Here are a few great examples of BBC professional neutrality.
First, here’s BBC employee Mary Walker…
When I joined the team of “Living Islam” (the BBC series) two years ago, my perception of Islam was dominated by prejudice and ignorance, and I found its treatment of women abhorrent. To me the veil symbolised the oppression of women, making them invisible, anonymous and voiceless, and the cause of this oppression lay in the will to perpetuate the family and maintain a patriarchal framework – the very basis of an Islamic society. I thought women were entirely submerged by divine justification of their role as wife and mother.
Ah, but that was then. She knows so much better now. Give it a read here. And then, lest we think lovely Islam-loving Mary is alone in her admiration for the Religion of Peace, there’s posh Ed Stourton bending the knee…
In a feature about a ‘woman friendly mosque’, in Manchester. Ed Stourton interviews Sabina Hammed, who says she has ‘the very rare privilege of being able to come and go as she pleases’ at the Mosque. She notes the separate entrances and boys as young as eleven being banned from the women’s room inside. Stourton never challenges her about sexual segregation in Islam or the attitude of other Mosques which are breaking English law by keeping women out. At one point she trots out the ‘It’s cultural, nothing to do with Islam,’ argument. Later there is a report about a discount coat store being turned into an Islamic community centre/mosque only two blocks away from Ground Zero in New York. Stourton tells us: ‘There are strident voices attacking the proposal and using it as a vehicle to strike at Islam.’ A BBC reporter goes on: ‘Islam is once more under fire from a noisy minority who see the Koran as suspect.’
Not on BBC
Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan ‘for blasphemy’
Dhimmitude runs deep at Islam Not BBC (INBBC).
Like most of Britain’s so-called ‘political elite’, these people are inclined to defer to Muslims to provide a sanitised version of the tenets of Islam.
Similarly, when it comes to understanding the ideology of Islamic supremacy in history, the ignorant infidels will not search out for themselves the non-Islamic historians (Karsh, Bat Ye’or, Bostom, etc) who explain the nature and violent expansion of Islamic imperialism, but will turn to Islamic apologists.
We’re not a minority. 70% of Americans do not want to see the Ground Zero Mosque built, including me.
Nor do 44% of Mohammedans in the Us, or a certain Saudi prince. Bigots! *DONT_KNOW*
“Impartaility is in our genes”
Shock news after DNA analysis of mouthswab from BBC employee Mary Walker.
Apparently rather than the normal triplet codes such as ATT, GCC etc, they instead found Mz Walker’s DNA to be made up of BBC triplets interspersed with a previously unknown PBUH quadruplet. It is speculated that this causes the condition called “Beeboidery”.
“Beeboidery” sounds a little too much like “Embroidery” to me.
I suggest instead “Beeboidism”. It has a more scientific ring to it, like Mongolism and Botulism, a more likely medical outcome of the genetic anomalies you describe. 😉
The views of these BBC people about Islam have nothing to do with Islam itself. It’s all to do with being intellectual and perceptive enough to understand things the unwashed masses don’t.
We’ve seen this attitude with communism/socialism. Many BBC staff saw/see the good side of Soviet Russia and Cuba.
The increasingly farcical and bizarre global warming scare is another example.
It’s all about parading their cleverness and caring natures to the rest of us. Most people never feel the need to indulge in this vain behaviour and most of those who do grow out of it when they leave university or school. It’s a shame the BBC provides jobs for so many of the tiny minority who persist in this immature behaviour into later life.
Phil is absolutely spot on ! Having spent years working in the sub continent & middle east, I refuse to believe that any sane individual can defend Islam.
Its malign influence has produced societies with seriously flawed value systems and social practices. The average beeboid would be revolted by virtually every aspect of the street arabs’ life and values !
INBBC’s routine censorship of words ‘Islamic jihad’, ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’, as in current example of France:
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Foiled at the 11th hour, ‘Islamic terrorist’ plot to assassinate France’s leading Muslim cleric”
Read more:
Contrast INBBC:
2.)”Suspects held in French raids ‘plotted terror attack'”
I actually agree that most of the problems are due to culture rather than Islam itself. After all, these people were cavemen long before Mohammed was a twinkle in his uncircumcised father’s eye. This is caveman culture, and a primary religious interpretation grew out of it. Unfortunately, it’s the one taking over the other cultures which have since adopted Islam.
The ‘Religion of Peace’ – in Britain, now. Colourful:
“Like a scene from a horror film”: Shi’ites cut their heads for Ashura in Britain
It’s funny how Ed Stourton can supposedly discern that the proposed building of a mosque is being used to strike at Islam but not that the proposed building is being used to strike at people who have already been struck enough, indeed too much, by the 9/11 mass murders. Is he really that thick? Or merely blinded by the pall of Beeboid prejudice that infects everyone there?