didn’t catch what Nutt said, though…
What with plots to bring down airliners and dozens of worshippers killed in Church, the Religion of Peace has had a pretty storming week.
Yet again, our “National Broadcaster” (sic) has offered NOTHING in the way of analysis. IT seems that Islam simpy has nothing at all to do with the terror invoked in its name.
But for Jews and Christians, the very opposite is true.
How do these sons of bitches get away with it… and get us to pay for it!?
Perhaps if more of you refused to pay for it, it might go away.
Fortunately, I don’t have to pay for it, because I escaped the Former UK! If I were still there, they’d not get a penny from me…
Yes, and the more people realise that even if you DO live in the UK you do not have to pay for your licence if you follow a few simple guidelines such as a “denied implied right of access” notice to prevent private TV Licensing company, Capita from visiting your private residence.
Astonishing final sentence in this piece about the members of the Religion of Peace slaughtering Catholics in Iraq….
I know. It’s all the Americans’ fault.
Incidentally, the morally perfect Palestinians have persecuted the Christian population virtually to extinction. They now account for about 2% of the Palestinian population in the territories.
But it’s the joos’ fault, naturally.
That sentence has thankfully been removed now.
But the statement, with the weasel word ‘relatively’, is still in place, suggesting that all was reasonably harmonious prior to recent times. It was decidely not all sweetness and light as any study of the region shows.
‘In the wake of the 1991 Gulf War and the imposition of sanctions, many Iraqi Christians, who had lived in relative harmony with their Muslim neighbours for decades, left to join family in the West’.
Still a thoroughly misleading statement. The majority have fled to Syria and Jordan. The ‘joining families in the West’ is highly inaccurate. Only some have made it out of the region, most do not have the means or opportunity.
Astonishing final sentence in this piece
It would appear from that another piece of stealth ed… story evolution has again taken place
The top Banner story on the BBC wesite today is that Brazil has elected it’s first female President.
If that’s not enough to get the leftoids in the bbc salivating with this enriching story, it turns out she a left-winger too.
Like we give a shit about who the President of Brazil is!
Apartheid ‘Asian Network’ not closed yet, despite promises.
When is apartheid radio station ‘ Asian Network’ closing down?
But despite this, there are new plans to extend the life of apartheid ‘British-Asia’ station:
“BBC Asian Network Serves up new Weekend Breakfast Show”
BBC-NUJ-Labour: ready to put a spin on this?:
“Turns out Gordon Brown has chosen to speak in the graveyard slot – some courage”
(Benedict Brogan)
Was listening to Five Dead this morning on the way into work. One of the discussions centred around muslims being approached by MI5 in order to work as spies against terrorists. Seemed fairly logicial especially in view of what has recently happened.
Unsurprisingly however it focused on the ‘lack of respect’ of MI5 in their approaches to muslims. They had a muslim student on who spoke of the unpleasant experienced he endured when MI5 approached him to work as a spy. The two people they had on (can’t remember their names or who they were) again took the same position so no balanced view.
The meme was that muslims should be treated with respect especially by MI5 and the BBC did it’s best with the help of the two guests to seperate the link between muslims and terrorism.
Why have I never heard the BBC championing the issue of respect from muslims to those of other faiths? It seems to me that at the moment respect seems to be a one way street.
Total bias.
I wouldn’t trust a single Muslim working for MI5, you’d spend more time watching them (we’ve already seem CIA staff murdered by Muslim double agents) than the terrorists.
Good point and one the BBC failed to mention.
Martin – I think these are moaning about being approached as being informers rather than as employees. If MI5 are using the same tactics as they used in NI it will be a carrot and stick approach. For instance if the person is say a Pakistani national they will be threatened with deportation unless they become an informer. If they do become one and give good info they will be promised British citizenship. The same recruitment tactics have probably been used since WW1 and are usually effective.
There was some squealing about this type of tactic a few months ago on the Beeb which I take as a sign that MI5 are doing a good job.
