is the bbc heading towards a massive own goal this thursday. if for some reason (corrupt or otherwise) fifa does not award england the world cup, al beeba could be subject to a massive backlash. all the time , al beeba is adopting a puritanical, we are so wonderful and are truth seekers
1. England win, it all gets washed away.
2. England lose, the bBBC can point their finger at corruption.
I have no time for corruption, but I also have no time for sensationalism, which this smacks of. They did this at this time to make an impact.
I’m sure that the bBBC will be quaffing champagne as they did when Labour won the 1997 election (of which I made the same quote on the BBC Facebook page, it was removed and I get a message from the hoon who looks after the page saying ‘Ouch’), truth hurts I guess…
I don’t care about football. lets face it, it would be more interesting if there was less of it. But I am enjoying the hole that the BBC is digging for itself.
Panorama/ FIFA corruption the biggest story on the planet this morning (apparently). We all know what a self-licking lollipop is al-Beeb and how it’s never happier than when IT is the big story (on al-Beeb at least).
I’m looking forward to the day when the Simple Sword of Truth that is Panorama is wielded against… oh, say… Islamists, Barry Oneterm, Hizbollah, IPCC, Panda Ed, Public Sector unions, the failure of ‘robust’ community sentences, Polly Toynbee, or any other of al-Beeb’s ‘Untouchables’.
The BBC is also censoring replies to the programme on its Points of View Messageboard. So that readers can decide for themselves here is my one which was removed.
“The BBC is right to tackle corruption although where it has been for the past ten or twenty years I am not sure as FIFA has looked in need of a corruption investigation for years…
However the timing and the sensationalism just shows the BBC in a poor light. Frankly it about sums it up.”
I will let you judge for yourselves on what grounds this was removed…
This is another fine Pandarama investigation it’s years out of date and has no bearing on anything except a desperate stab at the coalition ! so coke all round at the editors office on this one !
Mind check out the daily mail comments on this story very odd! loads of BBC supporters up early me thinks ??
Spot on Mathew, very flimsy re-hash of decade old story, aimed clearly as a Cameron spoiler. End result ? Another spectacular own goal by beeboids, who get slated by all sides !
I don’t think we should hold our breath!
Over a year ago they dumped a couple of Asians on a sink estate in Bristol to show how evil the ‘filthy white working/lower-class scum’ really are.
If they weren’t so ignorant then they’d know that if you’re on your own and looking vulnerable on one of those estates then you’ll be intimidated and bullied for your looks regardless of whether it was your skin colour, hair style, dress sense etc. etc.
I wrote to them suggesting that in the name of ‘due impartiality’ they should put a white couple, or even a gay couple, in the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham for a week or so and see what happens.
Their reply, like all from the BBC, was just lies and lame excuses.
“Speaking of air security, this update on the case of Rajib Karim raises questions equally relevant to the state of security in American airports: what did British Airways know about him when they hired him? Were there questions they could have asked, but didn’t? Were red flags in his behavior as an employee missed or ignored?
Political correctness has made it acceptable in practice to play fast and loose with risk management, making air security vulnerable to being treated as an academic exercise and losing sight of what is at stake: if something goes wrong, or if an opportunity is left to be taken in the wrong place and at the wrong time, people will die. And if the potential loss of life does not move the airlines and policymakers, one would think the economic impact might.
That is, unless the air travel industry and security apparatus have decided en masse that, with regard to accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘profiling,’ ‘[perceived] persecution is worse than slaughter.'”
But, of course, INBBC, censoring words ‘Islam’, ‘Muslim’, and ‘jihad’ as usual, has this spin of a headline:
“BA call centre worker Rajib Karim denies terror charges”
Watching the BBC in the Netherlands (btw we also have to pay to watch the beeb), I was struck by how little information was supplied in the Panorama expose of the ‘FIFA Family’, all we seemed to get were breathless voiceovers from the reporter claiming ‘secret moles’, ‘secret court cases’ and ‘spreadsheets’ which showed some financial figures. Did we learn anything from this expose?, I would say no, the only substantive evidence provided was a rehash of stories already in the public domain.
Twice this week I have been promised scandal by the bucketload ‘Wikileaks’ which actually just showed that politicans have the same opinions about the geo-political environment as the rest of us (shock horror) and then this Panorama episode which seemed to me to be a poor mans version of Watchdog, which came complete with a reporter screaming questions whilst standing in the entrance of a luxury hotel!.
Has this helped Englands WC bid?, I doubt it, has it caused lasting damage?, again I would say no as I believe that England just like the Netherlands will lose out to the Spanish / Portugal bid.
Interesting bBC article which exposes the inherent racism to be found in Jews in Israel. Israeli orthodox rabbi stirs up racism debate From a pine-covered mountaintop in the far north of Israel, the Sea of Galilee is just visible through the mist below.This is the idyllic setting for Tzfat, as it is known in Hebrew, or Safed, as Arabic-speakers call it, a holy place for Jews. It is said to have been founded by a son of Noah after the great flood.In the past few weeks it has also become famous for a decree made by its chief rabbi who instructed residents not to rent rooms or houses to Israeli Arabs.
Above the bBC rightly exposes the ugliness of racism. But hang on, this is one man in one town in one country. Which begs me to ask when will the bBC run an article on how both the West Bank and Gaza r forbid Muslims to rent to Jews. In fact both still run laws which warrants the death sentence for anybody who sells property to a jew.
Next door in Jordon, it is written into the constitution that Jews cannot live or own property there.
And this weekend Turkey had this to say about Jews and Greeks: “Turkey’s Public Works and Housing Ministry has prepared a draft that would ease rules for property sales to foreign nationals, except for Israeli and Greek citizens, the Turkish newspaper Altinkum Voices reported on Sunday. According to the draft, Israeli and Greek citizens will not be allowed to purchase land in Turkey, while citizens of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab nations will face considerably relaxed rules for land purchases.”
Yet another example of how the bBC always leaves the elephant in the room out of any story which berates the jews.
Exactly. When reporting from Israel, the BBC tries to portray the exceptional as being general – while ignoring the general, all-pervasive hatred, preached from birth, on the Palestinian side.
The BBC, especially thier reporters around the middle east have very effective blinkers on and they haven’t discovered MEMRI yet. No really they haven’t…
I haven’t seen it mentioned here, and it’s not so much BBC Bias as troughing at our expense, but there was a half page article in the Sunday Times by Jamie Mc Ginnes – ‘Rock on:Freebies roll in for BBC boss’… obviously it’s behind the paywall so I can’t copy it in here but it begins: ”
His post as BBC deputy director general has been officially declared redundant after almost 6 yrs but it can now be revealed how a hectic schedule of extra-curricular activity events has helped Mark Byford fill the days.
He attends so many sporting fixtures & concerts that he appears to pop up alongside celebrities like an executive version of Where’s Wally.” Leaving with a £3.7 million pension he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of rock & pop music and sport. Hardly surprising when he appears in the audience (or exec box) at events involving Elton John, Paul NcCartney, Led Zeppelin, Morrissey, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robert Plant, etc. He has indulged his love of sport with leading BBC coverage of the Beijing olympics, 2010 World Cup, Wembley Cup Final and of course Centre Court at Wimbledon.
But of course he does make donations to charity in recompense for hospitality tickets examples given are £180 for the FA Cup visit and £200 for the World Cup… how kind.
No not the motto of BBC News and Current Affairs but the remarkable Legs Akimbo agit prop strand broadcast to encourage the bourgiousie that just listening to the radio can be nearly as revolutionary an act as producing it.
This week was exceptional its central message delivered by heroic black women was: get out on the streets, smash up (“Roarrrr with anger”) central London and protect the inalienable right of dim middle-class kids to avoid paid work by studying ancient history and hairdressing at a former polytechnic.
Broadcast with that special tone of toe-curling cringing hero worship the BBC default adopts when portraying”urban” people (what is known elsewhere I believe as racial stereotyping), it really thought it was seditious and “edgy” – and to be fair some of it was quite well written.
But whatever the absurd, but unmoveable, people fostering “left of centre thinking” at BBC drama think I somehow doubt that violent revolutionaries often raise their eyes from the methods of Andreas Baader in order to catch a patronising, unrealistic and accidentally quite hilarious drama on Radio 4…followed by the first glass of chardonnay of the evening and Loose Ends. Splendid!
The BBC are ‘unhappy’ with Gary Linekar’s comment about “at least Match of the Day is supporting the England bid”
Apparently this is deemed ‘an opinion’ and beeboids are not allowed ‘opinions’. Well I think this will come as news to us here, as I’ve been listening to ‘opinions’ from beeboids for years, all left wing ones of course.
Again we know why the BBC want to spoil the world cup bid, they hate Cameron and don’t want him to get any ‘lift’ out of it like Bliar did over the Olympics. And just as I type this the Daily Politics show a clip of Cameron getting on a plane and talk about embarrassment.
Also, the drugs and rent boys of Russia are apparently the best in the world,
“Again we know why the BBC want to spoil the world cup bid, they hate Cameron and don’t want him to get any ‘lift’ out of it like Bliar did over the Olympics.”
Yes exactly, I heard some grudging BBC lefty say that Cameron was lucky to get the Royal Wedding next April.
Listen to the introduction (from 33.15 to 35.00) of the paper reviewers with Luvvie Terry Jones, a luvvie academic, and non-luvvie Richard D North. Note the presenter’s change in tone when he moves onto North and the “friendly” introductory question he is asked. But never fear, after the token non-luvvie is introduced it’s back to normal with luvvie Jones prattling on about there being no Islamic threat…..Elsewhere on this programme we had (another!) luvvie Michael Morpurgo making peace in the Middle East. He visited a school somewhere in the Middle East where Jews and Arabs are taught together. But we are not told where the school is. Here’s my hunch – it isn’t in the palestinian Territories and never could be, but this is the sort of detail Morpurgo (with Sidekick Sykes) don’t bother to tell us. Also Morpurgo gives us an Al-Bowen context comment by saying that the Jews came to the region and displaced people who already lived there. The sort of stuff you would find on CBBC or Horrible Histories….
Neveh Shalom is in Israel not as implied in the Palestinian Authority.
It seems the BBC announcer didn’t do even the minimum research. Why am I not surprised?
Other than in gathering donations from naive foreign donors it’s hard to call it a success. Despite being formed about 40 years ago it is still one of a kind. It has come under severe criticism, for example, No, an exercise in Jewish self debasement
Only a BBC journo would suggest this is the only place where Jewish kids can speak to Arab kids and showing respect to each other. There are plenty of other projects if he had only bothered to do some homework.
The bBC, and the knowledge of its so called defence experts. Merlin helicopters in Afghanistan ‘proving their worth’
The above is a video report on the AW101 or as known in British Service the Merlin.The bBC report on how hard the Merlins are finding the conditions in Afghanistan and how the crews train for their tenure in theatre by sitting in a flight simulator back in RAF Benson.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you: The Merlins are well suited to the Afghan flight ops because they have 3 engines; It was designed for long distance operations in the North Atlantic. So it is build like a shit house or if you are as old as me a Tonka toy. Which is why Denmark, Canada and Portugal have procured the Merlin to use in the search and rescue role.
And that pre-op training? Well actually the blue jobs swan off to the wilds of El Centro Naval Base in California for 3 weeks in which to train in conditions very similar to what they will face in downtown Tower hamlets..sorry Afghanistan.
