I have been a victim of this latest manifestation of global warming for the past few days – travelling to London and at the mercy of years of the deliberate running down of emergency cold weather planning caused because our fat, stupid, complacent, ruling class believes only in the AGW myth. On Wednesday night, I was stranded at Crawley when Southern rail dumped me there at 10pm at night; never in more than 20 years of using the London to Brighton line has anything comparable happened. But no worries, it’s the warmest year ever, don’t you know? And don’t worry, the BBC is pushing away to reassure us that windpower will save the day. Honest. What will it take for our idiot politicians and planners to wake up? The BBC generally is treating this major national emergency as though it was a minor hiccup because it does not fit into their narrative, what’s going on is a bit of ice. That’s OK then. And meanwhile, their so-called science and environment page is filled with the usual AGW drivel, giving voice to the idiot Maldives prime minister who, as usual at events like Cancun, has his begging bowl out. I could not find anything on the BBC about this story, though, the Met Office’s High Prietess of the AGW religion, Vicky Pope, stranded at Gatwick on her way to Cancun. And what about this? – we are giving away £37m more in farming subsidies to deal with “climate change” when old folk back home are severely suffering because they can’t afford the government’s artificially-inflated fuel prices.
There’s a wilful burrowing of collective BBC heads in the sand and a cold-hearted determination to keep the AGW lies mill in full production. Me, I’m off to London again, back at the mercy of all that little bit of ice.
The BBC is still calling this winter a cold snap, its a long snap aint it? and its going to last all winter from the look of the long range forecasts from REAL meteorologists like accuweather.
The BBC has yet to mention that Japan has effectively destroyed Kyoto, wonder why?
The BBC, lying scum? Of course tey are but they are also intent on destroying whats left of their reputation and who are we to stop them?
‘Snap’. 🙂
‘years of the deliberate running down of emergency cold weather planning’
Ah, not at all. Far from being caught with well-funded frillies round ankles, again, on matters of sensible contingency, our great and good (grief – h/t Charlie Brown) seem to still try and claim (ably supported by either dumb or complicit media) that what is happening is ‘unprecedented’.
Another word spun somewhat at odds with the reality of what should be reported.
Unprecednted has been redfined to mean not for the last 16 years!
Snow in winter, in a country at the same lattitude as the Hudson’s Bay, F**k me, that’s unprecedented!. Crikey, it snows for al least one week every year, everywhere, in the UK except for the isles of scilli
You just could not make it up. They are the modern day versions of King Canute. They are just making bigger fools of themselves. God help the people that planted desert plants outside to combate climate change.
Don’t blame Canute – he accepted the reality that he couldn’t control the tide – it was his brown-nosing courtiers who believed he could, so he had to prove it to them.
In this, the real scientists are like Canute telling things as they are, and the BBC is like the courtiers who refuse to accept the truth and will go on believing despite all proof to the contrary.
I have several friends who believed the water-shortage guff and planted semi-desert plants, they are not looking so happy now. I admit that I purchased a water butt a couple of years ago, it has been running over ever since – used it maybe twice in three years.
This is what they wre saying10 years ago in the Independent.
Brilliant find Johnny – I love the quote
According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
But, if Newsnight’s ‘Science Editor’ has a view based on the view of a bloke from a respected outfit with historically respected views such as the Met Office, that is all we need to know, right?
The problem comes when the filleting of such science and its propagandistic media coverage get restricted to niche sites, and if on the BBC only blog threads that can be ‘closed for comment’ when stuff strays from the narrative – whilst the full unidirectional, carefully edited horse droppings go out to 60M folk hourly, at a cost of just £3.6Bpa (plus pensions).
This comment from the hilarious ‘We got it all about right’ The Editors navel-gazing, hole-digging, foot-shooting blog series was worth it..
If only to bring out Dez’ soul-sister Simon21, who haunts the BBC blog system, and make what is really dire a bunch worse with nasty, debate-inept ad hom ‘comebacks’.
The number of ‘modded’ comments is also heading for a record.
Ooops, sorry, wrong thread.
