Interesting to see how the BBC treats the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. In the prime time slot just after the 8am news on Today, the BBC invited Lady Antonio Fraser and Stephen Haseler on to discuss the event. Haseler sneered at the event in venomous republican style, thus speaking on behalf of the Corporation. Previous reports this morning zeroed in on the likely cost of the wedding in the age of austerity. Tell you what, how about the BBC donates the cost of the wedding of our future King and Queen from it’s lavish £3billion per annum license tax? In this age of austerity….
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I think you’ll find the BBC are extremely keen to show the wedding broadcast. They regard such events as theirs by rights. There may be a knee jerk republicanism amongst the employees but the institution as a whole will loyally fall in line.
Besides the royal family is an institution that has already been captured by the Blair/Cameron consensus. Think of Charles and his Green obsessions. The BBC love the landed gentry when they spout Whole Food/Soil Association/Sustainability crap.
A day later and even Janet Daly is complaining about the “wall-to-wall” BBC coverage – <a href=””>here</a>
The BBC had their noses put out yesterday when ITV’s Tom Bradby got the gig for the interview, I did hear a few beeboids were upset. He of course was the hack who let Prince William know his phone was being tapped.
Also interesting is that the BBC appear to want to debate the idea of Republicanism but not point out the downside, which of course is a corrupt failed politician as President.
President Mandelson?
President Bliar
President Kinnock
The above should be enough to keep the Royal Family alone. But the BBC don’t want to debate that.
Yup, sure enough, the ‘republicans’ get plenty of space here.
Interesting to note, listening to Radio 2 yesterday, that Milliband’s reaction was first on the list to be read out.
[Incidentally,, if you want to hear the most toe-curllingly awful and embarassing interview ever, listen to Richard Allison (standing in for Steve ‘Glottal Stop’ Wright) talking to Tim Vine. If ever proof were needed that BBC DJ’s are at the very bottom of the intellectual scale, here it is. Interview starts at 2 hrs 30 mins in, and the most crass and ignorant interruption in the history of radio is at about 2h 34m 30s in:
Another BBC presenter who thinks they are more interesting than the guest?
Spot on, NotaSheep.
It takes monumental stupidity to render someone like Tim Vine unfunny.
Tim vine does that all the time. Although I agree with the criticism of the DJ.
Haseler not only sneered, he asserted that the engagement/wedding is a conspiracy of the coalition to take our minds off the “cuts”: the self-same plot which saw the Charles/Diana marriage take place under the Thatcher dictatorship. Now I happen to believe that the political class runs the country in a grossly anti-democratic fashion (hence its disdain for Mrs T and all her works) but even Naughtie couldn’t forbear to note that it would be difficult to fool all the people all the time (although he failed to add that the BBC gives this objective its best shot).
That narrative has been played out across the BBC all day. Funny that the “good day to bury bad news” seems to have missed the BBC out.
I remember Nu Liebour and the murder of 3000 people going hand in hand, funny the BBC have forgotten that one now.
INBBC: don’t mention the cost to British taxpayers of Islam:
[Opening extract]:
“ACCORDING to David Cameron ‘a great cheer’ went round the Cabinet table when it was announced that Prince William and Kate Middleton had become engaged. I bet it did because that announcement turned yesterday, in the immortal words of one former Labour spin doctor, into a very good day to bury bad news.
“And the coalition just happened to have a stinker of a policy decision to put before the people, something that it knew would under normal circumstances ignite considerable public outrage.
“It was to pay an estimated £5million in out-of-court settlements to more than a dozen former inmates of Guantanamo Bay who were suing the Government for alleged complicity in their mistreatment.
“Most of these men were not British citizens, were not arrested in Britain and could not even claim to have been mistreated by any British official yet ministers decided they were entitled to a six or even seven figure sum courtesy of the British taxpayer. ”
There is no word or grouping of words I can think of to show my disgust at this. The only money that should be spent on them is getting them out of this country – the one they were plotting to fight against – now. Not one penny should go to these evil psychopaths.
Again what do you expect Cameron to do? Spend hundreds of millions of pounds on a case the Government will lose anyway? Paying human scum like Phil Shiner and Gareth Pierce to drag our security services through the courts? It was already admitted that this case was going to tie up MI5/MI6 for years with preparing evidence and god knows what else.
The BLAME lies with Tony Bliar and Nu Liebour and their leftist mates who allowed these wankers to come here in the first place.
As I’ve pointed out numerous times we should not be taking any prisoners on the battlefield, if you know what I mean.
Paying this scum off isn’t my idea of justice but given the utter mess the last Government made of this it’s all that Cameron can do.