Further (sorry I cut the last one short). They will also be looking for Jihadists who are dipping their fingers into mosque funds , spend to long in gents toilets or who rather like their beer any kind of a weakness really. They will then be offered a choice of being an informer or having their mates being told about what they are up to. If done with a few treats thrown in for good info the Informer begins to identify with his handler and bonds with him. Again all tried in NI with great success.
Yes; West’s political elite is largely unaware of this:
“The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration of the West”
The activities of Anwar al-Awlaki, and of Major Nidal Hasan are two current examples.
I see my mate Sheena is back on his favourite subject yet again (something you’d like to tell us Sheena?)
Like a stuck record Sheena bigs up Nutt the nutter and his loony mates who simply want to make all drugs legal.
AS a caller on dame Nikki’s show this morning pointed out, Peanuts are more dangerous than Cyanide pills, Peanuts are everywhere but you’d have a job to get hold of a Cyanide pill.
The problem in this Country with alcohol is cultural, many other European Countries don’t have the alcohol problems we have. Comparing alcohol to hard drugs is an old stuck record being played over and over by nutter and Easton.
BBC news sunday, according to Frank Gardner, the 300 or so islamic terrosrist activists in the Yemen include some who were formerly imprisoned in guantanamo, and therefore they now hate the west even more. So thats all right then isnt it, bombmaking is a natural reaction.
As far as the BBC are concerned all those held at Guantanamo are innocent victims of those evil Americans. The fact that this may result in acts of terrorism carried out by those released is seen as ‘fair game’.
Frank Gardner as a terrorist enabler should be sent to Guantanamo. Pity for him his Al Qa’eda attackers weren’t up on his output before they met him.
INBBC’s ‘Analysis’ of persecution of Christians in Iraq:
– no mention of ‘Islamic jihad’ nor of role of ‘Muslims’.
‘Analysis’ by INBBC’s Jim Muir:
“There have been many attacks on Christians in Iraq since the US-led invasion of 2003, but nothing like this.
At that time there were estimated to be around one million Christians from several ancient denominations – mainly Assyrian Nestorians, Chaldaeans and Syriacs.
“Their numbers are believed to have dwindled now to 600,000 or less.
Many churches have been damaged by bombs in various parts of the country where Christians live – around Mosul in the north, Baghdad, and even Basra in the south.
“Christians have also been the victims of targeted killings, while priests and others have been abducted and murdered or ransomed.
The exodus of Christian emigrants has continued despite the general improvement in Iraq’s security in the past three years.
The fear is that the carnage on Sunday night at the church of Our Lady of Salvation may speed up the flow of Christians seeking a better life elsewhere.”
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The key word is ‘Islamists’ operating under the moral sanction of their understanding of Islam. And the programme has not just appeared since 2003. It has been a tradition for a long time. The 1932 massacres evidence this.
The whole tragic development is paralleled by the simultaneous destruction of Jewish Iraq which is now complete.
The “targeted killing” is an especially effective form of antiChristian terror. A Christian – either a man or woman will do – is simply grabbed off the street by Islamists while walking to work or school, killed and the body dumped. No one can feel safe. When a Christian leaves home in the morning, he does not know if he will be killed that day.
The figures show the general trend, and the acceleration due to recent violent persecution by Islamists , unrestrained by the Iraq security forces. In 1932, Christians were 20% of the Iraqi population. By 1979, when Saddam came to power, they were 10%. After the first Iraq War in 1991, they were down to 5%. Since 2003 and the second Iraq War they are fewer than 3% and dropping rapidly.
More BBC Lies
Had to jump in with this before Martin got there.
Scrounger Cons BBC Viewers
A JOBLESS 22-year-old portrayed by the BBC as a helpless victim of benefits cuts has admitted he REFUSES to work – because he is better off on the dole.