Harrabin writes –
Climate sceptics say that until now, warming has plateaued over the last decade. The Met Office agrees that the rate of warming has slowed – but it maintains that is due to natural variability, not because man-made warming has stopped. link
So, you see, in their world any slowing (or reversing) in the rate of warming is down to “natural variability”, but when they once again detect warming it’s proof positive of AGW. And they wonder why people don’t take them seriously.
Natural variability they claim? But what they are not saying is how they can possibly separate the natural signal from the man made signal, they will not because they cannot and it is one of their weakest links.
Of course the BBC has never and will never ask the met office muppets that very simple question, how can you tell what is natural from what is man made and what proportions are natural and man made? The answer is of course that the margin of error and the tiny amount of warming means the signal is too ‘noisy’ to tell anything other than of course that only natural variability could possibly have caused the very slight warming and the slight cooling we see now.
Its so very easy for the BBC to ask even the simplest searching questions that would the met office muppets gulping and spluttering, its so obvious what to ask and why yet the BBC can only engage in mutual ego masturbation and covering up the fraud.
“Climate sceptics” what the hell is a “Climate sceptic”? Harrabin using “name calling” again. How can anyone be sceptical about climate?
“Professor John Christy, a climate sceptic from the University of Alabama in Hunstville”
This is what makes me angrey. Ring Dr Christy up Harrabin and ask him if he beleives in a climate?
The theory is pretty simple (though widely popularly misunderstood). The popular misunderstanding is that the evidence for AGW is unprecidented warm temperatures. The logical problem with that is that if that was true, AGW would be undetectable if the Earth was naturally cooling, and natural warming would also be taken for AGW.
The real theory seeks to attribute temperatures to individual causes such as the sun’s output, ocean currents, greenhouse gases etc. Simple in theory (after all, something powerful enough to warm or cool the whole Earth shouldn’t be able to hide) but whether it is really possible due to complexity is another matter.
The thaw has started the temp has increased to +1.4c. the end is nigh.
Are they really claiming it’s the hottest year ever? Seriously?
Is there any other field where every single outcome is consistent with the hypothesis?
It’s a religion.
Klein Verzet, a Dutch blogger, has graphical data from the Dutch Met Office.
Watch our for a prolonged cold snap.
The Can_Con summit.
Because we can.
Talking of the Maldives.
“Maldives Plans For Drowning By Building Huge New Airport Next To The Ocean”
Throwing money down the drain don’t you think all you excelent BBC “investigative reporters”?
Perhaps BBC-Greenpeace’s Mr Black would like to live in President Mohamed Nasheed’s Islamic Maldives?
I suppose if one is Islamophilic, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish it might suit. Otherwise not. (But don’t mention this at climate junkets in Cancun.):-
Maldives misunderstands Islam, bans non-Muslim houses of worship
It must be a con otherwise why did they need to alter the name from global warming to climate change?
Even WikiHacks is revealing information that the whole AGW/ACC is a scam perpetrated by certain governments in order to force everyone to accept wealth redistribution by another name.
Gisela Ulloa, a member of Bolivian delegations to earlier COP meetings told us the GOB’s position is aimed at creating an alternative development model consistent with Morales’s anti-capitalist philosophy.“
Combine this with the EU mandarins – always enthusiastic Warmists – trying to tell Ireland to surrender national sovereignty until they’ve provided an approved plan for debt repayment, and I think we can see we’re all being had.
“The Obama Administration used their Chicago-style street thug tactics to spy on and threaten countries who opposed the Copenhagen global warming junk science accord.”
Some wikileak the BBC will not report on.
Not in my name! Not in my name!
Lads…stick with me because this is going to be a hell of a rant! 🙂
I got to experience Mann Made Global Warming ™ and its affect on Gatwick Airport on Friday.
I got to the airport at 9am, nice and early just in case the roads were shite and the traffic even shitter, checked in and the proceeded to wait 13 hours before finally giving up and trying to get out of the airport.
Actually, saying it like that makes things sound really straight forward doesnt it…BUT IT WASNT!!!
