Roger Harrabin has been conspicuous by his absence lately, but he’s back with a bang this morning, reporting a call by international ecofascists (and the BBC best chums Friends of the Earth) to condemn millions of people into fuel poverty by ending subsidies on fossil fuel production. Funny how he was absent – and didn’t report – recent stories about how windfarms not only gobble subsidies but also are hugely inefficient. Or about how people hate windfarms. He also strangely missed this item, expertly reported by James Delingpole, about how solar panels – thanks to massive government subsidies – are disfiguring the English countryside but are virtually useless. And he also chose not to report this item by David Whitehouse (a former BBC correspondent), who eloquently points out that despite the ecofascist calls for “carbon” emission reductions, there is not a shred of evidence that the gas has had a significant effect on global temperatures. He also did not report this important broadside on the CO2/temperature alarmist scam. When will econut Harrabin ever wake up?
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Harrabin makes his living peddling this shit, he’s never going to stop.
Good post Robin. Bias by omission…. a favourite Beeb tactic.
Told you the other day that they’d be back with renewed vigour.
Watch my lips: “Protect our Pension Fund, at all costs, all hail Climate Change Paranoia, for it is that which guarantees our comfortable retirement”.
Slimy, self-serving fools
Can you remind me – didn’t Harrabin and the Beeb re-assess how they should report climate recently?
Doesn’t look like there has been much change from the usual “service”
Yes and one new guideline was to put a link to the report they are quoting.
“In news stories inline links must go to primary sources only– eg scientific journal article or policy report (1 or 2 per story; avoid intro)”
There is not one link in that report that leads to the report. So how do we check his figures?
Its not suprising really as the IEA is not a scientific body. The 2 directors are diplomats.
The persumption in their “outlook” is that CO2 is the culprit and that by stopping everyone using fossil fuel it will prevent the average world temperature (a fantasy figure) from going up by 2 degrees C .
I wonder if the usual suspects who hate Mrs. Thatcher would villify Harriban and his Warmists when they start shutting down the few remaining coal mines and kill jobs of working class miners.
The final link to Jo Nova’s blog and then to SPPI is well worth following – Well done Robin.
Harrabin is an obsessive ecomaniac. The BBC should be ashamed of employing him as it represents a dereliction of the corporation’s duty towards the public. We can’t blame the man himself for his obsessive behaviour. He’s fallen victim to the faddish faith of global warming which has afflicted many of his class and background.
Having Nick Griffin as the BBC’s specialist immigration correspondent would be about as responsible as employing someone like Harrabin to report on environmental issues.
Roger Harrabin and his gang are playing a very clever game, rarely can so few people have such a massive influence on the media and how and what it reports.
The reality is that BBC environment reporting is wholly designed and built to support a very narrow narrative that exactly mirrors and synchronizes with the eco green agenda.
There is no attempt at impartiality because the eco green groups in control of the BBC output cannot and will not allow any dissent or divergence from their belief system.
Money and power and vested interests are not going to allow dissent and doubt to emanate from their very own mass information dissemination outlet, they may lose editorial control in other areas of the MSM but the BBC will be the very last big MSM outlet to open up.
The BBC believes, their belief may be made firmer by self interest(pension fund)but throughout the BBC there is a fanatical almost cult like determination not to allow free open dialogue and fair evaluation of the facts. One of the most obvious pointers is the lack of scientifc qualifications of reporters like Harrabin/Black/Shukman, they are political plants set up to represent science in a political light.
The BBC takes the view that everything is political, everything has political meaning and everything can be used to futher political goals and aims so you have kids shows,science reports,comedies, social programmes,sci fi shows, historical series all reflect a major political ingredient.
Now what political belief system views everything through the lens of political gain? Oooh yes comrades if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is most probably a Marxist.
Just an added thought,
Like the Maxist ideology that runs through the BBC, the CAGW cannot bear or stand the light of day, a free and fair open competition or open and free debate. The narrative only looks firm because it has been encased and protected like some old soviet despot in a glass case, one look beneath the glass and one peak at the corpse and you quickly realise the reality.
The CAGW case is actually amazingly flimsy, full of holes and poorly put together and any critical examination would lay it bare for the political fraud it is. The BBC cannot afford to engage dissenters and allow fair debate because if it did the whole charade would crumple to dust before their eyes.
All of which helps explain the hysterical reaction to “The Great Global Warming Swindle” screening by C4 in 2007.
That should really have been the end of the road for the scam but, as we’re seeing, there’s a great deal of momentum (and money) behind it.
The AGW ideology has been well and truly shafted – almost as much as the poor public has been shafted by its dogma.
Most of us now know that we are the victims of a gigantic scam, and say so in every way that we can. The politicians and the BBC, however, are not listening, having stuck their fingers in their ears, donned the blindfolds, and sung “Lalalala” very loudly, thus publicaly proclaiming the name of the land from which they all come.
WE know it’s all a big fiddle, but they pretend that we don’t, and carry on in their own sweet way, despite the seeds falling on barren ground, and the bloody climate refusing to play ball with their hyped-up projections.
They are all, without exception, charlatans. How do they ALL manage to sing from the same hymnsheet, with straight faces, and without embarrassment, when the whole world and his brother KNOW that the whole thing is a crock of shit?
They either have very thick skins, or something (or someone) mega is driving them. How will it all end, I wonder? Will they just melt into the background, hoping no-one has noticed their skulking away or will someone have sufficient guts to point fingers, name names, and prosecute? Not much breath-holding going on here…
Good post from Robin, continuing his sharp observation of Beeboid antics in the eco field.
There is a rumour that the BBC Trust has taken legal advice after a threat from a Mensa member to take legal action against the Trust on a point not supported by the Royal Society. That is that the BBC says that CO2 induced Global Warming is a fact. This is a position even more extreme than the IPCC which says it is Very Likely.
A fact?
I think the BBC should have said, global warming is a fraud.
couldn’t find a contact button so had to post here.
The head of BBC Wales Menna Richards has announced she’s going.
After you have read Harrabins article, read this.
I wonder why the BBC are so reticent in making that kind of information public?
Just does not fit the narrative does it?