this has probably already been commented on (apologies – I have been away), but the BBC’s reporting of the Hobbitt union issues in NZ was a plain giveaway. The ever honest BBC reported that there had been demos in all the major NZ cities protesting against filming the Hobbitt in another country. This is a simple lie (as the BBC reporter would well have known). The protests were demos against the UNIONS who were essentially stopping the films being made (as an aside, when will the lefties click that unions cause job losses, and don’t protect workers’ rights, but that is for another day…). God forbid the BBC accurately reports on its “brothers”.
BBC1 10pm news reported Farage’s return to leadership of UKIP. “Plus ca change as Ukip members probably wouldn’t say” quipped the beeboid reporter, who in line with BBC dogma, confuses opposition to the political entity of the EU with xenophobia.
Former immigration minister Phil Woolas was stripped of his seat after an election court found him guilty of lying, stirring up racial tensions and spreading smears about his Liberal Democrat opponent during this year’s election campaign.
Last night he was suspended by the Labour Party. His backbench colleague, Paul Farrelly, faces investigation after an extraordinary drunken punch-up in a Palace of Westminster corridor which left a man bloodied and bruised.
Woolas; ex Labour minister shown to be a proven LIAR. Shown to formulate a plan to discredit an opposition by placing false information to the public. That sounds just like the bBC, hey Woolas is an ex bBC newsnight producer. He is also firm friends with bBC Newsnight political editor Michael Crick.
“… lying, stirring up racial tensions and spreading smears about his Liberal Democrat opponent during this year’s election campaign. …”
I seem to remember that’s what Gordon Brown did to the Conservatives during the election campaign. And even to a voter who had the misfortune to meet him. His whole campaign seemed to be based on that rather than any coherent vision or programme for government.
I was left speechless as Harman was shown on the news saying that this type of campaigning goes against Labour’s principles!!??
WHAT? That’s pretty much all that their campaigns consist of. Well, actually, they usually use violence and intimidation too, but just get their useful idiots from UAF/SWP to do that particular dirty work for them.
Without any hope of enlightenment I listened to the “debate” on R4 on immigration at 1015pm.
Pointless apart from Douglas Murray attempting to try to move the debate into the real world and being ignored.
I suppose the BBC thought it was being bold by discussing a matter usually well off limits.
What I did glean from the vapid drivel spouted was that
1 Immigration is primarily an economic matter and what is good for GB PLC is by definition good for us all.
2 That England Wales and Scotland do not and have never really existed let alone possess indigineous peoples and very defined and particular cultures. Apparently Britain is a place on the world’s surface unique in not possessing ,or allowed to possess, a defined culture created by the flow of generations. It is now always year one of the libbie dream state.
3 We have no history other than that the libbies deem “appropriate” and following from that we can safely ignore any achievements of our past generations that might lead us to maintain a sense of identity and pride in ourselves.
Be tolerant or else was the message and anyway you can’t do anything about it.
I wonder how the dull monocultural country they castigated that was old England ever managed to make such a mark in the world for so many centuries. No doubt when they have rewritten the history books I will learn the truth.
Fascinating, seeing as you see to think England, Wales and Scotland have “very defined and particular cultures”, perhaps you could define them now?
Seeing as I’m English can’t wait for you to tell me what my culture is; just because you say so.
“…achievements of our past generations that might lead us to maintain a sense of identity and pride in ourselves.”
If the only way you can feel proud of yourself is because of something a distant granny did a couple of hundred years ago; then perhaps you should be feeling so proud of yourself after all. 😛
“..If the only way you can feel proud of yourself is because of something a distant granny did a couple of hundred years ago”
What a prat you are. Shall we not feel pride for the people who shaped our country. The people who fought and died to give us freedom and pride in ourselves as a country.
If your distant granny did not have any children that may have been a good thing.
If you chose to denigrate the country and its people you are free to do so. Thanks to my father.
John, “dave s” was talking about how we can have “pride in ourselves” not “pride for the people who shaped this country”. So your knee jerk response is completely off target.
But never mind, if you want to feel proud of the people who shaped our country; good for you. But which people are you proud of exactly? The one’s like your Father who fought in the war or the one’s who were conscientious objectors? What about all those people who voted for Tony Blair in 1997? They have shaped our country. Do you feel proud?
“If you chose to denigrate the country…”
Sorry sunshine, but it’s my country – not yours :*
Damn right England, Scotland and Wales have defined cultures! Trust me, I’m an American I can see huge and obvious differences between British culture and mine in every Britcom and Dr. Who episode. Why do you think we former colonials watch? We like that touch of the exotic. And we just LOOOOVE your accents, all of them, from BBC to thickest Yorkshire, even if we can’t understand a word you’re saying.
Dez, you really are a twat. Even the UN knows that culture has meaning in both tangible and intangible terms. Following your argument, the native peoples of the world have no culture and therefore need not be respected…and what goes for them, goes for the English, Scots and Welsh…and other sub-groups. Britain is a a ‘political’ entity. England, Scotland and Wales are cultural identities.
Is it really that difficult for Cameron to call a strategy meeting on how to open up the debate about BBC bias to take action against it? In a democracy elected government finds itself paralysed if the state broadcaster is in the hands of subversives waging a propaganda war against it.
It will be an extremely unpleasant war to fight, but if Mr Cameron loves his country more than he loves having power, he’ll fight it.
He won’t do that, he’s a wuss. Toothless, shiny, polished twat. Both the UK and the USA each desperately need a white knight to seize the nettle of public opinion, shake it in his teeth, and spit out realistic promises, and follow them up with the necessary actions. To date, I can identify no such saviour, in either country.
In the US they have free speech – in Britain he would have been persecuted by his own party for those remarks and sacked. Is it really possible for someone like West to thrive in this STASI state?
“JAMES SLACK: Scaremongering, distortion and why the anti-cuts BBC is laying itself open to charges of bias”
[Concluding extract to his analysis]:
“The Corporation — which is effectively the flagship of the public sector — needs to be aware that it is laying itself open to charges of bias by indulging in special pleading for state workers.”
Why stop at the women? Countryfile in its entirety should be axed. It’s a vehicle for ultra-eco-greenie leftie girls and boys, and their collective ideology. The message is SO not subtle.
Countryfile used to be Farming, and a jolly good, down-to-earth and relevant programme it was too, aimed fairly and squarely at the intelligent folk who worked the land.
Somewhere, it lost its way, and strayed into patronising, Blue Peter la-la land. Even John Craven in his appearances, has been turned (unless he was of the cloth already – I suppose from his Newsround days, he acquired, and never lost the idea that he must treat everyone as a child).
Everything has this undercurrent of Nanny (or Auntie) knows best, and everything they espouse is for our own good.
‘Countryfile’ as constituted is a ‘lifestyle’ programme of the “Aaaah, it’s a wickle lamb” variety, rather than a “Why does it cost more to raise said lamb than it realises when sold ?” variety. Hence its inevitable move to the Sunday evening.
There’s nothing wrong with that as such, except that there are already loads of programmes fitting the same template, e.g.the execrable Springwatch, Autumnwatch etc behemoth, whereas the Farming programme you mention (and it must be a few years now since it was axed) was pretty much on its own in terms of the audience it served, only lasted half-an-hour, and was on at lunchtime. No doubt it wasn’t of compelling interest to many people without agricultural involvement, but it fitted the public service remit the BBC is supposed to be based on.