It beggers belief at just how unprepared Gatwick was for the snow this last week. During normal working hours there were lots of staff on hand to help out with information etc. However, once time moved in to the evening suddenly there was only 1 poor guy manning the information desk trying to help hundreds of passengers who were at their wits end and just wanted to get home.
What I witnessed was nothing short of a complete and utter disgrace! The poor guy on the info desk was getting absolutely hammered by grumpy travellers and what was making it even worse was that he couldnt help them with information on when their flights might be departing.
Even the service staff were stressed out. We made the mistake of going up to McDonalds to get something to eat and asked for a burger and a drink…but then wished to change it to a meal, but the guy behind the counter was having none of it! Eventually shouted at us that he “just cant deal with this” before he realised what he said…and then went and got some chips anyway!
Anyway, coming back to the guy at the info desk. As we had decided not to carry on our trip to Jersey (where we had a performance that night for the group Im with) we asked to have our bags taken off the plane…which shouldnt have been a problem because the aircraft we were travelling in was changed due to the engines having frozen solid!!! The short of it is our band gear is lost somewhere in the tundra that is Gatwick Airport!
Also, about 2 hours after we were to take off we got bused out to the plane, then sat there for 10 minutes before being bussed back to the departure lounge and told that there was a mechanical fault which was preventing the plane from taking off.
However, because it took so long to fix, the plane had to be deiced…and because Gatwick only has THREE fucking de-icers they had to wait another hour before the plane could be deiced!
And of course by the time we were ready to be taken to the plane…yes you guessed it…it had frozen again and needed to be deiced!
Then eventually…9 hours after we were meant to have departed Gatwick, the plane was taken out of service because the engines had frozen SOLID!
By this time it was 930pm, our performance was scheduled for 1030pm but to be able to make it we had to have taken off before 9pm, as its an hour flight to Jersey and another 20-30 mins to St Heller. At that point we decided to leave the flight and just go home.
Back to the info desk and two of the three staff were leaving, complaining that they had worked a half hour past their knock off time, thus leaving the poor bloke I mentioned earlier to man the desk by himself.
This throws up all sorts of issues. Where was the management team? Why werent they manning the desks and doing that shit we call leadership? Why did the staff decide to leave their colleague to man the desk by himself? I know if it was me I wouldnt have left at that point simply because there was a job to do and people to be helped.
Eventually, after waiting for hours to hear about our bags we got told to go to the baggage hall and look there! They couldnt have told us that THREE fecking hours earlier instead of leaving us waiting…then again, the guy on the info desk was there by himself getting hammered and I guess finding our bags or someone to help was low on his priority?
Anyway, we get to the baggage hall and its WWIII around there too! A bunch of pissed off Russians were arguing with the lost baggage guy, ranting on about bein sick rah rah rah but the poor guy behind the desk was just saying “what is it you want me to do?”. After that, we filled out the lost bag forms and hopefully our kit will be delivered back to us by Tuesday.
So, at 2am in the morning we finally left Gatwick Airport and that was our trip to tropical sunny Jersey all done with 🙂
This whole sorry episode leaves a number of questions that need to be answered;
1. why wasnt the situation treated as an emergency by Gatwick Airport, where extra staff were drafted in to help cope with the thousands of stranded passengers? Fucking get in a four wheel drive landrover and go get the staff if need be! BUT do something to ensure you have staff onsite to cope with all those stranded passengers!
2. The staff were complaining that there were no managers or supervisors around (they had gone home at 9am). Now, assuming this isnt just attempts by the staff to teflon the blame elsewhere, it does ask the question as to why managers, team leaders, supervisors WERENT onsite during the evening? Who was providing leadership and co-ordinating the staff onsite?
3. London has four fucking airports (Stanstead, Luton, Heathrow and Gatwick) and only one of those airpots was closed because of Mann Made Global Warming. How come the other three couldnt have picked up the slack and helped to get stranded passengers in and out of London?