You’d think any so called defence expert would know that, as he would also know that the RAF are going to lose all their Merlins to the Navy (Thanks the previous government) and that in its place it is going to get…refurbished Pumas which at the cost of just under a new AW101 will get an extra 5 years life. Talk about pound foolish, penny shy. But hey why berate the last lot when this lot have scrapped the best and most cost effective Elint aircraft the UK has ever owned.
But the point I’m getting at is that both the Merlin and Sentinel excel at what they do, both have the ‘Made in Britain’ badge and we should be proud of just how good they are. Which proberly explains why th bBC doesn’t bother or more likely doesn’t know.
Nothing new Pounce as I’ve posted the Sea Harrier was scrapped several years ago under Liebour without any complaints, yet it’s the Sea Harrier that provides the fleet defence and the air intercept facility so needed for the ‘imaginary’ Falklands war the BBC keep dreaming up.
The BBC’s defence experts can’t even work out that an aircraft designed specifically for ground attack (the RAF Harrier) is totally unsuitable as a stop gap for the Navy.
But hey Kate Silverton that BBC autocutie who said she wants to be a ‘war reporter’ knows all the different colours of army vehicles, she’ll go far with that expertise.
A good interview I thought insofar as it goes, but he didn’t press P J O’Rourke when he brushed off Sarah Palin’s ‘misspeak’ on North Korea as something that could happen to anyone (I guess not wanting to explore with him why it is such a big deal to others) and when he asked him what dissappointed him about Bush it was Bush’s lack of fiscal conservatism. One may have thought it would have been a good moment to ask him about what defined Bush’s Presidency, the Iraq War, but maybe that would have been an opportunity for an elegant witty guy like O’Rourke to give articulate support for Bush’s use of waterboarding to protect America and her allies?
The Islamisation of the control of ‘British’ television.
While the politically Islamised content of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is apparent daily, less well appreciated is the way in which Arab/Islamic influences politically shape INBBC output.
INBBC has thousands of Islamic staff (in Britain and in all Islamic countries) whose reports, often putting an Islamic political viewpoint, are paid for by British licencepayers, of course*. [* Currently, BBC Arabic Television, based at Broadcasting House, east wing, of course, London, is UK taxpayer-financed, but soon will be exclusively paid for by BBC licencepayers instead!.]
INBBC acts as though it is ideologically part of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). INBBC does not recognise its own ‘Islamophilia’, but is quick to join the OIC is condemning ‘Islamophobia’, and in trying to get criticism of Islam made illegal.
INBBC has a ‘technical’ agreement with Al Jazeera English (which has studios, and many ex-INBBC staff at its London base):
SKY (as Fox News, is part of News Corp) is now significantly part-owned by Saudi , al-Waleed, who owns about 7%; and now SKY has formed a close financial media relationship with Abu Dhabi. (From the comment below, some Britrish viewers are quick to see ther cultural drift to Islam as an alienating experience for British (non-Muslim) viewers.
“Sky News To Launch Arabic Service In 2012 ”
The UK was complicit in the torture of the first al-Qaeda member to be convicted in the country of directing terrorism, a court has heard.Rangzieb Ahmed, 34, was unlawfully held in Pakistan, beaten and had fingernails removed, a QC told the Court of Appeal.
Rangzieb Ahmed alleges that a Pakistani intelligence agency interrogated him supplied with questions by Manchester police
I suppose it’s all in the wording in how much of a victim you wish to make the fellow in question. The thing is the bBC has a strange habit of always making ‘Islamic terrorists’ as the only victims in the village. (the bBC village that is)
further to my last I wonder why the bBC don’t mention that their so called innocent-man while been born in the Uk left at the age of 7 to live in Pakistan while there he learnt how to pick up a gun and become a terrorist. Which is how the Indians arrested and jailed him for for 7 years for been on the wrong side of the Kashmir border (I wonder what he was doing there when his family live nowhere near there) . Of course he brought out the ‘I was torture angle then. You’d think that after 7 years in jail. the bBCs innocent man would have gone on the straight and narrow. Apparently not and he was in the process of conducting a terrorist act sorry militant protest when he was picked up by the people he presumed he was defending.
It seems the bbC doesn’t want anybody to know of this mans past. I wonder why?
They are at it again. Notice the term ‘global warming’ in the following:
“The coal forests covered Europe and North America during the Carboniferous
The fragmentation of tropical rainforests 300 million years ago helped pave the way for the rise of the dinosaurs, a new study suggests.
In the Carboniferous period, North America and Europe lay at the equator and were covered by steamy rainforest.
Global warming is thought to have brought about the collapse of these tropical habitats, triggering an evolutionary burst among reptiles.”
I’ve been studying the Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian boundary events for some two decades now, living in Central Germany where this geology (and the faunal/floral palaeontology) is widespread and well-studied.
This is my response to the BBC duty scribbler:
“North America was located along Earth’s equator then, courtesy of the forces of continental drift. The hot and humid climate of the Middle Carboniferous Period was accompanied by an explosion of terrestrial plant life. However by the Late Carboniferous Period Earth’s climate had become increasingly cooler and drier. By the beginning of the Permian Period average global temperatures declined by about 10° C.
The introduction of the term ‘warming’ is quite unwarranted by the science and misinterprets the study which it claims to present.
We all know what ‘global warming’ is supposed to mean for the average reader!
These people are influencers. I am struggling to think of one journo on the enviro beat – especially those half-dozen from a £3.6B force-funded media organisation – who has the remotest clue about the subject they are supposed to be reporting upon.
Paul Hudson is the one “environment” or science voice at the BBC that has indicated any reluctance to be swept along by all the eco-babble – David Whitehouse left the BBC, Hudson is peripheral
I have now had time to look at the abstract of the study and can see how the sloppy reading of the carefully worded text has led Rincon to leap to the ‘global warming’ meme.
The extract shows the wording which produced, quite unwarranted, the reflex assumption of the constant negative that ‘global warming’ connotes in the lazy mind.
….but following rainforest collapse in earliest Kasimovian time (ca. 305 Ma), tetrapod extinction rate peaked, alpha diversity imploded, and endemism developed for the first time. Analysis of ecological diversity shows that rainforest collapse was also accompanied by acquisition of new feeding strategies (predators, herbivores), consistent with tetrapod adaptation to the effects of habitat fragmentation and resource restriction. Effects on amphibians were particularly devastating, while amniotes (‘reptiles’) fared better, being ecologically adapted to the drier conditions that followed. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that Coal Forest fragmentation influenced profoundly the ecology and evolution of terrestrial fauna in tropical Euramerica, and illustrate the tight coupling that existed between vegetation, climate, and trophic webs”
Notice the words ‘rainforest collapse’, ‘diversity imploded’, ‘drier conditions’, .
None of this implies ‘global warming’ but climate change in the context of this period is cooling and drying not warming.
The BBC has jumped to the wrong conclusions out of the warmist bias that is, in this context, quite wrong.
When does news reporting end and advertising begin. Answer: when the bBC prompt the Labour party.
When Red ED says he is going to start a 2 year process of re-inventing the Labour party it is just an entry in a news slot. Not the bBC it not only goes on for days, but it then shows his boring stage managed speech. The amount of airtime this item got was truly astonishing, it is blatant advertising in a real (non bBC) world.
I reckon it’s why they seem to be so coy about the Wikileaks stuff, and not just because it shows Mr. Bowen and his stable full of stringers throughout the Middle East to be a tad focussed on one small country they don’t like vs. a whole bunch who need daily free passes.
So, two days in searching, and they still can’t find the bit where God Emperor Obama has designated Miliband E. his top homie in the Euro crib…. assuming anyone in the US has the slightest interest in him, even if they have a clue who he is.
Furthermore, Bowen was incoherent when wheeled into the BBC studio. Sky had broken the Wikileaks exposé 44 minutes earlier.
Bowen was, well, er – Bowen at his best – Risable.
The BBC doesn’t do insight and true to form nor does comrade Bowen.
This might have been far too early in the morning for the BBC to get their head’s around a breaking story, but there you go, It’s what you get with unique funding.
Bring on Bowen and Bollocks, but I’m still not sure in which order they appeared !
But they both managed to come to the same conclusion – Ugh ! Dunno !
Given how regularly the bbc seems willing to promote its own ‘successes’ I found it strange that they failed to include John Humfrey’s exposure of Red Ed’s complete vacuousness in its coverage of the ‘policy review’. I wonder if its because that would be against the bbc’s left agenda? To his credit Humfrey’s really went after Ed I thought, properly skewered. Its small wonder his minders don’t let him out very often with performances like that. Well worth listening to again, from Friday’s today programme I think.
I see the camp male beeboids are all excited that the one eyed mong had a word on the QT about Gary Mckinnon, then got told to piss off by the yanks. But hey Gordie tried right beeboids?
Finlo Rohrer seems to have confused ethnicity with social class. Eugenics was about breeding for specific traits, which is not the same thing as keeping poor people from breeding. Or was there a plan for breeding accounting skills and an appreciation for Hayek?
I assume a bunch of other dopey leftoids have it confused as well, and use that to advance their own agenda.
Can any one work out what the BBC opinion of elected police commissioners is – because it is really hard to work it out from their genetically impartial reporting……..
It scares them sh*t less. Imagine someone accountable to local people decided Police priorities. They know any job that requires an election won’t go to one of their friends so they are going to loose control of something and don’t like it.
Expect any mistake made by the Police who have an elected leader to be jumped on hard by the Beeb and no mention of anywhere that it is going well.
Out of all that could be said the BBC news website rolling headlines – LATEST:
Cost of introducing police and crime commissioners in police forces outside London in England and Wales estimated to be £136.5m
BBC paraphrasing for – so you out there may want elected commissioners, but you will have to pay an awful lot for it & how can the evil tories spend all this money when there are cuts, cuts, cuts elsewhere?
I agree that with the BBC’s solidly objective and impartial reporting and interviewing it’s very hard to work out what their attitude to elected Police Commissioners is. But thankfully James Naughtie did take time out from this to voice his fears that it would give rise to the crude sort of policitcs one sees in America, where people campaign for the job on the basis of how many people they would lock up. James Naughtie doesn’t want that sort of thing here.
And thankfully Mark Easton was also on hand this morning to point out the “political bluster” of the Coalition on the question of licensing laws.
While on, I was in the car on Saturday hearing the left-wing Zoe Ball standing in for the left-wing Dermot O’Leary on Radio 2 and interviewing the left-wing (but thankfully talented) Elvis Costello. While giving a boring story to the enthralled Zoe about what it was like to play for Obama in the White House he mentioned he had played for Clinton and Obama but not the one in the middle. “Yeah, well done for that” gushed Zoe.
Well its at times like these (snow everywhere) you realise the value of BBC local radio .. None its absolutely f**king useless. I tuned into my local BBC station at 6am to try and find out what roads were blocked , if public transport was running etc etc. Instead I found they were continuing to play 80’s music and in between the records the reader-outer listed some blocked roads. Except he couldn’t pronounce the road names and didn’t have the local knowledge to know that there are at least 6 “London Roads” in the county so saying that London Road is blocked is utterly pointless. Public transport news consisted of telling us that Nottingham station has problems with snow which isn’t even in this flaming county.
Honestly you might as well have a computer voice reading out an RSS feed. Thankfully as usual the internet gave me the useful info and I have got into work OK.
While driving to work in this terrible weather, I have been saved long ques of traffic by listening to local independent radio. If you want real local information then the BBC is not for you.
