Not too bad really, it’s a point of view, but the picture of George Bush has been changed. This morning it was a picture of him looking stupid after the incident where he accidentally tried to leave through a door that wouldn’t open. Even the new one has been picked to be unflattering.
“His crusade started over ten years ago whilst serving a 25 year sentence for killing his landlady. Hirst was convicted for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility in 1980.
Whilst in prison, he made the decision to “reform”. Hirst, who spent much of his childhood growing up in care and had floated from one crime to another, started transforming himself into an unlikely human rights campaigner”
No mention here that John Hirst has not shown the slightest bit of remorse (“Remorse is a middle-class thing”) for killing his 63 year old landlady. Far from actually reforming it looks to me like his stand for ‘human rights’ are more about sticking two fingers up at the establishment, giving scum rights and inflating his diseased ego, which by the looks of it was the cause of him killing a little old lady in the first place (“It was like swatting a fly that’s buzzing around you”).
Oh an BTW Hirst was not sentenced for 25 years for killing his landlady, he recieved only 15 years for the original crime and an extra 10 years for “the authorities say, of violent offences he committed while he was a prisoner”.
I can’t believe I am going to do this but I am going to defend the BBC here, and more ludicrously I am going to suggest Andrew Neil did a good job for once.
I thought on the Daily Politics show Mr Hirst was taken to task accordingly and ended up showing his true colours :-
Newsnight has ugly hag on who was trouble maker today. Why didn’t Paxman stop her spouting on about “free education?” There is no such thing as free education, it has to be paid for. Why can’t the dozy cow work that out and why can’t Paxman challenge her on it?
Tucked in bed before it is broadcast (only), but this was by chance the young lady they recruited via twitter as she was adding to her CV?
Or, possibly the same one (a bit old to be the kind of student being portrayed as young and oppressed) who just graced the BBC Breakfast News with even the bouffant squirming a bit at the lack of ‘problem’ their invitee had with ‘direct action’.
As to why the BBC and it’s market rate talents can’t…. that is a very long list.
SKY’s Mr. Holmes is currently tearing an identikit professional NUS platitude-trotter to that on the BBC a new one whilst the blonde and the bouffant emote in understanding with a rather thin premise from ‘leaders’ of our brightest and best.
I did my fabulous psychic party trick for my family tonight, 9.55pm, News24.
“Time for a look at tomorrow’s front papers…” said News Bimbo.
“Guardian first.” I said.
“The Guardian says…..” said NB
“Now the Independent.” I said.
“The Independent says….” said NB.
“Quick look at the FT” I predicted.
“A quick look at the Financial Times….” said NB.
“No time for any more now” I said.
“We be looking at the rest later on, now it’s time for the weather…”
It takes a lot to impress a 15-y-old, but I managed it.
Newsnight also spinning more lies. Lord West who was a Liebour defence advisor was attacking the plan to scrap the Ark Royal. The BBC have allowed a blatant lie from Lord west. The Sea Harrier was scrapped by the Liebour Government and only the Sea Harrier can operate as an interceptor aircraft, the Harrier remaining in service has no air defence capability, so how is this supposed to stop Argentine aircraft?
The real castration of the Navy was done by Liebour scrapping the Sea Harrier.
On the whole though a huge change in tone to Bacon’s pre-election mode. I heard his ‘interview’ with Lance Price. He was like dog with a bone. He must have asked 4 or 5 times the same question as to ‘why are you damaging Labour’s re-election prospects? It must have been 3 quarters of the interview banging on in this partisan mode. Unfortunately, I predict with a great degree of certainty, that come the next election he’ll still be beating Labour’s drum with impunity.
‘It’s a stressful job, the way you described him shoving a guy against the wall on his way to a Downing Street reception, part of me thought, “So what. He’s in a hurry, he’s in a stressful job, is that really that bad?”
Well folks, there’s the bar.
Funnily enough part of me thought (and still thinks) If you’re in a hurry, you’ve got a stressful job, you’re perhaps on the way somewhere, and you see Boooooooom Bacon across the road, look right, left, and right again, cross over and kick him in the nads.
I did not ‘call’ for the kicking of the nads of anybody. I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Boooom Bacon saying on Radio 5 Live yesterday that no politician had the right to biff his fellow politicians, even if they were Labour politicians. I apologise for any offence caused. It was wholly unintentional.
While BBC-NUJ-Labour is politically sympathetic to Labour liar, ex-Minister WOOLAS, the ‘Daily Mail’ which like most British people is not part of the Labour political axis, has this:
“Mutinous Labour MPs close ranks behind disgraced Woolas”
It’s funny how you think stopping these Jewish construction projects will bring peace. I mean it’s really, really funny. Which other concessions by the Israelis have brought even a drop in violence? Withdrawing from Gaza was supposed to bring peace too.
Oh looks like one of ther Millbank mongs got home to his China sweatshop slave Labour Apple computer and managed to bang out a few words before hitting the bar.
On the World Have Your Say programme a couple of nights ago, the presenter Nuala McGovern thought that Geoge W Bush ran against John McCain.
And then her excuses make it worse.
Al-beeb surpassed itself in bias at 4am with a story on the World Service about Israel’s blockade of Gaza. They quoted the UN saying that there is hardship etc. Only at the very end did they manage to say, oh yes, and by the way Israel won’t lift the restrictions because the place is ruled by Hamas, a group that is designated a TERRORIST entity by the US and the EU.
Bring on the Balen report!
The pre-handover trail at 11.30am between Ken ‘struggling to get by’ Bruce and Jeremy ‘Don’t know how we’ll manage’ Vine was well worth it. Hope Mr. Bruce’s show is captured on iPlayer as it’s 2 minutes well worth a listen.
I sensed Ken was a little worried at times at Citizen Vine’s ranting, but a lot was covered, including how ‘we’ might bail out the Irish for what ‘we’ did to them.
But mainly was the agreement that it was nice that students were getting ‘re-engaged’ again with ‘right-wing’ governments, as they did back in Maggie’s day. There was peace and light in the period from then to now, with a blip during Tone’s reign, but that was OK as it was about the war, and/or Tone was right-wing. Apparently.
So let me get this straight.On national radio, which I have to co-fund on pain of fine or jail no matter what, a multi-hundred thousand media parasite whose mind has never left the student uni (with a littel blind spot on his obscene pay, perks and pension), chirps that when things are total pants during Labour years you just suck it up and pay, but when it’s a Conservative/coalition and you don’t like what is going on, then, well, it’s time to fire up the twitter feed and get the kids to the barricades to lob a few fire extinguishers around until you get your way.
And many, who might not share this notion, have to pay for this numptie and his rabble-rousing????
Exactly 2 hrs in. For about 5 mins 40 secs. You get the bonus of ‘Paint it Black’ at the end.
Apparently the BBC knew all about what to expect on account of the texts they were getting requesting a shout out.
Oh, and Jezza, while I am unsure on the market for potters, one doubts too many qualified nuclear physicists are on the dole if they are any good, so… nice analogy, market rate talent!
Whilst watching Newsnight I nearly wet myself when they introduced a student to justify the violence and criminal damage that was done earlier that day and it turned out that she was 37 years old! Most people grow out of their ‘anarchist’ phase by the age of about 22.