But the interesting aspect of this damning article on the bias of the bbc, is not only that the MSM are running it, there is also a quote from a Tory MP , stating outright pro-labour bias.
From small shoots and all that !!! Its fair to say that an understanding of the level of bbc bias is at last percolating through – in no small way as a result of the hard work of the authors and members here – gold stars all round !
The only question is, was the journalist team which produced this story just absolutely piss-poor, or were they deliberately and knowingly fabricating a falsehood.
It’s a pretty serious question. If the journalistic team really couldn’t figure out there was something wrong with the story, they need – well, actually, they need sacking, because they can’t do their job.
If on the other hand, they are deliberately fabricating the story, they obviously need sacking for professional misconduct.
It’s tempting just to let these things slide, but when you think about it, we really do need to know whether its a cock-up or a conspiracy. Either way, we (the paying public) need to know what will be the upshot – what will be the consequences for the incompetents/liars (no way yet of knowing which).
At the very considerable risk of simply talking to myself, I should explain that I had a former career as a print journalist, and actually went through the same Cardiff journo’s course that many of those working at the BBC did.
And this story was one which, even when I was watching it, I was thinking ‘wait a minute, there’s something not quite right here.’ It’s nothing you can actually put your finger on, it’s just a feeling – this journalist is struggling to stand up the story.
If you’ve done the job yourself – by which I mean if you’ve ever had to struggle to stand up a story yourself – you know it instinctively.
So once again, when the BBC has basically broadcast lies, someone – the editor? the producer? the BBC Trust? – has to ask why it happened. And it comes down to this: either the journalist was lying deliberately (for whatever reason), or the journalist has been conned. Either of these must be absolutely unacceptable to any serious journalistic organization. For a journalistic organization which finances itself by extorting a tax from the public on the grounds that only thus can it guarantee to ‘be the best’, it’s not just unacceptable, it’s an effing outrage. So why do I suspect that there’ll be no blowback, no enquiry about what went wrong, no bollocking, and no resignations? Why, in short, is there no responsibility?
someone – the editor? the producer? The journalist? The crew?
Is there no one at the BBC at any level with those journalistic instincts – or the balls to speak up? Was it simply more banal? The time slot was already allocated and killing the story would be problematic? That should be the reaction of entertainment not news.
Sold down the river by ineptitude or pushed into it by agenda.
Not bad for £142.50pa.
Unique, even.
“(no way yet of knowing which).”
Ahem, we view the BBC through completely different eyes!
Bum boy Bacon on Radio interviewing Alice Cooper, Bacon yet again attacking the Tea Party calling them racists and nutters.
This ex drug taking skinny knob really is a twat.
I had the misfortune to listen to Bacon with Dawn French last week. She was publicising her new novel and was plainly irritated that Bacon had made no effort to either read it himself or get anyone else to brief him on it, so his only source of information was what he could read off the dust jacket.
It really was pathetic and unprofessional, and his excuses were on the same level as “the dog ate my homework..”.
Did our Alice repeat his Marr notion that anyone who hunts, albeit legally, ‘should be shot’?
Oh dear Alice Cooper is a born again Christian who belives in EVERY WORD of the Bible (rather Sarah Palin like) so of course the ex drug addict can’t work it out. Bum boy Bacon trying to be very polite with Alice Cooper, almost as cringeworthy as Bacon’s attempt to defend Russell Brand to Michael Parkinson.
So yet another ex Guantanamo resident is shown to be Al Qaeda after all (though in this case he has “repented” and informed on his fellow terrorists).
But the BBC with a straight face just continues to bang on the the Guantanamo prisoners were a bunch of peaceniks brutally captured and tortured by the evil Americans and their capitalist stooges.
And meanwhile the poster boy Binyam jumps the queue for residency because of foul bs spread by the BBC knowing it puts our troops in danger.
It is stomach churningly awful.
Cameron has horribly misjudged it, now is the time for the despicable BBC to go, NOW!