Wasn’t originally going to add this little spot as I originally thought thought it was more of the usual overstaffed BBC can’t be bothered to engage in research beyond the trotted out press release. However I changed my mind when I noticed it still occupied the position of key story for two days running in the Middle East section whilst newer items automatically drop to secondary stories:
The gist of the story is that Israel is dragging it’s heels on the the easing of the blockade following Operation Cast Lead despite its promises to do so. The narrative is Israel creating humanitarian crisis.
Where it becomes problematic is in two places. It’s obvious they have simply trotted out the content of the press and have either not read the report or they don’t want to dig into in because it’s alarmingly full of anti Israel crap with findings that show contradictory evidence. I was going to give an example of how the BBC were showing contradictions to its own story here but it seems they have been involved in a little bit of editing overnight. One story still talks about how the Israelis have a ban on simple ingredients on glucose for biscuits in place (I think they really have a ban on glucose because of it being a component in some improvised explosives). The other story (now missing) showed one factory full of biscuits that it couldn’t sell due to both the blockade and the fact that Gaza was full of cheaper Israeli biscuits.
The real disingenuous piece is here though. Within the report we have this line from Gisha quouted:
“After a freedom of information request by the Israeli human rights organisation Gisha, the Israeli government released documents saying the blockade was originally tightened as part of a policy of “deliberately reducing” basic goods for people in Gaza in order to put pressure on Hamas.”
Which is partially repeated in Gisha’s press release:
“The documents reveal that the state approved “a policy of deliberate reduction” for basic goods in the Gaza Strip (section h.4, page 5*).”
Except for the small fact that this isn’t what the documents say at all at the quoted place. What it says is this:
“If it is a case of the lower warning line an update will be
provided and the Gaza DCO will take action to increase the
transfer of the relevant product unless it is a case of a policy of
deliberate restriction.”
If you read the full document the lower warning line is a threshold that if basic goods get below a certain level they will send more of those through. The deliberate restriction is mentioned only once in this section but it is also conditional and not wholsesale as the press release and report are suggesting. Also nowhere does the report mention this policy in the context of using the population to squeeze Hamas. What the document is actually about how they will ensure approved goods will be kept at a level to ensure the population of Gaza gets its basic needs met, in line with support from the Palestinian Authority. What it does mention about Hamas is by listing dual use items that are restricted to prevent Hamas using them for their own ends as opposed to the benefit of Gazans.
The other thing the Beeb nicely avoid is the observation in the Oxam report that the power shortages were also contributed to by internal wranglings between the PA and Hamas.
You can read the supporting documents below:
Oxfam report (which has suddenly become very well hidden since yesterday so I had to go to Amnesty International because Cancun isn’t on their agenda):
I believe this actually means that the Israelis will see to an increase in whatever necessary goods fall below the threshold, except for items which are being deliberately restricted. The problem for the Israel-Is-Evil crowd is that these items aren’t cookies but things like cement and pipes and things the various happy militants like to make into rockets, bombs, and smuggling tunnels.
The other point I forgot to make was that a policy of restriction as quoted in the Israeli document is very very different from a policy of deliberate reduction.
The other point the Oxfam report makes is that it is critical of israel for not bringing in concrete because Hamas are getting it via the tunnel network which begs the question of whether there really is a shortage of concrete on the scale, the report is quoting – unless of course Hamas were using it for reasons other than improving the everyday lives of Gazans. Of course if they were doing that wouldn’t that mean the Israelis were doing the right thing by being quite insistent on monitoring where the buidling materials go?
Every news bulletin that I’ve seen on the BBC, including the news at six and London news, seem to have pretty much ignored the disgusting scenes of violence and destruction by the student scum. Instead they prefer to take the line that ‘students have taken to the streets accusing Nick Clegg of betrayal’.
Nothing about the many assaults on police officers, the disgusting vandalism of Nelson’s Column, the destruction of public and private property, not to mention the fact that they tried to smash their way in to a Waterstones book shop.
I’m sure these sad pathetic wankers from the SWP and UAF would have loved nothing more than to start burning books, just as their German predecessors once did.
I’m sure, after this, that public support for funding of middle-class fuck-wits to do Mickey Mouse courses at former Polytechnics will be at an all time low.
Exactly. Why waste any more money trying to educate these thick work-shy tossers, it’s never going to succeed.
The police may as well use live rounds on them, it’ll save the tax payer millions in benefits in years to come!
Wed, 1 Dec 10
Duration: 27 mins
As world leaders gather in Cancun for the latest UN climate negotiations, the Climate Connection series asks a key question in the story of action on climate change: what’s stopping us? In part three Jon Stewart considers if the lack of action is down to a failure of communication
You do have to wonder what it will take to get the message over; in this as in pretty much every libtard ((c) Delingpole) campaign they communicated your views perfectly, we understood them and considered them in the light of everything we could learn, and rejected them.
Any failure of communication on the left is not us failing to understand them; it is them refusing to accept that we don’t want them or their policies.
The BBC has conviently forgotten to report the news that the left, in a traditionally extremely leftwing region of Europe, has been thrashed. Catalonia in Spain now has a centre-right government, yet this has received no reporting.You can read about it here:
One wonders if there’d be the same silence if the left triumphed in a traditionally conservative area of Europe…
I was listening to Talksport this morning and Mark Saggers (ex beeboid himself) was saying that the BBC dross turned up in their hotel (for the World Cup stuff) and started having a dig at Talksport (there is a lot of history as some may know between the BBC and Talksport, in particular Stan Collymore, Saggers himself and fatty Alan Green, but others as well, the BBC were not happy that Talksport got commentary rights on the World Cup and Premier League)
Saggers commented that in light of Panorama he thought the BBC lot might have wanted to keep their gobs shut and heads down.
Clearly the BBC have no shame. Their arrogance is beyond belief at times.
So manufacturing in the UK has grown the fastest for a November in 16 years. Which Party was in charge then, and what were the circumstances? Any similarities between then and now? The BBC isn’t saying.
Gosh, the private sector picking up the slack when they’re finally allowed to make long-term plans thanks to the Tories’ policies? Record hiring in manufacturing? Who’d have thought? Not the BBC, as that’s the exact opposite of what they’ve been saying for months.
Since the Beeboid in the accompanying video brought up Germany’s situation versus the Socialist countries going down the toilet, will there be any discussion about how Germany got it right, and the tax-and-spend crowd got it wrong? Especially since the BBC expert analysts kept telling us that the latter are correct? I won’t hold my breath.
Notice that the BBC are still bigging up the story about Mervyn King and Cameron yet the only story from Wikileaks we’ve heard from the BBC about McMong was the one making out he was a hero trying ot stop Gary MCKinnon from being sent to the USA for trial.
Judging from that first sentence of the Mail article, about how Mr. Brown lied to the President about troops, the White House was right not to trust him.
There is a very dubious set of connections here, all linked by a coomon cause, and all, it seems, with the opportunity to filter the raw data for what needs hiding, and what can be played up.
Such editorialising is little short of tribal propaganda, rather hilariously from a bunch of po-faced hypocrites who when it suits claim not to deal in illegally-obtained information of uncertain provenance.
Oh, dear, BBC in Protect mode just now, as Miliband Minor had a bad time at Prime Minister’s Questions this morning. Laura Kuenssberg giving a nice cover story – no problem, Ed just needs to “learn faster” how to deal with Cameron, with helpful leading questions from the Beeboid in the studio.
Just a “blip” for him, no big deal. Did they have a special segment defending Cameron the first time he got a kicking at PMQs?
Agreed. Unbelievable. Cameron utterly destroyed Ed at PMQs today. Doesn’t make the BBC front page and even the story in the Politics section has Thatcher in the headline just to remind people that they are both Tories. Honestly you couldn’t make it up.
Do the BBC take us for fools? On the 6PM News George I’m a twat Allagiah stated that Police Commissioners could lead to the politicising of the Police. Really BBC?
Didn’t THAT start with Bliar? I seem to remember the Countryside alliance getting a kicking off the plods at your request.
Didn’t Sir Ian Blair allow London Police cars to carry pro Liebour propaganda?
Oh and didn’t Bliar get Police chiefs to come to Westminster to lobby for the 90 day detention law?
Did I dream all that? Wasn’t Ian Blair right up the arse of NuLiebour?
Exactly right. I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that the BBC line is the exact same one Ed Balls was spouting yesterday and today.
This seems to be yet another example of the BBC failing to honestly discuss the experience in the US with important policies like this, especially when the US experience would be particularly instructive against the Labour/BBC line. The higher-education bubble would be another recent example of this.
Here’s a nugget from the BBC red button News service that I am going to quote verbatim:
“Christians say faith ‘Attacked'”
Christians who believe their faith is “under attack” in Britain have launched a “Not Ashamed Day” campaign.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey claimed Christians of “deep faith” faced discrimination.
Campaigners say a mounting number of cases of workers being disciplined over their beliefs show Christianity is being “airbrushed” from UK society.
But the National Secular Society said “zealots” were wrong to claim the faith was being deliberately undermined.
To me, that last paragraph seems tacked on (to portray impartiality), but it’s too brief a statement to give you a full picture. Why are these “zealots” wrong to claim the faith is being deliberately undermined?
The “Secular” bit says it all; no need for further info to get the idea. The BBC put that on as if it’s a legitimate opposing view to people who claim that their religous beliefs are discriminated against and marginalized.
It’s a joke because of course secularists are going to want to deliberately undermine religious faith. That’s the entire point of being an organization which promotes secularism. It’s like quoting a fox for an opinion on a chickens’ rights campaign.
The Christian Group “Christian Concern” are concerned (funnily enough) about discimination against Christians, and the BBC news team digs up THREE organisations to oppose their claims.
1) The aforementioned secular group.
2) A Humanist group (read their reasoning for opposing the Christian grievances for massive LOLs)
3) Governmental Religious think tank Ekklesia.
Eric Pickles gets a short two paragraphs at the end to say the country loves religion and Christmas (£s) really, and that it’s important we mustn’t marginalise the importance Christ’s birth plays in Christmas (indeed), but it doesn’t drown out the overriding narrative.
The narrative which I believe attempts to marginalise the Christian group into something not to disimilar to UKIP or the EDL
It could do with exploring the ‘Christian Concern’ side of the argument with a bit more than some examples of failed court cases though.
The secular society should learn humility as a group I find them utterly insufferable and guilty as any religious clan of the ‘ we are right’ syndrome and so have become a loose collection of smug holier than thou smart arses who’s beliefs are so ridged and constricted that no opposing voices can be heard or tolerated!.
Probably why they shouted and heckled down Mr J.Balls anti AGW speech at their shindig ! as even the greenies gods hate competition!
As an un-baptised atheist I should find common cause with this lot of prigs and their beeble brethren but I cannot !.
Soz rant over !
Humanists are also anti-religion secularists. It’s completely dishonest to use two anti-religion voices for opinions on whether or not Christians experience discrimination.
BBC-favorite Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has written that the recent case of the “Asian” gang who groomed, drugged, and raped white teenage girls reveals “disgusting cultural beliefs further validate their acts and their uncontrollable lechery”.
Newsnight are a joke, we get a puff piece that Red Ed is dead in the water, so who does Emily Titless get to interview? Why Red Ed’s arse licker Peter Hain, who is given a free pass to spout off about the Tories, I thought it was supposed to be a piece about Red Ed?