I do find it rather ironic though that it was Tory HQ that was attacked by braindead morons carrying ‘Socialist Worker Party’ flags and plackards, when Cameron is a signed up supporter of the violent terrorist wing of the SWP – the UAF.
Despite numerous calls for him to distance himself from organised political violence you can still find his name on their ‘wall of shame’ here:
Yes al-beeb seem to have turned over their airwaves to this pretendy leftie and all round vile woman – Claire Solomon.
Clearly not worried about a future employer seeing her because she doesn’t intend to have one. A lifetime sucking on the public teat beckons. I say ‘beckons’ – paid sabbatical – she’s there already.
Go the whole hog al-beeb, make her Director-General
You can just picture the scene that morning before Daddy gave them a lift from Cambridge to London:
“I say Tarquin, remind me what we’re whinging about today? I couldn’t quite recall so I brought along my anti-Israel plackard, my anti-BNP plackard, my anti-EDL plackard, my anti-Tory plackard, my anti-Lib Dem plackard, my anti-America plackard, my anti- home-coming troops plackard, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps Daddy also stuped up for her trip to Greece in the Summer, from where she files a glowing report of the local demo scene for the Marxist website Counterfire. This, remember, was shortly after three people had been burned to death in an Athens bank by demoistas.
A responsible broadcaster would not give her the time of day. We should be grateful, at least, that Paul Mason once gave her and Counterfire the brush off..sort of.
# @paulmasonnews Hey Paul, it’s clare from Soas. Fancy writing something for Counterfire on the Gaughin exhibition? C 7:33 AM Oct 27th via TwitBird in reply to paulmasonnews
@solomonsmfield Can’t write for counterfire but I might just blog about it and you can copy and link? 11:15 AM Oct 27th via web in reply to solomonsmfield
It’s quite a silly thing to say publicly in these neo-totalitarian days but as always the first thing the BBC tell you, when the story is negative, is his party – “Tory councillor…” We all know they would do the same if it had have been a labour politician don’t we! When forced to mention negative stories about labour MPs up to no good they are just named or called MPs. You normally have to dig deep before you find which party they are from.
Still it’s amazing that this was considered more important than the arrest of a hate-monger whose disciple tried to murder an MP.
Firstly I’m not surprised that Radio 5 didn’t do a phone in on the scum thug riots of yesterday, theBBC fully supported the riots.
Then Dame Nikki and the BBC mongs decide to do a phone in on another evil Tory policy of making the useless and the works shy get a job. How terrible, Dame Nikki allowed caller after caller to lie, if you take a job you won’t be worse off IDS has already addressed that issue (not that Dame Nikki seemed bothered), then the lie that this will impact on disabled people, again IDS has pointed out that this scheme does not apply to those on incapacity benefit.
One mong rang in who said he used to be a railway manager on 30k+ a year and that after being made redundant he can’t find a job on the same money. Well of course not, what Dame Nikki allowed time and time again was this myth that somehow benefits are an entitlement for life.
Everyone knows that if you change jobs you might take a hit in pay, but if you work hard you will often get the chance of promotion as most jobs are advertised interally within companies not in the papers or job centres.
Also, once back in work, you are more likely to be offered work by an employer because you are working than if you sit around at home watching Jeremy Kyle and drink strong lager all day.
It’s quite obvious the BBC are rabble rousing on every Tory policy now trying to stir it up.
Let’s see if I understand what I just witnessed a Beeboid approving on the News Channel: Any job “forced” on someone on eternal benefits must accomodate their “home situation”, i.e. child care needs? In other words, people who live in the real world and get jobs must deal with things like child care on their own, pay for it out of their own pocket or juggle shifts or, if they’re very fortunate, work out a schedule with boos and/or the spouse….sorry…partner….all while working extra hard and sacrificing sleep and personal time in order to keep the job and maintain a family, but those on benefits deserve special accomodation or they don’t have to work?
The agenda to express sympathy for the violent students’ cause by the BBC is still going strong, I see. Every single time a Beeboid talks to a politician about the violence, they are asked if they can appreciate the anger behind the violence. Utter nonsense, and biased in favor of the policies of the Left.
“Don’t you understand that being angry at the LibDems for reneging on their promise to end tuition fees is the reason why these people vandalized the Tory HQ….er….”
The BBC’s deft light touch on this riot is because they are on new ground like being left with the nutter at a party that your too scared to turn your back on or the school kids at the brothel!, numb and excited not knowing which way to turn —–?! Martin can fill in the rest 😉 .
Now some far-Left activist – John Wadsworth – who is even older than I am is on the News Channel totally condoning the violence by saying that “it’s a small price to pay” compared to the “violence the Coalition is doing” against the country with their savage cuts.
He said “direct action” is great, the country needs it, and hopefully yesterday’s violence will be “a wake up call” to the rest of the country about what the nasty old Government is doing.
Sophie bottle-blonde didn’t go beyoned the scripted basic challenge of “do you condone the violence”. He did condone it, but she didn’t quite realize it.
The violence comes from the Left, and the BBC is right there to give it a voice.
The BBC’s own coverage proves that it was more than a “tiny minority”. Some of the violence was encouraged from the top, as we learned from the President of the University of London Student Union, and one other person introduced as one of the student leaders (can’t remember the name now, but I commented on it here at the time).
Whoever threw the fire extinguisher off the roof should be hit with attempted murder, and anyone with him arrested as accomplices.
Have a look at this idiot (Chris Hopes) – he works for the Telegraph but must be after a job at the BBC.
These are the people who are excusing the anti-democratic scum who think that if the public do not vote their way they will take to the streets and cause mayhem. Chris Hopes and his ilk are part of the problem. No doubt he is now in some student bar discussing tactics.
Good catch. I’m curious as to why the Arabic Service Beeboid was fired. And was one of those Latin America Beeboids given a written warning our friend in Brazil, Lucas Mendes?
Sort of ironic that the full force of an inept and corrupt establishment gets thrown at a poor innocent bloke posting a personal bad joke on twitter, when the bad joke that is our national broadcaster gets away with using it to coordinate its next scoop with actual admitted anarchists in full public glare.
That BBC article ignores the background to Mr Compton’s tweet about Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Go instead to the Press Association and you get this:
In a message posted on the site later he apologised, saying: “I did not ‘call’ for the stoning of anybody. I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown saying on Radio 5 Live … that no politician had the right to comment on human rights abuses, even the stoning of women in Iran. I apologise for any offence caused. It was wholly unintentional.”
The BBC version censors this bit, merely saying (coyly):
Ms Alibhai-Brown had appeared on Radio 5 Live’s breakfast show on Wednesday discussing human rights in China.
Afterwards, Mr Compton allegedly tweeted: “Can someone please stone Yasmin Alibhai-Brown to death? I shan’t tell Amnesty if you don’t. It would be a blessing, really.”
He said: “I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Radio 5. I [apologise] for any offence caused, it was wholly unintentional.”
Yes Mr Compton shouldn’t have tweeted what he tweeted, but Yasmin Alibhai Brown’s comment that no politician should be allowed to comment on the stoning of women in Iran (if that’s what she said) is pretty offensive too – and the BBC should have told us that this was what provoked Mr Compton’s ill-judged tweet, not some unspecified comments about human rights in China.