This has to be one of the most hilarious statements ever in the history of modern British politics:
“Harriet Harman, the party’s deputy leader, said his legal challenge would not be supported and added: “It is no part of Labour’s politics to try to win elections by telling lies.””
It seems that INBBC’s Bowen and some ‘Arabic’ staff are on strike because there are no reports on Israel (and therefore no negative reports on Israel) on INBBC Middle East page.
No doubt, INBBC staff, when not striking, could turn this into an anti-Israel story:
Oh dear. BBC Arabic Service (they employ 300 people ???) stops work.
Great news.
The hated Rupert Murdoch essentially saved the British press by facing down the unions, abolishing the overmanning. No loss of breadth or quality of product.
If the BBC was not taxpayer-funded, it would have collapsed under its own weight.
If the pension pot is in jeopardy, we can expect a new, and no doubt, histrionic launch of the climate-change/biostupidity/shit-the-oceans-are-turning-into-acid raving again. Even now Messrs. Black and Harrabin are being polished, having their vegetable oil levels checked, their eco-greenie medication injected and their quills sharpened.
The poor old camp male beeboids must be banging the bum’s of their 12 year old rent boys sensless in anger. Coulson has been to see the plods (good timing Andy) and now the BBC are on strike.
Non the less the BBC managed to find 1 homosexual out there (Chris Bryant) to attack Coulson (I hope Coulson’s lawyers were listening) and accused him of lying (the stand in troll beeboid made a half hearted attempt to remind gay boy Bryant that Coulson hasn’t been charged with anything).
The BBC of course giving the ex druggie alky that once worked with Coulson a bigging up. But just how good is the evidence going to be in a court from a man who admits he had a drink and drug problem whilst working at the NOTW?
As for Paul Mason, get a real job you little commie shit.
I have been partial to Sky’s newspaper review at 11.30 pm. Two guests discuss, etc.
However, the last few months have seen a very mysterious twit turn up. He is either a PR consultant or Media wizz-kid. (According to his mother no doubt !)
I will not tell you his name for reasons which will become apparent.
As I understand it, the “go to place” for all the lazy BBC journalists is SKY NEWS. This way they can find out what’s actually going on in the real world. Plagiarize it with one hell of a left-wing bias – file copy – job done ! Off to the wine bar (with or without a rent-boy) to celebrate socialism.
Now the problem is, should any BBC hack/producer worried though they are about their uniquely funded pension, tune into SKY for the news at about 11.30pm.
Thier eyes will light up like a rabbit looking at Mack truck hurtling towards it at 80mph if SKY have got this cretin on again.
He’s perfect.
Not an ounce of sense in his head. Vacuous being his strong point.
But the best bit is not only does he look like a Tory, sound like a Tory, he’s so gullible he couldn’t even get onto a Tory short list as a candidate for a Glasgow By-election using bribery.
So if the BBC, for cost cutting measures of course, scrap coverage of Remembrence Sunday, get rid of the much hated Songs of Praise and the Queen can just talk to herself on Dec.25th at 3pm : It can all be justified with :
We have found new Talent . Impartiality is in our genes.
He will be on everything !
Even the BBC have admitted they have Sky News on in their news offices. I’ve lost count of the number of times Sky have broken a news story and it’s only a few minutes later that the BBC break the same story (without mention to Sky)
No one watches BBC for breaking news, you’d be 48 hours behind the curve.
Sorry this is so far O/T, but it is so egregious I had to share it.
Just read yesterday’s channel4 News “snowmail” penned yesterday by that most vile of lefty broadcasters, Alex Thomson, he says re Woolas
“Phil Woolas, once a producer on this very programme, has been banned from being an MP for three years after allegations that his campaign literature in the last election overstepped the mark for legal mudslinging. Clearly a great day for cleaning up British politics. Or is it? The average American might look at this and tell us prissy Limeys to wise up – it’s politics and mud gets thrown – just throw back bigger and dirtier. Perhaps. Equally, since when did some obscure electoral court have the right to overthrow the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box?
Still “allegations” after the court decision when the left don’t like the decision
I wonder if he regarded the ballot box reigning supreme when BNP gained MEPs
I thought the beeboids were on strike still? So how come James Landale somehow managed ot peel his camp arse off the picket line to report on Andy Coulson live from Downing Street then?
Is it me, or has 5Live framed its reporting on Phil Woolas as a damage limitation exercise for Labour? Is it conceivable that had this been a Tory Minister getting stripped of his seat for electoral misconduct a news report would not have been without comment from Labour?
Anyone catch the Newsquiz on lunchtimes R4 “comedy” slot? Primed with some opening question about Obama and the midterm elections reults Andy Hamilton launched straight into a three minute eulogy to The One. It was astonishing. Told us how Obama was so such a charismatic orator, so relaxed, wonderfully persuasive, great communicator. After around two minutes I was wondering when the “joke” would come. It never did. Hamilton ran on like a Toyota with no brakes, just gushed on about how wonderful Obama was and then followed a slanderous outpouring of tosh about teaparties, redneck republicans, sneers at Bush, on an on and on. Jeremy Hardy and Sandy Toksvig joined in to kick the teaparty throwbacks. Every cliche of lefty-mantra repeated straight from the Democrat smear factory. It was utterly utterly vile.
The BBC lefty comics and their twisted view of the world, unchallenged. The only joke was them. And us for paying for it. How come they weren’t on strike too?
Besides the failure of the Tea Party last Tuesday (according to the BBC, the Tea Party movement cost the Republicans a Senate majority, and so the whole thing is a failure due to extremism), there was an even greater failure left unremarked by the BBC: St. Jon Stewart’s “March to Restore Smugness”.
As DB showed a couple weeks back, the BBC produced no fewer than five favorable promotional items for the President’s visitation with St. Jon. This was supposed to be a sign of how connected He was, and how it was going to get the young people out to vote again like they did in 2008. They also hyped up the Oct. 30 rally, making sure everyone knew it would provide a much needed antidote to the extremist Glenn Beck. Oh, how the Beeboids loved it, and worked to make a false contrast with the Tea Party rallies and extremist Glenn Beck’s rally (which had no official connection to Tea Party groups).
As it turned out, nobody is very smug at all now. St. Jon’s rally was followed by a major defeat at the polls for the far Left and those who wanted the country to work together to support the President’s agenda. Not a single word about this by the BBC. No mention at all of the money and air time Comedy Central (owned by Viacom) supplied to support the Democrats being wasted as much as anything spent by Meg Whitman and the Wrestling lady.
How’s St. Jon doing now, BBC? What happened there?
Was your guess even close? Was there anything in this at all which would warrant the word “defiant”? The BBC must be getting this stuff fed to them by the White House and they just throw it up there.
If the President had sounded half this sincere after the Fort Hood shootings or in His speech on 9/11 a couple months ago, He might not be in such trouble now.
Empty rhetoric completely devoid of substance. The US stand with India against terrorists without specifying what that means, if anything.
The terrorists came from Pakistan and/or were sent by Pakistan, another American ally.Nuclear-armed India is in dispute with nuclear-armed Pakistan over Kashmir and historic Hindu/Muslim grievances made stronger by the partition of India and current Islamic expansionism.
