Well well, “students” storm Conservative headquarters, violence comes to our streets – how do you feel the BBC has covered it? I’m just waiting on Ben Elton to revive Saturday Live and we’re all back to the 1980’s…
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Do you think that the media are fuelling the “protests”.?
Look at image 4.
Notice the “powerless” police.
The more I look at this picture the more horrified I am.
It reminds me very much of the banking protest a couple of years ago. The photographers outnumbered the protesters there as well.
Might it even be the same people responsible for the disruption?
The ginger rodent in the last pic should have been swiftly arrested and immediately thrown in the slammer. Why? Because his protest poster is written in red, white and blue ink and as any fool cop knows this is racism!
Any with a clipboard and release forms from Newsnight egging a few on to improve their chances of an interview slot?
‘See that fire extinguisher… think 15 minutes of fame… just sayin’
Just saw the President of the University of London SU on News 24 completely unapologetic, condoning the violence and promising “more to come”.
Congratulations to the Socialist Workers Party for that fine bit of infiltration.
Did you notice her Palestinian club scarf?
We’re all in this together, Comrades. I suspect a bright future for the girl in the hallowed corridors of White City or hopefully a shed in the back of Mosside (nurse, nurse – was I supposed to take the green one or the blue?)
Most of the ‘students’ I saw interviewed seemed to come from very white middle class families (apart from the odd mong), I wonder what their parents think?
But again I come back to my point that we’ve had 13 years of Socialist Government, huge tax rises and mass unemployment, yet not once did you see the right turn to violence AND the only protest the right did (the fuel protests) were totally peaceful despite the BBC and Bliar trying to make out they were not.
Cameron will need to take the gloves off now (Clegg is now in for the long haul) and take on the left, at some point Cameron will have to have his miners moment and break the back of the left.
The plods really were shit today, gutless and cowardly, they should have been prepared for this mess today, I half think they wanted it to happen personally.
Did anyone not think this lot would kick off?
Yes; their parents will pay any fines for convictions.
There’s a similar pattern to the French students’ demos.
Meanwhile, many Beeboids are trying to re-create a ‘1968’, and relegate the significance of the physical violence which is endemic in parts of the political left.
And the reality is that the Labour Party is in favour of somewhat similar fees/loans system as Coalition.
‘Cameron will need to take the gloves off now (Clegg is now in for the long haul) and take on the left’
Chance would be a fine thing – Cameron IS the left. You might as well expect him to take on the EU or the eco-fascists as led by the imbecile Huhne!
Yes – I notice how he is banging on about how democracy would benefit China. Not the UK though apparently.
Well if Cameron thinks his form of woolly Toryism will work on the left he’s in for a shock.
Yes, Cameron is very comfortable politically with Clegg and Lib Dems unfortunately.
Re-Cameron’s failure on: immigration control, opposition to EU (and Turkey’s membership), not throwing out anti-men discrimination of Harman’s Equality Bill, lack of full support for Israel (to appease Islam vote), etc., the Tories are, in practice allowing the Lib Dem tail to wag the Tory dog.
And on student finance: if a Government allows student fees to increase by 200%, what can be expected? (Of course, a graduate tax is necessary.)
I admit to being surprised. One expects the French to throw hissy fits not the British, stiff upper lip and all that 😉 . If your Left is anything like our Left it runs on intimidation. With us its ‘Black Leaders’ saying our cities will burn if we don’t pass welfare increases. Happily our Black fellow citizens have more sense then their media annointed ‘leaders’.
I’m an MA student and yesterday had to hear one teacher (the best one so far) telling us that the Tea Party were suffering the effect of Marx’ False Consciousness concept and were all obviously stupid for working against their self-interest and then later another lecturer making sexually crude remarks about the Virgin Mary during a lecture, not after, during: which was incredibly offence to moi but such is the toil of a Christian. I did not issue a fatwa.
And today my classes were all cancelled because the entire faculty and as far as I know everyone in my class went to join the regular Student Protest whilst I stayed at home and enjoyed the fruits of Capitalism: Call of Duty: Back Opps which was a far more productive experience than my fellow students activities today and by far more educational than yesterday’s “lessons” which were basically socialist dogma echo-chambers.
Is there and add on pack where you can go onto campus with a machine gun and take out the left wing twats? double points for the mong like lecturer with patches on his elbows.
If so I’m off down Game World tomorrow
The Beeb bought in an academic to deliver a similar lecture on Radio 4 about the Tea Party.
and then later another lecturer making sexually crude remarks about the Virgin Mary during a lecture, not after, during:
Please ask this fellow if he has any good quips about Allah or Mohammed.
Did anyone else hear Huw Edwards say the student protest was the biggest one so far – does he know something the rest of us don’t?