Why didn’t Newsnight get two hacks one from the left and one from the right to discuss it? Titless is never going to go on the attack or take the opposite view to Hain as ‘balance’
It got worse. I take it you switched off. The most inane discussion on the student protests imaginable. Emily -by the way there is a Thomas the Tank engine locomotive called Emily- and the bizarre panel getting very excited about student protests and did it mean the return of the spirit of ’68 ( God help us )
I half expected them all to jump to their feet and led by a puffing Emily start chanting “Thatcher out!” and vote for a permanant sit in in the studio till their incoherent demands for a revolution in their lifetime paid for by the hated bourgeoisie were met by the coalition or by Mrs Thatcher.
The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an extra commitment of money from the International Monetary Fund, a U.S. official told Reuters on Wednesday.
The immediate result of this foolish notion before it even happens?
The US “can’t afford to let Europe implode”, said David Gilmore, analyst at Foreign Exchange Analytics.
Oh, yes we can. Instead, the clueless ideologues in charge of the US have no problem with further debasing our currency. Bond yields ridiculously high? No problem, as the countries paying out the interest will really be reaching into US taxpayers’ pockets to do it now.
No criticism forthcoming from any Beeboids, I’m sure. Why, He’s saving the world, as promised.
I’m a regular viewer of Jeff Randall Live on Sky (7 pm Monday – Thursday). He’s a master of the interview, intelligent but self-effacing. He is courteous and his guests are relaxed and forthcoming. He has enough time for expanded interviews. Even though it is a business programme it is entertaining.
Could you ever imagine such a programme on the bBC? If not, why not?
Well because there would be an agenda. There would be point scoring. There would be aggression. There would be “me me me” from the interviewer.
Every time I see Jeff Randall Live I think how low the bBC has sunk. They just could not make a programme like this.
To elaborate a bit, I think part of the aggressive BBC way in slyly and not so slyly pushing its agenda is to make people feel afraid to disagree with the agenda they’re pushing, and I’m talking about the viewing public. I think the way the psychology of fear works is it hurts people’s egos to admit that they do something out of fear, so they’d rather convince themselves that they freely adopt their views by promoting them with equal sanctimony and agression rather than just admit their afraid to voice what they truly think and feel. The BBC are masters at projecting this form of Thought Police intimidation, and our country’s moral fibre is largely so spent that all too many people fall in line with it.
Happy Hanukka holiday to Jewish B-BBCers who celebrate it. The BBC pays some grudging acknowledgement to it with an interview with a Liberal rabbi who reliably ignored all the national and traditional religious aspects and a photo of the day – in Berlin.
For those unaware of the historical details Hanukka commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the successful Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BC against Seleucid King of Syria Antiochus IV Epiphanes. It is intimately tied up with Jewish connections to Jerusalem and the temple site which the Palestinians claim their is no Jewish connection. Worse it is a celebration of a military victory. Hence the BBC ignoring the issue.
More money, we need more money! tax the bankers!
I like how he claims the current snow is proof of climate change, along with the pakistani floods.
It put me in mind of Brasseye, it could almost be a spoof.
It’d be laughable if these people didn’t have such influence wouldn’t it! Just a few years ago his sort were claiming that snow in England was a thing of the past BECAUSE of ‘climate change’, now it’s proof OF ‘climate change’!? The mind boggles! While thousands of poor and frail British pensioners die of cold related illnesses, this ignorant tosser wants to raise taxes so we can send even more money abroad to prop up 3rd world dictators, who must laugh at our stupidity. We still never hear the BBC question the science behind this con. That’s what Brillo should have been taking Prescott to task on. Lets see Lord Monckton vs. Chris Huhne on the BBC.
Brillo must have been told to keep quiet, he looked like he was straining at the leash in the background.
What on earth qualifies a former Ballykissangel actor to pontificate to me about the evils of my decadent lifestyle anyway?
On Radio 5 Mouldering Corpse this morning, Dame Nikki ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Campbell, while commenting on the Fifa World Cup whoreathon, never tired of reminding his (twenty) listeners that David Beckham was in Zurich with ‘two old Etonians’.
Aw what’s wrong, Nikki, Edinburgh Academy not in The Big League then?
Dame Nikki Campbell really isn’t a happy bunny this morning, he must be on the blob or something.
His continual reference to Prince William and David Cameron as “old Etonians” just grates, you can hear the hatred in his scrawny pathetic hate filled body.
You probably missed it, but our chums at the Beeb have been spreading their Multi-Culti, environmental wings out to include science documentaries. Yesterday on BBC4 there was a prog’ “History of the Jet Engine” which was meant to be a history of the invention of the Jet Engine by a Brit’ designer called Frank Whittle. It was the kind of wretched dumbed-down stuff that should really be broadcast mid-morning in the Teletubbies slot. However, we did learn that Mr Whittle had been a keen environmentalist and was very distressed at the smoky fumes generated by all oil-burning engines. Also, it was only thanks to Frank Whittle and his discovery of the Jet Engine that all those Ugandan asians were able to be evacuated to the UK.
Gee whizz! Thanks Frank!
The program also had some “reconstructions” featuring Frank in his university days. so the Beeb researchers searched far and wide and in the whole of the UK couldn’t find a single white-skinned round-eye to play Frank. So naturally, the actor used to portray Frank was a moslem asian man (who looked nothing like Frank – though he did have a moustache).
But perhaps the researchers could have tried a bit harder.
I don’t envy you sitting through that ! i couldn’t make it past the trailer yet another sad badly researched revision of history [which the beeb hates as it has the word Tory in it ] from real facts to their facts!this docudrama bile they are mass producing fits smugly alongside their other great works like the Tudors and that Roman rubbish which was a classic with less historic detail then ‘up Pompeii’ and with worse acting to boot !.
“Whittle, disenfranchised, quit what was left of Power Jets in 1948. Long a socialist, his experiences with nationalisation changed his mind, and he later campaigned for the Conservative Party.”
And here was me thinking all at the impartial BBC, especially those who often host one of their few poiltical programmes, were bastions of unbiased probity.
Nice to note that both the BBC and their beloved New Labour Masters have managed to completely sabotage the hosting bid of Englands World cup football bid.
With “Patriots” such as BBC/New Labour in our camp, a first round exit in the bid was an absolute certainty.
The BBC are saying that Labour are calling for an enquiry into the bid. Perhaps they could content themselves with an examination of the role of the Labour minister Lord Triesman.
Actually I could have cared less about the whole corrupt sewerfest it was/is/will be, and frankly think this country dodged a financial and security poisoned chalice, but this amused:
@isabyJonathan IsabyBBC reporter to David Beckham: “What went wrong?” Beckham: “We didn’t get enough votes.”
The relative brainpower deployed by your average Beeboid put nicely in context.
Also Mr. Beckham more than polite not to speculate on what other factors there might have been, to a BBC employee.
What the hell was that ?
CBBeebies ?
“You guys !” – “Dunkirk spirit, it’s snowing, wave to the unsuspecting 5 trillion unsuspecting sods passing through Orpington station behind me, all with a special pass from Bob Crowe, who is of course really 5 people”.
Christ ! Where do they get these socialist middle class airheads from ?
At a guess from any recent Student violent demonstration wouldn’t surprise me.
“Does my bum look big in my designer outfit Daddy paid for ?”
“And which idiot sent me to report from a Train station when Tarquin is ment to be taking me to the Ivy for luncheon to discuss pretend marxism ?”.
RaymondSnoddyRaymond SnoddyNewswatch will be looking tomorrow at what, if any, impact media coverage and Panorama in particular had on the failed England bid
With all the journalistic rigour and integrity for which Newswatch is justly renowned.
Betting some sulky beeboid editor who got the short straw mumbling that ‘they got it about right’?
Ah i think i have this one ! they only get Tory statements off the wire news networks or their twosser//? sorry twitter accounts so it’s never word of mouth!, but Liebour is easy as the beebles only have to roll over in bed and ask em !
I notice a lot of people are now asking the BBC to investigate FIFA, no chance!!!!
The BBC got the result they wanted, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the BBC cheered when Russia won.
As for the rest of our media, no way will they investigate the commies, they know what will happen, they’ll get knocked off with a tea pot full of radioactive material.
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is the bbc heading towards a massive own goal this thursday. if for some reason (corrupt or otherwise) fifa does not award england the world cup, al beeba could be subject to a massive backlash. all the time , al beeba is adopting a puritanical, we are so wonderful and are truth seekers
1. England win, it all gets washed away.
2. England lose, the bBBC can point their finger at corruption.
I have no time for corruption, but I also have no time for sensationalism, which this smacks of. They did this at this time to make an impact.
I’m sure that the bBBC will be quaffing champagne as they did when Labour won the 1997 election (of which I made the same quote on the BBC Facebook page, it was removed and I get a message from the hoon who looks after the page saying ‘Ouch’), truth hurts I guess…
I don’t care about football. lets face it, it would be more interesting if there was less of it. But I am enjoying the hole that the BBC is digging for itself.
Panorama/ FIFA corruption the biggest story on the planet this morning (apparently). We all know what a self-licking lollipop is al-Beeb and how it’s never happier than when IT is the big story (on al-Beeb at least).
I’m looking forward to the day when the Simple Sword of Truth that is Panorama is wielded against… oh, say… Islamists, Barry Oneterm, Hizbollah, IPCC, Panda Ed, Public Sector unions, the failure of ‘robust’ community sentences, Polly Toynbee, or any other of al-Beeb’s ‘Untouchables’.
The story of Fifa being corrupt, with bribing judges is well over a month old. Yet on the BBC news they tried to make out this was a new story.
The BBC is also censoring replies to the programme on its Points of View Messageboard. So that readers can decide for themselves here is my one which was removed.
“The BBC is right to tackle corruption although where it has been for the past ten or twenty years I am not sure as FIFA has looked in need of a corruption investigation for years…
However the timing and the sensationalism just shows the BBC in a poor light. Frankly it about sums it up.”
I will let you judge for yourselves on what grounds this was removed…
This is another fine Pandarama investigation it’s years out of date and has no bearing on anything except a desperate stab at the coalition ! so coke all round at the editors office on this one !
Mind check out the daily mail comments on this story very odd! loads of BBC supporters up early me thinks ??
Spot on Mathew, very flimsy re-hash of decade old story, aimed clearly as a Cameron spoiler. End result ? Another spectacular own goal by beeboids, who get slated by all sides !
I don’t think we should hold our breath!
Over a year ago they dumped a couple of Asians on a sink estate in Bristol to show how evil the ‘filthy white working/lower-class scum’ really are.
If they weren’t so ignorant then they’d know that if you’re on your own and looking vulnerable on one of those estates then you’ll be intimidated and bullied for your looks regardless of whether it was your skin colour, hair style, dress sense etc. etc.
I wrote to them suggesting that in the name of ‘due impartiality’ they should put a white couple, or even a gay couple, in the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham for a week or so and see what happens.
Their reply, like all from the BBC, was just lies and lame excuses.
British Airways worker offered himself as suicide bomber, advised jihadists of airlines’ weaknesses
[Opening extract]:
“Speaking of air security, this update on the case of Rajib Karim raises questions equally relevant to the state of security in American airports: what did British Airways know about him when they hired him? Were there questions they could have asked, but didn’t? Were red flags in his behavior as an employee missed or ignored?
Political correctness has made it acceptable in practice to play fast and loose with risk management, making air security vulnerable to being treated as an academic exercise and losing sight of what is at stake: if something goes wrong, or if an opportunity is left to be taken in the wrong place and at the wrong time, people will die. And if the potential loss of life does not move the airlines and policymakers, one would think the economic impact might.
That is, unless the air travel industry and security apparatus have decided en masse that, with regard to accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘profiling,’ ‘[perceived] persecution is worse than slaughter.'”