In practise what has changed by this speech?
In practise has Obama chosen sides?
In practise how does this support work?
President Obama surely does talk pretty, that’s why we elected him – God forgive us. But he isn’t at all good on substance as we have learned the hard way and it is a safe bet that he’s not about to offend our Arab ‘friends’.
Do you remember Harrabin and Black and all the other numerous “scientists” (like Prince Charles) telling us all that we only have a few years left before we all fry or drown due to catastrophic global warming.?
Well apparently, Lord Two Jags is able to put that on hold all by himself, but he will restart the panic in 2017.
“Lord Prescott, in Beijing for talks with Chinese premier Wen Jiabao ahead of the crucial summit, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ”In America, they couldn’t get agreement on Kyoto, then Obama came along and said he accepts the science.
”I heard him after his election disaster. Now they are saying they don’t want to be involved in any kind of legal agreement. So forget the legal agreement – you can’t get it. That’s the reality.
”The Americans can’t deliver anyway and if they tried to get something through Congress, they couldn’t get it anyway.”
He added: ”Let’s have a voluntary agreement. Let’s stop the clock. Instead of Kyoto having to be done by 2012, stop it for about five years, put in a voluntary agreement and a verification system.”
Black, Harrabin and Shuckman should be worried, as I am sure the good Lord will be up for popping in the odd PR as news on his travels for less than they cost.
A senior Iraqi Christian is to call on believers to quit the country, after gunmen targeted a church in Baghdad.
Archbishop Athanasios Dawood, who is based in the UK, will make his appeal during a service at the Syrian Orthodox Church in London. That’s future tense, isn’t it?
Church leaders have in the past advised the faithful to stay in Iraq and strengthen their communities.
But such is the insecurity, there are signs this policy may be about to change.
So is this a genuine news story about a change of policy (devoid of any specific details of time) or has the BBC a crystal ball?
Now it uses past tense. But the last paragraph is also factually/grammatically shaky. If there are signs this policy may be about to change then Archbishop Athanasios Dawood’s appeal should mean the policy has changed.
Revisionista (News Sniffer) shows three versions of the story so far (the latest being from about 9 o’clock this morning.) That closing line (“there are signs this policy may be about to change”) has stayed the same in all three versions – before the archbishop’s speech and after. Odd.
OT, but I couldn’t think where else to put this. You were wondering on an earlier thread whether turnout effected the results of the U.S. midterm elections, specifically whether depressed Democrats had stayed at home and enthusiastic Republicans flocked to the polls.
Here’s an article from ‘The New Republic’ (a liberal magazine) that seems to show that this didn’t happen, as both parties mobilised their partisan vote. It suggests that the main reason for the swing away from the Democrats is that there’s been a marked, ongoing ideological shift towards conservatism among Independent voters (who make up nearly 30% of the U.S. electorate), and that a significant number of them shifted from voting Democrat (57%) in 2006 to voting Republican (55%) in 2010. (Where’s this sort of analysis on the BBC?) It suggests this trend has been going on for years.
Hi David
Ive ripped the arse out of a few people and things on my new blog B-BBC gets a mention too. Theres also a piece of art aimed at all the idiots like 10:10 , Curtis and ‘the luvvies’. let me know what you think
Despite promises last week I see that the grotesque Stephen Fry failed to appear on Marrs left fest this morning. Perhaps the revolting Frys ego is now so big it wont fit the BBC studio doors. (we can but hope).
Fry is described in the latest Radio Times as a “polymath”. I have noticed this description of him a lot lately.
A polymath is somebody with talent in several different fields. The classic example is Leonardo da Vinci.
Fry hardly qualifies as a polymath because all his achievements are in the creative arts – no maths, science, languages. I believe that some commentator – I can’t remember who – described him as the “stupid person’s idea of a clever person”.
Greg Palast Update: While looking for another old post on this blog, I stumbled across this one that Andrew (previous site owner) asked me to help with about the BBC’s false report about somebody getting tasered at a John Kerry appearance.
The story was that some activist (and journalism student!) had deliberately tried to provoke a violent scene at a Q&A session with John Kerry. The campus security tasered him, it was all over the internets, and the BBC reported only on an edited version which blatantly misrepresented what happened. As you can see from clicking the link, it was a pre-meditated stunt and was not the suppression of speech which the BBC said it was.
I completely missed this before, but a reader named Josh posted a comment that the perpetrator was subsequently offered a job: by Greg Palast.
Well, yes. How else are the BBC going to kick of the top of the hour and main page headlines with ‘Calls are growing for…’ without it transpiring that the ‘calls’ are pretty much only from the faxed in PR from their mates?
Which Mr. Dale could mention the next time he is ‘reviewing’ on the comfy sofa where Ms. H has done and still does some of her best work.
Iain Dale and Jonathan Isaby (and others) have accused Harriet Harman of dithering over Phil Woolas – both in the hours after the court case and, more seriously, in the months since the general election.
That, however, didn’t stop Andrew Marr from introducing her this morning like this: “Labour’s deputy leader lost no time in distancing her party from Phil Woolas.”
Andrew Marr clearly doesn’t like to embarrass his dinner/Labour party guests.
Slightly o/t, strangely I noticed recently that there’s an Islamic World Index that you can invest in. Surely making money this way is immoral?
No description of the saboteurs and others initiating violence as “Leftist” or “Left wing” or anything of the sort. They’re just “activists”. The BBC showed only a couple seconds of these “activists” trying to sabotage the railroad tracks before cutting to more shots of the police having to use physical means to stop them.
How much violence and sabotage from the Left did the BBC censor? Quite a bit, as this footage from the more honest Russian media reveals:
I really meant more honest in this case, which allowed us to see what these nondescript “activists” were up to before the nasty old policemen came in with the blunt instruments to oppress them for apparently no reason.
Missing from the BBC’s coverage of the President’s trip to India (which is otherwise not bad at all) is what the Indian media is saying about His upcoming speech to their Parliament:
Namaste India! In all likelihood that will be silver-tongued Barack Obama’s opening line when he addresses the Indian parliament next week. But to help him pronounce Hindi words correctly will be a teleprompter which the US president uses ever so often for his hypnotising speeches.
He even has the Indian media fooled, then, as they seem to think it’s only there to help Him pronounce foreign words. But they’re starting to wake up.
Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama.
“We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact,” an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
Obama is known to captivate audiences with his one-liners that sound like extempore and his deep gaze. But few in India know that the US president always carries the teleprompter with him wherever he speaks.
Teleprompters, also called autocue or telescript, are mostly used by TV anchors to read out texts scrolling on a screen and attached to a camera in front of them.
How do you say “The emperor has no clothes” in Hindi?
There’s another take on it here David (originally from the Press Trust of India) where the reporter says:
A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when US President Barack Obama addresses MPs on November eight.
Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual-not only because he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small.
And there’s this charming piece from Priyanka Gupta of CNN-IBN, which really does seem to see the Emperor without his pants:
Obama to debut with his friend, Mr Teleprompter
New Delhi: When US President Barack Obama will come to visit India, on November 8, 2010 at the central hall of Parliament, more than 780 members of our Parliament will see what they have never seen before – US President Barack Obama’s old and trusted pal, Mr Teleprompter, as it makes its first ever entry into the hallowed doors of our Parliament.