Yes she did say that, her view was that the west is evil (funny that as a Pakistani Ugandan she shows no great desire to return to either of her original homelands despite hating everything about Britain) and that no politician has the right to be critical of Muslim torturers (but hacks can).
I’ve just thrown up, the vile Alibi Brown is on moaning away about Twitter, she’s just brought Jeremy clarkson into the debate as well. Why? He’s said eff all you silly hag.
But what about THIS REAL SCUM?
I don’t see the cowardly plods arresting this scum, why not?
I think the Americans call this demand to have the Tory arrested “lawfare” It was obviously a joke but did not the Ayotollah Khomenei once say that humour was un Islamic?
Yasmin is following in a fine tradition.
I wish she could bring herself to like her adopted country. She would be a much more contented person.
Just caught Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the News Channel studio talking about how horrible Twitter has become because some idiot Conservative Councillor said something about her and got arrested for it.
She said that a member of the public alerted the police to the offensive tweet which apparently called for her to be stoned to death. So, here’s a new challenge for those who keep an eye on the Twitter from dopey Beeboids:
Catch one of those dopey Beeboids who make personal attacks on Twitter and get them arrested. Like the one who wanted to punch Toby Young.
The BBC Radio Times states that this Channel 4 programme is biased. Would that be because it suggests that McDoom has spent & borrowed too much?
Britain’s Trillion Pound Horror Story<!– END titleInfo –>
Thursday 11 November
9:00pm – 10:30pm
Channel 4
Controversial film-maker Martin Durkin presents a polemical analysis of the current state of the nation’s finances and offers remedies that some believe will lift the UK out of its crippling debt. Reducing the role of the state and the introduction of “flat taxes” are among the ideas that emerge from his discussions with academics, enterpreneurs and four former Chancellors of the Exchequer.
Watched it.
It is only a polemic because the BBC wouldn’t dream of airing anything serious which doesn’t embrace socialism.
And as this programme is so far out of the BBC’s depth of understanding the only thing Robert Peston will have made sense of will have been the commercial breaks.
Biased ? Controversial film-maker ? – No ! not at all.
Now if the BBC were to address the causes of our financial indebtedness from their standpoint, then I guarantee that you really would have a polemical analysis.
Exactly, and it got worse Martin! Carole Walker then went on to talk of “a whole range of different and somewhat unpopular measures – not just the tuition fees, the benefit cutbacks that you’ve been hearing about, and the cutbacks to other public services.”
Yes channel 4 News say “More than half of the British public support the Coalition’s planned changes to the benefit system” (ie 58% in their YouGov poll). Their news bulletin also included brief coverage of the Islamonuts “British soldiers burn in hell” 2 minute hate – without undermining the effect by mentioning the EDL counter demo.
Currently treasuring a BBC complaints elf email going to quite some lengths justifying the BBC deploying the 50:50 ‘split’ inference (when it suits) even when the actual ratio in the story (Graun ‘No pressure’ coverage) was more like 100:1 against.
Or, now that inappropriate tweets are in the news, how about the Beeb revisiting the ‘scum sucking pig’, David Wright MP. Tumbleweed is blowing through his Twitter account, brushing by his empty promise as it rolls.
I expect tonight’s QT audience will be stuffed with lefty students, the riots will all be the fault of the Met police, Teresa May will be interrupted by David Dimbleby whenever she makes a valid point and lefty scum and I expect that the question over the wrongs of bearded Islamic pigs being allowed to protest at the Armistice Day commemorations will not get asked.
The ‘Clare Solomon Appreciation Society’, or BBC for short, is a joke:
1. A day in the life of Clare Solomon
Midday-Afternoon: Marching, Violence, Rioting, Criminal Damage etc
Evening: Interview with BBC News Channel
Later: BBC Newsnight
Morning after: BBC Breakfast
Then: BBC Radio 5Live with Phil Williams
Finally: BBC Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine.
From zero to BBC-Hero in 24 hours. I bet even Billy Bragg and St Vince had to wait longer than that.
2. Dame Nicky seems to have upset some of his Twitter followers by breaking a two minute ‘Twitter-silence’ at 11:00am today.
“It was an honest mistake”, and all that; but it confirms my suspicions that they really are on another planet. Time to stop paying for them to learn how to use these sites and simply ban them at the BBC, methinks.
3. See if you can guess which disgraced former ‘Blue Peter’ presenter said this today, before repeating something Sarah Palin said about The Vice Presidency:
“Sarah Palin, in the only, one of the few things she’s ever said that I completely agreed with, and understood and actually made me laugh, was when…”
Yes, Bacon (10 mins in) was not expressing his personal views once again. Incredibly subtle how he switches from “the only” to “one of the few” when he realises his error – now it’s not biased ya’see. Plenty more bias followed as his guest was Armando Iannucci (again).
BBC care to explain why they have lots of articles about Armistice Day etc but I can’t find ANY mention of the Islamic nutters who BURNT A POPPY and deliberately shouted during the silnece this morning?
I looked for this as well. Censorship I presume. Lots of space to the Yasmin non story though.
You could safely predict the BBC line on anything nowadays.
I am increasingly convinced there are some Muslim editors in there who persuade everyone to spike anything they feel is unfavourable, and over-play any story that plays to the “We is victims” line.
Either that – or non-Muslim editors cpompletely lack spine and news judgment.
10 o’clock news,no updates about the 50 rounded up by police or that some may be arrested for attempted murder. Just a long critique of the failures of the police and the lack of preparation for potential violence. THEN an interview with a barely articulate ‘anarchist’, and back to the studio for Huw to sum up by saying the police will be asking themselves what went wrong, as there are ‘likely to be more demonstrations and protests as the cuts continue’. I call that sort of statement mere supposition that has no place on a news report, not only that it is teetering dangerously on the brink of incitement to similar violence.
Any bets there will be no effort to see that this money doesn’t disappear down the Hamas rabbit hole? Every time I see a BBC (or any other kind of) report about how horrible things are in Gaza and how there is still no development, I remember the vast amounts of cash poured down that sewer and wonder where it’s all gone – right under the nose of the UN, of course.-
Dame Nikki Campbell spouting the usual crap on the phone in over Twittergate and the awful Yasmin Alibi Brown.
What NONE of the media have asked is the following.
Alibi Brown stated on Sky yesterday that she often gets threats from extremist Muslims, so that begs an obvious question, why has she never reported any of those to the Police? If she had she’d have made sure we knew about it.
Anyone else think if this had not been a Tory she’d have said nothing?
And what about my made Abdul Barri Twatman and his dancing in Traflagar square if Israel gets nuked? He’s never off the BBC.
Did anyone hear the show which Gareth heard and made his tweet? Apparently she’d actually attacked those criticising stoning so the tweet taken in context isn’t quite as bad as she and the tawts at BBC makes out (it wasn’t anyway but this just makes her even more wrong)
BBC-NUJ branch finally realises its own ineffectiveness and unpopularity:
“Further BBC strike action averted as fresh peace talks agreed” (Guardian) –
“In an email to staff this evening, BBC director-general Mark Thompson stressed: ‘The BBC has not changed its pension reform package in any way.’
“There have been signs of tension within the NUJ over plans for further strike action, with some members fearing industrial action over Christmas would alienate the public while failing to win concessions from management.”