It’s Amateur Hour at the Obamessiah Administration again. Brought to you by the same State Department which couldn’t even ask someone what the Russian word for “Reset” is, they sent a happy birthday message to Iranian President Ahmadimjihadi and asked for the release of those other two hikers…..via Twitter.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley urged Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (ah-muh-DEE’-neh-zhahd) to send American hikers Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer home.
In a tweet sent Thursday on Ahmadinejad’s birthday, Crowley said, “What a gift that would be.”
A more insightful and sympathetic view of Iraq’s Christians than that provided by INBBC:
“A Brutal Assault on Iraq’s Neglected Christians”
Wow! INBBC’s Middle East page online, and its daily critique of Israel has been relegated by the reality of Islamic jihad, from Yemen to Iraq, which even INBBC can’t ignore.
Mr Bowen left kicking his heels?
Just for a day or two. Don’t worry the attacks on Israel will return.
Please see the reply from the BBC to a complaint about the odious “7 Day Sunday” on 5Live. I would frankly be embarrassed to send a client of mine such an inane response:
Thanks for contacting us about ‘7 Day Sunday’ broadcast on 17 October.
I was sorry to read that you felt this programme was biased against the Coalition Government. I note that you feel it’s biased and unbalanced and that it presents opinions as facts which are left unchallenged by the panel.
Our staff are well aware of our commitment to impartial reporting. They are expected to put their own political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC.
However impartiality is partly dependent on balance and it’s not possible to achieve that with every report. Programme makers aim to do justice to the full range of views and opinions in particular issues. We aim to report what’s actually happening over a period of time so the audience is in a better position to make up their own minds about what’s going on. I can assure you that we strive hard to be accurate, balanced and fair. I’m sorry that you feel this hasn’t been the case with this programme.
We’re guided by the feedback that we receive and to that end I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Christine Thompson
BBC Complaints
What a load of b*llocks!
Standard shit BBC bollocks, I’ve got 50 of those.
I wouldn’t expect any better. You can keep replying but they do wear you down after a while. The complaints process is designed to get people to give up in disgust or out of tiredness. The BBC do not admit errors.
I wonder if there is any year by year information on how many complaints the BBC receives for bias and how it breaks down on a left/right basis? I’m sure an organistion with ‘impartiality in our genes’ would consider it vital to collate such information.
Trouble is that they also get attacked from the very, very hard left for not being left-wing enough. You sometimes even see those extremists trolling on this site.
I listened to the pile of crap that is “7 Day Sunday” yesterday. Cameron, Osborne, Tebbit, and of course, Mrs Thatcher, were all subject to jibes. Now you might think that in the week that lengthy bans were handed out to to Lord Paul, Baroness Uddin and Lord Bhatia, that they might have been subject to a jibe or two. But you’d be wrong – they never got a mention. What brought about this comedic failure, I wonder? Wrong party, wrong religion, wrong colour or a combination of all three?
“…we strive hard to be accurate, balanced and fair…”
Should be the BBC’s new motto, accompanied by a winking emoticon – 😉 …
St Chami just interviewed on News 24 by good old leftie Huw Edwards. Just who does she think she is? Edwards was talking to her like she’s some elected politician, in fact it was like she’s god.
Just how can the BBC give so much airtime to someone who represents almost no one.
And the BBC never mention that Liberty was a front for the Paedophile Information Exchange while Harriet Harman was in charge.
I’m getting pissed off with the BBC continually going to former failed and corrupt liebour politicians for sound bites on terrorism. Since When did moron John Reid or five bellies Smiff have any credibility?
The impression the BBC likes to give is somehow these ***** are still in charge
I’d rather see John Reid as Prime Minister than Cameron.
I wouldn’t, I don’t want ANY of the Socialists anywhere near power again, especially those from north of the border
Oh god Sheena Easton is at it again. Why does he always wear suits that make him look like a barman at the GAY club?
