Question Time tonight comes from Maidstone in Kent, once the parliamentary seat of Disraeli, location of the largest paper recycling factory in Europe and birthplace of the bloke who plays “Barry” in Eastenders.
On the panel tonight we have Ken Clarke MP, ex-GMTV sofa-bunny Gloria de Piero MP, Nigel Farage MEP (presumably the token right-winger) “Lord” Ashdown, and someone called Kate Mosse….who has written a novel….about France. Maybe they tried to book the supermodel and it all went horribly wrong.
For those playing the Buzzword Bingo we’ll be using the Insulting Johnny Foreigner Rules, meaning that Godfrey Bloom makes an unexpected entry on tonight’s cards. Bonus points for Führer, Nazis and fascists; and the insult cranks and gadflies is also in play. References to the student riots and tuition fees will only count if the BBC narrative of LibDem betrayal is included. Same sentence only will count, and the adjudicator’s decision is final. Repeated over-use for years means that unfortunately Thatcher and Ashcroft are temporarily off the table.
The LiveBlog will also cover the awful This Week with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and a random socialist windbag – all joined by some deranged F-List wannabe-celebs.
Your dynamic Moderation team of David Vance, TheEye and David Mosque will be prowling the perimeter suspiciously here from 10:30pm.
I’m hoping for a Van Rompuy style Farage Barrage on Clarke, the filthy Euroslime.
de Piero with all due impartiality in her bones (this time ITV) left her job to stand as a Labour Candidate. Is there any TV presenter, from any channel, who is not a Labour or, very occasionally, Liberal supporter.
Just counting up, 3 to the left and 2 to the right (if you count Ken Clark) with Kate Mosse whose politics seem to be unknown, but as she works quite regularly now on the BBC then we can all make educated guesses to which way she will be. Probably 4-2 then.
or 4-1 plus ambivalent Ken Clarke ?
The more I see of Farage the more I like him; certainly will be in the thick of it when the European Union crumbles.