Probably more than hoping, some of their number will probably be involved in the planning of more. There’s nothing like an inside job to know when to have the cameras at the ready.
Clare Solomon, President of the University of London Student Union (she’s the one with the Palestinian club scarf) said on air earlier today on the News Channel that “this is just the beginning”, and threatened more protests about the usual far-Left polticial issues.
Clare Solomon was on newsnight; Paxman repeatedly asked her why she thought it was necessary to commit criminal damage, she dodged the question and even claimed they didn’t break into Millbank, they just walked in! I suppose it’s kind of true; only a few of them actually destroyed the glass, the other 300 did ‘just walk in’….
Dreadful dreadful woman. At least Paxo tried to grill her, but he quit when he should have been shaming her.
I remember the BBC providing prolonged free advertizing of the ‘climate protest camp’ -you know the stuff – turn up at 9, meet a bloke called Grungey – just of the Staines by pass.
They wanted a huge turn out – to prove that people cared about warmism. I heard the BBC promising that “this was just the beginning”. Roll on poll tax riots.
Isn’t it strange that Harry Harpie led in a prolonged attack on the Lib Dem fees policy at PMQ’s. It is almost as if the Labour press managers fitted the riot (30 grungeoids max) into their ‘grid’ and co-ordinated the protest with the NUS to ensure that it took place just so that Harpie could say that ‘protests were going on outside’
BTW I was in Westminster yesterday. It is amazing how many of the impovrished students managed to end up in high cost branded coffee shops forcing back capitalist cappos. Crikey, how can they afford nearly £3 a cup, I cant
Funny how these lefties were cheering when Labour was handing out the benefits to all and sundry. It never occurred to them that they would end up paying the bill.
They don’t pay the bills, we do.
A totally inadequate ‘Look North’ reporter who just gave a platform to two university spokesmen who were totally unapologetic about the damage and violence. Don’t these people have any professional pride?
” The students are revolting!”
” Oooh, I know, aren’t they awful.”
Alternative to BBC-NUJ-NUS reporting:
“The Lib Dems are spared by idiotic students”
“Hijacking of a very middle class protest: Anarchists cause chaos as 50,000 students take to streets over fees”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1328385/STUDENT-TUITION-FEES-PROTEST-Rioters-hijack-middle-class-march.html#ixzz14vauV12c
To support the students’ Narrative, the BBC sent one of their recently-hired Leftoid activists in the US to interview a few students at a state college in Manhattan. Needless to say, the overall message was that it’s all very unfair, to the point of “keeping people down” (this quote from the end of the clip was used as the headline for the link to it from the main US & Canada news page).
Sure, one of them stumbled over the words “student aid”, and another said the word “scholarships”, but nobody watching this would get the impression that there was any possible way for the non-wealthy to pay for college in the US.
In fact, aside from the numerous ethnically-based scholarships available, there are sports scholarships, academic scholarships (which reward achievement, a concept quite alien to these activists and most of the Beeboids who report on them), work scholarships, and other means of tuition coverage.
Pell Grants are means-tested based on income, and will cover almost any state school in the country. Expensive, fancy private schools have their own funds to cover those who merit admission but can’t pay for it.
The BBC simply won’t do an honest report on the situation in the US, as that would confuse the Narrative. I noticed that nearly every BBC presenter interviewing one of the various student leaders took the role of advisor rather than challenging interviewer. “Don’t you realize the violence is how your protest will be remembered? Don’t you want to let the viewers know you denounce violence?” sort of thing. Unluckily for them, at least two of the student leaders advocated the violence anyway, which put the lie to the spin the BBC was giving out earlier in the day.
In general, though, the BBC has been very sympathetic to the cause – not to the students’ right to protest, but to the cause itself.
The BBC simply won’t do an honest report on the situation in the US, as that would confuse the Narrative.
Any situation in the US.
I was in the car a few days ago listening to the music on the Simon Mayo show when they had some slot about what makes folk addicted to horror flms.
Cue calling upon an expert in the US by phone on his ‘subject’.
Somehow he decided this was an opportunity for political polemic and shared that what most scared him was Republicans. All to many giggles in the studio.
Unfortunately he did not stop, to the extent that Mr. Mayo had to intervene. There is, apparently, a point at which the ‘narrative’ can get a wee bit too obvious even for Aunty.
I would not be too concerned. The left is finished, still capable of causing mayhem, but bankrupt of ideas and out of time.
Cameron and his fellow travellers are going to have to be very careful lest events, like real economic devasatation, sweep them away as well.
The real power and strength of this country resides in people who do not yet realise they possess it. When they do realise their power then we will see an irrestible demand for reform and sound government.
The Tea Party in the US is but a foretaste of what is to come and here it might be very different.