Sheena fails to highlight that this so called research is from the discredited Nutt the nutter.
Oh and Sheena just has to mention that Cocaine is only as harmful as tobacco.
He really does spout complete and utter shit.
What Sheena fails to point out is that in most other countries alcohol is used sensibly, the problem isn’t with alcohol it’s with the mindless benefit scrounging, tattooed, baseball capped twats who can’t drink sensibly.
Could it be that these “ mindless benefit scrounging, tattooed, baseball capped twats” have too much money and leisure time?
Hey it’s children in need coming up, how about we have an auction of leftie biased twitter quotes? Or best clip on Today that illustrates the viral NewLab grief syndrome. Perhaps the most lunatic green nonsense propounded as fact. A sponsored ” bash Dimbletwat until the twatness leaves him ” Bit subjective that one, could go on a while.
Or give the money that should go to the licence tax to the poor kiddies.
The BBC will auction a few grams of Cocaine off live on TV.
Hey, I shall SO not be watching that drivel, good cause or not.
Not sure how many followers of the site have submitted complaints – more than a few I expect.
The BBC have carried out a change in their policy when replying.
In the past your original e-mail was included with the reply so when your reply eventually arrives you can refresh yourself of the details – there seeming to be no way of keeping a copy of the e-mail that you send.
Now they have removed that so that by the time you get a reply to a follow up complaint it is becoming difficult to recall the detail so you probably desist.
Very sneaky!
Great to see the number of follwers creeping steadily up.
Welcome to all new followers. More eyes and ears means less bias is missed!
What’s missing?
MP Stephen Timms stabbed ‘in revenge for Iraq war
Miss Choudhry told police she wanted “to get revenge for the people of Iraq”, prosecutors said.
Funny Choudhry doesn’t sound like an Arabic name. 🙁
Yes and several media outlets have a court artists impression of her with her hijjijabbi thing on, funny the BBC chose not to use it.
Oh and how typical on Newsnight that the BBC bring up Cameron’s comment about the BBC cuts but totally fail to address their lies over the scummy unemployed twat they lied about.
What the Telegraph Mail and Sun should have done is put it as the ONLY story on their front pages, then see how the BBC manage to avoid talking about it on the paper reviews.
“‘I’m better off on benefits than doing a job’: Man portrayed as a victim of the cuts by BBC actually REFUSES to work”
Read more:
Oh and don’t bother BBC, Barry is no JFK either.
The violence comes from the Left, part….um…I’ve lost count.
Crazed Democrats in Virginia attack opponents, throw signs
The headline is as misleading as some BBC efforts, I admit. But the content of the video shows racial politics and vandalism. with a bonus of black-on-black anger.
Some people went to Charlottesville, NC, the other day to attent a quasi-Tea Party type of rally, and put some “Americans for Prosperity” signs. A couple of African-American citizens got very angry and trashed the signs, and shouted the same, tired old racial nonsense we hear from the BBC every day: You just don’t like it when a black man is in charge, etc.
Amusingly, one of those Americans for Prosperity supporters is an African-American woman, so those lovely Democrats called her a “house nigger” and a “black/white bitch”. Charming, no? The BBC suggests time and time again that the attitude these gentlemen espouse is probably correct.
Of course, since this is ugly behavior from the Left, the BBC will censor it in any case.
The Democrat candidate being defended by these fellow travelers of Jon Stewart and Emily Maitlis, Tom Periello, is as hideously white as any BBC upper management.
A few days ago I made the bald statement that Cameron is not a eurosceptic. Here’s what he said the Commons yesterday:
I do not believe in an in-out referendum for many reasons. I think we are better off in the European Union
I am more and more pleased I didn’t vote for this nasty piece of work or his party.
via Autonomous Mind
The Tories are gutless, they took us into the EU and even Mrs T didn’t try to get us out. There’s no point blaming Cameron for a log he didn’t lay, blame those who voted for the Common Market originally.