Mr Teleprompter is always by his side through thick and through thin. It makes him angry, it makes him laugh and even massages his neck. At times it does what his battery of officials can’t, make him look good.
With Mr Teleprompter by his side, as Obama comes calling to woo India, he will take no chances and make no mistakes.
This would make a great running joke for the regulars on The News Quiz. Don’t think they’ll seize the opportunity though!
Speaking of talking heads up themselves displays, post ‘the strike’ I was just now watching the cheeky bouffant and fragile hair dye sponge both squinting at the screen to read other folks’ (mainly press releases from favoured ‘sources’ such as charities, NGOs and John Prescott) words and wondered just how much the two of them actually devour in pay and pensions daily.
ps: All for science and engineering excellence and encouragement, but just saw a ‘report’ on a jet pack designer who seems to have created a eco nightmare £10 an second leaf blower. Might it have been better to wait until it worked before running such a non-story?
Good ol Justin Webb pointed out once that Barry wasn’t using a Teleprompter for a speech. Very true, but as Fox News pointed out his speech was on a large TV screen placed BEHIND the useless press pack, so they couldn’t see it
iaindaleRT @TimMontgomerie: @ChrisBryantMP Y was Phil Woolas innocent until proven guilty but for you Andy Coulson is guilty until proven innocent?
Fair point. Possibly also worth asking of certain genetically impartial national broadcasters awaiting the next ‘critics… well, a bloke who doesn’t like another bloke, and we agree… are saying’ PR faxed in from the home team?
Martin, clearly you need to be re educated. The Roma are the victims here and the people they steal from and defraud are the opressors. “This is a clear case of Roma families who wished to improve their lives but were prevented from doing so by being exploited by their own people.” (Can I improve my life by systematically lyoing and stealing or is this a bad thing to do BBC?)
she has it all
“leading campaigner for the rights of Romany Gypsies” Do those rights include theft and fraud on an industrial scale BBC?
“Olmazu, of north-east London, (really?) gained access to them through her work with Haringey and Waltham Forest councils.
Remember the BBC reports of hideous racist attacks on an innocent extended family of Romanians in Belfast. BBC didn’t feel the need to explain to us what was going on there. Seems to me that there are a lot of unconnected stories about Roma across Europe, which could do with a bit of ‘connectinon of dots’. Mostly all we get from the BBC is that France and Italy are bastar*s who are deporting innocent families – but not why they are doing so. Seems to me that the BBC are reluctant to come to the conclusion that everyone in Europe reached some time ago and I guess that they havent done this because it does not fit with their ideological poition.
INBBC keeps up one-sided propaganda for Islamic Turkey’s entry into E.U.
Obviously, INBBC still regards Labour as the party of Government, so it’s politically naturally for INBBC to give J.Straw ( he of the Islamising constituency of Blackburn) 4 minutes on ‘Today’ to criticise Greek Cypriots, and to support Islamic Turkey’s entry into the E.U.
There were no interrruptions (only prompting) from Montague; and no alternative view supporting the Greek Cypriots, and opposing Islamic Turkey’s entry to E.U. was not allowed.
Yes, the BBC-NUJ strike is over for the present; and strikers and strike-breakers are united in furthering Labour’s propaganda on all issues, including Islamic Turkey.
Richard Bacon is doing yet another anti Tea Party GWB rant, this time he has Barry Obama bum boy Justin Webb on and some hag from the Huffington Post (natch) due on soon.
I heard some of that discussion. Bacon appears to have taken the midterm rejection of Obama quite badly.
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“This is the American mid-term elections which have gone pretty disastrously”
According to some left-wing drone that passes itself off as a comedian.
About the 11:10 mark:
Life without the BBC is brilliant. My kitchen is getting hammered. It’s such a relief!
this has probably already been commented on (apologies – I have been away), but the BBC’s reporting of the Hobbitt union issues in NZ was a plain giveaway. The ever honest BBC reported that there had been demos in all the major NZ cities protesting against filming the Hobbitt in another country. This is a simple lie (as the BBC reporter would well have known). The protests were demos against the UNIONS who were essentially stopping the films being made (as an aside, when will the lefties click that unions cause job losses, and don’t protect workers’ rights, but that is for another day…). God forbid the BBC accurately reports on its “brothers”.
BBC1 10pm news reported Farage’s return to leadership of UKIP. “Plus ca change as Ukip members probably wouldn’t say” quipped the beeboid reporter, who in line with BBC dogma, confuses opposition to the political entity of the EU with xenophobia.
Former immigration minister Phil Woolas was stripped of his seat after an election court found him guilty of lying, stirring up racial tensions and spreading smears about his Liberal Democrat opponent during this year’s election campaign.
Last night he was suspended by the Labour Party. His backbench colleague, Paul Farrelly, faces investigation after an extraordinary drunken punch-up in a Palace of Westminster corridor which left a man bloodied and bruised.
Read more:
Anyone want to bet the Vaseline using twats will try to spin this or ignore it.
Woolas; ex Labour minister shown to be a proven LIAR. Shown to formulate a plan to discredit an opposition by placing false information to the public. That sounds just like the bBC, hey Woolas is an ex bBC newsnight producer. He is also firm friends with bBC Newsnight political editor Michael Crick.
The bBC tentacles stretch to many places.
Very, very VERY interesting
As do their testicles, by all accounts…
“… lying, stirring up racial tensions and spreading smears about his Liberal Democrat opponent during this year’s election campaign. …”
I seem to remember that’s what Gordon Brown did to the Conservatives during the election campaign. And even to a voter who had the misfortune to meet him. His whole campaign seemed to be based on that rather than any coherent vision or programme for government.
I was left speechless as Harman was shown on the news saying that this type of campaigning goes against Labour’s principles!!??
WHAT? That’s pretty much all that their campaigns consist of. Well, actually, they usually use violence and intimidation too, but just get their useful idiots from UAF/SWP to do that particular dirty work for them.
Without any hope of enlightenment I listened to the “debate” on R4 on immigration at 1015pm.
Pointless apart from Douglas Murray attempting to try to move the debate into the real world and being ignored.
I suppose the BBC thought it was being bold by discussing a matter usually well off limits.
What I did glean from the vapid drivel spouted was that
1 Immigration is primarily an economic matter and what is good for GB PLC is by definition good for us all.
2 That England Wales and Scotland do not and have never really existed let alone possess indigineous peoples and very defined and particular cultures. Apparently Britain is a place on the world’s surface unique in not possessing ,or allowed to possess, a defined culture created by the flow of generations. It is now always year one of the libbie dream state.
3 We have no history other than that the libbies deem “appropriate” and following from that we can safely ignore any achievements of our past generations that might lead us to maintain a sense of identity and pride in ourselves.
Be tolerant or else was the message and anyway you can’t do anything about it.
I wonder how the dull monocultural country they castigated that was old England ever managed to make such a mark in the world for so many centuries. No doubt when they have rewritten the history books I will learn the truth.
That has to be post of the week.
Yes, post of the month. I presume that you are quoting from the GCSE “Citizensihp” mandatory ‘textbooks’, written – of course – be leftists
dave s,
Fascinating, seeing as you see to think England, Wales and Scotland have “very defined and particular cultures”, perhaps you could define them now?
Seeing as I’m English can’t wait for you to tell me what my culture is; just because you say so.
