As several B-BBC readers have pointed out, the BBC has spent countless amounts of our money developing a “carbon footprint calculator” – launched yesterday with the requisite worthy pronouncements about saving the planet – which henceforward all its employeees will have to follow. Not only that, the corporation in its wisdom now plans to foist this smug self-righteousness upon the television industry as a whole. My question is why the hell were the BBC not making such economies of energy use anyway? It’s public money and every penny of usage should be tracked. The need for such measures confirms profligacy, and to cloak them in weasel words and nonsense jargon is simply hypocritical, especially from an organisation that has among the most pampered and well-paid employees in the land.
What’s also terrifying about the footprint nonsense is that it underlines that the BBC is a lead partner in spreading the lies about climate change, and that those lies have infected virtually the whole of industry and the political class. I was at a presentation on Monday at big advertisers Ogilvy and Mather; they have a whole “sustainability” unit that peddles such moonshine among its clients. Yesterday, too, BBC eco alarmist-in-chief Roger Harrabin was busy chairing a conference held by the National Environment Agency (no cuts there, then!) of a whole legion of fellow establishment fanatics, ranging from the Bishop of Liverpool to Caroline Spelman from the government. All of them were intoning with religious fervour that our ways are wicked and that we are damned. If they weren’t gobbling billions of our money in their mad zealotry it would be funny. But it isn’t. It’s beyond parody.
The BBC could reduce their carbon footprint already by cutting the staff they sent to events like the World Cup, Olympics and the Copenhagen Summit. In most cases they could buy the local coverage and comment from the studio in England at an immense carbon saving and cost saving.
Agreed, not just that but the BBC should do what the likes of Fox and Sky do which is use local journalists to report on stories rather than fly endless beeboids around the world business class at our expense.
Robin, can you unearth the quote by Tariq Ali at the time of the Copenhagen conference – something along the lines of ” this represents the last chance to re-distribute the worlds wealth.”
It would be a very handy quote to have on the masthead, as a constant reminder to what really motivates the left in much of the eco wackery which is proposed.
Backwoodsman – how about this one from Christine Stewart, when she was Canada’s Environment Minister?
“No matter if the science is all phony – there are collateral environmental benefits……climate change (provides) the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world”
Straight from the horses mouth:
“(EDENHOFFER): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”
Here is Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer of the IPCC
I’m currently picturing the scene out of my window on this cold cold November day, seeing two inches of snow already, as it continues to belt down.
When I was a kid there was never snow in November, like there has been in these past two years.
The BBC and the Socialist lefts man made “Global warming”, seems to be happening in reverse from where I’m situated.
Ho Hum….
two inches of snow? – that’s weather, you see. not climate.
cold is always ‘weather’, ho’ is always ‘climate’.
play the game, fella 😉
Hot even =-O
Two or three years back the BBC meme was to explain to the Nation, that winter snow was the thing of the past, throughout vast areas of Britain…
So in regards to the BBC, your point on the weather is?
Watched a bizarre Orwellian piece on Newsnight last evening about gangs of men who prey on schoolgirls around the country, highly organised these gangs commit the most serious of acts – child sex abuse, kidnap , rape, violence, threats to kill, according to the Barnados spokesman at least one of these gangs is operating in every single town in the UK. Oddly despite a 10 minute piece and interview not once did Paxo draw attention to the fact that these gangs are made up exclusively of Pakistani and Bangladeshi men, and that the girls they prey on are 100% exclusivlely white girls. What would the BBC be doing if organised gangs of white men were abducting underage Muslim girls in every town in the UK in order to let their families rape them? I wonder, very very odd, the gap between reality and the image the BBC is so desperate to project of the UK grows wider and wider by the day.
In each of the cases reported so far, there have been allegations from multiple young girls. But we know that the prosecution would only proceed with those victims whose evidence is solid, and who are unafraid to support the case. So in each case, after the verdicts, we hear that there were many, many more victims. Many more wrecked lives, distraught families.