A Tory MP got suspended from the Party for making a non-serious remark, but none of these Labour MPs will be suspended for celebrating actual physical violence and attempted manslaughter.
David, I agree with your point but the Tory was not even an MP, he was just a local councillor. Anyone who has been involved in local politics in the UK will tell you that you could pretty much come up with a lurid story about what a local councillor somewhere of any party has got up to on any day of the week. An amazing amount of fuss about nothing.
Borrowed from the Guido Fawkes blog, NUS thugs reject BBC spin.
Writing in a “Coalition of the Resistance” letter Mark Bergfeld, (NUS NEC), Vicki Baars (NUS LGBT Officer) and Sean Rillo Raczka (NUS NEC Mature Students’ Rep) said: ‘During the demonstration over 5,000 students showed their determination to defend the future of education by occupying the Tory party HQ and its courtyards for several hours. The mood was good-spirited, with chants, singing and flares. We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, “extremist” or unrepresentative of our movement… We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest.’We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, “extremist” or unrepresentative of our movement… We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest.’
BBC Sussex music person, Simon Price, (eventually) directs mindless thugs in the direction of his own favourite bogeyman. Simon wonders if will be in trouble. Now I’m sure Simon was just having a Cromptonian moment, but some people just don’t see the joke in mindless violence.
Over to you, Helen.x
PS. Soixante huitard, Simon. Your’re a lefty – just a guess.
Oh my goodness, TODAY, hosted by Humphrys and Naughtie, led (and finished) the papers with the Telegraph; Mail and the Sun! Albeit the Telegraph story could be construed as a negative to the Government (concerning lack of resources due to targets for A&E – would they have led with the Telegraph on this under Brown?) and the Sun story could be construed as anti-waterboarding (anti-Bush?)
sorry, h-p, I don’t think that really counts. It is the BBC FINALLY seizing on stories from the right-wing press that fit the BBC groupthink.
In particular – did they use use the huge Express headline “Muslim fanatics burn poppy” ? Or the Star headline and picture “Muslim thugs burn poppies” ? The one story, apart from the Harry Potter girl, that got big coverage right across the UK press this morning.
Yes the BBC have just erased the Poppy burning story and replaced it with the Yasmin Alibi Brown crap.
Some poor sod is probably going to get his collar felt as well as a knob end on Radio 5 objected to someone texting in and saying he should be shot. Oh dear.
Has the BBC ever once highlighted or pursued the `hate crime’ aspect to all the protestors/playwrights/luvvies it’s given a platform to over the years to wish death on Lady Thatcher, George Bush and others ?
Or all the violent protests the BBC likes to present in a sympathetic light (fvckwitted `students’ lobbing fire extinguishers off the roof of a building the latest example) ?
Now that the US President is publicly smacking down the Chinese for manipulating the market and keeping the yuan artificially low (which I’ve been saying for years), why are none of the astute BBC analysts criticizing Him for not dealing with this last year? It seems like the only criticisms the BBC is allowing through are about how the international “unity” during the initial wave of the financial crisis is “evaporating”.
No actual criticism of China at the BBC at all. Instead, both Flanders and Peston are lauding – again – China’s wonderful, thriving economy and how their purchasing power will be great for British business, and how China really is going to transition into an honest market economy. No mention of the looming real estate bubble, no mention of the massive amount of corruption in the countryside (where so much of that internal spending is going), no mention of the billions pissed away every year by Chinese government officials in the casinos of Macau.
Nope, to hear the BBC tell it, China is brilliant, and they’re going to save us all.
Katie Connolly is keeping up with all her JournOLista pals. She retweeted something from Adam Serwer of American Prospect just a couple of hours ago. 3 hours earlier she re-tweeted something by Laura Rozen of Politico/Mother Jones. Yesterday she re-tweeted something via Ezra Klein. Also yesterday she paged Lisa Lerer of Politico and praised a ‘great piece’ by Michael Scherer of Time. That’s five JournOListas in just two days!
Search Biased BBC
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Check out this article about East-West domination:
Not too bad really, it’s a point of view, but the picture of George Bush has been changed. This morning it was a picture of him looking stupid after the incident where he accidentally tried to leave through a door that wouldn’t open. Even the new one has been picked to be unflattering.
“His crusade started over ten years ago whilst serving a 25 year sentence for killing his landlady. Hirst was convicted for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility in 1980.
Whilst in prison, he made the decision to “reform”. Hirst, who spent much of his childhood growing up in care and had floated from one crime to another, started transforming himself into an unlikely human rights campaigner”
No mention here that John Hirst has not shown the slightest bit of remorse (“Remorse is a middle-class thing”) for killing his 63 year old landlady. Far from actually reforming it looks to me like his stand for ‘human rights’ are more about sticking two fingers up at the establishment, giving scum rights and inflating his diseased ego, which by the looks of it was the cause of him killing a little old lady in the first place (“It was like swatting a fly that’s buzzing around you”).
Oh an BTW Hirst was not sentenced for 25 years for killing his landlady, he recieved only 15 years for the original crime and an extra 10 years for “the authorities say, of violent offences he committed while he was a prisoner”.
I can’t believe I am going to do this but I am going to defend the BBC here, and more ludicrously I am going to suggest Andrew Neil did a good job for once.
I thought on the Daily Politics show Mr Hirst was taken to task accordingly and ended up showing his true colours :-
Just a shame the writer of the web piece didn’t approach things in the same way.
Newsnight has ugly hag on who was trouble maker today. Why didn’t Paxman stop her spouting on about “free education?” There is no such thing as free education, it has to be paid for. Why can’t the dozy cow work that out and why can’t Paxman challenge her on it?
Tucked in bed before it is broadcast (only), but this was by chance the young lady they recruited via twitter as she was adding to her CV?
Or, possibly the same one (a bit old to be the kind of student being portrayed as young and oppressed) who just graced the BBC Breakfast News with even the bouffant squirming a bit at the lack of ‘problem’ their invitee had with ‘direct action’.
As to why the BBC and it’s market rate talents can’t…. that is a very long list.
SKY’s Mr. Holmes is currently tearing an identikit professional NUS platitude-trotter to that on the BBC a new one whilst the blonde and the bouffant emote in understanding with a rather thin premise from ‘leaders’ of our brightest and best.
I did my fabulous psychic party trick for my family tonight, 9.55pm, News24.
“Time for a look at tomorrow’s front papers…” said News Bimbo.
“Guardian first.” I said.
“The Guardian says…..” said NB
“Now the Independent.” I said.
“The Independent says….” said NB.
“Quick look at the FT” I predicted.
“A quick look at the Financial Times….” said NB.
“No time for any more now” I said.
“We be looking at the rest later on, now it’s time for the weather…”
It takes a lot to impress a 15-y-old, but I managed it.
Newsnight also spinning more lies. Lord West who was a Liebour defence advisor was attacking the plan to scrap the Ark Royal. The BBC have allowed a blatant lie from Lord west. The Sea Harrier was scrapped by the Liebour Government and only the Sea Harrier can operate as an interceptor aircraft, the Harrier remaining in service has no air defence capability, so how is this supposed to stop Argentine aircraft?
The real castration of the Navy was done by Liebour scrapping the Sea Harrier.
for anyone interested you can hear Richard Bacon make a total tit of himself with Andrew Rawnsley today. Go about an hour and 5 minutes in.
