Everything that the EU does is mired in corruption, illogic and waste. Billions are being spent on recycling and CO2 measures, even thought they have zero beneficial effect and are the bureaucratic symbols of a jackboot centralised dictatorship of poilitical elites. The worst part of it all, of course, is the Common Agricultural Policy, a sharp-practice, mafia-like scam dreamed up by de Gaulle to protect French farmers in the 1950s, and virtually unchanged since (despite cosemtic changes). As a result of it, British farming has been put in a strait jacket of anti-competitive regulation and our agrarian lifeblood has been slowly been squeezed dry. Where once we led the world in innovation and ingenuity, we have been relegated into rape-growing, begging-bowl laggards.
The BBC, of course, does not give a damn. CAP is a major corruption scandal, a major thorn in the side of most British farrmers and a central reason why food prices are kept artifically high by market-rigging. And yet all the BBC does about this scandal is to file a desultory report or two approximately once a year or so when the EU overlords deign to hold “talks” about reform. What the BBC should be doing is ripping into the cant, exposing the lies, and explaining why the whole criminal scam is one of the biggest cons against British consumers every perpetrated. Instead, it meekly recycles a Brussels press release to tell us that “big changes” are on the way.
Don’t hold your breath. And do hang on to your wallets; our Brussels masters probably want a new CO2 tax on farm production – and let’s rein in all those dangerous, farting cows.
OT. A rather succinct post on Guido ( He’s Just been “approached by the Beeboids )
HT Grim Reaper
The BBC is a subversive organisation, populated by proto-Marxists, Islamists and wet Liberals with an anti-British agenda rooted in a Gramsci dominated educational system that hates enterprise, adulthood and rational argument.
The BBC typically interrogates the right but interviews the left.
It comes from the snobbish, arrogant tradition of the Cambridge spies like Burgess, Blunt & Philby. That traditional explains it’s judeophobia, it’s romantic attachment to violent terrorism, it’s Arabism and it’s obsession with 19th century politics.
It has been a dangerous fifth column, publicly funded organisation riddled with guilt and angst following it’s subservience to disarnament in the 1930s and by default it’s support for the Nazi empire. It has been wrong on every political front ever since.
Worse – today it’s overpaid, bloated plutocracy has completely lost touch with the licence payers and it’s middle & lower ranks. The bosses at the BBC have lost control over a sinister & dangerous agenda creeping into editorial, news rooms and programme content. Hence the mess it is in.
And Peter Oborne does pretty well in nailing the stinking BBC for its assault on Thatcher and her prescient opposition to the Euro….
PS Did anyone hear that idiot Nicky Campbell on Crap5 this morning. He sounded like a screaming schoolgirl recruit to AQ…. honestly, just unbelievable. No pretence at all of objectivity. How the xxxx do these people get away with it?!
Thank God that Digby Jones was able to say on Today this morning (in response to a question about that article, I believe) that, actually, we owe not going into the euro to Brown. This is true, but he didn’t go on to say – nor was he asked, the subject changed immediately thereafter – the sole reason Brown kept us out was because Blair wanted in. Had Blair been less of a dildo on the euro, you can be certain that we would now be in the queue in Berlin asking the fair Angela for a hand-out.
Yes, but did you see the way the BBC propagandised his comments in the subsequent news bulletins to suggest that he utterly rejected all of Young’s observations?
Typical sly Beeboid trick.
Farming & fishing are difficult areas for your average beeboid – they love the EU concept, but they are afraid hard -working individuals like farmers must be closet Tories, so they wouldn’t want them to benefit from EU largess.
Then, because the reality of hill and upland marginal farming, as oposed to East Anglian barley barons , isn’t apparent from Muswell Hill, they think all farmers must be rich as well.
With fishing, if friends of the earth say its bad, the concept that small boats launched off a Cornish beach and fishing inshore , might not be as damaging as a bleeding great Spanish factory ship, never troubles the beeboid brain.
The EC in its defence of the corrupt CAP does great damage to the agrarian economies of poor countries. Including Commonwealth countries.
Another reason why the BBC should be exposing CAP as a total fraud.
One would have thought that EU auditors refusing to sign off on EU accounts for the 16th year in succession would be a major source of scandal, but it doesn’t even seem to get a passing reference on the BBC. And this is the institution that they want us to hand over our trust and our sovereignty too?
I’m no economist, but this seems to be an excellent article by Ambrose Pritchard Evans on the present cataclysmic farrago, warning us of the dangerous signs of proto-fascism of the EU:-
Many farmers are Liberals rather than Tories and many farmer workers vote Labour. But when one listens to the BBC one would be forgiven for thinking that the areas outside of our rotting cities where populated by inbred Tory toffs and simpletons. Problem is, despite everything, the Shires tend to vote either Tory or Liberal exactly because they don’t live in the squalid Labour heartlands. They are not oppressed by the dead hand of multi-culturism and the lefts divide and conquer policies.
So, to support their masters, everything the BBC does that involves the countryside has to be negative or run from a leftist point of view (ever watched Country File? An interesting choice of words there – did they mean countryphile I wonder?).
Look at the way they portray people from the countryside as inbred. Yet the area in Britain with the highest level of inbreeding and incest is Feltham, Greater London. Not exactly a country idyll.
British farming is in a constant state of crisis and has been since 1997 and it’s true that the EU is behind most of it. Look at the panic over Mad Cow disease. The experts predicted 20 million dead by 2010 yet so far only 130ish have died – more die of necrotising fasciitis (sp?) the flesh rotting disease – yet I see no attempt to fight that. Then there’s the reaction to an imported case of Foot and Mouth. A whole industry decimated for no apparent reason. Yet what is the BBCs reaction to all this? Aquiesance and betrayal. Even Private Eye smelled a rat with F&M.
Add in the common fisheries policy, our price for entering the EEC, and CAP then you get the idea that maybe the EU wants the UK utterly dependant on mainland Europe for its food. After all we could hardly withdraw from the EU if could not feed our ever expanding population without Europe’s help …
The BBC spinning the climate change crap again over flooding. The truth is 99.9% of the Country doesn’t flood, some parts do flood and have always done so. What has made the flooding appear worse is the amount of house building, concreting over and lack of investment in modern drainage, not some crap about CO2.