But, of course, INBBC, censoring words ‘Islam’, ‘Muslim’, and ‘jihad’ as usual, has this spin of a headline:
“BA call centre worker Rajib Karim denies terror charges”
Watching the BBC in the Netherlands (btw we also have to pay to watch the beeb), I was struck by how little information was supplied in the Panorama expose of the ‘FIFA Family’, all we seemed to get were breathless voiceovers from the reporter claiming ‘secret moles’, ‘secret court cases’ and ‘spreadsheets’ which showed some financial figures. Did we learn anything from this expose?, I would say no, the only substantive evidence provided was a rehash of stories already in the public domain.
Twice this week I have been promised scandal by the bucketload ‘Wikileaks’ which actually just showed that politicans have the same opinions about the geo-political environment as the rest of us (shock horror) and then this Panorama episode which seemed to me to be a poor mans version of Watchdog, which came complete with a reporter screaming questions whilst standing in the entrance of a luxury hotel!.
Has this helped Englands WC bid?, I doubt it, has it caused lasting damage?, again I would say no as I believe that England just like the Netherlands will lose out to the Spanish / Portugal bid.
Interesting bBC article which exposes the inherent racism to be found in Jews in Israel.
Israeli orthodox rabbi stirs up racism debate
From a pine-covered mountaintop in the far north of Israel, the Sea of Galilee is just visible through the mist below.This is the idyllic setting for Tzfat, as it is known in Hebrew, or Safed, as Arabic-speakers call it, a holy place for Jews. It is said to have been founded by a son of Noah after the great flood.In the past few weeks it has also become famous for a decree made by its chief rabbi who instructed residents not to rent rooms or houses to Israeli Arabs.
Above the bBC rightly exposes the ugliness of racism. But hang on, this is one man in one town in one country. Which begs me to ask when will the bBC run an article on how both the West Bank and Gaza r forbid Muslims to rent to Jews. In fact both still run laws which warrants the death sentence for anybody who sells property to a jew.
Next door in Jordon, it is written into the constitution that Jews cannot live or own property there.
And this weekend Turkey had this to say about Jews and Greeks:
“Turkey’s Public Works and Housing Ministry has prepared a draft that would ease rules for property sales to foreign nationals, except for Israeli and Greek citizens, the Turkish newspaper Altinkum Voices reported on Sunday. According to the draft, Israeli and Greek citizens will not be allowed to purchase land in Turkey, while citizens of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab nations will face considerably relaxed rules for land purchases.”
Yet another example of how the bBC always leaves the elephant in the room out of any story which berates the jews.
Exactly. When reporting from Israel, the BBC tries to portray the exceptional as being general – while ignoring the general, all-pervasive hatred, preached from birth, on the Palestinian side.
The BBC, especially thier reporters around the middle east have very effective blinkers on and they haven’t discovered MEMRI yet. No really they haven’t…
I haven’t seen it mentioned here, and it’s not so much BBC Bias as troughing at our expense, but there was a half page article in the Sunday Times by Jamie Mc Ginnes – ‘Rock on:Freebies roll in for BBC boss’… obviously it’s behind the paywall so I can’t copy it in here but it begins: ”
His post as BBC deputy director general has been officially declared redundant after almost 6 yrs but it can now be revealed how a hectic schedule of extra-curricular activity events has helped Mark Byford fill the days.
He attends so many sporting fixtures & concerts that he appears to pop up alongside celebrities like an executive version of Where’s Wally.” Leaving with a £3.7 million pension he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of rock & pop music and sport. Hardly surprising when he appears in the audience (or exec box) at events involving Elton John, Paul NcCartney, Led Zeppelin, Morrissey, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robert Plant, etc. He has indulged his love of sport with leading BBC coverage of the Beijing olympics, 2010 World Cup, Wembley Cup Final and of course Centre Court at Wimbledon.
But of course he does make donations to charity in recompense for hospitality tickets examples given are £180 for the FA Cup visit and £200 for the World Cup… how kind.
From Fact to Fiction
No not the motto of BBC News and Current Affairs but the remarkable Legs Akimbo agit prop strand broadcast to encourage the bourgiousie that just listening to the radio can be nearly as revolutionary an act as producing it.
This week was exceptional its central message delivered by heroic black women was: get out on the streets, smash up (“Roarrrr with anger”) central London and protect the inalienable right of dim middle-class kids to avoid paid work by studying ancient history and hairdressing at a former polytechnic.
Broadcast with that special tone of toe-curling cringing hero worship the BBC default adopts when portraying”urban” people (what is known elsewhere I believe as racial stereotyping), it really thought it was seditious and “edgy” – and to be fair some of it was quite well written.
But whatever the absurd, but unmoveable, people fostering “left of centre thinking” at BBC drama think I somehow doubt that violent revolutionaries often raise their eyes from the methods of Andreas Baader in order to catch a patronising, unrealistic and accidentally quite hilarious drama on Radio 4…followed by the first glass of chardonnay of the evening and Loose Ends. Splendid!
Still its a la lanterne with the lib dems…..
The BBC are ‘unhappy’ with Gary Linekar’s comment about “at least Match of the Day is supporting the England bid”
Apparently this is deemed ‘an opinion’ and beeboids are not allowed ‘opinions’. Well I think this will come as news to us here, as I’ve been listening to ‘opinions’ from beeboids for years, all left wing ones of course.
Again we know why the BBC want to spoil the world cup bid, they hate Cameron and don’t want him to get any ‘lift’ out of it like Bliar did over the Olympics. And just as I type this the Daily Politics show a clip of Cameron getting on a plane and talk about embarrassment.
Also, the drugs and rent boys of Russia are apparently the best in the world,
“Again we know why the BBC want to spoil the world cup bid, they hate Cameron and don’t want him to get any ‘lift’ out of it like Bliar did over the Olympics.”
Yes exactly, I heard some grudging BBC lefty say that Cameron was lucky to get the Royal Wedding next April.
Too bad Linekar didn’t simply tweet it, in which case he’d have a whole host of Beeboids defending him.
Broadcasting House at the weekend was a luvvie-fest featuring such notables of the luvvie establishment as John Snow.
Listen to the introduction (from 33.15 to 35.00) of the paper reviewers with Luvvie Terry Jones, a luvvie academic, and non-luvvie Richard D North. Note the presenter’s change in tone when he moves onto North and the “friendly” introductory question he is asked. But never fear, after the token non-luvvie is introduced it’s back to normal with luvvie Jones prattling on about there being no Islamic threat…..Elsewhere on this programme we had (another!) luvvie Michael Morpurgo making peace in the Middle East. He visited a school somewhere in the Middle East where Jews and Arabs are taught together. But we are not told where the school is. Here’s my hunch – it isn’t in the palestinian Territories and never could be, but this is the sort of detail Morpurgo (with Sidekick Sykes) don’t bother to tell us. Also Morpurgo gives us an Al-Bowen context comment by saying that the Jews came to the region and displaced people who already lived there. The sort of stuff you would find on CBBC or Horrible Histories….
Neveh Shalom is in Israel not as implied in the Palestinian Authority.
It seems the BBC announcer didn’t do even the minimum research. Why am I not surprised?
Other than in gathering donations from naive foreign donors it’s hard to call it a success. Despite being formed about 40 years ago it is still one of a kind. It has come under severe criticism, for example, No, an exercise in Jewish self debasement
Only a BBC journo would suggest this is the only place where Jewish kids can speak to Arab kids and showing respect to each other. There are plenty of other projects if he had only bothered to do some homework.
The bBC, and the knowledge of its so called defence experts.
Merlin helicopters in Afghanistan ‘proving their worth’
The above is a video report on the AW101 or as known in British Service the Merlin.The bBC report on how hard the Merlins are finding the conditions in Afghanistan and how the crews train for their tenure in theatre by sitting in a flight simulator back in RAF Benson.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
The Merlins are well suited to the Afghan flight ops because they have 3 engines; It was designed for long distance operations in the North Atlantic. So it is build like a shit house or if you are as old as me a Tonka toy. Which is why Denmark, Canada and Portugal have procured the Merlin to use in the search and rescue role.
And that pre-op training? Well actually the blue jobs swan off to the wilds of El Centro Naval Base in California for 3 weeks in which to train in conditions very similar to what they will face in downtown Tower hamlets..sorry Afghanistan.
You’d think any so called defence expert would know that, as he would also know that the RAF are going to lose all their Merlins to the Navy (Thanks the previous government) and that in its place it is going to get…refurbished Pumas which at the cost of just under a new AW101 will get an extra 5 years life. Talk about pound foolish, penny shy. But hey why berate the last lot when this lot have scrapped the best and most cost effective Elint aircraft the UK has ever owned.
But the point I’m getting at is that both the Merlin and Sentinel excel at what they do, both have the ‘Made in Britain’ badge and we should be proud of just how good they are. Which proberly explains why th bBC doesn’t bother or more likely doesn’t know.
Nothing new Pounce as I’ve posted the Sea Harrier was scrapped several years ago under Liebour without any complaints, yet it’s the Sea Harrier that provides the fleet defence and the air intercept facility so needed for the ‘imaginary’ Falklands war the BBC keep dreaming up.
The BBC’s defence experts can’t even work out that an aircraft designed specifically for ground attack (the RAF Harrier) is totally unsuitable as a stop gap for the Navy.
But hey Kate Silverton that BBC autocutie who said she wants to be a ‘war reporter’ knows all the different colours of army vehicles, she’ll go far with that expertise.
Dont know if anyone covered this on the previous OT. Richard Bacon interviewed P J O’Rourke on Thursday.
A good interview I thought insofar as it goes, but he didn’t press P J O’Rourke when he brushed off Sarah Palin’s ‘misspeak’ on North Korea as something that could happen to anyone (I guess not wanting to explore with him why it is such a big deal to others) and when he asked him what dissappointed him about Bush it was Bush’s lack of fiscal conservatism. One may have thought it would have been a good moment to ask him about what defined Bush’s Presidency, the Iraq War, but maybe that would have been an opportunity for an elegant witty guy like O’Rourke to give articulate support for Bush’s use of waterboarding to protect America and her allies?
The BBC really are pathetic wankers, trying to trip Cameron up by continually asking him about having to work with “corrupt FIFA officials”
It was so obvious the BBC did this Panorama just to try to make Cameron look a fool. Piss off beeboids it hasn’t worked.
The Islamisation of the control of ‘British’ television.
While the politically Islamised content of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is apparent daily, less well appreciated is the way in which Arab/Islamic influences politically shape INBBC output.
INBBC has thousands of Islamic staff (in Britain and in all Islamic countries) whose reports, often putting an Islamic political viewpoint, are paid for by British licencepayers, of course*. [* Currently, BBC Arabic Television, based at Broadcasting House, east wing, of course, London, is UK taxpayer-financed, but soon will be exclusively paid for by BBC licencepayers instead!.]
INBBC acts as though it is ideologically part of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). INBBC does not recognise its own ‘Islamophilia’, but is quick to join the OIC is condemning ‘Islamophobia’, and in trying to get criticism of Islam made illegal.
INBBC has a ‘technical’ agreement with Al Jazeera English (which has studios, and many ex-INBBC staff at its London base):
SKY (as Fox News, is part of News Corp) is now significantly part-owned by Saudi , al-Waleed, who owns about 7%; and now SKY has formed a close financial media relationship with Abu Dhabi. (From the comment below, some Britrish viewers are quick to see ther cultural drift to Islam as an alienating experience for British (non-Muslim) viewers.