We paid out hundreds of millions in the bloody Sunday case and the Government was still found to have been guilty and Cameron had to give a grovelling apology in the Commons, this avoids all that. People need to get real and stop voting in Socialists in the first place.
At time of war national security should trump all. Invoke that and stop the trial. Is that too difficult?
Perhaps we should open up the betting on how much the BBC will spend on coverage of the wedding?
I bid – £4.217m, the same as it spent on Wimbledon and 277 staff, as were dedicated to Glastonbury.
The figure comes from BBC events spending ‘should be better regulated’
Too much time, and invariably too much money.
And from the point of view of the economy of the country:
It’s “Good for Britain”, apparently, as are lavish expenditure on sports and the Olympics. Between them they’ll help to bankrupt the country (plus, of course, the 18.5 Billion annually for 4 years, [so we can save the climate] of which the public appear to be blissfully unaware). But it’ll be good for Britain – whilst everyone’s head is turned going “oooh”, and “Aahhh” for the happy, sponging couple, the country will be going down the gurgler as those who should know better rob you blind.
I did think they would at least have the decency to wait 24 hours before wheeling out the inevitable republicans to start the slagging off process in order to demonstrate impartiality and balance. They just so out of touch with the people that pay their salaries
The Queen (I don’t mean Mandy) has been a rock of stability for this nation over decades. I’m not a massive fan of the monarchy generally but electing some failed corrupt politician is a million times worse than what we have now.
Just look at Ken Livingturd, all he’s done since being booted out as Mayor is hang around City Hall demanding ‘his job’ back. No Livingturd you lost get over it and move on.
Professional politicians are far worse than most royals (OK except Fergie) who simply don’t know when to say farewell.
Like I say just imagine President Bliar or President Mandelson (although he’d rather be Queen Mandy me thinks)
If we are to get rid of the royals replace them with nothing, the Aussies have rejected getting rid of the queen for that reason, it’s not that they love her, just that they hate their politicians even more.
Tell you what – how about the doting parents pay? Aren’t they supposed to be moving into the real world, and what other family taps the taxpayer – I don’t even mind if they do a deal with Hello to cover their costs, but they should not put it on my tax bill!
Surely they can get the tabloids to pay for the whole thing by charging the usual fees for exclusive access to celebrity weddings.
Can easily afford the royal wedding, just have a whip round amongst Binyam and friends of their ten million quid, I’m sure they will be happy to pay…
I wonder how many will book trips to the UK especialy for the occasion.
I would put money on thousands and thousands.
So her madge and her brood cost us £38,000,000
Wossy cost £6,000,000
Dimblebore himself costs about £2,000,000 plus the cost of all the outside broadcast staff and all their shit that probably costs about
£300,000 per week = £ 15,000,000 per annum
Add Graham Norton at £ 2,000,000
Add glasto at at least £4,000,000
Radios 6 7 and asian £ 2,000,000
Radio 3 £ 1,870,000
1 extra £ 500,000
and of course bbc online £72,000,000
Trim the beeb without any discernable reduction in service and the royals are paid for for a year.
What does asian network contribute to the GDP of UK PLC?
How many tourists flock to buy a mug with graham nortons face on it?
Imagine Dimbleby on a stamp.
What is BBC local radio for? Its just a parasite sucking the life out of small commercial radio.
I know Id rather have a few days of fun in the summer than f=cking radio Newcastle.
Useless over paid arseholes do exist at the top of the britsih establishment but most of them work at broadcasting house.
BTW am in USA at the moment and have been stopped by at least ten people to say congrats on the engagement. Fantastic and exceedingly cheap PR.
The amount of Brand awareness and positivity the brood creats is worth every Penny. My borther company has looked into sponsoring TV shows. Sponsoring x factor costs about a quarter of the cost of her madge and I know which route gives the best bang for your buck.
The grumpy bastards who complain about the cost dont know how lucky we are. Im not too worried about constitutional matters although as has been pointed out she is a stabilising force. I am worried about making our economy work and the windsors have an effect that far outways their cost.
Do you sad bastards know how much advertsing a product can set you back? Huge money. £38,000,000 peanuts
I agree, whilst I doubt many foreigners come here just to see Queenie, it is something on the list of ‘to do’s’ for many visitors.
Who the hell would want to see Queen Mandelson or First lady Cherie Bliar?
The monarchy has its faults, but sort out the thieving scum at Westminster first and then the BBC.
Stephan Haseler was on with Lady Antonia Fraser when that Naughtie described Lady Antonia as having ‘her own view’ of the engagement – could he not imagine that it just might be the same view as the majority of the population.
If we didn’t have the royals surely we would all be worrying about President Margaret’s health.
Strangely that often doesn’t appear a popular idea with the Republican fraternity, for some reason!
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