“…achievements of our past generations that might lead us to maintain a sense of identity and pride in ourselves.”
If the only way you can feel proud of yourself is because of something a distant granny did a couple of hundred years ago; then perhaps you should be feeling so proud of yourself after all. 😛
“..If the only way you can feel proud of yourself is because of something a distant granny did a couple of hundred years ago”
What a prat you are. Shall we not feel pride for the people who shaped our country. The people who fought and died to give us freedom and pride in ourselves as a country.
If your distant granny did not have any children that may have been a good thing.
If you chose to denigrate the country and its people you are free to do so. Thanks to my father.
John, “dave s” was talking about how we can have “pride in ourselves” not “pride for the people who shaped this country”. So your knee jerk response is completely off target.
But never mind, if you want to feel proud of the people who shaped our country; good for you. But which people are you proud of exactly? The one’s like your Father who fought in the war or the one’s who were conscientious objectors? What about all those people who voted for Tony Blair in 1997? They have shaped our country. Do you feel proud?
“If you chose to denigrate the country…”
Sorry sunshine, but it’s my country – not yours :*
“Sorry sunshine, but it’s my country – not yours “
For now.
Dez, what is the point of “black history month”?
If not to reflect pride in the achievements of people in the past. Is this acceptable to you?
Damn right England, Scotland and Wales have defined cultures! Trust me, I’m an American I can see huge and obvious differences between British culture and mine in every Britcom and Dr. Who episode. Why do you think we former colonials watch? We like that touch of the exotic. And we just LOOOOVE your accents, all of them, from BBC to thickest Yorkshire, even if we can’t understand a word you’re saying.
Dez, you really are a twat. Even the UN knows that culture has meaning in both tangible and intangible terms. Following your argument, the native peoples of the world have no culture and therefore need not be respected…and what goes for them, goes for the English, Scots and Welsh…and other sub-groups. Britain is a a ‘political’ entity. England, Scotland and Wales are cultural identities.
I refer you to:
Honestly, if you can’t see the culture around you, in language, nuance, social reflexes which vary, then you must be wilfully dense.
I am a professional linguist…I am confronted with embedded culture in language all the time.
I posted this last night on the last Open Thread but as that is now ‘lost in the tide of bias I will repost here:
Note all the BBC Online headlines re the Woolas scandal:
“Phil Woolas election re-run judgement”
“In full: Woolas to fight election decision”
“Election re-run: Full judgement”
“Woolas facing election challenge”
No lies but more important no hint at all of what has actually happened! My guess had Woolas been a Tory:
“Conservative GUILTY of racist electioneering lies! Banned from Parliament!”
“Leading Conservative banned for racist electioneering lies. Cameron embarrassed by close advisor.” Is another way they may tell it.
Yes; BBC-NUJ remains loyal to its Labour liars throughout its strike.
‘Telegraph’ –
“Digraced Phil Woolas and the plot to get ‘angry white vote'”
Is it really that difficult for Cameron to call a strategy meeting on how to open up the debate about BBC bias to take action against it? In a democracy elected government finds itself paralysed if the state broadcaster is in the hands of subversives waging a propaganda war against it.
It will be an extremely unpleasant war to fight, but if Mr Cameron loves his country more than he loves having power, he’ll fight it.
He won’t do that, he’s a wuss. Toothless, shiny, polished twat. Both the UK and the USA each desperately need a white knight to seize the nettle of public opinion, shake it in his teeth, and spit out realistic promises, and follow them up with the necessary actions. To date, I can identify no such saviour, in either country.
I can:-
That was then, this is now:-
In the US they have free speech – in Britain he would have been persecuted by his own party for those remarks and sacked. Is it really possible for someone like West to thrive in this STASI state?
“While Islamist fundamentalists KILL, threaten democracy and attack freedom, Geert Wilders sits in a court in freedom-loving Amsterdam accused of “hate speech” against these fundamentalists !!!!!”
“Alex Deane: BBC presenters go on strike – don’t waste the opportunity!”
“JAMES SLACK: Scaremongering, distortion and why the anti-cuts BBC is laying itself open to charges of bias”
[Concluding extract to his analysis]:
“The Corporation — which is effectively the flagship of the public sector — needs to be aware that it is laying itself open to charges of bias by indulging in special pleading for state workers.”
Read more:
“Female stars of Countryfile axed ‘because BBC1 boss Jay Hunt hated women’”
Read more:
Why stop at the women? Countryfile in its entirety should be axed. It’s a vehicle for ultra-eco-greenie leftie girls and boys, and their collective ideology. The message is SO not subtle.
Countryfile used to be Farming, and a jolly good, down-to-earth and relevant programme it was too, aimed fairly and squarely at the intelligent folk who worked the land.
Somewhere, it lost its way, and strayed into patronising, Blue Peter la-la land. Even John Craven in his appearances, has been turned (unless he was of the cloth already – I suppose from his Newsround days, he acquired, and never lost the idea that he must treat everyone as a child).
Everything has this undercurrent of Nanny (or Auntie) knows best, and everything they espouse is for our own good.
Where’s Bomber Harris when you need him?
Couln’t have put it half as well myself.
‘Countryfile’ as constituted is a ‘lifestyle’ programme of the “Aaaah, it’s a wickle lamb” variety, rather than a “Why does it cost more to raise said lamb than it realises when sold ?” variety. Hence its inevitable move to the Sunday evening.
There’s nothing wrong with that as such, except that there are already loads of programmes fitting the same template, e.g.the execrable Springwatch, Autumnwatch etc behemoth, whereas the Farming programme you mention (and it must be a few years now since it was axed) was pretty much on its own in terms of the audience it served, only lasted half-an-hour, and was on at lunchtime. No doubt it wasn’t of compelling interest to many people without agricultural involvement, but it fitted the public service remit the BBC is supposed to be based on.
This has to be one of the most hilarious statements ever in the history of modern British politics:
“Harriet Harman, the party’s deputy leader, said his legal challenge would not be supported and added: “It is no part of Labour’s politics to try to win elections by telling lies.””
There’s a big fat lie right there, Harperson. Warming up for the next election already, are we ?
It seems that INBBC’s Bowen and some ‘Arabic’ staff are on strike because there are no reports on Israel (and therefore no negative reports on Israel) on INBBC Middle East page.
No doubt, INBBC staff, when not striking, could turn this into an anti-Israel story:
“Iran bans weightlifter for life for standing next to Israeli at awards ceremony“
Spotted, blogged and image taken! –
Close to Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“NUJ strike: ‘Significant disruptions’ at BBC World Service”
Oh dear. BBC Arabic Service (they employ 300 people ???) stops work.
Great news.
The hated Rupert Murdoch essentially saved the British press by facing down the unions, abolishing the overmanning. No loss of breadth or quality of product.
If the BBC was not taxpayer-funded, it would have collapsed under its own weight.
Anyone seen this on Harry’s Place about Paul Mason?
“That’s right – to save the pension pots of its employees the BBC should spend less on programmes. A typical loony far Left view of public spending”
And that was on Harry’s Place!
If the pension pot is in jeopardy, we can expect a new, and no doubt, histrionic launch of the climate-change/biostupidity/shit-the-oceans-are-turning-into-acid raving again. Even now Messrs. Black and Harrabin are being polished, having their vegetable oil levels checked, their eco-greenie medication injected and their quills sharpened.