“Sky News To Launch Arabic Service In 2012 ”
The bBC, court reporting and spot the difference.
bBC version
UK ‘complicit in al-Qaeda man’s torture’
The UK was complicit in the torture of the first al-Qaeda member to be convicted in the country of directing terrorism, a court has heard. Rangzieb Ahmed, 34, was unlawfully held in Pakistan, beaten and had fingernails removed, a QC told the Court of Appeal.
Guardian version.
Al-Qaida terrorist’s appeal argues that Britain was complicit in his torture
Rangzieb Ahmed alleges that a Pakistani intelligence agency interrogated him supplied with questions by Manchester police
I suppose it’s all in the wording in how much of a victim you wish to make the fellow in question. The thing is the bBC has a strange habit of always making ‘Islamic terrorists’ as the only victims in the village. (the bBC village that is)
further to my last I wonder why the bBC don’t mention that their so called innocent-man while been born in the Uk left at the age of 7 to live in Pakistan while there he learnt how to pick up a gun and become a terrorist. Which is how the Indians arrested and jailed him for for 7 years for been on the wrong side of the Kashmir border (I wonder what he was doing there when his family live nowhere near there) . Of course he brought out the ‘I was torture angle then. You’d think that after 7 years in jail. the bBCs innocent man would have gone on the straight and narrow. Apparently not and he was in the process of conducting a terrorist act sorry militant protest when he was picked up by the people he presumed he was defending.
It seems the bbC doesn’t want anybody to know of this mans past. I wonder why?
They are at it again. Notice the term ‘global warming’ in the following:
“The coal forests covered Europe and North America during the Carboniferous
The fragmentation of tropical rainforests 300 million years ago helped pave the way for the rise of the dinosaurs, a new study suggests.
In the Carboniferous period, North America and Europe lay at the equator and were covered by steamy rainforest.
Global warming is thought to have brought about the collapse of these tropical habitats, triggering an evolutionary burst among reptiles.”
I’ve been studying the Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian boundary events for some two decades now, living in Central Germany where this geology (and the faunal/floral palaeontology) is widespread and well-studied.
This is my response to the BBC duty scribbler:
“North America was located along Earth’s equator then, courtesy of the forces of continental drift. The hot and humid climate of the Middle Carboniferous Period was accompanied by an explosion of terrestrial plant life. However by the Late Carboniferous Period Earth’s climate had become increasingly cooler and drier. By the beginning of the Permian Period average global temperatures declined by about 10° C.
The introduction of the term ‘warming’ is quite unwarranted by the science and misinterprets the study which it claims to present.
We all know what ‘global warming’ is supposed to mean for the average reader!
The conflation of ‘science’ and ‘environment’ with, apparently, the outcome of doing neither justice, is getting out of hand and beyond a joke.
As with ‘Horrible Histories’, the further concern comes when ‘education’ gets dragged into the narrative too.
A few weeks back this aspect was highlighted with an interesting discussion on Harmless Sky:
These people are influencers. I am struggling to think of one journo on the enviro beat – especially those half-dozen from a £3.6B force-funded media organisation – who has the remotest clue about the subject they are supposed to be reporting upon.
Paul Hudson is the one “environment” or science voice at the BBC that has indicated any reluctance to be swept along by all the eco-babble – David Whitehouse left the BBC, Hudson is peripheral
Except Hudson is the one who sat on – or was told to sweep under the rug – the ClimateGate emails for at least a month.
I have now had time to look at the abstract of the study and can see how the sloppy reading of the carefully worded text has led Rincon to leap to the ‘global warming’ meme.
The extract shows the wording which produced, quite unwarranted, the reflex assumption of the constant negative that ‘global warming’ connotes in the lazy mind.
….but following rainforest collapse in earliest Kasimovian time (ca. 305 Ma), tetrapod extinction rate peaked, alpha diversity imploded, and endemism developed for the first time. Analysis of ecological diversity shows that rainforest collapse was also accompanied by acquisition of new feeding strategies (predators, herbivores), consistent with tetrapod adaptation to the effects of habitat fragmentation and resource restriction. Effects on amphibians were particularly devastating, while amniotes (‘reptiles’) fared better, being ecologically adapted to the drier conditions that followed. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that Coal Forest fragmentation influenced profoundly the ecology and evolution of terrestrial fauna in tropical Euramerica, and illustrate the tight coupling that existed between vegetation, climate, and trophic webs”
Notice the words ‘rainforest collapse’, ‘diversity imploded’, ‘drier conditions’, .
None of this implies ‘global warming’ but climate change in the context of this period is cooling and drying not warming.
The BBC has jumped to the wrong conclusions out of the warmist bias that is, in this context, quite wrong.
When does news reporting end and advertising begin. Answer: when the bBC prompt the Labour party.
When Red ED says he is going to start a 2 year process of re-inventing the Labour party it is just an entry in a news slot. Not the bBC it not only goes on for days, but it then shows his boring stage managed speech. The amount of airtime this item got was truly astonishing, it is blatant advertising in a real (non bBC) world.
I reckon it’s why they seem to be so coy about the Wikileaks stuff, and not just because it shows Mr. Bowen and his stable full of stringers throughout the Middle East to be a tad focussed on one small country they don’t like vs. a whole bunch who need daily free passes.
So, two days in searching, and they still can’t find the bit where God Emperor Obama has designated Miliband E. his top homie in the Euro crib…. assuming anyone in the US has the slightest interest in him, even if they have a clue who he is.
Furthermore, Bowen was incoherent when wheeled into the BBC studio. Sky had broken the Wikileaks exposé 44 minutes earlier.
Bowen was, well, er – Bowen at his best – Risable.
The BBC doesn’t do insight and true to form nor does comrade Bowen.
This might have been far too early in the morning for the BBC to get their head’s around a breaking story, but there you go, It’s what you get with unique funding.
Bring on Bowen and Bollocks, but I’m still not sure in which order they appeared !
But they both managed to come to the same conclusion – Ugh ! Dunno !
Given how regularly the bbc seems willing to promote its own ‘successes’ I found it strange that they failed to include John Humfrey’s exposure of Red Ed’s complete vacuousness in its coverage of the ‘policy review’. I wonder if its because that would be against the bbc’s left agenda? To his credit Humfrey’s really went after Ed I thought, properly skewered. Its small wonder his minders don’t let him out very often with performances like that. Well worth listening to again, from Friday’s today programme I think.
I see the camp male beeboids are all excited that the one eyed mong had a word on the QT about Gary Mckinnon, then got told to piss off by the yanks. But hey Gordie tried right beeboids?
BBC now explicitly advising us what we are not allowed to say:
I’ve had a look but can’t find the one about “What the hell are paying the licence fee for ?”
Shurley somme mistakke ?
Finlo Rohrer seems to have confused ethnicity with social class. Eugenics was about breeding for specific traits, which is not the same thing as keeping poor people from breeding. Or was there a plan for breeding accounting skills and an appreciation for Hayek?
I assume a bunch of other dopey leftoids have it confused as well, and use that to advance their own agenda.
Can any one work out what the BBC opinion of elected police commissioners is – because it is really hard to work it out from their genetically impartial reporting……..
They’re probably Anti it, they’re pretty much anti everything else.
If it means not electing a leftie the BBC are against it.
It scares them sh*t less. Imagine someone accountable to local people decided Police priorities. They know any job that requires an election won’t go to one of their friends so they are going to loose control of something and don’t like it.
Expect any mistake made by the Police who have an elected leader to be jumped on hard by the Beeb and no mention of anywhere that it is going well.
Yes the BBC liked elected Mayor’s when Red Ken was winning, but as soon as the proles voted in Boris the BBC spat their rent boys willy out.
Out of all that could be said the BBC news website rolling headlines –
Cost of introducing police and crime commissioners in police forces outside London in England and Wales estimated to be £136.5m
BBC paraphrasing for – so you out there may want elected commissioners, but you will have to pay an awful lot for it & how can the evil tories spend all this money when there are cuts, cuts, cuts elsewhere?
Yes, imagine a world where ordinary citizens get to choose what’s best for them. No wonder the Beeboids disapprove.
I agree that with the BBC’s solidly objective and impartial reporting and interviewing it’s very hard to work out what their attitude to elected Police Commissioners is. But thankfully James Naughtie did take time out from this to voice his fears that it would give rise to the crude sort of policitcs one sees in America, where people campaign for the job on the basis of how many people they would lock up. James Naughtie doesn’t want that sort of thing here.
And thankfully Mark Easton was also on hand this morning to point out the “political bluster” of the Coalition on the question of licensing laws.
While on, I was in the car on Saturday hearing the left-wing Zoe Ball standing in for the left-wing Dermot O’Leary on Radio 2 and interviewing the left-wing (but thankfully talented) Elvis Costello. While giving a boring story to the enthralled Zoe about what it was like to play for Obama in the White House he mentioned he had played for Clinton and Obama but not the one in the middle. “Yeah, well done for that” gushed Zoe.
It’s in the genes.
Well its at times like these (snow everywhere) you realise the value of BBC local radio .. None its absolutely f**king useless. I tuned into my local BBC station at 6am to try and find out what roads were blocked , if public transport was running etc etc. Instead I found they were continuing to play 80’s music and in between the records the reader-outer listed some blocked roads. Except he couldn’t pronounce the road names and didn’t have the local knowledge to know that there are at least 6 “London Roads” in the county so saying that London Road is blocked is utterly pointless. Public transport news consisted of telling us that Nottingham station has problems with snow which isn’t even in this flaming county.
Honestly you might as well have a computer voice reading out an RSS feed. Thankfully as usual the internet gave me the useful info and I have got into work OK.
Have you noticed how Sky often just read out the weather forecast with a graphic?
How much could the bBC save if it got rid of the self-obsessed, hand-waving weather morons it uses?
Actually Sky got rid of several of their weather readers and have gone to the system you describe, shame really as they got rid of some nice totty.
The lovely Lucy is now on Daybreak but unfortunately that means you have to watch the smug pair of ex beeboids who host that steaming great turd.
Martin – is there any significance in Sky using what you describe as totty – pretty women while the BBC seems to specialise in males ?
While driving to work in this terrible weather, I have been saved long ques of traffic by listening to local independent radio. If you want real local information then the BBC is not for you.
Wasn’t originally going to add this little spot as I originally thought thought it was more of the usual overstaffed BBC can’t be bothered to engage in research beyond the trotted out press release. However I changed my mind when I noticed it still occupied the position of key story for two days running in the Middle East section whilst newer items automatically drop to secondary stories:
The gist of the story is that Israel is dragging it’s heels on the the easing of the blockade following Operation Cast Lead despite its promises to do so. The narrative is Israel creating humanitarian crisis.
Where it becomes problematic is in two places. It’s obvious they have simply trotted out the content of the press and have either not read the report or they don’t want to dig into in because it’s alarmingly full of anti Israel crap with findings that show contradictory evidence. I was going to give an example of how the BBC were showing contradictions to its own story here but it seems they have been involved in a little bit of editing overnight. One story still talks about how the Israelis have a ban on simple ingredients on glucose for biscuits in place (I think they really have a ban on glucose because of it being a component in some improvised explosives). The other story (now missing) showed one factory full of biscuits that it couldn’t sell due to both the blockade and the fact that Gaza was full of cheaper Israeli biscuits.
The real disingenuous piece is here though. Within the report we have this line from Gisha quouted:
“After a freedom of information request by the Israeli human rights organisation Gisha, the Israeli government released documents saying the blockade was originally tightened as part of a policy of “deliberately reducing” basic goods for people in Gaza in order to put pressure on Hamas.”