4. Flights were continuously being delayed instead of being cancelled…probably because as soon as its cancelled then the airline as to stump up accomodation and refunds and the like. Even worse still, I over heard some Gatwick employee telling a stranded passenger that he couldnt get them a room because there were none available near the airport! Fuck that…get the poor fuckers a room at a hotel that isnt near the fucking airport then!!! There needs to be clear guidelines that say something like a flight has 8 hours (for morning/early arvo) or 4 hours (evening) to depart BEFORE it must be cancelled. Then people arent kept in an airport simply because airlines dont want to pay for accomodation/refunds/reschedule people etc!
5. How come there appears to be no plan in place to deal with snow like the lot dumped on Gatwick last week? I heard earlier in the week that its not practical to do what the dirty Norwegians do because it doesnt snow this heavily in the UK that often. Thats a bullshit answer! The simple fact is they should have been prepared for last weeks snow and planned ahead by having additional deicing capacity onsite in preperation for the cold…not to mention additional equipment like those sweeper things to cope with the snow. Gatwick needs to identify who they received weather information from because if it sources its information solely from the Met office then that is an issue…especially when other forecasting organsations were saying for quite some time that this was going to be another cold winter!
6. Some of the stressed out people we spoke to had been stuck in the airport since Tuesday. More needs to be done to alleviate their stress because its most certainly not appropriate to leave these people to their own devices for that length of time! Get them home through a different airport or another ground route…but do something to get them out of the airport! One of the people we helped couldnt physically cope with the walk to get a hot drink and just collapse in a crying heap…saying all she wanted to do was to get home. So we took her £5 voucher and got her a hot drink and something hot to eat (which came to a lot more than £5!!!). She was really grateful for what we got her…BUT…how come hot drinks and hot food wasnt brought down to the departure lounge!
Anyway…its a disgrace just how unprepared this country is for cold weather!
I had to giggle at Prescott’s tussle with Andrew Neil.
Here fast forward to 6 minutes.
The man’s a fucking idiot.
Does anyone remember Triggers brush that he had had for 20 years?
Well it seems that the Central England Temperature Record (CET) is similar. I took it for granted that when the Met said that the CET had the longest continuous temperature record in the world it meant from the same weather station. Wrong.
“From 1878 to 1930, the monthly CET mean temperature record was the average of “Lancashire” and Oxford, where “Lancashire” was derived from four to seven stations in the northwest of England reduced to a common standard (Manley, 1946)
From 1931 to 1973, the Oxford record was thrown out and replaced by the “corrected” Radcliffe Observatory monthly mean (Knox-Shaw and Balk, 1932).
From 1974 to October 2004, the whole lot was thrown out and replaced by Rothamsted, Malvern, and the average of Squires Gate and Ringway.
And since October 2004, it’s been comprised of Rothamsted, Malvern, and Stonyhurst, equally weighted.
Now, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that while this makes for an interesting record, we cannot draw any kind of firm conclusions regarding the record. In particular, comparing the pre- and post- 1974 records is useless.”
Carbon counting is ‘good for business’<img style=”color: #505050; font-family: Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif; line-height: 16px; -webkit-user-select: none; position: relative; top: 2px; float: left; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 0px; font-style: italic; border: initial none initial;” src=”http://www.bbc.co.uk/media/images/50221000/jpg/_50221822_rb112.jpg” alt=”Richard Black”/>By Richard BlackEnvironment correspondent, BBC News
UK companies that measure their carbon emissions do not find the exercise arduous or expensive – and some say it brings benefits, a report concludes.Continue reading the main storyRelated storiesUK must do more on climate change, says CBIBusinesses urge low-carbon pathBusinesses concerned by water use
The report was commissioned by the government as it prepares to decide if emissions reporting will be mandatory.
Oops, sorry. All I did was cut & paste from the piece!
Anyway, another nice bit of ‘reporting’ from a PR on a bit of research Aunty approves of.
No chance of this getting full end of the world coverage by Al bBC then.
As the footy chant goes, its all gone quiet over there…
The bBC supports every possible resource devoted to its fervent religious beliefs in “understanding” islam, AGW and the search for alien life – cos dey is all proven facts innit…