Bacon lets his displeasure of Rawnsley show for highlighting the fact the one eyed mong was a violent twat.
On the whole though a huge change in tone to Bacon’s pre-election mode. I heard his ‘interview’ with Lance Price. He was like dog with a bone. He must have asked 4 or 5 times the same question as to ‘why are you damaging Labour’s re-election prospects? It must have been 3 quarters of the interview banging on in this partisan mode. Unfortunately, I predict with a great degree of certainty, that come the next election he’ll still be beating Labour’s drum with impunity.
‘It’s a stressful job, the way you described him shoving a guy against the wall on his way to a Downing Street reception, part of me thought, “So what. He’s in a hurry, he’s in a stressful job, is that really that bad?”
Well folks, there’s the bar.
Funnily enough part of me thought (and still thinks) If you’re in a hurry, you’ve got a stressful job, you’re perhaps on the way somewhere, and you see Boooooooom Bacon across the road, look right, left, and right again, cross over and kick him in the nads.
Sorry when I said, ‘… kick him in the nads’, ‘I should have said, ‘…shove him against the wall’.
My bad, I’ve been brutalised by the UAF 1st Battalion of Fire Extinguisher Throwers.
I did not ‘call’ for the kicking of the nads of anybody. I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Boooom Bacon saying on Radio 5 Live yesterday that no politician had the right to biff his fellow politicians, even if they were Labour politicians. I apologise for any offence caused. It was wholly unintentional.
…playing the Gareth Compton Get Out Of Jail Free card.
While BBC-NUJ-Labour is politically sympathetic to Labour liar, ex-Minister WOOLAS, the ‘Daily Mail’ which like most British people is not part of the Labour political axis, has this:
“Mutinous Labour MPs close ranks behind disgraced Woolas”
Read more:
It’s funny how you think stopping these Jewish construction projects will bring peace. I mean it’s really, really funny. Which other concessions by the Israelis have brought even a drop in violence? Withdrawing from Gaza was supposed to bring peace too.
Van Rompuy has been listening to BBC-EU:
“Nation states are dead: EU chief says the belief that countries can stand alone is a ‘lie and an illusion'”
Read more:
The multi-coloured brain skewers the bBC very nicely here – Autonomous Mind.
…and again!
Oh looks like one of ther Millbank mongs got home to his China sweatshop slave Labour Apple computer and managed to bang out a few words before hitting the bar.
Not bias, just bone-headedness.
On the World Have Your Say programme a couple of nights ago, the presenter Nuala McGovern thought that Geoge W Bush ran against John McCain.
And then her excuses make it worse.
Listen at 43-44 min on the playback:
As she says, there were alot of Johns.
On her info page she says:
“I am a political news-junkie and loved managing the election coverage at the local and national level including debates and primaries.”
Oh dear.
Al-beeb surpassed itself in bias at 4am with a story on the World Service about Israel’s blockade of Gaza. They quoted the UN saying that there is hardship etc. Only at the very end did they manage to say, oh yes, and by the way Israel won’t lift the restrictions because the place is ruled by Hamas, a group that is designated a TERRORIST entity by the US and the EU.
Bring on the Balen report!
The pre-handover trail at 11.30am between Ken ‘struggling to get by’ Bruce and Jeremy ‘Don’t know how we’ll manage’ Vine was well worth it. Hope Mr. Bruce’s show is captured on iPlayer as it’s 2 minutes well worth a listen.
I sensed Ken was a little worried at times at Citizen Vine’s ranting, but a lot was covered, including how ‘we’ might bail out the Irish for what ‘we’ did to them.
But mainly was the agreement that it was nice that students were getting ‘re-engaged’ again with ‘right-wing’ governments, as they did back in Maggie’s day. There was peace and light in the period from then to now, with a blip during Tone’s reign, but that was OK as it was about the war, and/or Tone was right-wing. Apparently.
So let me get this straight.On national radio, which I have to co-fund on pain of fine or jail no matter what, a multi-hundred thousand media parasite whose mind has never left the student uni (with a littel blind spot on his obscene pay, perks and pension), chirps that when things are total pants during Labour years you just suck it up and pay, but when it’s a Conservative/coalition and you don’t like what is going on, then, well, it’s time to fire up the twitter feed and get the kids to the barricades to lob a few fire extinguishers around until you get your way.
And many, who might not share this notion, have to pay for this numptie and his rabble-rousing????
Unique. And totally FUBAR.
Here you go…
Exactly 2 hrs in. For about 5 mins 40 secs. You get the bonus of ‘Paint it Black’ at the end.
Apparently the BBC knew all about what to expect on account of the texts they were getting requesting a shout out.
Oh, and Jezza, while I am unsure on the market for potters, one doubts too many qualified nuclear physicists are on the dole if they are any good, so… nice analogy, market rate talent!
Much explained; little excused. Unique.
Whilst watching Newsnight I nearly wet myself when they introduced a student to justify the violence and criminal damage that was done earlier that day and it turned out that she was 37 years old! Most people grow out of their ‘anarchist’ phase by the age of about 22.
I do find it rather ironic though that it was Tory HQ that was attacked by braindead morons carrying ‘Socialist Worker Party’ flags and plackards, when Cameron is a signed up supporter of the violent terrorist wing of the SWP – the UAF.
Despite numerous calls for him to distance himself from organised political violence you can still find his name on their ‘wall of shame’ here:
Yes al-beeb seem to have turned over their airwaves to this pretendy leftie and all round vile woman – Claire Solomon.
Clearly not worried about a future employer seeing her because she doesn’t intend to have one. A lifetime sucking on the public teat beckons. I say ‘beckons’ – paid sabbatical – she’s there already.
Go the whole hog al-beeb, make her Director-General
You can just picture the scene that morning before Daddy gave them a lift from Cambridge to London:
“I say Tarquin, remind me what we’re whinging about today? I couldn’t quite recall so I brought along my anti-Israel plackard, my anti-BNP plackard, my anti-EDL plackard, my anti-Tory plackard, my anti-Lib Dem plackard, my anti-America plackard, my anti- home-coming troops plackard, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps Daddy also stuped up for her trip to Greece in the Summer, from where she files a glowing report of the local demo scene for the Marxist website Counterfire. This, remember, was shortly after three people had been burned to death in an Athens bank by demoistas.
A responsible broadcaster would not give her the time of day. We should be grateful, at least, that Paul Mason once gave her and Counterfire the brush off..sort of.
# @paulmasonnews Hey Paul, it’s clare from Soas. Fancy writing something for Counterfire on the Gaughin exhibition? C 7:33 AM Oct 27th via TwitBird in reply to paulmasonnews
@solomonsmfield Can’t write for counterfire but I might just blog about it and you can copy and link? 11:15 AM Oct 27th via web in reply to solomonsmfield
Nice catch ! Beeboidal.
I suggest everyone completes this survey – its not very long.
I did and I added some “comments” too.
Well found, I did the same.
I notice that in this report of the Armistice Day commemorations, there was no mention of this little counter-demonstration. Not that I support giving publicity to this scum but, you know, it is news and that’s what the BBC is paid £800 million a year to report.
