What turns my stomach completely about BBC reporting of so-called climate change is that reporters systematically ignore the key issues such as that the rise in fuel prices demanded by eco freaks is causing massive hardship. Meanwhile Richard Black goes on reporting the frenzied but trivial outpourings of the world global warming industry scam – those thousands of “scientists” engaged in alarmist frenzy that are paid by governments, multi-nationals and tranzis to jack up hysteria and pump out lies. Today he is focusing on the fears of the Global Carbon Project that even thought we have had a recession, CO2 emissions have only gone down by “peanuts” (such is the eloquence of these brilliant minds). And as Cancun approaches, he naturally ramps up the solemn GCP prediction on that the “carbon” rise is about to start again (according to the models) condemining us all to certain and imminent blistering, heat exhaustion and, of course, death. Mr Black also blatantly misreports the main point of his story; India and China do not give a stuff about CO2 emissions (which rose by an average of a healthy 7% or so) and are getting on with their main tasks of generating wealth and economic expansion. The horror of Black’s reporting is that he wilfully ignores the elephant in the room: the only way out of poverty is through cheap electricity and power. What the greenies want is the reverse.
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“What the greenies want is the reverse.”
Except for themselves of course. Has anybody calculated the carbon footprint of Mr Black over a year?
I wish it would stamp on him – hard.
The massed ranks of environmental “journalists” have joined in. Louise Gray of the Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/8149642/Global-CO2-expected-to-rise-to-record-levels.html is faithfully reading from the same hymn-book/press release as Richard Black. What a great time they’re going to have in Cancun! Mind you, at least Louise (or will it be Geoffrey Lean – or both?) will be paid for by the Telegraph. The taxpayer will be paying for Richard’s uncritical attendance.
Well, we all know “Catastrophic” Louise is bonkers. She never gets involved with her commenters (like Delingpole and Lord Tebbit) – she just publishes, cuts and runs, leaving an inevitable storm of derison behind on her “blog”. Daft cow.
Although he does seem to prefer the broadcast only method favoured by his stablemates, Richard Black is the only e-journo/ed/analyst/press release transcriber still with the pretence of an interactive blog.
Of course, it does not help that his blog now gets closed for comments sooner, and with few comments logged, than Nick Robinson’s on a bad day when he really has been caught trotting out the Labour Party line a tad too obviously.
Helen… how’s the impartiality review doing? David… any answers, as promised… er… yet?
The “anti-establishment comics” of the eighties should be having a field day with the AGW scam. But alas, they are now the people who govern us. Still if we look hard we can find some comics who question authority.
Speaking of Warmist BS, it seems that one-time BBC darling Al Gore has just admitted that he was wrong to support massive subsidies for ethanol. He realized that the energy conversion ratios are a joke, and now blames the farmers for making him pander to them.
“One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president,” the wire service reported Gore saying.
The BBC used to blindly promote ethanol, despite the lower effiviency and higher price at the pump.
Now that even Al Gore admits it was a bust? BBC: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Chris Huhne, the self-righteous imbecile who occupies the ridiculously-named position of Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, speaking at The Guardian Cleantech Energy Summit today: “We have come to the end of the age of cheap energy.”
And why might that be you monumentally moronic emissions-taxing fuckwit?
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