Take cover.
The poor old camp male beeboids must be banging the bum’s of their 12 year old rent boys sensless in anger. Coulson has been to see the plods (good timing Andy) and now the BBC are on strike.
Non the less the BBC managed to find 1 homosexual out there (Chris Bryant) to attack Coulson (I hope Coulson’s lawyers were listening) and accused him of lying (the stand in troll beeboid made a half hearted attempt to remind gay boy Bryant that Coulson hasn’t been charged with anything).
The BBC of course giving the ex druggie alky that once worked with Coulson a bigging up. But just how good is the evidence going to be in a court from a man who admits he had a drink and drug problem whilst working at the NOTW?
As for Paul Mason, get a real job you little commie shit.
The Gift that awaits the BBC.
I have been partial to Sky’s newspaper review at 11.30 pm. Two guests discuss, etc.
However, the last few months have seen a very mysterious twit turn up. He is either a PR consultant or Media wizz-kid. (According to his mother no doubt !)
I will not tell you his name for reasons which will become apparent.
As I understand it, the “go to place” for all the lazy BBC journalists is SKY NEWS. This way they can find out what’s actually going on in the real world. Plagiarize it with one hell of a left-wing bias – file copy – job done ! Off to the wine bar (with or without a rent-boy) to celebrate socialism.
Now the problem is, should any BBC hack/producer worried though they are about their uniquely funded pension, tune into SKY for the news at about 11.30pm.
Thier eyes will light up like a rabbit looking at Mack truck hurtling towards it at 80mph if SKY have got this cretin on again.
He’s perfect.
Not an ounce of sense in his head. Vacuous being his strong point.
But the best bit is not only does he look like a Tory, sound like a Tory, he’s so gullible he couldn’t even get onto a Tory short list as a candidate for a Glasgow By-election using bribery.
So if the BBC, for cost cutting measures of course, scrap coverage of Remembrence Sunday, get rid of the much hated Songs of Praise and the Queen can just talk to herself on Dec.25th at 3pm : It can all be justified with :
We have found new Talent . Impartiality is in our genes.
He will be on everything !
Even the BBC have admitted they have Sky News on in their news offices. I’ve lost count of the number of times Sky have broken a news story and it’s only a few minutes later that the BBC break the same story (without mention to Sky)
No one watches BBC for breaking news, you’d be 48 hours behind the curve.
Sounds like Tim Walker (Mandrake of the Daily Telegraph) – Tim snide but dim
He’s banned from the BBC now, they didn’t like him ridiculing the one eyed mong on the paper reviews.
Talent? BBC? Does not compute, Does not compute, Does not compute, Does not compute……
Sorry this is so far O/T, but it is so egregious I had to share it.
Just read yesterday’s channel4 News “snowmail” penned yesterday by that most vile of lefty broadcasters, Alex Thomson, he says re Woolas
“Phil Woolas, once a producer on this very programme, has been banned from being an MP for three years after allegations that his campaign literature in the last election overstepped the mark for legal mudslinging.
Clearly a great day for cleaning up British politics. Or is it? The average American might look at this and tell us prissy Limeys to wise up – it’s politics and mud gets thrown – just throw back bigger and dirtier. Perhaps. Equally, since when did some obscure electoral court have the right to overthrow the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box?
Still “allegations” after the court decision when the left don’t like the decision
I wonder if he regarded the ballot box reigning supreme when BNP gained MEPs
I thought the beeboids were on strike still? So how come James Landale somehow managed ot peel his camp arse off the picket line to report on Andy Coulson live from Downing Street then?
He’s angling for that promotion over Laura K, in case management is watching.
Yes and look how quickly the BBC killed real corruption in the Liebour party with Phil woolas. It’s totally vanished from their news bulletins.
Is it me, or has 5Live framed its reporting on Phil Woolas as a damage limitation exercise for Labour? Is it conceivable that had this been a Tory Minister getting stripped of his seat for electoral misconduct a news report would not have been without comment from Labour?
Anyone catch the Newsquiz on lunchtimes R4 “comedy” slot? Primed with some opening question about Obama and the midterm elections reults Andy Hamilton launched straight into a three minute eulogy to The One. It was astonishing. Told us how Obama was so such a charismatic orator, so relaxed, wonderfully persuasive, great communicator. After around two minutes I was wondering when the “joke” would come. It never did. Hamilton ran on like a Toyota with no brakes, just gushed on about how wonderful Obama was and then followed a slanderous outpouring of tosh about teaparties, redneck republicans, sneers at Bush, on an on and on. Jeremy Hardy and Sandy Toksvig joined in to kick the teaparty throwbacks. Every cliche of lefty-mantra repeated straight from the Democrat smear factory. It was utterly utterly vile.
The BBC lefty comics and their twisted view of the world, unchallenged. The only joke was them. And us for paying for it. How come they weren’t on strike too?
Sorry. The joke is on us as long as we are forced to pay for this unfunny biased trash
Besides the failure of the Tea Party last Tuesday (according to the BBC, the Tea Party movement cost the Republicans a Senate majority, and so the whole thing is a failure due to extremism), there was an even greater failure left unremarked by the BBC: St. Jon Stewart’s “March to Restore Smugness”.
As DB showed a couple weeks back, the BBC produced no fewer than five favorable promotional items for the President’s visitation with St. Jon. This was supposed to be a sign of how connected He was, and how it was going to get the young people out to vote again like they did in 2008. They also hyped up the Oct. 30 rally, making sure everyone knew it would provide a much needed antidote to the extremist Glenn Beck. Oh, how the Beeboids loved it, and worked to make a false contrast with the Tea Party rallies and extremist Glenn Beck’s rally (which had no official connection to Tea Party groups).
As it turned out, nobody is very smug at all now. St. Jon’s rally was followed by a major defeat at the polls for the far Left and those who wanted the country to work together to support the President’s agenda. Not a single word about this by the BBC. No mention at all of the money and air time Comedy Central (owned by Viacom) supplied to support the Democrats being wasted as much as anything spent by Meg Whitman and the Wrestling lady.
How’s St. Jon doing now, BBC? What happened there?
The folks at BBC News Online are just making up headlines now. Before you click on the link below, try for a moment to guess what this might be about.
Barack Obama defiant at Mumbai’s Taj Hotel
Was your guess even close? Was there anything in this at all which would warrant the word “defiant”? The BBC must be getting this stuff fed to them by the White House and they just throw it up there.
If the President had sounded half this sincere after the Fort Hood shootings or in His speech on 9/11 a couple months ago, He might not be in such trouble now.
Empty rhetoric completely devoid of substance. The US stand with India against terrorists without specifying what that means, if anything.
The terrorists came from Pakistan and/or were sent by Pakistan, another American ally.Nuclear-armed India is in dispute with nuclear-armed Pakistan over Kashmir and historic Hindu/Muslim grievances made stronger by the partition of India and current Islamic expansionism.
In practise what has changed by this speech?
In practise has Obama chosen sides?
In practise how does this support work?
President Obama surely does talk pretty, that’s why we elected him – God forgive us. But he isn’t at all good on substance as we have learned the hard way and it is a safe bet that he’s not about to offend our Arab ‘friends’.
