How about the BBC leading coverage of the Labour Party conference with the headline “Labour not Communists”? No? How about the BBC leading their coverage of Sinn Fein’s annual conference with the headline “Sinn Fein not terrorists”? No? Well, yesterday, MY party had its annual conference and the BBC headline? “TUV “not vote splitters”. Marvellous. We made speech after speech saying what we ARE, and the BBC pick up on a line saying what we are not. It’s in their genes.
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Yeah, something that to the neutral observer they’d be very sceptical about seeing anything biased in it, but to people well versed in the ways and methods of BBC bias, headlining on a negative is something very suspect at the least.
Does TUV try to win support away from SDLP for the role its party played in legitmising 30 years of PIRA terrorism, given that your party is as unequivocal in its condemnation of Loyalist terrorism as it is Republican? Perhaps a rebranding to focus more on democratic politics than unionism might strengthen your position. How does ‘NIDA’ sound to you? ‘Northern Ireland Democractic Alliance’?
I think the DUP deserves credit for insisting SF/PIRA complied with its commitment in the Belfast Agreement to decommission before it would work with them in accordance to the terms of the Agreement, but the fact they were allowed to so blatantly flout this Agreement and only – apparantly – chose to ‘decommission’ due to the principled stance of the DUP, surely is grounds for changing the terms of the Agreement in favour of democracy?
The SDLP was as strident and vociferous as SF/PIRA in condemning calls for SF/PIRA to decommission before they could share power. No wonder they’ve haemorraghed support to the Republican terrorist party when doing its propaganda work for it. Adams knows very well how to use the psychology of fear and used it well to get John Hume to do his bidding for him.
Would be great to see sincere democrats in both communities coming together to put an end to this democratic travesty. Is this pie in the sky?
“Yeah, something that to the neutral observer they’d be very sceptical about seeing anything biased in it…”
This is precisely the problem and the danger; especially with the online news. The slight and subliminal things that often go “unnoticed”.
David. Why is G Adams talking about running for the Irish parliament? Is it just to take advantage of the heap of trouble south of the border?
A general comment: During that excellent prog on Ch4 about trillion pound horror story. Brendan Barber of the TUC was interviewed. The interviewer asked him searching questions about our economic state, his answers or more correctly the lack of them was illuminating.
I contrast that with the possibility of the bBC doing the same, ok I will go to a dark room and lay down until that unlikely thought passes.
Which BBC-Brussels propaganda are we meant to believe?
Is BBC-Brussels playing a George Soros propaganda role with natiions’ economic future?
“BBC says European Union /IMF Irish bailout a ‘matter of when’”
BBC report:
“Irish resisting bail-out pressure”