Back then, in 2007, under the wonderful nuLab , local councils switching off street lights in Devon and elsewhere was hailed by the BBC as a social experiment to be lauded, an essential part of the green crusade. It saved tons of that vile substance called carbon, don’t you know? Now, according to Newsnight, tonight, it’s part of the nasty cuts agenda. Snuffing those carbon-intensive sources of illumination was transformed into an issue of “fear” sometime after the general election. Funny, that. Not sure yet how Matt Prodger is going to handle the subject on Newsnight, but I can guess.
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The BBC ran a similar story in Leicestershire as well. Looks like Phil Woolas gets a free pass off Newsnight yet again.
I wonder how much time will be given to the Woolas story and asking the most important question: how on earth can all those MPs rally around someone guilty of fraud?? Labour has shown itself to be a rotten party
The BBC double standards are just as clearly being shown with their sudden obsession with human rights in China. I don’t remember them being quite so concerned when the Chinese leader visited London in 2005. Wasn’t that when Chinese pro-democracy protestors were hidden form the view of the Chinese delegation?
Yes and the 400+ beeboids that minced their way to China for the Olympics didn’t seem to mind either. Still don’t ever remember the one eyed twat being put on the spot about China and Human Rights by the BBC.
Human rights were not as important as money and Chinese viewership of the BBC when China shut them down for a minute after they didn’t like the BBC making too much fuss about a few bruised Tibetans.
Well remembered, I had forgotten about that aspect.
Considering how leftwing Cameron actually is you’ve got to wonder what planet the BBC are living on!
hightory dot com
Look, 90% of everything manufactured we buy is made in the PRC. You want to go back to Made in Great Britain prices for everything? The £500 IPod? The £30,000 Austin Morris? Get used to being a hipocrite. Its alright to buy Made in China, and look the other way on human rights. The dissidents in China have to fight their own battle, good luck to them, but its not my battle. My battle is with the BBC funding lefty propaganda,and the Inland Revenue that robs be every month to hand it over to Roma fraudsters. China must find its own political equilibrium for itself. Get used to hipocrisy – principles are for the Student Union bar.
Ah… that was then. This… is now.
Which is what makes Aunty, and the views of her brood, so unique.
To hook into the pay, perks and pensions of our esteemed national broadcaster, accessing the enforced imposition of a tax on the public for a non-essential service to suit a minority plaything, one simply has take a hypocritic oath.