Yes;. and double standards INBBC has NOT got this on its West Midlands page:
“Arrest over website that encouraged Muslim to attack MPs”
-But INBBC does have this there:
“Tory councillor arrested over Twitter stoning post”
It’s quite a silly thing to say publicly in these neo-totalitarian days but as always the first thing the BBC tell you, when the story is negative, is his party – “Tory councillor…” We all know they would do the same if it had have been a labour politician don’t we! When forced to mention negative stories about labour MPs up to no good they are just named or called MPs. You normally have to dig deep before you find which party they are from.
Still it’s amazing that this was considered more important than the arrest of a hate-monger whose disciple tried to murder an MP.
Firstly I’m not surprised that Radio 5 didn’t do a phone in on the scum thug riots of yesterday, theBBC fully supported the riots.
Then Dame Nikki and the BBC mongs decide to do a phone in on another evil Tory policy of making the useless and the works shy get a job. How terrible, Dame Nikki allowed caller after caller to lie, if you take a job you won’t be worse off IDS has already addressed that issue (not that Dame Nikki seemed bothered), then the lie that this will impact on disabled people, again IDS has pointed out that this scheme does not apply to those on incapacity benefit.
One mong rang in who said he used to be a railway manager on 30k+ a year and that after being made redundant he can’t find a job on the same money. Well of course not, what Dame Nikki allowed time and time again was this myth that somehow benefits are an entitlement for life.
Everyone knows that if you change jobs you might take a hit in pay, but if you work hard you will often get the chance of promotion as most jobs are advertised interally within companies not in the papers or job centres.
Also, once back in work, you are more likely to be offered work by an employer because you are working than if you sit around at home watching Jeremy Kyle and drink strong lager all day.
It’s quite obvious the BBC are rabble rousing on every Tory policy now trying to stir it up.
Full body scans at airports is now coming to all airports.
Read more here
Brought to you by the blessings of who we are not allowed to mention.
Let’s see if I understand what I just witnessed a Beeboid approving on the News Channel: Any job “forced” on someone on eternal benefits must accomodate their “home situation”, i.e. child care needs? In other words, people who live in the real world and get jobs must deal with things like child care on their own, pay for it out of their own pocket or juggle shifts or, if they’re very fortunate, work out a schedule with boos and/or the spouse….sorry…partner….all while working extra hard and sacrificing sleep and personal time in order to keep the job and maintain a family, but those on benefits deserve special accomodation or they don’t have to work?
D’you…I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I just can’t seem to find ANY reporting of this story on the BBC New Website:
I wonder why? *DONT_KNOW*
There was a brief mention on the News Channel this morning.
Apologies if this has already been noted, but the only reference I could find to the poppy torching on the Beeb was this:
Given the facts, the headline is surely a twist and a half, even by the standards with which this site is familiar ..
The agenda to express sympathy for the violent students’ cause by the BBC is still going strong, I see. Every single time a Beeboid talks to a politician about the violence, they are asked if they can appreciate the anger behind the violence. Utter nonsense, and biased in favor of the policies of the Left.
“Don’t you understand that being angry at the LibDems for reneging on their promise to end tuition fees is the reason why these people vandalized the Tory HQ….er….”
The BBC’s deft light touch on this riot is because they are on new ground like being left with the nutter at a party that your too scared to turn your back on or the school kids at the brothel!, numb and excited not knowing which way to turn —–?! Martin can fill in the rest 😉 .
Notice how the BBC get TORY into the headline over the Twitter nonsense with the vile Alibi Brown
The BBC are making a big fuss over this story, compare that to how Woolas got off lightly on the BBC.
How come he gets arrested yet Muslims who hold up posters calling for westerners to be beheaded are given protection by the gutless plods?
“Muslims against Crusaders – Armistice Day treason.”
They are here to uphold standards!
Both of them.
Now some far-Left activist – John Wadsworth – who is even older than I am is on the News Channel totally condoning the violence by saying that “it’s a small price to pay” compared to the “violence the Coalition is doing” against the country with their savage cuts.
He said “direct action” is great, the country needs it, and hopefully yesterday’s violence will be “a wake up call” to the rest of the country about what the nasty old Government is doing.
Sophie bottle-blonde didn’t go beyoned the scripted basic challenge of “do you condone the violence”. He did condone it, but she didn’t quite realize it.
The violence comes from the Left, and the BBC is right there to give it a voice.
I think she is one of the earlier, Cherry 2000 models.
According to a female beeboid on “Drive”. A tiny minority went “a little over the top”.
“Thousands of students storm Tory HQ in protest at tuition fees rise”
“One policewoman with a bloody wound to her head was led away from the side of the building by two colleagues. A stick was thrown at her as she went.”
Around ten masked protesters made it to the top of Millbank Tower and unfurled a red banner as the thousands of students below cheered.
They included students from Goldsmiths College London who made it on to the roof and unfurled a banner saying ‘Goldsmiths says no to cuts’.
“One student, who was watching the violence, said: “Police are being hit with all the things students are throwing at them. They are hitting the windows and trying to smash them.”
The BBC’s own coverage proves that it was more than a “tiny minority”. Some of the violence was encouraged from the top, as we learned from the President of the University of London Student Union, and one other person introduced as one of the student leaders (can’t remember the name now, but I commented on it here at the time).
Whoever threw the fire extinguisher off the roof should be hit with attempted murder, and anyone with him arrested as accomplices.
Have a look at this idiot (Chris Hopes) – he works for the Telegraph but must be after a job at the BBC.
These are the people who are excusing the anti-democratic scum who think that if the public do not vote their way they will take to the streets and cause mayhem. Chris Hopes and his ilk are part of the problem. No doubt he is now in some student bar discussing tactics.
Interesting first comment noting something that seems to have escaped the journalistic talents of the paper.
Good catch. I’m curious as to why the Arabic Service Beeboid was fired. And was one of those Latin America Beeboids given a written warning our friend in Brazil, Lucas Mendes?
Sort of ironic that the full force of an inept and corrupt establishment gets thrown at a poor innocent bloke posting a personal bad joke on twitter, when the bad joke that is our national broadcaster gets away with using it to coordinate its next scoop with actual admitted anarchists in full public glare.
And, unique.
That BBC article ignores the background to Mr Compton’s tweet about Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Go instead to the Press Association and you get this:
In a message posted on the site later he apologised, saying: “I did not ‘call’ for the stoning of anybody. I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown saying on Radio 5 Live … that no politician had the right to comment on human rights abuses, even the stoning of women in Iran. I apologise for any offence caused. It was wholly unintentional.”
The BBC version censors this bit, merely saying (coyly):
Ms Alibhai-Brown had appeared on Radio 5 Live’s breakfast show on Wednesday discussing human rights in China.
Afterwards, Mr Compton allegedly tweeted: “Can someone please stone Yasmin Alibhai-Brown to death? I shan’t tell Amnesty if you don’t. It would be a blessing, really.”
He said: “I made an ill-conceived attempt at humour in response to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Radio 5. I [apologise] for any offence caused, it was wholly unintentional.”
Yes Mr Compton shouldn’t have tweeted what he tweeted, but Yasmin Alibhai Brown’s comment that no politician should be allowed to comment on the stoning of women in Iran (if that’s what she said) is pretty offensive too – and the BBC should have told us that this was what provoked Mr Compton’s ill-judged tweet, not some unspecified comments about human rights in China.