I see Michael Prick from Newsnight reckons he’s not watching the BBC at the moment as it’s like strike breaking.
1. What a mong
2. There’s cock all to watch on the BBC even when the mongs are at work
3. Piss off Prick and take Mason with you the pint sized ponce.
Do you remember Harrabin and Black and all the other numerous “scientists” (like Prince Charles) telling us all that we only have a few years left before we all fry or drown due to catastrophic global warming.?
Well apparently, Lord Two Jags is able to put that on hold all by himself, but he will restart the panic in 2017.
“Lord Prescott, in Beijing for talks with Chinese premier Wen Jiabao ahead of the crucial summit, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ”In America, they couldn’t get agreement on Kyoto, then Obama came along and said he accepts the science.
”I heard him after his election disaster. Now they are saying they don’t want to be involved in any kind of legal agreement. So forget the legal agreement – you can’t get it. That’s the reality.
”The Americans can’t deliver anyway and if they tried to get something through Congress, they couldn’t get it anyway.”
He added: ”Let’s have a voluntary agreement. Let’s stop the clock. Instead of Kyoto having to be done by 2012, stop it for about five years, put in a voluntary agreement and a verification system.”
Do you think this gives the lie to all the BBC propaganda?
Prescott is the Council of Europe rapporteur on climate change issues. He has no qualifications in science and seems to talk gibberish.
Hunc tu caveto
Link seems bad.
As to Lord Creosote of Hypocrisy’s qualifications to rapport on matters enviro:
Black, Harrabin and Shuckman should be worried, as I am sure the good Lord will be up for popping in the odd PR as news on his travels for less than they cost.
Try this
Strange BBC report.
Church leader urges Iraqi Christians to quit country That’s past tense, isn’t it?
A senior Iraqi Christian is to call on believers to quit the country, after gunmen targeted a church in Baghdad.
Archbishop Athanasios Dawood, who is based in the UK, will make his appeal during a service at the Syrian Orthodox Church in London. That’s future tense, isn’t it?
Church leaders have in the past advised the faithful to stay in Iraq and strengthen their communities.
But such is the insecurity, there are signs this policy may be about to change.
So is this a genuine news story about a change of policy (devoid of any specific details of time) or has the BBC a crystal ball?
Oops urges is present tense but present tense is always used in headlines for an event that has happened.
It’s been edited – stealth or not I couldn’t say.
Now it uses past tense. But the last paragraph is also factually/grammatically shaky. If there are signs this policy may be about to change then Archbishop Athanasios Dawood’s appeal should mean the policy has changed.
I’m getting tense and not just in the past sense.
Revisionista (News Sniffer) shows three versions of the story so far (the latest being from about 9 o’clock this morning.) That closing line (“there are signs this policy may be about to change”) has stayed the same in all three versions – before the archbishop’s speech and after. Odd.
OT, but I couldn’t think where else to put this. You were wondering on an earlier thread whether turnout effected the results of the U.S. midterm elections, specifically whether depressed Democrats had stayed at home and enthusiastic Republicans flocked to the polls.
Here’s an article from ‘The New Republic’ (a liberal magazine) that seems to show that this didn’t happen, as both parties mobilised their partisan vote. It suggests that the main reason for the swing away from the Democrats is that there’s been a marked, ongoing ideological shift towards conservatism among Independent voters (who make up nearly 30% of the U.S. electorate), and that a significant number of them shifted from voting Democrat (57%) in 2006 to voting Republican (55%) in 2010. (Where’s this sort of analysis on the BBC?) It suggests this trend has been going on for years.
Hi David
Ive ripped the arse out of a few people and things on my new blog B-BBC gets a mention too. Theres also a piece of art aimed at all the idiots like 10:10 , Curtis and ‘the luvvies’. let me know what you think
Thanks in advance
I like the painting – do you have prints?
That painting is like the flip side of ‘Don’t Tread On Me’. Nice one.
According to the Daily Mail she is the BBC’s Enviro Correspondent.–pole-dancing-club.html?ITO=socialnet-twitter-mailonline
If so, I see an opportunity for Messrs Black, Shuckman & Harrabin in The Chippendales.
Despite promises last week I see that the grotesque Stephen Fry failed to appear on Marrs left fest this morning. Perhaps the revolting Frys ego is now so big it wont fit the BBC studio doors. (we can but hope).
Fry is described in the latest Radio Times as a “polymath”. I have noticed this description of him a lot lately.
A polymath is somebody with talent in several different fields. The classic example is Leonardo da Vinci.
Fry hardly qualifies as a polymath because all his achievements are in the creative arts – no maths, science, languages. I believe that some commentator – I can’t remember who – described him as the “stupid person’s idea of a clever person”.
INBBC has decided to censor the Islamisation-promoting OFSTED report relating to Islam in schools in Britain.
There is no mention of the following on INBBC’s ‘Education’ page.
‘Telegraph’s (ex-Beeboid) Andrew Gilligan has this; with introductory comment by ‘Jihadwatch’:
U.K.: Educational watchdog group Ofsted and Charity Commission accused of “whitewashing” reports on Islamic schools; inspectors linked to “radical Islamist organizations”
Dragons’ Den star defies BBC strikers: Furious row as Evan Davis crosses the picket line to keep news show on air
INBBC refuses to use the words ‘Muslim’, ‘race’, ‘white’ in this report:
“Five Rotherham men jailed for child sex offences”
‘Mail’, on same case:
“‘Sexual predators’: Gang of Asian men weep as they are jailed for total of 32 years for abusing white girls as young as 12 ”
Read more:
A more forthright critique of aspects of crimes by Muslims in Britain appears here, at ‘Gates of Vienna’:
Muslim Crime in the UK: Part 2
Greg Palast Update: While looking for another old post on this blog, I stumbled across this one that Andrew (previous site owner) asked me to help with about the BBC’s false report about somebody getting tasered at a John Kerry appearance.
The story was that some activist (and journalism student!) had deliberately tried to provoke a violent scene at a Q&A session with John Kerry. The campus security tasered him, it was all over the internets, and the BBC reported only on an edited version which blatantly misrepresented what happened. As you can see from clicking the link, it was a pre-meditated stunt and was not the suppression of speech which the BBC said it was.
I completely missed this before, but a reader named Josh posted a comment that the perpetrator was subsequently offered a job: by Greg Palast.
Well, yes. How else are the BBC going to kick of the top of the hour and main page headlines with ‘Calls are growing for…’ without it transpiring that the ‘calls’ are pretty much only from the faxed in PR from their mates?
Which Mr. Dale could mention the next time he is ‘reviewing’ on the comfy sofa where Ms. H has done and still does some of her best work.
Iain Dale and Jonathan Isaby (and others) have accused Harriet Harman of dithering over Phil Woolas – both in the hours after the court case and, more seriously, in the months since the general election.
That, however, didn’t stop Andrew Marr from introducing her this morning like this: “Labour’s deputy leader lost no time in distancing her party from Phil Woolas.”
Andrew Marr clearly doesn’t like to embarrass his dinner/Labour party guests.
When in doubt, leverage Muslims to oppose a coalition proposal.
Muslim challenge to tuition fees:
Slightly o/t, strangely I noticed recently that there’s an Islamic World Index that you can invest in. Surely making money this way is immoral?