Which is partially repeated in Gisha’s press release:
“The documents reveal that the state approved “a policy of deliberate reduction” for basic goods in the Gaza Strip (section h.4, page 5*).”
Except for the small fact that this isn’t what the documents say at all at the quoted place. What it says is this:
“If it is a case of the lower warning line an update will be
provided and the Gaza DCO will take action to increase the
transfer of the relevant product unless it is a case of a policy of
deliberate restriction.”
If you read the full document the lower warning line is a threshold that if basic goods get below a certain level they will send more of those through. The deliberate restriction is mentioned only once in this section but it is also conditional and not wholsesale as the press release and report are suggesting. Also nowhere does the report mention this policy in the context of using the population to squeeze Hamas. What the document is actually about how they will ensure approved goods will be kept at a level to ensure the population of Gaza gets its basic needs met, in line with support from the Palestinian Authority. What it does mention about Hamas is by listing dual use items that are restricted to prevent Hamas using them for their own ends as opposed to the benefit of Gazans.
The other thing the Beeb nicely avoid is the observation in the Oxam report that the power shortages were also contributed to by internal wranglings between the PA and Hamas.
You can read the supporting documents below:
Oxfam report (which has suddenly become very well hidden since yesterday so I had to go to Amnesty International because Cancun isn’t on their agenda):
Click to access doc_21083.pdf
Israeli FOI request on policy and proceedure for transferring goods to Gaza:
Click to access DefenseMinistryDocumentsRevealedFOIAPetition.pdf
Oh and if you want to see how the BBC also report the same crippling crisis, take a look at the supermaket owner in this story on the site:
I believe this actually means that the Israelis will see to an increase in whatever necessary goods fall below the threshold, except for items which are being deliberately restricted. The problem for the Israel-Is-Evil crowd is that these items aren’t cookies but things like cement and pipes and things the various happy militants like to make into rockets, bombs, and smuggling tunnels.
The other point I forgot to make was that a policy of restriction as quoted in the Israeli document is very very different from a policy of deliberate reduction.
The other point the Oxfam report makes is that it is critical of israel for not bringing in concrete because Hamas are getting it via the tunnel network which begs the question of whether there really is a shortage of concrete on the scale, the report is quoting – unless of course Hamas were using it for reasons other than improving the everyday lives of Gazans. Of course if they were doing that wouldn’t that mean the Israelis were doing the right thing by being quite insistent on monitoring where the buidling materials go?
Every news bulletin that I’ve seen on the BBC, including the news at six and London news, seem to have pretty much ignored the disgusting scenes of violence and destruction by the student scum. Instead they prefer to take the line that ‘students have taken to the streets accusing Nick Clegg of betrayal’.
Nothing about the many assaults on police officers, the disgusting vandalism of Nelson’s Column, the destruction of public and private property, not to mention the fact that they tried to smash their way in to a Waterstones book shop.
I’m sure these sad pathetic wankers from the SWP and UAF would have loved nothing more than to start burning books, just as their German predecessors once did.
I’m sure, after this, that public support for funding of middle-class fuck-wits to do Mickey Mouse courses at former Polytechnics will be at an all time low.
Most of the scum protesting are right tossers called Tarquin or Melissa, middle class drugged up twats, they need a good kicking.
Exactly. Why waste any more money trying to educate these thick work-shy tossers, it’s never going to succeed.
The police may as well use live rounds on them, it’ll save the tax payer millions in benefits in years to come!
Is INBBC beginning to realise what is going on in that most ‘benign’ of Islamic states, Indonesia?
INBBC report:
“Indonesia’s Islamic laws are ‘abusive’, report says”
It is part of the basic tenets of Islam that Muslims must spread the application of Sharia law, and not only in Indonesia.
An interesting book on Indonesia:
by S. Dhume.
Prologue to S. Dhume’s book, above:
No agenda here then!
Climate Connection: Consumption on the couch
Wed, 1 Dec 10
27 mins
As world leaders gather in Cancun for the latest UN climate negotiations, the Climate Connection series asks a key question in the story of action on climate change: what’s stopping us? In part three Jon Stewart considers if the lack of action is down to a failure of communication
You do have to wonder what it will take to get the message over; in this as in pretty much every libtard ((c) Delingpole) campaign they communicated your views perfectly, we understood them and considered them in the light of everything we could learn, and rejected them.
Any failure of communication on the left is not us failing to understand them; it is them refusing to accept that we don’t want them or their policies.
Exactly. What’s that phrase? Oh I recall – YOU CAN’T POLISH A TURD
The BBC has conviently forgotten to report the news that the left, in a traditionally extremely leftwing region of Europe, has been thrashed. Catalonia in Spain now has a centre-right government, yet this has received no reporting.You can read about it here:
One wonders if there’d be the same silence if the left triumphed in a traditionally conservative area of Europe…
“Neither the FA nor the BBC”
I was listening to Talksport this morning and Mark Saggers (ex beeboid himself) was saying that the BBC dross turned up in their hotel (for the World Cup stuff) and started having a dig at Talksport (there is a lot of history as some may know between the BBC and Talksport, in particular Stan Collymore, Saggers himself and fatty Alan Green, but others as well, the BBC were not happy that Talksport got commentary rights on the World Cup and Premier League)
Saggers commented that in light of Panorama he thought the BBC lot might have wanted to keep their gobs shut and heads down.
Clearly the BBC have no shame. Their arrogance is beyond belief at times.
Beeboid wastrels:
So manufacturing in the UK has grown the fastest for a November in 16 years. Which Party was in charge then, and what were the circumstances? Any similarities between then and now? The BBC isn’t saying.
Gosh, the private sector picking up the slack when they’re finally allowed to make long-term plans thanks to the Tories’ policies? Record hiring in manufacturing? Who’d have thought? Not the BBC, as that’s the exact opposite of what they’ve been saying for months.
Since the Beeboid in the accompanying video brought up Germany’s situation versus the Socialist countries going down the toilet, will there be any discussion about how Germany got it right, and the tax-and-spend crowd got it wrong? Especially since the BBC expert analysts kept telling us that the latter are correct? I won’t hold my breath.
Yes especially as Barry has thrown billions on his ‘shovel ready projects’ and created about 9 jobs in total.
The only thing Barry and the BBC are good at shovelling is shit and they are both experts at that.
Notice that the BBC are still bigging up the story about Mervyn King and Cameron yet the only story from Wikileaks we’ve heard from the BBC about McMong was the one making out he was a hero trying ot stop Gary MCKinnon from being sent to the USA for trial.
Funny that the Daily Mail found this then.
White House ‘did not trust’ Brown who ‘lacked influence’ in the U.S.
Shall I hold my breath and wait for the BBC to report this? Er nope.
Judging from that first sentence of the Mail article, about how Mr. Brown lied to the President about troops, the White House was right not to trust him.
But the BBC won’t report it. The BBC are only reporting what the Guardian prints.
There is a very dubious set of connections here, all linked by a coomon cause, and all, it seems, with the opportunity to filter the raw data for what needs hiding, and what can be played up.
Such editorialising is little short of tribal propaganda, rather hilariously from a bunch of po-faced hypocrites who when it suits claim not to deal in illegally-obtained information of uncertain provenance.
Oh, dear, BBC in Protect mode just now, as Miliband Minor had a bad time at Prime Minister’s Questions this morning. Laura Kuenssberg giving a nice cover story – no problem, Ed just needs to “learn faster” how to deal with Cameron, with helpful leading questions from the Beeboid in the studio.
Just a “blip” for him, no big deal. Did they have a special segment defending Cameron the first time he got a kicking at PMQs?
Agreed. Unbelievable. Cameron utterly destroyed Ed at PMQs today. Doesn’t make the BBC front page and even the story in the Politics section has Thatcher in the headline just to remind people that they are both Tories. Honestly you couldn’t make it up.
Do the BBC take us for fools? On the 6PM News George I’m a twat Allagiah stated that Police Commissioners could lead to the politicising of the Police. Really BBC?
Didn’t THAT start with Bliar? I seem to remember the Countryside alliance getting a kicking off the plods at your request.
Didn’t Sir Ian Blair allow London Police cars to carry pro Liebour propaganda?
Oh and didn’t Bliar get Police chiefs to come to Westminster to lobby for the 90 day detention law?
Did I dream all that? Wasn’t Ian Blair right up the arse of NuLiebour?
How typical of the BBC to re-write history.
Exactly right. I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that the BBC line is the exact same one Ed Balls was spouting yesterday and today.
This seems to be yet another example of the BBC failing to honestly discuss the experience in the US with important policies like this, especially when the US experience would be particularly instructive against the Labour/BBC line. The higher-education bubble would be another recent example of this.
Here’s a nugget from the BBC red button News service that I am going to quote verbatim:
“Christians say faith ‘Attacked'”
Christians who believe their faith is “under attack” in Britain have launched a “Not Ashamed Day” campaign.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey claimed Christians of “deep faith” faced discrimination.
Campaigners say a mounting number of cases of workers being disciplined over their beliefs show Christianity is being “airbrushed” from UK society.
But the National Secular Society said “zealots” were wrong to claim the faith was being deliberately undermined.
To me, that last paragraph seems tacked on (to portray impartiality), but it’s too brief a statement to give you a full picture. Why are these “zealots” wrong to claim the faith is being deliberately undermined?
The “Secular” bit says it all; no need for further info to get the idea. The BBC put that on as if it’s a legitimate opposing view to people who claim that their religous beliefs are discriminated against and marginalized.
It’s a joke because of course secularists are going to want to deliberately undermine religious faith. That’s the entire point of being an organization which promotes secularism. It’s like quoting a fox for an opinion on a chickens’ rights campaign.
Furthermore, if you dig up the BBC website news story on this piece, it goes into more detail.
But it doesn’t get any better.
The Christian Group “Christian Concern” are concerned (funnily enough) about discimination against Christians, and the BBC news team digs up THREE organisations to oppose their claims.
1) The aforementioned secular group.
2) A Humanist group (read their reasoning for opposing the Christian grievances for massive LOLs)
3) Governmental Religious think tank Ekklesia.
Eric Pickles gets a short two paragraphs at the end to say the country loves religion and Christmas (£s) really, and that it’s important we mustn’t marginalise the importance Christ’s birth plays in Christmas (indeed), but it doesn’t drown out the overriding narrative.
The narrative which I believe attempts to marginalise the Christian group into something not to disimilar to UKIP or the EDL
It could do with exploring the ‘Christian Concern’ side of the argument with a bit more than some examples of failed court cases though.
The secular society should learn humility as a group I find them utterly insufferable and guilty as any religious clan of the ‘ we are right’ syndrome and so have become a loose collection of smug holier than thou smart arses who’s beliefs are so ridged and constricted that no opposing voices can be heard or tolerated!.
Probably why they shouted and heckled down Mr J.Balls anti AGW speech at their shindig ! as even the greenies gods hate competition!
As an un-baptised atheist I should find common cause with this lot of prigs and their beeble brethren but I cannot !.
Soz rant over !
Humanists are also anti-religion secularists. It’s completely dishonest to use two anti-religion voices for opinions on whether or not Christians experience discrimination.
BBC-favorite Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has written that the recent case of the “Asian” gang who groomed, drugged, and raped white teenage girls reveals “disgusting cultural beliefs further validate their acts and their uncontrollable lechery”.
BBC: Zzzzzzzz.