As Pounce would say, the BBC and half the story.
Yes she did say that, her view was that the west is evil (funny that as a Pakistani Ugandan she shows no great desire to return to either of her original homelands despite hating everything about Britain) and that no politician has the right to be critical of Muslim torturers (but hacks can).
She’s Indian Ugandan, I believe.
I’ve just thrown up, the vile Alibi Brown is on moaning away about Twitter, she’s just brought Jeremy clarkson into the debate as well. Why? He’s said eff all you silly hag.
But what about THIS REAL SCUM?
I don’t see the cowardly plods arresting this scum, why not?
I think the Americans call this demand to have the Tory arrested “lawfare” It was obviously a joke but did not the Ayotollah Khomenei once say that humour was un Islamic?
Yasmin is following in a fine tradition.
I wish she could bring herself to like her adopted country. She would be a much more contented person.
Just caught Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the News Channel studio talking about how horrible Twitter has become because some idiot Conservative Councillor said something about her and got arrested for it.
She said that a member of the public alerted the police to the offensive tweet which apparently called for her to be stoned to death. So, here’s a new challenge for those who keep an eye on the Twitter from dopey Beeboids:
Catch one of those dopey Beeboids who make personal attacks on Twitter and get them arrested. Like the one who wanted to punch Toby Young.
The BBC Radio Times states that this Channel 4 programme is biased. Would that be because it suggests that McDoom has spent & borrowed too much?
Britain’s Trillion Pound Horror Story<!– END titleInfo –>
Thursday 11 November
9:00pm – 10:30pm
Channel 4
Controversial film-maker Martin Durkin presents a polemical analysis of the current state of the nation’s finances and offers remedies that some believe will lift the UK out of its crippling debt. Reducing the role of the state and the introduction of “flat taxes” are among the ideas that emerge from his discussions with academics, enterpreneurs and four former Chancellors of the Exchequer.
Watched it.
It is only a polemic because the BBC wouldn’t dream of airing anything serious which doesn’t embrace socialism.
And as this programme is so far out of the BBC’s depth of understanding the only thing Robert Peston will have made sense of will have been the commercial breaks.
Biased ? Controversial film-maker ? – No ! not at all.
Now if the BBC were to address the causes of our financial indebtedness from their standpoint, then I guarantee that you really would have a polemical analysis.
More lies from the BBC. “The public is split on the new benefits reform” states Welsh windbag Huw Edwards
The impression is that ‘split’ means 50/50, um no Huw it means MOST people support the reforms.
Funny the mongs at the BBC didn’t mention the latest opinion poll that puts the Tories well ahead of Liebour, I wonder why?
Exactly, and it got worse Martin! Carole Walker then went on to talk of “a whole range of different and somewhat unpopular measures – not just the tuition fees, the benefit cutbacks that you’ve been hearing about, and the cutbacks to other public services.”
ITV News at 6.30 mentioned the latest developments in the lying Phil Woolas story. The BBC 6.00 News…didn’t.
ITV News also made the riots one of the main stories not like the BBC which is trying to kill the story now.
Yes channel 4 News say “More than half of the British public support the Coalition’s planned changes to the benefit system” (ie 58% in their YouGov poll). Their news bulletin also included brief coverage of the Islamonuts “British soldiers burn in hell” 2 minute hate – without undermining the effect by mentioning the EDL counter demo.
No one supports the Tories cuts. Where have you been. A BBC reporter was in Halifax today.
“Did you find anyone who supported the benefit changes” said Peter Allen.
“To be honest everyone was against it.” replied the intrepid BBC reporter.
He should have asked some Labour MPs.
“The former Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell said he had suggested a similar scheme to Gordon Brown, but was turned down, contributing to his resignation from the Cabinet”
The BBC just don’t live in the same world. They really should talk to some people who work for a living for their views.
‘The impression is that ‘split’ means 50/50,’
Currently treasuring a BBC complaints elf email going to quite some lengths justifying the BBC deploying the 50:50 ‘split’ inference (when it suits) even when the actual ratio in the story (Graun ‘No pressure’ coverage) was more like 100:1 against.
Or, now that inappropriate tweets are in the news, how about the Beeb revisiting the ‘scum sucking pig’, David Wright MP. Tumbleweed is blowing through his Twitter account, brushing by his empty promise as it rolls.
I expect tonight’s QT audience will be stuffed with lefty students, the riots will all be the fault of the Met police, Teresa May will be interrupted by David Dimbleby whenever she makes a valid point and lefty scum and I expect that the question over the wrongs of bearded Islamic pigs being allowed to protest at the Armistice Day commemorations will not get asked.
The ‘Clare Solomon Appreciation Society’, or BBC for short, is a joke:
1. A day in the life of Clare Solomon
Midday-Afternoon: Marching, Violence, Rioting, Criminal Damage etc
Evening: Interview with BBC News Channel
Later: BBC Newsnight
Morning after: BBC Breakfast
Then: BBC Radio 5Live with Phil Williams
Finally: BBC Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine.
From zero to BBC-Hero in 24 hours. I bet even Billy Bragg and St Vince had to wait longer than that.
2. Dame Nicky seems to have upset some of his Twitter followers by breaking a two minute ‘Twitter-silence’ at 11:00am today.
“It was an honest mistake”, and all that; but it confirms my suspicions that they really are on another planet. Time to stop paying for them to learn how to use these sites and simply ban them at the BBC, methinks.
3. See if you can guess which disgraced former ‘Blue Peter’ presenter said this today, before repeating something Sarah Palin said about The Vice Presidency:
“Sarah Palin, in the only, one of the few things she’s ever said that I completely agreed with, and understood and actually made me laugh, was when…”
Yes, Bacon (10 mins in) was not expressing his personal views once again. Incredibly subtle how he switches from “the only” to “one of the few” when he realises his error – now it’s not biased ya’see. Plenty more bias followed as his guest was Armando Iannucci (again).
BBC care to explain why they have lots of articles about Armistice Day etc but I can’t find ANY mention of the Islamic nutters who BURNT A POPPY and deliberately shouted during the silnece this morning?
I looked for this as well. Censorship I presume. Lots of space to the Yasmin non story though.
You could safely predict the BBC line on anything nowadays.
I am increasingly convinced there are some Muslim editors in there who persuade everyone to spike anything they feel is unfavourable, and over-play any story that plays to the “We is victims” line.
Either that – or non-Muslim editors cpompletely lack spine and news judgment.
Yes; this is getting more and more politically blatant.
Apologies for duplication (but this is a long thread!) – here is a BBC reference to the poppy burning, with a shockingly skewed headline:
channel 4 prog on the uk debt gets 10 out of 10,why isn’t the BBC telling us this,I Know daft question
Dave, please see my reply to Will.
Thanks !
Newsnight with Rat face, only the BBC could round up the biggest bunch of unemployed wasters as a ‘representative’ sample of the working class.
Trasha on This Week, more crying over the fat useless bone idle
10 o’clock news,no updates about the 50 rounded up by police or that some may be arrested for attempted murder. Just a long critique of the failures of the police and the lack of preparation for potential violence. THEN an interview with a barely articulate ‘anarchist’, and back to the studio for Huw to sum up by saying the police will be asking themselves what went wrong, as there are ‘likely to be more demonstrations and protests as the cuts continue’. I call that sort of statement mere supposition that has no place on a news report, not only that it is teetering dangerously on the brink of incitement to similar violence.