Take into account all the cases yet to come to court, and the scum gangs yet to be caught – take it as realistic that there are one or more of these gangs operating in every city – and we could be contemplating a total of THOUSANDS of young white girls being attacked. Yet STILL most of the media refuses to clarify which communities are responsible. Ann Cryer is just about the only person in pub;lic life who has had the decency to identify the source.
To my mind, this ranks as a cowardly cover-up of the enormous scale of abuse, the whole clear pattern of who is committing these crimes – and their race and religion.
The CAGW brigade are certainly revving up for the junket at Cancun. For instance, Louise Gray of the Telegraph channelled no fewer than 4 press releases in one day (23 November) from catastrophist organisations direct to the Telegraph printroom compared with Louise’s usual “output” which doesn’t exceed 2 such releases a week. Indeed so embarrassed has the Telegraph apparently become at Louise’s disappearing credibility, today’s channelled press release (not online funnily enough) has been delivered to the printroom by a “Daily Telegraph Reporter”. Oh dear.
Carbon fucking footprints? Jesus Christ, the world’s gone collectively stark staring mad.
I just watched Nigel Farrage’s performance at the EU on NotaSheep. HE is the knight in shining armour, HE could conceivably be a saviour, HE almost alone, I think, speaks for ALL OF US.
Who wants to be part of the Fourth Reich?
But how do we get out of this Fourth Reich? The masses are either brainwashed or totally apethetic. There is now a deluge of stories coming from blogs such as WUWT, each one should be enough to knock a great big hole in the scam, yet the “project” continues – unbelievable.
You shouldn’t be surprised at Spelman, Robin. Firstly, she appears to be monumentally thick, and secondly, in the past her snout seems to have been buried in the eco-wackery greenery trough up to her neck.
I have cancelled my very small annual standing order to the Tory Pary coffers for two reasons. The leadership’s love of eco-whackery and the EU. Funny enough both loved by the BBC.
But it’s not working for the Conservative Party. The BBC has pulled them and persuaded them to go over to left but it’s still not far enough for the BBC. All they will accept is a dictatorship made up from all “Progressive” parties, such as the Tribunite Labour, Bonkers Greens, the Clegless Libs, and the racist SNP and Plaid Cymru. It doesn’t matter how far left the Conservatives go, the BBC will still propagandise against them.
If the Conservatives went back to their natural Centre-Right position, adopted some Euro-realist policies etc. they may have a chance of being elected again and unless they do I predict Cameron will be the last Conservative Party PM in the UK.
Here is an example of how damn slippery the BBC can get over climate issues :
They seem to fail even the most basic test of trustworthiness and honesty.
Shukman’s in Texas – on the way to Cancun – missing the effects of global warming. BTW it’s zero centigrade in London as I write and to warm us we are informed here that wind is contributing a mighty 1% of aggregate power into the national grid. On BBC1 News at Ten Shukman showed us round the largest windfarm in the world in Sweetwater, TX. He grossly distorted the truth by asserting that it generates the equivalent of 9 power stations. Perhaps someone should tell Shukman that “installed capacity” for wind-farms bears no relationship to the amount of energy which is actually generated, let alone delivered to the consumer. He then interviewed T Boone Pickens, a shrewdie who made billions from oil and – like Gore – is making another fortune from the taxpayer by “investing” in wind power. TBP also claims to believe that the “ice cap” is shrinking and polar bears are in danger of extinction. You see, you can be a complete idiot (or claim to believe in the tooth fairy) and still make money from alternative energy . . as long as the taxpayer keeps coughing up. Then Shukman let a green activist spout her crap for an uninterrupted minute. Shukman then went into mourning as he admitted that Saint Barry won’t be able to do much at cancun because Americans don’t want to know about the busted flush of CAGW.
Charlatanry, bias and crap journalism – all in 5 minutes: but this will be nothing to the torrent of swill which will flow from our screens as the BBC reports from Cancun: I wouldn’t be surprised if the reports have already been written and, moreover, signed off by senior management.
Yes, Cancun looks like being as big a flop as Copenhagen.
Trouble is – we in the UK are already saddled with ridiculous and hugely expensive statutory commitments. And with Secretary of State Chris Huhnatic.