Cast Iron Dave gave us constant sound-bites of how Labour betryed the British people because they did not keep their promise of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Then just as he thought he may get into government he did a 180 degree turn and renaiged on his promise.
He is now hopping mad (apparently) that we have to give criminals the vote on the say so of the EU soviet. Does he remember that he was also going to get out of the EU HR Acts and produce our very own British Bill of Rights. Cameron is a PR man. All talk and waffle with no substance.
Impartiality in our genes. Oh yes.
Here’s a bBC man giving a presentation at the Climate Action Conference in Brussels last week:
Alex Kirby said: “We need to keep telling our audiences that climate change is happening, that it’s happening fast, that scientists cannot explain what is happening unless they factor in the influence of human activities, that decisions and actions we take – or fail to take – today may have effects decades and centuries ahead, and that apart from anything else climate change will make other problems – like water shortage, hunger and species loss – even harder to solve,” he said.
Kirby warns that journalists should now allow the climate skeptics to call the tune.
“Time and again in my early BBC environment days I would write a piece on climate and be told: “OK, now get a skeptic to provide balance.” Perhaps we’ve moved on. But those who deny the science still hold undue sway over many news desks.
Where do we have to go for this? To the Solomon Star – here and here. I don’t know how the Solomon Islands newspaper affords a reporter in Belgium but someone should give him a job over here. Eddie Osifelo is a better journalist than Black or Harrabin.
Biased Bastard Corporation.
Those adorable Palestinians are even having to stockpile their choccy biccies because of the evil Joooz!
More one-sided Paliganda from al-BBCeera this morning.
That takes the biscuit!
The Law of Unintended Consequences bites the Palestinians on the bum.
Did the reporter ask if Mrs. Hassan supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (B.D.S.) movement against Israel?
Did the reporter ask if Mrs. Hassan supported calls for the destruction of Israel?
Did the reporter ask if Mrs. Hassan supported releasing Gilad Shalit in return for export permission?
Did the reporter ask if Mrs. Hassan supported reopening the Gaza Free Trade Industrial Zone closed due to armed attacks by Hamas?
I am not sure that I really understand the “biscuit” story. The BBC seem to be saying that because the Israeli’s have partially lifted the blockade then local bakers and tunnel diggers are out of work. So if they completely lifted the ban then the locals would go mad for that ladies Garibaldi and the tunnel digger could do what? How are these things connected? Or would they prefer the evil Jooz to blockade the area so that the terrorists have full employment and Galloway can have another nice Mediteranean cruise and this lady can shift a few Jaffa Cakes? Confused.
So if the nasty Israelis open the border they’ll still be blamed for putting all those smugglers out of work?
I think the BBC person is saying that as Mrs Hassan’s biscuits have fallen out of favour among her Palestinian neighbours, who seem to prefer Israeli imported biscuits, she is being prevented from exporting her now locally unsaleable product to the world (but is being hindered in her dream of taking by storm the Viva Palestina market she’s been promised by Umm Lauren and Effendi George for her Gaza Resistance Bakery products by the Zionists out to ruin her life because she is a Muslim).
I think,…. or am I jaundiced.
I should have thought that coming out of the dark ages into the modern age was a good thing.
The price of donkeys has dropped because of more modern transport. The tuk-tuks are clean, reliable and you don’t have to feed them, and it’s quicker.
But only the BBC sees that as a bad thing.
“The question is, years from now, will the tuk-tuk prove to have had the same staying power?”
Donkeys are being replaced by more modern transport all over the world. Why the focus on Gaza?
I heard that story on Toady this morning and wondered why on earth it was thought important enough to tell us. It can’t be that slow a news day.
Why the focus on Gaza?
Quite simple really. Gaza is unlike most conflict areas where journalists, at least to an extent, have to suffer the conditions. The ‘journalist’ enjoys all the benefits of living in a liberal first world country and the kudos for reporting from a war zone an easy couple of hours car ride away.