I would add BBC-Brussels and George Soros’ subsidised media to organisations which oppose nation states and campaign for supra-national government:
“Why is it only Eurosceptics who are called ‘swivel-eyed’?”D.Hannan.
US to transfer extra $150m aid to Palestinians
Eight paragraphs – four of them deal not with money going to PA but with criticism of Israeli settlement (boilerplate). Always on message.
Is Israel being punished? You build so we give money to your enemies? If you don’t build, we won’t give money? It’s not clear.
Any bets there will be no effort to see that this money doesn’t disappear down the Hamas rabbit hole? Every time I see a BBC (or any other kind of) report about how horrible things are in Gaza and how there is still no development, I remember the vast amounts of cash poured down that sewer and wonder where it’s all gone – right under the nose of the UN, of course.-
Dame Nikki Campbell spouting the usual crap on the phone in over Twittergate and the awful Yasmin Alibi Brown.
What NONE of the media have asked is the following.
Alibi Brown stated on Sky yesterday that she often gets threats from extremist Muslims, so that begs an obvious question, why has she never reported any of those to the Police? If she had she’d have made sure we knew about it.
Anyone else think if this had not been a Tory she’d have said nothing?
And what about my made Abdul Barri Twatman and his dancing in Traflagar square if Israel gets nuked? He’s never off the BBC.
“The medium is the message: free the Twitter Two!”
Did anyone hear the show which Gareth heard and made his tweet? Apparently she’d actually attacked those criticising stoning so the tweet taken in context isn’t quite as bad as she and the tawts at BBC makes out (it wasn’t anyway but this just makes her even more wrong)
If you read that article it makes me want to stone Alibhai-Brown too!
BBC-NUJ branch finally realises its own ineffectiveness and unpopularity:
“Further BBC strike action averted as fresh peace talks agreed” (Guardian) –
“In an email to staff this evening, BBC director-general Mark Thompson stressed: ‘The BBC has not changed its pension reform package in any way.’
“There have been signs of tension within the NUJ over plans for further strike action, with some members fearing industrial action over Christmas would alienate the public while failing to win concessions from management.”
Damn, I was so looking forward to a BBC-free christmas.
‘Daily Mail’ has this:
“Labour MPs cheered on student vandals on Twitter as they smashed up Tory headquarters”
Read more:
But BBC-NUJ-Labour censors, of course, in its ‘report’, all references to Labour MPs cheering on student invaders of Tory HQ.
BBC-NUJ ‘report’:
“Student protests: Downing Street condemns lecturers”
A Tory MP got suspended from the Party for making a non-serious remark, but none of these Labour MPs will be suspended for celebrating actual physical violence and attempted manslaughter.
David, I agree with your point but the Tory was not even an MP, he was just a local councillor. Anyone who has been involved in local politics in the UK will tell you that you could pretty much come up with a lurid story about what a local councillor somewhere of any party has got up to on any day of the week. An amazing amount of fuss about nothing.
Oops, your’re right, I forgot in my haste. That only strengthens my point, of course.
Borrowed from the Guido Fawkes blog, NUS thugs reject BBC spin.
Writing in a “Coalition of the Resistance” letter Mark Bergfeld, (NUS NEC), Vicki Baars (NUS LGBT Officer) and Sean Rillo Raczka (NUS NEC Mature Students’ Rep) said:
‘During the demonstration over 5,000 students showed their determination to defend the future of education by occupying the Tory party HQ and its courtyards for several hours. The mood was good-spirited, with chants, singing and flares. We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, “extremist” or unrepresentative of our movement… We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest.’We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, “extremist” or unrepresentative of our movement… We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest.’
Thing is… will Helen be happy?
BBC Sussex music person, Simon Price, (eventually) directs mindless thugs in the direction of his own favourite bogeyman. Simon wonders if will be in trouble. Now I’m sure Simon was just having a Cromptonian moment, but some people just don’t see the joke in mindless violence.
Over to you, Helen.x
PS. Soixante huitard, Simon. Your’re a lefty – just a guess.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
– UK Hamas supporters = ‘British aid workers’!
1.) ‘Arutz Sheva’:
“Flotilla Delayed as Ship’s Captain Heads to Greece, not Gaza ”
2.) INBBC:
“Greek commandos ‘holding seized workers at gunpoint'”
Oh my goodness, TODAY, hosted by Humphrys and Naughtie, led (and finished) the papers with the Telegraph; Mail and the Sun! Albeit the Telegraph story could be construed as a negative to the Government (concerning lack of resources due to targets for A&E – would they have led with the Telegraph on this under Brown?) and the Sun story could be construed as anti-waterboarding (anti-Bush?)
sorry, h-p, I don’t think that really counts. It is the BBC FINALLY seizing on stories from the right-wing press that fit the BBC groupthink.
In particular – did they use use the huge Express headline “Muslim fanatics burn poppy” ? Or the Star headline and picture “Muslim thugs burn poppies” ? The one story, apart from the Harry Potter girl, that got big coverage right across the UK press this morning.
Yes the BBC have just erased the Poppy burning story and replaced it with the Yasmin Alibi Brown crap.
Some poor sod is probably going to get his collar felt as well as a knob end on Radio 5 objected to someone texting in and saying he should be shot. Oh dear.
I am Spartacus.
“Jihad of the poppy”
(Melanie Phillips)
Burning Poppies to Celebrate the English Caliphate
Has the BBC ever once highlighted or pursued the `hate crime’ aspect to all the protestors/playwrights/luvvies it’s given a platform to over the years to wish death on Lady Thatcher, George Bush and others ?
Or all the violent protests the BBC likes to present in a sympathetic light (fvckwitted `students’ lobbing fire extinguishers off the roof of a building the latest example) ?
Now that the US President is publicly smacking down the Chinese for manipulating the market and keeping the yuan artificially low (which I’ve been saying for years), why are none of the astute BBC analysts criticizing Him for not dealing with this last year? It seems like the only criticisms the BBC is allowing through are about how the international “unity” during the initial wave of the financial crisis is “evaporating”.
No actual criticism of China at the BBC at all. Instead, both Flanders and Peston are lauding – again – China’s wonderful, thriving economy and how their purchasing power will be great for British business, and how China really is going to transition into an honest market economy. No mention of the looming real estate bubble, no mention of the massive amount of corruption in the countryside (where so much of that internal spending is going), no mention of the billions pissed away every year by Chinese government officials in the casinos of Macau.
Nope, to hear the BBC tell it, China is brilliant, and they’re going to save us all.
It would appear that the BBC has apponted itself spokesman for the “Twitter community”, and apparently the Twitter community is angry.
David P,
Katie Connolly is keeping up with all her JournOLista pals. She retweeted something from Adam Serwer of American Prospect just a couple of hours ago. 3 hours earlier she re-tweeted something by Laura Rozen of Politico/Mother Jones. Yesterday she re-tweeted something via Ezra Klein. Also yesterday she paged Lisa Lerer of Politico and praised a ‘great piece’ by Michael Scherer of Time. That’s five JournOListas in just two days!