She won’t be on Radio 5 with Dame Nikki for saying that, you can count on that.
I was just about to slag off Yabs but then realised she has done the right thing: I didn’t expect to read these words but I did:
“Most of the Asians were Muslim Pakistanis”
Even if the BBC did report anything similar they would NEVER put that, it would remain “Asian”.
Newsnight are a joke, we get a puff piece that Red Ed is dead in the water, so who does Emily Titless get to interview? Why Red Ed’s arse licker Peter Hain, who is given a free pass to spout off about the Tories, I thought it was supposed to be a piece about Red Ed?
Why didn’t Newsnight get two hacks one from the left and one from the right to discuss it? Titless is never going to go on the attack or take the opposite view to Hain as ‘balance’
It got worse. I take it you switched off. The most inane discussion on the student protests imaginable. Emily -by the way there is a Thomas the Tank engine locomotive called Emily- and the bizarre panel getting very excited about student protests and did it mean the return of the spirit of ’68 ( God help us )
I half expected them all to jump to their feet and led by a puffing Emily start chanting “Thatcher out!” and vote for a permanant sit in in the studio till their incoherent demands for a revolution in their lifetime paid for by the hated bourgeoisie were met by the coalition or by Mrs Thatcher.
OMFG, the US is run by orangutans:
US Ready to Back Bigger EU Stability Fund: Official
The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an extra commitment of money from the International Monetary Fund, a U.S. official told Reuters on Wednesday.
The immediate result of this foolish notion before it even happens?
Dollar Falters as Euro Snaps 3-Day Decline; Caution Persists
BBC perspective….wait for it….
Global financial markets rise amid bail-out rumours
The US “can’t afford to let Europe implode”, said David Gilmore, analyst at Foreign Exchange Analytics.
Oh, yes we can. Instead, the clueless ideologues in charge of the US have no problem with further debasing our currency. Bond yields ridiculously high? No problem, as the countries paying out the interest will really be reaching into US taxpayers’ pockets to do it now.
No criticism forthcoming from any Beeboids, I’m sure. Why, He’s saving the world, as promised.
Welcome to the world of Socialism David, now you know the sort of crap we’ve had to put up with for years 🙂
Do you meet many people who openly admit to voting for Barry these days?
Only hardcore Marxists anymore.
I’m a regular viewer of Jeff Randall Live on Sky (7 pm Monday – Thursday). He’s a master of the interview, intelligent but self-effacing. He is courteous and his guests are relaxed and forthcoming. He has enough time for expanded interviews. Even though it is a business programme it is entertaining.
Could you ever imagine such a programme on the bBC? If not, why not?
Well because there would be an agenda. There would be point scoring. There would be aggression. There would be “me me me” from the interviewer.
Every time I see Jeff Randall Live I think how low the bBC has sunk. They just could not make a programme like this.
I can’t imagine the BBC doing something like this ever since Jeff Randall was replaced by Gordon Brown’s biographer.
Touche !
Post of the week I think DJ
To elaborate a bit, I think part of the aggressive BBC way in slyly and not so slyly pushing its agenda is to make people feel afraid to disagree with the agenda they’re pushing, and I’m talking about the viewing public. I think the way the psychology of fear works is it hurts people’s egos to admit that they do something out of fear, so they’d rather convince themselves that they freely adopt their views by promoting them with equal sanctimony and agression rather than just admit their afraid to voice what they truly think and feel. The BBC are masters at projecting this form of Thought Police intimidation, and our country’s moral fibre is largely so spent that all too many people fall in line with it.
Happy Hanukka holiday to Jewish B-BBCers who celebrate it. The BBC pays some grudging acknowledgement to it with an interview with a Liberal rabbi who reliably ignored all the national and traditional religious aspects and a photo of the day – in Berlin.
For those unaware of the historical details Hanukka commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the successful Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BC against Seleucid King of Syria Antiochus IV Epiphanes. It is intimately tied up with Jewish connections to Jerusalem and the temple site which the Palestinians claim their is no Jewish connection. Worse it is a celebration of a military victory. Hence the BBC ignoring the issue.
For those who are interested BBC Radio 2 with Adam Munsey and Rabbi Pete Tobias and Day in pictures: 1 December 2010
How the BBC plays to the Palestinian narrative by omitting all reference to the national context of the festival
Anyone wishing to rid themselves of some guilt may well consider nailing themselves to a cross whilst watching yesterday’s ‘Daily Politics’ from 1:13:10 onwards
What an utter utter f*****g moron.
More money, we need more money! tax the bankers!
I like how he claims the current snow is proof of climate change, along with the pakistani floods.
It put me in mind of Brasseye, it could almost be a spoof.
It’d be laughable if these people didn’t have such influence wouldn’t it!
Just a few years ago his sort were claiming that snow in England was a thing of the past BECAUSE of ‘climate change’, now it’s proof OF ‘climate change’!? The mind boggles!
While thousands of poor and frail British pensioners die of cold related illnesses, this ignorant tosser wants to raise taxes so we can send even more money abroad to prop up 3rd world dictators, who must laugh at our stupidity.
We still never hear the BBC question the science behind this con. That’s what Brillo should have been taking Prescott to task on.
Lets see Lord Monckton vs. Chris Huhne on the BBC.
Prescott is just a fat vile smelly wife cheating slapper shagging twat. No wonder the BBC love him.
Brillo must have been told to keep quiet, he looked like he was straining at the leash in the background.
What on earth qualifies a former Ballykissangel actor to pontificate to me about the evils of my decadent lifestyle anyway?
On Radio 5 Mouldering Corpse this morning, Dame Nikki ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Campbell, while commenting on the Fifa World Cup whoreathon, never tired of reminding his (twenty) listeners that David Beckham was in Zurich with ‘two old Etonians’.
Aw what’s wrong, Nikki, Edinburgh Academy not in The Big League then?
Dame Nikki Campbell really isn’t a happy bunny this morning, he must be on the blob or something.
His continual reference to Prince William and David Cameron as “old Etonians” just grates, you can hear the hatred in his scrawny pathetic hate filled body.
You probably missed it, but our chums at the Beeb have been spreading their Multi-Culti, environmental wings out to include science documentaries. Yesterday on BBC4 there was a prog’ “History of the Jet Engine” which was meant to be a history of the invention of the Jet Engine by a Brit’ designer called Frank Whittle. It was the kind of wretched dumbed-down stuff that should really be broadcast mid-morning in the Teletubbies slot. However, we did learn that Mr Whittle had been a keen environmentalist and was very distressed at the smoky fumes generated by all oil-burning engines. Also, it was only thanks to Frank Whittle and his discovery of the Jet Engine that all those Ugandan asians were able to be evacuated to the UK.
Gee whizz! Thanks Frank!
The program also had some “reconstructions” featuring Frank in his university days. so the Beeb researchers searched far and wide and in the whole of the UK couldn’t find a single white-skinned round-eye to play Frank. So naturally, the actor used to portray Frank was a moslem asian man (who looked nothing like Frank – though he did have a moustache).
But perhaps the researchers could have tried a bit harder.
If you don’t believe me it’s on iPlayer.
The jet engine like everything else was invented by Mohammed, remember it was the Muslims that saved us form the Spanish Armada.
I don’t envy you sitting through that ! i couldn’t make it past the trailer yet another sad badly researched revision of history [which the beeb hates as it has the word Tory in it ] from real facts to their facts!this docudrama bile they are mass producing fits smugly alongside their other great works like the Tudors and that Roman rubbish which was a classic with less historic detail then ‘up Pompeii’ and with worse acting to boot !.
No doubt the BBC did not mention that..
“Whittle, disenfranchised, quit what was left of Power Jets in 1948. Long a socialist, his experiences with nationalisation changed his mind, and he later campaigned for the Conservative Party.”
I am shocked, I tell you… shocked!
And here was me thinking all at the impartial BBC, especially those who often host one of their few poiltical programmes, were bastions of unbiased probity.
Helen… Helen… you there love?
Not sure this would gain traction in some quarters.
@mediaguardianMedia GuardianJana Bennett: BBC highs and lows
There have been, apparently, highs.
well done auntie. You got your way. RUSSIA win the world cup bid.
Bunch of arse.
Panorama really was in the public interest. The russian public that is.
Po faced patronising trot bastards.
May they and all their rent boys burn in hell!
So far that little chap Amrolliwolla has only interviewed the payroll vote – Lineker, Shearer & David Davies. Hope the FA tell him to FO.
Nice to note that both the BBC and their beloved New Labour Masters have managed to completely sabotage the hosting bid of Englands World cup football bid.
With “Patriots” such as BBC/New Labour in our camp, a first round exit in the bid was an absolute certainty.
The BBC are saying that Labour are calling for an enquiry into the bid. Perhaps they could content themselves with an examination of the role of the Labour minister Lord Triesman.
Actually I could have cared less about the whole corrupt sewerfest it was/is/will be, and frankly think this country dodged a financial and security poisoned chalice, but this amused:
@isabyJonathan IsabyBBC reporter to David Beckham: “What went wrong?” Beckham: “We didn’t get enough votes.”
The relative brainpower deployed by your average Beeboid put nicely in context.
Also Mr. Beckham more than polite not to speculate on what other factors there might have been, to a BBC employee.
How many commuters use Orpington Station?
LoL. Market rate talent at work.
You can see the 5m behind her, if you count using crowd assessments the BBC deploys to favour those it supports.
Loved the interviewees eyes, as he realises he is in the presence of the next Susannah Reid.
What the hell was that ?
CBBeebies ?
“You guys !” – “Dunkirk spirit, it’s snowing, wave to the unsuspecting 5 trillion unsuspecting sods passing through Orpington station behind me, all with a special pass from Bob Crowe, who is of course really 5 people”.
Christ ! Where do they get these socialist middle class airheads from ?
At a guess from any recent Student violent demonstration wouldn’t surprise me.
“Does my bum look big in my designer outfit Daddy paid for ?”
“And which idiot sent me to report from a Train station when Tarquin is ment to be taking me to the Ivy for luncheon to discuss pretend marxism ?”.
Thank you Auntie BEEB we only got one vote in the FIFA World Cup bids.
I wonder why?
Oh and apparently it’s Camerons fault, what a bunch of assholes.
Fear not! Uncle Ray is on the case…
RaymondSnoddy Raymond Snoddy Newswatch will be looking tomorrow at what, if any, impact media coverage and Panorama in particular had on the failed England bid
With all the journalistic rigour and integrity for which Newswatch is justly renowned.
Betting some sulky beeboid editor who got the short straw mumbling that ‘they got it about right’?
BBC RADIO 5 live dirty tricks
One of the evening headlines –
“Labour says the conservatives are not doing enough to deal with problems caused by the weather”
Hmmm.. they are using “say” and not “claim” , I wonder why, They normally use “claim” for the conservatives?
Ah i think i have this one ! they only get Tory statements off the wire news networks or their twosser//? sorry twitter accounts so it’s never word of mouth!, but Liebour is easy as the beebles only have to roll over in bed and ask em !
I notice a lot of people are now asking the BBC to investigate FIFA, no chance!!!!
The BBC got the result they wanted, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the BBC cheered when Russia won.
As for the rest of our media, no way will they investigate the commies, they know what will happen, they’ll get knocked off with a tea pot full of radioactive material.
…and use the opportunity to blame the Tories whilst not forgetting to mention the ‘two old Etonians’ as Dame Nicki did.
Sky News should investigate the BBC over allegations that they deliberately sabotaged England’s World Cup bid for political reasons.