When BBC-NUJ is not politically propagandising, it’s on strike:
“BBC threatened with Christmas strike”
“The BBC could face a strike over the Christmas period, after an improved offer on changes to employees’ pensions entitlement was rejected by the National Union of Journalists.
The NUJ, whose members account for 17 per cent of BBC staff, voted by 70 per cent to reject the pension proposals and announced two 48-hour strikes in November, with further dates to be named.”
“NUJ members will strike for 48 hours on November 5, 6, 15 and 16, with further dates to be named in the coming days. The NUJ said its members would also begin an indefinite “work to rule” after the first strike.”
No doubt when BBC-NUJ go on strike after Thursday, even more British people will turn to the ‘Daily Mail’ online:
“In addition to having the highest number of daily users, Mail Online drew a new record total number of global browsers across the month with 46.9m”.
How can 17% of BBC “journalists” possibly take the BBC off the air? Do these people produce all the BBC output? Have the other 83% of employees had a vote?
This I suppose is the BBCs model of democracy.
“Student guilty of attempted murder of MP Stephen Timms”
Apparently it was in revenge for his support of the Iraq war. I thought there was some other pertinent fact that caused her to do this but the story doesn’t mention it, so I must be wrong.
Nope. nothing I can think of anyway. You must have it wrong 😉
INBBC should reflect in its reporting that this is not simply a court case involving a ‘student’; it represents violent Islamic jihad in action against a representative of the British people.
INBBC makes no mention of ‘Islam’ , ‘Islamic jihad’, Muslim’ in its report. Its headline too indicates INBBC’s default political position of dhimmitude towards Islam:
[Islamic jihad] “Student guilty of attempted murder of MP Stephen Timms ”
INBBC should report that this islamic jihad attack is linked internationally to a leading islamic jihad enemy, al-Awlaki:
UK: Muslim woman who stabbed MP inspired by al-Awlaki
More on al-Awlaki:
“Breaking News: Anwar al-Awlaki Indicted in Yemen”
Supplementary information, indicating international Islamic jihad linkages (which INBBC will censor):
“East London Mosque: the terrorist connection and the lies”
(Andrew Gilligan)
INBBC has relegated the anti-semitic significance of the Islamic jihad bomb plot emanating from Yemen.
In contrast:
“Spencer: The Yemen/Chicago Bomb Plot: Islamic Antisemitism Metastasizes”
“The attempted Chicago bombings were thus the third time that jihadists have targeted synagogues. It has the looks of a new strategy: Islamic jihadists have decided to terrorize Jews in particular, in accord with the Koran’s denunciation of Jews as ‘strongest among men in enmity to the believers’ (5:82). The Koran contains a great deal of material that forms the foundation for a hatred of Jews that has persisted throughout Islamic history.”
A wave of deja vu swept over me whilst I endured the first few minutes of ‘Russell Howard’s Good News’ on BBC3…
On the subject of the CSR (about 2 mins in):
RH: “…if their so proud of what their doing, maybe they should come up with a new slogan…”
Voice-over: “Conservatives: Putting the ‘N’ into cuts.”
But where had I heard this before? Ah yes, Sandi Toksvig used exactly the same joke on ‘The News Quiz’ a few weeks back.
I was well aware that BBC comedians are somewhat generic, but clearly the problem is worse than I thought. Are they trying to prove their green credentials by recycling each others jokes?
For £3.5bn the very least I would expect is a bit of variety in their Tory-bashing.
Well the BBC is good at recycling crap for sure.
Apologies. Should read:
RH:”…if they’re so proud of what they’re dong…”
I blame my New Labour education.
Sandi’s disapproval of all things to the right of Ed Miliband doesn’t extend to one of her employers. She is a (remarkably unfunny) contributor to the Sunday Telegraph colour supplement
Thank you for the message.