Rioting students? Children playing games with a nation that will suddenly tire of them and teach them what reality means.
The BBC? As clueless as usual and about to be surprised.
I would like to believe you, but the UK is too apathethic, we have never had a revolution (if you don’t count the 17th Century) and we have no revolutionary tradition. A Tea party in Britain would be just that, drinking tea. Very few in Britain even understand the concepts of libertarianism – it is virtually against the law to discuss it! The BBC, of course, does its bit to ensure that no one gets too well educated and ends up questioning why we should all pay for the dole aristocracy
I would like to believe Dave S is right but I have to agree with It’s all too much.
The English are Strictly idiots.
I take your point but I did suggest that “real economic devastation ” will change everything.
This is looking more and more likely. We will have to just wait and see.
The 17th century should not be discounted. All great changes are initiated by a relatively few people. The great mass are swept along on one side or the other and the consistent thread is that those few people usually come from nowhere.
Funny how you lot praise the frogs for protesting when it meets your agenda, but when its the heartless,poor bashing policies people protest about its not OK
“you lot”? Ben – all are free to express their opinion – even if wrong. But I do not remember anyone praising the French rioters. I could be wrong but examples please
The troll is off again, spouting comments that just aren’t true. I think he was looking at a BBC site which would have supported the French students rather than the B-BBC site which would not in the main.
I’m afraid the left-wing airheads, like Ben, repeat such nonsene to themselves that they end up believing their own lies.
Also Ben – you’re letting your PC credentials down by referring to “Frogs”. That’s considered racist donchaknow!
Don’t think I ever supported the ‘frogs’ for protesting, in fact most of the time it’s the Muslims rioting in France, not reported by the BBC.
That image of a so-called policeman watching, apparently unconcerned, as some hate-filled crazy/typical left-winger kicks in a window worries me to no end.
“Student tuition fee protest: lone call to hit Millbank, then the mob descended”
Hopefully, this is because they were given orders not to intervene. I have no reason to believe that the ordinary copper is any different from the rest of us. I do, however, have serious misgivings about some of the higher ranks (ie: the likes of Ian Blair).
I think someone referrred to the police as ‘cowards’ earlier in this blog. I can’t agree with that.
The police at Milbank clearly weren’t in riot gear and doubtless had little (or no) training for what kicked off there yesterday. Even so, it was a shameful site to see the very people who are supposed to protect us just stand back and let these animals rip a building apart. I fear we could be for more of these riots; the police are too scared of being called heavy handed these days (after the G20) and the yobs yesterday were probably shocked with how easy it was for them.
They weren’t allowed to by the top brass. The Met bosses did not call in help from other areas, did not give permission to kit up, and tied their hands behind their backs. This comment by “King Dry” on a post by Inspector Gadget says it well:
Your stood in a line… Surrounded by angry students baying for your blood, only your stick for defence, heart racing, fearing a kicking.
The first thing going through the cops head? Hold the line? Keep them at bay? Defend oneself?
No. Tabloid Cameras, Pension, IPCC, PSD and Daily Mail front page would be circling round mine (in no particular order).
As Gadget himself says, “We tried it our way at G20 and were ‘wrong’. New strategies of ‘engagement’ were implemented.
Now we’ll do it your way. Enjoy.”
And all the while the BBC tries to get everyone to sympathise with the cause.
The next strike?:
A joint effort of BBC-NUJ, with NUS, and Fire brigade; -BBC-NUJ to get NUS to rampage through Broadcasting House (except for Arab TV HQ), and Fire brigade strikers watch the damage inflicted and the threats made to working staff (with a few police as bystanders)?
I would like to thank the S.W.P and N.U.S with the help of the BBC and the Labour party, though being the humble groups they are don’t want to take any of the credit for their work! have done the arts world proud with their reinterpretation of that great Russian piece entitled ‘the October rising.'[sadly delayed due to too many participants being hung over from halloween party iron bru] complete with attacks on democratic political opponents and mindless destruction of private property it was so urban and edgy , and the set dressing was wonderful even down to hate slogans dubbed on windows and the symbolic ‘throwing of the fire extinguisher’ fantastic Mark Steel will be proud !
The Government should be able to seize and assets the NUS has and use them to pay for the damage caused.
Totally agree Martin this has now gone far beyond the stupid school boy politics of the well off lefty morons who lit the fire !
I totally support any one’s right to protest but there is no defence for this!
I have heard fools trying the ‘direct action’ rubbish ok then i’m poor and out of work [Anglesey! no jobs at all its sickening thanks labour]and i do not claim so by their argument if i rob these idiots parents then i’m just taking direct action to improve my lot am i ?
Oh and also are these idiots too stupid to get the irony of holding a stick with ‘cuts’ on it when demonstrating against a spending increase ok their parents spending but ???.