The violence comes from the Left again, but the BBC sweeps that fact under the rug:
Day of clashes in Germany over nuclear waste train
No description of the saboteurs and others initiating violence as “Leftist” or “Left wing” or anything of the sort. They’re just “activists”. The BBC showed only a couple seconds of these “activists” trying to sabotage the railroad tracks before cutting to more shots of the police having to use physical means to stop them.
How much violence and sabotage from the Left did the BBC censor? Quite a bit, as this footage from the more honest Russian media reveals:
“Activists maintain that neither the waste containers nor the site are safe”
So what about the German scientists? Were they asked for their expert opinion. Apparently not.
Yes, I’m surprised that the BBC bothered to give air time to these opponents of the scientific concensus.
One thought is approved, while the other is not.
the more honest Russian media?
BTW RT has a reputation for biased journalism, especially about Israel.
We’re back – in the USSR
I really meant more honest in this case, which allowed us to see what these nondescript “activists” were up to before the nasty old policemen came in with the blunt instruments to oppress them for apparently no reason.
Missing from the BBC’s coverage of the President’s trip to India (which is otherwise not bad at all) is what the Indian media is saying about His upcoming speech to their Parliament:
Obama to use teleprompter for Hindi speech
Namaste India! In all likelihood that will be silver-tongued Barack Obama’s opening line when he addresses the Indian parliament next week. But to help him pronounce Hindi words correctly will be a teleprompter which the US president uses ever so often for his hypnotising speeches.
He even has the Indian media fooled, then, as they seem to think it’s only there to help Him pronounce foreign words. But they’re starting to wake up.
Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama.
“We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact,” an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
Obama is known to captivate audiences with his one-liners that sound like extempore and his deep gaze. But few in India know that the US president always carries the teleprompter with him wherever he speaks.
Teleprompters, also called autocue or telescript, are mostly used by TV anchors to read out texts scrolling on a screen and attached to a camera in front of them.
How do you say “The emperor has no clothes” in Hindi?
There’s another take on it here David (originally from the Press Trust of India) where the reporter says:
A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when US President Barack Obama addresses MPs on November eight.
Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual-not only because he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small.
And there’s this charming piece from Priyanka Gupta of CNN-IBN, which really does seem to see the Emperor without his pants:
Obama to debut with his friend, Mr Teleprompter
New Delhi: When US President Barack Obama will come to visit India, on November 8, 2010 at the central hall of Parliament, more than 780 members of our Parliament will see what they have never seen before – US President Barack Obama’s old and trusted pal, Mr Teleprompter, as it makes its first ever entry into the hallowed doors of our Parliament.
Mr Teleprompter is always by his side through thick and through thin. It makes him angry, it makes him laugh and even massages his neck. At times it does what his battery of officials can’t, make him look good.
With Mr Teleprompter by his side, as Obama comes calling to woo India, he will take no chances and make no mistakes.
This would make a great running joke for the regulars on The News Quiz. Don’t think they’ll seize the opportunity though!
Personally I think Obama’s weakness in the area of impromptu speaking is the least of my objections to his presidency.
Speaking of talking heads up themselves displays, post ‘the strike’ I was just now watching the cheeky bouffant and fragile hair dye sponge both squinting at the screen to read other folks’ (mainly press releases from favoured ‘sources’ such as charities, NGOs and John Prescott) words and wondered just how much the two of them actually devour in pay and pensions daily.
ps: All for science and engineering excellence and encouragement, but just saw a ‘report’ on a jet pack designer who seems to have created a eco nightmare £10 an second leaf blower. Might it have been better to wait until it worked before running such a non-story?
The BBC’s Hindi Service asks many of the questions the regular BBC report fails to ask.
Can Obama offer India anything more than goodwill?
Good ol Justin Webb pointed out once that Barry wasn’t using a Teleprompter for a speech. Very true, but as Fox News pointed out his speech was on a large TV screen placed BEHIND the useless press pack, so they couldn’t see it
Here is Fox News outing Barry and his TV screen
The BBC really are wankers. You don’t need to sit around all day smoking or drinking cans of strong lager on benefits to ‘look for a job’
Like most people I’ve managed to ‘find’ several jobs over the years without having to be unemployed for 10 years.
The obvious question the leftist mongs at the BBC don’t put to the unemployed scum is “so just how many hours a day do you spend looking for a job?”
Radio 5 spinning for Phil Woolas right now with Scabby Logan.
Radio 5
“Woolas ‘aggrieved'”
“Woolas may well win his appeal”
Well we know where the BBC’s sympathies lie.
iaindale RT @TimMontgomerie: @ChrisBryantMP Y was Phil Woolas innocent until proven guilty but for you Andy Coulson is guilty until proven innocent?
Fair point. Possibly also worth asking of certain genetically impartial national broadcasters awaiting the next ‘critics… well, a bloke who doesn’t like another bloke, and we agree… are saying’ PR faxed in from the home team?
Radio 5 and Scabby Logan having a right wank fest over the Pikey slga banged up for stealing today.
I’ve never heard so many mentions of the following in 5 minutes
“Roma outreach”
How about “Thieving Pikey bitch?”
Martin, clearly you need to be re educated. The Roma are the victims here and the people they steal from and defraud are the opressors. “This is a clear case of Roma families who wished to improve their lives but were prevented from doing so by being exploited by their own people.” (Can I improve my life by systematically lyoing and stealing or is this a bad thing to do BBC?)
she has it all
“leading campaigner for the rights of Romany Gypsies” Do those rights include theft and fraud on an industrial scale BBC?
“Olmazu, of north-east London, (really?) gained access to them through her work with Haringey and Waltham Forest councils.
Remember the BBC reports of hideous racist attacks on an innocent extended family of Romanians in Belfast. BBC didn’t feel the need to explain to us what was going on there. Seems to me that there are a lot of unconnected stories about Roma across Europe, which could do with a bit of ‘connectinon of dots’. Mostly all we get from the BBC is that France and Italy are bastar*s who are deporting innocent families – but not why they are doing so. Seems to me that the BBC are reluctant to come to the conclusion that everyone in Europe reached some time ago and I guess that they havent done this because it does not fit with their ideological poition.
INBBC keeps up one-sided propaganda for Islamic Turkey’s entry into E.U.
Obviously, INBBC still regards Labour as the party of Government, so it’s politically naturally for INBBC to give J.Straw ( he of the Islamising constituency of Blackburn) 4 minutes on ‘Today’ to criticise Greek Cypriots, and to support Islamic Turkey’s entry into the E.U.
There were no interrruptions (only prompting) from Montague; and no alternative view supporting the Greek Cypriots, and opposing Islamic Turkey’s entry to E.U. was not allowed.
“Turkey treated ‘too harshly’ over EU entry”
Yes, the BBC-NUJ strike is over for the present; and strikers and strike-breakers are united in furthering Labour’s propaganda on all issues, including Islamic Turkey.
Richard Bacon is doing yet another anti Tea Party GWB rant, this time he has Barry Obama bum boy Justin Webb on and some hag from the Huffington Post (natch) due on soon.
Now discussing GWB and Bacon not holding back his dislike of Bush. “Guantanamo radicalised Muslims” states tosser Bacon.
So explain 9/11 then Bacon you mong.
I heard some of that discussion. Bacon appears to have taken the midterm rejection of Obama quite badly.