Having received the usual reply from the BBC about the use of the joke in The News Quiz (officially sanctioned at high level as part of the presenter’s script) I have complained to Ofcom. This has formed a supplementary complaint to them. Repetition prima facie indicating deliberate policy.
I believe a forword to a James Bond book went something like – Once – accidental. Twice – coincidence. Three times – enemy action.
Keep eyes and ears peeled for a third use of the joke please!
Radio 5 (barely a)Live autocue reader…
‘…it is thought he was abducted before being secretly buried by the IRA’.
Mmmmm… ponders… anyone care to hazard a guess as to what happened to this poor chap between his abduction and his secret burial (and who might have been responsible for it).
Nice of al-beeb to leave us to work it out for ourselves.
Seems pretty clear to me. This ‘IRA’ are obviously a kindly, local funeral directors who took it upon themselves to inter the poor chap. And it sounds like they didn’t even charge for their services, and kept it quiet out of modesty!
What a wonderful community that must be.
Yet again the mongs at the BBC interview another FORMER Liebour politician (Lord West) talking on security.
Dear BBC, Liebour are no longer in power, we’re not interested in hearing from Liebour mongs anymore.
I thought I better put my money where my mouth is and put in a complaint about the Middlesborough QT – you know the one where the producer admitted that having it there as the spending cuts were announced was the ‘right thing to do’. ie an audience full of civil servants.
Please note that apparently we should judge the make up of the audience over the whole series… yes…Labout….Labour …. Labour
This is the response from the BBC.
Thanks for contacting the BBC regarding ‘Question Time’ which broadcast on 21st October.
I’m sorry to read from your email that you believe the audience make up for ‘Question Time’ wasn’t fairly balanced. I understand that you felt the audience reflected more the voting intentions from the area it was recorded.
‘Question Time’ looks for a broad but balancing range of views from people who are interested in the topics likely to come up. Applicants are asked detailed questions before they are accepted to establish their views and background. The programme does not claim that in any one programme the audience is “representative” in any proportionate way of the views of the population as a whole. The overall aim is to achieve balance across the series as the audience mix will vary in different locations.
In a fast-moving programme it is extremely difficult for the viewer to make an accurate assessment, based on what they can see and hear of the studio audience, of the make-up of its members. Question Time goes to considerable lengths to ensure the audience is appropriately balanced, but then once it’s assembled, the level of applause and audible support for one case or another, is a notoriously unreliable way of judging that overall balance. This is the nature of a live and dynamic debate with real people.
We’re guided by the feedback that we receive and to that end I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
I feel I would like to ask why the BBC feel we cannot judge an audiences’ views from the applause and audible support but there gets a point where flogging and horse come into the equation.
In addition what I asked was when the change happened that the QT audience was no longer was a reflection of what happened at the last election and became a reflection of the area from where the programme is broadcast. No longer either it appears.
Being as the BBC don’t keep records relating to balance it means that the BBC can do what they like and not have to prove anything.
The BBC lie, they lie.
Patronising jerks.
A quote from the LABOUR Manifesto
“Housing benefit will be reformed to ensure that we do not subsidise people to live in the private sector on rents that other working families could not afford”.
Just waiting for a BBC interviwer to run that one past a senior Labour politician.
Hat tip Graham W. Swift DT letters today.
Will never happen, the BBC have simply removed the last 13 years of failure from history.
Jeremy Bowen is in Lebanon talking to President Hariri about the failing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Hariri says that the failure to bring peace to the entire region is causing problems for the US and Europe, by which he means the recent terrorist dry-runs.
Bowen and Hariri’s message: The “international community” must do something to move the peace process forward by stopping Israel from “getting a away with it.”
Nobody else is at fault.
…and was Bowen telling us that there are rumours that Hezbollah intend to take over in Beirut if the UN enquiry finds they were involved in the assassination of the previous Lebanese President ?
I thought not. Hezbollah in Bowen’s book are justified in all they do – it is all the fault of those Joos !